Kazaa/p2p on a LAN and ping problems

2003-11-27 Thread Eric Timme
Network topology:

LAN <==> FreeBSD Gateway <==> Internet

Gateway specifications:
FreeBSD overlord 4.8-STABLE FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #0: Mon Sep 22 07:05:09 CDT 
k6-233, 128MB ram
ipf packet filtering in place

Internet (cable):
256kb up
2.0mbish down


It seems an impossible task to limit Kazaa and other p2p (Kazaa especially) 
from accessing the Internet from a LAN, especially when you're sharing the 
LAN with other college age people. So, I've instead told them to limit their 
upstream to 5kB, which leaves a good amount of of the upstream pipe for web 

However, whenever any p2p in the house is active pings on any external network 
degrade horribly, even if it's only a single host, and 20kb of my upstream 
bandwith remains. 

Wolfenstein servers that I pinged 30 on with no p2p activity on the LAN, for 
instance, begin to ping at 400-500 ; the situation is equally bad with MUDs 
and other ping reliant games such as Quake.

Is this normal? Is there anything I can do to fix the problem so that ping 
dependant games can be played while p2p apps are active on the LAN? Kicking 
the network cable out works late at night, and at times during the day, but 
it isn't a permanent solution. Limiting p2p from the LAN completely is not 
possible from my position.

A user on IRC mentioned he had no such problem with IPFW - if my problem isn't 
specific does that mean that my use of ipf is responsible for this behavior?


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Porting a linuxthreads app to FreeBSD problems

2003-12-24 Thread Eric Timme
4.9-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 4.9-PRERELEASE #0: Mon Sep 22 05:40:14 CDT 2003

gcc 3.2

I'm trying to port an app (C++) over to FreeBSD utilizing devel/linuxthreads,
 and have it to the point it will compile. I've made the appropriate changes
 to the compilation options, so everything seems kosher. Starting up the app,
 however, it just stalls at a particular point every time. I was wondering if
 anyone had encountered this before, and if so, how they solved the problem.
 I'm including output from strace and ltrace at the end of my email.

The problem seems to revolve around mutexes, judging by the point at which
 the app locks up - for reference, the app utilizes one mutex, of type

Reading the README.FreeBSD from the devel/linuxthreads port there is a blurb:

  c) The mutex wrapper functions only provide standard linuxthreads mutexes
  (i.e. non-recursive mutexes).  This might lead to deadlocks if libc
  depends on recursive mutexes.

However, I've gotten previous versions of the application (which also used
 PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP) working without stalling.

I'm grateful for any insight people can offer..I'm not really sure how to 
approach debugging this problem, since it seems like it stalls before it ever 
really begins running the application's code.



