Re: PPPoE server (high traffic in WDM network)

2009-08-21 Thread muhammad usman


I've little off topic suggestion regarding network design.

The solution you are implementing will mean to make hundreds of users share the 
same broadcast domain. As all your FTTH and other DSLAMS would be working in 
bridge mode.
This scenerio is not safe as if anyone of your clients will start his own pppoe 
server you will be in strange trouble, there can be other issues too.

I guess your DSLAMs must have built in pppoe support and radius client, if its 
there then every port of dslams can be separate broadcast domain. This will 
cause you extra routing management (depending upon your scsnerio)

In case your DSLAMS have no pppoe feature then i would suggest you to at least 
put every DSLAM's uplink port in deparate VLAN and connect pppoe server using 
trunk port or multiple single ports.

And before implementing this solution consult your DSLAM vendor cause ive 
observed problems in ipdslams when used in bridge/transperant mode.


--- On Wed, 7/15/09, Michelle Konzack wrote:

From: Michelle Konzack
Subject: PPPoE server (high traffic in WDM network)
Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 11:40 PM


I am using since over  10 years  Debian  GNU/Linux  and  3 years  longer
NetBSD. Also I have a running PicoBSD box.

Now I have a problem more grave...

I am ongoing to install a CWDM (1GE) and DWDM  (10GE)  network  for  the
Alvarion BreezeACCESS VL (38 base stations) and more then  200  Iskratel
FTTH DSLAMS of 96 ports (each with 100MBit, but only one  1GE  Upstream)

What I now need are a PPPoE Severs (round-robin and loadbalancing) which
must work using FreeRadius and PostgreSQL.

There was someone on the debian-isp which  has  suggested  me  to  use
FreeBSD, because the PPPoE it is already build to  authenticate  against

So, what I like to know is, if I have a 1GE and 10GE network,  how  many
clients can  one  PPPoE  Server  handel  and  what  are  the  CPU/Memory

There is a little problem to get small but  reliabel  Servers  with  TWO
10GE interfaces.

I think, consumer mainboards are not suitabel even someone told me under
Linux, I need 2 MHz CPU-Speed and 2 MByte of Memory per client...

Please note, that I am ongoing ISP with over  150.000  customers  in  DE
between Freiburg and Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg)  and  using  consumer
mainboards is NOT reliabel since in the last 6 years I lost at least  20
per year in 280 Low-Cost Servers.

A Sun Fire X4100M2 would be more reliabel... but even the smallest CPU
would be overkill because the machine has only 1GE interfaces.

Any suggestions?

Note 1: Even if I use a Sun Fire, I would prefer a microBSD
        running from an industrial SD/CF card.

Note:  Please do NOT CC me, I am on the list and read it...

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #                 Michelle Konzack                   c/o Vertriebsp. KabelBW               Blumenstrasse 2
Jabber           77694 Kehl/Germany
IRC #Debian (                     Tel. DE: +49 177 9351947
ICQ #328449886                                Tel. FR: +33  6  61925193
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PPPoE server (high traffic in WDM network)

2009-07-25 Thread Nikos Vassiliadis

Hello Michelle,

I think you better ask about the performance you should
expect out of a PPPoE server on the mpd forum. There
people on the forum with real numbers.

If I go with 1 U Sun Fire X4100M2 the Opteron has 4 Cores and 4  threads
per core (AFAIK there is a 8 threads version too)

I would ask about this as well. i386? amd64? number of cores?

HTH, Nikos

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Re: PPPoE server (high traffic in WDM network)

2009-07-23 Thread Nikos Vassiliadis

Hello Nikos,

Hi, I just saw your answer while browsing. I am not on i...@...
Please CC questi...@.

Am 2009-07-16 12:27:06, schrieb Nikos Vassiliadis:

Michelle Konzack wrote:

I am ongoing to install a CWDM (1GE) and DWDM  (10GE)  network  for  the
Alvarion BreezeACCESS VL (38 base stations) and more then  200  Iskratel
FTTH DSLAMS of 96 ports (each with 100MBit, but only one  1GE  Upstream)

So, you'll have 96*200 possible PPP clients. How many concurrent PPP
sessions do you care to support?
And more importantly, how much aggregate bandwidth?

Because the customers are permanently On-Line du to the  VoIP-Telephone,
we count with the full number of clients...

The distance between the FTTH DSLAM and the customers can be up to 10km.

The idea is now, that we do not simply connect the FTTH DSLAM's  to  the
CISCO switches but building a redunant Ethernet Carrier Network.

This mean, we can install in each village there own FTTH DSLAM  even  if
there are 2500 hausholds and we install 26 FTTH DSLAM's there.

This mean in theorie 250 GBit Customer Downstream, 26 Gbit Upstream  but
we count with a 10 GE which is maybe used to 30-50%.

OK, if we switch to an Ethernet Carrier Network I could install one or
two PPPoE Servers in each village.  But if one goes down, the second has
to handel 2500 client connections.

I *think* the number of clients is doable. I don't know about
the bandwidth.

Note:   This is ONLY the base installation  between  Kehl,  Rheinau,
Renchen and Oberkirch (arround  35.000  hausholds)  and  the
whole region has 150.000 hausholds.

Don't understand what you mean round-robin and loadbalancing?
Read below.


