Re: Sharing internet connection, how?

2006-01-24 Thread Kilian Hagemann
On Tuesday 24 January 2006 18:19, cblasius pondered:
> Hello!
> I have two ethernet cards on my computer. The first is rl0 - with
> the adrress from my ISP (DSL 1M), and the second is vr0
> - with the address
> I want to use my computer as gateway to internet for the other
> computers in my home. How I can sharing internet connection on my
> computer to the rest computers in my home? I hve 2 computers (my and my
> wife (rl0
> Could somone help me, I'm beginner?
> I have the following rc.conf file:
> defaultrouter="vvv.vvv.vvv.vvv"
> gateway_enable="YES"
> natd_enable="YES"
> hostname="myhost"
> ifconfig_rl0="inet  netmask"
> ifconfig_vr0="inet netmask"
> linux_enable="YES"
> moused_enable="YES"
> moused_flags="-3"
> sshd_enable="YES"
> usbd_enable="YES"
> What I must to do else, because my wife could not connect to the
> internet?

Until recently I managed a very similar setup. I think all you need is

natd_flags="-log_ipfw_denied -log_denied"

The latter is just so that you can see spurious connection attempts 
in /var/log/security. Check man natd for more info.

Also, you'll have to either statically configure your wife's PC to use (or whatever), default gateway/route and proper DNS. 
Alternatively install and configure dhcpd, or, which I like more for a simple 
application like that, dnsmasq. Google will tell you more :-)

Kilian Hagemann

Climate Systems Analysis Group
University of Cape Town
Republic of South Africa
Tel(w): ++27 21 650 2748
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Haven't been hacked, just prone to man-in-the-middle attacks (WAS: I have been hacked)

2006-01-19 Thread Kilian Hagemann
Hi guys,

Just to find closure on this thread, I'd like to admit that I jumped to 
conclusions too early and would like to share what had actually happened, 
after many hours wasted playing the detective :-(  (glad I didn't 
format/reinstall though)

When I "used" my FreeBSD gateway as an smtp server to convince myself I had 
been hacked, the smtp connection was somehow redirected to one of my 
institution's mail servers (or at least that's what gmail's mail headers are 
saying). Funny enough the same trick no longer works today, but then they're 
currently upgrading lots of stuff around here so that's a different story.

Then when I used ftp to connect to my gateway and it came up with "frox 
transparent proxy", someone had actually intercepted my connection and 
forged/spoofed a reply. I know that because I went to the premises of my box, 
unplugged everything and tried that trick again, successfully, from a 
separate dial-up connection. Hey, nmap even told me my box had ports open 
even though it wasn't even up!

I've never seen anything like this before, but I've notified my ISP. Remains 
to be seen if they do anything about it...

Anyway, long story short I'm glad I'm still secure and thanks to everyone who 
helped me out and gave me advice.

Kilian Hagemann
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Re: Share desktop with XOrg

2006-01-18 Thread Kilian Hagemann
On Wednesday 18 January 2006 18:08, User Gandalf pondered:
> Is it possible to share a desktop under the XOrg server? Is there a port
> for this? I'm aware of the -display option of X based programs. What I
> need is not a remote desktop connection. I would like to share my
> desktop to another user so he can see what I see.

Yes, the stock Xorg server doesn't though. You could use VNC, but in my 
experience that just opens up another X display where you login separately 
using kdm/gdm/xdm or whatever.

I suggest you use KDE's desktop sharing (krfb, in the menu under "System", 
part of the "kdenetwork" package, tested on 3.4.1). Does what you want.

Kilian Hagemann
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Re: I have been hacked (WAS: Have I been hacked or is nmap wrong?)

2006-01-18 Thread Kilian Hagemann
On Wednesday 18 January 2006 17:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] pondered:
> sendmail_enable="NONE" would do the same as all that other crap mentioned
> i find it a waste of time trying to figure out how a hacker got in just
> format the machine reinstall freebsd and secure the box up a bit and try
> updating it when vulnerabilitie are out. And this shouldnt happen again

Yeah, I'll have to look into that NONE vs all NO individually because it gave 
me hassles from the beginning (STILL sendmail stuff in /var/log/messages 
after disabling with NONE), but the important thing here is outside sendmail 
access was firewalled (see my other post and its attachment for ipfw rules).

Anyway, I guess you're right, reinstalling and beefing up security will be 
easier. I just thought that if they didn't get in through brute-forcing my 
sshd (the only vulnerability I can think of so far), and the attack came from 
the internet (not some worm/virus on one of the Windows machines), it's some 
unpublished vulnerability in some part of FreeBSD that I'm sure others would 
like to know about. But hey, from what you guys are telling me that seems 

Kilian Hagemann
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Re: I have been hacked (WAS: Have I been hacked or is nmap wrong?)