_spinlock(0x081a90a4, 0x080dcb81, 0xbfbffa64, 0x080dcb81, 1) = 0
_spinlock(0x081a90a4, 0x080dcb81, 0xbfbffa64, 0x080dcb81, 1) = 0
_spinlock(0x081a90a4, 0x080dcb81, 0xbfbffa54, 0x080dcb81, 1) = 0
pthread_mutex_lock(0x081a9098, 0x081f20bc, 322832, 0x080db296, 32768) = 0
pthread_mutex_unlock(0x081a9098, 0x081f20bc, 322832, 0x080db296, 32768) = 0
_spinlock(0x081a92a4, 0x080e7a1d, 0xbfbff9d0, 0x080e7a1d, 16) = 0
__error(16, 16, 0xbfbffaa4, 0x081bdd00, 0x081bdd00) = 0x081cbd5c
__error(2, 0x080e6dac, 0x08122774, 0xbfbff960, 63) = 0x081cbd5c
__error(0x08122774, 0xbfbff960, 63, 0x080e6d97, 16) = 0x081cbd5c
_spinlock(0x081a92a4, 0x080e7a1d, 0xbfbff9a0, 0x080e7a1d, 24) = 0
pthread_mutexattr_init(0xbfbff9cc, 65535, 1, 0x08291030, 65535) = 0
pthread_mutexattr_settype(0xbfbff9cc, 1, 1, 0x08291030, 65535) = 0
pthread_mutex_init(0x08290040, 0xbfbff9cc, 1, 0x08291030, 65535) = 0
pthread_mutexattr_destroy(0xbfbff9cc, 0xbfbff9cc, 1, 0x08291030, 65535) = 0
_spinlock(0x081a92a4, 0x080e7a1d, 0xbfbff980, 0x080e7a1d, 16) = 0
_spinlock(0x081a92a4, 0x080e7a1d, 0xbfbff980, 0x080e7a1d, 16) = 0
_spinlock(0x081a92a4, 0x080e7a1d, 0xbfbff980, 0x080e7a1d, 4) = 0
_spinlock(0x081a92a4, 0x080e7a1d, 0xbfbff9a0, 0x080e7a1d, 24) = 0
pthread_mutexattr_init(0xbfbff9cc, 0xbfbff9cc, 1, 0x08291030, 0x08290040) = 0
pthread_mutexattr_settype(0xbfbff9cc, 1, 1, 0x08291030, 0x08290040) = 0
pthread_mutex_init(0x08290060, 0xbfbff9cc, 1, 0x08291030, 0x08290040) = 0
pthread_mutexattr_destroy(0xbfbff9cc, 0xbfbff9cc, 1, 0x08291030, 0x08290040)
 = 0 _spinlock(0x081a92a4, 0x080e7a1d, 0xbfbff9a0, 0x080e7a1d, 24) = 0
pthread_mutexattr_init(0xbfbff9cc, 0xbfbff9cc, 1, 0x08291030, 0x08290060) = 0
pthread_mutexattr_settype(0xbfbff9cc, 1, 1, 0x08291030, 0x08290060) = 0
pthread_mutex_init(0x08290080, 0xbfbff9cc, 1, 0x08291030, 0x08290060) = 0
pthread_mutexattr_destroy(0xbfbff9cc, 0xbfbff9cc, 1, 0x08291030, 0x08290060)
 = 0 _spinlock(0x081a92a4, 0x080e7a1d, 0xbfbff9a0, 0x080e7a1d, 24) = 0
pthread_mutexattr_init(0xbfbff9cc, 0xbfbff9cc, 1, 0x08291030, 0x08290080) = 0
pthread_mutexattr_settype(0xbfbff9cc, 1, 1, 0x08291030, 0x08290080) = 0
pthread_mutex_init(0x082900a0, 0xbfbff9cc, 1, 0x08291030, 0x08290080) = 0
pthread_mutexattr_destroy(0xbfbff9cc, 0xbfbff9cc, 1, 0x08291030, 0x08290080)
 = 0 _spinlock(0x081a92a4, 0x080e7a1d, 0xbfbff9a0, 0x080e7a1d, 24) = 0
pthread_mutexattr_init(0xbfbff9cc, 0xbfbff9cc, 1, 0x08291030, 0x082900a0) = 0
pthread_mutexattr_settype(0xbfbff9cc, 1, 1, 0x08291030, 0x082900a0) = 0
pthread_mutex_init(0x082900c0, 0xbfbff9cc, 1, 0x08291030, 0x082900a0) = 0
pthread_mutexattr_destroy(0xbfbff9cc, 0xbfbff9cc, 1, 0x08291030, 0x082900a0)
 = 0 pthread_mutex_lock(0x081a88b4, 1, 0xbfbff9d0, 0x0807d6ba, 0xbfbff9cc
  --- SIGINT (Interrupt) ---
--- SIGINT (Interrupt) ---
+++ killed by SIGINT +++



execve("./world", ["./world"], [/* 31 vars */]) = 0
mmap(0, 1976, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANON, -1, 0) = 0x2813b000
munmap(0x2813b000, 1976)= 0
__sysctl([hw.pagesize], 2, "\0\20\0\0", [4], NULL, 0) = 0
 0x2813b000 geteuid(0xbfbffa90) = 1001
getuid()= 1001 (euid 1001)
getegid(0xbfbffa90) = 1001
getgid()= 1001 (egid 1001)
open("/var/run/ld-elf.so.hints", O_RDONLY) = 3
read(3, "Ehnt\1\0\0\0\200\0\0\0z\0\0\0\0\0\0\0y\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 128) =
 128 lseek(3, 128, SEEK_SET) = 128
read(3, "/usr/lib:/usr/lib/compat:/usr/X1"..., 122

out of inodes (4.7-stable shortly post-install)

