Re: Firewall with bridged interfaces and captive portal

2008-12-10 Thread Christopher Cowart
Olivier Nicole wrote:
 I need to implement a firewall with bridged interfaces that offers
 captive portal (authentication before opening the traffic).
 We are using a combination of squid+ipfw. Although we are NATing the
 users, that really just introduces needless complexity that could be
 avoided with a bridging solution.
 Our web-app/captive portal/authentication program is written in-house;
 it's very tightly integrated with several existing pieces of
 infrastructure. I don't know if there are any solutions that will work
 I can get you more technical details if this is a direction you'd be
 interested in moving.
 Long time ago I have been toying with ipf (for the genral firewall)
 and NoCat+ipfw for the captive portal.
 But that did not work too well, so any technical information will be
 appreciated :)
 My long term vision is a quite integrated thing, where users that read
 their email and authenticate to POP3/IMAP would be granted the access
 without the need to authenticate to the web portal.


Sorry it's taken a while to get back to you on this.

You're going to want to get squid up and running as a transparent proxy.
You will probably want to write a redirect script [1]. Mine checks
against a small set of always-authorized URLs that squid is allowed to
proxy for; any other HTTP request will receive a redirect:

  printf 302:%s%s\n ${default_url} $suffix

The URL points to the webserver running on the aux-router (as we call
it). The www user has passwordless sudo rules that allow the web code to
call scripts for adding and removing a client to and from ipfw tables [2].

You're also going to need to get ipfw to play with bridging. For this,
you'll need to `sysctl -w` [3].

The portion of your ruleset is going to look something like this:
$cmd allow all from $TABLE_AUTH to any bridged
$cmd allow all from any to $TABLE_AUTH bridged
$cmd fwd,3128 tcp from $MY_SUBNET to any http bridged
$cmd deny all from any to any bridged

NB: you may need IPFIREWALL_FORWARD enabled to get full use of the fwd

You'll also probably need to poke holes for or deal with DNS, any remote
webserver your authentication process may require access to, etc.

Also note, I haven't actually done this with bridging, so your mileage
my vary. I found 2 tools to be invaluable when working on this project:

1) tcpdump (use -i for interface, and watch the traffic in order to
   profile exactly what you need to allow, fwd, etc.).
2) ipfw logging. I found that on any deny rule, especially when
   troubleshooting, I'd do something like:

   $cmd deny log logamount 0 all from any to any bridged

   Or, just as useful, but you can stick anywhere in the middle without
   affecting packet flow:

   $cmd count log logamount 0 all from any to any bridged
   NB: AFAIK, requires kernel option IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE

I might be able to give you some more pointers if you get stumped, but I
hope this helps you get well on your way.

[2] ipfw(8) /LOOKUP TABLES
[3] ipfw(8) /PACKET FLOW

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: bashrc configuration question: syntax error: unexpected end of file

2008-12-09 Thread Christopher Cowart
Noah wrote:
 I am unable to figure out why I am getting the following error: -bash: 
 /Users/user/.bashrc: line 10: syntax error: unexpected end of file
 localhost:~ user$ cat .bashrc
 #nc_fix() { sudo kill -9 $(ps auxwww | grep [nN]cproxyd | awk '{print 
 $2}') }
 nc_fix() { sudo kill -9 $(ps auxwww | grep [nN]cproxyd | awk '{print 
 $2}') }

The } is a statement, and must be preceded with a newline or a ;.


nc_fix() { sudo kill -9 $(ps auxwww | grep [nN]cproxyd | awk '{print 
$2}'); }


nc_fix() { 
sudo kill -9 $(ps auxwww | grep [nN]cproxyd | awk '{print $2}')

Everything that follows right now is part of the definition of nc_fix().
When you get to the end of the file, it says Hey! I'm still defining a

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Firewall with bridged interfaces and captive portal

2008-12-03 Thread Christopher Cowart
Olivier Nicole wrote:
 I need to implement a firewall with bridged interfaces that offers
 captive portal (authentication before opening the traffic).
 Is there any solution that exists?
 I looked at pfSense, but captive portal does not work on bridged
 interfaces; it's one or the other.
 Any other suggestion?


We are using a combination of squid+ipfw. Although we are NATing the
users, that really just introduces needless complexity that could be
avoided with a bridging solution.

Our web-app/captive portal/authentication program is written in-house;
it's very tightly integrated with several existing pieces of
infrastructure. I don't know if there are any solutions that will work

I can get you more technical details if this is a direction you'd be
interested in moving.

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: files before ldap in nsswitch.conf

2008-11-24 Thread Christopher Cowart
Gerhard Schmidt wrote:
 I'm setting up a new FreeBSD Server for out local Computer club. Most of
 the users are stored in LDAP and I've installed nss_ldap and pam_ldap
 and set up both. Everything works so far with nsswitch.conf
 entry passwd: ldap files.
 When I try passwd: files ldap the login doesn't work anymore because the
 LDAP_Server is never asked.

The act of logging in is managed by /etc/pam.d/*, not
/etc/nsswitch.conf. If `ls -l` works, you've got NSS configured

 I tried this to optimize the LDAP requests as the service users are in
 the local files. This would speed up the boot process and takes some
 load off the LDAP-Server.
 Is there a way to configure FreeBSD to look first in the local files and
  if a user isn't found in the LDAP-Server.

This is my /etc/nsswitch.conf:

| group: files ldap
| hosts: files dns
| networks: files
| passwd: files ldap
| shells: files

And /etc/pam.d/system:

auth sufficient no_warn
auth required   /usr/local/lib/  no_warn use_first_pass

My guess is you used required for both modules, which would require
authentication to succeed against both user databases.

 And another question. Is there a way to use two different LDAP-Servers
 e.g. by calling nss_ldap with different config files.

What's your goal? We have two different LDAP providers with different
subtrees that get glued together by a DNS round-robin of LDAP consumers.
This round-robin provides a single, unified view of our directory to all
our LDAP clients.

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Increasing the datasize limit

2008-11-04 Thread Christopher Cowart

I have a large data-crunching job once a week that needs some more heap
space. How do I go about increasing the datasize limit for a process?

Here's what I've tried:

| $ sudo su -
| crunch# limits
| Resource limits (current):
|   cputime  infinity secs
|   filesize infinity kB
|   datasize   524288 kB
|   stacksize   65536 kB
|   coredumpsize infinity kB
|   memoryuseinfinity kB
|   memorylocked infinity kB
|   maxprocesses 5547
|   openfiles   11095
|   sbsize   infinity bytes
|   vmemoryuse   infinity kB
| crunch# limit datasize 1048576
| crunch# limits
| Resource limits (current):
|   cputime  infinity secs
|   filesize infinity kB
|   datasize   524288 kB
|   stacksize   65536 kB
|   coredumpsize infinity kB
|   memoryuseinfinity kB
|   memorylocked infinity kB
|   maxprocesses 5547
|   openfiles   11095
|   sbsize   infinity bytes
|   vmemoryuse   infinity kB
| crunch# grep -C 8 '^[^#].*datasize' /etc/login.conf
| default:\
| :passwd_format=md5:\
| :copyright=/etc/COPYRIGHT:\
| :welcome=/etc/motd:\
| :path=/sbin /bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/games /usr/local/sbin 
/usr/local/bin /usr/X11R6/bin ~/bin:\
| :nologin=/var/run/nologin:\
| :cputime=unlimited:\
| :datasize=unlimited:\
| :stacksize=unlimited:\
| :memorylocked=unlimited:\
| :memoryuse=unlimited:\
| :filesize=unlimited:\
| :coredumpsize=unlimited:\
| :openfiles=unlimited:\
| :maxproc=unlimited:\
| :sbsize=unlimited:\

According to setrlimit(2), Only the super-user may raise the maximum
limits, but apparently, I can't even increase the limit as the

What am I missing?

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Oddities with VLAN/CARP Interfaces on Primary/Failover Setup

2008-10-17 Thread Christopher Cowart
Mike Sweetser - Adhost wrote:
 We currently have a primary/failover setup for two FreeBSD 6.3 servers
 running PF, and we're running into odd issues when setting up multiple
 subnets on a single VLAN and CARP interface.  We have issues with them
 coming up properly, and even worse, having both servers believe they are

If both instances think they're MASTER, make sure you're allowing the
multicast traffic for syncing state (in ipfw):

| allow carp from $partner to in via $iface

Carp is protocol 112 from /etc/protocols.

 Here's a snippet of one of the VLANs and CARP interfaces in question:
 ifconfig_vlan10=inet netmask vlan 10 vlandev
 ifconfig_vlan10_alias0=inet netmask
 ifconfig_carp10=inet netmask vhid 10 advskew
 0 pass testpass  
 ifconfig_carp10_alias0=inet netmask
 The main difference between this and our other VLAN/CARP interfaces is
 that because it's separate subnets, the aliases here are set up with /16
 netmasks, while the regular aliases on the others are set up with /32s.
 Is this correct, or should these also be set as /32s?

It's correct. If you did a /32 on the alias, your system would have no
way of knowing how large the second subnet is. The /32 netmask is for
adding an alias on the same subnet.

I'm not sure carp can work correctly with aliases. Have you tried
creating a separate vhid instance per subnet?

For example:

| ifconfig_vlan10=inet netmask vlan 10 vlandev em2
| ifconfig_vlan10_alias0=inet netmask
| ifconfig_carp10=inet netmask vhid 10 advskew
| 0 pass testpass
| ifconfig_carp11=inet netmask vhid 11 advskew
| 0 pass testpass

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Run script as root from WebServer

2008-09-22 Thread Christopher Cowart
Matias Surdi wrote:
 I'm using mod_python3 and apache22 to create some scripts and access them 
 through a web interface.
 The problem is that some of these scripts deal with configuration files and 
 some other tasks that require root privileges.
 In the past, I've solved this issue by using sudo and allowing just the 
 commands I want to allow in the sudoers file to the apache user.But I'm 
 wondering if this is the better way to do what I want to do.
 What would you do in such a situation?

I think sudo is pretty much _the_ way to accomplish this. Not that it
would be your only option per se, but I think it's definitely your best

We maintain a number of scripts that serve very restricted purposes for
the use of our web user with sudo.


This allows the www user to run the wireless connection setup/teardown
scripts as root without typing a password on wireless routers. We use
this to allow a transparent proxy web-app to move the user to the
authenticated firewall context. Our sudoers file (shared across
roughly 100 machines) is littered with other examples ranging from
allowing users to sa-learn in mailman to nagios monitoring and remote
sync jobs for DNS/DHCP.

