PXE/DHCP/tftpd boot failure in FBSD 4.4-STABLE since yesterday!!Please Help!

2001-10-31 Thread Hartmann, O.


Since yesterday morning we have massive problems with PXE booting
diskless stations!

The server has isc-dhcpd2 and since two hours ago isc-dhcpd3. The server
runs FreeBSD 4.4-STABLE, the last cvsupdate has been done two hours ago,
the previous cvsupdate has been done two days ago, but AFTER the first occurence
of the following described problem.

All clients are AMD Doron 700 MHz machines, all of our servers using
Intel EtherExpress Pro NICs (fxp), and all clients are at the same code level
as the server, means: they have the same source base and therefore the same

On serverside we use IPFW as our filtering system (and I saw several changes
in ipfw.c the last days). The server has tftp enabled in /etc/inetd.conf and
we did not change the configuration since the last two weeks and in this time
the terminals booted as usual. I would like to avoid questions about configuration
errors and therefore I would like to tell you, that our configuration hasn't been
changed the last month, only the installation of cvsupdated code from 4.4-STABLE
has been done the regular way.


This morning our students worked as usual with the terminals. They booted the
normal way, got theire IP from DHCP server, their gate, their DNS and so on.
Then they received their pxeboot image and bootstraped the kernel. So far.
Then, at lunchtime, most of the students left their places to get their meal and
some of them switched off the terminals, others left their terminals switched
on - and they ran well. When the others came back and switched their terminals
on the got this:

Response from DHCP server, the Intel NIC reports that DHCP delivered the appropriate
informations like IP, gateway, broadcast address, mask and IP of the DHCP server.
But then we got and still get this message:

Press F12 for network service boot
PXE-M0F:Exiting Intel PXE-ROM

Then I get a BIOS message of a boot failure.

Two terminals have the most recent PXE boot image from intel, version
4.0.19, several others have the older one, 4.0.17.

Two or three hours ago I compiled a complete new FBSD after a cvsupdate,
installed the necessary binaries at the NFS location where the clients
should get it. But it this seems to have no effect: tftp sends no pxeboot
and as I understood this procedure, for pxeboot loading, starting and then
bootsraping the kernel NFS is not needed yet, it comes into play after the kernel
booted and tries to get its system running - but this stage never gets reached

Since yesterday we have had problems with our network since our computer center
changed several subjects within the USV basics, but they told me nothing has been
changed to the switches or other LAN facilities.
When looking into the ARPA chache of the DHCP server, I usually see the MAC of each
connected system. But I do not know whether the MAC occurs herein when a DHCP 
has been done or after a kernel has been booted and the appropriated IP has been
broadcasted by the running UNIX/FBSD.

I'm not very familiar in how to track down this problem due to the fact that I have
not access to the switches and gateways. How can I test what response the DHCP server
offers and waht the the terminal tries to do? I lloks like that after the terminals
gottheir IP and other stuff, the connection gets cut off and nothing happend, but
I can not track down the problem that way to say its the fault of FreeBSD or it is
some strange behaviour in the network caused by a faulty LAN switch or gateway.
I try to attach a terminal directly to the server, but doing this, the server
must be detached from the LAN and I'm afraid of the problems in lacking of a suitable

Can anyone respond to that problem? Does FBSD have problems with pxeboot environment 
I do not belive this right now, due to the LAN problems from yesterday on, but I need
to be sure ...

Thanks a lot,

O. Hartmann


IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)

Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144
FAX: +496131/3923532

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RFC: Perl5/Ports Modification

2001-10-31 Thread Jerry A!

I maintain a bunch of -stable boxes that have a need for perl 5.6.1 and
various modules compiled against that version.  As anyone running
-stable knows, it can be a real hassle to maintain 5.6.1 in addition to
ensuring that modules use the ports and not userland (5.0053) version of

I've come up with the following patches than I'm hoping people could
test and comment on.  Hopefully, if there aren't any issues they could
be rolled into the ports system.

Apply the patches and define USE_PORTS_PERL= true in /etc/make.conf.

I've been using these patches for a while and have not had any problems.

