Re: [Freedos-user] "fdnpkg update" not working

2024-06-04 Thread Brandon Taylor via Freedos-user
Well, a pox on me for thinking I could fix something when I clearly have no 
idea what I'm doing. I guess there was a reason why the FreeDOS developers 
disabled "physical hardware networking" even though I was trying to run it on 
86Box. I think there are still a number of kinks to work out in that particular 

I went back and spun up a fresh FreeDOS VM on VirtualBox, and fdnpkg update​ 
works correctly that way. Why it's flaky with 86Box, I have no clue... (Sigh)

Brandon Taylor

From: Jerome Shidel via Freedos-user 
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 7:57 PM
To: Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS. 

Cc: Jerome Shidel 
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] "fdnpkg update" not working

On Jun 4, 2024, at 7:33 PM, Brandon Taylor via Freedos-user 

I've tried several times lately to run fdnpkg update​, but the command hangs 
repeatedly at Loading​
 ` and no progress is ever made. I've tried pinging​ and 
discovered that it's up and running. The nearest I can figure is that, somehow, 
the FreeDOS repository on that server may have disappeared. Can anyone out 
there confirm whether it's working?

When you browse that directory on ibiblio, that is the repository directory for 
that group “base”.

However, server can do some odd things sometimes. So, I double checked by 
running FDNPKG update on FreeDOS 1.3.

No issues detected.

Try clearing the FDNPKG cache “see its help /?”

If that does not help, it could be networking related. Something like a virtual 
machines host operating system firewall settings.

If it's not, where can I find an acceptable mirror, and how do I configure the 
fdnpkg​ program to access that mirror?

I upload all packages in the FreeDOS update repository used by FDNPKG on 
ibiblio. Those packages and several more are also uploaded to my “unofficial” 
repository on my server. It is not technically a mirror. But, it does get all 
the same updates as on ibiblio. Actually, since the repository management 
software makes a few changes to new uploads. I usually upload them to my server 
first. Then download the modified package and push it to ibiblio. That way the 
management software there sees the needed changes have been made and include 
the package as-is.

You can browse the repository on my server at 
or through html

But, accessing that server through the domain name will 
force a TLS connection. The reason for that is because of how search engines 
have been punishing domains that allow non-TLS connections. FDNPKG does not 
support TLS.

Recently, I setup an alternate subdomain specifically for compatibility with 
FDNPKG. At present, its directory structure is not browsable. That subdomain 
does have access to the same repository on that server and you can browse the 
html index at

Because I think you are having a local problem, I don’t think it will help. 
But, you are welcome to pull updates from my server. It is relatively easy to 
make the adjustments to your system for that.

In your \FREEDOS\BIN directory there is a FDNPKG.CFG file. Make a copy of the 
current one before you start editing it. That way you can always switch back if 
you want.

Towards the end of the file you will see a bunch of urls for each of the 
groups, including the one for base you mentioned. You just need to change the 
main part of the url for each link. For example, to pull items in the base 
group from my server, you would change that link to:

And so on for each link.

Brandon Taylor



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[Freedos-user] "fdnpkg update" not working

2024-06-04 Thread Brandon Taylor via Freedos-user
I've tried several times lately to run fdnpkg update​, but the command hangs 
repeatedly at Loading​
 ` and no progress is ever made. I've tried pinging​ and 
discovered that it's up and running. The nearest I can figure is that, somehow, 
the FreeDOS repository on that server may have disappeared. Can anyone out 
there confirm whether it's working? If it's not, where can I find an acceptable 
mirror, and how do I configure the fdnpkg​ program to access that mirror?

Brandon Taylor
Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] VICTORY! How I got networking operational in 86Box

2024-06-02 Thread Brandon Taylor via Freedos-user
I've been agonizing over the question of why I can't connect an 86Box virtual 
machine powered by FreeDOS to the Internet. But now, it seems, I have found a 
fix, or at least a preliminary one.

