ftpd traffic accounting ... _per user_ - please help

2006-03-08 Thread Joe Schmoe

I really need to track ftp traffic on a per user

Is this possible with the freebsd built-in ftpd ?  If
not, what is a good ftpd to use instead that has this
feature ?

Thanks a lot.

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How do I use the 3dm2 CLI without a web browser ?

2005-11-25 Thread Joe Schmoe

Let's play a game.  Let's imagine for just one second
that I am not a fucking asshole.  Let's imagine that I
do not want to manage my _disk drive arrays_ over a
fucking web interface like a fucking little child.

Let's pretend that I am a grown person, and not some
bright-blinkenlights sourceforge groupie, and that I
just want to run a command on the command line and get
information over STDIO.  Remember STDIO ?  No, of
course you don't - you're too busy loading KDE on your
powerbook because you're too cool to use OSX, but too
much of a fag not to run apple.

With me so far ?  Now let's say I have a 3ware array. 
I want to see whether it is working or not.  I am used
to using mlxcontrol.  If nothing is wrong IT RETURNS
FUCKING ZERO.  Yeah - that's right - no GUI, no aqua
colored desktop, and no fucking mascot.  It just
returns fucking zero.  Or aaccli (you know, the app
that won't quit on ctrl-D ? - yeah, that one) at least
I can run it over ssh.

So I install /usr/ports/sysutils/3dm ... and ... what
?  HTML files ? gif files ?  png files ?  Look
assholes, if I wanted a bunch of HTML and GIF and PNG
files on my server, I would wget a porn site.

So, now that I have mucked up my system with all of
your STUPID CRAP /cameron, I run:


Nothing.  It does nothing, and now I have a 3dm2
process running in the background (presumably this is
the web server for the I just lernd linux!@ crowd
and middle management)

There is no man page.  There is no HOWTO.  There is
nothing but a bunch of HTML pages and pictures.  Fuck
you 3ware, fuck you dead. /tim_may

So.  My question.  Is there a way to run 3dm2 on the
command line, that doesn't start a daemon, that
doesn't require a web browser, and that will give me
information over STDIO and allow me to delete all the
garbage that that port installed ?

Thanks in advance!

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toggle volume with scroll wheel in X on freeBSD ?

2005-07-05 Thread Joe Schmoe

WHen I used to use windows, a very favorite app I used


Very simple - if you held down control, then the mouse
scroll wheel caused master volume to go up and down. 
It was terrific.

Is there a way to do this in X on FreeBSD ?  I would
really like this functionality again...any thoughts ?

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which firewire card for 5.4 ? Will adaptec fireconnect 8300 work ?

2005-06-29 Thread Joe Schmoe

The hardware compatibility list for FreeBSD 5.4 lists:

Adaptec AHA-894x/AIC-5800

which I cannot find on the adaptec web site.  What I
_can_ find is the adaptec 4300 and 8300 fireconnect

Will both of these work in FreeBSD 5.4 ?  I am
particularly interested in the 8300, which has one 400
port and two 800 ports...


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finding an old md5 from an old ports tree...

2005-05-31 Thread Joe Schmoe

there is an app I need that is no longer included in
the ports tree.  I want to search for the .tar.gz file
with google - I am sure it is out there somewhere -
but I do not know the name.

Further, I want to be sure I am getting a good copy,
so I would also need to know the md5 hash.

Since I have no 4.5/4.6 systems up and running, and
since I cannot find old ftp trees with them on it, my
question is:  how can I find the distinfo file that
came with the ports tree of a specific port from
4.5-release ?


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questions RE: opera web browser and plugins...

2005-05-25 Thread Joe Schmoe

I am using linux-opera in FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE, with
ion as my window manager.

As far as plugins, shockwave-flash is behaving
perfectly.  When I click on a .swf file, the flash
animation opens up _inside_ the web viewing area,
stays inside the browser, etc.  No new windows are

However, when the flash animation is finished, I am
simply left with a black screen and have to hit the
back button to go back to the page I initiated the
flash file from.