2006-01-18 Thread Kilian Hagemann
On Wednesday 18 January 2006 16:25, Will Maier pondered:
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 03:56:32PM +0200, Kilian Hagemann wrote:
> > I have never even heard of "frox" before, but after some googling
> > it turns out that it's a GPL'ed transparent ftp proxy...
> Where's it pointing?

No idea, I only went as far as trying to login anonymously using a console 
based ftp client. How could I find out?

> > Also, I said smtp ports were open on the machines in question, I
> > just verified that I can send emails via BOTH these systems even
> > though no sendmail/exim/whatever was ever installed by me and
> > sendmail_enable="None" on both.
> What do you see when you connect to the SMTP ports? Are they really
> mail servers, or just rogue services running on 25?

They are really mail servers, at least smtp for outgoing mails (don't know 
about incoming though). I used kmail to configure them as standard outgoing 
smtp mail servers and successfully sent myself two emails, one via each 
server. Surely a default, out of the box, unconfigured and 
sendmail_enable="None" sendmail process wouldn't allow for something like 
that, never mind the fact that the firewall is supposed to block ANY access 
from the outside (output of ipfw show is attached)

> > My servers have been compromised, fantastic. And that with an
> > initial firewall'ed setup that left NO open ports (I verified that
> > a while ago with nmap). So much for my impression that FreeBSD was
> > secure.
> My condolences; what you describe, though, doesn't really suggest
> that /FreeBSD/ is insecure. In the vast majority of these situations
> (and yes, I have found myself in your shoes before), the operator
> (you or I) is to blame.

Alright, I guest that's a fair assumption. But that's what this thread is 
about: What (if anything) did I do wrong?

> > How could this have happened? ipfw buffer overflow? Some other
> > unknown vulnerability?
> Ockham's razor: the simplest is also the most likely solution.
> You're running Samba; is there any chance that that service or your
> configuration of it could have opened a hole? How many people have
> user accounts on that box? Do you allow
> ChallengeResponseAuthentication on SSH? Key only?

Well, I didn't worry about samba because it's firewalled to the outside(unless 
some Windows virus on one of the LAN machines exploited a samba hole, is that 
likely?). There is only one single normal user account with an uncommon name 
and an impossible password(16 characters randomly generated from ASCII 
charset). ChallengeResponseAuthentication is commented out in sshd which I 
guess means it uses the standard PAM authentication. It also allows 
password/interactive authentication in addition to public key, I always use 
the former. I do admit that I have set "PermitRootLogin yes" but my root 
password is 9 characters with numbers and non-alphanumeric characters, so 
hard to brute-force.

In any case, it's important to note that the only access from the outside via 
ssh/rsync is firewalled in such a way that it only allows access from a 
single IP address which my institution assigns me statically via DHCP (see 
attachment). They would have had to a) find out what this one and only 
trusted IP address is b) spoof it successfully c) attack ssh brute force?

> > I really wanna find out how they got in (syslog offers no clues
> > btw, I've been rootkitted after all :-(
> You'll need to do a more sophisticated forensic analysis, then, to
> figure out what happened. Some basic questions: were you running a
> file integrity monitor? What did it say? Do you have logs that were
> remotely backed up (and, therefore, likely still accurate)? What do
> they say? Do you have any network monitoring that might have
> recorded an intrusion? What services /should/ be running on the box
> (I don't think this was ever actually listed -- it would be useful
> to know)? Do you have dumps of the traffic leaving or entering the
> box?

Well, I thought my setup was secure enough for a very basic 
router/gateway/firewall for a couple of Windows machines using a sucky 
internet connection which is not worth stealing. So I didn't go through the 
effort of using a file integrity monitor, remote logging, traffic dumps or 
network monitors (jeez, sysadmins lives are really difficult these days :-( ) 
The services that should be running on the box are:

LAN only: samba, dnsmasq
LAN and WAN: ssh/rsync

I wanted to use rsync with ssh authentication/remote shell to sync my /etc 
and /usr/etc to my workstation and then comparing the "update" with a static 
copy to find out if anything had changed. But before I could do that, the one 
server mysterious

I have been hacked (WAS: Have I been hacked or is nmap wrong?)

2006-01-18 Thread Kilian Hagemann
On Wednesday 18 January 2006 14:34, Ken Stevenson pondered:
> Is there any chance you have a router that's forwarding the ports
> in question to another computer?

