Re: Newbie Question - looking for suggestions of small ports to install on stand-alone system without internet connection

2006-10-07 Thread John Hoover

there's always the shells,

bash for example

John F Hoover
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Re: Mirroring: gvinum or gmirror?

2006-08-31 Thread John Hoover

I've got a write-up of the steps required to do this if you or anyone else
needs them.  I also routinely disconnect one of the drives in my mirror
before a major upgrade to the OS or ports so that if I mess it up, I can
boot back to the previous state.  I have a write-up of the steps needed to
do this remotely over ssh (again, if you or anyone else needs them).


I for one would like to see your writeup. As I'm starting to
experiment with gmirror I think it would be helpful.


John F Hoover
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Wine installation/configuration question

2006-04-07 Thread John Hoover
I've having trouble with Wine. I'm getting the same error regardless
if I compile from the ports tree, install a package, or compile from


%wine program.exe
fixme:msvcrt:_spawnve :not translating name /usr/local/lib/../bin/wine
to locate program

Then it just seems to sit there with Wine in a piperd state. I don't know what
while would be waiting for and I've not had any luck with searching Google or
WineHQ. Hopefully someone has seen this before or has an idea what it might be.

Oh, the preinstalled apps, notepad.exe, sol.exe, produce the same result.

John F Hoover
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DSL router bridging question

2006-03-17 Thread John Hoover
I've got a bit of an involved question about dsl and router config so hopefully
I'm able to make this clear.

The situation I've got is, one dsl router w/ 4 inside ports, 8 routable IPs,
2 outside machines ( FW and Email/Web), and a number of inside machines
behind the firewall. Currently I've got one IP for the inside
interface of the router
and one for each outside machine. DHCP and NAT are turned off on the router,
but BreakWater Firewall is set to ClearSailing and Safe Harbour is On.
I couldn't find the setting for the Safe Harbour option. Router is
model 3347NWG. It's currently set to PPP over Ethernet.

Ok, here's my issue, everything works fine from the inside, and machines
behind the firewall can access the web server and the Internet, but it looks
like the router is blocking all inbound connections.  Does the router need to
be in RFC-1483 Bridged Ethernet mode and have the firewall run PPPoE
to sign in to BellSouth? And if this is the answer, will the web server or any
other machines (with routable IPs) on the router's inside ports
operate as expected?

I've looked at the handbook PPPoE info and it seems clear enough and there
are a few sites with info on bridging the router, I'm looking for
clarification before
 I start changing the current setup that bridging the router is what I
want, that
the router is transparent to the Internet, that is allowing all
traffic in and out.


John F Hoover
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Re: Odd Partition/Newfs Question

2006-01-27 Thread John Hoover
  Added an additional hard drive to an existing setup.
  Then gave the following commands:
  bsdlabel -w /dev/ad2
  newfs -U -O 2 /dev/ad2
  mount /dev/ad2 /mnt/ad2
  then went about the business of moving and rearranging for having the new 
  After the machine was back in production, I saw the odd mount point.
  My question is, have I just ended up ignoring the bsdlabel command and I'm
  using the entire disk as a raw disk or is there some set of reasons I 
  re-bsdlabel and newfs /dev/ad2a this time.

 What do you mean 'odd mount point'.   You don't give any information
 that would make it seem odd.

 What does doing 'bsdlabel ad2'  show you?
 Does it seem happy?
 Does newfs seem happy?

I didn't include output from bsdlabel, as it didn't show anything unexpected
%bsdlabel /dev/ad2
# /dev/ad2:
8 partitions:
#size   offsetfstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
  a: 490234736   16unused0 0
  c: 4902347520unused0 0 # raw part,
don't edit

which looked right, the odd part was the fact that I issued
newfs /dev/ad2  in place of the usual
newfs /dev/ad2a

So it looked to me as I just ignored the bsdlabel command and newfs'd the
entire disk starting at an offset of 0 instaid of the usual offset of 16
With this being a non boot disk, I wasn't worried about it, I'm
expecting that the
bsdlabel information will get overwritten by the directory structure
sooner or later.
Except for forgetting that I have a device with a filesystem and no
my concern is that there is some internal bookkeeping issue that I'm
not aware of
that will cause trouble if I don't have valid label information on the disk.

