ipf firewall, dropping connections

2009-10-26 Thread cknipe


I'm runing 7.2 with IPFilter - main purpose is for a news server.

Many established connections are just dropped and closed, it seems to  
be random, all allow rules are being affected.  Any insight would be  
appreciated.  The machine is under heavy usage, averaging arround 150  
to 200 connections per second.

[r...@news ~]# ipfstat
bad packets:in 0out 0
 IPv6 packets:  in 0 out 0
 input packets: blocked 22570422 passed 488309778 nomatch  
146719580 counted 0 short 0
output packets: blocked 21885 passed 507034679 nomatch  
160765161 counted 0 short 0

 input packets logged:  blocked 22570422 passed 0
output packets logged:  blocked 0 passed 0
 packets logged:input 0 output 0
 log failures:  input 12571655 output 0
fragment state(in): kept 0  lost 0  not fragmented 0
fragment state(out):kept 0  lost 0  not fragmented 0
packet state(in):   kept 14100  lost 2770255
packet state(out):  kept 22966740   lost 8078847
ICMP replies:   0   TCP RSTs sent:  0
Invalid source(in): 0
Result cache hits(in):  17487490(out):  21607481
IN Pullups succeeded:   9   failed: 0
OUT Pullups succeeded:  1092failed: 0
Fastroute successes:0   failures:   0
TCP cksum fails(in):0   (out):  0
IPF Ticks:  325071
Packet log flags set: (0)

[r...@wa-cpt-news ~]# cat /etc/ipf.rules
### Globals
block in log quick all with frags   
  # TCP Fragments
block in log quick all with short   
  # Short Fragments
block in log quick all with ipopts  
  # Invalid IP Options

### Loopback Interface
pass in quick on lo0 from any to
pass out quick on lo0 from to any

## em0 - Public NIC
# em0 - Outbound Traffic
pass out quick on em0 from a.a.a.a to any keep state
pass out quick on em0 from a.a.a.21 to any keep state
pass out quick on em0 from a.a.a.22 to any keep state
pass out quick on em0 from x.x.x.23 to any keep state
pass out quick on em0 from x.x.x.24 to any keep state
pass out quick on em0 from x.x.x.59.30 to any keep state

pass in quick on em0 from to a.a.a.a
# Internal Network Traffic
pass in quick on em0 proto icmp from any to a.a.a.a keep state  
pass in quick on em0 proto tcp from x.220.63.238/32 to a.a.a.a port =  
22 flags S keep state  # SSH (Office Only)
pass in quick on em0 proto tcp from x.220.63.33/32 to a.a.a.a port =  
22 flags S keep state   # SSH (Office Only)
pass in quick on em0 proto tcp from x.220.32.228/32 to a.a.a.a port =  
22 flags S keep state  # SSH (Office Only)
pass in quick on em0 proto tcp from x.220.42.29/32 to a.a.a.a port =  
22 flags S keep state   # SSH (Office Only)
pass in quick on em0 proto tcp from any port = 53 to a.a.a.a
# DNS (Responces)
pass in quick on em0 proto udp from any port = 53 to a.a.a.a
# DNS (Responces)
pass in quick on em0 proto tcp from x.220.63.238/32 to a.a.a.a port =  
80 # HTTP (Office Only)
pass in quick on em0 proto tcp from x.220.63.33/32 to a.a.a.a port =  
80  # HTTP (Office Only)
pass in quick on em0 proto tcp from x.220.32.228/32 to a.a.a.a port =  
80 # HTTP (Office Only)
pass in quick on em0 proto tcp from x.220.42.29/32 to a.a.a.a port =  
80  # HTTP (Office Only)
pass in quick on em0 proto tcp from x.185.0.0/16 to a.a.a.a port = 119  
   # NNTP
pass in quick on em0 proto tcp from x.211.26.0/24 to a.a.a.a port =  
119   # NNTP
pass in quick on em0 proto tcp from x.220.32.0/19 to a.a.a.a port =  
119  # NNTP
pass in quick on em0 proto tcp from x.220.63.238/32 to a.a.a.a port =  
119# NNTP
pass in quick on em0 proto tcp from x.220.32.228/32 to a.a.a.a port =  
119# NNTP
pass in quick on em0 proto tcp from x.220.63.33/32 to a.a.a.a port =  
119 # NNTP
pass in quick on em0 proto tcp from x.220.42.29/32 to a.a.a.a port =  
119 # NNTP
pass in quick on em0 proto udp from x.220.59.143/32 to a.a.a.a port =  
161# SNMP
pass in quick on em0 proto udp from 