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: bash shell colors

2008-09-18 Thread Christopher Cowart
Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:
 I am looking to configure FreeBSD's Bash
 can anyone post a config file that would make FreeBSD's Bash shell
 color code like the default gentoo bash shell
 or if you have a config that you like and feel like posting it I will
 take a look at it.

This is also heavily inspired by gentoo, but has some hooks that will
help you with customizing the colors. For the full guide of what all the
\-escaped sequences mean, see the PROMPTING section of the bash man

| # Some variables that make it easy to do things in color
| BLUE=\[\033[0;34m\]
| BBLUE=\[\033[1;34m\]
| RED=\[\033[0;31m\]
| LIGHT_RED=\[\033[1;31m\]
| WHITE=\[\033[1;37m\]
| NOCOLOR=\[\033[0m\]
| BLACK=\[\033[30;47m\]
| RED2=\[\033[31;47m\]
| GREEN=\[\033[0;32m\]
| BGREEN=\[\033[1;32m\]
| BYELLOW=\[\033[1;33m\]
| BLUE2=\[\033[34;47m\]
| MAGENTA=\[\033[35;47m\]
| CYAN=\[\033[36;47m\]
| BCYAN=\[\033[1;36m\]
| WHITE2=\[\033[37;47m\]
| TEAL=\[\033[0;36m\]
| # This sets PS1 so that xterm names and screen window listings are
| # automatically populated with the contents of your prompt. You may
| # find it useful if you use xterm or rxvt or screen, but will probably
| # want to omit it otherwise.
| case $TERM in
|   xterm*|rxvt*)
| TITLEBAR=\[\033]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED] : \w\007\]
| ;;
|   screen*)
: \w\007\]
| ;;
|   *)
| ;;
| esac
| export PS1 SUDO_PS1

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Wireshark

2008-09-11 Thread Christopher Cowart
Grant Peel wrote:
 Hi all,
 I recently became aware of a utility called Wireshark (apparently formerly 
 'EtherReal), and was showing a running copy on Windoze.
 It apprears that it would be awsome for diagnosing network issues (such as 
 DoS attacks, Email bombs etc.
 My question is:
 Does the version in /usr/ports/net/wireshark require X11 to run, or can it 
 be run from the command line with straight text output?
 (I dont have/want X on the servers).

It looks like the port respects the WITHOUT_X11 knob. I believe you get
the command tshark if you don't have the GUI, which can do similar
packet analysis and display in text form. I believe tshark can be used
almost exactly like tcpdump for watching live traffic, but it can also
read in tcpdump trace files.

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Wireshark

2008-09-11 Thread Christopher Cowart
Grant Peel wrote:
 Just attempting to install the port. Something I noticed when the install 
 crapped out was that it wanted me to use the Force Package Register for 
 the OpenSSL_Overwrite_Base port.
 That port was already installed, what would be the correct method to deal 
 with this?

I usually only see this error with ports we've written in-house. Usually
it happens because the dependency check on a specific file is bad. The
check fails, which causes the port to believe it needs to install the
dependency, but the package registry gets upset because the package is
already installed and it doesn't think it needs to be reinstalled. 

If these are real ports, you might want to report the brokenness. You'll
probably find that you can FORCE_PKG_REGISTER=1 and leave it at that
(though I typically treat it as a last resort and instead opt for fixing
the port).

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Configure 2 gateways on a freebsd box for 2 interfaces

2008-09-10 Thread Christopher Cowart
The Noob wrote:
 I have a small question.
 I have two interface in two vlans.
 The first interface
 The second interface:
 The gateway for the first interface must be and the second
 interface must be
 How can I configure them? In rc.conf we have just defaultrouter but we can't
 specify the interface.

I'm guessing you want the gateway to be chosen based on the source
address, correct? The kernel does not support routing based on the
source address.

I use ipfw and fwd rules to achieve this:

ipfw add fwd ip from to not

Then you can leave the default_gateway as

You might need IPFIREWALL_FORWARD in your kernel config. See ipfw(8).

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature


2008-09-03 Thread Christopher Cowart
Marcel Grandemange wrote:
 Ok so I know this is a newbie question..
 But ive for years now wanted to know how to only nat certain traffic or maby
 only across a certain ip.
 Ive tried many examples all not working.. Maby im just doing something
 But, below is a example of a machine that is natting everything on em0.
 Id like to know how to change that to everything on say
 instead of entire interface.
 Or better yet..
 Stop natting everything and say only nat web traffic.
 Im having issues where certain traffic is being nated that MUSTN be!

If you're running 7.0, you can ditch divert and use the built-in NAT
functionality (you can probably replace the nat rules for divert rules).

You can use source and destination ports and addresses when deciding
what to have ipfw divert/nat. They're rules just like any others. 

Here's what I do:


| CMD=/sbin/ipfw -q add
| # Configure NAT
| /sbin/ipfw -q nat 1 config if inet log reset unreg_only same_ports \
| redirect_port tcp 80 \
| redirect_port tcp 443
| # loopback
| $CMD allow all from any to any via lo0
| $CMD deny log all from to any
| # Anti-spoof
| $CMD deny log all from any to any not verrevpath in
| # Catch proto 41 without NATing
| $CMD allow ipv6 from any to me
| # Allow this box to initiate unNATed outbound connections
| $CMD allow ip from me to any keep-state
| # NAT
| $CMD nat 1 ip4 from any to me in via inet
| $CMD nat 1 ip4 from to not me out via inet
| # ICMP
| $CMD allow icmp from any to any
| # SSH From local nets
| $CMD allow tcp from to me ssh
| # DNS from local nets
| $CMD allow udp from to me domain
| # DHCP from local nets
| $CMD allow udp from any to me bootps in via bridge0
| $CMD allow udp from to bootps in via bridge0
| # Deny anything else destined to me
| $CMD deny log ip from any to me
| # But forward any other traffic
| $CMD allow ip4 from any to any

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: IPFW: Is keep/check-state inherent?

2008-08-29 Thread Christopher Cowart
Steve Bertrand wrote:
 I can't recall for certain, but not so long ago, I either read or heard 
 about IPFW having implicit keep-state and check-state.
 Is it true that I can now omit these keywords in my rulesets?

keep-state is not implicit. check-state is not generally necessary,
because dynamic rules are applied at the very first occurrence of a
stateful rule.

I prefer to use keep-state for outbound traffic (something like allow
all from me to any keep-state). For things with inbound connections, I
prefer to not use state (allow tcp from any to me http; allow tcp from
me http to any) in order to prevent remote hosts from using up all the
dynamic rules.

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Cloning a gmirrored hard drive

2008-08-25 Thread Christopher Cowart
Sasa Stupar wrote:
 My situation: I have a server with FBSD 7 installed with two 40 GB disks
 in RAID 1 (gmirror) config.
 Now I have noticed the lack of space on the drive so I am thinking to
 change these disks for two 160 GB.
 What is the best way to clone the main hard disk in raid 1 config? Is
 this possible or is it better to switch back from RAID 1 to single disk
 system and then do cloning with dump/restore (or dd) and then make RAID
 1 again?

I use a variation of this guide[1] when I'm setting up gmirror.

The last time I increased the size of the array, I removed one drive
from the array (gmirror remove). I rebooted with the bigger drive. I
created /dev/mirror/gm1 with the new drive. I followed the dump/restore
steps from the guide, switching up the logic a little bit. I then booted
the system from the new, larger mirror (gm1) with the other large disk
inserted, and did a `gmirror insert'.

In the process of building the new mirror on gm1, I made bigger labels
in the labeling step for the ones that were filling up.


Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Lots of accounting data

2008-08-13 Thread Christopher Cowart

I'm playing a game of cat and mouse with process accounting and disk
space. I built some boxes with 9GB /var partitions, rolled them into
production, and after about 4 days of full load, /var filled up.

Looking at the size of /var/account/acct{,.0}, and figuring I'd be
seeing a 200% load increase in about a month, I created a new label from
the large chunk of free space I saved for situations like this. 40GB
mounted to /var/account: usage was down to 20%, and I thought the crisis
was averted.

About a week and a half later, I get a disk full e-mail from nagios and
 +pid 94696 (gzip), uid 0 inumber 6 on /var/account: filesystem full
in my dailies again. My /var/account/acct file was 17GB in size. Add one
rotation before compression and I completely lose that feeling of
cleverness I had when I gave accounting a dedicated 40GB partition.

If you're wondering how I can possibly have this much accounting data,
two `vmstat -f' invocations 100 seconds apart show 32282 forks (an
average of 323 per second). These boxes are running squid with a
redirect script to implement a captive portal. There are generally
several hundred unauthenticated users; all of their http traffic, from
firefox to the little weather widgets and spyware phoning home, gets
proxied through squid and subsquently a redirect script that, among
other things, does some text munging on the URL, and queries various
ipfw tables to determine what context the user is in. Some of this
could be optimized to launch fewer processes, but the code would be less

I only really see two options, neither of which I particularly like:
  * Throw more disk at the problem (but given what I've seen, I don't
like the odds that within a month or two, I'll realize I didn't give
it enough).
  * Turn off accounting on these boxes.

Are these really my only options? Is there any kind of tuning I can be

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Lots of accounting data

2008-08-13 Thread Christopher Cowart
Bill Moran wrote:
 In response to Christopher Cowart [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I only really see two options, neither of which I particularly like:
   * Throw more disk at the problem (but given what I've seen, I don't
 like the odds that within a month or two, I'll realize I didn't give
 it enough).
   * Turn off accounting on these boxes.
 * Rotate and compress more frequently; and store less history?

The compressed history amounts to nothing in comparison (1.5GB per file
as opposed to 17GB). I suppose I could configure our hourly logrotate to
replace the functionality of /etc/periodic/daily/310.accounting. Sounds
like a viable solution to me.


Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Lots of accounting data

2008-08-13 Thread Christopher Cowart
Dan Nelson wrote:
 I only really see two options, neither of which I particularly like:
   * Throw more disk at the problem (but given what I've seen, I don't
 like the odds that within a month or two, I'll realize I didn't give
 it enough).
   * Turn off accounting on these boxes.
  * edit /etc/periodic/daily/310.accounting to keep less historical
copies of acct.
  * edit /sys/kern/kern_acct.c to not write accounting records for the
squid userid.
  * Mount a ZFS filessytem on /var/account/ with compression enabled. 
Even lzjb compression will get you 3:1 compression on the acct
files; gzip-1 should get you even more.

Thank you for the extra suggestions. 