1. Is there any way to just have the animation finish
and be left back at the screen I started on ? (and not
have to hit the back button)

Now, acroread behaves differently ... I can
successfully open pdf documents in opera, but acroread
spawns a whole new window.

2. Is there any way to have acroread initiate itself
_inside_ of opera ?  Even better, is it possible for
it to respect the browser back button, so I can just
go back with the back button and the acroread window
(and program) just disappear ?

3. Is this possible with xmms and/or xine as well ? 
They also spawn whole new windows when I hit a .avi or
.mp3 ...

4. Is it possible that somehow, between opera and
xine, (or xmms) they can be smart enough to know that
if one piece of media is playing, and I click on
another piece of media, not to spawn another player
and compete with each other for graphics/sound, but
rather to just start playing the new thing in the
existing player and forget the old piece of media ?

5. Finally, often opera will, when I click on a mp3 or
a movie, download the entire thing before sending it
off to xmms/xine for playback.  How can I force opera
to just start playing it immediately ?  And further,
is it possible to configure how much of it to buffer
before handing it off ?

I know it is possible, because if I run:

xmms http://example.com/mp3/some_song.mp3

playback begins immediately ... it doesn't download
the entire song first...


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how can I make xterm just like the console ? (colors, etc.)

2005-05-24 Thread Joe Schmoe

I am used to using the console for things like bitchx,
nethack, etc.

Now I have started using Xorg in 5.4-RELEASE (with the
ion window manager).  I notice that the xterm program
comes up with black text on a white background, and
that colors in BitchX, etc., are not the same as they
were in the console.

Can someone tell me what configuration I need to make
the colors (and as much other behavior as possible) in
xterm identical to the normal FreeBSD console ?


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mapping mouse clicks to keystrokes in X ?

2005-05-24 Thread Joe Schmoe
I want my two mouse buttons to create the letters z
and x when I press them, instead of the normal actions
that those mouse buttons send to X.  Don't ask.

It's as simple as it sounds:  if I click mouse button
one, it is as if I press z on the keyboard, if I click
mouse button 2, it is as if I press x on the keyboard.

Does anyone know how to do this ?  I am looking at
xmodmap, but even though it swaps mouse buttons
around, and maps keys to other keys, I can't see how
to make it map mouse buttons to keys...

Any ideas ?

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Using a logitech mx700 with scrollwheel and thumb buttons in xorg

2005-05-24 Thread Joe Schmoe

I have a logitech mx700 - it has a scrollwheel and two
thumb buttons (designed for forward and back in your
browser) as well as some other launch button on the
top that I guess is for launching an app.

I am using FBSD 5.4-RELEASE with xorg installed from
the ports tree.

I have tried many, many different combinations of
settings in /etc/rc.conf, xorg.conf and .xinitrc.  The
results are always the same:

- I can use the scrollwheel just fine
- first three mouse buttons work just fine
- the other three (two thumb buttons and the app
button) _always_ generate the same mousebutton event

So for instance, at first I had:

moused_flags=-z 4 in /etc/rc.conf

and I had:

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Mouse0
Driver  mouse
Option  Protocol auto
Option  Device /dev/sysmouse
Option  Buttons 7

in my xorg.conf

and I had:

/usr/X11R6/bin/xmodmap -e pointer = 1 3 2 4 5 6 7

in my .xinitrc

Checking button events in xev, under this config,
shows that upwheel is 4, downwheel is 5 (and yes, the
wheel worked) and all three other buttons (two thumbs
and app button) were all button 5.

so then I removed the -z line from /etc/rc.conf, and
added this to my xorg.conf:

Option ZAxisMapping 6 7

Same behavior.  wheel works, the other three are all
event button 5.

So the only semi-success I had was when I changed my
ZAxisMapping line to:

Option  ZAxisMapping 4 5 6 7

When I did this, wheelup is 4, wheeldown is 5, the
little pseudo buttons above and below the wheel now
create the following combo events of 6,4 and 5,5
respectively, and my two thumb buttons and app button
now all produce button 7.


So what can I do here ?  No matter how I rearrange my
settings, the two thumb buttons and the app button
always produce the same button event.  Whether it is 5
or 7, it is always the same.