Also, a big shout-out to Knu and his portinstall package.  It's
recursive bulid/install features have made all this absolutely easy to


--- lang/perl5/Makefile.origWed Oct 31 13:16:36 2001
+++ lang/perl5/Makefile Wed Oct 31 13:20:20 2001
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 .include bsd.port.pre.mk
 # If you know what you are doing, you may disable this!
-.if ${OSVERSION}  33
+.if ${OSVERSION}  33  !defined(USE_PORTS_PERL)
 FORBIDDEN= perl is in system

--- Mk/bsd.port.mk.orig Tue Oct  9 03:37:34 2001
+++ Mk/bsd.port.mk  Wed Oct 31 13:15:31 2001
@@ -905,6 +905,17 @@
+.if defined(USE_PORTS_PERL)
+PERL_VER=  5.6.1
+PERL=  ${LOCALBASE}/bin/perl
+.if defined(USE_PERL5) || defined(PERL_CONFIGURE)
+RUN_DEPENDS+=  perl${PERL_VERSION}:${PORTSDIR}/lang/perl5
 .if defined(USE_XLIB)
 .if ${XFREE86_VERSION} == 3
 # Don't try to build XFree86-3 even if ALWAYS_BUILD_DEPENDS is defined --

make buildworld dies

2001-10-31 Thread Mike Loiterman


I'm sure I'm doing something stupid here, but I simply can't 
figureout what. I've searched all over google, yahoo, deja.com and the 
bsdarchives, but I am baffled by this.

I just cvsup'ed to 4.4-STABLE and I followed the 
handbookinstructions exactly in terms of doing make buildworld, but I 
keepgetting this error when I do the make buildworld...

make: don't know how to make freebsd.mc. Stop*** Error 
code 2

Stop in /usr/src/etc.*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src

I have logged the entire output of make buildworld if anyone 
needs tosee it. But the above is the error I get. 

- -Mike Loiterman


-BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for 
non-commercial use http://www.pgp.comComment: Digitally 
signed by Mike Loiterman


linux-base-6.1 'users' broken

2001-10-31 Thread Mike Brown

(FreeBSD 4.4-STABLE, 25-Oct-2001 sources, linux-base-6.1 package installed)

/usr/compat/linux/usr/bin/users seems to be broken.
It produces no output, even if you point it directly to a utmp or wtmp file.

Can you reproduce this?

   - Mike

  mike j. brown, fourthought.com  |  xml/xslt: http://skew.org/xml/
  denver/boulder, colorado, usa   |  personal: http://hyperreal.org/~mike/

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Netflow Generator (originator) for FreeBSD 4-S

2001-10-31 Thread Dmitry Morozovsky

Hello there colleagues, and Happy Hello-Win (tm)! ;-P

Is there a way to turn our FreeBSD 4-S router box into Netflow generator?
This would be really great for traffic accounting purposes e.g. because
I'm currently using ehnt (ported by me) together with rather small
aggregation/classification program to do accounting tasks produced by my
core cisco-3661. De-granulating tasks to move tasks to account end-user
clients to POP FBSD router and keeping only aggregating record at the core
would be my dream ;-)

Any thoughts will be greatly appeciated. Please CC: your answers to my
e-mail addres 'cause i'm not subscribed at least to ports@

Thank you in advance.

D.Marck   [DM5020, DM268-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]

*** Dmitry Morozovsky --- D.Marck --- Wild Woozle --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ***

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Re: PXE/DHCP/tftpd boot failure in FBSD 4.4-STABLE since yesterday!!Please Help!

2001-10-31 Thread Hartmann, O.

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Chris Peiffer wrote:


I'm currently usinf isc-dhcpd3 V 3.0.1.rc2 from the ports collection.
I use this server since today afternoon, before I ran isc-dhcpd2 2.0.5pl2
or similar from the ports collection. Both show the same phenomenon.

Since more than half a year we use the same config file dhcpd.conf
and never changed the dhcp/tftp config so this __can-not-be__ the
cause! My dhcpd.conf looks like similar to yours, but I have for each
known ether address its own entry:

# stud04
host {
option root-path /usr/diskless/amd;
#filename /boot/pxeboot;
hardware ethernet 00:02:b3:17:89:0e;
I have a more 'per client config' and not a more sophisticated 'per class'
configuration as yours, but the eefect is the same.