FreeBSD has a RADIUS library in base. The two notable users of libradius
are ppp and net/mpd. The only choice in a ISP environment I think is the
net/mpd5 port. Read the outline here:

It is very good and is actually used in large setups.

Thankyo for the link, I will red on if I am in Office...

Can't reply, but keep in mind that filling a 10GE pipe is
a hard task on its own.

It depends on how many customers you have and with an Internet access of
100 Mbit plus services like IPTV and VOD you can fill up a 10 GE pipe.

I meant filling a 10 Gbit pipe with a general purpose computer
architecture is a hard task. Packet forwarding at these rates is

I *think* having more low fidelity BRASs, will serve your
needs better that a few high fidelity ones.

You mean, putting a bunch of small 1U Servers into a 19 42RU?

Yes, you may find that having two small boxes instead of bigger one
gives better results performance-wise. You also have to test if SMP
helps and how much. A beast with 16 cores is more powerful from a
regular computer with 2 cores, but does it help in your setup?

You can try NanoBSD and TinyBSD which are FreeBSD based and I
believe can fit the bill. These two run with their filesystems
read-only mounted which is ideal for flash memories.

Can you recomment it for an ISP setup?

It's FreeBSD running from a read-only mounted medium.
No more, no less. Yes, it's fine for an ISP setup.

Hmmm, I am right, that NanoBSD can be bootup over network?
(this would be another solution)

NanoBSD is meant to run in embedded stand-alone devices.
So, I *guess* that is conceptually very far from net booting.

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Re: PPPoE server (high traffic in WDM network)

2009-07-16 Thread Nikos Vassiliadis

Michelle Konzack wrote:

I am ongoing to install a CWDM (1GE) and DWDM  (10GE)  network  for  the
Alvarion BreezeACCESS VL (38 base stations) and more then  200  Iskratel
FTTH DSLAMS of 96 ports (each with 100MBit, but only one  1GE  Upstream)

So, you'll have 96*200 possible PPP clients. How many concurrent PPP
sessions do you care to support?
And more importantly, how much aggregate bandwidth?

What I now need are a PPPoE Severs (round-robin and loadbalancing) which
must work using FreeRadius and PostgreSQL.

Don't understand what you mean round-robin and loadbalancing?
Read below.

There was someone on the debian-isp which  has  suggested  me  to  use
FreeBSD, because the PPPoE it is already build to  authenticate  against

FreeBSD has a RADIUS library in base. The two notable users of libradius
are ppp and net/mpd. The only choice in a ISP environment I think is the
net/mpd5 port. Read the outline here:

It is very good and is actually used in large setups.

So, what I like to know is, if I have a 1GE and 10GE network,  how  many
clients can  one  PPPoE  Server  handel  and  what  are  the  CPU/Memory

Can't reply, but keep in mind that filling a 10GE pipe is
a hard task on its own.

I *think* having more low fidelity BRASs, will serve your
needs better that a few high fidelity ones.


Note 1: Even if I use a Sun Fire, I would prefer a microBSD
running from an industrial SD/CF card.

MicroBSD seems OpenBSD based. Can't comment on this.

You can try NanoBSD and TinyBSD which are FreeBSD based and I
believe can fit the bill. These two run with their filesystems
read-only mounted which is ideal for flash memories.

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PPPoE server (high traffic in WDM network)

2009-07-15 Thread Michelle Konzack

I am using since over  10 years  Debian  GNU/Linux  and  3 years  longer
NetBSD. Also I have a running PicoBSD box.

Now I have a problem more grave...

I am ongoing to install a CWDM (1GE) and DWDM  (10GE)  network  for  the
Alvarion BreezeACCESS VL (38 base stations) and more then  200  Iskratel
FTTH DSLAMS of 96 ports (each with 100MBit, but only one  1GE  Upstream)

What I now need are a PPPoE Severs (round-robin and loadbalancing) which
must work using FreeRadius and PostgreSQL.

There was someone on the debian-isp which  has  suggested  me  to  use
FreeBSD, because the PPPoE it is already build to  authenticate  against

So, what I like to know is, if I have a 1GE and 10GE network,  how  many
clients can  one  PPPoE  Server  handel  and  what  are  the  CPU/Memory

There is a little problem to get small but  reliabel  Servers  with  TWO
10GE interfaces.

I think, consumer mainboards are not suitabel even someone told me under
Linux, I need 2 MHz CPU-Speed and 2 MByte of Memory per client...

Please note, that I am ongoing ISP with over  150.000  customers  in  DE
between Freiburg and Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg)  and  using  consumer
mainboards is NOT reliabel since in the last 6 years I lost at least  20
per year in 280 Low-Cost Servers.

A Sun Fire X4100M2 would be more reliabel... but even the smallest CPU
would be overkill because the machine has only 1GE interfaces.

Any suggestions?

Note 1: Even if I use a Sun Fire, I would prefer a microBSD
running from an industrial SD/CF card.

Note:  Please do NOT CC me, I am on the list and read it...

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant # Michelle Konzack   c/o Vertriebsp. KabelBW   Blumenstrasse 2
Jabber   77694 Kehl/Germany
IRC #Debian ( Tel. DE: +49 177 9351947
ICQ #328449886Tel. FR: +33  6  61925193
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