Does anyone have a Logitech mx700 mouse, in FreeBSD
5.x, with xorg, running properly with the wheel and
the thumb buttons ?


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trying to use vga11x19.pcf.gz with rxvt under Xorg

2005-05-24 Thread Joe Schmoe

I am advised by the bitchx faq that the best xterm
environment to run bitchx under is rxvt, with the
vga11x19 font.

So I installed rxvt from the ports tree, and ran:

rxvt -bg black -fg white -fn vga11x19

it did indeed start, but I received the error:

rxvt: can't load font vga11x19

Sure enough, I do not have that font.  So I searched
for it and downloaded the file vga11x19.pcf.gz and
placed it into my /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc
directory.  I then ran `rehash`.

However I get the same error from rxvt.

How can I incorporate this new font file into my
system such that rxvt can find it ?  Would it help to
just re-init my Xserver ?  Or should I be able to drop
new font files into that dir and use them on the fly ?


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problems mailing from base_host to jail_on_base_host

2005-05-13 Thread Joe Schmoe
I have a freeBSD 4.10-RELEASE installation.

On that system, I have, running, a jail with a
4.10-RELEASE userland that is _identical_ to the base
host.  It is identical because I dumped the base
systems filesystem and restored it inside the jail.

Everything is working fine.  I have never touched any
of the files inside of /etc/mail on either the base
host OR the jail.  Email works find on the base host,
and email works fine in the jail.

Users in the jail can email users in the base host
without any problem.

HOWEVER, if a user on the base host attempts to email
a user in the jail (example.com, the base host will
not deliver the mail.  In /var/log/maillog, the
following error is generated:

May 13 08:47:03 basehost sm-mta[59207]: j4xSj059205:
SYSERR(root): MX list for example.com. points back to
May 13 08:47:03 basehost sm-mta[59207]: j4xSj059205:
(1001/1001), delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00,
mailer=esmtp, pri=30457, relay=example.com.,
dsn=5.3.5, stat=Local configuration error
May 13 08:47:03 basehost sm-mta[59207]: j4xSj059205:
j4DFl3Sj059207: DSN: Local configuration error

So it seems as if basehost is looking up the IP of
example.com (the jail) and deciding hey that is one
of the IPs on the machine I am on ... barf!

So, again, I reiterate, I have never touched any files
in /etc/mail on either the basehost or the jail ... it
seems that all is well in the jail, but it seems that
I need to somehow tell sendmail on the basehost to
only consider the main IP on basehost to belong to
itself, and ignore other IPs.

How do I do this ?

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setting an alias in .cshrc with parentheses in it ...

2005-04-07 Thread Joe Schmoe

I often run this command:

lynx -useragent blah blah (compatible; MSIE blah

Note that the custom referrer string that I set
includes parentheses.

So, to save time, I added this line to my .cshrc:

alias lynx lynx -useragent blah blah (compatible;
MSIE blah blah)

However, when I run lynx, I get this error:

Badly placed ()'s

If I escape the parentheses with a backslash in
.cshrc, it also doesn't work - it splits the line up
and lynx thinks that the next command line argument
begins where the first backslash is inserted.

So how do I include a command alias that contains
parentheses into .cshrc ?


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Help with pine mail reader ... two quickies

2005-03-08 Thread Joe Schmoe

Two config options I cannot seem to find in pine, and
wonder if they exist ... if you know what they are:

1. Is there a way to tell pine to QUIT asking me if I
want to save space by deleting previous months
sent-mail folders ?  No, I don't.  Ever.  How can I
get it to quit asking me ?

2. Is there a way to make pine auto-create the new
months sent-mail folder on the first of each month ? 
I have pine up and running for sometimes 60-90 days at
a time, which means that it saves three months of
sent-mail in the month in which I invoked the program
... because it only seems to make a new sent-mail
folder when I restart it.  Any way to make it more
proactive ?


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Re: How can I cut and paste from xterm _into_ another program ? (NOTE - I am not an IDIOT)

2005-02-28 Thread Joe Schmoe

Hmmm...so instead of actually reading my post, several
folks have responded ... presumably just looking at
the words cut and paste in my post and responding
with a tutorial on how to use my mouse buttons. 

