Re: PAWS security vulnerability

2005-05-20 Thread Tim Traver
I don't know your experience lately with people on this or any other 
list, but that last personal attack was WAY out of line. I am not a 
Troll, nor have I ever been one. I use freeBSD extensively on hundreds 
of servers, but I am not a FreeBSD source contributor.

Yes, I was shown this vulnerability by our network security person, 
read it over, and thought that it might be a legitimate exploit. I even 
picked up on the fact that Microsoft had already patched it in the 
service pack 2, which may mean that it was under wraps for a while, and 
was suspicious. So, after doing a little research on the net myself and 
not finding much, I decided to post something to the list to see if 
anyone had heard anything about it, and if the FreeBSD commiters were 
working on a possible patch.

Maybe I wrote my post wrong, but it didn't deserve you biting my fucking 
head off.

Now, you'll probably start in on well, if you run that many servers, 
then why don't you know what you're doing?. I do know what I'm doing. I 
would very well be able to apply your patch,and compile a new system. 
Problem is, I'm afraid I don't quite understand the vulnerability enough 
to properly test what it is supposed to fix...

I would first need a way to break it, and then after applying your 
patch, verify that I couldn't break it any longer. If I knew how to 
break it, then I would be a better programmer than you, which I am not, 
and have never claimed to be. From the description of the issue, it 
sounds like a single cleverly made TCP packet with a bogus timestamp on 
it could take down ALL of the TCP commections to that machine.

To quote the article :
A large value is set by the attacker as the packet timestamp. When the 
target computer processes this packet, the internal timer is updated to 
the large attacker supplied value. This causes all other valid packets 
that are received subsequent to an attack to be dropped as they are 
deemed to be too old, or invalid.

That sounds like it is pretty serious to me. One packet takes down ALL 
TCP services to the machine. You make it sound like its no big deal...Is 
it valid ? I don't know. I never claimed to know. I wasn't crying wolf 
here, just asking...

So, my statement of  I'm not sure I have the ability to test out your 
patch. should really have been, I don't have the knowledge enough of 
the vulnerability to test whether or not your patch works.

And I would hardly consider If it works, I would submit it to the 
security list as some sort of command that I was supposed to follow. 
After reading that email, I thought that you were going to submit it to 
the security list. After all, its your fucking patch.

I am slowly working my way into the community, and would love to help 
with these kind of things. But, like many other busy sys admins, I don't 
have a whole lot of spare time to work on things like this. Yes, if it 
was a serious problem enough to where I had to have a patch right away, 
I might have to devote some work time and give it a try for the team. 
I'm not sure that I know how serious it is, as I've already stated that 
I don't fully understand the supposed vulnerability.

I hardly made any kind of desparate demands for someone to quickly make 
me a patch. You might want to go re-read those posts...

I can understand why you may have suspected troll because of the vague 
questions, but man, you flew off the handle awefully quick. Maybe you 
just need a vacation.

You bashed OpenBSD for their knee jerk reactions, and I think you just 
made a big one...


Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
Hi Tim,
 If you don't have the ability to test out the patch then LEARN!
 As the advisory said no known exploits have been released  I also
noticed that the only 2 vendors listed as implementing a fix were
Cisco and Microsoft. And Microsoft was NOT on the problem list for
ANY of their patched OSs.  I would therefore assume that the release
of this so-called vulnerability was carefully timed to take place
AFTER Microsoft had got it's ass covered, to make them look good,
and everyone else look bad.  I continue therefore to assume that this
is a political security hole, not an actual security hole.
 OpenBSD is well known for knee-jerk reactions to real and supposed
security holes, so it's not surprising they released a patch right away
- of course, little good that did them since this advisory trashed them
anyway.  But knee jerk reactions don't always take all variables into
 I rewrite their patch because it was simple and easy to apply to the
FreeBSD source - but I did not write the networking code in FreeBSD and
have no idea if it is correct, or if OpenBSD even wrote the fix properly,
or if in fact this is a real vulnerability that anyone needs to be
concerned about.  In theory, any flat-key lock can be picked in less
than a minute (I've seen it done that fast, and done it myself somewhat
more slowly) but that does not stop millions of them from being sold
at Home Depot every 

RE: PAWS security vulnerability

2005-05-20 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

In my first e-mail I said:

If it works I would submit it to the FreeBSD security list

OK., so I see how you might have misinterpreted that.  But the sentence if
it works you would submit it to the
FreeBSD security list isn't grammatically correct.

In my second e-mail I said:

I told you to post the patch and info to the appropriate FreeBSD security
lists, and you aren't the least bit interested in doing what I told you

On the index page of there is a link called FAQ

On that page is a link called Security

On that page is the text:

...This point and others are often discussed on the mailing lists,
particularly the FreeBSD security mailing list

with a link to the appropriate mailing list.

I find it real hard to believe you use FreeBSD on hundreds of servers and
are unaware of the appropriate
forum to post security questions.  The general freebsd questions mailing
list is not this place.  You should
have known this before you even posted your first question.  Reading
instructions for products that you use
is not optional, it is mandatory, and FreeBSD's instructions are on the

You posted your query in the wrong forum, you got a patch in response which
is far more than you should have
got, you were directed, hinting at first, forcibly at second, to go to the
appropriate forum to post the patch, the results of the patch, and your
security questions.  You still, as far as I know, have not done this.

So, OK maybe your not a troll and I assumed wrong.  But I will point out
that you said absolutely nothing
in your first post about who you are, what you are doing, why you even give
a shit about this issue.  If you
had simply opened your first post with I was shown this vulnerability by
our network security person
and I have to respond to him in some fashion or something like that, it
would have gone a long way towards
establishing credibility as to why you cared about this.  If even better you
had done a bit of research and
said well the vulnerability shows that OpenBSD already patched for this,
maybe FreeBSD should or if
even better than that you had said I looked at the OpenBSD patch and it's
really simple, could we use
it on FreeBSD that would have done a lot to establishing that you were at
least willing to offer help and

Instead, reread your second post - you not once offered to do anything, not
even apply the patch to see
if it compiled, all you did is ask for yet more research to be done for you.

Well we all are busy, you don't have a lock on that, buddy.

Apply the patch.  If the FreeBSD system doesn't panic then the patch isn't
grossly wrong.  If you do not
have a test system then don't apply it.  Either way, just take the patch to
the appropriate FreeBSD security forum
and post it with some asshole on questions told me to apply this in results
of insert all research on this
is this the right way to fix it?

As I said, IF you are a fucking troll then you WOULDN'T do the above.  That
means that if you WOULD do the
above then you AREN'T a fucking troll.  You still have a chance to redeem
yourself. Do it!

FreeBSD is for adults, not kids.  Kids want the adults to do all their
homework for them.  Adults at least
try to do the homework, then call for help when they are stuck.  Look at
your first 2 posts again and
put yourself in my shoes - do those posts make you look like an adult, or a
whiny kid wanting someone
to do his homework for him?


  -Original Message-
  From: Tim Traver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 11:24 PM
  To: Ted Mittelstaedt
  Cc: bsd
  Subject: Re: PAWS security vulnerability


  I don't know your experience lately with people on this or any other list,
but that last personal attack was WAY out of line. I am not a Troll, nor
have I ever been one. I use freeBSD extensively on hundreds of servers, but
I am not a FreeBSD source contributor.

  Yes, I was shown this vulnerability by our network security person, read
it over, and thought that it might be a legitimate exploit. I even picked up
on the fact that Microsoft had already patched it in the service pack 2,
which may mean that it was under wraps for a while, and was suspicious. So,
after doing a little research on the net myself and not finding much, I
decided to post something to the list to see if anyone had heard anything
about it, and if the FreeBSD commiters were working on a possible patch.

  Maybe I wrote my post wrong, but it didn't deserve you biting my fucking
head off.

  Now, you'll probably start in on well, if you run that many servers, then
why don't you know what you're doing?. I do know what I'm doing. I would
very well be able to apply your patch,and compile a new system. Problem is,
I'm afraid I don't quite understand the vulnerability enough to properly
test what it is supposed to fix...

  I would first need a way to break it, and then after applying your patch,
verify that I couldn't break it any longer. If 

Re: stupid question

2005-05-20 Thread Clement Twine
Charles Lamb wrote the following on 05/19/2005 07:25 PM:
How do you change the DNS server your freebsd machine uses?
the most stupid question is that one which was not asked :)
vi /etc/resolv.conf
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Re: BSD legal question

2005-05-20 Thread Joel
   Suppose I distribute a library that is under my own copyright,
(B   yet carries a BSD-like license.
(B   Suppose you then come along and take my library, and a GPLed
(B   library, link both of them together into a new program of yours.
(B   The FSF says that the entire code now becomes GPL.
(B  That's not true. The GPL requires you to license any distributed code
(B  derived from GPLed code under the GPL.
(B This is a hairsplit since FSF=GPL, but yes, technically it's not the FSF
(B saying the entire code now becomes GPL, it's the GPL saying that the
(B entire
(B code now becomes GPL.
(BYou can assign a copyright you own to the FSF if you've put it under the
(BGPL. You can also put the code under GPL and retain the copyright to
(Byourself. This is clearly explained on the FSF's FAQs.
(BAnd splitting hairs is exactly how lawyers and judges get us to behave
(Bcivilly towards each other, so splitting hairs or not splitting hairs is
(Balso irrelevant. Or, rather, you do have to split hairs to understand
(Bwhat's going on because this is a contract. It's the same thing as
(Bunderstanding the fine print on your car loan.
(BThe GPL does not say the entire code becomes GPL. It says the work as a
(Bwhole is licensed under the GPL. In fact, section 2 is explicit about
(BIf identifiable sections of that work are not derived from 
(Bthe Program, and can be reasonably considered independent 
(Band separate works in themselves, then this License, and 
(Bits terms, do not apply to those sections when you 
(Bdistribute them as separate works.
(BTherefore, the GPL is explicit that it does not attempt to alter the
(Boriginal license of any part that has an independent existence. The
(Boriginal license of a part remains in force. (If the license of a part
(Bis to be changed when incorporated into the combined work, the author or
(Bcopyright holder of the part must explicitly change it.)
(BIf the license of the part is incompatible, distribution of the whole
(Bcan't legally occur under the GPL.
(BIf the license of the part is compatible, it remains in force on the
(Bpart as an independent work. 
(BThere is some detail following the part I quoted, which specifies that
(Byou can't take the license of a part and extend it to new works derived
(Bfrom the whole as a way to get around the GPL, but there is nothing in
(Bthe GPL that alters (or allows a licensee to alter) the license of a
(BWell, if I leave it at that, there may be some confusion. There is a FAQ
(Bwhich says that the license for a part would have to allow the part to
(Bbe distributed as an independent part under the GPL for the license to
(Bbe compatible with the GPL. In other words, the license of the part has
(Bto be at least as liberal as the GPL. 
(BBut what this FAQ is about is conditions like, "You may distribute this
(Bprogram as a part of a combined work under an approved open source
(Blicense, but as a standalone program, it must be distributed under
(Blicense Q." 
(BI'm not sure I agree with that interpretation. But if it is the case, it
(Bdoes not mandate distribution under GPL, only requires it to be allowed.
(BAnd it still does not remove or alter the original license.
(BIf the license is incompatible, distribution of the combined work is
(Bengaging in illegal activity, not modifying licenses.
(BOn the other hand, nothing prevents an author from offering more than
(Bone licensing option, as long as none of the optins is an exclusive
(B  Since, as you point out...
(B   The problem here is that since you never owned copyright on
(B   my library, you do not have legal rights to modify the copyright
(B   and license on it.  Thus, you cannot legally apply GPL to it.
(B   Nor can the FSF or anyone else apply GPL to it.
(B  ... the conclusion is that you cannot *distribute* the derived
(B  program;
(B  NOT that it magically relicenses code you've used to build it.
(B Except that this is only the case if your definition of distribution
(B is limited like the FSF's.
(BDistribution is distribution, even if it comes with a little sleight of
(B That is exactly why the FreeBSD ports system was created.
(BI don't think it's the only reason.
(B The idea behind ports is that 'unknowledgeable user' who I will
(B refer to as a UU, can go to the ports, flick a switch (type
(B make install) and whala- instantly the GPL licensed libraries that
(B the FSF wants to prevent you from distributing with your nasty
(B BSD stuff, are FTP'ed from whatever dark hole that
(B they come from, the nasty BSD stuff is FTP'ed from wherever it

Re: Can't run natd after upgrade to 5.4

2005-05-20 Thread Wisut Ponpattana

From: Francisco Reyes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Wisut Ponpattana [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Can't run natd after upgrade to 5.4
Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 00:23:40 -0400 (EDT)
On Fri, 20 May 2005, Wisut Ponpattana wrote:
Look back at my configuration file. Sure enough, at the bottom are
options IPDIVERT
How about /etc/rc.conf?
firewall_logging=YES   # Set to YES to enable events logging
firewall_type=simple   #Whatever type you have been using..
gateway_enable=YES # IF this machine will be a gateway
natd_enable=YES   # Enable natd (if firewall_enable == YES).
natd_flags=-f /etc/natd.conf  # Set rules file for the NAT daemon
natd_interface=ed0# Public/external interface or IPaddress to 
network_interfaces=fxp0 ed0 lo0

replace natd_interface with whatever your public interface is..
Also I spent nearly 2 days tracking down some problems.. and they got fixed 
after adding the network_interfaces... It seems the code to automatically 
detect the cards doesn/wasn't working..
Thanks for the response. I tracked my mistake down. Working from memory, I 
used the command:
make buildkernel KERNCONFIG=KEPLER. When I looked in the Makefile I 
discovered it should have been KERNCONF! So make naturally made the default 
GENERIC, which doesn't support networking (or at least not the firewall and 
divert). So I'm rebuilding the kernel and shouldn't have any more problems 
(at least I haven't with this part of it for years). Well, they say the 
three symptoms of aging are loss of memory and I forget the other.

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Re: ftp server

2005-05-20 Thread Sergey S. Ropchan
No, it's working ...

try traceroute to server, maybe it's something with route ...

 I am unable to get access to the server. Is it down?
 Jason King
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Re: How do I run this cron job?

2005-05-20 Thread Sergey S. Ropchan
On Fri, 2005-05-20 at 01:49 +0300, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
 Perhaps trivial
 How do I run a cron job at the end of every month?