Our computing center has several renewals of their power supplying infrastructure
and theirefore the backbone and all switches were shut down that time. Since
then our problems began on some terminals, but this phenomenon was of sporadic
nature. Today it is a 'stable' situation: none of them work.

I need to exmamine what's going on on the network to see whether my local installation,
e.g. FreeBSD itselfs, corrupts diskless booting or the switch device or gateway of
the computing center (which maintains our backbone and infrastructure) has some



:On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 07:14:39PM +0100, Hartmann, O. wrote:
: Hello.
: Since yesterday morning we have massive problems with PXE booting
: diskless stations!
: The server has isc-dhcpd2 and since two hours ago isc-dhcpd3. The server
: runs FreeBSD 4.4-STABLE, the last cvsupdate has been done two hours ago,
: the previous cvsupdate has been done two days ago, but AFTER the first occurence
: of the following described problem.
:So you changed the dhcp server after the problem started occuring?
:What change preceded the failure? What does your dhcpd.conf look like?
:What about the kernel config of the kernel sent to the netbooting
:I am currently using ISC dhcpd V3.0rc12 with FreeBSD
:successfully. I've attached my dhcpd.conf if it helps you any.

O. Hartmann


IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)

Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144
FAX: +496131/3923532

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with unsubscribe freebsd-stable in the body of the message

Re: PXE/DHCP/tftpd boot failure in FBSD 4.4-STABLE since yesterday!!Please Help!

2001-10-31 Thread Hartmann, O.

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Chris Peiffer wrote:

For testing purposes, I switched the sources back to the 20th October,
I know that this codestage definitely worked! I recompiled a 'make world',
all the terminal related stuff, new kernels and installed them, then I
rebooted. After reboot I recompiled the dhcp code from the ports, with the
same effect: nothing has changed, the stations still fail to boot. I think this is
a problem with our LAN and the maintanace of the computer center.

Now is the essentiell question: how to figure out what's going wrong?
I need to examine what the DHCP recieves and delivers and I need to
know what type of packets are exchanged between the DHCP server,
its client and what happens when the client has recieved its dhcp
config info and trys to get pxeboot image. How can I watch whether the
diskless client gets its pxeboot image? Well, I would like to know
some details about the protocol. The reason is, that the guys of our computer
center tend to push away responsibilty and I would like to avoid having
all the trouble I did not produce carrying on my shoulders ...

Thanks ...

:On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 07:14:39PM +0100, Hartmann, O. wrote:
: Hello.
: Since yesterday morning we have massive problems with PXE booting
: diskless stations!
: The server has isc-dhcpd2 and since two hours ago isc-dhcpd3. The server
: runs FreeBSD 4.4-STABLE, the last cvsupdate has been done two hours ago,
: the previous cvsupdate has been done two days ago, but AFTER the first occurence
: of the following described problem.
:So you changed the dhcp server after the problem started occuring?
:What change preceded the failure? What does your dhcpd.conf look like?
:What about the kernel config of the kernel sent to the netbooting
:I am currently using ISC dhcpd V3.0rc12 with FreeBSD
:successfully. I've attached my dhcpd.conf if it helps you any.

O. Hartmann


IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)

Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144
FAX: +496131/3923532

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with unsubscribe freebsd-stable in the body of the message

Problem with poppassd

2001-10-31 Thread Mark Hennessy

I am having a consistent problem with poppassd, and I'm not sure what the
cause or resolution of that problem is.  I was wondering if anyone had
any ideas I could try to fix it.

I get messages like those listed below, but not every instance of the
running of poppassd fails.

Oct 31 09:46:38 host poppassd[96878]: can't open slave pty: (/dev/ttyph) Permission 
Oct 31 09:50:25 host poppassd[97321]: can't open slave pty: (/dev/ttypj) Permission 
Oct 31 09:54:29 host poppassd[97804]: can't open slave pty: (/dev/ttypl) Permission 
Oct 31 10:30:12 host poppassd[3690]: can't open slave pty: (/dev/ttypn) Permission 
Oct 31 12:34:44 host poppassd[19076]: can't open slave pty: (/dev/ttypt) Permission 
Oct 31 14:24:55 host poppassd[32502]: can't open slave pty: (/dev/ttypc) Permission 

 Mark P. Hennessy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cloud 9 InternetWhite Plains, NY
 +1 914 696-4000 / 800 356-5683 http://www.cloud9.net

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Re: make buildworld dies

2001-10-31 Thread Kent Stewart

Mike Loiterman wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 I'm sure I'm doing something stupid here, but I simply can't figure
 out what.  I've searched all over google, yahoo, deja.com and the bsd
 archives, but I am baffled by this.