So I'll start all over.

I am running X on fbsd 5.3, with ratpoison as my
window manager.  I only run two apps - xterms (1 or 2
or 3 of them) and opera (my web browser).

I can cut text in my xterms by simply highlighting it,
and I can paste that text back into that xterm, or a
different xterm by clicking my right mouse button.  So
yes, I know how to cut and paste thank you very much.

I can also cut and paste in opera by selecting text
and choosing edit-copy from the menu - I can then
paste that text back into opera with edit-paste, or
shift+insert, and FURTHER, I can paste that text into
any of my xterms, with shift+insert OR with my right
mouse button.

THE PROBLEM IS, if I cut text in an xterm, I cannot
paste it in opera.  That is the only problem.

So to recap, I know how to cut and paste - thanks.  No
need for the mouse button tutorials.  All I want to
know is, why can I not properly cut and paste from
xterm TO opera, when I can already do it successfully
gtom opera TO xterm ?

Thanks.  Hopefully anyone responding will actually
read the post this time.

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How can I cut and paste from xterm _into_ another program ?

2005-02-27 Thread Joe Schmoe

I am using a very vanilla XFree86 installation on fbsd
5.3.  I am using ratpoison as my window manager.

If I highlight text in an xterm, it is immediately in
my buffer, and I can paste it into that xterm, or any
other xterm.  Further, if I copy text in my web
browser, I can paste it into all my xterms.

However, I cannot take text that I copied in my xterm
and paste it into my browser (opera).  Why is this ?

Why can I go in one direction (paste from opera into
xterm) but not the other (paste from xterm into opera)


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Re: How can I cut and paste from xterm _into_ another program ?

2005-02-27 Thread Joe Schmoe
--- Frank Staals [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Copy: select the text:
 Paste: middle mouseclick. If you got a 2 button
 mouse it you most 
 probably have to do this: left and right click at
 the same time.

I have no problem cutting and pasting.  The problem
is, I cannot cut from xterm and paste into opera.

I can cut from xterm and paste into any xterm.  I can
cut from opera and paste into any xterm.  I can cut
from opera and paste into opera.

BUT I cannot cut from xterm and paste into opera.

So yeah ... I know how to cut and paste :)  It just
doesn't work from xterm into opera... any ideas why ?

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Please advise on triple-head _HIGH_ resolution solution for FreeBSD ...

2005-01-31 Thread Joe Schmoe

To let me say initially, I have the goal of buying
three of the new apple 30 cinemadisplays and running
them as one large extended desktop in x11 under

The displays are 2560x1600, and I want to utilize them
at full resolution.

The question:  what hardware can perform this _and_
work under FreeBSD ?  My guess is I have three

- find _one_ PCI-X or AGP card that can drive all
three monitors at once ... the matrox p750 can do
this, but only at 1280x1024 for three screens.  The
new matrox APVe can also do this, but only at
1920x1080 or below (not quite clear) ... so these are
not valid choices ... are there any single cards that
can do 3x (2560x1600) ?

- find three normal PCI cards that can each drive
2560x1600 ... not sure if such advanced cards were
ever made for plain old PCI, or how well that would
work ... at 3x that res, would I be getting close to
saturating the PCI bus ?

- find a system that has 3 PCI-X slots in it (does
that exist ?) and then find 3 PCI-X gfx cards that can
each do 2560x1600 ... any thoughts on this line ?  And
if so, what would be a good FreeBSD supported gfx card
to stick three of in a system ?


Obviously I need help ... so any comments at all are appreciated.

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switching key mappings on a laptop (function and ctrl)

2005-01-10 Thread Joe Schmoe
I have a new laptop that has the FN (function) key in
the very lower left, and the CTRL key one key to the
right of it ...

but I like the CTRL key to be in the far lower left

Is it possible to switch the function of these two
keys (not just in X, but in the console, virtual
terminals, etc.)


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triple monitor hardware setup on FBSD - suggestions needed...

2004-12-25 Thread Joe Schmoe

I am currently running a triple-monitor setup under
winXP, with an extended desktop that stretches across
all three monitors.  I like it.