#minute hourmdaymonth   wdaywho command

59  23   29   *   * user/path/to/cmd
 |\  _,,,---,,_ | Odhiambo Washington[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Zzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_ | Wananchi Online Ltd.
|,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'| Tel: +254 20 313985-9  +254 20 313922
   '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) | GSM: +254 722 743223   +254 733 744121
 This novel is not to be tossed lightly aside, but to be hurled with
 great force.
   -- Dorothy Parker
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RE: BSD legal question

2005-05-20 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

(B -Original Message-
(B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Joel
(B Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 12:12 AM
(B To:
(B Subject: Re: BSD legal question
(BSuppose I distribute a library that is under my own copyright,
(Byet carries a BSD-like license.
(BSuppose you then come along and take my library, and a GPLed
(Blibrary, link both of them together into a new program of yours.
(BThe FSF says that the entire code now becomes GPL.
(B   That's not true. The GPL requires you to license any
(B distributed code
(B   derived from GPLed code under the GPL.
(B  This is a hairsplit since FSF=GPL, but yes, technically it's
(B not the FSF
(B  saying the entire code now becomes GPL, it's the GPL saying that the
(B  entire
(B  code now becomes GPL.
(BPolitically, the two are the same - the FSF owns copyright on the GPL
(Bthey can change it anytime they want - thus the GPL says what the FSF
(Bit to say.  Legally, no, but that doesen't count
(Bwhen the press is interviewing Eric Raymond for the bazillonth time.  And
(Bit is those interviews that do the damage, not the legalities.
(B You can assign a copyright you own to the FSF if you've put it
(B under the
(B GPL. You can also put the code under GPL and retain the copyright to
(B yourself. This is clearly explained on the FSF's FAQs.
(BYes, I knew that - of course if you retain copyright the FSF won't pay
(Byour legal bills if someone infringes your code (and the GPL) and you
(Btry to sue them.
(B And splitting hairs is exactly how lawyers and judges get us to behave
(B civilly towards each other, so splitting hairs or not
(B splitting hairs is
(B also irrelevant. Or, rather, you do have to split hairs to understand
(B what's going on because this is a contract. It's the same thing as
(B understanding the fine print on your car loan.
(BYes and no.  Judges also weigh the intent of things as well.  In fact if
(BI recall correctly, there is a law or some such in the US that if a
(Bcontract's clause is not well defined and vague, that it's interpretation
(Bis made in favor of the person who signed it, not the person that
(BThe law wasn't designed to be used by an unscruplous person to twist
(Bup someone, at least in the US.  Judges take a dim view of this and
(Bthe legal system has mechanisms to filter out the worst of the abuses.
(BIt happens more frequently on criminal trials - the defendant may get
(Baway scott free on his fraud charge, but then they turn around and
(Bconvict him on tax evasion and give him a penalty that is worse than
(Bwhat he would have got if he had not got off on a technicality.  That
(Bis what happened to Martha Stewart - she got tossed in the pen anyway,
(Beven though her lawyers will eventually be able to get her off because
(Bshe's filthy rich.
(B The GPL does not say the entire code becomes GPL. It says the work as a
(B whole is licensed under the GPL. In fact, section 2 is explicit about
(B parts:
(B If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from
(B the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent
(B and separate works in themselves, then this License, and
(B its terms, do not apply to those sections when you
(B distribute them as separate works.
(B Therefore, the GPL is explicit that it does not attempt to alter the
(B original license of any part that has an independent existence. The
(B original license of a part remains in force. (If the license of a part
(B is to be changed when incorporated into the combined work, the
(B author or
(B copyright holder of the part must explicitly change it.)
(B If the license of the part is incompatible, distribution of the whole
(B can't legally occur under the GPL.
(B If the license of the part is compatible, it remains in force on the
(B part as an independent work.
(BBut, their definition of compatible is so narrow only the GPL fits it.
(BThis is political posturing.  It's like saying your free to buy gasoline
(Banywhere you want, but only 1 gas station, the one I own, sells the
(Bspecial gas your car takes.
(B There is some detail following the part I quoted, which specifies that
(B you can't take the license of a part and extend it to new works derived
(B from the whole as a way to get around the GPL, but there is nothing in
(B the GPL that alters (or allows a licensee to alter) the license of a
(B part.
(B Well, if I leave it at that, there may be some confusion.
(B There is a FAQ
(B ibleAlone
(B which says that the license for a 

Re: How do I run this cron job?

2005-05-20 Thread Rob
Odhiambo Washington wrote:
 How do I run a cron job at the end of every month?

Depending how date-critical 'end of every month' is
to you, you may also consider adding your script in


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Re: amavis

2005-05-20 Thread Martin Hepworth
Trey asking on the amavis email list

On 5/19/05, Charles Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I ran cvsup.  Installed clamav, amavisd-new, and spam assassin.  I
 changed my sendmail configuration file to allow amavisd-milter.  When I
 restart sendmail and try to send a test email the email goes into
 oblivion and the following is what I get in my maillog
 May 19 16:17:12 myserver sendmail[18448]: j4JKHC25018448:
 from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=346, class=0, nrcpts=1,
 msgid=[EMAIL PROTECTED], proto=ESMTP, daemon=IPv4,
 relay=localhost []
 May 19 16:17:12 myserver amavis-milter[17589]: j4JKHC25018448:
 (mlfi_eom) failed to connect(): No such file or directory
 May 19 16:17:12 myserver amavis-milter[17589]: j4JKHC25018448:
 (mlfi_eom) communication failure
 May 19 16:17:12 myserver sendmail[18448]: j4JKHC25018448: Milter: data,
 reject=451 4.3.2 Please try again later
 May 19 16:17:12 myserver sendmail[18448]: j4JKHC25018448:
 to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=00:00:00, pri=30346, stat=Please try again later
 May 19 16:17:12 myserver sendmail[18445]: j4JKH8Y3018445: to=me,
 ctladdr=clamb (1001/0), delay=00:00:04, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=relay,
 pri=30015, relay=[] [], dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: 451
 4.3.2 Please try again later
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syncing sources without cvs and cvsup

2005-05-20 Thread Luca Micali
i need to update my freebsd sources to -current but the firewall i'm
behind blocks both cvs and cvsup, and ctm is an overkill.
There's an alternative?

Something like subversion or a client for cvsweb? services seem to be suspended...
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Re: syncing sources without cvs and cvsup.

2005-05-20 Thread Julien Gabel
 i need to update my freebsd sources to -current but the firewall i'm
 behind blocks both cvs and cvsup, and ctm is an overkill.

Just for information, why is CTM an overkill?  I use it at work for the
very same problem as described here, and don't see any drawback (yet...).


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Re: FreeBSD and Exim

2005-05-20 Thread John Oxley
On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 10:03:32PM -0400, Joe Wood wrote:
 Can someone point me to a good how-to on setting up Exim on FreeBSD 5.4?
 I've looked in a few places but haven't seen anything informative yet.
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Re: BSD legal question

2005-05-20 Thread Joel
(B Politically, the two are the same - the FSF owns copyright on the GPL
(B itself,
(B they can change it anytime they want - thus the GPL says what the FSF
(B wants
(B it to say.
(BThen why is the copyright on the current version 1991 (or was it 1992)?
(BThat's a long time without changes.
(B Legally, no, but that doesen't count
(B when the press is interviewing Eric Raymond for the bazillonth time.  And
(B it is those interviews that do the damage, not the legalities.
(BWell, that explains a lot.
(BYou know, you don't have to jump either left or right when they say jump
(Bleft. You can specify, for instance, v. 2.0 of the license, and it never
(Bchanges until you specify something else, as long as you don't give them
(Bthe copyright. Or you can specify a compatible license. Or you can
(Bspecify an incompatible license. 
(BYou choose a license that fits your business model. 
(B(And I'm not sure what the relevance of them not paying your legal bills
(Bmight be. If you don't give them the copyright, why should you expect
(Bany favors from them just because you might decide to use a license
(Bmodel they've provided for free?)
(B[snipping a bunch of stuff I don't agree with but don't want to spend
(Btime arguing about]
(B  If the license of the part is compatible, it remains in force on the
(B  part as an independent work.
(B But, their definition of compatible is so narrow only the GPL fits it.
(BThen why do they have that page full of supposedly free or open licenses
(Bthat says more than twenty licenses are both free _and_ compatible with
(Bthe GPL, including the non-advertising version of the BSD?
(B[snipping more stuff]
(B  Thanks for the warning. Now I know one of the things I'll need
(B  to be very
(B  careful about if I sell FreeBSD workstations with ports pre-installed.
(B Exactly, you should never do this.  You should sell workstation hardware
(B then have the customer contract with you to build the software on them.
(B It needs to be a separate contract and all of that.  That is exactly what
(B we do when we deal with these sorts of things.
(BInteresting that we come to the same conclusion here. 
(BMaybe that should be in a FAQ somewhere. Is it?
(Bdigitcom, inc.   $B3t<02q

Re: The availability of socketbits.h?

2005-05-20 Thread Alex Zbyslaw
Xu Qiang wrote:
Thanks for finding the info I need. But I really don't know how you find it. I have done info gcc, and pressed 's' button in my keyboard to search -std or -fstd, but got nothing. :(

info gcc
Move down the screen using the arrow key to the line * Invoking GCC:: 
and press return.

Move down the screen using the arrow key to the line * C Dialect 
Options:: and press return.

Move down the screen with arrow key or Page Down and there it is.
Typing h at any point gives you help, but that's very long winded.
Typing ? shows key bindings in a split window.  Finish with this window 
by typing ^X0 (control-X then a 0 (zero)).

There's also an emacs mode.  I don't know if there is a proper X 
interface of any kind.

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RE: BSD legal question

2005-05-20 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

(B -Original Message-
(B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Joel
(B Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 2:40 AM
(B To:
(B Subject: Re: BSD legal question
(B  Legally, no, but that doesen't count
(B  when the press is interviewing Eric Raymond for the
(B bazillonth time.  And
(B  it is those interviews that do the damage, not the legalities.
(B Well, that explains a lot.
(B You know, you don't have to jump either left or right when
(B they say jump
(B left. You can specify, for instance, v. 2.0 of the license,
(B and it never
(B changes until you specify something else, as long as you don't
(B give them
(B the copyright. Or you can specify a compatible license. Or you can
(B specify an incompatible license.
(B You choose a license that fits your business model.
(BI am not choosing the licenses on the open source software I get.
(BAnd although I honestly don't care one way or another about the
(BGPL itself, I detest lying.  And most GPL proponents engage in it
(Bvociferoiusly starting with their claim that the GPL is more "free"
(Bthan the BSD license.  That is a goddam lie if there ever was one.
(B  But, their definition of compatible is so narrow only the
(B GPL fits it.
(B Then why do they have that page full of supposedly free or
(B open licenses
(B that says more than twenty licenses are both free _and_ compatible with
(B the GPL, including the non-advertising version of the BSD?
(BWhat the FSF means by compatible is those are the licenses that give
(Bup the copyright holders authority to determine distribution on the
(Bsoftware, so anyone can come along and apply the more restrictive GPL
(Bdistribution licensing on the software.
(B [snipping more stuff]
(B   Thanks for the warning. Now I know one of the things I'll need
(B   to be very
(B   careful about if I sell FreeBSD workstations with ports
(B pre-installed.
(B  Exactly, you should never do this.  You should sell
(B workstation hardware
(B  then have the customer contract with you to build the
(B software on them.
(B  It needs to be a separate contract and all of that.  That is
(B exactly what
(B  we do when we deal with these sorts of things.
(B Interesting that we come to the same conclusion here.
(B Maybe that should be in a FAQ somewhere. Is it?
(BIf it was the GPL bigots would scream about it.  They hate
(Bthe BSD license with a passion and GPL BSD code every chance they
(Bget.  Just look at the Linux distros.  There's absolutely no reason
(Bto apply the GPL license to the BSD utilities that are in those
(Bdistros but you check the source code and you will see it there.
(BAnd if you know nothing about Ghostscript and GNU Ghostscript/Alladin
(BGhostscript, you ought to read up on the dispute, it is a textbook
(Bexample of rabid GPL bigotry being so rabid that they bit off their
(Bown nose.
(BI assume somewhere there are reasonable people who have logical
(Breasoned arguments that they personally prefer the GPL over the
(BBSD license.  But I've never read anything any of those people
(Bhave written on the global scene.  I suppose it's like the Baptist
(BChurch, you know the majority of them are normal people, but
(Bnone of those are in control of the organization.
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Correct system message configuration?

2005-05-20 Thread Frits Westra
My system appears to be sending system messages to my ISP at  

How do I disable this? I still want to be able to view log messages, of  

Thanks for your help.
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Re: Correct system message configuration?

2005-05-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Fri, 20 May 2005 12:36:53 +0200
Frits Westra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My system appears to be sending system messages to my ISP at  
 How do I disable this? I still want to be able to view log messages,
 of   course.

you didn't mention whether you want to run a MTA at all or not, if not
disable the MTA

but what about looking at /etc/aliases and give root and postmaster a
proper alias, and then run : newaliases

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Re: BSD legal question

2005-05-20 Thread Joel
   Legally, no, but that doesen't count
(B   when the press is interviewing Eric Raymond for the
(B  bazillonth time.  And
(B   it is those interviews that do the damage, not the legalities.
(B  Well, that explains a lot.
(B  You know, you don't have to jump either left or right when
(B  they say jump
(B  left. You can specify, for instance, v. 2.0 of the license,
(B  and it never
(B  changes until you specify something else, as long as you don't
(B  give them
(B  the copyright. Or you can specify a compatible license. Or you can
(B  specify an incompatible license.
(B  You choose a license that fits your business model.
(B I am not choosing the licenses on the open source software I get.
(BWell, of course you don't choose the license on the software you get. At
(Bleast, not unless the author says you can.
(BSince copyright exists, and the only way to have more rights than fair
(Buse is if the author expressly gives you those rights, I don't see the
(Bpurpose in complaining if the author gives you more than fair use.
(B And although I honestly don't care one way or another about the
(B GPL itself, I detest lying.  And most GPL proponents engage in it
(B vociferoiusly starting with their claim that the GPL is more "free"
(B than the BSD license.  That is a goddam lie if there ever was one.
(BSome people believe in free love. Some people believe you can't have
(Blove without a contract. Both points of view, and many others, are
(Bcorrect, although not in all contexts, and not necessarily to the
(Bextreme degrees that are sometimes claimed.
(BIf you have too many degrees of freedom, you can't move, because there's
(Bnothing to put your feet on. Contracts give you something to plant your
(Bfeet on.
(BSome people can see the social contracts without having to be hit over
(Bthe head with them. I think such people are comfortable with the BSD,
(BMIT, and similar licenses. 
(BSome people need to have more explicit boundaries, and certainly the GPL
(Bis more free than Microsoft's EULAs.
(B[more snipping]
(B Just look at the Linux distros.  There's absolutely no reason
(B to apply the GPL license to the BSD utilities that are in those
(B distros but you check the source code and you will see it there.
(BI'll have to go looking, I suppose. I know it's hard to get your hands
(Bon actual code any more. Care to name some specific examples?
(B And if you know nothing about Ghostscript and GNU Ghostscript/Alladin
(B Ghostscript, you ought to read up on the dispute, it is a textbook
(B example of rabid GPL bigotry being so rabid that they bit off their
(B own nose.
(BOkay, there's one to look for, I guess?
(B I assume somewhere there are reasonable people who have logical
(B reasoned arguments that they personally prefer the GPL over the
(B BSD license. 
(BI think I'm reasonable, although, if you read some of my not-quite-free
(Blicenses, you might wonder. I do use an MIT-style license at times. But
(Bif I ever finish a certain product, I don't want Microsoft embracing and
(Bextending the code for that, so I'm likely to use a dual license on that,
(Bwith the GPL as one alternative and something anti-Microsoft as the
(BMaybe I'm not reasonable?
(B[more snipping]
(Bdigitcom, inc.   $B3t<02q

Can't install jre - fails on install of /usr/ports/misc/compat3x

2005-05-20 Thread Robert S
I have tried to install jre from the ports collection and get the
following error:

freebsd jre # make install
===   jre-1.1.8 depends on shared library: c.3 - not found
===Verifying install for c.3 in /usr/ports/misc/compat3x
===  compat3x-i386-5.0.20020925 is forbidden: FreeBSD-SA-03:05.xdr,
FreeBSD-SA-03:08.realpath  - not fi
xed / no lib available.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/misc/compat3x.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/java/jre.

. . .Looks like a problem in compat3x (which I haven't been able to
install from ports).