I've uncovered the root cause of the problem. It's documented in
bin/120293: [patch] sa(8) fails to summarize/truncate accounting data.

It appears that the daily execution of `sa -s -q' is *not* actually
sumarizing the data, and thus not truncating the file. As such,
/var/account/acct is growing without bound -- not being restored to a
size of 0 after the periodic run. This is a bug in sa(8).

Will this patch be MFCd to 7.0 as an errata? Should somebody submit a
request to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Transparent Bridge with VLAN Tagging - How?

2008-08-13 Thread Christopher Cowart
Mike Sweetser - Adhost wrote:
 I'm attempting to set up a transparent bridge in FreeBSD 7.0 to
 eventually act as a PF/Snort box, and it needs to be VLAN aware.
 However, I don't seem to be on the right track as far as setting it up.
 I have, for instance, VLAN 10 that it needs to be aware of, and this
 network segment is on VLAN 10 from a switch higher up.  I have the
 current setup, but once it's running, I can't ping anything.  bge0 is
 the outside interface, bge1 is inside:
 cloned_interfaces=bridge0 vlan0 vlan1
 ifconfig_vlan0=vlan 10 vlandev bge0
 ifconfig_vlan1=vlan 10 vlandev bge1
 ifconfig_bridge0=inet netmask addm bge0 addm
 bge1 addm vlan0 addm vlan1 up
 What am I doing wrong?

I'm pretty sure you *don't* want to bridge the interfaces with their
parents (vlan0 shouldn't be bridged with bge0 -- if it even works, it
would cause tagged packets to be untagged and retransmitted out the
incoming interface (what cisco calls the native vlan) and vice versa).

I've only bridged vlan interfaces -- not their parents. E.g.:
cloned_interfaces=bridge0 vlan190 vlan590
ifconfig_vlan190=vlan 190 vlandev bge1
ifconfig_vlan590=vlan 590 vlandev bge1
ifconfig_bridge0=addm vlan190 addm vlan590

If you want to bridge the parents, I think it would look like this
cloned_interfaces=bridge0 vlan10
ifconfig_bridge0=addm bge0 addm bge1
ifconfig_vlan10=vlan 10 vlandev bridge0

I don't know how well if_bridge(4) copes with vlan tags -- I know it
breaks if you bridge a vlan(4) with a gif(4). I also don't know if a
vlan interface will happily accept a bridge parent.

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: carp interface and running manual scripts

2008-08-08 Thread Christopher Cowart
Omer Faruk SEN wrote:
 Is it possible to run a script after carp interface becomes MASTER? Ie
 external script that runs the required services..

You should look at the ucarp implementation provided in ports
(net/ucarp). I believe it does its magic in userland and supports the
execution of arbitrary scripts.

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: time drift

2008-05-15 Thread Christopher Cowart
David Kelly wrote:
 Its PC commodity-grade. Not all that unusual even for stuff sold
 claiming to be a server. This is in no small part why ntpd exists.
 nptd calculates a correction coefficient and (under FreeBSD) stores it
 in /var/db/ntpd.drift for use on next start so as to more quickly
 establish a lock.
 So in short ntpd calibrates your clock in order to minimize the
 corrections required. Is The Right Thing To Do.

We run a large number of FreeBSD servers under vmware. We've seen ntpd
silently die, because the drift becomes insane. What do others do in
this situation? (We've resorted to croning ntpdate for VMs.)

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to delete One line on tcsh history....??

2008-05-15 Thread Christopher Cowart
Agus wrote:
 I've been trying to delete one line from my user tcsh history cause i made a
 su and it seems didnt hit enter very well so i typed the password on the
 console...Now anyone that can look my history will see my pass...
 I tried to edit and delete a few lines but it all comes againtried
 history clear but when i login again it apperas all again..hehe...
 Its so secure and cool tcsh taht i have no idea how to do it...been a bash

I use this strategy with bash, so YMMV:

$ vim .bash_history
(kill line)
$ kill -9 $$

$$ should expand to the pid of the running shell; if it doesn't in tcsh,
sub it out yourself. 

The kill -9 prevents the shell from doing it's normal exit stuff (like
writing out the history) and just kills the process. You'll need to kill
-9 any shell that you launched while the bad line was in the history

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

lang/php5 fails in apxs

2008-05-05 Thread Christopher Cowart

I stumbled across this behavior roughly a year ago. The php5 port has
the following lines in the pkg-plist:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] %D/sbin/apxs -e -a -n %%AP_NAME%% %f
[EMAIL PROTECTED] %D/sbin/apxs -e -A -n %%AP_NAME%% %f

This command reads /usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf, looks for
LoadModule lines, appends a LoadModule for php5, and exits. I don't have
any LoadModule lines in my httpd.conf; they've all been separated out
into include files.

The result is the port fails to install:

| apxs:Error: Activation failed for custom
| /usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf file..
| apxs:Error: At least one `LoadModule' directive already has to exist..
| pkg_add: command '/usr/local/sbin/apxs -e -a -n php5' failed
| ---  Removing old package'
| ** Fix the installation problem and try again.

Needless to say, this is annoying. I have to remember to add a
LoadModule foo line to the httpd.conf whenever I upgrade php5,
and remove both it and the PHP LoadModule directive when I'm done.

Why does the port think it's kosher to touch live configuration files? A
lot of people keep their configurations under revision control (and most
probably should). On the next commit on my system, this change is gone
anyways. Does anyone have any decent work arounds? Better yet, is there
any interest in fixing the php5 port so that it doesn't touch
configuration files? At the very least, I'd love a knob to disable the

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: gmirror disk fail questions...

2008-04-18 Thread Christopher Cowart
Gary Newcombe wrote:
 # gmirror status
 [mesh:/var/log]# gmirror status
   NameStatus  Components
 mirror/gm0  DEGRADED  ad4
 looking in /dev/ however, we have
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  83 17 Apr 13:58 ad4
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  91 17 Apr 13:58 ad4s1
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  84 17 Apr 13:58 ad6
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  92 17 Apr 13:58 ad6a
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  99 17 Apr 13:58 ad6as1
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  93 17 Apr 13:58 ad6b
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  94 17 Apr 13:58 ad6c
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0, 100 17 Apr 13:58 ad6cs1
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  95 17 Apr 13:58 ad6d
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  96 17 Apr 13:58 ad6e
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  97 17 Apr 13:58 ad6f
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0,  98 17 Apr 13:58 ad6s1
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0, 101 17 Apr 13:58 ad6s1a
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0, 102 17 Apr 13:58 ad6s1b
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0, 103 17 Apr 13:58 ad6s1c
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0, 104 17 Apr 13:58 ad6s1d
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0, 105 17 Apr 13:58 ad6s1e
 crw-r-  1 root  operator0, 106 17 Apr 13:58 ad6s1f
 I am guessing that a failing disk is responsible for the data
 corruption, but I have no errors in /var/log/messages or console.log.
 On every boot, the mirror is marked clean ad there's no warnings about
 a disk failing anywhere? Where should I be looking for or what should I
 be doing to get any warnings?
 Also, how-come if ad4 is the working disk, ad4's slices seem to be
 labelled as ad6. What's going on here? To me, ad6 appears to have
 correct labelling for the mirror from ad6s1a-f

I believe the kernel hides individual labels for a gmirror volume. The
labels on ad4 should be visible in /dev/mirror/. Because gmirror really
just mirrors the data block by block (with a little bit of meta data at
the very end of the drive), once the drive is no longer a member of an
array, the kernel treats it as an individual drive and allows visibility
of all the labels.

 How can I test for sure whether the disk is damaged or dying, or
 whether this is just a temporary glitch in the mirror? This is the
 first time I've had a gmirror raid give me problems.

The first time a drive gets kicked out, I typically try to re-insert it.
We have monitoring, so we receive notifications if it fails again. After
that, I get the vendor to replace it. 

 Assuming ad6 has been deactivated/disconnected, I was thinking of
 gmirror activate gm0 ad6
 gmirror rebuild gm0 ad6
 Is this safe?

You have to kick ad6 out and re-insert it:
# gmirror forget
# gmirror insert gm0 /dev/ad6

After doing that, I would watch closely for a while in case your drive
is actually failing. I've written a small nagios check for gmirror; let
me know if you'd like me to send it (it could easily be adapted to a
cron job). You can also get `gmirror status' output in your dailies by
adding daily_status_gmirror_enable=YES to /etc/periodic.conf.

But, given it's timing out on boot, I would personally bag the drive and
replace it. You'll still need to run the same 2 commands above.

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: file/directory names with space in between

2008-04-14 Thread Christopher Cowart
Simon Gao wrote:
 I need to work on some files and directories that have spaces in them like:
 interesting story\2008 March\{story one,story two}.
 When using find with -exec, part of the file/directory name will be missing 
 and therefore lead to error.
 What should I do to put escape key in there to include full names?

$ echo foo  test 1
$ find . -type f -exec cat {} \;

Looks like it Just Works(tm), no quoting necessary. Could you provide
the actually command you're running that isn't doing what you expect?

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: FreeBSD Traffic Shaping

2008-04-01 Thread Christopher Cowart
 I am trying to limit the bandwidth available to some connections and I'm 
 not sure FreeBSD can handle this. Maybe some of you can help. Here's what I 
 need to have exactly.
 No matter what the number of connections, each connection should have at 
 most/least 50kbps guaranteed outbound on port 80.
 I've tried dummynet but it doesn't do what I need because if I define a 
 pipe with 1mbps and if I have 1000 connections, each connection will have 
 less than 50kbps.
 Any way to do this in FreeBSD ?

The ipfw(8) man page describes a mask configuration parameter.

# /sbin/ipfw pipe 1 config mask src-ip 0x bw 56Kbit/s

This creates a separate dynamic pipe per source ip address. Each pipe
has a dedicated 56kbps. The man page implies that the mask can combine
fields, so to uniquely identify each connection, you would mask all
bits of source and destination IP and ports. It looks like the all
keyword might do just the trick.

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Suppressing Limiting icmp unreach response log messages

2008-03-27 Thread Christopher Cowart
Paul Hoffman wrote:
 How can I eliminate the Limiting icmp unreach response messages from 
 getting to /var/log/messages or to the console? I have a spate of them that 
 is causing log rollovers. I think I know the source of the problem, but 
 need to get rid of the messages first.