I would, however, like to use FreeBSD.

So, first off, what hardware (video card) comes to
mind for doing triple screens with FreeBSD ?  A matrox
P750 comes to mind, but when you run it with three
screens, they downgrade to 1280x1024, which is bad.  I
am happy to consider multiple video cards to
accomplish this ... at the very least I need 1600x1200
out of each card, preferably 1920x1200 ...

Second, what is the support for something like this in
XFree86, or x.org ?  What I am really looking for is
the ability to create virtually sized screens - so
instead of having three total (physical) screens that
I can maximize windows inside of, I want to split each
physical screen in half for a total of 6 virtual
screens - so there are six total areas within which I
can maximize a window in ... this is something I am
really trying to accomplish.


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passwordless ssh logins _STILL_ not working - help needed.

2004-10-17 Thread Joe Schmoe
I am trying to allow _all users_ on CLIENT to login to
SERVER without a password.

IMPORTANT:  I am not interested in user keys _at all_
- at no point in this process should I ever be dealing
with any keys in /home/user/.ssh - I am only
interested in doing this with HOST keys - where I copy
one key between SERVER and CLIENT, and _all_ users on
CLIENT can login to SERVER without a password.  Don't
even mention user keys.

My /etc/sshd/sshd_config is exactly the same on both

#VersionAddendum FreeBSD-20020629

#Port 22
#Protocol 2,1
#ListenAddress ::

# Authentication:

IgnoreRhosts yes
#RhostsRSAAuthentication no
HostbasedAuthentication yes
IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes

ChallengeResponseAuthentication no

Further, SERVER has CLIENT in its /etc/hosts.equiv,
and CLIENT has SERVER in its /etc/hosts.equiv

Finally, I have copied the output of
/etc/sshd/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub on each system to
/etc/ssh/known_hosts on the other system.  The
permissions on /etc/ssh/known_hosts on each system

2 -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel

So that's it.  The options are set in sshd_config, the
keys have been exchanged, hosts.equiv are populated
and permissions are correct.

SO now I go to CLIENT and run:


and I get a password prompt!!!

So what am I doing wrong ?  Again - NO user keys are
used and I am not interested in user keys _AT ALL_. 
DOn't even mention the /home/user/.ssh directory.  The
goal here is to share one public key between SERVER
and CLIENT and allow _all_ users on CLIENT to log into
SERVER without a password.

So what am I doing wrong ?


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Re: host-based ssh authentication (no password) not working ... help needed

2004-10-10 Thread Joe Schmoe

--- Matthew Seaman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 For ssh(1) to work using key based auth, all of the
 files in
 ~user/.ssh on the server must have the correct
 permissions, and the
 host public keys for the server should be known to
 the client machine,
 and vice versa.

No no ... I was talking about _host_ keys, not user
keys - no user home directories should be involved at
all.  I am simply sharing host keys so that all users
on CLIENT can login to SERVER with no passwords ... am
I missing something here ?

I think my problem is that I gave the public _host_
key of the CLIENT to the SERVER, but really I should
give the public _host_ key of the SERVER to the CLIENt
... is that my problem ?

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Having trouble sharing public/private keys for ssh ... keeps asking for password

2004-10-06 Thread Joe Schmoe
Ok, this should be easy:

I want to log in from CLIENT to SERVER without being
asked for a password.

On CLIENT, I run:

ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 2048

as user test

and I do not enter a password.  Then I copy the .pub
portion of that key over to SERVER and save it as
/usr/home/jerkoff/.ssh/authorized_keys2 ... note that
I save it as authorized_keys2, because it is a dsa key

then I chmod 0600 authorized_keys2 ...

So now I should be able to go to CLIENT and:


and log in with no password, right ?  Wrong.  I get:

Response:  (I hit enter)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:  (I hit enter)
Permission denied, please try again.

So ... what am I doing wrong ?


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Re: tracking per process IO usage / stats ... help needed..

2004-10-05 Thread Joe Schmoe

--- Giorgos Keramidas [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You might want to see if the io mode of top can be
 ported to RELENG_4.
 In 5.X you can use top to display io statistics too:

Wow - that is really useful.  I didn't know you could
output like that in 5.x.