Can anybody advise?
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mdconfig problem on make release of 5_4_0_RELEASE

2005-05-20 Thread William Richter
i'm attempting to make a release and the build of the mfs image is failing (see 

it's mdconfig that's failing:

+ mdconfig -a -t vnode -f /R/stage/mfsroot/mfsroot
mdconfig: ioctl(/dev/mdctl): Inappropriate ioctl for device

if fact i chroot'ed into the release directory and played around with mdconfig. 
 i cannot get it to function properly.  it always responds with 'mdconfig: 
ioctl(/dev/mdctl): Inappropriate ioctl for device'

i cannot get google to find anything related to this problem.  what gives?  i'm 
dumb-founded.  please help me!

sh -e /usr/src/release/scripts/ bsdlabel  /R/stage/mfsroot/mfsroot 
/R/stage /mnt  4320 /R/stage/mfsfd 8000 minimum3
+ export BLOCKSIZE=512
+ DISKLABEL=bsdlabel
+ shift
+ shift
+ FSIMG=/R/stage/mfsroot/mfsroot
+ shift
+ RD=/R/stage
+ shift
+ MNT=/mnt
+ shift
+ FSSIZE=4320
+ shift
+ FSPROTO=/R/stage/mfsfd
+ shift
+ FSINODE=8000
+ shift
+ FSLABEL=minimum3
+ shift
+ [ 4320 -eq 0 -a minimum3 = auto ]
+ rm -f /R/stage/mfsroot/mfsroot
+ dd of=/R/stage/mfsroot/mfsroot if=/dev/zero count=4320 bs=1k
+ uname -r
+ [ -f /R/stage/trees/base/boot/boot ]
+ BOOT=-B -b /R/stage/trees/base/boot/boot
+ dofs_md
+ [ x != x ]
+ mdconfig -a -t vnode -f /R/stage/mfsroot/mfsroot
mdconfig: ioctl(/dev/mdctl): Inappropriate ioctl for device
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/src/release.
+ umount /dev
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/w/FreeBSD_20050519/usr/src/release.

# uname -a
FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE #0: Sun May  8 
10:21:06 UTC 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

  mdconfig fails in chroot'ed environment:

Any opinions as lame as the ones expressed above could only belong to me,
and are not those of Texas Life Insurance Company.

The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common.
Instead of altering their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts
to fit their views ... which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to
be one of the facts that needs altering.
-- Doctor Who, Face of Evil

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
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Re: Correct system message configuration?

2005-05-20 Thread Sergey S. Ropchan
On Fri, 2005-05-20 at 12:36 +0200, Frits Westra wrote:
 My system appears to be sending system messages to my ISP at  
 How do I disable this? I still want to be able to view log messages, of  

Try to edit /etc/mail/aliases ...

you must find:

chang this email and save file

 Thanks for your help.
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Re: FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE, PHP 5, MySQL 4.1 (and ftpd)

2005-05-20 Thread Can Berk Guder
OK, both of my problems are now resolved:
1. I didn't know I needed to restart inetd. I don't know what I was  
thinking... =)
2. I used the ports collection to reinstall MySQL, PHP and all the  
PHP libraries I need. I thought it was gonna become a nightmare but  
it didn't. Only the MySQL compilation took quite a lot of time (since  
this server of mine is a really old one), but everything seems to be  
working right now.

Thanks... =)
Can Berk Guder
Sabanci University
Istanbul, Turkey
On May 19, 2005, at 21:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Wed, 18 May 2005 05:56:14 +0300
Can Berk Guder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
1. I've just installed these packages on my fresh 5.4-RELEASE system
using pkg_add -r:
* apache-1.3.33_1
* mysql-server-4.1.10a
* php5-5.0.3_2
However, since php5-mysqli isn't in the 5.4-RELEASE packages
collection, I
can't install php5-mysqli, and therefore PHP 5 is of no use for me.
I've updated my ports collection using cvsup, however php5-mysqli
requires   php5-
Anyway, is there any way that I can install these packages from
either the
ports or the packages collection, or should I switch the whole system
 to 5-
STABLE? Since I'm using a customized kernel, it'd be much easier for
me if I
could just use the packages collection.
from the ports-collection it should be no problem, not sure about
remote package-install

2. I uncommented the necessary lines in /etc/inetd.conf to allow
ftpd, but I
still can't connect to localhost using FTP. What else do I need to do
 to run the FTP daemon?
did you enable inetd ? (e.g. via /stand/sysinstall post-config)
did you restart inetd ?
is inetd running correctly ?
what about possible firewall-settings ?
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Re: Can't install jre - fails on install of /usr/ports/misc/compat3x

2005-05-20 Thread Tony Shadwick
compat3x-i386-5.0.20020925 is forbidden
Mark FORBIDDEN because of FreeBSD-SA-03:05.xdr and
FreeBSD-SA-03:08.realpath: xdr isn't fixed, and the realpath lib isn't
available precompiled (at least we haven't found one).
So...the question on my mind is do you just need to run java apps?
On Fri, 20 May 2005, Robert S wrote:
I have tried to install jre from the ports collection and get the
following error:
freebsd jre # make install
===   jre-1.1.8 depends on shared library: c.3 - not found
===Verifying install for c.3 in /usr/ports/misc/compat3x
===  compat3x-i386-5.0.20020925 is forbidden: FreeBSD-SA-03:05.xdr,
FreeBSD-SA-03:08.realpath  - not fi
xed / no lib available.
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/ports/misc/compat3x.
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/ports/java/jre.
. . .Looks like a problem in compat3x (which I haven't been able to
install from ports).
Can anybody advise?
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Re: syncing sources without cvs and cvsup.

2005-05-20 Thread Tony Shadwick
Just a thought here.  Is ssh blocked? :)  You have a machine on the 
outside that you trust?  You could do an ssh tunnel out and then point 
cvsup to localhost:myforwardedport, could you not?

On Fri, 20 May 2005, Julien Gabel wrote:
i need to update my freebsd sources to -current but the firewall i'm
behind blocks both cvs and cvsup, and ctm is an overkill.
Just for information, why is CTM an overkill?  I use it at work for the
very same problem as described here, and don't see any drawback (yet...).
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Re: stupid question

2005-05-20 Thread Tony Shadwick
You're breaking my heart here. :)
emacs /etc/resolv.conf
On Fri, 20 May 2005, Clement Twine wrote:
Charles Lamb wrote the following on 05/19/2005 07:25 PM:
How do you change the DNS server your freebsd machine uses?
the most stupid question is that one which was not asked :)
vi /etc/resolv.conf
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Re: Non-identical CPUs in dual-processor system

2005-05-20 Thread Tony Shadwick
My general thoughts on the matter is that if the bios is happy and letting 
you boot up multi-cpu, then you should be fine.  The OS is going to throw 
instructions at the two cpu's, and those instructions will be run.

The only real difference between any chips that are i386-compatible that 
you insert in there are transistor sizes, and probably some 
brand-specific-deal that identifies brand name, model number, and 
chip-specific instructions (such as MMX).

At the end of the day, you're sending x86 instructions to an x86 
compatible cpu.  I would think you're fine.  If the OS is correctly 
measuring the load on the cpus, I twould think it should balance that load 
nicely, just be sure to compile your apps for threading where it's 
supported (perl comes to mind).

On Thu, 19 May 2005, Brian O'Shea wrote:
Hello all,
I have a dual-processor system that I have been using with only a
single CPU for some time.  Recently I got ahold of another CPU from
an old retired system.  I thought that both processors were identical
(they came from what appears to be the same model PC, an HP Kayak XU).
However, after booting the system I see that the processors are not
the same:
CPU information in mptable output:
Processors: APIC ID Version State   Family  Model   StepFlags
0   0x11BSP, usable 6   3   3
1   0x11AP, usable  6   5   2
(sorry for the long lines)
In this output you can see that the model for CPU0 is 3, but for
CPU 1 it is 5.  Also, the flags are different.  Are there likely to
be any adverse effects from using this combination of processors?
There are no errors in dmesg, and the system appears to be using
both processors:
CPU: Pentium II/Pentium II Xeon/Celeron (266.08-MHz 686-class CPU)
 Origin = GenuineIntel  Id = 0x633  Stepping = 3
MPTable: HP   XU/XW   
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs
cpu0 (BSP): APIC ID:  0
cpu1 (AP): APIC ID:  1
cpu0 on motherboard
cpu1 on motherboard
SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!

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Re: Pine

2005-05-20 Thread Tony Shadwick
Just a point of curiousity here, how are you trying to fetch pine?
pkg_add -r pine, or pkg_add -r pine4 ?
Only the latter works.
That, and if you'r etrying to retrieve it from the default server, no 
shock that it fails.  That server gets quite overloaded during the day.

I'm getting more and more tempted to start up a wiki for newbies on good 
package management practices and port management.  The handbook seems to 
deal well with these things once you know they need to be done, but for 
someone starting out, they have no idea that they need to be doing this 
start with.

Granted, an argument could be made that you should read the handbook cover 
to cover before you begin. ;)  Who actually DOES that though?

On Fri, 20 May 2005, RW wrote:
On Thursday 19 May 2005 18:37, Charles Lamb wrote:
What is a good alternative to Pine?  It would seem it is nolonger
available for freebsd?
The pine distfile is generic unix source code, if you can't fetch it, it's
probably just a temporary server problem.
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Re: portaudit is being stubborn

2005-05-20 Thread Chris
This annoys me as well, I expect portaudit to alert me when an update
is available to fix an exploit, but wget has no update so what is the
point of the warning, there also seems to be no way to shut it up.


On 5/17/05, Tony Shadwick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is driving me nuts.  I just downloaded the latest portaudit database
 and ran it on my system:
 mx02# portaudit -ad
 Database created: Tue May 17 13:40:02 CDT 2005
 Affected package: wget-1.8.2_7
 Type of problem: wget -- multiple vulnerabilities.
 1 problem(s) in your installed packages found.
 You are advised to update or deinstall the affected package(s)
 Okayso, that vulnerability isn't of much concern to me, but just to be
 sure I'm current:
 mx02# portversion ftp/wget
 So life is good there, so I got back and add this to my
 /usr/local/etc/portaudit.conf file:
 # Make portaudit ignore wget vulnerability (no shell users here anyway)
 I then re-ran portauditit gives me the same output. :(  I want to have
 this cron'ed where I only get ouput when something that actually concerns
 me comes up.  Is the portaudit_fixed variable no longer supported?
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Re: ng_netflow complile problems

2005-05-20 Thread Lowell Gilbert
Brian McCann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi all.  I've made ng_netflow work on one of my SMP boxes, and now I
 need to make it work on a UP box...should be fairly simple.  I'm
 trying to compile ng_netflow, and I get the following error:
 === ng_netflow
 /usr/share/mk/, line 53: cannot be included directly.
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /root/netflow/ng_netflow-0.2.5-UP.
 I've grep'ed for in the Makefiles and all the source and
 cannot find it.  Anyone have any ideas here?  I'm at a loss...

It was in 4.4BSD-Lite, so your system is incomplete if it doesn't have in /usr/share/mk/.
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Re: syncing sources without cvs and cvsup.

2005-05-20 Thread Julien Gabel
 i need to update my freebsd sources to -current but the firewall i'm
 behind blocks both cvs and cvsup, and ctm is an overkill.

 Just for information, why is CTM an overkill?  I use it at work for
 the very same problem as described here, and don't see any drawback

 Just a thought here.  Is ssh blocked? :)  You have a machine on the
 outside that you trust?  You could do an ssh tunnel out and then point
 cvsup to localhost:myforwardedport, could you not?

Yes, ssh is blocked.  We can just use the web and ftp via a farm of three
proxies, which are able to resolve names on the Net.  We can't even do that
from our workstations or internal servers.  So...


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FreeBSD 5.3 Boot issues - reposted

2005-05-20 Thread Vizion

I hope noone minds but as I have not had a reply I thought I would repost 
hoping that someone would pick up the thread.

Original follows:
Below is the output from dmesg.boot
I have some questions:

1. re: 802.11a
This system has been built in a mini ATX case and has a Proxim Harmony 802.11a 
Model 8150 PCI card on (I am on a boat - then intention is to be able to 
disconnect it from the ships network, lug it to a position in range of a 
wireless network and do a portupgrade as the need arises chuckles). Is this 
card recognized by freebsd. Is there a suitable driver? How do I set it up?

2. Uhicio [GIANT LOCKED] What does this mean?

3. (da1:umass-sim0:0:0:1): Unretryable error
What is the significance if any of these lines?

4. I want to use energy saving (mainly to protect the drive from unnecessary 
risk of damage in rough weather) to turn off the hard drive when access is 
not required. How do I do that?

Copyright (c) 1992-2004 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE #0: Fri Nov  5 04:19:18 UTC 2004
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC
Timecounter i8254 frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) XP (1593.55-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = AuthenticAMD  Id = 0x6a0  Stepping = 0
  AMD Features=0xc048MP,AMIE,DSP,3DNow!
real memory  = 1006567424 (959 MB)
avail memory = 975376384 (930 MB)
ioapic0 Version 0.3 irqs 0-23 on motherboard
npx0: [FAST]
npx0: math processor on motherboard
npx0: INT 16 interface
acpi0: KM400A AWRDACPI on motherboard
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
Timecounter ACPI-fast frequency 3579545 Hz quality 1000
acpi_timer0: 24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz port 0x4008-0x400b on acpi0
cpu0: ACPI CPU (3 Cx states) on acpi0
acpi_tz0: Thermal Zone on acpi0
acpi_button0: Power Button on acpi0
pcib0: ACPI Host-PCI bridge port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0: ACPI PCI bus on pcib0
agp0: VIA Generic host to PCI bridge mem 0xd000-0xd7ff at device 0.0 
on pci0
pcib1: PCI-PCI bridge at device 1.0 on pci0
pci1: PCI bus on pcib1
pci1: display, VGA at device 0.0 (no driver attached)
pci0: network, ethernet at device 9.0 (no driver attached)
fwohci0: Texas Instruments TSB43AB23 mem 
0xde01-0xde013fff,0xde014000-0xde0147ff irq 18 at device 10.0 on pci0
fwohci0: OHCI version 1.10 (ROM=1)
fwohci0: No. of Isochronous channels is 4.
fwohci0: EUI64 00:d0:03:56:00:b2:b7:e6
fwohci0: Phy 1394a available S400, 3 ports.
fwohci0: Link S400, max_rec 2048 bytes.
firewire0: IEEE1394(FireWire) bus on fwohci0
fwe0: Ethernet over FireWire on firewire0
if_fwe0: Fake Ethernet address: 02:d0:03:b2:b7:e6
fwe0: Ethernet address: 02:d0:03:b2:b7:e6
fwe0: if_start running deferred for Giant
sbp0: SBP-2/SCSI over FireWire on firewire0
fwohci0: Initiate bus reset
fwohci0: node_id=0xc800ffc0, gen=1, CYCLEMASTER mode
firewire0: 1 nodes, maxhop = 0, cable IRM = 0 (me)
firewire0: bus manager 0 (me)
atapci0: VIA 6420 SATA150 controller port 
irq 20 at device 15.0 on pc
ata2: channel #0 on atapci0
ata3: channel #1 on atapci0
atapci1: VIA 8237 UDMA133 controller port 
0xa800-0xa80f,0x376,0x170-0x177,0x3f6,0x1f0-0x1f7 at device 15.1 on pci0
ata0: channel #0 on atapci1
ata1: channel #1 on atapci1
uhci0: VIA 83C572 USB controller port 0xac00-0xac1f irq 21 at device 16.0 on 
usb0: VIA 83C572 USB controller on uhci0
usb0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0: VIA UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhci1: VIA 83C572 USB controller port 0xb000-0xb01f irq 21 at device 16.1 on 
usb1: VIA 83C572 USB controller on uhci1
usb1: USB revision 1.0
uhub1: VIA UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub1: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhci2: VIA 83C572 USB controller port 0xb400-0xb41f irq 21 at device 16.2 on 
usb2: VIA 83C572 USB controller on uhci2
usb2: USB revision 1.0
uhub2: VIA UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub2: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
umass0: USB2.0 CardReader, rev 2.00/91.38, addr 2
uhci3: VIA 83C572 USB controller port 0xb800-0xb81f irq 21 at device 16.3 on 
usb3: VIA 83C572 USB controller on uhci3
usb3: USB revision 1.0
uhub3: VIA UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub3: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
pci0: serial bus, USB at device 16.4 (no driver attached)
isab0: PCI-ISA bridge at device 17.0 on pci0
isa0: ISA bus on isab0
pci0: multimedia, audio at device 17.5 (no driver attached)
vr0: VIA VT6102 Rhine II 10/100BaseTX port 0xc400-0xc4ff mem 

Spontaneous reboot before AND after memory swap

2005-05-20 Thread Jonathon McKitrick

Hi all,

I'm running 4.11 on a server, and for the last week or so it has been
spontaneously rebooting about once a day or so.  It has 512M of memory.

