Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS package issues

2023-02-15 Thread E. Auer

Hi Jim,

Jerome Shidel wrote:

> 4) CDP, This is not open source software. It is Freeware without
> sources. Should this be removed. Is there an decent open source
> alternative?

On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 4:10 PM E. Auer  wrote:

What does CDP do? Can you mention some features of that?

As Robert already mentioned in this thread:
"CDP is a non-TSR CD player."

Well, you can tell a CD drive to play track X using my
minimalist cdrom2ui, but I think that would be sort of
an INdecent open source alternative because it is too
minimal :-D On the other hand, a QuickBasic solution
sounds like something needing FreeBASIC in QB mode, or
something which compiles into a large binary? That is
probably too non-minimal?

Regards, Eric

Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS package issues

2023-02-15 Thread E. Auer

Hi Jerome,

1) CPIDOS, this is basically just a package of codepage font files.
Those files have been assembled in some fashion into the CPX files and
distributed as such. However, there is no utility or information
present in the package to create such CPX files. We should probably do
something to remedy that.

Check the sources of MODE for more info. I think the method
is to rename the CPI to COM (or SYS? I think it was COM) and
tell UPX to compress that "executable". If you want the 8086
compatibility, do not forget to use the appropriate UPX flag.

I recommend that you test the CPX files generated, in case I
forgot something relevant.

4) CDP, This is not open source software. It is Freeware without
sources. Should this be removed. Is there an decent open source

What does CDP do? Can you mention some features of that?


Freedos-devel mailing list

[Freedos-devel] UEFI, virtual BIOS and virtual hardware - was: Google Summer of Code?

2023-01-23 Thread E. Auer

Hi Bret,

thanks for the great summary!

For awhile, the UEFI manufacturers provided a CSM (Compatibility
Support Module) as the "translation layer" so you didn't need a VM.
But they've even stopped doing that nowadays.  So, we'll either need
to come up with a "generic CSM" that doesn't need a VM but still
provides the needed level of hardware support both now and in the
future, or we'll need to do some kind of "thin VM" as Jerome is
suggesting.  I think the second option has a better chance of
long-term viability even though I would prefer the first.

My impression based on earlier discussions and/or BTTR forum threads
would be that there are "open source BIOS" initiatives which could be
a starting point for a large point of a "generic CSM" (BIOS module to
load on UEFI systems before booting DOS, with some magic glue needed)
at least for actually more aspects of the BIOS than normal DOS and DOS
apps will require :-) I can imagine that the dosemu2 people also have
interesting expert thoughts about that and those magic glue problems

Depending on how thin the glue and VM layer will be, you will be able
to run fewer or more DOS apps with it. You can run some DOS apps in
CTTY serial consoles if they only use int 21 for user I/O. There are
support modes for simple DOS apps in some boot managers which only
implement a few most popular bits of the DOS API to run apps directly
from the boot manager without an actual DOS. So why not use for example
real mode DOS apps without sound, with whatever is left in terms of
hardware text mode or maybe VGA as an already entertaining intermediate
milestone and keep more VGA, VESA, PC speaker, mouse, protected mode
apps etc. pp. for later? The "easy" solution will still be running a
DOS-friendly VM inside Linux or other host OS. But not the exciting
solution regarding technological challenge and "abstraction thinness".

People have written hypervisors to hide malware. Porting an open BIOS
and some VM ingredients into a CSM and an open source "VMware ESXi"
competitor which runs DOS better than the commercial product does?
In other words, a Xen for DOS? To stay in the Xen terminology, would
one want a paravirtualized DOS for that? Or would one put some light
weight "BIOS setup" type menu into dom0 and run DOS only as client?
Wikipedia mentions Alpine Linux offering a rather small Linux dom0. and KVM may
also be an interesting combination to look at? Checking for others in
my impression is that those Hypervisors which run on bare metal somehow
tend to be either Linux specific or commercial and proprietary things?