Re: cron/send mail question

2007-11-15 Thread cknipe
existats comes to mind as well.  Does the whole analyze thing for you... 

Quoting Steve Bertrand [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 zbigniew szalbot wrote:
  Dear all,
  What command (when using cron) should I invoke to automatically sent
  /var/log/exim/rejectlog file to a specified email address? I just need
  to analyze it and would best prefer to have it in my inbox in the morning.
 The following should be on one line in crontab :
 1 * * * * mail -s File contents [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /home/steveb/file.name
 It will send your file to you inline in an email ad one minute after
 midnight every day.
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Re: SSH woes

2007-02-02 Thread cknipe
 # ssh -l root myFreeBSD box
 It kept asking me for Password: although everytime I put the correct
 value. I tried out clearing the .ssh* files in my home directories and
 trying to reconnect. None of it worked.

Don't login as root... It's not good practise, SSH on BSD by default does also
not allow for it.  Add your normal user to the wheel group, use that to login
via SSH, and use su or sudo to gain root privlidges when needed

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Re: Transport Mode IPSEC

2007-01-18 Thread cknipe
Quoting Ted Mittelstaedt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   Most people don't wear 2 condoms, you know.

Then you're not having wild enough sex -grin- :)


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Re: Need help! Apache core dumps when running startssl

2006-08-08 Thread cknipe
Quoting Girish Venkatachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Hope to get some input.
   Looks like ur random seeding is not happening
   properly. check whether /dev/random and
   work properly. You can verify it with the command
   $openssl rand  512

Why not just run httpd under gdb, and see WHY it is crashing?

gdb httpd httpd.core

run -X

once cored, just back trace, step, and it should tell you exactly why it is

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Re: Need help! Apache core dumps when running startssl

2006-08-08 Thread cknipe
Quoting Andreas Widerøe Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Quoting Girish Venkatachalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Hope to get some input.
 Looks like ur random seeding is not happening
 properly. check whether /dev/random and
 work properly. You can verify it with the command

 $openssl rand  512

  Why not just run httpd under gdb, and see WHY it is crashing?
  gdb httpd httpd.core
  run -X
  once cored, just back trace, step, and it should tell you exactly why it
 How do I start httpd with ssl support from this command? (I do apachectl
 startssl when Apache crashes. apachectl start works fine though.)
 Apache runs fine when ssl is NOT started.

run -X -DSSL

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Re: Need help! Apache core dumps when running startssl

2006-08-08 Thread cknipe
Quoting Andreas Widerøe Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging
 symbols found)...
 Program received signal SIGPIPE, Broken pipe.
 0x2810b1e8 in writev () from /usr/lib/libc.so.4

And there's your problem.  Some library did not link to libc properly.  Do a
backtrace and a step, it will tell you which module is failing.

I've had numerous problems like this in the past (mostly with mod_php though),
recompiling the modules that gave errors sorted them out.

I doubt this is a mod_ssl issue.  


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Re: vmware / vmplayer on freebsd?

2006-07-20 Thread cknipe
As far as I'm aware, VMWare only supports FreeBSD as a Guest OS, not as a Host
OS.  i.e. you can't run VMWare itself on FreeBSD, but you can run FreeBSD
inside VMWare.. 