I ran memtest and it causes the reboot as well.  I went and bought 2 sticks of
memory, took out the old one, and put the new ones in.  That gave me 1G.  But
a buildworld fails with signal 11 and memtest still causes the reboot.

Any ideas?

Jonathon McKitrick
My other computer is your Windows box.
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bad nat on ipnat

2005-05-20 Thread 12arc12

i`m natting about 200 pc on one machine
ipnat -s shows:
ipnat -s
mapped  in  1569397 out 1688052
added   40190   expired 39045
no memory   0   bad nat 728
inuse   494
rules   8
wilds   0

the bad nat value is increasing in time, my ipnat rules are:
rdr bge0  0/0 port 80 - port  tcp
rdr xl0 0/0 port 80 - port  tcp

map fxp0 - a.b.c.d/32 proxy port 21 ftp/tcp
map fxp0 - a.b.c.d/32 portmap tcp/udp 1025:65000
map fxp0  - a.b.c.d/32

what is this bad nat?  it doesn`t sound too good, but i cannot find an error 
in my config.. Any advices/links are welcome 

PS please replay to the list

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2005-05-20 Thread Jean-Paul Natola

Jean-Paul Natola
Network Administrator
Information Technology
Family Care International
588 Broadway Suite 503
New York, NY 10012
Phone:212-941-5300 xt 36
Fax:  212-941-5563

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Re: Shared /usr/ports directories

2005-05-20 Thread Richard Danter
Erik Trulsson wrote:
On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 06:13:09PM +0100, Richard Danter wrote:
Erik Trulsson wrote:
On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 05:39:54PM +0100, Richard Danter wrote:

Hi all,
I have several machines running FBSD now. At the moment I have a 
complete ports tree on each machine. I was wondering if it was possible 
to have it all on just one machine and NFS mount it?

That is certainly possible.

I have already been doing this for the /usr/ports/distfiles directory, 
but had not shared everything else as I was not sure if settings from a 
build on one machine may cause problems when building on another machine.

Each machine has it's own /etc/make.conf with settings such as the 
processor type, so it is important that one build can't effect another.

I would suggest you set WRKDIRPREFIX in /etc/make.conf so that the
files built by the ports system do not get placed under /usr/ports but
somewhere else.
Is it just the object (.o) files that this effects, or all generated 
files? Where do the configurations get saved (for those ports with a 
config menu)?

Almost all generated files - all that would end up under /usr/ports anyway.
Where configurations get saved can vary slightly.  Ports using the
OPTIONS system get their configurations saved under /var/db/ports/. 
Some ports have their own home-rolled config menu (mostly because the
port was created before OPTIONS made its debut) and they usually have
their configuration saved in the work directory (among all the .o
Thanks Erik, and all who replied. I now have just one ports tree to keep 
up to date which is much easier for me! It also frees up a lot of space 
on my laptop!

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Re: /etc/make.conf weirdness

2005-05-20 Thread RW
On Thursday 19 May 2005 20:51, Kris Kennaway wrote:
 On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 03:31:02PM -0400, Nicolas Blais wrote:
  This is probably a user problem (me), but why is it that when I put this
  in /etc/make.conf:
  .if ${.CURDIR:M*/multimedia/transcode}
  and build transcode, it will only receive WITH_DIVX5 and not the other
  and if I put this instead:
  .if ${.CURDIR:M*/multimedia/transcode}
  it will receive WITH_OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS and not the other again?
  Same with all the ports such as :
  .if ${.CURDIR:M*/multimedia/mplayer}
  will only receive WITH OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS.
  Any way around this?

 Put each entry on separate lines, don't try to separate them with

I think this was probably inspired by  the portmanager man-page. The mplayer 
section above is a slightly edited version of it's sample make.conf.

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Re: Spontaneous reboot before AND after memory swap

2005-05-20 Thread Tony Shadwick
Mainboard, cpu or power supply.  Take your pick which to test for next. :\
How many devices do you have to power in your system?
Make sure your power supply has enough 'oomph' to power everything you're 
trying to power in your system.

Other than that, cpu and mainboard may need replacing (or one or the 

On Fri, 20 May 2005, Jonathon McKitrick wrote:
Hi all,
I'm running 4.11 on a server, and for the last week or so it has been
spontaneously rebooting about once a day or so.  It has 512M of memory.
I ran memtest and it causes the reboot as well.  I went and bought 2 sticks of
memory, took out the old one, and put the new ones in.  That gave me 1G.  But
a buildworld fails with signal 11 and memtest still causes the reboot.
Any ideas?
Jonathon McKitrick
My other computer is your Windows box.
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Re: syncing sources without cvs and cvsup.

2005-05-20 Thread Tony Shadwick
Hmm.  Is port 80 actually blocked then to everyone but the actual proxy 
servers?  Just getting a feel for your environment.  Try telnet 80.  Does it connect?  If it does, then I wonder if your 
firewall is statefully inspecting non-http traffic across 80.  You could 
get an ssh server on the outside to listen on 80, then ssh to it as I 
mentioned before.

Just trying to come up with ideas.  If it's a legitimate business need, 
then I would suggest making a request to your IP dept. to set up a rule on 
the firewall to allow cvsup to connect outbound from your box's IP 
address, and all to connections to the list of cvsup mirrors for your 

So you're asking for a rule for one host, to connect to a list of say, 20 
hosts.  That seems like a very reasonable request to me.

On Fri, 20 May 2005, Julien Gabel wrote:
i need to update my freebsd sources to -current but the firewall i'm
behind blocks both cvs and cvsup, and ctm is an overkill.

Just for information, why is CTM an overkill?  I use it at work for
the very same problem as described here, and don't see any drawback

Just a thought here.  Is ssh blocked? :)  You have a machine on the
outside that you trust?  You could do an ssh tunnel out and then point
cvsup to localhost:myforwardedport, could you not?
Yes, ssh is blocked.  We can just use the web and ftp via a farm of three
proxies, which are able to resolve names on the Net.  We can't even do that
from our workstations or internal servers.  So...
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Intel SE7320VP2 support ?

2005-05-20 Thread Francesco Ferreri
Hi all,
we're planning to buy some new servers for our company (an IXP), we 
would like to run FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE on these servers: we got an 
offering for dual Xeon machines with Intel SE7320VP motherboard. The 
board has a dual Intel pro gigabit lan adapter and SATA controller, 
anyone knows wether this hardware is fully supported by 5.4 ? Any 
suggestions will be appreciated !

Best regards,
Francesco Ferreri

Francesco Ferreri
NaMeX - Nautilus Mediterranean Exchange
Via dei Tizii 6b, 00185 - Roma
Tel. +39-0644486.386
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Re: Cyrus IMAP from Ports in 5.X?

2005-05-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Do I need to create users from cyardm or from saslpasswd2?

saslpasswd2. Recall that sasl2 is a system-wide authentication framework
-- a one-stop shop for controlling access to cyrus-imapd and your MTA,
or any other daemon designed to use this framework. It is conceivable
that you would want an account in sasl2 but not in cyrus-imapd (for an
MTA-MTA authentication requirement, for instance). Cyradm is just a
mailbox creation/administration tool that looks to sasl2 for security
account information.
 Looking at it...
 Also do I need loginrealms for using virtdomains?

I believe loginrealms is just the term used by the cmu folks but is
pretty much analogous to virtdomains as we're using the term here. By
default, the saslpasswd2 utility will append the server's hostname
UNLESS you specify that you want the namespace separate for a particular
user account either using the command line switch and specifying a
loginrealm or just adding @domainname after the userid portion.

As a side note, this default scheme can lead to some surprises should
you ever decide to change the hostname of the system. It will break auth
for non-vhosted users because they will no longer be considered local.
You'll either have to start using the fully qualified form of the login
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or delete and re-create those accounts
taking the automatic new hostname, or specify something else explicitly.

Also, while you're adding accounts to sasl2 don't forget to use the
sasldblistusers2 utility so you can verify that the accounts have been
added and what ends up appearing in their loginrealms position after
the '@'. It may also be worthwhile to poke around in
/usr/local/cyrus/bin to see these tools and the others (like squatter
for building search indexes) included with the cyrus package.

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Re: portaudit is being stubborn

2005-05-20 Thread Randy Pratt
On Fri, 20 May 2005 13:43:29 +0100
Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This annoys me as well, I expect portaudit to alert me when an update
 is available to fix an exploit, but wget has no update so what is the
 point of the warning, there also seems to be no way to shut it up.
 On 5/17/05, Tony Shadwick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is driving me nuts.  I just downloaded the latest portaudit database
  and ran it on my system:
  mx02# portaudit -ad
  Database created: Tue May 17 13:40:02 CDT 2005
  Affected package: wget-1.8.2_7
  Type of problem: wget -- multiple vulnerabilities.
  1 problem(s) in your installed packages found.
  You are advised to update or deinstall the affected package(s)
  Okayso, that vulnerability isn't of much concern to me, but just to be
  sure I'm current:
  mx02# portversion ftp/wget
  So life is good there, so I got back and add this to my
  /usr/local/etc/portaudit.conf file:
  # Make portaudit ignore wget vulnerability (no shell users here anyway)
  I then re-ran portauditit gives me the same output. :(  I want to have
  this cron'ed where I only get ouput when something that actually concerns
  me comes up.  Is the portaudit_fixed variable no longer supported?

I think the ftp/wget-devel version has addressed the security
concerns.  I switched to ftp/wget-devel and portaudit doesn't show
any problems.  I've not noticed any differences in using that version.

I had a few other ports which depended on ftp/wget so I used
portupgrade to switch the dependencies to ftp/wget-devl:

portupgrade -o ftp/wget-devel ftp/wget

According to the portupgrade man page, all the dependencies on the
old package will be succeeded to the new package cleanly without
leaving inconsistencies.

There may be occasions when an update to a port which depended on
the old ftp/wget may cause pkgdb to complain about a stale dependency
on ftp/wget and you will need to repoint the dependency to the
ftp/wget-devel package.

If at some point the ftp/wget gets fixed, then it could be switched
back from ftp/wget-devel with portupgrade.


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Re: syncing sources without cvs and cvsup.

2005-05-20 Thread Julien Gabel
 i need to update my freebsd sources to -current but the firewall i'm
 behind blocks both cvs and cvsup, and ctm is an overkill.

 Just for information, why is CTM an overkill?  I use it at work for
 the very same problem as described here, and don't see any drawback

 Just a thought here.  Is ssh blocked? :)  You have a machine on the
 outside that you trust?  You could do an ssh tunnel out and then point
 cvsup to localhost:myforwardedport, could you not?

 Yes, ssh is blocked.  We can just use the web and ftp via a farm of
 three proxies, which are able to resolve names on the Net.  We can't
 even do that from our workstations or internal servers.  So...

 Hmm.  Is port 80 actually blocked then to everyone but the actual proxy
 servers?  Just getting a feel for your environment.  Try telnet 80.  Does it connect?  If it does, then I wonder if your
 firewall is statefully inspecting non-http traffic across 80.  You could
 get an ssh server on the outside to listen on 80, then ssh to it as I
 mentioned before.

It is not possible here.  The name resolution is only possible when done
from proxies.  So not only are the ports blocked, but it is impossible to
do a telnet 80 from inside network (and public @ip are
not routed internally). That is why we _need_ to pass through our proxies
to get the Net.

Since the outside ssh servers i know (and trust a little) use the HTTP
port, it seems not possible to bypass the firewalls using the proposed
method (in fact i already though about it, but without much success in
the past).

 Just trying to come up with ideas.  If it's a legitimate business need,

Yes it is... as always in banking departments ;)

 then I would suggest making a request to your IP dept. to set up a rule
 on the firewall to allow cvsup to connect outbound from your box's IP
 address, and all to connections to the list of cvsup mirrors for your

 So you're asking for a rule for one host, to connect to a list of say, 20
 hosts.  That seems like a very reasonable request to me.

Yes.  But, in fact, and since fetch(1) knows about HTTP and FTP
authenticated proxies, we really have not much need since we can get
all that we need using FTP (ports tree and distfiles) and CTM (src-5
We eventually lack the /usr/doc tree, but that doesn't justify a special
rule on firewalls and an internal cvsup mirror :-)

Thanks for your ideas though!


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Odd Messages showing up in /var/log/messages

2005-05-20 Thread Jason Williams
Hello everyone.
Just recently, some very odd messages started showing up in my 
/var/log/messages on a FreeBSD 4.9 MailGateway box.This box serves as 
our primary email scrubber, removing viruses and quarnatining spam. It 
has worked flawlessly for over a year. This messages started popping up 
just this week.

Here is a few snips:
May 20 08:22:27 mail jwilliams: Process did not exit cleanly, returned 
255 with signal 0
May 20 08:22:38 mail jwilliams: Process did not exit cleanly, returned 
255 with signal 0
May 20 08:23:44 mail jwilliams: Process did not exit cleanly, returned 
255 with signal 0
May 20 08:26:45 mail jwilliams: Process did not exit cleanly, returned 
255 with signal 0
May 20 08:31:50 mail jwilliams: Process did not exit cleanly, returned 9 
with signal 0
May 20 08:34:39 mail jwilliams: Process did not exit cleanly, returned 9 
with signal 0
May 20 08:35:01 mail jwilliams: Process did not exit cleanly, returned 
255 with signal 0
May 20 08:37:37 mail jwilliams: Process did not exit cleanly, returned 
255 with signal 0

Just to be sure, I ran chkrootkit as well as rootkithunter on the boxes, 
just to check. They both came back negative for any infections or foul play.

But, I am still concerned about these messages and would like to know 
what they are and what is causing them. It would make me feel better.

Anyone have any recommendations on where to start? I'm a little baffled 
at this moment.

I appreciate it.
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Printing to a USB-printer + making it available to one other Windows machine

2005-05-20 Thread Ron
Hi there,

Since the last thread I started died, I start a new one. I was using
CUPS, but when I tried printing a test page, the printer did
respond(by doing it's usual initializing work(like cleaning the
printhead(I think))), but didn't print the testpage.

Someone said if you don't use CUPS, it can work. Now, my question
is: what printing sytem enables me to print locally and over the
network with the least amount of configuration?

Regards, Ron
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2005-05-20 Thread Joe Altman
   25. FreeBSD and Exim (Joe Wood)
 Message: 25
 Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 22:03:32 -0400
 Subject: FreeBSD and Exim
 Can someone point me to a good how-to on setting up Exim on FreeBSD 5.4?
 I've looked in a few places but haven't seen anything informative yet. 
 Thanks in advance.

There are FreeBSD specifics, usually in the work subdir; so you may
wish to defer make clean until you review that.

It's a habit I've developed: regardless of any docs installed by any
port, I always look into work after make install, just to see what
might be in there.