Regards, Eric

Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] Linking asm with C

2023-01-13 Thread E. Auer

hi! if you are using a protected mode model,
it may be impossible to call int 10 directly
and you may have to use dpmi for that.

all compilers for DOS offer ways to call BIOS
and other interrupts directly from C, which
is a lot more foolproof than using ASM here.

the next problem is whether you should use
RET here, that may be something C does for
you and it may be something more complex
than just calling RET, e.g. also preparing
and clearing up the stack before and after
the ASM part. you can try without the RET.

C compilers have various opinions about
whether and which registers you are allowed
to change, but int ax=0x0013 probably is
safe, changing only AX, as far as I remember.

Note that you write mov al,0x13, which
means you do NOT specify what AH should
be. this is a BAD idea. AH could be any
arbitrary value at that moment, so you
could be triggering any VGA BIOS int 10
thing instead of the one you intended.

Finally, your clear screen confuses the
graphics RAM segment 0xa000 with absolute
address 0xa and relative offsets of
0 to 0xfa00 within that. It will depend
A LOT on which compiler and memory model
you use what the PROPER way to do this
will be for you. I can only tell that
the style you use right know is NOT okay
and will just overwrite data and crash.

Regards, Eric

I can’t for the love of god figure out why this is throwing the divide
by zero interrupt.

void setMCGA() {
_asm {
mov al, 0x13
int 0x10

void setText() {
_asm {
mov al, 0x03
int 0x10

void clearScreen(char color) {
int i;
for (i = 0xa000; i < 0xfa00; i++) {
char* byte = i;
*byte = color;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return 0;

Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] Upcoming 1.3-RC5

2021-11-08 Thread E. Auer

Hi Jerome,

Here is the NEW general logic used by the installer in NORMAL mode.

if the MBR for the target hard disk DOES NOT CONTAIN any boot code in
the MBR, then ASSUME YES and overwrite it.
if the MBR for the target hard disk has ANY KIND of boot code in the
MBR, then PROMPT USER to overwrite it.

I assume by "it" you mean the boot code? How about the partition table?
As far as the boot code is concerned, the new logics sound nice :-)

I’m thinking of also adding

	Or, if there is ONLY a single DOS partition on the drive, then ASSUME 

You mean if there IS boot code and a partition, you want to overwrite
the boot code and/or partition table nevertheless? Why that? And why
not ask the user, possibly with a prompt telling them that they are
"only" going to overwrite a single FAT partition, just to be sure?

A single prompt definitely is not too much to prevent data loss or
"bootability loss".

Imagine the scenario where there is only 1 FAT partition and you
keep the partition (which I recommend) but overwrite the MBR boot
code without asking. The boot code may have contained something
specific to the hardware, such as a LBA helper for old BIOSes and
replacing it may render the system unbootable. The case where no
boot code at all can be found in the MBR is much lower risk :-)

You could backup the previous MBR contents and provide a way to
restore either boot code or partition table or both, for example
in the form of a readme file explaining how to use FDISK or DEBUG
and a backup file created by the installer before modifying MBRs.

Of course if there is a security prompt, this will be needed much
less often, but having a backup file would not hurt either way :-)
FDISK has command line calls for some of this, as far as I remember.

Thanks! Regards, Eric

PS: Do not forget to update and promote UHDD instead of UIDE :-)

Freedos-devel mailing list

[Freedos-devel] FreeDOS kernel DMA boundary handling versus I/O speed configurability request

2021-10-25 Thread E. Auer

Hi Jeremy,

a last minute request for the new kernel release:

In context of the patch for significant I/O speed improvements
by only splitting transfers around DMA boundaries for drives
where that actually is needed, based on the int 13.48 flags,

please add a config sys option to override the int 13.48 answer
into either "always avoid DMA boundaries" or "always assume DMA
boundaries are no problem" for all fixed disks (0x80 and up).

Background: MS DOS, predating the int 13.4x extensions, probably
defaults to never avoiding DMA boundaries for fixed disks and
always avoiding them for floppy. So the config sys flag can give
us MS DOS speed and behavior even when using BIOSes which fail
to properly report their ability to transparently handle any DMA
boundary issues. We would needlessly lose I/O speed otherwise.

The other option, always avoiding DMA boundaries, would allow
the user to switch back to old FreeDOS behaviour, for example
for benchmark comparisons or for cases where the BIOS claims
to be DMA boundary safe, but actually messes up handling there.