Quoting Erin Sharmahd [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I'm trying to find some info on google on using vmware server or
 vmplayer on freebsd.  In essence, one of my classes is expecting us to
 do some windows work, and i'd like to do it in vmware or something
 similar so that I don't have to actually install windows
 Is it even possible currently to use the most recent version of vmware
 or vmplayer on freebsd?  I saw a port for vmware3, but in talking to a
 friend, he said that's really old...
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Re: Re[2]: Mounting a drive

2006-07-11 Thread cknipe

Disk Manager - Change Mount Point - Mount Volume to a Directory

Unless I'm misunderstanding, that's what you're looking for on the Windows


Quoting Jerry McAllister [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Many  thanks for reply Jerry, when I joined FreeBSD I had not realised
  that  it  was  a Linux/ Unix forum, on quick inspection I assumed that
  the title referred to some kind of general help forum. There is such a
  proliferation  of  abbreviated  titles  that I am not always sure from
  titles of their purpose.
  My  question  referred really to Windows XP, as I am only just getting
  to grips with Linux.
 First of all, it has nothing to do with LINUX.
 This is FreeBSD which follows the BSD family of UNIX and
 is not nearly the same.   In fact, most of us experience it
 as superior to LUNIX for server work.
Check it out at:   http://www.freebsd.org/
 As for any Microsloth stuff, I couldn't help, but I would
 guess that you are wasting your time trying to do anything
 of that sophistication in MS.
 Finally, when you post questions or responses on the list, you should
 always include the list in your responses (as a cc).
  I  had  read  an article recently, which I can no longer find, that to
  get  around  the  limitation, under windows XP, of the number of named
  partitions  that  one  can  use,  that  apparently  one  can mount a
  partition,  be  it  a  sector  of a hard drive, or a removeable drive,
  within  a  directory. ( I believe the article said directory, it might
  have  ben  a folder ) The article was referring to the ability then to
  have  a  number of flash drives or external USB connected drives which
  could exceed the normal Windows limitation.
  I  am  running  a  piece of software, hyperOS, which allows me to have
  multiple  bootable partitions, and currently I have around 20 on a 300
  Gig  hard  drive,  I wanted to add several USB memory stick drives and
  some partitions with different flavours of linux, and so am interested
  in  finding  out  how I can overcome the windows XP limitation. I felt
  that  also  I  needed  to  understand what the term mounting a drive
  actually  meant,  so  that  I  could  try  to  anticipate  any unusual
  behaviour,  particularly  with  boot  switching.  From  your  email it
  appears  that  mounting  implies  letting the device driver know the
  address of the device upon which it is to work.
  Best regards and thanks for reply,
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RE: Getting Source Code after Installing the Software

2006-06-19 Thread cknipe

 I'm sure you're right, but we're kind of spread out and we don't talk all
 that much...


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Re: Running out of swap space????

2006-06-06 Thread cknipe

  -- Original message --
 +pid 37308 (mysqld), uid 88, was killed: out of swap space
 +swap_pager: out of swap space
 +swap_pager_getswapspace(1): failed
 If you kill mysql server, does the swap space free up?  Are there any known
 issues between the version of MySQL that you're running and FreeBSD 6.0?

MySQL not having a properly tuned config file for the system it runs on?  It is
known to consume vast amounts of resources if not properly configured... 

Just a thought

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Re: Requirements

2006-06-02 Thread cknipe
Quoting horn [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 What the minimum system requirements of FreeBSD 6.1 ?


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freeVRRP errors?