Additionally, there is copious documentation provided seperately in
the ports tree for Exim; it should be enough to get you started for
local delivery. That's all I use it for. I do lurk on the Exim list;
it's fairly friendly, so you could ask there. They do expect you to
read the docs, first, I think.

If you want to go beyond using it for local delivery, I can't
help. It's not complex to set it up for local stuff.

I don't care what you think. This is not a stylishly insouciant stroll
out of the jungle, here. It's more like we've fallen out of our trees
and rolled, butt-naked before the entire galaxy, downhill. That, and
we seem to have a teensy problem lifting ourselves off the ground.
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Re: Epson Stylus C86 Printer

2005-05-20 Thread Mike Jeays
On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 17:49, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
 Mike Jeays [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I have just bought one of these printers, and am having trouble getting
  it to work with ghostscript. It is connected via a USB port, and it
  responds momentarily when I send anything directly to /dev/ulpt0.  
  I would appreciate the correct parameters for ghostscript - I think it
  should work with device ijs and 'server' ijsgimpprint, which has been
  installed in /usr/local/bin.
  Some of the instructions recommend CUPS and FooMatic, and seem much more
  complicated than I ought to need for a local installation.
  I tested the printer with Windows, and it does work.
 You haven't mentioned what kind of problems you're having.
 Personally, I use apsfilter, which I find makes life very easy...

I have had help from several people, especially Ted Mittelstaedt, and
now have a working printer.  It can be done as follows:

Install ijsgimpprint without CUPS:

cd /usr/ports/print/gimp-print
make deinstall # if you need to
make WITHOUT_CUPS='yes'

Make sure you have ghostscript installed, with the 'ijs' driver

Create a filter as follows:

gs -sDEVICE=ijs \
   -sIjsServer=/usr/local/bin/ijsgimpprint \
   -sDeviceManufacturer=EPSON  \
   -sDeviceModel=escp2-c84 \
   -sIjsParams=Quality=720x360sw,InkType=CMYK,MediaType=Plain \
   -dIjsUseOutputFD \
   -dNOPAUSE \
   -dBATCH \
   -sOutputFile=- -

(This is simple one that will ONLY handle Postscript files; I plan to
enhance it by filtering text files through enscript first).  Put it in a
suitable directory (mine is in /home/mike/bin/C86-test, which is not a
very good choice), and chmod +x it.

Create an /etc/printcap containing:


In the filter above, change the 'escp2-c84' to match your printer as
closely as possible.  Google for ijsgimpprint to get some valid codes.

Good luck, and thanks to everone who helped.

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Re: PAWS security vulnerability

2005-05-20 Thread Tim Traver
you just can't stop being a dickhead, can you ???
I admitted what I did wrong (unlike you), and yes, I posted this to the 
wrong list. Big deal. A lot of things get posted to this list that are a 
thousand times worse.

Get off your high horse, and maybe use some manners instead of barking 
orders at everyone. I don't know which is worse. Trolls, or those that 
scream troll at the drop of a hat.

Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
In my first e-mail I said:
If it works I would submit it to the FreeBSD security list
OK., so I see how you might have misinterpreted that.  But the sentence if
it works you would submit it to the
FreeBSD security list isn't grammatically correct.
In my second e-mail I said:
I told you to post the patch and info to the appropriate FreeBSD security
lists, and you aren't the least bit interested in doing what I told you
On the index page of there is a link called FAQ
On that page is a link called Security
On that page is the text:
...This point and others are often discussed on the mailing lists,
particularly the FreeBSD security mailing list
with a link to the appropriate mailing list.
I find it real hard to believe you use FreeBSD on hundreds of servers and
are unaware of the appropriate
forum to post security questions.  The general freebsd questions mailing
list is not this place.  You should
have known this before you even posted your first question.  Reading
instructions for products that you use
is not optional, it is mandatory, and FreeBSD's instructions are on the
You posted your query in the wrong forum, you got a patch in response which
is far more than you should have
got, you were directed, hinting at first, forcibly at second, to go to the
appropriate forum to post the patch, the results of the patch, and your
security questions.  You still, as far as I know, have not done this.
So, OK maybe your not a troll and I assumed wrong.  But I will point out
that you said absolutely nothing
in your first post about who you are, what you are doing, why you even give
a shit about this issue.  If you
had simply opened your first post with I was shown this vulnerability by
our network security person
and I have to respond to him in some fashion or something like that, it
would have gone a long way towards
establishing credibility as to why you cared about this.  If even better you
had done a bit of research and
said well the vulnerability shows that OpenBSD already patched for this,
maybe FreeBSD should or if
even better than that you had said I looked at the OpenBSD patch and it's
really simple, could we use
it on FreeBSD that would have done a lot to establishing that you were at
least willing to offer help and
Instead, reread your second post - you not once offered to do anything, not
even apply the patch to see
if it compiled, all you did is ask for yet more research to be done for you.
Well we all are busy, you don't have a lock on that, buddy.
Apply the patch.  If the FreeBSD system doesn't panic then the patch isn't
grossly wrong.  If you do not
have a test system then don't apply it.  Either way, just take the patch to
the appropriate FreeBSD security forum
and post it with some asshole on questions told me to apply this in results
of insert all research on this
is this the right way to fix it?
As I said, IF you are a fucking troll then you WOULDN'T do the above.  That
means that if you WOULD do the
above then you AREN'T a fucking troll.  You still have a chance to redeem
yourself. Do it!
FreeBSD is for adults, not kids.  Kids want the adults to do all their
homework for them.  Adults at least
try to do the homework, then call for help when they are stuck.  Look at
your first 2 posts again and
put yourself in my shoes - do those posts make you look like an adult, or a
whiny kid wanting someone
to do his homework for him?
 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Traver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 11:24 PM
 To: Ted Mittelstaedt
 Cc: bsd
 Subject: Re: PAWS security vulnerability
 I don't know your experience lately with people on this or any other list,
but that last personal attack was WAY out of line. I am not a Troll, nor
have I ever been one. I use freeBSD extensively on hundreds of servers, but
I am not a FreeBSD source contributor.
 Yes, I was shown this vulnerability by our network security person, read
it over, and thought that it might be a legitimate exploit. I even picked up
on the fact that Microsoft had already patched it in the service pack 2,
which may mean that it was under wraps for a while, and was suspicious. So,
after doing a little research on the net myself and not finding much, I
decided to post something to the list to see if anyone had heard anything
about it, and if the FreeBSD commiters were working on a possible patch.
 Maybe I wrote my post wrong, but it didn't deserve you biting my fucking
head off.
 Now, you'll probably start in on well, if you run that 

Re: Printing to a USB-printer + making it available to one other Windows machine

2005-05-20 Thread Ron
 If you can get it working locally it is easy to make it work with CUPS
 on the network.  CUPS is the easiest way to print on the network.
 (though there are good reasons to use others)
 Start simple: get something (either ghostscript or plain text) printing
 locally.  Until the printer works on freeBSD locally you can never be
 sure it isn't a flakely cable or some simple thing that you are
It's not a bad cable since the printer works under Windows and my
previous Linux install(via CUPS)

 I don't remember the original thread, did you go to and follow their instructions?  In most cases
 that is enough to get your printer working.
Yes, I did. 
 The hard part is making the printer work.  Once it works, it is almost
 trivial to add CUPS.
I know.

If I want to communicate with the printer to get the inklevels etc,
the kernel crashes. (I use escputil). It's a bug in the usb drivers.
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Re: mdconfig problem on make release of 5_4_0_RELEASE

2005-05-20 Thread Kris Kennaway
On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 06:49:44AM -0500, William Richter wrote:
 i'm attempting to make a release and the build of the mfs image is failing 
 (see below).
 it's mdconfig that's failing:
 + mdconfig -a -t vnode -f /R/stage/mfsroot/mfsroot
 mdconfig: ioctl(/dev/mdctl): Inappropriate ioctl for device

Do you have md support in your kernel?


Description: PGP signature

Re: /etc/make.conf weirdness

2005-05-20 Thread Kris Kennaway
On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 03:13:08PM +0100, RW wrote:
 On Thursday 19 May 2005 20:51, Kris Kennaway wrote:
  On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 03:31:02PM -0400, Nicolas Blais wrote:
   This is probably a user problem (me), but why is it that when I put this
   in /etc/make.conf:
   .if ${.CURDIR:M*/multimedia/transcode}
   and build transcode, it will only receive WITH_DIVX5 and not the other
   and if I put this instead:
   .if ${.CURDIR:M*/multimedia/transcode}
   it will receive WITH_OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS and not the other again?
   Same with all the ports such as :
   .if ${.CURDIR:M*/multimedia/mplayer}
   will only receive WITH OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS.
   Any way around this?
  Put each entry on separate lines, don't try to separate them with
 I think this was probably inspired by  the portmanager man-page. The mplayer 
 section above is a slightly edited version of it's sample make.conf.

Someone should talk to the portmanager author then :-)


Description: PGP signature

Re: 5.4 +apache (how to restart)

2005-05-20 Thread Tofik Suleymanov
fbsd_user wrote:
Thanks that worked

use 'apachectl graceful' in order to do a graceful restart
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How to get best results from FreeBSD-questions

2005-05-20 Thread Greg Lehey

How to get the best results from FreeBSD questions.

Last update $Date: 2004/09/19 02:40:48 $

This is a regular posting to the FreeBSD questions mailing list.  If
you got it in answer to a message you sent, it means that the sender
thinks that at least one of the following things was wrong with your

- You left out a subject line, or the subject line was not appropriate.
- You formatted it in such a way that it was difficult to read.
- You asked more than one unrelated question in one message.
- You sent out a message with an incorrect date, time or time zone.
- You sent out the same message more than once.
- You sent an 'unsubscribe' message to FreeBSD-questions.

If you have done any of these things, there is a good chance that you
will get more than one copy of this message from different people.
Read on, and your next message will be more successful.

This document is also available on the web at



II:   How to unsubscribe from FreeBSD-questions
III:  Should I ask -questions, -newbies or -hackers?
IV:   How to submit a question to FreeBSD-questions
V:How to answer a question to FreeBSD-questions

I: Introduction

This is a regular posting aimed to help both those seeking advice from
FreeBSD-questions (the newcomers), and also those who answer the
questions (the hackers).

   Note that the term hacker has nothing to do with breaking
   into other people's computers.  The correct term for the latter
   activity is cracker, but the popular press hasn't found out
   yet.  The FreeBSD hackers disapprove strongly of cracking
   security, and have nothing to do with it.

In the past, there has been some friction which stems from the
different viewpoints of the two groups.  The newcomers accused the
hackers of being arrogant, stuck-up, and unhelpful, while the hackers
accused the newcomers of being stupid, unable to read plain English,
and expecting everything to be handed to them on a silver platter.  Of
course, there's an element of truth in both these claims, but for the
most part these viewpoints come from a sense of frustration.

In this document, I'd like to do something to relieve this frustration
and help everybody get better results from FreeBSD-questions.  In the
following section, I recommend how to submit a question; after that,
we'll look at how to answer one.

II:  How to unsubscribe from FreeBSD-questions

When you subscribed to FreeBSD-questions, you got a welcome message
from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  In this message, amongst
other things, it told you how to unsubscribe.  Here's a typical

  Welcome to the mailing list!

If you ever want to unsubscribe or change your options (eg, switch to
or from digest mode, change your password, etc.), visit your
subscription page at:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(obviously, substitute your mail address for [EMAIL PROTECTED]).  You can
also make such adjustments via email by sending a message to:

with the word 'help' in the subject or body (don't include the
quotes), and you will get back a message with instructions.

You must know your password to change your options (including
changing the password, itself) or to unsubscribe.
Normally, Mailman will remind you of your mailing list
passwords once every month, although you can disable this if you
prefer.  This reminder will also include instructions on how to
unsubscribe or change your account options.  There is also a button on
your options page that will email your current password to you.

  Here's the general information for the list you've
  subscribed to, in case you don't already have it:

  FREEBSD-QUESTIONS   User questions
  This is the mailing list for questions about FreeBSD.  You should not
  send how to questions to the technical lists unless you consider the
  question to be pretty technical.

Normally, unsubscribing is even simpler than the message suggests: you
don't need to specify your mail ID unless it is different from the one
which you specified when you subscribed.

If Majordomo replies and tells you (incorrectly) that you're not on
the list, this may mean one of two things:

  1.  You have changed your mail ID since you subscribed.  That's where
  keeping the original message from majordomo comes in handy.  For
  example, the sample message above shows my mail ID as
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Since then, I have changed it to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  If I were to try to remove [EMAIL PROTECTED] from
  the list, it would fail: I would have to specify the name with
  which I joined.

  2.  You're subscribed to a mailing list which is subscribed to

The Complete FreeBSD: errata and addenda

2005-05-20 Thread Greg Lehey
The trouble with books is that you can't update them the way you can a web page
or any other online documentation.  The result is that most leading edge
computer books are out of date almost before they are printed.  Unfortunately,
The Complete FreeBSD, published by O'Reilly, is no exception.  Inevitably, a
number of bugs and changes have surfaced.

The Complete FreeBSD has been through a total of five editions, including its
predecessor Installing and Running FreeBSD.  Two of these have been reprinted
with corrections.  I maintain a series of errata pages.  Start at to find out how to get the errata

Have you found a problem with the book, or maybe something confusing?  Please
let me know: I'm constantly updating it.

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Re: Radeon+nForce4 NIC for AMD64

2005-05-20 Thread jason henson
Emelianov wrote:
Dear friends!
Please help me with my new equipment:
mobo   Foxconn NF4UK8AA-8EKRS Socket-939 nForce4 U
RAM2x512Mb PC3200 (Dual Channel)
VGAPCI-Express 128Mb PowerColor R41A-PC3 (ATI Radeon X700 Pro,TV-Out,DVI)
NICInternal 1Gbps (nForce4)
Look the #dmesg | grep pci command:
pcib0: ACPI Host-PCI bridge port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0: ACPI PCI bus on pcib0
pci0: memory at device 0.0 (no driver attached)
isab0: PCI-ISA bridge at device 1.0 on pci0
pci0: serial bus, SMBus at device 1.1 (no driver attached)
ohci0: OHCI (generic) USB controller mem 0xfebff000-0xfebf irq 22 at 
device 2.0 on pci0
pci0: serial bus, USB at device 2.1 (no driver attached)
pcm0: nVidia nForce4 port 0xec00-0xecff,0xf000-0xf0ff mem 
0xfebfd000-0xfebfdfff irq 20 at device 4.0 on pci0
atapci0: nVidia nForce4 UDMA133 controller port 
0xe800-0xe80f,0x376,0x170-0x177,0x3f6,0x1f0-0x1f7 at device 6.0 on pci0
ata0: channel #0 on atapci0
ata1: channel #1 on atapci0
atapci1: GENERIC ATA controller port 
0xd400-0xd40f,0xb70-0xb73,0x970-0x977,0xbf0-0xbf3,0x9f0-0x9f7 irq 22 at device 7.0 on 
ata2: channel #0 on atapci1
ata3: channel #1 on atapci1
atapci2: GENERIC ATA controller port 
0xc000-0xc00f,0xb60-0xb63,0x960-0x967,0xbe0-0xbe3,0x9e0-0x9e7 irq 21 at device 8.0 on 
ata4: channel #0 on atapci2
ata5: channel #1 on atapci2
pcib1: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 9.0 on pci0
pci1: ACPI PCI bus on pcib1
pci1: multimedia, video at device 8.0 (no driver attached)
pci1: multimedia at device 8.1 (no driver attached)
fwohci0: Lucent FW322/323 mem 0xfe9ff000-0xfe9f irq 19 at device 11.0 on 
pci0: bridge at device 10.0 (no driver attached)
pcib2: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 11.0 on pci0
pci2: ACPI PCI bus on pcib2
pcib3: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 12.0 on pci0
pci3: ACPI PCI bus on pcib3
pcib4: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 13.0 on pci0
pci4: ACPI PCI bus on pcib4
pcib5: ACPI PCI-PCI bridge at device 14.0 on pci0
pci5: ACPI PCI bus on pcib5
pci5: display, VGA at device 0.0 (no driver attached)
pci5: display at device 0.1 (no driver attached)
Wich kind of kernel options I need include to my config?
Or may be some modules need to load at boot time?
I'm already try to load the radeon.ko but also can't see any
positive result. (See the 'pci5' lines)
And more... What do you think about NIC on this m/board?
Wich options/modules/third party programms?
And the #kldstat command output for your attention:
Id Refs AddressSize Name
1   11 0x8010 7cf120   kernel
21 0x808d 5ef0 snd_ich.ko
32 0x808d6000 2cb00sound.ko
41 0x80903000 28218radeon.ko
54 0x8092c000 8970 agp.ko
61 0xa794d000 4add tdfx.ko
71 0xa7952000 1090cr128.ko
Kernel is GENERIC now.
Thanks in advance.

