dhclient where to get dhclient-2.0pl5

2005-03-25 Thread Tim Preece
Hi fellow BSD'ers,

I am having real problems with dhclient and connections dropping
sporadically, sometimes a minute and others 10 hours or anything
in between. The setup is 5.3 running PF, the box is connected to a
router+modem running in half-bridge mode which requires DHCP.

After a couple of weeks of searching and trying to establish whether
the problem was my router, firewall, other security settings or the
dhclient I have found David Gerard's workaround email titled:
  'WORKAR?OUND: dhclient problems in 5.3-RELEASE'.

In his email he mentions getting dhclient-2.0pl5 from isc.org which I
decided to get, however on the site they are only offering versions
3.0.2 and 3.0.3b1.

I am trying to keep the number of installed ports to a minimum on the
server that needs to run the DHCP client, so I do not want to install
much although I may install a different FTP client if needed.

If I try and ftp to ftp.isc.org, the standard ftp client with FreeBSD
does not seem to work with the site, I get

229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||24431|)
500 Bad EPRT protocol.
500 Illegal PORT command.
425 Use PORT or PASV first.

and if I try PASSV I get

?Invalid command.

So my questions are:

o Is the dhclient-2.0pl5 in the ftp site ?
o If so can I get ftp to work with the site (I am behind a pf firewall)
  with NAT ?
o I can navigate the ftp site and maybe get so if I cannot get ftp to
  work with the site if someone could let me know the path, I might be
  able to get the file ?
o Where else that is trusted may I get the src ?
o Will version 3.0.2 also solve the problem ?

Thanks for any help on this matter.

Tim Preece

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Sangoma S518 ADSL

2005-01-25 Thread Tim Preece
Hi All,

Just got my router up and running as a 3 homed host thanks to Patrick
Gelsema and Aaron Siegel, great, only now the router decided to die.

As a result I have been searching the internet for a suitable card and
after seeing this Sangoma S518 ADSL card and some good write ups I have
purchased one.

I can't get this thing working with FreeBSD 5.3 even though it states
that it works. The problem seems to be with ifconfig. I have built a
new Kernel numerous times now including device sdla pci? and device
sppp, but still the driver moans about not finding SPPP in the kernel
and can't create interface wpaads10.

I am not sure if I even need SPPP.

Has anyone had a success story with this card, even if it is with an
older version of FreeBSD or even version 3.6 of OpenBSD ?

My ISP assigns me a fixed IP address and wants me to use PPPoA with
the encoding set to VMuX and not LLC. I also need to sign in with
a username and password (which I think requires PAM).

Any help appreciated.


Tim Preece.

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Routing problem on 3 homed host

2005-01-17 Thread Tim Preece

I am really having problems with this, any help appreciated.

Amended repost of ipnat port forwarding froblem

The configuration:

This is a dedicated ADSL router with integrated firewall and nat
The firewall cannot be configured other than turning ports
on and off for traffic from the internet and routing traffic
to specific hosts. All traffic is sent to the firewall.
This firewall is an i386 arch FreeBSD 5.3 build currently running
ipf and ipnat and sits on the three networks, and (This may be wrong, I am unsure
of CIDR - please advise if it is).
No nameserver setup all info in hosts files except for
for traffic to and from the internet.
domain somenet.com
map dc0 - portmap tcp/udp 
map dc0 -
map dc0 - portmap tcp/udp
map dc0 -
ipf.rules: - wide open until I can get this working
pass out quick all
pass in quick all

The setup: (simpified)

 IP:  | IP: x.x.x.x
 | Laptop || Router |
   | IP:
   | IP: IF: dc0
 |  Firewall  |
 IP: IF: dc1 || IP IF: rl0
---  ---
| DMZ Host|  | | Switch
---  | |
 | |
 | Pri Host |

The problem:
The firewall can ping the router, dmz host and private host
and can retrieve html pages from the internet.
The laptop can ping the firewall
The dmz host can ping the firewall
The private host can ping the firewall
The dmz host and private host cannot ping the router or
retrieve pages from the internet. (No route to host)

Is there something else that I need to setup or do to enable routing
the packets between the 3 networks ?

Any help greatly appreciated.

Tim Preece.

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