 : $ top -m io | sed -e 1,7d | head -10


 The differences of top from RELENG_4 to CURRENT are
 many and I don't have the
 time right now to try porting the io mode stuff to
 RELENG_4, but if you
 cannot do it yourself I might find a bit of time
 this weekend.

Well, porting it is way beyond my abilities, so yes,
if it is not too much trouble, that would be great. 
Alternatively, is there any other way to get this
information in 4.x - perhaps without top, etc. ?


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tracking per process IO usage / stats ... help needed..

2004-10-04 Thread Joe Schmoe

I have a FreeBSD system (4.9) running a fair number of
processes in a multi-user / shell hosting environment.

One problem that routinely comes up is that the system
will seem to be fine in terms of CPU, and none of the
top 10 or 15 processes that I see in top are using
much CPU ... but the load average is very high -
sometimes as high as 30 or 40 ...

I have good reason to suspect that the load is high
due to I/O.  I can see the number of processes
blocking on I/O in vmstat, and I can see iostat for
the entire machine, of course ...

BUT HOW do I see on a per process basis which
processes are using the most I/O time ?  It does not
help me to simply see that the system is using a lot
of I/O ... I need to know which processes specifically
are guilty, and to see them in some kind of ranked
order, just like top shows me for CPU usage.

So what would you recommend ?  Is there some way of
interpreting top to see that, or a way to tell top
to show me based on I/O instead of CPU ?

Any suggestions appreciated.

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making files opposite from themselves (100% change)

2004-07-05 Thread Joe Schmoe

I want to do some benchmarking and speed testing of
rsync and UFS snapshots by taking existing files,
doing rsyncs and snapshots of them and their
filesystem, and then _changing_ those files by a
certain percent difference, and rsyncing/snapshotting

So the question is, how do I take a given file and
make it 100% different from itself (but maintain its
size and place on disk) ?  I could just output
/dev/zero to it, but that would leave unchanged all
the bits that were aleady zero.

So how do I flip the bits of an entire file ? 
Further, is there a good command line that will flip
the bits of some percentage of the file ?


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max concurrent scp sessions - and testing methodology for them...

2004-06-30 Thread Joe Schmoe
I have read several documents on the number of
concurrent  https sessions a FreeBSD system is capable

However, I wonder how well this relates to how many
ssh sessions (scp file transfers, specifically) that a
FreeBSD server can handle.  Can anyone throw out some
basic numbers for this ?  Assuming a 1ghz p3 and 2gigs
of RAM, and assuming that everyone is transferring a
totally different file.  (so there is no amount of
cache hits - everything comes straight off the drives)

I would think the major bottleneck would be disk - you
would start chugging the disks far before you used up
all the CPU on a 1ghz p3 ... but what is the second
bottleneck ?  Is it cpu, or is it ram (or mbufs, etc.)

Would it be a reasonable test to just start up scp
sessions from the machine to itself and then divide
the number of sessions you can acceptably create by
the number 2 ?  Or is this somehow a flawed test ?

Any additional comments (kernel tunes, settings, war
stories) are greatly appreciated.

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A few X questions (small X load for small drive needed)

2004-06-25 Thread Joe Schmoe

I just loaded XFree86-4 from the ports tree on my
laptop, running 5.2.1-RELEASE.

It took about 2.5 gigs of space to compile and add it

Let's say I have a small hard drive in an old laptop,
and let's also assume that I am just loading X to just
have a simple GUI to run opera and terminal windows
on, and don't need a big fancy X server or whatever

What are some options I can add to the standard `make
install` command for that port to significantly reduce
the size of X ?

Any general comments on making a smaller/faster/more
efficient X for an old laptop are greatly appreciated.


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how do I switch kernels in 5.x ?

2004-06-22 Thread Joe Schmoe

I successfully compiled a new kernel, and was using it.  No problem.


Then I decided to move back to the old, GENERIC kernel.  I did this by moving 
/boot/kernel to /boot/kernel.new, and then renaming /boot/kernel.old to /boot/kernel


Is this correct, or will there be problems when I reboot now ?  If it is incorrect, 
what else needs to be done ?