Using a fine-toothed comb (as it were), I went over the FDAUTO.BAT file and 
found that it referenced another batch file that handled all of the networking 
stuff, namely, C:\FREEDOS\BIN\FDNET.BAT. So, going over THAT, I arrived at what 
I figured was a critical line in the second batch file, which was vinfo /m​. 
Typing this into the command line didn't seem to do anything, but when I typed 
vinfo /m | echo %errorlevel%​, lo and behold, FreeDOS returned the number 5. 
So, going back into FDNET.BAT, I eventually arrived at this piece of code:
goto End
and that's why it told me that Physical hardware networking is not supported at 
this time.​


Not willing to admit defeat, I continued going through FDNET.BAT to find out 
what it was about VirtualBox and VMware that made the network go...

...and both of them branched to :vmGeneric​.

From THERE, I discovered that FreeDOS supports three network card families: AMD 
PCnet, Realtek RTL8139, and NE2000-compatibles – the same ones used by 
VirtualBox, VMware, and (though I haven't used FreeDOS on this) QEMU!

So, going back to the physical hardware section of the batch file, I simply 
added a branching line after :hw686​, so that the code block now reads:
goto vmGeneric

goto End
and opened the 86Box configuration to install an AMD PCnet-FAST III into an 
emulated PCI slot, which triggered a hard reset.

And wouldn't you know? The network worked!

I was able to ping​ and get a pong sent back to me. I'm kinda 
having a little bit of difficulty with fdnpkg​ though, so maybe there are still 
some kinks to work out. But for right now, I can declare at least a preliminary 

Brandon Taylor
Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] the msdos 4.0 sources has some multitasking code

2024-05-11 Thread Brandon Taylor via Freedos-user
It could be interesting (even though MS-DOS 4.0 was complete and utter GARBAGE 
according to
anybody who had the misfortune to use it) to see what it can unlock as far as 
possibilities for FreeDOS 1.4.

On a side note, when will "bare-metal" networking (e.g. for 86Box) be available 
once again?

Get Outlook for Android

From: Travis Siegel via Freedos-user 
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2024 9:30:59 PM
To: Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS. 

Cc: Travis Siegel 
Subject: [Freedos-user] the msdos 4.0 sources has some multitasking code

Since there was a discussion here recently on multitasking with dos, I'd
like to mention that the github versions of ms-dos has a directory
called v4.0-ozzie

That directory has some interesting stuff in it, one of them is a couple
of dissk images (I need to move them to a linux machine and see if
they'll mount, I don't have anything on windows that can identify them),
but they also have some documentation (in pdf format) about how their
session manager works, and how to make dos applications multitask.  The
session manager program is present as well, so folks could probably mess
around with that to see how well (or not) it works.  It might be
something worth experimenting with for those who actually want multiple
dos programs running.

I'm highly disappointed I lost my dos machines when we moved about 2.5
years ago, I'd have had a lot of fun playing with this.

Also, interestingly enough, just for reference, all of the ms-dos source
code has been released under a MIT license.  I find that particularly
interesting.  Apparently, Microsoft was serious when they said they're
releasing the code for experimenting, and to see how early operating
systems worked.

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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Dial-up emulation?

2024-04-24 Thread Brandon Taylor via Freedos-user
I'm not looking for anything out of Qmodem specifically. I'm searching for a 
TSR that handles dial-up networking in the background while I use TCP/IP 
utilities like PING, TRACERT and FTP; and/or a web browser like Arachne.

Brandon Taylor

From: Frantisek Rysanek 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 4:52 PM
To: Brandon Taylor via Freedos-user 
Cc: Brandon Taylor 
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Dial-up emulation?

Hello there Brandon,

to me the key question is - what do you expect of Qmodem?
What would you like to achieve in / by using that program?
I've never used it, but I figure it would be a "terminal emulator"
with some added candy. An analog (predecessor, really) of Putty or
Hyperterminal in Windows.

A terminal was originally a hardware device, having a screen and a
keyboard. I believe the rows of text on the screen were an evolution
/ innovation after line printers. The text no longer rolled on paper,
now it rolled on a screen. The terminal needed to connect to
something, typically a relatively large computer (like an early UNIX
or mainframe machine), and the computer presented a command-line
interface to the user using that terminal. A single server could
cater for several terminals simultaneously, already back then.

Later, when PC's and other computers became common-place, the
so-called "terminal emulator" programs allowed you to use your PC
(which is a pretty versatile computer) as a dumb terminal = to
display what arrived by an RS232 serial line, and to send your
keystrokes to the opposite party. You can actually connect two
terminals (or emulators) together over a cross-over RS232 line (also
called a Null Modem) and chat with each other...