2006-05-19 Thread cknipe

May 18 21:26:46 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: all errors are cleared on interface
May 18 21:57:03 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: all errors are cleared on interface
May 18 22:02:21 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: can't write to socket: No buffer
space available
May 18 22:02:21 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: There is a big problem here !
May 18 22:02:22 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: interface sis0 is faulty,
deactivated from VRRP VRIDs
May 18 22:02:22 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: interface sis0 is alive again,
reactivate it on VRRP
May 18 22:02:23 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: waiting 40 seconds for the spanning
tree latency
May 18 22:02:23 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: interface sis0 is faulty,
deactivated from VRRP VRIDs
May 18 22:02:23 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: interface sis0 is alive again,
reactivate it on VRRP
May 18 22:02:24 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: interface sis0 is faulty,
deactivated from VRRP VRIDs
May 18 22:02:24 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: interface sis0 is alive again,
reactivate it on VRRP
May 18 22:02:25 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: interface sis0 is faulty,
deactivated from VRRP VRIDs
May 18 22:02:25 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: interface sis0 is alive again,
reactivate it on VRRP
May 18 22:02:26 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: interface sis0 is faulty,
deactivated from VRRP VRIDs
May 18 22:02:26 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: cannot reactivate interface sis0,
too much errors on it !
May 18 22:02:27 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: waiting 40 seconds for the spanning
tree latency
May 18 22:03:03 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: send gratuitous arp -
May 18 22:03:03 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: send gratuitous arp -
May 18 22:03:03 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: send gratuitous arp -
May 18 22:03:03 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: send gratuitous arp -
May 18 22:03:03 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: server state vrid 20: backup
May 18 22:03:07 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: send gratuitous arp -
May 18 22:03:07 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: send gratuitous arp -
May 18 22:03:07 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: send gratuitous arp -
May 18 22:03:07 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: send gratuitous arp -
May 18 22:03:07 netsphere freevrrpd[15350]: server state vrid 30: backup

That's the last log entry for VRRP.  The deamon is still running, nothing is
logged, and all my virtual IP addresses are removed from the Interface - even
the ones that are configured as Master... 

serverid = 20
interface = sis0
useVMAC = yes
carriertimeout = 5
spanningtreelatency = 40
sendgratuitousarp = yes
priority = 255
addr =
monitoredcircuits = yes
MCClearErrorsCount = 3600
#masterscript = /usr/local/bin/master_script.sh
#backupscript = /usr/local/bin/backup_script.sh
password = xxx

serverid = 30
interface = sis0
useVMAC = yes
carriertimeout = 5
spanningtreelatency = 40
sendgratuitousarp = yes
priority = 100
addr =
monitoredcircuits = yes
MCClearErrorsCount = 3600
#masterscript = /usr/local/bin/master_script.sh
#backupscript = /usr/local/bin/backup_script.sh
password = xxx

Can anyone shed some light perhaps?  I *really* need this to be stable as there
are no reason to even attempt a HA system with the HA software being


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Re: pppoe reliability

2006-05-18 Thread cknipe
Quoting Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I've noticed that when I drop ppp, the tun0 seems to hang on a bit. If
 I restart too quickly, I get a tun1. The ifconfig command will not
 permit me to destroy tun0 either, so I wait for a little while before
 bringing it back up again.

In the ppp.linkdown 
 iface clear

That will clear the interface and also remove the address when the PPPoE goes
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Sluggish system

2006-05-16 Thread cknipe

I've got a beasty box that has served its purpose for many years.  Some files
dates back to over 6 years ago when this old trusty and faithfull was pulled
into service.

Recently however, I've started to pick up rather strange problems with the
system.  Libraries installed from ports, startup scripts, and egneral weird
things started happening with the system and the installed applications.

I've made a backup of my /usr/local/etc, would it be a 'clean' way to rm -rf
/usr/local, clean the package database, and then basically reinstall everything
I need (and remove things I don't need) on the system?

I guess, my aim is a clean 'remote' installation, without physically
reinstalling the base OS... 


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Re: Sluggish system

2006-05-16 Thread cknipe
Quoting Subhro [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Why do you want to NOT reinstall the OS?

Loads of data, loads of accounts / passwords, nothing wrong with the 'base' part
of the OS... There's no need to really.

My problems are generated from to many ports / inconsistencies in the ports, and
so forth.  So that's really the only part of the OS that actually needs some
serious work.