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questions on UFS2 usage and snapshots

2004-06-21 Thread Joe Schmoe
Hi - a few questions about UFS2:
1. Is it dangerous to mount all 20 possible filesystem snapshots and _leave them 
mounted_ to use at any time ?  What about automatically mounting all 20 snapshots at 
boot time ?
2. Related to the first question, it seems like I am getting space out of nowhere ... 
that is, if I fill up a drive, then make a snapshot, then erase the drive and fill it 
again, then make another snapshot ... and do this 20 times, AND THEN mount all 20 
snapshots, it seems like I now have 20x as much disk space as before (granted, most of 
it is read-only) ... it seems like I am getting something for nothing.  What am I 
missing here ?  What tradeoffs do I begin to make as I mount up more and more 
snapshots and get more and more browsable space ?
3. When I mount a snapshot, as described in the man page, but then later mount -uw the 
snapshot ( to make that a writeable mount) and, say, touch a file or create a file in 
the mounted snapshot ... what exactly am I doing ?  Have I corrupted the snapshot ?  
Is it still usable as a snapshot ?  Where does this space end up being used at if I 
write a file in a write-enabled mounted snapshot ?
4. This is not related to snapshots, but is a UFS2 question ... I see that if I am 
doing filesystem activity, and before I can sync the disks, my machine crashes ... the 
machine sort of goes back in time when it reboots - the files or directories I had 
created no longer exist when it reboots.   This is expected, I suppose, and makes 
sense.  However, it seems like I have also seen the following behavior:
write file A
write file B
file A exists, but B does not
write file B
BOTH file A and B _no longer exist_
Is this possible ?  Have I really seen that behavior, or am I remembering it wrong ?  
I swear that I have seen something like this happen ... if this is possible, can 
someone explain how ?  It seems like it shouldn't be possible...

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FreeBSD 5.2.1 - Joke-only release ? April Fools ??

2004-06-19 Thread Joe Schmoe

I have attempted to install 5.2.1-RELEASE on four
(very) different computers today:

- dell inspiron laptop
- toshiba libretto
- some other toshiba laptop
- Intel N440BX p3 server (with fxp0 and Intel onboard

Every single time, I boot off kern.flp, move on to
mfsroot.flp, and as sysinstall is booting, after most
of the dmesg has passed by, it suddenly starts
spitting out error messages at an extremely fast rate.
 The error messages are always the same - I can't read
it all because it flies by too fast, but there are
only two lines that repeat continuously:

A line that starts with:  spec_getpages

A line that starts with: vm_fault: pager

One of the lines ends with: 0xc4866000 (can't tell

One of the lines contains: md0: I/O read failure

One of the lines contains the word:  sysinstall

And that's that.  This happens _no matter what
machine_ I try to install 5.2.1-RELEASE on - and as
you can see, I tried it on several very different
machines.  I tried disabling things like USB, etc., to
no avail.

So the question is, has any person, anywhere, at any
time, successfully installed 5.2.1-RELEASE on any
hardware whatsoever ?  Or is it just a practical joke
release ?

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UFS2 and ufs2 documentation ?

2004-06-19 Thread Joe Schmoe
Quick question - when I run `mount` or view /etc/fstab in fbsd 5.x, I just see ufs 
as the filesystem type.  How can I get some kind of output that assures me that those 
volumes are indeed UFS2 volumes ?  How do I verify that ?
Second, where can I find documentation on ufs2 and snapshotting, etc. ?  There is no 
'ufs2' manpage, and the mksnap_ffs man page is about 20 lines long ... where can I 
find more documentation ?

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Does 4.x + UFS2 exist in any way ?

2004-06-17 Thread Joe Schmoe
I need to run 4.x (currently 4.10-RELEASE) but I really want to use UFS2 because I 
also need larger files and filesystems, and I really want to use snapshots.
Is UFS2 available on 4.10 ?  If not, how big of a hack would it be to try to use UFS2 
with 4.10-RELEASE ?

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software equivs for netapps snapmirror / snapshots in FreeBSD fileserver ?