A modem is a device that originally allowed two parties to connect
over a phonecall, via the POTS/PSTN (telephone network). You first
needed to talk to your modem a little, to have it dial out the call.
If the call got picked up by an opposite modem, the two modems would
establish a "virtual serial line" spanning potentially hundreds of
kilometers. You could then chat or transfer files with a friend
(terminal emulators supported file transfer protocols such as X-modem
and Z-modem), or there were machines called "bulettin board systems",
nowadays I'd call them early servers, that you could dial into to
download or upload files, maybe do a bit of messaging... I don't
really have much of a clue what these could do, because this was
before I got my hands on a PC with a modem :-) Obviously you could
dial in remotely into a UNIX machine and work in its command line
"shell" = work with files, read and send e-mail, use NNTP newsgroups
and whatnot.
All of the above was possible using a PC with a modem and a terminal
emulator - I assume your Qmodem belongs to this category.
I wouldn't call this usage style "the internet", except maybe in a
very broad sense :-)

RS232-style async serial lines, and their modem-based long-distance
extensions, were also useful for other styles of traffic.

As a side note, I'd mention UUCP, as a distributed worldwide e-mail
system, predating TCP/IP-based SMTP (in practical popularity, if not
by actual age). There were in fact several e-mail standards before
SMTP, and UUCP was one of them. UUCP was an "open standard" - unlike
other e-mail protocols/systems that were proprietary.

RS232-style direct lines and modem connections can also be used to
transport TCP/IP - in case this is what you mean by "internet".
To "encapsulate" IP packets over an async serial line, you need an
intermediate layer, called a "layer 2 protocol" (IP is layer 3).
See also the layered ISO/OSI networking model (of which the Internet
is not a verbatim implementation).
So for serial links, there were two popular L2 protocols: SLIP and
PPP. During that era, PPP pretty much took over - being generally
more advanced / flexible / extensible... more suitable to the age of
mammoth modem pools and dial-up internet access.

To start PPP, you generally need two things:

1) a piece of software that talks to the modem, to make it dial a
number, and wait for the modem to establish connection (the modem
reports CONNECT  and maybe some further info).
You can do this by hand in a terminal emulator, or by a script, or by
a dedicated unattended piece of software called a "dialer".

2) an implementation of PPP. After you dial the modem connection, you
need a way to hand over the established modem session to a PPP
"driver" (protocol talker).

On top of PPP, you can then run a TCP/IP stack, which in turn gets
used by "internet" applications such as e-mail clients, web browsers,
FTP clients and whatnot (you can also run a server with a PPP
connection to the internet).

For instance, Windows since 95 have an ex-works "connection software"
called "Microsoft Dial-Up Networking" (if memory serves) or RAS in
the N

Re: [Freedos-user] Dial-up emulation?

2024-04-24 Thread Brandon Taylor via Freedos-user
My apologies for the confusion. I know FreeDOS has internet capability, but not 
on 86Box, since FreeDOS for some reason treats 86Box as if it were a real 

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From: Robert Riebisch via Freedos-user 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 2:04:17 PM
Cc: Robert Riebisch 
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Dial-up emulation?

Hi Brandon,

> Since FreeDOS doesn't support physical network hardware (even if it's
> emulated in a program like PCem or 86Box), I figure there's no way
> FreeDOS is gonna be able to connect to the Internet, right? Well...

Says who?

BTTR Software
DOS ain't dead

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Re: [Freedos-user] Dial-uo emulation ?

2024-04-24 Thread Brandon Taylor via Freedos-user
I didn't grow up on that part of DOS. I know basic commands like DIR, COPY, 
TYPE etc., but all this talk about DOS drivers bamboozles me.

Get Outlook for Android<>

From: Jose Senna via Freedos-user 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 2:59:00 PM
To: FreeDOS users 
Cc: Jose Senna 
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Dial-uo emulation ?

Brandon Taylor said:

 > Well, I did find a nice package in the
 > FreeDOS repository called LSPPP. Would that work better?