What did you cvsup from and what options are you using on the cvsup. 
Also what version of cvsup are you using? To find out the version do 
cvsup -v. If you aren't using 16.11d or higher, that could be your 
problem. You can get a fixed version at


 I just cvsup'ed to 4.4-STABLE and I followed the handbook
 instructions exactly in terms of doing make buildworld, but I keep
 getting this error when I do the make buildworld...
 make: don't know how to make freebsd.mc. Stop
 *** Error code 2
 Stop in /usr/src/etc.
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/src
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/src
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/src
 I have logged the entire output of make buildworld if anyone needs to
 see it.  But the above is the error I get.  Thanks.

I do this routinely. It is much easier to figure out what happened.


 - -
 Mike Loiterman

Kent Stewart
Richland, WA

Carl Sagan quote on Seti@home

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Re: PXE/DHCP/tftpd boot failure in FBSD 4.4-STABLE since yesterday!!Please Help!

2001-10-31 Thread Cyrille Lefevre


did you try to ask the ISC dhcp client/server mailing lists ?


Cyrille Lefevre mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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HEADS UP: a bunch of ipfw MFC in the next 1-2 days

2001-10-31 Thread Luigi Rizzo

[Bcc to -net and -ipfw because of relevance]

I am about to merge into stable a number of modifications that
have been committed to current over the past month or two.
The most significant ones are:

 * the merge of ipfw rule descriptor and chain pointer. No functional
   change, but the internal data structures and code are way more

 * Bill Fenner's code to make ipfw/dummynet/bridge KLD'able


 * a new type of dynamic rule that lets you limit the number of
   simultaneous connections matching certain criteria (with the
   usual aggregation based on port/address masks)

 * fix spl*() protection in same parts of the code (only relevant
   for RELENG_4);

 * misc fixes that have or should arise while diff'ing old and new
   version of the files in HEAD and RELENG_4 (it happens more
   frequently than people can imagine, especially for those critical
   parts of the system for which we are almost doing independent

While i am carefully reviewing and testing the code before committing,
and try to do the commit at once, we all do mistakes sometime.

So, please test the new code and submit feedback and bug reports
as i complete the commits, put please don't rush and install the
new code on a production machine two seconds after my first commit.

We are sufficiently far away from the next release to do this
commit now and shake down any bugs that should occur.

 Luigi RIZZO, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  . ACIRI/ICSI (on leave from Univ. di Pisa)
 http://www.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/  . 1947 Center St, Berkeley CA 94704
 Phone: (510) 666 2927

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latest -stable kernel + linux_base-7 = no netscape

2001-10-31 Thread Doug Barton

I just upgraded my -stable, deleted my old linux_base port, and installed
linux_base-7. When I try to start linux communicator 4.78, I get the
following errors:

linux: syscall fstat64 is obsoleted or not implemented (pid=440)
linux: syscall fstat64 is obsoleted or not implemented (pid=481)

/usr/local/lib/netscape-linux/communicator-linux-4.78.bin: error while
loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2: cannot load shared
object file: No such file or directory

I took a look on an existing linux_base install and that library name is a
symlink to libstdc++-2-libc6.1-1-2.9.0.so. So, I took a shot and linked
libstdc++-3-libc6.2-2-2.10.0.so in /compat/linux/usr/lib. Now netscape
starts, but I get:

linux: syscall fstat64 is obsoleted or not implemented (pid=495)
linux: syscall setup is obsoleted or not implemented (pid=495)
linux: syscall setup is obsoleted or not implemented (pid=495)
linux: syscall fstat64 is obsoleted or not implemented (pid=495)
linux: syscall ugetrlimit is obsoleted or not implemented (pid=505)
linux: syscall setup is obsoleted or not implemented (pid=495)

and netscape can't resolve any hostnames.

I thought I was up to date on what's happening with this, but
obviously I'm not. Either that, or something is really really wrong with

Any suggestions?


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