2004-06-14 Thread Joe Schmoe
I am very intrigued by some of the features that Network Appliance (NetApp) has for 
its network attached arrays.  Chiefly:
snapmirror  http://www.netapp.com/products/filer/snapmirror.html
which allows real time replication of a filesystem(s) over a WAN - and saves bandwidth 
by transferring changes only.

snapshot copies http://www.netapp.com/products/snapshot.html
which provides point-in-time snapshots of a filesystem(s) that can be returned to at 
any time - it keeps track of changes only (after the original snapshot data is created)
So ... if I want to use some features like this on my home fileserver (replicating to 
a friends fileserver over T1) ... do I have any hope of achieving these features with 
standard UNIX tools and scripts, or do I really need to buy things made by NetApp (or 
their competitors) to get features like this ?

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FreeBSD use for SANs ?? Reasonable ?

2004-06-09 Thread Joe Schmoe
What is the world of SAN on FreeBSD like ?  Does it
exist at all ?

More specifically, are there _any_ iSCSI drivers in
existence for FreeBSD ?

If so, how exactly does it work in terms of
reallocating storage ?  If I have a large iSCSI disk
array, and I have a fbsd server that suddenly needs
more space, how do I expand the partitions already in
use ?  Wouldn't I need to unmount the existing
partition and resize it on the array and then remount
it ?  Or do people just keep adding more and more
discreet partitions from the array as time goes on,
ending up with a fbsd server with serveral mounted
filesystems that were needed over time ?


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mplayer + realaudio ... what to expect when installing ...

2004-05-26 Thread Joe Schmoe

I have a simple goal - to convert realaudio files I
have saved to my drive into mp3s, on the fbsd command

The answer, I have been told, is to install mplayer
with realaudio support, and then just:

mplayer file.ra -ao pcm

That sounds reasonable.  But I have two issues.

First, I see no mplayer+realaudio in the ports tree -
just mplayer.  How do I get realaudio support into
mplayer ?

Second, just what kind of install is mplayer (and
mplayer + realaudio, for that matter) ??  I want to
keep this system nice and clean - and I will be upset
if mplayer installs a million dependencies, or does
something lame like install X for me, when I don't
want it.  So can someone describe just what an mplayer
install is like ... and how to keep it from installing
X, etc., if that is what it does ?


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realaudio to mp3/wav conversion utility in FreeBSD ?

2004-05-07 Thread Joe Schmoe
I already have a good method for saving realaudio
streams to local files.  No discussion of this is

So now I have locally saved realaudio files, and I
would like to convert them to mp3 (or at least to wav,
and then to mp3).  There is some lame GUI tool in
windows to do this, but of course I would like a CLI
tool in FreeBSD.

Does such a tool exist ?


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What kind of crash is this ? (kernel ? userland ? )

2004-01-31 Thread Joe Schmoe
I have become familiar with certain FreeBSD crashes - namely, I can tell the 
difference between the kernel crashing, and the userland crashing.
If the machine is down, but I can still ping it, then the userland has crashed - the 
kernel is still running, which is why it responds to pings.
But if it crashes and just reboots itself, then the kernel has crashed.  
Oversimplified I know, but I am leading up to:
What kind of a crash is it if:
I can ssh to the system, it gives me the BSD copyright and the uname message, but 
never ever gives me a prompt.  What is going on in this scenario ?  What kind of 
things have you seen that cause a crash like this ?

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Best practices - USB 2.0 PCI card and gigabit ethernet PCI card for FreeBSD 4.9

2004-01-11 Thread Joe Schmoe

I am running freebsd 4.9 and want to add:

- a USB 2.0 PCI card


- a gigabit ethernet (copper - cat-5 wiring) PCI card

What is the best and best supported choices for each
of these ? I am happy to blindly follow whatever
suggestion for the USB 2.0 card, however for the
gigabit card I have had great luck on the 100meg side
of thigns with the Intel etherexpress pro (fxp) cards,
so if there is a well supported Intel card, that would
be best, I guess.

But then again, if there is a non intel gigabit card
that is the clear leader in freebsd support, I would
like to know it


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