I also can't re-install the Base OS remotely...   Yes, I can make world to
upgrade it (which has already been done), but not reinstall it in the sense of
format / repartition / etc... 


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Re: OT: Torn between SCSI and SATA for RAID

2006-05-11 Thread cknipe
Quoting lars [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I recently read an interesting comparison
 on consumer and enterprise grade harddisks:


This was posted yesterday in responce to my question as well.  That document
deals mainly with the performance and reliability of the different types of
hard drives (i.e. SATA vs SCSI).

My questions that I'm posting is not really related towards the performance of
the system, it's more towards the capacity of the system... I guess it boils
down to the physical hardware... How does everything connect, how to expand
systems, and how to run arrays bigger than what one single controller can


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OT: Torn between SCSI and SATA for RAID

2006-05-10 Thread cknipe

I've been spending the last couple of days extensively looking at various
options for RAID and getting some storage system in place.  Performance is not
really a BIG issue, but I also don't want to have things hecticly slow either. 
This will be a NAS type of implementation so speed would be bound by relatively
speaking slow network connections in any case... 

Now first things first as well, I did look at Fiber Channels too - and the
tecnology is just to expensive and complex for a home type implementation that
I want this for.

Ideally, I'd like to start at 2TB of storage (yes, those movies must go
somewhere!), but I'd like to be able to grow this as times go by... I also
definately want redundancy on the data, as I just lost 80GB of precious data
when ironically, a 160GB SATA Seagate went out under me.

Now SCSI I know, is more expensive than SATA.  Whether it provides beter
performance than SATA I'm still uncertain off, but gut would tell me that due
to the cost factor, SCSI *should* run away as far as speed is concerned.  But
also as I said previously, speed and performance is not a priority for my
implementation and therefore it has very little weight.  This makes me look at
SATA then therefore.

My problem with SATA, is the whole 1 Port, 1 Drive scenario.  I've looked at the
Adaptec 16 Port SATA Controller.  The reviews I managed to get on that card on
the Internet, paints a very grim picture.  Buggered Firmware, the controller
destroys drives, and general sluggish performance.  Is anyone using this card
that can perhaps give me a better picture?

Given than the 16 Port (for now) is out of the question, I have a 8 Port, 4 Port
and 2 Port (which isn't really worth looking at even) available to me.  Now,
even with a 8 Port card... Let's look at what I can achieve:

Ports 1+2: 750GB Seagates (Biggest available), 1.5TB - I'm short on my 2TB
Ports 3+4: Mirror of 1+2

Already, I am coming short of what I want to achieve, and I also have no
expansion available to me for upgrades... 

With the 16 Port cards, what I want to achieve becomes quite possible, up to
easy about 6TB of data - but I risk loosing drives *IF* what I read about the
card is true.  Also a gamble, considering the relatively high price of large
SATA drives.

Another thing that I read that I'm not completely sure about.  Some of the
Adaptec SCSI Cards advertises a max of 30 devices - some even more.  Excuse the
ignorance, but does the SCSI Bus not allow for a max of 8 devices?  Do these
cards then feature multiple buses to connect the cables to?  If so, SATA will
obviously not be able to provide something like this.

Now comes my question... Uhm.. Can SATA RAID Controllers be 'linked'.  Say, I
but 4 x 8-Port Adaptec SATA RAID Controllers... 2 x 8 Port Cards = 16 Ports for
1 RAID 5 Array (@ 750GB Drives, 12TB Max).  The other 2 cards, to mirror.  I
know that I can use one Controller to mirror another, but can I extend a array
across multiple controllers... And then naturally, just HOW much slower does
the array function?

I've seen some comments and posts (esp. on slashdot) made where people go about
running massive arrays successfully on SATA.  Given the limits on the Ports at
the controller, just how is this achieved?

Sorry that this is so OT, but I hope I'd get some good answers.  This is
definately not something that's been discussed allot before considering the
amount of info I got after spending a number of days on google... 


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