The icmp unreach responses happen when someone sends a UDP packet to
your computer on a port with no running service (or at least, this is
the most likely explanation). Some options:
  * Set up a firewall to deny the inbound traffic
  * Configure blackhole(4) to do the same

I wouldn't recommend attacking the problem from the point of view of
just making the log messages go away, but if you're comfortable with
that, then the other post recommendinding syslog-ng might work for you
(though I'd recommend configuring a pattern match on the message you
want to discard or re-route).

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Missing SATA drive after upgrade to 7.0

2008-03-25 Thread Christopher Cowart

I was in the process of upgrading from 6.2 to 7.0. After the
installkernel, I rebooted into single, only to find the mountroot

| Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/ad2s1a
| Manual root filesystem specification:
|   fstype:device  Mount device using filesystem fstype
|eg. ufs:da0s1a
|   ?  List valid disk boot devices
|   empty line   Abort manual input
| mountroot ?
| List of GEOM managed disk devices:
|   acd0 fd0

Boot messages for 7.0 (grep -i ata dmesg-7.0):
| atapci0: Intel 6300ESB SATA150 controller port 
| 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6,0x170-0x177,0x376,0x1470-0x147f at device 31.2 
| on pci0
| ata0: ATA channel 0 on atapci0
| ata0: [ITHREAD]
| ata1: ATA channel 1 on atapci0
| ata1: [ITHREAD]
| acd0: CDROM LG CD-ROM CRN-8245B/1.16 at ata0-master UDMA33

Boot messages for 6.2 (grep -i ata dmesg-6.2):
| atapci0: Intel 6300ESB SATA150 controller port 
| 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6,0x170-0x177,0x376,0x1470-0x147f at device 31.2 
| on pci0
| ata0: ATA channel 0 on atapci0
| ata1: ATA channel 1 on atapci0
| acd0: CDROM LG CD-ROM CRN-8245B/1.16 at ata0-master UDMA33
| ad2: 76324MB Seagate ST380013AS 3.25 at ata1-master SATA150

Any ideas where my harddrive went? I can `boot kernel.old' without any
problems. I think this post [1] might be related. Unfortunately, the
problem went away for the person who submitted the referenced PR. 


Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: confusion configuring NAT

2008-03-19 Thread Christopher Cowart
Josh Paetzel wrote:
 I don't see much in the man page for ipfw concerning nat, certainly not the 
 rules you are specifying.   Try man natd  

NAT support was added to ipfw with the 7.0 release. You don't need to
run natd if you're using ipfw nat.

Robert Huff wrote:
 ipfw nat 10 config log ip

You should disable natd. Try the following command to configure the nat

# ipfw nat 10 config if $OIF log reset

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: (more) confusion configuring NAT

2008-03-19 Thread Christopher Cowart
Robert Huff wrote:
   1) when I add the nat instance, it assigns it rule # 65100.  Is
 this a problem?  Is there a way to assign my own rule #?  (ipfw
 seems not to like two adds in the same line.)
   2) NAT still doesn't work.  Still connected, but can't surf to using Firefox.

My kernel conf:
| options IPFIREWALL
| options LIBALIAS

My (abbreviated) ipfw.rules script:
| /sbin/ipfw -q nat 1 config if vlan98 log reset unreg_only same_ports
| $CMD allow all from any to any via lo0
| $CMD nat 1 ip4 from any to any
| $CMD allow icmp from any to any
| $CMD deny log ip from any to me
| $CMD allow ip4 from any to any

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: (more) confusion configuring NAT

2008-03-19 Thread Christopher Cowart
Robert Huff wrote:
 Christopher Cowart writes:
 2) NAT still doesn't work.  Still connected, but can't surf to using Firefox.
 My kernel conf:
 | options IPFIREWALL
 | options LIBALIAS
   I do not have options IPFIREWALL_FORWARD (it's commented out)
 because the attached comment says:
   enable xparent proxy support

   Since that machine doesn't do proxy ... is this necessary?

Should be fine.

 My (abbreviated) ipfw.rules script:
 | /sbin/ipfw -q nat 1 config if vlan98 log reset unreg_only same_ports
 | $CMD allow all from any to any via lo0
 | $CMD nat 1 ip4 from any to any
 | $CMD allow icmp from any to any
 | $CMD deny log ip from any to me
 | $CMD allow ip4 from any to any
   Not an ipfw guru, but don't see anything that contradicts what
 I have.

Do you have gateway_enable=YES in your /etc/rc.conf?

$ sysctl -a net.inet.ip.forwarding 
net.inet.ip.forwarding: 1

Is the interface mentioned in the nat config the interface with the
public IP?

Try putting `$CMD count log ip from any to any' rules to see if traffic
is matching where you expect it to; I have found this incredibly useful
in the past, because interface and direction tags are not always
intuitive (especially once you get fwd rules, which luckily you don't

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: (more) confusion configuring NAT

2008-03-19 Thread Christopher Cowart
Robert Huff wrote:
 Christopher Cowart writes:
  Do you have gateway_enable=YES in your /etc/rc.conf?
 huff@ grep gate /etc/rc.conf
  $ sysctl -a net.inet.ip.forwarding 
  net.inet.ip.forwarding: 1
 huff@ sysctl -a net.inet.ip.forwarding
 net.inet.ip.forwarding: 1
  Is the interface mentioned in the nat config the interface with the
  public IP?
   em0 connects to the cable modem.
  Try putting `$CMD count log ip from any to any' rules to see if traffic
  is matching where you expect it to;
   Where do I find the results of this

Typically /var/log/security. Assuming you have IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE in
your kernel config.

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Right way to build package from non-port software

2008-03-11 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 12:38:40AM +0100, Catalin Miclaus wrote:
 What is the right way of building packages for non-ports applications?
 AFAIK 'make package' and ' pkg_create -b name' are based on ports
 installed packages.
 Is there any way of using same commands or additional scripts to achieve
 similar results?
 If it matters I'm trying to create packages from net-snmp-5.4.1 sources
 (needed for 64-bits counters feature) since ports version is based on
 Suggestions are welcome.

In this situation, my team generally gets its hands dirty and bumps the
port. Usually it's as easy as updating the PORTVERSION variable. Then
attach the port diff to a PR and it'll be updated in the official ports
tree fast. 

Unfortunately, net-snmp looks like a pretty complex port that isn't
going to be quite so easy. You might consider pinging the maintainer
about the new upstream version to see if there's any interest in bumping
the port.

You might also just be able to write your own port for the new version
from scratch (it sounds like you just grabbed the source tarball and
didn't apply all the FreeBSD patches). See the handbook [1]. Your best
bet may be a combination of the two approaches. 


Good luck,

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: PF vs. ping6

2008-02-21 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 01:14:55AM +0100, Colin Brace wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am trying to set up a IPv6 tunnel following the instructions in the
 aiccu starts ok:
 # sixxs-aiccu start
 Tunnel Information for T14342:
 POP Id  : nlams05
 IPv6 Local  : x2/64
 IPv6 Remote : x1/64
 Tunnel Type : 6in4-heartbeat
 Adminstate  : enabled
 Userstate   : enabled
 I can ping6 localhost, I can ping6 the tunnel begin point (local), but
 I can't ping6 the (remote) end point. Firing up tcpdump, I see that
 the firewall is blocking the ping packets.
 I have these (provisional) rules at the top of the filter section in PF:
 pass quick on fxp0 inet6 # ext if

I don't use pf, but I'm guessing from the man page that you may need to
pass quick on fxp0 proto 41

You might be able to substitue 41 with the symbolic name in
/etc/protocols (ipv6).

Note that you're trying to match the protocol field of an IPv4 address
which, for the majority of internet traffic, is tcp, udp, or icmp; in
this case its ipv6, because the contents of your IPv4 packets are the
tunneled v6 packets.

I think 'pass quick on fxp0 inet6' is checking against the type of the
outer packet, which is actually an IPv4 packet.

Good luck,

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Limit # of connections per IP using ipfw?

2008-02-13 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 09:23:31AM -0800, patrick wrote:
 Is there a way to limit the number of TCP connections from a
 particular IP at a given time using ipfw? We are running Cyrus IMAP on
 FreeBSD 6.2, and are sometimes subject to POP3 brute force login
 attacks. I'm not sure if it's Cyrus or the SASL SQL plugin, but these
 attacks grind the server to halt (the load level goes up beyond 350!).
 The database against which authentication takes places is on a
 separate server, so I know it's not MySQL's fault. I'd like to be able
 to set a firewall rule to set a reasonable limit per IP for these
 sorts of connections. I know that pf can do it, and I'm in the process
 of figuring out how to migrate all of our stuff over to pf, but in the
 meantime, I'd like to try to do this with ipfw.

You can use limit rules. This should do the trick:

# ipfw add allow tcp from any to me pop3s limit src-addr 5

Check the ipfw man page section on limit for more info (though it's
pretty brief).

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: FreeBSD 6.3 racoon cpu 99,9% after some time workin

2008-01-29 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 08:46:18AM +0100, Norman Maurer wrote:
 I have some strange problem.. After racoon works some hours it seems to
 freeze and get a cpu usage of 99,9%. The vpns don't work anymore too..
 Any idea ?

By any chance do you have a large number of tunnels? We went so far as
to write a daemon to watch racoon and restart it automatically. We
finally ended up bumping up buffer sizes in the ipsec-tools sources and

See this thread from -net:

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: FreeBSD 6.3 racoon cpu 99,9% after some time workin

2008-01-29 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 10:47:05AM +0100, Norman Maurer wrote:
 Am Dienstag, den 29.01.2008, 10:24 +0100 schrieb Norman Maurer:
  Am Dienstag, den 29.01.2008, 00:04 -0800 schrieb Christopher Cowart:
   On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 08:46:18AM +0100, Norman Maurer wrote:
I have some strange problem.. After racoon works some hours it seems to
freeze and get a cpu usage of 99,9%. The vpns don't work anymore too..
Any idea ?
   By any chance do you have a large number of tunnels? We went so far as
   to write a daemon to watch racoon and restart it automatically. We
   finally ended up bumping up buffer sizes in the ipsec-tools sources and
   See this thread from -net:
  We have about 15 tunnels.. Can you please show me the changes you did
  ( maybe a diff ) and the shell script ?

15 tunnels doesn't sound like enough to cause problems; we were dealing
with 80-100 SAs before we saw problems.

The patch is here:

Our sysctl change is this:
$ sysctl -a kern.ipc.maxsockbuf
kern.ipc.maxsockbuf: 4194304

You might try pinging -net with the symptoms or drawing some of these
old threads. 

