[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #17970] queued attack executes before next player's turn begins

2011-04-09 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Follow-up Comment #8, bug #17970 (project freeciv):

I now have beta4 on Windows.  I have seen an AI Worker run away before I
could launch a queued attack.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #17970] queued attack executes before next player's turn begins

2011-04-06 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #6, bug #17970 (project freeciv):

This bug is a duplicate of http://gna.org/bugs/?16387.
That bug was not fixed because the developers failed to see either the
problem or the solution.

The simplest solution should be that there be two rounds of player activity
at turn change.

The first round should execute all code that is meant to happen at the end of
turn. Examples:- buying a unit in a city, making a road or base, fortifying a
unit ...

The second round should execute all code that is meant to happen at the start
of turn. Examples:- Auto-explore, goto, patrol, queued attack ...

This bug has nothing whatsoever to do with 'unitwaittime'.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #17970] queued attack executes before next player's turn begins

2011-04-06 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Follow-up Comment #7, bug #17970 (project freeciv):

Having an end turn phase and a begin turn phase makes sense to me, but
the shuffling bug still needs to be addressed.  The comments regarding
http://gna.org/bugs/?16387 claim that player order is shuffled.  On my Windows
Vista system, with only myself and 4 AI players, using the default
phasemode=ALL, almost all between turn actions are not shuffled and I get
to make my move first.

The only exception seems to be if the AI buys a unit to garrison an empty
city.  When I land next to an empty city and set my goto to take it next
turn, sometimes a unit will appear and prevent the walk-in.  Maybe I'll kill
the unit by attacking it, maybe I'll die against a city wall.  I am
speculating that this is because the AI bought the unit, as I haven't actually
traced the code to know for sure.  However it seems consistent with my tactic
of running the AIs out of gold so that they can't instantly buy garrison

When I attack an empty city, AI units next to the empty city *never* move
back into the city before I've attacked.  Possibly the AI is completely stupid
and just doesn't realize it can make that move.  On the other hand, *I* pull
that trick all the time.  I can stand just outside my own empty city, with an
enemy AI unit threatening it, set the goto, and move back in before the AI
gets to attack.  This proves to me that I always move first in this situation,
that it is never shuffled.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #17970] queued attack executes before next player's turn begins

2011-04-03 Thread Jacob Nevins

Follow-up Comment #5, bug #17970 (project freeciv):

[timeaddenemymove and unitwaittime]
 Those settings don't help a single player game at all.
True (but see below).

 /set phasemode PLAYER
I thought this too. Playing against the AI is effectively turn-based anyway,
so one might as well make it actually turn-based.

I _think_ this does make a difference. It's a bit difficult to make a
convincing before-and-after demo, as changing the 'phasemode' setting mid-game
confuses things a bit.

See the attached (2.3) savegame (I'm using S2_3 r19581). In all cases we're
interested in the human-controlled Curonian Riflemen near the undefended
Mughal (AI) city of Agra (which has many Mughal Riflemen nearby).
* By default, it has phasemode=PLAYER.
** The AI doesn't seem to move to defend the city (or at all) for the first
turn regardless of threats (I'm guessing this is some transient effect because
I changed from phasemode=ALL to phasemode=PLAYER just before saving), so hit
Turn Done once to clear that out.
** Then move the Riflemen one step toward Agra, and set a Go order into Agra.
Hit Turn Done. Observe that the AI moves into Agra before we get a chance. (If
we don't attack, the AI moves into Agra to defend it.)
* Take the same game and /set phasemode ALL in the pregame.
** Then do just the second step above. We get there first (although the AI
kicks us out pretty soon afterward).  (If we don't attack, again, the AI moves
into Agra to defend it.)
Not entirely scientific, but I think I'm convinced. Next time I start a game
against AI I'll try running in this mode.

 However, the human player *always* moves before the AI with a 
 queued attack. That's not current _[correct?]_; that's a bug. 
See above for a counterexample. I did also test 'unitwaittime' with a
single-player game, and with a sufficiently small gap between my move and
'Turn Done', that let the AI get in first (because the Go order is completely
lost if it conflicts with 'unitwaittime').

 --kinetic (gna won't let me log in)
There was a password reset http://gna.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=2247 in
December; perhaps that's why?

(file #12782)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: doublemove2.sav.bz2Size:49 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #17970] queued attack executes before next player's turn begins

2011-04-02 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #3, bug #17970 (project freeciv):

You can change the order in which players make their movements in

Try using

 /set phasemode PLAYER 
it is also under the 'Internal' tab of the server settings dialog and
named 'control of simultaneous player/team phases'

which would make each player move one after another, rather than
simultaneously. This /may/ be a workaround for single player games. It would
depend on if you move before AI, or if the AI moves before you.

--kinetic (gna won't let me log in)


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #17970] queued attack executes before next player's turn begins

2011-04-02 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Follow-up Comment #4, bug #17970 (project freeciv):

I will try PLAYER for single player, but I have my doubts that it'll have any

The default is ALL - all players move concurrently.  However, the human
player *always* moves before the AI with a queued attack.  That's not current;
that's a bug.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #17970] queued attack executes before next player's turn begins

2011-03-31 Thread Jacob Nevins

Follow-up Comment #1, bug #17970 (project freeciv):

The double-move problem is well-known. Server options have been added to
mitigate it, notably 'timeaddenemymove' and more recently 'unitwaittime'
(patch #1500), but these aren't enabled by default.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #17970] queued attack executes before next player's turn begins

2011-03-31 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Follow-up Comment #2, bug #17970 (project freeciv):

Those settings don't help a single player game at all.  Very easy to trounce
the AI when this exploit is known.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #17970] queued attack executes before next player's turn begins

2011-03-30 Thread Brandon J. Van Every


 Summary: queued attack executes before next player's turn
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: bvanevery
Submitted on: Wed 30 Mar 2011 08:56:20 PM GMT
Category: general
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: 2.3.0-beta3
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: Microsoft Windows
 Planned Release: 



If the moves for my unit are exhausted, but I select goto to attack another
enemy unit or city, my attack will execute before the enemy unit has a chance
to move out of the way, attack, or buy a unit to garrison the city.  Thus I
can land a legion or a catapult next to a city, set it to goto the city, and
get a free attack with major offensive advantages.  It's like having a poor
man's marines.

Also in skirmishes in open country, with a unit having only 1 move, I
effectively attack 2 tiles away.  On my turn I move the 1 tile necessary to
close the gap and select goto the enemy's location.  Then my attack executes
before the enemy unit can move.  Every legion is effectively a knight.

The same technique can be used to keep Explorers out of harm's way.  If I pop
a hut containing barbarians, or unwittingly end my turn next to a hostile
unit, I can select goto a safe location, such as an unthreatened tile or an
offshore trireme.  The Explorer will race to safety before anything can attack


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