2003-01-04 Thread Eric Timme
Just performed a from scratch installation of FreeBSD from a snapshot off 
snapshots.jp.freebsd.org (dated January 2 or 3, 2003), and when building 
stuff from ports have suddenly gotten the out of inodes message =(

The install was done onto a 1.6gb harddrive, and was a reinstall of an already 
functional 4.7-stable machine, with the same partitioning settings, which is 
what makes this so strange.  I didn't change anything in the 
partitioning/slice editors, so whatever settings I used were the default.

The results of df -ih are as follows:

FilesystemSize   Used  Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a89M44M37M54%1535  9983   13%   /
/dev/ad0s1e79M   4.0K72M 0%   2 102360%   /tmp
/dev/ad0s1f   886M   620M   195M76%  107214  6448   94%   /usr
/dev/ad0s1g93M92K86M 0%  44 121140%   /usr/home
/dev/ad0s1h99M   6.1M85M 7% 463 124634%   /usr/local
/dev/ad0s1d99M   406K90M 0% 120 126781%   /var
procfs4.0K   4.0K 0B   100%  41   9554%   /proc
/dev/ad1s1490M   2.0K   451M 0%   1 629730%   /usr/obj

As you can see I'm using up 94% of my /usr partition's inodes just standing 
still, and only have around 6500 free, compared with almost 11 used!  The 
/usr partition does house both a source and ports tree, and as you can see I 
utilize a second hard-drive to build my world.

Unfortunately I don't have a copy of an inode comparison with the old install, 
but I do know that I had never gotten that message merely building 
portupgrade, or even when building two things at once.  The space taken up by 
files is about the same, however, when compared to the older setup.

Those things said, I guess my question is, for a low use gateway is 6500 free 
inodes enough; am I causing myself grief over nothing? (By low use I mean it 
does nothing but serves webpages and performs firewalling/NAT duties for the 
household; no mail or news handling, or anything like that).

I'd considered for a moment doing a reinstall, but I'm not sure if it's the 
small size of the partition/hard drive that is limiting their number, or if 
perhaps they were created with an overly large size for a partition that 
houses such a large number of small files.  Additionally, now that the 
installation is finished, the only partitions that should be experiencing any 
growth should be /var and /usr/local, so the inode limit should only be 
tested during a port's build, shouldn't it?

Anyhow, could someone more familiar with such matters weigh in?

Troubled in Texas

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testing ability to send mail to list, apologize for the spam

2002-11-08 Thread Eric Timme

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general questions about patches ports [nethack]

2002-11-10 Thread Eric Timme
(no answers off ports, so thought I'd give it a try on questions)

In an effort to get some experience with ports I've been working in my spare
time on making a local entry in the tree that lets you apply a variety of
nethack enhancing, generally accepted patches (namely the hell patch, dump
patch, new toys, and toughvlad patches) using -D appendations to the initial
make command.  It builds fine with various patches enabled; however, I had to
modify the original diffs to get everything to apply it an order independent
fashion.  Part of this was necessary because I was specifying the files to
use via PATCHFILES and some .if defined() ... .endif branches in the
Makefile, and their application order did matter.

Anyhow, I got that sorted out, and have been storing my patchfiles on a
 remote server and fetching using a PATCH_SITES define, which fetches and
 applies seamlessly.

That brings me to my questions..

First, for future reference, is there a way, besides naming patchfiles aa ab
ac etc, to get PATCHFILES, or any similar defines, to apply patches in a user
specifid particular order?

Second, is there a way to store/bundle optional patches with a port and be
able to include them in the build or not, at your discretion, so that you
don't have to fetch them from third party sites?

Third, is there even any interest in something like this, or does
 conservative BSD philosophy frown on game patches such as these being
 included in the ports tree, leaving it to the end user to compile from
 scratch and apply patches by hand if they wish enhancement?


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[no subject]

2003-03-14 Thread Eric Timme
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