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Network configuration in FreeBSD

2008-01-28 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 04:29:49PM -0500, Bhuvaneswari Ramkumar wrote:
 I'm a newbie FreeBSD user, I've just installed the 5.5 version.
 I know this is a very silly question but I've searched the archives and any
 suggestions are welcome.
 I think my system is not connected to the internet or any external network,
 ping dosent work ( nor ftp or dig)
 When I try to do a post-install configuration and choose to enable the inetd
 daemon option from the sysinstall, it doesnt invoke the editor to change the
 inetd.conf at all, so I did a root-login and enabled ftp, even pftp and
 other services in the file as mentioned in the installation document.

This file affects running an ftp server, not an ftp client from the
command line.

 But still I'm unable to ftp to any server, the message I get is ftp:
 hostname or servname not known or not provided.
 Do you guys have any ideas ?

Send the list the output of the following commands:
# ifconfig -a
# netstat -rn

With that info, we can probably help you out better.

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: is there a /bin/sh method to tell the ending of a file

2008-01-08 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 12:01:18AM -0600, Jon Hamilton wrote:
 } On Mon, Jan 07, 2008 at 09:10:58PM -0800, Gary Kline wrote:
 } Paul Procacci [EMAIL PROTECTED], said on Mon Jan 07, 2008 [11:34:08 PM]:
 }  Hi All,
 }  Is there an easy way of determing whether a string//filename ends in
 }  *.gz? using /bin/sh?  
 } Is this what you mean?
 } -
 } #!/bin/sh
 } STRING=mystring.gz
 } if [ .gz = `echo \$STRING\ | sed -n 's/.*\(\.gz\)$/\1/p'` ]; then
 }  echo test;
 } fi
 } ---
 Works (I assume) but perhaps easier to read and more native might be:
 case $STRING in
   echo Found .gz suffix
   echo Not a .gz suffix
 Sh is a pretty versatile creature; I'm sure there are a thousand more ways
 all of which work, and some of which will cause religious arguments for 
 decades :)

Right. Here's another way using parameter expansion:

| if [ ${STRING##*.} = gz ] ; then
| echo true
| else
| echo false
| fi

The syntax is terse, but pretty popular in the /etc/rc family of scripts. 

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: sudo never asks me for a password

2007-11-23 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 03:43:39PM -0800, Kamil Kisiel wrote:
 For some reason, on this particular FreeBSD machine, sudo never asks
 me for a password, even if I haven't logged in for days.
 I've been struggling with this problem for some time but still haven't
 been able to find a solution. Any ideas?

Maybe something is misconfigured in your pam stack? Check

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: sudo never asks me for a password

2007-11-23 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 07:09:36PM -0800, Kamil Kisiel wrote:
 On 11/23/07, Christopher Cowart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 03:43:39PM -0800, Kamil Kisiel wrote:
   For some reason, on this particular FreeBSD machine, sudo never asks
   me for a password, even if I haven't logged in for days.
   I've been struggling with this problem for some time but still haven't
   been able to find a solution. Any ideas?
  Maybe something is misconfigured in your pam stack? Check
 /etc/pam.d/sudo looks like this:
 # $FreeBSD: src/etc/pam.d/su,v 1.16 2003/07/09 18:40:49 des Exp $
 # PAM configuration for the su service
 # auth
 authsufficient   no_warn
 authsufficient no_warn
 authrequisite   pam_group.sono_warn
 group=wheel root_only fail_safe
 authinclude system
 # account
 account include system
 # session

This looks like it was copied verbatim from su.

I suspect the is causing problems. Sudo authenticates the 
user for their current account, not the target account. That line will 
cause authentication to short-circuit on a UID match w/o any need to 
provide a password. Try commenting it out.

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: sudo never asks me for a password

2007-11-23 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 08:01:23PM -0800, Kamil Kisiel wrote:
 Alright, maybe my impression of success was slightly premature. It
 seems that the problem now is that sudo doesn't like the
 module for whatever reason. If I use the default sudo pam file, which
 simply includes all settings from /etc/pam.d/system it gives me an
 error like the following:
 sudo: pam_authenticate: conversation failure

My /etc/pam.d/sudo file looks like:
authinclude system
account include system
session include system

I recommend you add the debug option to modules and watch the log files
for more specific error messages.

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Kernel pty limit

2007-11-15 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 02:27:47PM -0600, Kevin Kinsey wrote:
 Christopher Cowart wrote:
 I went to open up a new shell to our login server (recently rebuilt from
 Debian to FreeBSD) and found problems allocating a new pty. With a
 256-pty limit, I'm surprised more people haven't had this problem. With
 team of 8 SysAdmins, each leaving about 30 windows open in screen
 sessions, 256 starts feeling a bit claustrophobic. 
 Hmm, 8 guys root on one boxen?  Sounds like a cushy job!
 Got an IP and a couple of partners I could play xtank with?
 J/k, of course.   :-D
 I found a questions thread from January 2006 and these PRs:
 standards/90896: not enough PTYs in the FreeBSD
 kern/25866: [patch] more than 256 ptys, up to 1302 ptys.
 There was also discussion on hackers@ at the time[1], and a
 mention from rwatson@ that a new tty_pts.c and support in libc
 for this was added to HEAD then[2]; I haven't checked, but I'm
 assuming it's still in the new 7 branch and will be a part
 of 7.0 Real Soon Now(tm), if that's any comfort.  There may
 be patches available, there was some discussion.  Also, if it
 *IS* in 7.0, I guess you could holler for a MFC.

I suppose that counts as Good News. Does this mean the change will be
part of the increasingly anticipated 7.0 release? In the meantime, 
I'll have to use /dev/bat to remind the team to close their windows.

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Kernel pty limit

2007-11-15 Thread Christopher Cowart

I went to open up a new shell to our login server (recently rebuilt from
Debian to FreeBSD) and found problems allocating a new pty. With a
256-pty limit, I'm surprised more people haven't had this problem. With
team of 8 SysAdmins, each leaving about 30 windows open in screen
sessions, 256 starts feeling a bit claustrophobic. 

I found a questions thread from January 2006 and these PRs:
standards/90896: not enough PTYs in the FreeBSD
kern/25866: [patch] more than 256 ptys, up to 1302 ptys.

The latter appears to have been kicking around since FreeBSD 4.3 (still

What can I do to help get that limit raised? Does anyone have a patch
against 6.2? If not, would anyone be interested in writing one?

Thanks for any help,

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Where is pkgdb?

2007-11-15 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 09:39:10PM +0100, Tino Engel wrote:
 Which port do I have to install to get pkgdb?

$ pkg_info -W `which pkgdb`
/usr/local/sbin/pkgdb was installed by package portupgrade-2.2.2_4,2

I recommend installing ports-mgmt/port-maintenance-tools when building a

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: X screen film recording

2007-11-06 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 08:25:19AM +0100, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
 is there any app for this. to simply record what's going on X server as 
 movie file (like .mov, .avi) or animated .gif?
 or any other way to convert flash animation (no links, menus etc.) to 
 animated .gif?

I once used vnc2swf on Linux. It looks like it's in ports, so I'm
assuming it'll work on FreeBSD. Or by the sounds of your flash animation
question, have you already found this option?

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: ifconfig -- how to remove address and mask?

2007-10-30 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Sun, Oct 28, 2007 at 09:14:48PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 running 6.1,
 Is there a way to bring an interface down and remove the ipaddr and mask?
 I've tried ifconfig destroy with no effect, and I'm getting tired of
 twiddling rc.conf and rebooting...

Have you tried `ifconfig fxp0 -alias'?

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: su: not running setuid

2007-10-23 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 09:09:04PM +0100, Adam J Richardson wrote:
 Christopher Cowart wrote:
 Unless you can find some local privilege escalation exploit, I'm
 thinking you're stuck. You can probably fix it in single-user mode:
 * Reboot
 * Pick single user mode from the boot menu
 * Accept the default shell
 $ fsck -p
 $ mount -u /
 $ mount -a -t ufs
 $ chown root /usr/bin/su
 But if the command above ran to completion, you probably have a mess of
 permissions on your filesystem. You may want to look into rebuilding /
 reinstalling world while you're in single. 
 What about going to single user mode and editing /etc/passwd so the root 
 line has the username uname? Or add user uname with UID 0?

The chown command would have looked up uname via libnss and used the
numeric UID to alter the filesystem entries. The most you could do here
is change the symbolic name for the uname user and make the ls -l
output look different. Either way, you're stuck with the files on the
filesystem not being owned by UID 0. I would highly recommend not
mucking with /etc/passwd and letting rebuild world fix things.

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: su: not running setuid

2007-10-22 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 06:51:48PM +, Mayank Jain wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have run chown -R uname:wheel . as root in the / directory. Now it is not 
 allowing me to log in as su.
 Giving the following error
 su: not running setuid
 I have also tried su -l but still same error. Can any body suggest me some 
 solution to this problem.
 uname -a
 FreeBSD 6.2-RC1-p1 FreeBSD 6.2-RC1-p1 #0: Mon Dec  4 
 09:56:16 UTC 2006 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SMP  i386
 I have also tried following but it didn't allow me to do so.
 chown  root:wheel /usr/bin/su
 chown: /usr/bin/su: Operation not permitted

Unless you can find some local privilege escalation exploit, I'm
thinking you're stuck. You can probably fix it in single-user mode:
* Reboot
* Pick single user mode from the boot menu
* Accept the default shell
$ fsck -p
$ mount -u /
$ mount -a -t ufs
$ chown root /usr/bin/su

But if the command above ran to completion, you probably have a mess of
permissions on your filesystem. You may want to look into rebuilding /
reinstalling world while you're in single. 

Good luck...

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: wyswyg editors for tex (was re: replacement for open office)

2007-10-07 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 02:10:56AM +, Aryeh Friedman wrote:
 I finally got around to compiling abiword and I get the following when
 I try to run it:
 Segmentation fault (core dumped)
  uname -a
 FreeBSD monsert 7.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT #1: Sun Oct  7
 20:47:51 UTC 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MONSTER  amd64
 I don't want to bother with attempting to figure out why it broke.
 My question is since it looks like I am stuck with Tex is there any
 wyswyg editors for it?

I've heard good things about kile (editors/kile), but have never used it
on FreeBSD. It's also from the KDE folks, so you might be waiting a long
time for all libraries to compile.

