login.conf not honored for rc scripts?

2007-02-21 Thread Josh Carroll

I've been having a problem with mysql and apache starting up properly,
and finally I think I found the issue.

I have a gallery class defined in /etc/login.conf with the limits I
want, but the rc scripts are using the default class values instead. I

limits  /tmp/limits

In the /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server rc script, and I see the following:

Resource limits (current):
 cputime  infinity secs
 filesize infinity kB
 datasize24576 kB
 stacksize   24576 kB
 coredumpsize0 kB
 memoryuse   24576 kB
 memorylocked24576 kB
 maxprocesses   25
 openfiles 200
 sbsize   infinity bytes
 vmemoryuse  24576 kB

Here is the gallery login class definition from login.conf:


And here is the mysql entry in master.passwd:

mysql:*:88:88:gallery:0:0:MySQL Daemon:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin

I'm hoping someone can point out what I'm missing here. Before anyone
asks, yes I did run pwd_mkdb and cap_mkdb :)

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[SOLVED] Re: login.conf not honored for rc scripts?

2007-02-21 Thread Josh Carroll

Ok, I should have dug into the rc scripts to begin with. For archive
sake, and so others who may stumble upon this can find a solution, I
found that for mysql, I needed the following in rc.conf:


And also, since the mysql rc script is hard-coded to use the login
class mysql, I had to change that name.

For apache, it's more configurable, so I was able to add the following:

apache22limits_args=-e -C www

And I just renamed the gallery class to www for clarity.

Sorry to bug the list :) I should have read the damn source to begin with.

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