Oh, I tested it with another disk, the directory entries will
overwrite the label information,
no real surprise there.

John F Hoover
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Odd Partition/Newfs Question

2006-01-26 Thread John Hoover
I don't think I've done any harm, but I wanted another opinion or two.

Added an additional hard drive to an existing setup.
Then gave the following commands:

bsdlabel -w /dev/ad2
newfs -U -O 2 /dev/ad2
mount /dev/ad2 /mnt/ad2

then went about the business of moving and rearranging for having the new disk.
After the machine was back in production, I saw the odd mount point.

My question is, have I just ended up ignoring the bsdlabel command and I'm
using the entire disk as a raw disk or is there some set of reasons I should
re-bsdlabel and newfs /dev/ad2a this time.

John F Hoover
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FreeBSD Mail Archive Question

2006-01-04 Thread John Hoover
Is it possible to have older mail messages resent??
I know I can get the zipped archives and that would be fine,
but I was hoping I could get the list software to resend them.

John F Hoover
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Re: Sharing data files on a dual-boot machine ...

2005-09-26 Thread John Hoover
On 9/26/05, Kiffin Gish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a dual-boot laptop running on the one hand Windows XP (sorry) and
 on the other hand good old FreeBSD.

 My question: is it possible to exchange data files between both both
 operaing systems in an easy and efficient way?

I don't know if it would be considered the most efficient, but I've got my
Sony GRT100 set up this way. It has worked out well so far.

Three partitions
3GB FAT32 (Data sharing)
12GB BSD (FreeBSD)

I'm using FreeBSD's boot manager for selecting the boot partition at
Best I remember I installed the above by
1) using FreeBSD to partition and install on ad0s3
2) install XP on first partition, format FAT32 partition within XP
(admin tools - computer management - disk management)
3) reinstall FreeBSD, installing FreeBSD boot manager

You could add an entry to /etc/fstabs to mount the FAT32 partition on
I just mounted it by hand if I needed it.

John F Hoover
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Re: Samba Config

2005-05-24 Thread John Hoover
I've got a mixture of ME and XP machines, this has been working well as
public storage without dealing with individual permissions.

I don't think I had to do anything beyond the normal setup, I don't remember.

workgroup = GAISERCO
netbios name = GSRCOFS
security = SHARE
disable spoolss = YES
wins support = YES
preferred master = YES

comment = GaiserCo file storage
path = /smbdata/gaiserco
force user = nobody
force group = nobody
read only = no
guest ok = yes
nt acl support = no

comment = PUBLIC file storage
path = /smbdata/public
read only = no
force user = nobody
force group = nobody
guest ok = yes
nt acl support = no

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Re: Partition Size

2005-01-26 Thread John Hoover
I'm sure that many will disagree, but if you don't want to worry about
the partition
sizes, don't.  Just have two partitions,  / and swap.

I may have started a flame war, but for my small installs, it works just fine.


John F Hoover
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During Boot - error after mounting root

2003-05-31 Thread JOHN HOOVER

I can't figure out how to get the mailing list search engine to take
this so I'm asking it here.

We had power outage and machine went down, now during boot and after
mounting the root partition the character string '^[[0' appears alot.
The machine still runs and seems ok, but since I can't seem to get a
search engine to take the string anyone got an idea what this is and
if it's fixable without a complete reformat?

Also, would someone please check the MX record and reverse dns for
The FreeBSD lists are refusing to accept mail from here claming that
my hostname can't be found. 

John Hoover

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RE: During Boot - error after mounting root

2003-05-31 Thread JOHN HOOVER

The machine is running just fine (best I can tell).
It's a Samba server with internal email, no one's complained about
it not working from the client side.

It did take three or four attempts to get it to boot successfully
after the power outage. But now it boots without any fuss except for
the strings of [O^[[O^[[O^[[O^[[O^[[ after mounting the partitions.

the error is on the console, there not in /var/log/messages or dmesg.

thanks for checking the DNS, it looks fine from here. I'll have another 
look at the files. 

John Hoover

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