I must say I'm a fan of just using vim combined with this guide at hand:

Good luck,

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: tcpdump -- non-local traffic not showing

2007-10-05 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Fri, Oct 05, 2007 at 05:31:25PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having trouble seeing packets which are not going to or from the
 machine on which tcpdump is running.  Is there something special I
 need to do to enable this?  It's my understanding tcpdump puts the
 interface in promiscuous mode, and dmesg seems to confirm this.
 However I see the following behavior using tcpdump -fntl -i ed1:
 If hosts .x, .y, and .z are all on the same network,
 and if tcpdump is running on host a.b.c.x
 and on host a.b.c.y I do
  ping a.b.c.x
 I see the icmp packets.
 But if on host a.b.c.y I do
  ping a.b.c.z
 I see nothing.
 Does the interface drop packets with a different mac address, even
 when supposedly put in promiscuous mode?

You're probably plugged into a switch (learning bridge). Switches
partition your collision domain -- they learn which MAC is available on
which port and only send on that port.

You either need a hub or a really expensive switch (the kind that you
log in to and set up port mirrors).

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bridging interfaces

2007-09-29 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Sat, Sep 29, 2007 at 09:49:36PM -0600, Simon Timms wrote:
 That makes a lot of sense, but I suppose I still don't understand why this
 isn't working.  The handbook section on routing is pretty basic and it seems
 to come down to setting net.inet.ip.forwarding to 1 if you want to route
 packets between interfaces on a dual-homed host.  I'm able to reach hosts on
 both subnets from the router and my routing table looks like:
 DestinationGateway  Flags   Refs  Use  Netif
 default   wireless   UGS 0  9905
 localhost   localhost  UH0   134
 192.168.1  link#1  UC0   0
 orinoco  00:d0:09:f8:f7:5a  UHLW   1   268lo0 1 87
 192.168.2  link#2  UC0 0
 rl0 187

Are your 192.168.2/24 machines configured to use as their
default router? They don't know where is, because they 
don't see it as being on the same link. The subnet mask is used to
determine this kind of reachability.

You could probably use as your default router, as long as
you created a static route `route add 192.168.1/24', telling
the system that to get to 192.168.1/24, the next-hop is
This seems needlessly complex when you can just configure as
your default router and skip the static route configuration all

Regardless, bridging isn't going to help unless the host and the default
router have the same subnet configurations.

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bridging interfaces

2007-09-29 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Sat, Sep 29, 2007 at 07:06:55PM -0600, Simon Timms wrote:
 I seem to be having some trouble bridging interfaces in FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE.
 What I have are two interfaces
 rl0 -
 sis0 -
 and a bridge I've set up following the pages in the handbook.  However
 frames don't seem to be routed from one interface to the other.  The
 internet gateway for the networks lives on and I am able to
 reach the internet from boxes on the subnet but not from the
 other.  Tracing the route from a box on the subnet the
 connection times out on the freebsd box, orinoco.

A layer 2 bridge connects two physical network segments to create the 
illusion of a single layer 2 network. In general, you have a single IP 
subnet sitting on top of a layer 2 network. Think of a bridge as a
2-port ethernet switch.

If you want a single layer 2 network, try readdressing the 
192.168.2/24 side to be on the 192.168.1/24 subnet. 

If you need different subnets, you'll want to configure *routing* and
not bridging (See: handbook/network-routing.html).

Good luck,

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: PGP signature

Re: relaying mail

2007-07-31 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Tue, Jul 31, 2007 at 08:03:50PM +0200, Michael Grant wrote:
 In one of my domains, I have the MX record for it set up to my server.
  But for one of the users within that domain, their mail needs to be
 shuffled off to a different server at google.  But I can't just
 forward it because it's like an MX host I'd need to forward it to.
 And I can't alter the MX to point to google for the entire domain
 because it's only one user within that domain, the other users will be
 screwed in that case.
 For example,, let's say the mx for that comes to my box.
 For [EMAIL PROTECTED], I need to send his mail to ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM as
 if it were the MX for
 In the old days, one would simply forward email to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  That would cause's
 sendmail to connect to ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM and shove down a message for
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  But that seems long deprecated because it didn't
 seem to work.
 I am using sendmail and procmail.  Can anyone think of some way I can
 cause something like this to happen for just one user, ideally in a
 .procmailrc file?

We use postfix and transport maps to accomplish this for internal mail
routing (bugzilla and RT messages go to an internal web server, user
messages to our internal mailserver).

The map would look something like:

I don't know how to accomplish similar routing with sendmail.

In order to solve this completely at the user level, you could write a
little bit of perl that opens an SMTP connection to the server of your
choosing. You could then use .forward or .procmailrc or whatever to pipe
the incoming messages to this script. 

Good luck,

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: Digital signature

Re: Policy Based Routing problem help me

2007-07-25 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 01:26:17AM +0500, Narek Gharibyan wrote:
 I have a firewall/router with FreeBSD 6.2 installed on it. 2 ISP connection
 and 2 LAN connections. I need to do a policy-based routing. All I need that
 packets coming from one ISP interface return to that interface (incoming
 connections' source based routing) and the other hand do a IP based routing
 from the LAN (Some packets will goes out via ISP 1 some others via ISP 2
 depending on IPs requested). I tried to do that with ipfw fwd but it didn't
 work any way (e.g. with ip.forwarding enabled or no). Even I've disabled my
 static routes, default gw. Just it do nothing. Sample configs are
 ipfw add fwd ISP_gw from ${my lan} to any via ${eif}
 ipfw add fwd ISP_gw from ${my lan} to any out via ${eif}
 ipfw add fwd ISP_gw from any to any xmit ${eif}
 Ipfw add fwd ISP_gw from any to any via ${eif} out
 I don't use nat, proxy. Just need to route.

Have you compiled your kernel with the following options?

I found that this kind of forwarding silently failed until I enabled the
EXTENDED option in addition to the typical option.

`man ipfw' briefly mentions these two kernel options in the fwd section.

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: Digital signature

Re: /dev/random in jails

2007-07-18 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Wed, Jul 18, 2007 at 06:30:50PM -0700, Tech Valley Internet - Tony Kivits 
 I am attempting to run portions (if not all) of the software called 
 HSphere inside of jailed subsystems of FreeBSD.  I am able to create 
 the jails no problem but the devices /dev/random and /dev/urandom are 
 not created automatically in the jail despite the fact that a handful 
 of other devices are mounted correctly when the jail is created.
 Is there a specific reason for these devices not being created in a 
 jail or is there a way to create these devices so that they will be 
 available inside a jail?

We run bind instances in FreeBSD jails. This is how we get /dev/random:

| # /etc/devfs.rules:
| [devfsrules_thin_jail=100]
| add include $devfsrules_hide_all
| add include $devfsrules_unhide_basic

| # /etc/rc.conf:
| jail_cachingdns_devfs_enable=YES
| jail_cachingdns_devfs_ruleset=devfsrules_thin_jail


Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: Digital signature

Re: /dev/random in jails

2007-07-18 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Wed, Jul 18, 2007 at 08:34:21PM -0700, Tech Valley Internet - Tony Kivits 
 At 07:32 PM 7/18/2007, Christopher Cowart wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 18, 2007 at 06:30:50PM -0700, Tech Valley Internet - 
 Tony Kivits wrote:
  I am attempting to run portions (if not all) of the software called
  HSphere inside of jailed subsystems of FreeBSD.  I am able to create
  the jails no problem but the devices /dev/random and /dev/urandom are
  not created automatically in the jail despite the fact that a handful
  of other devices are mounted correctly when the jail is created.
  Is there a specific reason for these devices not being created in a
  jail or is there a way to create these devices so that they will be
  available inside a jail?
 We run bind instances in FreeBSD jails. This is how we get /dev/random:
 | # /etc/devfs.rules:
 | [devfsrules_thin_jail=100]
 | add include $devfsrules_hide_all
 | add include $devfsrules_unhide_basic
 | # /etc/rc.conf:
 | jail_cachingdns_devfs_enable=YES
 | jail_cachingdns_devfs_ruleset=devfsrules_thin_jail
 Thanks Chris,
 So if my jail is called cp, the only thing that I would have to 
 change from your scripts would be replace to replace cachingdns with cp?

Yes. Are you configuring the jail via /etc/rc.conf already? Are you
using the rc script /etc/rc.d/jail to start your jails?

My complete config from /etc/rc.conf is:

| # Enable jails
| jail_enable=YES
| jail_list=cachingdns
| # Caching-nameserver jail
| jail_cachingdns_ip=
| jail_cachingdns_interface=bge0
| jail_cachingdns_rootdir=/var/jails/caching-dns
| jail_cachingdns_exec=/usr/local/sbin/named
| jail_cachingdns_devfs_enable=YES
| jail_cachingdns_devfs_ruleset=devfsrules_thin_jail

You can replace cachingdns with cp or whatever else you want. You can
also create multiple jails with different names.

I don't know if you're following the typical FreeBSD jail documentation
which gives you a complete FreeBSD installation inside the jail. Given
that I only need to run named, I have not done that.

Are you trying to run a complete FreeBSD install that allows user logins
inside your jail? Or are you simply trying to jail a single process? My
example above jails the single process named, and does not have an OS
install inside the jail's root.

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: Digital signature

Re: /dev/random in jails

2007-07-18 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Wed, Jul 18, 2007 at 09:41:35PM -0700, Tech Valley Internet - Tony Kivits 
At 08:42 PM 7/18/2007, Christopher Cowart wrote:
On Wed, Jul 18, 2007 at 08:34:21PM -0700, Tech Valley Internet - 
Tony Kivits wrote:
At 07:32 PM 7/18/2007, Christopher Cowart wrote:
On Wed, Jul 18, 2007 at 06:30:50PM -0700, Tech Valley Internet -
Tony Kivits wrote:
 I am attempting to run portions (if not all) of the software called
 HSphere inside of jailed subsystems of FreeBSD.  I am able to create
 the jails no problem but the devices /dev/random and /dev/urandom are
 not created automatically in the jail despite the fact that a handful
 of other devices are mounted correctly when the jail is created.

 Is there a specific reason for these devices not being created in a
 jail or is there a way to create these devices so that they will be
 available inside a jail?

We run bind instances in FreeBSD jails. This is how we get /dev/random:

| # /etc/devfs.rules:
| [devfsrules_thin_jail=100]
| add include $devfsrules_hide_all
| add include $devfsrules_unhide_basic

| # /etc/rc.conf:
| jail_cachingdns_devfs_enable=YES
| jail_cachingdns_devfs_ruleset=devfsrules_thin_jail

 Thanks Chris,

 So if my jail is called cp, the only thing that I would have to
 change from your scripts would be replace to replace cachingdns 
with cp?

Yes. Are you configuring the jail via /etc/rc.conf already? Are you
using the rc script /etc/rc.d/jail to start your jails?

