Question about Ports and Packages

2005-04-11 Thread Tom Moyer
I'm using FreeBSD 5-STABLE installed from 5.4-RC1 and then cvsup'd to
5-STABLE on Friday.

Maybe I'm just doing something wrong, but I noticed that when I did
pkgdb -F or portsdb -Uu, it seemed to complain about build
dependancies missing for packages that I installed from packages.  I
assumed that it would catch this and not prompt me to fix stale
dependacies like that.

Along those same lines:  I deleted a build dependancy before I decided
to skip them, is there any way to fix that automatically?

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Possibly OT: ports question/suggestion

2005-02-04 Thread Tom Moyer
Maybe this is not the best place for this (I'm not really sure) but
would there be a way to setup the ports tree so that when a particular
package is deinstalled that it's dependancies would be deinstalled if
they were only installed becasue of the port in the first place.  For
example Package X depends on Packages A,B, and C.  Package A was
installed because you needed it for whatever reason but B and C were
not.  So I install Package X ( and consequently B and C) and when I
decide to get rid of Package X for whatever reason it automagically
knows that B and C were installed due to dependancies and would check
if they were needed by other ports/packages and if not interactively
go through and deinstall them.  Interactively would be that it would
prompt the user prior to deinstallation.

Would you like to remove Package B, since it was installed as a
dependancy? [y/N]?, etc.
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Dealing with ports installations

2005-02-02 Thread Tom Moyer
I have a question.  I attempted to install a port and when it failed I
realized that it installed its dependancies that I don't need.  ( I
don't need the port because I found another that does what I need). 
Is there any way to safely go through and see what is installed, what
depends on it and deinstall those that I don't need/use?

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Moving/Removing Filesystems

2005-01-26 Thread Tom Moyer
I have a Windows XP installation on the first 20 GB of my harddrive
and I would like to remove it and expand my FreeBSD install to fill
the entire disk.  Is there an easy way to do that without formatting
the entire hard drive.  I've updated the system to 5-STABLE and have
installed many ports and I don't want to lose that (limited

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Re: Installation Question 5.3-RELEASE

2004-11-19 Thread Tom Moyer
I'm looking for an easy way to obtain all the packages/port distfiles
at once and then put them on a cd so I can do that.  I would like to
be able to do it without having to manually fetch all the dependancies
as well.

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 22:22:22 -0600, Eric Kjeldergaard
  I have the 5.3-RELEASE CD which I have used to install 5.3 on a laptop
  I have.  I would like to add packages/ports now but have a slight
  issue.  The laptop doesn't have internet access.  Nor is there any
  easy way to put it on the internet.  How can I go about installing
  both packages and ports on this laptop?
 There are many packages that came with the CDs upon release.  Those
 are always available to you.  It seems as though you must have some
 method of getting to the internet.  If you acquire packages or
 required distribution files for building a given port via the internet
 and then put it on transferrable media (like a CD-RW, for instance)
 you should be able to install them off of that media.  For ports, you
 get the files that the given port requires (in
 /usr/ports/portcategory/portname/distinfo, IIRC) and put them in
 /usr/ports/distfiles and for packages, you simply get the package and
 pkg_add packageFile.
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Re: Installation Question 5.3-RELEASE

2004-11-19 Thread Tom Moyer
 Fortunately, you can still use the ports collection for your offline machine,
 by using a machine which is connected and doing the make package-recursive
 or make fetch-recursive commands to grab all of the dependencies as well.

Is there any way I can force it to fetch packages when they exist and
distfiles for ports if a package doesn't exist?

So in summary I have a list of applications I would like to install on
a machine not connected to a network.  I am looking for the easiest
method of fetching the packages from a server and putting them on CDs
so I can move them to the stand-alone machine.  For the one or two
apps I use that don't have packages I would like to fetch all the
necesary distfiles to be able to install those few apps from ports.
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Installation Question 5.3-RELEASE

2004-11-18 Thread Tom Moyer
I have the 5.3-RELEASE CD which I have used to install 5.3 on a laptop
I have.  I would like to add packages/ports now but have a slight
issue.  The laptop doesn't have internet access.  Nor is there any
easy way to put it on the internet.  How can I go about installing
both packages and ports on this laptop?

Thanks in advance.

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5.2.1 Install Problems

2004-06-25 Thread Tom Moyer
I am trying to install FreeBSD 5.2.1 on a new computer.  The motherboard is an Asus 
P4P800-E with a P4 2.4 GHz.  If i boot with ACPI it gets to the point where it says 
Writing partition information to drive ... and just hangs no messages or anything.  
If I disable ACPI it panics during hardware probing.  Anybody use this MB and have any 
clue what might be wrong?
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2004-06-21 Thread Tom Moyer
I am setting up a new computer and the motherboard I am using has integrated audio.  
It says it is Realtek ALC850 does anyone know if it is supported by FreeBSD?  If so, 
what driver should I use?  The motherboard is the Asus P4P800-E Deluxe.
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Shared Partition?

2004-06-17 Thread Tom Moyer
I currently dual boot Windows XP and FreeBSD 5.2.1.  I have files that are common to 
both (MP3's and some documents).  Is there a way to create a partition that can be 
read by both that would eliminate this double copy problem?

I thought creating a separate partition woudl work but Windows XP allows only one 
visible primary partition and I don't know how to mount a logical partition with 
multiple sub-partitions.
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