Get rid of r128.ko, you would use radeon.ko but the x700 has only 2d now 
support so you could drop radeon.ko also.  tdfx.ko if for voodoo cards, 
drop that too.  By the way the 9800s(IIRC) and newer show as 2 devices 
on one card.

Its sad, but no one no one reads warnings about video drivers on the 
front page of the release notes.  It could be more in depth, but if you 
do a little research and you will find nvidia is really the only brand 
you want to use for 3d on FreeBSD.  Last time I check the nforce agp 
controllers were not properly initilized, so they don't work.  I would 
like to know if nforce chipsets do 3d with the nvidia video drivers from 
the port if any one is listening.  This said the 6600 GT, which can be 
found for around the price of the x700 pro, will wipe the floor with the 
x700 pro.

The nic should work with the net/nvnet port.  If you run current the 
driver is now in the base system.
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Re: can't build firefox 1.0.4 on 4.10

2005-05-20 Thread Denny White
Hash: SHA1

here's some of my bookmarks from dru lavigne's
stuff at oreilly on working with ports. the one
on portupgrade really helped jumpstart my learning
Unix is like a wigwam. No gates,
no windows, and an apache inside.
On Thu, 19 May 2005, Kris Kennaway wrote:
On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 09:17:32AM +1000, Timothy Smith wrote:
Alex Zbyslaw wrote:
Kris Kennaway wrote:
On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 08:36:58AM +1000, Timothy Smith wrote:

yes sorry i jumped in without reading the man page for it's useage.
however some digging and a few other helpful emails and TA DA!!! it
i portupgraded freetype2, and then firefox built successfully.
i was under the impression that portupgrade looked after
dependencies like this on it's own however?

If you tell it to..again, please see the manpage :)

   --upward-recursive Act on all those packages required by the
  packages as well. (When specified with -F,
  recursively, including the brand new,
  ports that an upgraded port requires)
The man page is your friend.
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don't i need to be wary of -R ?? wholesale upgrading of library's might
break other apps that use them
It's *always* a good idea to update your ports with your brain turned
on :-)
portupgrade -a is often safer, because it won't update a port but
leave other dependencies of that port than the one you specified

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (FreeBSD)
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Trying to DTRT: backup UFS2 with POSIX.1e ACLs, how?

2005-05-20 Thread Ash
What is the recommended method to backup UFS2 file systems with ACLs 

I made the mistake of assuming (yes, yes, I'm well aware of the old 
adage) that dump(8) and restore(8) are compatible with POSIX.1e ACLs. I 
found during some testing that my assumption was either incorrect or I 
have not figured out how use dump/restore to properly play with ACLs.

I've searched around the Interweb as well as the usual local sources 
(and read the man pages (dump(8), restore(8), acl(3), etc...) along with 
/usr/src/sys/ufs/ufs/README.acls) for an answer to creating backups and 
restoring UFS2 file systems with POSIX.1e ACLs enabled. I did not gain 
any insight from the local documentation and my Internet searches have 
produced conflicting results.

In this ONLamp article (, the author 
states that FreeBSD's dump has been modified to understand UFS2 
(including ACLs). My experience has been to the contrary.

I've also found newsgroup/mailing list articles stating that dump(8) 
does not yet understand ACLs and to use the archivers/star port. I don't 
have a problem installing a port to facilitate my backups (ACLs show up 
in snapshots, so I should be able to get a consistent backup), however I 
would obviously prefer to use dump(8)/restore(8), if I have the option.

I'm running a relatively recently -STABLE (5.4-STABLE #0: Tue May 17 
18:09:01 CDT 2005).

I have been passing the following flags to dump(8)/restore(8) for testing:
dump -0a -f filename  mount point | device name 
restore -rf filename
Any insight would be appreciated.
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Re: Pine (Tony Shadwick) giving in to temptation(s)

2005-05-20 Thread David Armour

 I'm getting more and more tempted to start up a wiki for newbies on good
 package management practices and port management.  

get on with that, wouldya?  

 The handbook seems to deal well with these things once you know 

lots of ways to get yourself into lots of deep water, yes. and a large 
disparity between beginners and experts.

 Granted, an argument could be made that you should read the handbook cover
 to cover before you begin. ;)  Who actually DOES that though?

there are large portions of the handbook that demonstrate vividly just how 
profound my lack of understanding remains, despite repeated attempts. i'd 
definitely welcome an intermediate level documentation. and a convenient 
means to confirm a) accuracy and b) timeliness, both of which seem 
non-trivial to me, would also help.

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Re: mdconfig problem on make release of 5_4_0_RELEASE

2005-05-20 Thread William Richter
well, it's the kernel that's on disc1 of the 5.4 release iso's.  mdconfig 
works.  it just doesn't work when chroot'ed into the build directory.  i've 
just discovered that the /sbin/mdconfig that comes with the distribution works 
when copied into the release tree (i also had to copy in the release 
directory's /lib).  but then i was able to complete building the release.  i've 
been building my own releases since 5.2 and never had this issue.

On Fri, 20 May 2005 09:49:22 -0700
Kris Kennaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 06:49:44AM -0500, William Richter wrote:
  i'm attempting to make a release and the build of the mfs image is failing 
  (see below).
  it's mdconfig that's failing:
  + mdconfig -a -t vnode -f /R/stage/mfsroot/mfsroot
  mdconfig: ioctl(/dev/mdctl): Inappropriate ioctl for device
 Do you have md support in your kernel?

Any opinions as lame as the ones expressed above could only belong to me,
and are not those of Texas Life Insurance Company.

The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common.
Instead of altering their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts
to fit their views ... which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to
be one of the facts that needs altering.
-- Doctor Who, Face of Evil

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
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NEWBIE: pkg_add syntax clarification for opera 8.01?

2005-05-20 Thread David Armour

reading the manpages for pkg_add  pkg_create have left me no wiser.

i'm still confused as to how to use pkg_add to replace a wonky opera 8 with a 
patched opera 8.01. the handbook instructions i have advise:
226 Transfer complete.
92375 bytes received in 5.60 seconds (16.11 KB/s)
ftp exit
# pkg_add lsof-4.56.4.tgz

i'm unclear where the .tgz file should be prior to unleashing pkg_add 
currently, it's sitting on my main user's Desktop. but the handbook [3rd ed., 
132] cites the subdirectory -- cd /pub/FreeBSD/ports/packages/sysutils/ 
[admittedly for lsof, above] -- so i'm wondering if i should move 

to /usr/ports/distfiles?

thanks for any suggestions, short of suicide. :c)

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more than 4GB in opteron board running i386 version of 5.3/5.4

2005-05-20 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Just want to confirm that FreeBSD 5.3/5.4 can access and use more  
than 4GB of RAM in a Tyan Opteron MB (in this case an S2882) running  
the i386 version of FreeBSD.

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
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Re: dump/restore over ssh question

2005-05-20 Thread Elliot Finley
From: Andy Firman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Fri, May 06, 2005 at 04:28:40PM +0100, Xian wrote:
  To restore the filesystems:
  Boot from a rescue disk and create the partitions of on the disk. I've
  smashed anything badly enough to need to work out how to do this. At
  the partitions were still there.

 Well this is more complicated than it seems.  First of all, using the
 fixit mode from 4.11-RELEASE-i386-disc2.iso and trying to use
 disklabel -e does not work.  It gives this error:
 disklabel:  /mnt2/stand/vi: No such file or directory
 It turns out vi is located at /mnt2/usr/bin/vi and one has to set
 EDITOR=/mnt2/usr/bin/vi for disklabel to work.  Is that a bug?
 This also happens when I boot off disk1, enter fixit mode, and use
 the live filesystem with disk2.

 It is very easy to dump filesystems for backup, but it is not easy to
 restore filesystems.  (I am trying to do this all over ssh...not tape)
 It is probably just better, easier, faster, to backup all your
 data and config files (rsync -e ssh -avp ...) and in case of disk failure,
 replace the disk, install fresh OS, then restore data and config files.

 What do you think?

Why not just create a bootable disk *as* your backup.  That's what I do.  I
run it once a week and then also backup every night to a disk based backup
server.  If my system disk fails, I just need to but off of my backup disk
and then restore my nightly backups.

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Re: more than 4GB in opteron board running i386 version of 5.3/5.4

2005-05-20 Thread Kris Kennaway
On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 12:19:45PM -0600, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:
 Just want to confirm that FreeBSD 5.3/5.4 can access and use more  
 than 4GB of RAM in a Tyan Opteron MB (in this case an S2882) running  
 the i386 version of FreeBSD.

I don't know about the particular motherboard, but you need to enable
PAE in your kernel.  Not all drivers work with PAE, so you'll need to
do some research to check your hardware compatibility.


Description: PGP signature

Re: more than 4GB in opteron board running i386 version of 5.3/5.4

2005-05-20 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
On May 20, 2005, at 12:42 PM, Kris Kennaway wrote:
On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 12:19:45PM -0600, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net  
LLC wrote:

Just want to confirm that FreeBSD 5.3/5.4 can access and use more
than 4GB of RAM in a Tyan Opteron MB (in this case an S2882) running
the i386 version of FreeBSD.
I don't know about the particular motherboard, but you need to enable
PAE in your kernel.  Not all drivers work with PAE, so you'll need to
do some research to check your hardware compatibility.
ok, thanks
That will get me going.  I don't have the 4gb now but am thinking  
about the years upgrades

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
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Java 1.3.1 Port Build Problem linux-sun-jdk-

2005-05-20 Thread M. Goodell
warpstone# make install
===  Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
===  Extracting for linux-sun-jdk-
= Checksum OK for j2sdk-1_3_1_14-linux-i586.bin.
===   linux-sun-jdk- depends on file: /compat/linux/lib/ - 
not found
===Verifying install for /compat/linux/lib/ in 
===  Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
= glibc-common-2.3.2-4.80.8.amd64.rpm doesn't seem to exist in 
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 Not Found
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 Not Found
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 

Java 1.3.1 Port Build / File dependency Problem

2005-05-20 Thread M. Goodell
Please ignore the previous post - I clicked the send button prematurly
When I attempt to install the port linux-sun-jdk13 from the directory 
/usr/ports/java/linux-sun-jdk13 port I eventually get this message after the 
search for the dependency file glibc-common-2.3.2-4.80.8.amd64.rpm fails.
This is version 5.4-amd64 - I have pulled the latest source  ports via CVSup 
and built the kernel and userland to ensure I have the latest and greatest 
available system.
We really need this version of the JDK becuase of the weberver we are running. 
Any help and direction is appreciated.
Thank you!!!
M Goodell
warpstone# make install
===  Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
===  Extracting for linux-sun-jdk-
= Checksum OK for j2sdk-1_3_1_14-linux-i586.bin.
===   linux-sun-jdk- depends on file: /compat/linux/lib/ - 
not found
===Verifying install for /compat/linux/lib/ in 
===  Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
= glibc-common-2.3.2-4.80.8.amd64.rpm doesn't seem to exist in 
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 Not Found
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 Not Found
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from
grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or 
 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
= Attempting to fetch from 

Re: Pine (Tony Shadwick) giving in to temptation(s)

2005-05-20 Thread Vizion
On Friday 20 May 2005 11:09,  the author David Armour contributed to the 
dialogue on Re:  Pine (Tony Shadwick)  giving in to temptation(s):

  I'm getting more and more tempted to start up a wiki for newbies on good
  package management practices and port management.

 get on with that, wouldya?

  The handbook seems to deal well with these things once you know

 lots of ways to get yourself into lots of deep water, yes. and a large
 disparity between beginners and experts.
I believe the challenge faced by writers of additional manuals for unix 
systems is how to bridge the very wide gap between clean slate approach for 
newbies and the assumed minimum knowledge level standards which prevail in 
existing documentation. My suggestion would be to build upon what we already 
have and:
1. create a project which extends existing man pages by:
(a) Using an XML implementation of man pages to facilitate searches for 
meaning rather than just words.
(b)  Reviewing each man page and producing a clean slate version for 
(c) Create links in the man pages to provide a clean slate presentation 
concepts which are relevant to the contents of the page. Each such link (and 
sub links) would need to be organized so the reader could return to the start 
or any intermediate page s/he has travelled at any time . This could perhaps 
be achieved by a backward tracking module written in java.
(d) Write a clean slate introduction manual which puts the whole within 
conceptual framework and links to expanded man page system.
(e) provide a framework with a user notes sytem such as is already 
by some X-windows manual implementations.

2. If you want to use a clean slate approach its definition would pose a 
challenge. I would offer a draft  guideline in the following terms:
The objective is to enable any user to enter any page with zero knowledge and 
as a result of studying the page, and any links s/he has the opportunity of 
both (i) understanding the material and (ii) placing the material in context 
(ii) putting the knowledge gained into practice

3. The latter requirement means that any smart manual would be rich in 
application examples and illustrate (i) circumstances in which the commmand 
is applicable (ii) identify similar circumstances for which the command is 
not appropriate (iii) identify appropriate alternative commands for those 

  Granted, an argument could be made that you should read the handbook
 cover   to cover before you begin. ;)  Who actually DOES that though?

 there are large portions of the handbook that demonstrate vividly just how
 profound my lack of understanding remains, despite repeated attempts. i'd
 definitely welcome an intermediate level documentation. and a convenient
 means to confirm a) accuracy and b) timeliness, both of which seem
 non-trivial to me, would also help.