Thanks :-) As said, the ability to either avoid or not avoid DMA
boundaries would make a big difference for I/O speed. I think it
was Tom who proposed the patch which made us int 13.48 aware :-)

Regards, Eric

PS: I think it is NOT necessary to have similar options for
individual drive numbers, because any mismatch between the
reported and actual abilities will usually affect all disks
of the same BIOS and having 2+ broken disk BIOSes is uncommon.

Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS 1.3-RC5

2021-10-20 Thread E. Auer


Do we wait for a new KERNEL and FREECOM release?

Jeremy was almost ready with those quite a while ago,

It would be nice if RC5 had those. But, I don’t know how far off those 

Very nearby, I would say.

If we don’t include updates for those in RC5, I don’t feel it would be
wise to update them for 1.3-FINAL.

I would rather delay the release of the next release candidate
than say "if the next kernel update takes too long, we could
simply sell the next distro with a 5 year old kernel". That
would be a big disappointment regarding what you get by using
the new update.

So, dear distro experts: Please awaken Jeremy to officially
publish the new KERNEL and FREECOM versions and find somebody
(sorry, I am away from my build system) to update the FDISK
partitioning wizard as well. Also, while waiting for those,
please make sure to use the newest UHDD, UDVD2, DEBUG, XMGR
and, if you like, HIMEMSX with patched giga-sized RDISK from
Mercury's download page. Sad that we still have no news of
AHCICD, regarding licensing, from the author's survivors. I
also strongly recommend to make the "no XMS" boot option and
similar 8086 friendly boot editions use KSSF freecom, as the
XMS swap version would take away too much app memory. Thanks!

PS: says new Bochs, Links and other updates are here :-)

Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] TDSK related issues.

2011-08-03 Thread e . auer

Hi Rugxulo,

 thanks, noticed kernel 2040 is listed on Ibiblio now as well.

 would you be able and willing to copy the kernel's changelog as 
 it's in
 CVS/SVN right now, to above directory? DOS386 and/or Christian 

Thank you, that is more search engine friendly than having to browse
the www CVS/SVN page on sourceforge. However, you still need to use
a search engine to find the history.txt, maybe we could have a link
on a more prominent place on or on the wiki :-)


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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] UPX and XFDISK (was: EXE2BIN)

2011-08-01 Thread e . auer


 Here it is (w/ srcs and one-byte diff):

Nice size for a patch ;-)

 As for UPX terms, I could try LZMA and Ultra Brute settings indeed, 
 wonder what effect (decompression possible at all? loading times? 
 uses? does resulting binary work?) they have on ancient machines.

 I think XFDISK, even at the best of times, only works on 286s on up.
 But I used --ultra-brute --lzma --8086 anyways

I got the impression that lzma and ultra-brute are very slow
to create and that lzma will use more CPU and RAM even when
unpacking... So I would probably settle with something more
humble, something like upx --8086 --best *.com which should
still be quite decent in size reduction in particular when
compressing typical relatively small DOS apps like we do.


PS: The above is based on intuition, not research.

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Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] UPX and XFDISK

2011-08-01 Thread e . auer


 There was a question about the which of the algorithms (LZMA, NRV, 
 is safe for GPL software.  A quick review of the UPX web site did not
 give me a clear answer on which one was used when I specified -9
 --8086 for options.  Does anybody know off the top of their heads?

I personally would say they are all safe, but because NRV is closed
source, it would be bad for Debian evangelists to use that. To have
the toolchain itself open source, you have to use UPX-UCL. Each UPX
tool only supports either NRV or UCL as far as I remember and the
default download on the UPX homepage is NRV, but Rugxulo et al do
deliberately use UPX versions compiled with UCL style which is only
a bit less effective than NRV. As said, UCL is open source, as is
the LZMA compression which is rather new, included in all newer UPX
binaries (both UCL and NRV style ones) sometimes (in particular for
larger apps) more effective in compressing and always much slower
in compressing. LZMA is also likely to be slower in uncompressing
(i.e. when you run compressed apps) and likely to use more RAM for
both compressing and uncompressing. So far my F.U.D. about LZMA ;-)


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