My complete config from /etc/rc.conf is:

| # Enable jails
| jail_enable=YES
| jail_list=cachingdns
| # Caching-nameserver jail
| jail_cachingdns_ip=
| jail_cachingdns_interface=bge0
| jail_cachingdns_rootdir=/var/jails/caching-dns
| jail_cachingdns_exec=/usr/local/sbin/named
| jail_cachingdns_devfs_enable=YES
| jail_cachingdns_devfs_ruleset=devfsrules_thin_jail

You can replace cachingdns with cp or whatever else you want. You can
also create multiple jails with different names.

I don't know if you're following the typical FreeBSD jail documentation
which gives you a complete FreeBSD installation inside the jail. Given
that I only need to run named, I have not done that.

Are you trying to run a complete FreeBSD install that allows user logins
inside your jail? Or are you simply trying to jail a single process? My
example above jails the single process named, and does not have an OS
install inside the jail's root.

 I am doing a complete OS inside the jail and am starting it through 
 the rc.conf.

The default devfs ruleset for jails (devfsrules_jail, found in
/etc/defaults/devfs.rules) should work fine for you then. Perhaps try
specifying that ruleset explicitly?

 I have modified the devfs.rules so that they are now passing random 
 and urandom as devices.  But the installation software is still 
 reporting that /dev/random is not working properly.  Do you know of a 
 way that I can test /dev/random to see if it is actually working?

$ ls -l caching-dns/dev/random
crw-rw-rw-  1 root wheel 0, 8 Jul  3 18:08 caching-dns/dev/random

$ dd if=/dev/random bs=1 count=12 2/dev/null | openssl base64
Should give you a base64 encoding of some random data (base64 to prevent
it from messing up your terminal) if /dev/random is working.

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: Digital signature

Re: /dev/random in jails

2007-07-18 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Wed, Jul 18, 2007 at 09:49:12PM -0700, Christopher Cowart wrote:
 $ dd if=/dev/random bs=1 count=12 2/dev/null | openssl base64
 Should give you a base64 encoding of some random data (base64 to prevent
 it from messing up your terminal) if /dev/random is working.

I meant to point if=jailroot/dev/random. Testing /dev/random for the
host OS isn't going to be too meaningful.

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network  Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: Digital signature

Re: fsck on a read only partition?

2007-07-04 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Thu, Jul 05, 2007 at 01:49:47AM +0100, Joe Holden wrote:
 Alfred Perlstein wrote:
  Hello, how do I fsck my disk if it's mounted?
  I have downgraded the mount to read-only, but still geom seems
  to disallow fsck access to it. 
  Is there a way to tell the system to allow fsck to open it
 If you unmount it first, you should be able to fsck it fine, /dev/blah

I think that misses the point; what if it's the / filesystem? 

I have personally wanted to do this before myself. I had a situation
where a deleted file was still being written to by a backgrounded
tcpdump, resulting in a full filesystem but no file to rm. It would have
been great to quick remount ro, fsck, then remount rw. Instead, I had to
schedule downtime, reboot into single, and run fsck -- not fun.

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network Infrastructure, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: Digital signature

Re: svn+ssh over nonstandard port fails to connect

2007-06-28 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 03:45:50PM -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:
 I'm attempting to connect to a Subversion repository via SSH using a
 nonstandard port to check out the repository.  The names and numbers in
 the following have been changed to protect the guilty:
   svn co svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1234/usr/home/svn-repos/project project


SVN_SSH=ssh -p 1234 svn co svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/path

 The result I get is as follows:
   ssh: 123.45.678.90:1234: hostname nor servname provided, or not known
   svn: Connection closed unexpectedly
 Am I having a brainless moment here?  What am I missing?

ssh doesn't support the hostname:port syntax. You have to use -p.

Hope that helps,

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network Infrastructure, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: Digital signature

Re: svn+ssh over nonstandard port fails to connect

2007-06-28 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 04:44:10PM -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 03:10:18PM -0700, Christopher Cowart wrote:
  On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 03:45:50PM -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:
   I'm attempting to connect to a Subversion repository via SSH using a
   nonstandard port to check out the repository.  The names and numbers in
   the following have been changed to protect the guilty:
 svn co svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1234/usr/home/svn-repos/project 
  SVN_SSH=ssh -p 1234 svn co svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/path
 Are you suggesting setting an environment variable?  I have more than one
 repository checked out on this system, and they do not all use the same
 port for access.

This is the only way I know to do it. You don't have to set it in your
shell's environment if you use this syntax to prefix the specific

   The result I get is as follows:
 ssh: 123.45.678.90:1234: hostname nor servname provided, or not known
 svn: Connection closed unexpectedly
   Am I having a brainless moment here?  What am I missing?
  ssh doesn't support the hostname:port syntax. You have to use -p.
  Hope that helps,
 I thought that might be the case, but I'm not sure how to specify it in
 the svn command string -- which seems to be necessary since making a
 universal (to this user account) configuration change would then break
 access to other svn repositories.

You can also create a new tunneling protocol. Look at the SSH
authentication and authorization section of this part of the handbook:

Good luck,

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network Infrastructure, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: Digital signature

Re: Spaces in SSID in /etc/rc.conf

2007-05-14 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 09:45:48PM +0200, Gunther Mayer wrote:
 Hi there,
 I got a low key server who is wirelessly connected to the net using an 
 SSID that contains a space. In rc.conf I define the ifconfig line for 
 configuration of my wireless interface upon bootup, but the entire line 
 reads something like
 ifconfig_ath0=' inet ssid my network '
 No matter how I tweak the quotes (single then double, other way round, 
 with lots of \\) I never get my interface to configure properly upon 
 bootup and I need to get to the console to fix it up. I thought I knew 
 shell syntax but this is beyond me or manpages...
 What's the right way to do this?

One approach would be to navigate the series of function calls defined
in /etc/network.subr. I just took a brief look, but it's not immediately
obvious how many times you're going to have to escape exactly what to
get the behavior you desire.

Another option would be to make the file /etc/start_if.ath0, containing
the line `ifconfig ... ssid my network`. This file would be sourced
when /etc/rc.d/netif starts the network interfaces, before the rc
variable ifconfig_ath0 is run. You can then omit the variable
ifconfig_ath0 from /etc/rc.conf.

For more hints, look in /etc/netif, /etc/network.subr, and /etc/rc.subr.

Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network Infrastructure, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: Digital signature

Re: sshd segfaults on exit when no tty allocated

2007-05-11 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Fri, May 11, 2007 at 10:59:19AM -0400, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
 Christopher Cowart [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  When I ssh into FreeBSD hosts without allocating a tty, sshd segfaults
  after the process terminates. This problem occurs on both 6_1_REL and
  6_2_REL installations at all sorts of patch levels.
  Client: `ssh -t server ls`
  Server Logs: 
  | May  9 15:33:44 server sshd[1503]: Accepted publickey for ccowart from 
  | client port 43604 ssh2
  | May  9 15:33:45 server sshd[1505]: pam_sm_close_session(): no utmp 
  | record for ttyp5
  Client: `ssh server ls`
  Server Logs:
  | May  9 15:33:50 server sshd[1509]: Accepted publickey for ccowart from
  |   client port 42119 ssh2
  | May  9 15:33:51 server pid 1511 (sshd), uid 1225: exited on signal 11
  In either example, the client thinks the command has completed
  successfully, shows proper output, and propogates the return value from
  the remote command. The main problem is I don't like seeing a bunch of
  segfaults being logged in the daily run output.
  Our sshd_config stock, except we set `PermitRootLogin yes`.
  Does anyone know why this happens? Should I file a problem report?
 I can't reproduce it on my own machines (-STABLE, a few weeks old), so
 a PR probably would need a more precise reproduction scenario.

Thanks for the sanity check. I went back and did some more thourough
troubleshooting. I am currently using pam_ldap and pam_require from
ports. I went through my pam configuration, set everything to
pam_permit, and the segfaults went away.

Uncommenting one rule at a time in my pam stack, I discovered the
culprit: pam_lastlog

The session section of my system pam configuration looks like this:

| # session
| session  no_fail debug
| session optional/usr/local/lib/ no_warn

When I comment out the pam_lastlog, the segfaults vanish. Should I file
a PR with this new information?


Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network Infrastructure, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: Digital signature

sshd segfaults on exit when no tty allocated

2007-05-09 Thread Christopher Cowart

When I ssh into FreeBSD hosts without allocating a tty, sshd segfaults
after the process terminates. This problem occurs on both 6_1_REL and
6_2_REL installations at all sorts of patch levels.


Client: `ssh -t server ls`
Server Logs: 
| May  9 15:33:44 server sshd[1503]: Accepted publickey for ccowart from 
| client port 43604 ssh2
| May  9 15:33:45 server sshd[1505]: pam_sm_close_session(): no utmp 
| record for ttyp5

Client: `ssh server ls`
Server Logs:
| May  9 15:33:50 server sshd[1509]: Accepted publickey for ccowart from
|   client port 42119 ssh2
| May  9 15:33:51 server pid 1511 (sshd), uid 1225: exited on signal 11

In either example, the client thinks the command has completed
successfully, shows proper output, and propogates the return value from
the remote command. The main problem is I don't like seeing a bunch of
segfaults being logged in the daily run output.

Our sshd_config stock, except we set `PermitRootLogin yes`.

Does anyone know why this happens? Should I file a problem report?


Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network Infrastructure, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: Digital signature

isc-dhcpd logging breaks when syslog-ng HUP'd

2007-03-06 Thread Christopher Cowart

I have 2 servers running isc-dhcp3-server and syslog-ng. I have
configured dhcpd to run in a chroot. The following (reproducible)
sequence of events cause dhcpd logging to break:
 1) Start syslog-ng
 2) Start isc-dhcpd (At this point, logging is working fine)
 3) `pkill -HUP syslog-ng` (This happens on the hour whenever logfiles
need rotating, but can also be effected manually)
 4) dhcpd logging is now broken
 5) Restart isc-dhcpd (logging works again)

My theory is that when isc-dhcpd starts, it gets an fd to the syslog
socket. When syslog-ng receives a HUP, that socket is reopened and
isc-dhcpd's fd is now broken.