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40 yrs navigating and computing in blue waters.
English Owner  Captain of British Registered 60' bluewater Ketch S/V Taurus.
 Currently in San Diego, CA. Sailing May bound for Europe via Panama Canal.
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all users to mount cd's

2005-05-20 Thread Ryan Winograd
Is there an easy way to allow any user to mount cd's?
Well, yes. I have proper perms on cd devs and if a user creates
a directory he owns he can mount from command line w/ sudo.
There are, however, some requiremnents i am trying to meet.
I would like the mounting process to be much easier. I am using
KDE and would like to have the cd's mount automatically so that
the users don't have to know how to use the command line. How
can I accomplish this?
Thanks in advance for all advice,
Ryan w
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Re: Java 1.3.1 Port Build Problem linux-sun-jdk-

2005-05-20 Thread Vizion
On Friday 20 May 2005 12:22,  the author M. Goodell contributed to the 
dialogue on Java 1.3.1 Port Build Problem linux-sun-jdk-

 warpstone# make install
 ===  Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
 ===  Extracting for linux-sun-jdk-
 = Checksum OK for j2sdk-1_3_1_14-linux-i586.bin.
 ===   linux-sun-jdk- depends on file:
 /compat/linux/lib/ - not found  ===Verifying install for
 /compat/linux/lib/ in /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8  === 
 Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
 = glibc-common-2.3.2-4.80.8.amd64.rpm doesn't seem to exist in
 /usr/ports/distfiles/rpm/amd64/8.0.  = Attempting to fetch from
.0/en/os/amd64/.  grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No
 such file or directory  fetch:
.0/en/os/amd64/glibc-common-2.3.2-4.80.8.amd64.rpm: Not Found  = Attempting
 to fetch from 
 grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or
 directory  fetch:
c-common-2.3.2-4.80.8.amd64.rpm: Not Found  = Attempting to fetch from  grep:
 /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or directory
2.3.2-4.80.8.amd64.rpm: File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access) 
 = Attempting to fetch from  grep:
 /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or directory
2.3.2-4.80.8.amd64.rpm: File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access) 
 = Attempting to fetch from
  grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or
 directory  fetch:
ibc-common-2.3.2-4.80.8.amd64.rpm: File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no
 access)  = Attempting to fetch from  grep:
 /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or directory
.3.2-4.80.8.amd64.rpm: File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access) 
 = Attempting to fetch from
n/os/amd64/.  grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No
 such file or directory  fetch:
n/os/amd64/glibc-common-2.3.2-4.80.8.amd64.rpm: File unavailable (e.g., file
 not found, no access)  = Attempting to fetch from
/en/os/amd64/.  grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No
 such file or directory  fetch:
/en/os/amd64/glibc-common-2.3.2-4.80.8.amd64.rpm: File unavailable (e.g.,
 file not found, no access)  = Attempting to fetch from  grep:
 /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or directory
3.2-4.80.8.amd64.rpm: File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)  =
 Attempting to fetch from
64/.  grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file
 or directory  fetch:
64/glibc-common-2.3.2-4.80.8.amd64.rpm: File unavailable (e.g., file not
 found, no access)  = Attempting to fetch from  grep:
 /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or directory
2-4.80.8.amd64.rpm: File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)  =
 Attempting to fetch from
.  grep: /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-8/distinfo.amd64: No such file or
 directory  fetch:
glibc-common-2.3.2-4.80.8.amd64.rpm: File unavailable (e.g., file not found,
 no access)  = Attempting to fetch from

Keyboard key repetition

2005-05-20 Thread Alexandre Biancalana
Hi list,

  I installed the 5.4-Release an updated to 5-Stable on a friend's
notebook Toshiba A20.
  A problem the I never seen before is happening when he start the
X, all the keyboard keys have a lot of repetitions

  I Tried to change the following /etc/rc.conf parameters: 

pcvt_keydel=750   # key repeat delay, 0-3 (250,500,750,1000 msec) (or NO).
pcvt_keyrate=5# keyboard repetition rate 31-0 (2-30 char/sec) (or NO).


I tried too the following option in the xorg.conf
Option AutoRepeat 1000 10

And finally I tried to change the timing using KDE.

The repetition raise after this changes but still occurs...

some more ideas ?

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Re: all users to mount cd's

2005-05-20 Thread Nicolas Blais
On May 20, 2005 04:10 pm, Ryan Winograd wrote:
 Is there an easy way to allow any user to mount cd's?
 Well, yes. I have proper perms on cd devs and if a user creates
 a directory he owns he can mount from command line w/ sudo.

 There are, however, some requiremnents i am trying to meet.

 I would like the mounting process to be much easier. I am using
 KDE and would like to have the cd's mount automatically so that
 the users don't have to know how to use the command line. How
 can I accomplish this?

 Thanks in advance for all advice,
 Ryan w

Everything in that FAQ still works :

Basically, type sysctl  vfs.usermount=1 or add the line vfs.usermount=1 
to /etc/sysctl.conf so that it changes itself at boot.  
Make sure your cdrom has the correct permission in /etc/devfs.conf (example : 
perm acd0 777).
Make a user-readable folder in the users home directory (/home/myself/cdrom)
Make a fstab entry in /etc/fstab for that user (/dev/acd0 /home/myself/cdrom 
cd9660 ro,noauto 0 0)
Make an device icon on the KDE desktop with that user's fstab entry (found in 
the Device tab).

Anyone sees a mistake in this, please fix,

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maxproc limit exceeded with vpopmail

2005-05-20 Thread John S. Strock
We keep getting the following error on the console every 2 minutes:


May 20 13:30:45 mail /kernel: maxproc limit exceeded by uid , please
see tuning(7) and login.conf(5).


Uid  is vpopmail.  Any ideas?


Thanks in advance,



(Please respond to john (at) vqis (dot) net directly as this list sends to
many e-mail's to my blackberry  :-)  )

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RE: PAWS security vulnerability

2005-05-20 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

You STILL haven't taken this to the correct security mailing list, after
being told gently, then yelled at, then told firmly.  What do we have to
do to get you to do this?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Tim Traver
 Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 9:33 AM
 To: Ted Mittelstaedt
 Cc: bsd
 Subject: Re: PAWS security vulnerability


 you just can't stop being a dickhead, can you ???

 I admitted what I did wrong (unlike you), and yes, I posted
 this to the
 wrong list. Big deal. A lot of things get posted to this list
 that are a
 thousand times worse.

 Get off your high horse, and maybe use some manners instead of barking
 orders at everyone. I don't know which is worse. Trolls, or those that
 scream troll at the drop of a hat.


 Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

 In my first e-mail I said:
 If it works I would submit it to the FreeBSD security list
 OK., so I see how you might have misinterpreted that.  But
 the sentence if
 it works you would submit it to the
 FreeBSD security list isn't grammatically correct.
 In my second e-mail I said:
 I told you to post the patch and info to the appropriate
 FreeBSD security
 lists, and you aren't the least bit interested in doing what
 I told you
 On the index page of there is a link
 called FAQ
 On that page is a link called Security
 On that page is the text:
 ...This point and others are often discussed on the mailing lists,
 particularly the FreeBSD security mailing list
 with a link to the appropriate mailing list.
 I find it real hard to believe you use FreeBSD on hundreds of
 servers and
 are unaware of the appropriate
 forum to post security questions.  The general freebsd
 questions mailing
 list is not this place.  You should
 have known this before you even posted your first question.  Reading
 instructions for products that you use
 is not optional, it is mandatory, and FreeBSD's instructions
 are on the
 You posted your query in the wrong forum, you got a patch in
 response which
 is far more than you should have
 got, you were directed, hinting at first, forcibly at second,
 to go to the
 appropriate forum to post the patch, the results of the
 patch, and your
 security questions.  You still, as far as I know, have not done this.
 So, OK maybe your not a troll and I assumed wrong.  But I
 will point out
 that you said absolutely nothing
 in your first post about who you are, what you are doing, why
 you even give
 a shit about this issue.  If you
 had simply opened your first post with I was shown this
 vulnerability by
 our network security person
 and I have to respond to him in some fashion or something
 like that, it
 would have gone a long way towards
 establishing credibility as to why you cared about this.  If
 even better you
 had done a bit of research and
 said well the vulnerability shows that OpenBSD already
 patched for this,
 maybe FreeBSD should or if
 even better than that you had said I looked at the OpenBSD
 patch and it's
 really simple, could we use
 it on FreeBSD that would have done a lot to establishing
 that you were at
 least willing to offer help and
 Instead, reread your second post - you not once offered to do
 anything, not
 even apply the patch to see
 if it compiled, all you did is ask for yet more research to
 be done for you.
 Well we all are busy, you don't have a lock on that, buddy.
 Apply the patch.  If the FreeBSD system doesn't panic then
 the patch isn't
 grossly wrong.  If you do not
 have a test system then don't apply it.  Either way, just
 take the patch to
 the appropriate FreeBSD security forum
 and post it with some asshole on questions told me to apply
 this in results
 of insert all research on this
 is this the right way to fix it?
 As I said, IF you are a fucking troll then you WOULDN'T do
 the above.  That
 means that if you WOULD do the
 above then you AREN'T a fucking troll.  You still have a
 chance to redeem
 yourself. Do it!
 FreeBSD is for adults, not kids.  Kids want the adults to do all their
 homework for them.  Adults at least
 try to do the homework, then call for help when they are
 stuck.  Look at
 your first 2 posts again and
 put yourself in my shoes - do those posts make you look like
 an adult, or a
 whiny kid wanting someone
 to do his homework for him?
   -Original Message-
   From: Tim Traver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 11:24 PM
   To: Ted Mittelstaedt
   Cc: bsd
   Subject: Re: PAWS security vulnerability
   I don't know your experience lately with people on this or
 any other list,
 but that last personal attack was WAY out of line. I am not a
 Troll, nor
 have I ever been one. I use freeBSD extensively on hundreds
 of servers, but
 I am not a FreeBSD source contributor.
   Yes, I was shown this vulnerability by our network
 security person, read
 it over, and 

Re: NTP issues with 5.4 (SOLVED) (fwd)

2005-05-20 Thread Christian Hiris
On Friday 20 May 2005 01:01:01, Darrel wrote:

 I installed openntpd considering that it should run with reduced
 privileges.  The Workgroup did not sync up right away and I reinstalled

 Currently, I can sync Window XP and Windows 98.  My /var/log/messages:

 May 19 12:25:37 ntpd[379]: kernel time sync enabled 6001
 May 19 12:42:40 ntpd[379]: kernel time sync enabled 2001
 May 19 14:59:14 ntpd[379]: kernel time sync enabled 6001
 May 19 15:16:19 ntpd[379]: kernel time sync enabled 2001
 May 19 18:24:09 ntpd[379]: kernel time sync enabled 6001
 May 19 18:41:14 ntpd[379]: kernel time sync enabled 2001

 I am not sure, but this could be  normal phase-lock-loop of the

I think this is normal, the above status codes are in hex. Bit 0 of the 1st 
byte tells about clock source (0=A 1=B), bit 1 of 1st byte stands for mode 
status (0=PLL 1=FLL), bit 2 of 1st byte represents resolution status (0=us 
1=ns) and bit 7 of the 2nd byte indicates that PLL updates are enabled. 

status 0x2001 = source A, mode PLL, resolution ns, PLL updates enabled
status 0x6001 = source A, mode FLL, resolution ns, PLL updates enabled

The command 'ntpdc -c kerninfo | grep status' displays some of this status 
information in human-readable format.

You can find a document that describes the Adaptive Hybrid Clock Discipline 
Algorithm at


Christian Hiris [EMAIL PROTECTED] | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE 
OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and

Description: PGP signature

Re: all users to mount cd's

2005-05-20 Thread Lowell Gilbert
Ryan Winograd [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is there an easy way to allow any user to mount cd's?
 Well, yes. I have proper perms on cd devs and if a user creates
 a directory he owns he can mount from command line w/ sudo.
 There are, however, some requiremnents i am trying to meet.
 I would like the mounting process to be much easier. I am using
 KDE and would like to have the cd's mount automatically so that
 the users don't have to know how to use the command line. How
 can I accomplish this?
 Thanks in advance for all advice,

See the How do I let ordinary users mount floppies, CDROMs and other
removable media?, but an automounter may be what you want.  
Check out amd(8).
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downloading entire directories

2005-05-20 Thread Eugene Hercun
I was wondering if ftp is able to download entire directories. I've
read through the man page and didn't really find anything specific to
downloading a selected directory. There was a note however, saying to
use tar to tar a directory and then download that tar file. The
problem is I do not have remote access to this particular ftp server.
The only alternative that I could think of using is wget. Although I
would prefer to use ftp.
Thank you.
This is for a perl script to basically check an ftp server every day,
download what's new, and add the new items to a database to not
download the same items again the next day.

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Penis enhancement patch, doctor approved and recommended.

2005-05-20 Thread Harriet
Dude check out this sweet site!
Dude check out this sweet site!
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Re: downloading entire directories

2005-05-20 Thread Jonathan M. Slivko
Hmmm could you possibly try rsync? Also, I believe that ncftp has a
recursive (-R) option in it that would allow you to download all of the
files in a given directory structure. I'm not sure if thats what your
looking for.

-- Jonathan

On Fri, May 20, 2005 5:10 pm, Eugene Hercun said:
 I was wondering if ftp is able to download entire directories. I've
 read through the man page and didn't really find anything specific to
 downloading a selected directory. There was a note however, saying to
 use tar to tar a directory and then download that tar file. The
 problem is I do not have remote access to this particular ftp server.
 The only alternative that I could think of using is wget. Although I
 would prefer to use ftp.
 Thank you.
 This is for a perl script to basically check an ftp server every day,
 download what's new, and add the new items to a database to not
 download the same items again the next day.

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2005-05-20 Thread Goran Gajic

I have compiled my kernel with options SMP and with following
options in hope that I will be able to drop into debuuger
after fatal trap 12 (FreeBSD-5.4-STABLE). I have added following
lines to my config:
options KDB
options KDB_TRACE
options DDB
Although dmesg | grep SMP says
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 4 CPUs
SMP: AP CPU #3 Launched!
SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!
SMP: AP CPU #2 Launched!
top shows that processes are running only on CPU's 0 and 2.
systat also shows:
root idle: cpu0 XXX
nobodysquid XX
root idle: cpu2 XXX
root  swi1: net X
Is this normal, or am I missing something?
Goran Gajic
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Dual monitors - right one doesn't work right away

2005-05-20 Thread Paul Schmehl
I just installed 5.4 RELEASE, cvsup'd the ports and portupgraded everything 
to current.  I'm using one ATI Radeon X300 card and two monitors with 
Xinerama.  When I first login, only the left screen displays its half of 
the desktop.  (I'm using gdm and gnome, but xdm with twm does the exact 
same thing.)

After a while (30 minutes or more) the right monitor will begin displaying 
its half of the desktop.

I've been hunting through the logs and googling trying to figure out what 
the cause is, but so far I'm stumped.

This is a copy of the most recent display log (but they all look about the 

less /var/log/\:0.log
X Window System Version 6.8.2
Release Date: 9 February 2005
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.8.2
Build Operating System: FreeBSD 5.4 i386 [ELF]
Current Operating System: FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE FreeBSD 
5.4-RELEASE #0: Sun May  8 10:21:06 UTC 2005 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC i386
Build Date: 20 May 2005
   Before reporting problems, check http://wiki.X.Org
   to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
   (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
   (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: /var/log/Xorg.0.log, Time: Fri May 20 16:07:53 2005
(==) Using config file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
(WW) RADEON: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local/, removing 
from list!
AUDIT: Fri May 20 16:24:03 2005: 567 X: client 4 rejected from local host

And this is all the warnings in the Xorg.0.log:
grep WW /var/log/Xorg.0.log
   (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(WW) RADEON: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found
(WW) RADEON(0): Failed to detect secondary monitor, MergedFB/Clone mode 
(WW) RADEON(0): Direct rendering not yet supported on Radeon 9500 and newer 
(WW) RADEON(1): Direct rendering not yet supported on Radeon 9500 and newer 

(dri is not enabled in the xorg.conf file.)
If anyone has a clue or can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate 
it.  I've already posted my xorg.conf file to the list, so I won't do that 
again.  Look through the archives.

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Adjunct Information Security Officer
The University of Texas at Dallas
AVIEN Founding Member
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RE: maxproc limit exceeded with vpopmail

2005-05-20 Thread mmiranda
 We keep getting the following error on the console every 2 minutes:
 May 20 13:30:45 mail /kernel: maxproc limit exceeded by uid ,
 please see tuning(7) and login.conf(5).
 Uid  is vpopmail.  Any ideas?

