Re: shutdown(8): supposed to dismount all FSes?

2004-10-29 Thread Stefek Zaba
Chuck Swiger wrote:
...I recall that there are some issues handling ext2fs filesystems 
cleanly during the shutdown process, which tend to cause them to not be 
unmounted properly.  It's considered a bug.

Thanks, Chuck. When I tried searching the PRs for this, I came up blank; 
but your reply caused me to search harder, and indeed this is a dup of 
'PR kern/56675: Syncer giving up on buffers and ext2 filesystems'
which is still Open, reported 10sep03. My experience suggests it's still 
a problem with 5.3-RC1.

Obviously, on a production FreeBSD system, this bug is of minor 
relevance, as you'll be running UFS throughouth. But for the 
multibooters among us, who are looking (say) to straddle the Linux and 
BSD worlds, being able to mount the old ext2/ext3 partitions routinely 
is a Good Thing in easing the transition; so for such users the bug is 
more important.

Still, I've no idea whether this is a relatively easy fix which just 
needs Motivation to address, or whether the ext2fs code is a please 
don't make me go there area!

Ta, Stefek
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shutdown(8): supposed to dismount all FSes?

2004-10-28 Thread Stefek Zaba
Dumb question, which man 8 shutdown and cousins (halt, reboot) don't
seem to answer: is incanting shutdown expected to unmount all mounted
filesystems, even those mounted interactively (i.e. not listed in

I ask because I managed to embarass myself during a trial install of
FreeBSDS-5.3RC1 (my first outing with FreeBSD, though I've too many
years with HP-UX, Debian, RedHat, and recently OpenBSD). I'd mounted
an ext3 partition for a quick bit of editing (that's where my grub
config files were), using the built-in ext2fs. In cavalier mode, once
I'd made the edits I wanted, I incanted shutdown -r now, as you do.
In its last dying moments, the FreeBSD kernel spat out a message along
the lines of flushing vnodes: 1 1 1 ... 1 1 1 giving up on 1 buffer
(sorry, I didn't write the msg down, and am reconstructing from a
dangerous combination of memory and Googling for 'the sort of thing
FreeBSD says as it shuts down' ;-).

It seems reprodicible - when I umount'ed the ext3 partition manually
another time, no buffers were Given Up on, and the next time I forgot
I hosed myself again. (Happily the Fedora fsck didn't seem to think
the partition was beyond repair ;-).

If this is simply luser error, tell me so and I'll go away a sadder
if not a wiser man. If, though, the intention is that shutdown should
cleanly dismount all FSen, regardless of their presence in /etc/fstab,
tell me so and I'll spend a little time (but prolly not till next week;
apologies) characterising the circumstances more closely. (E.g.: I note
from Googling around that there was a reported bug in the same vague area
when a read-only floppy was mounted; I may well have had a CD-ROM mounted
at the same time, which is inherently read-only (d'oh). But I thought
I'd better ask first what the shutdown behaviour is *intended* to be...)

Thanks, Stefek
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