Not that I know of. The setup is quite simple:

 wireless   ethernet(PPPoE)  ethernet
ISP<--->Modem<-->FreeBSD gateway<--->LAN

FreeBSD is my router with ppp -ddial -nat and a custom ipfw script that blocks 
all incoming connections while allowing legitimate traffic out (with 
keep-state rules).

Check this out: ftp  gives

220 Frox transparent ftp proxy. Login with [EMAIL PROTECTED]:port]]
Name (...)

I have never even heard of "frox" before, but after some googling it turns out 
that it's a GPL'ed transparent ftp proxy...

Also, I said smtp ports were open on the machines in question, I just verified 
that I can send emails via BOTH these systems even though no 
sendmail/exim/whatever was ever installed by me and sendmail_enable="None" on 

My servers have been compromised, fantastic. And that with an initial 
firewall'ed setup that left NO open ports (I verified that a while ago with 
nmap). So much for my impression that FreeBSD was secure.

How could this have happened? ipfw buffer overflow? Some other unknown 

I really wanna find out how they got in (syslog offers no clues btw, I've been 
rootkitted after all :-( Any suggestions other than 

Kilian Hagemann

Climate Systems Analysis Group
University of Cape Town
Republic of South Africa
Tel(w): ++27 21 650 2748
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Re: Have I been hacked or is nmap wrong?

2006-01-18 Thread Kilian Hagemann
On Tuesday 17 January 2006 19:27, Micheal Patterson pondered:
> > The 1663 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: filtered)
> > 80/tcp   open  http
> > 554/tcp  open  rtsp
> > 1755/tcp open  wms
> > 5190/tcp open  aol
> Kilian, what does a sockstat show you on those systems and are there any
> nats on either of these systems that would have a redirect_address to
> something behind them?

sockstat -4l only shows up the processes serving the LAN (dnsmasq, samba) as 
well as sshd:
rootsmbd484   18 tcp4   *:*
rootsmbd484   19 tcp4   *:*
rootnmbd480   6  udp4   *:137   
rootnmbd480   7  udp4   *:138   
rootnmbd480   8  udp4   *:*
rootnmbd480   9  udp4   *:*
nobody  dnsmasq 458   1  udp4   *:56212 
nobody  dnsmasq 458   3  udp4   *:53
nobody  dnsmasq 458   4  tcp4   *:53
nobody  dnsmasq 458   5  udp4   *:67
rootsshd432   3  tcp4   *:22
rootsyslogd 311   4  udp4   *:514   

So nothing suspect at all here. Yes, the systems are natted(with above system 
LAN on, using ppp -nat. I have no specific redirects set 
up, and only a "allow tcp/udp from LAN to WAN/any setup keep-state" dynamic 
rule, but that should be unrelated.

If my server is not compromised, how the heck could an http/rtsp/wms/aol 
redirect sneak in there without me explicitly enabling it?

Kilian Hagemann

Climate Systems Analysis Group
University of Cape Town
Republic of South Africa
Tel(w): ++27 21 650 2748
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Have I been hacked or is nmap wrong?

2006-01-17 Thread Kilian Hagemann
Hi there,

I'm managing two FreeBSD based gateways, one running 5.2.1-RELEASE and the 
other 5.3-STABLE, both not having been updated since I installed from ISO 
images. They both have custom ipfw firewalls that are dropping pretty much 
everything that's not supposed to come in.

All was fine and dandy until one day I noticed that when I nmap'ed them from 
the outside, the one shows

The 1663 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: filtered)
80/tcp   open  http
554/tcp  open  rtsp
1755/tcp open  wms
5190/tcp open  aol

and the other the same without the http bit. When I nmap them from the only 
address that they allow ssh&rsync access from (my public IP at work), nmap 
says that ftp, smtp and irc(port 6668) are open.

Even though I have sendmail_enable="none" in my rc.conf I still get some 
sendmail entries in my syslog so that might explain the open smtp port, but 
the others are DEFINITELY NOT supposed to be open.

I haven't noticed anything different on the servers themselves and neither can 
I detect these open ports on the machine itself (using lsof -i :1-65535 or 
netstat). I also haven't noticed any abnormal traffic volumes originating 
from them.

So, have I been hacked and rootkitted? Or is nmap simply lying to me?

I've been subscribed to freebsd-announce and thus seen all SA's to date, but 
none of them are relevant to any of my setups.

Kilian Hagemann

Climate Systems Analysis Group
University of Cape Town
Republic of South Africa
Tel(w): ++27 21 650 2748
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