Increase maxproc limit?
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Re: downloading entire directories

2005-05-20 Thread Tony Shadwick
There are two ways you could do this.  The first is like so:
create the actually directory locally
ftp to the remote system
cd to the directory
Then type the following:
mget *
Now, that doesn't recurse. :\
The other way would be to do 'portinstall wget', then 'man wget'.
On Fri, 20 May 2005, Eugene Hercun wrote:
I was wondering if ftp is able to download entire directories. I've
read through the man page and didn't really find anything specific to
downloading a selected directory. There was a note however, saying to
use tar to tar a directory and then download that tar file. The
problem is I do not have remote access to this particular ftp server.
The only alternative that I could think of using is wget. Although I
would prefer to use ftp.
Thank you.
This is for a perl script to basically check an ftp server every day,
download what's new, and add the new items to a database to not
download the same items again the next day.
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Re: all users to mount cd's

2005-05-20 Thread Ryan Winograd
Ryan Winograd wrote:
On May 20, 2005 04:10 pm, Ryan Winograd wrote:
Is there an easy way to allow any user to mount cd's?
Well, yes. I have proper perms on cd devs and if a user creates
a directory he owns he can mount from command line w/ sudo.
There are, however, some requiremnents i am trying to meet.
I would like the mounting process to be much easier. I am using
KDE and would like to have the cd's mount automatically so that
the users don't have to know how to use the command line. How
can I accomplish this?
Thanks in advance for all advice,
Ryan w

Everything in that FAQ still works : 

Basically, type sysctl  vfs.usermount=1 or add the line 
vfs.usermount=1 to /etc/sysctl.conf so that it changes itself at 
boot.  Make sure your cdrom has the correct permission in 
/etc/devfs.conf (example : perm acd0 777).
Make a user-readable folder in the users home directory 
Make a fstab entry in /etc/fstab for that user (/dev/acd0 
/home/myself/cdrom cd9660 ro,noauto 0 0)
Make an device icon on the KDE desktop with that user's fstab entry 
(found in the Device tab).

Anyone sees a mistake in this, please fix,

I was hoping to avoid adding to the fstab for every user on my network. 
Otherwise that would work. I got another suggestion recommending using 
amd (automounter), which i will look into a little more. Thx for advice 

Side note: Is it a mistake to be using FreeBSD as a desktop OS? Its main 
purpose is as a server, FreeBSD even admits its goal is not to be a 
desktop OS. So should i be looking for a Linux solution here? It might 
be worth looking into.

Anyways, i'll report back when i explore amd a little bit.
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Re: all users to mount cd's

2005-05-20 Thread Nicolas Blais
On May 20, 2005 06:02 pm, Ryan Winograd wrote:
 Side note: Is it a mistake to be using FreeBSD as a desktop OS? Its main
 purpose is as a server, FreeBSD even admits its goal is not to be a
 desktop OS. 

Funny, I just gave a presentation discussing FreeBSD as a desktop os.

I run FreeBSD as a desktop OS, my wife's cursed Compaq Presario R3240CA runs 
FreeBSD as a desktop OS and I convinced many friends (aka geeks) to try 
FreeBSD as a desktop OS and that was a success.  
I have 4 computers at home and only one is running XP, and that's for games. 
Maybe FreeBSD should only be used for servers instead of desktop, but I'll 
honestly tell you that it does a great job on my computers doing both. At the 
same time.  While making buildworld and ripping/encoding a dvd...

Plus I hate the BSOD.

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GUI mailer...

2005-05-20 Thread Gary Kline

I've just tried 'sylpheed' again.  --This time I do have pop3 and
IMAP.  After I set up the configuration, (pointing at, when I tried to get mail, I was asked to
input a password.  I typed in my password for kline on ns1 and
sylpheed quit immediately.  

evolution works with sendmail, so it worked far more easily.
There is nothing to set up.  The thing with evolution is that
when I see an http://URL and mouseclick on it, nothing happens.
I would expect that mozilla or firefox would popup at the URL,
but no such luck.  (I didn't see anyplace that associates 
evolution with a browser.)

Are there any GUI mailers that use sendmail and that open an
underlined URL with browser-whatever?  On my daughter's RH-8
system stuff works out-of-the-box.  Somehow.  But I'm getting
ready to replace the RH swith something called Ubuntuu.  

Sorry if these seem gto be lame questions, but I'm a cmdline
Luddite.  I just need to have a good GUI mailer handy.
tia, guys,


   Gary Kline [EMAIL PROTECTED] Public service Unix

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Re: all users to mount cd's

2005-05-20 Thread RW
On Friday 20 May 2005 23:02, Ryan Winograd wrote:
 Ryan Winograd wrote:
  On May 20, 2005 04:10 pm, Ryan Winograd wrote:
  Is there an easy way to allow any user to mount cd's?
  Well, yes. I have proper perms on cd devs and if a user creates
  a directory he owns he can mount from command line w/ sudo.
  There are, however, some requiremnents i am trying to meet.
  I would like the mounting process to be much easier. I am using
  KDE and would like to have the cd's mount automatically so that
  the users don't have to know how to use the command line. How
  can I accomplish this?
  Thanks in advance for all advice,
  Ryan w
  Everything in that FAQ still works :
  Basically, type sysctl  vfs.usermount=1 or add the line
  vfs.usermount=1 to /etc/sysctl.conf so that it changes itself at
  boot.  Make sure your cdrom has the correct permission in
  /etc/devfs.conf (example : perm acd0 777).
  Make a user-readable folder in the users home directory
  Make a fstab entry in /etc/fstab for that user (/dev/acd0
  /home/myself/cdrom cd9660 ro,noauto 0 0)
  Make an device icon on the KDE desktop with that user's fstab entry
  (found in the Device tab).
  Anyone sees a mistake in this, please fix,

 I was hoping to avoid adding to the fstab for every user on my network.

What I do is add a few lines like

chown $USER  /dvd

to /usr/local/share/config/kdm/Xstartup

so when a user logs in through kdm the ownership of the mountpoints are 
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gvinum, raid5 on 5.4

2005-05-20 Thread dave
Wondering on gvinum's stability status on 5.4 for raid5? So far i've
worked with vinum and raid1 creating mirrored disks, but i'd like now having
3 identical disks and a partition i could take off of an optional fourth
create a completely redundant raid5 array where i can take any of the drives
in question and set them to master and the box goes on. I was wondering any
experiences with this?

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any way to tell memory config of a machine?

2005-05-20 Thread Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
I was wondering if there was any way to tell the memory configuration  
of a server running FBSD 5 (while running).  By this I mean:  can I  
tell if 2GB is 2x1GB or 4x512MB etc?  Obviously I can shut it down  
and either look at the BIOS or physically look inside, but I would  
rather not do that.

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
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root filesystem occationally not found

2005-05-20 Thread dave
I've got a 5.2 box that on the very rare times i have to reboot it
occationally, not always but enough to be a concern, it can not find it's
root filesystem, and i'm dropped at a loader prompt. At the loader prompt i
issue reboot the box does so again and this time it boots completely. I am
at a loss to explain this and wonder if anyone has seen anything similar?

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newbie question

2005-05-20 Thread Glenn Panuelos
last year i downloaded the miniinst iso disc 3 from the official ftp
mirror, now i cant find it
does 5.4 miniinst disc will be available only in the official 5.4
release announcement? or it has been permanently removed
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Re: newbie question

2005-05-20 Thread Jerry McAllister
 last year i downloaded the miniinst iso disc 3 from the official ftp
 mirror, now i cant find it
 does 5.4 miniinst disc will be available only in the official 5.4
 release announcement? or it has been permanently removed

This has been well documented in the installation instruction.

The layout of the discs has been reorganized so now disk1 functions
the same as mini-inst or the former disk1 or the fixit disk.


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2005-05-20 Thread .VWV.


Once again, I have problems in order to use any kind of graphical
environment on FreeBSD, therefore I write from Wingsdowz.

I was trying to move to RADEON-based cards, but I have no idea how to
make them work with X servers. I have a mixed-up 4.7 and 4.11 system,
with the kernel of the new one, and the X server of the old one. I have
both the collection of ports available.
I'm testing the Radeon chipsets from 9250 to 9800, even if the firts
experiences are crappy also on Wingsdowz, as for the desktop stuff. If I
could find a couple of ABIT FX5800 OTES, I'll trash the ABIT RADEONS.

On FreeBSD I only run Windowmaker, GNUstep, GTK1 at the moment; the
system also runs emulators like Wine and Xmame: it is extremely fast. On
Wingsdowz I have two customized graphical engines for the desktop. Both
the systems look exactly like a NeXT.

I would like to receive some suggestions. Please, CC me. Thanks in


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Re: radeon

2005-05-20 Thread Kent Stewart
On Friday 20 May 2005 07:11 pm, .VWV. wrote:

 Once again, I have problems in order to use any kind of graphical
 environment on FreeBSD, therefore I write from Wingsdowz.

 I was trying to move to RADEON-based cards, but I have no idea how to
 make them work with X servers. I have a mixed-up 4.7 and 4.11 system,
 with the kernel of the new one, and the X server of the old one. I
 have both the collection of ports available.

When you are having problems, I find that you need to get consistant. 
Your comment about kernel is scary because on FreeBSD you don't have a 
different kernel and user land. You have 4.11 or 4-stable but not a 
combo of both. No one will have a similar system to see what you can do 
to fix a problem until you have a consistant system with what other 
people are also running.

If you are running a 4.11 system, you need to upgrade all of your ports 
to 4.11. There is on the order of a year between the release of 4.7 and 
4.11. Lots of things have changed. So, I would get all of the ports 
updated to 4.11. The port program sysutils/portupgrade will make this 
easier. You can set the option -P and it will use packages 
from /usr/ports/packages/All or you can mount the 4.11 CD and load the 
packages from the CD. Chapter 4 in the Handbook is on maintaining your 
ports. It goes in to much better detail than anyone will in a simple 

 I'm testing the Radeon chipsets from 9250 to 9800, even if the firts
 experiences are crappy also on Wingsdowz, as for the desktop stuff.
 If I could find a couple of ABIT FX5800 OTES, I'll trash the ABIT

The XFree86 Organization will have documentation on what cards it 
supports. You will have to track them down and see what cards are 
supported. The newer ones may only be fully supported on Xorg. That 
doesn't work very well on 4.x and you should consider updating to 
FreeBSD 5.4. There is an iso that you can download and burn on to CD-R 


 On FreeBSD I only run Windowmaker, GNUstep, GTK1 at the moment; the
 system also runs emulators like Wine and Xmame: it is extremely fast.
 On Wingsdowz I have two customized graphical engines for the desktop.
 Both the systems look exactly like a NeXT.

 I would like to receive some suggestions. Please, CC me. Thanks in


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Kent Stewart
Richland, WA
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Re: PAWS security vulnerability

2005-05-20 Thread Tim Traver


I did take it to the security list ( Since 
I did not actually know if this was an issue yet, I figure I would ask 
it to the appropriate list before sending it directly to the security 
officers. I'd rather not waste their time until I knew it was an issue.

I guess maybe you don't subscribe to that list. At the time, neither did 
I, because I can't subscribe to ALL of the lists...

The answer was that your patch was flawed, and that there was already a 
patch for it in CVS anyway.

I figured from your high chair, that you would have seen the post when 
it was made this morning, and the response back from one of the people 
on the list about it.

I didn't feel the need to update you about it since you've been so 
friendly to me. And since no one else joined in on the conversation, I 
figured I would let that info sit on the security list for people to find.


Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

You STILL haven't taken this to the correct security mailing list, after
being told gently, then yelled at, then told firmly.  What do we have to
do to get you to do this?



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Tim Traver
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 9:33 AM
To: Ted Mittelstaedt
Cc: bsd
Subject: Re: PAWS security vulnerability


you just can't stop being a dickhead, can you ???

I admitted what I did wrong (unlike you), and yes, I posted
this to the
wrong list. Big deal. A lot of things get posted to this list
that are a
thousand times worse.

Get off your high horse, and maybe use some manners instead of barking
orders at everyone. I don't know which is worse. Trolls, or those that
scream troll at the drop of a hat.


Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:



In my first e-mail I said:

If it works I would submit it to the FreeBSD security list

OK., so I see how you might have misinterpreted that.  But

the sentence if

it works you would submit it to the
FreeBSD security list isn't grammatically correct.

In my second e-mail I said:

I told you to post the patch and info to the appropriate

FreeBSD security

lists, and you aren't the least bit interested in doing what

I told you

On the index page of there is a link

called FAQ

On that page is a link called Security

On that page is the text:

...This point and others are often discussed on the mailing lists,
particularly the FreeBSD security mailing list

with a link to the appropriate mailing list.

I find it real hard to believe you use FreeBSD on hundreds of

servers and

are unaware of the appropriate
forum to post security questions.  The general freebsd

questions mailing

list is not this place.  You should
have known this before you even posted your first question.  Reading
instructions for products that you use
is not optional, it is mandatory, and FreeBSD's instructions

are on the


You posted your query in the wrong forum, you got a patch in

response which

is far more than you should have
got, you were directed, hinting at first, forcibly at second,

to go to the

appropriate forum to post the patch, the results of the

patch, and your

security questions.  You still, as far as I know, have not done this.

So, OK maybe your not a troll and I assumed wrong.  But I

will point out

that you said absolutely nothing
in your first post about who you are, what you are doing, why

you even give

a shit about this issue.  If you
had simply opened your first post with I was shown this

vulnerability by

our network security person
and I have to respond to him in some fashion or something

like that, it

would have gone a long way towards
establishing credibility as to why you cared about this.  If

even better you

had done a bit of research and
said well the vulnerability shows that OpenBSD already

patched for this,

maybe FreeBSD should or if
even better than that you had said I looked at the OpenBSD

patch and it's

really simple, could we use
it on FreeBSD that would have done a lot to establishing

that you were at

least willing to offer help and

Instead, reread your second post - you not once offered to do

anything, not

even apply the patch to see
if it compiled, all you did is ask for yet more research to

be done for you.

Well we all are busy, you don't have a lock on that, buddy.

Apply the patch.  If the FreeBSD system doesn't panic then

the patch isn't

grossly wrong.  If you do not
have a test system then don't apply it.  Either way, just

take the patch to

the appropriate FreeBSD security forum
and post it with some asshole on questions told me to apply

this in results

of insert all research on this
is this the 

Portupgrade breaks Apache13-modssl

2005-05-20 Thread Eric Sheesley
I am running Freebsd 5.3 and just did a portupgrade(upgraded php, amavis,
clamav, and cyrus-sasl.  When I rebooted apache refused to start.  I can get
apache started with no ssl but not with it.  I have apache13-modssl
installed.  It wasn't modified during the upgrade though.  So it would seem
taht teh ssl mod is crashing.  Any ideas?  Anyone else experience this?


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Re: Dual monitors - right one doesn't work right away

2005-05-20 Thread pete wright
On 5/20/05, Paul Schmehl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just installed 5.4 RELEASE, cvsup'd the ports and portupgraded everything
 to current.  I'm using one ATI Radeon X300 card and two monitors with
 Xinerama.  When I first login, only the left screen displays its half of
 the desktop.  (I'm using gdm and gnome, but xdm with twm does the exact
 same thing.)
 After a while (30 minutes or more) the right monitor will begin displaying
 its half of the desktop.
 I've been hunting through the logs and googling trying to figure out what
 the cause is, but so far I'm stumped.
 This is a copy of the most recent display log (but they all look about the

I'd post a copy of your xorg.conf file.  The info bellow states that
it can not detect the monitor, but with out the config we can't tell
if it's a problem with your setup or a hardware issue.


Pete Wright
NYC's *BSD User Group
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