Relevant options from rc.conf:
| syslogd_enable=NO
| newsyslog_enable=NO
| syslog_ng_enable=YES
| dhcpd_enable=YES
| dhcpd_flags=-q
| dhcpd_conf=/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf
| dhcpd_includedir=/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.d
| dhcpd_withumask=022
| dhcpd_chuser_enable=YES
| dhcpd_withuser=dhcpd
| dhcpd_withgroup=dhcpd
| dhcpd_devfs_enable=YES
| dhcpd_rootdir=/var/jails/dhcpd
| dhcpd_chroot_enable=YES
| dhcpd_ifaces=bge0

My workaround:
For the hosts in question, I've added to the logrotate postrotate
script: `/usr/local/etc/rc.d/isc-dhcpd restart  /dev/null`
This workaround makes me a little uncomfortable, because these instances
of dhcpd are critical for thousands of end users.

Is this a bug? Is there a better workaround? Logging from all other
applications on the system is unaffected by the HUP to syslog-ng,
including two jailed instances of bind9 (syslog-ng on the host opens up
the socket /var/run/log inside those jails). 

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Chris Cowart
Lead Systems Administrator
Network Infrastructure, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

Description: Digital signature

Re: xorg on a headless, mouseless, keyboardless box

2006-12-16 Thread Christopher Cowart
 I've used this ssh -X that you mention. This works fine for userland 
 programs, but in order to troubleshoot my particular issue I'd need to be 
 logged in as root.  When I try to su remotely to run the command I get:
 X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
 X connection to localhost:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

I think what's going on is that X puts some authentication information
in your home directory: ~/.Xauthority. You might try:
$ su -m

That will preserve your environment (including $HOME). Now when X goes
looking for the ~/.Xauthority, it will find the one sshd set up in your
user home directory.

 I might try logging in locally as root and see what happens  
 But in the long run I think that if I could understand how to grant myself an 
 actual X session on the remote box then I could figure out how to do this and 
 potentially other stuff.
 Thanks for any information you might share.
 ___ mailing list
 To unsubscribe, send any mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Chris Cowart
Network and Infrastructure Systems Administrator
RSSP-IT, UC Berkeley
May all your pushes be popped

Description: Digital signature

Re: openssh security issues

2006-12-16 Thread Christopher Cowart
On Sat, Dec 16, 2006 at 10:47:39PM -0500, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
 So, portaudit keeps complaining about openssh, but when I try to upgrade...
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ sudo portupgrade -R openssh
 [Updating the pkgdb format:bdb1_btree in /var/db/pkg ... - 207 packages
 found (-1 +1) (...). done]
 ---  Upgrading 'openssh-3.6.1_5' to 'openssh-3.6.1_6' (security/openssh)
 ---  Building '/usr/ports/security/openssh'
 ===  Cleaning for openssh-3.6.1_6
 ===  openssh-3.6.1_6 has known vulnerabilities:
 = openssh -- multiple vulnerabilities.

This says it only affects SSH Protocol version 1. If you only use
version 2 or you're not too concerned, you could do: 
$ sudo portupgrade -m DISABLE_VULNERABILITIES=yes -R openssh

 = Please update your ports tree and try again.
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/ports/security/openssh.
 ** Command failed [exit code 1]: /usr/bin/script -qa /tmp/portupgrade.20685.0
 env UPGRADE_TOOL=portupgrade UPGRADE_PORT=openssh-3.6.1_5
 UPGRADE_PORT_VER=3.6.1_5 make
 ** Fix the problem and try again.
 ** Listing the failed packages (*:skipped / !:failed)
 ! security/openssh (openssh-3.6.1_5)(unknown build error)
 ---  Packages processed: 0 done, 0 ignored, 0 skipped and 1 failed
 So, before bothering the port maintainer, is there a standard place to look
 for a status update on this kind of thing?
 Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It
 takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite
 direction. --Albert Einstein

Chris Cowart
Network and Infrastructure Systems Administrator
RSSP-IT, UC Berkeley
May all your pushes be popped

Description: Digital signature

Re: Local DNS Caching not caching on external interface

2006-12-14 Thread Christopher Cowart
On 14:57 Thu 14 Dec , Tek Bahadur Limbu wrote:
 Dear All,
 I am very new to Bind and FreeBSD.
 I have just configured a Local DNS server using the built-in Bind 9.3.1
 on a FreeBSD 5.4 machine.
 My problem is that the machine can cache queries on the localhost and
 loop back ( interface only.
 I have a public static IP on this machine too and I can't seem to query
 the caching name server from my local network.
 In Linux, this is no problem. I just can't seem to get Bind to work as
 in my local network. It works only on the loopback interface.

The default /etc/namedb/named.conf configuration file for BIND says:

| // If named is being used only as a local resolver, this is a safe default.
| // For named to be accessible to the network, comment this option, specify
| // the proper IP address, or delete this option.
| listen-on   {; };

It looks like if you comment out that option, it will listen on * by
default. You could also add the other IP address on which you want named
to listen.

Chris Cowart
Network and Infrastructure Systems Administrator
RSSP-IT, UC Berkeley
May all your pushes be popped

Description: Digital signature

Multihomed router with NAT

2006-12-06 Thread Christopher Cowart

I'm working on a router that acts as a captive portal and transparent
http proxy for unregistered or disabled hosts that plug in to our

The router has a public administrative interface on em0, The router has a physically seperate interface, on vlan200 using em1, for the NAT clients. The router
also has the interface vlan100 on em1 with the address
The captured machines are assigned addresses on the 10.100/16 subnet.
The router's firewall allows certain http traffic through the NAT, such
as windows updates. All other http requests are forwarded through an
instance of squid to an apache instance.

The system's default route is configured on the administrative
interface, via My firewall includes the rule:
  $cmd 0013 divert natd ip from not me to any via vlan200

The NAT does not work. From a captured machine, I am able to ping both and the gateway, but nothing off-subnet. We
suspect the packets leaving the NAT, tagged with source-address are being routed via the system's default route at The router is dropping these packets on the floor,
because the source address doesn't match the subnet it's routing.

Is it possible to tell the system to use a different default route based
on the source address of the packet? We want to keep the administrative
interface on a separate subnet from the client traffic.

I tried using an ipfw fwd rule:
  $cmd 0014 fwd ip from to not \

But this had no effect. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Chris Cowart
Unix Systems Administrator
Residential Computing, UC Berkeley
May all your pushes be popped

Description: Digital signature

Re: jail removal

2006-09-09 Thread Christopher Cowart
 I've partially removed a jail and I want to start over and recreate it 
 differently, but I'm having trouble removing files. Getting permission 
 denied on some files I am unable to chmod to +w.
Try 'sudo chflags -R noschg /path/to/jail'. I'm thinking the immutable 
flag got set on something like var/empty.

Chris Cowart
Unix Systems Administrator
Residential Computing, UC Berkeley
May all your pushes be popped

Description: Digital signature rc script and jails

2006-09-08 Thread Christopher Cowart

The port for isc-dhcp3-server has config options for enabling FreeBSD
process jails. Basically, through a series of command line arguments
that are generated by the script, the chroot is
auto-generated when you start the service and dhcpd makes the syscall to
jail itself. This is actually really nifty and makes the process of
running dhcpd in a thin jail brainless.

The problem happens when I run stop: 
dhcpd not running? (check /var/jails/dhcpd/var/run/dhcpd/

Well, I know better. dhcpd is clearly running with the pid indicated in
the pid file. After investigating /etc/rc.subr, I've determined the
cause (where $JID is the jid of the running rc script and $_jid is the
jid of the process, determined by ps output):
  if [ $JID -eq $_jid ];

Therefore, I cannot run stop on the host system. However,
given that I'm using a thin jail, I can't just log in to the jail to
call the rc script. Further, the rc script was written to be called from
the host machine.

My question is how do I get around this? I'd prefer not to hack rc.subr
unless it's a community-useable patch that can be incorporated back into
the official sources. One option would be to allow rc scripts to set
some sort of CHECK_JAILS variable and to implement the necessary logic
to handle it in rc.subr. Is there a better solution?

Chris Cowart
Unix Systems Administrator
Residential Computing, UC Berkeley
May all your pushes be popped

Description: Digital signature

scripting sysinstall for pxeboot

2006-02-10 Thread Christopher Cowart

I'm working on a project to netboot servers and perform a custom
installation of FreeBSD. I have pxeboot working with tftp, providing an
mfs image over the network.

sysinstall runs as init and attempts to follow my install.cfg. However,
when running my mediaSetFTP command, sysinstall errors with:
The fxp0 device is not configured. You will need to do so in the
Networking configuration menu before proceeding.

However, I did set tryDHCP=YES. DHCP is working because 1) it just
netbooted from it; and 2) I tried with the installation CD. It doesn't
appear to be honoring my request that it try DHCP.

If I take sysinstall over manually, specifying the network information,
it works just fine.

I want the installation to work with DHCP. Does anyone have any
suggestions for debugging sysinstall in this way?

On a not-a-show-stopper note, is there any way to get around specifying 
the hostname and/or net device? I'd rather not specify the hostname so 
that I can have one generic script for many machines. Further, what if 
a some other machine has a different kind of NIC? By hardcoding these 
values into install.cfg, the solution becomes much less maintainable. 
Why can't it obtain the hostname from DHCP? Any thoughts on this? 

Thanks for your help,


My install.cfg:

# This is the installation configuration file for our rackmounted FreeBSD 
# cluster machines

# Turn on extra debugging.

# My host specific data

# Which installation device to use 
##Need to set this!




Christopher Cowart
Unix Systems Administrator
Residential Computing, UC Berkeley
May all your pushes be popped

Description: PGP signature

pxeboot fails to load acpi.ko

2006-02-07 Thread Christopher Cowart

I've been working on a project to automate FreeBSD installations over
the network, using PXE boot capabilities. I've been following the
howtos, as documented starting here:

I'm having a difficult time finding posts from other people who have
experienced similar problems.

Everything is setup. I'm using a tftpd that can handle large files.
DHCPD is configured correctly. The client boots the PXE boot loader, as
it should. It then begins loading the kernel. Upon loading the file
acpi.ko, the boot hangs. 

Doing a tcpdump on the traffic, it looks like the machine receives the
last packet of acpi.ko, and before it even has a chance to send an ACK,
it's done. The twirly status bar stops spinning. The machine is doomed
for a hard reboot.

I've tried with two very different boxes to ensure it's not a hardware
anomoly. The machines boot fine from the installation CDs -- loading
acpi.ko. Further, I started with 5.3-REL, stepped up to 5.4-REL, and
lastly, 6.0-REL. The problem occurs with all these versions.

I'm not sure how to continue debugging this problem. Any tips in terms
of troubleshooting or known workarounds would be great.


Christopher Cowart
Unix Systems Administrator
Residential Computing, UC Berkeley
May all your pushes be popped

Description: PGP signature