  It shall work if you have an internet service
 provider that supports a PPP connection.
  Anyway, you will still need a modem driver for
 DOS. There used to be many of them in old
 software repositories as the Crynwr collection.
  It seems that you already have internet access.
 If it is by an Ethernet LAN through a gateway,
 you may use it under DOS too. You will need
 a DOS device driver for your Ethernet card.
 A difference between DOS and Windows or Linux
is that DOS does not autodetects nor autoinstalls
hardware drivers. Nor are DOS hardware drivers
the same used by other O/Ss; you have to find
and install them yourself.
 Excuse me if I am attempting to explain the obvious,
but it also seems that you are a newbie to DOS.

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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Dial-up emulation?

2024-04-24 Thread Brandon Taylor via Freedos-user
Well, I did find a nice package in the FreeDOS repository called LSPPP. Would 
that work better?

Get Outlook for Android<>

From: tom ehlert via Freedos-user 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 11:48:03 AM
To: Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS. 

Cc: tom ehlert 
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Dial-up emulation?

> Indeed, I'm using an old-school program called Qmodem.

>  My question now is – would I be able to use the Internet using the emulated 
> modem?
yes (if you had any idea what you are doing). But definitively not with QMODEM.


> Brandon Taylor
> From: Jim Hall via Freedos-user 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 10:12 PM
> To: Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS. 
> Cc: Jim Hall 
> Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Dial-up emulation?

> On Tue, Apr 23, 2024, 9:38 PM Brandon Taylor via Freedos-user 
>  wrote:
> Since FreeDOS doesn't support physical network hardware (even if it's 
> emulated in a program like PCem or 86Box), I figure there's no way FreeDOS is 
> gonna be able to connect to the Internet, right? Well...

> The developers of the 86Box project have recently implemented emulation of a 
> Hayes-compatible dial-up modem. So my question is... will FreeDOS support the 
> emulated modem?

> Well, it's not that "FreeDOS" would support the Hayes modern, but that 
> terminal/dialer software would then be able to. FreeDOS is not like Linux, 
> which uses a Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) to support the hardware 
> directly. FreeDOS, like any DOS, does normal DOS things and leaves certain 
> hardware access (like playing sounds through a sound card, or accessing a 
> network to browse the web or check email, or dialing out through a modem) to 
> other software.

> So if you had a terminal/dialer program like Procomm or Telix, then yes, I 
> expect you'd be able to dial out through this emulated Hayes modem from 
> FreeDOS.

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Re: [Freedos-user] Dial-up emulation?

2024-04-24 Thread Brandon Taylor via Freedos-user
Indeed, I'm using an old-school program called Qmodem. My question now is – 
would I be able to use the Internet using the emulated modem?

Brandon Taylor

From: Jim Hall via Freedos-user 
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 10:12 PM
To: Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS. 

Cc: Jim Hall 
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Dial-up emulation?

On Tue, Apr 23, 2024, 9:38 PM Brandon Taylor via Freedos-user>> 
Since FreeDOS doesn't support physical network hardware (even if it's emulated 
in a program like PCem or 86Box), I figure there's no way FreeDOS is gonna be 
able to connect to the Internet, right? Well...

The developers of the 86Box project have recently implemented emulation of a 
Hayes-compatible dial-up modem. So my question is... will FreeDOS support the 
emulated modem?

Well, it's not that "FreeDOS" would support the Hayes modern, but that 
terminal/dialer software would then be able to. FreeDOS is not like Linux, 
which uses a Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) to support the hardware directly. 
FreeDOS, like any DOS, does normal DOS things and leaves certain hardware 
access (like playing sounds through a sound card, or accessing a network to 
browse the web or check email, or dialing out through a modem) to other 

So if you had a terminal/dialer program like Procomm or Telix, then yes, I 
expect you'd be able to dial out through this emulated Hayes modem from FreeDOS.
Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Dial-up emulation?

2024-04-23 Thread Brandon Taylor via Freedos-user
Since FreeDOS doesn't support physical network hardware (even if it's emulated 
in a program like PCem or 86Box), I figure there's no way FreeDOS is gonna be 
able to connect to the Internet, right? Well...

The developers of the 86Box project have recently implemented emulation of a 
Hayes-compatible dial-up modem. So my question is... will FreeDOS support the 
emulated modem?

Brandon Taylor
Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Costa GUI

2024-03-10 Thread Brandon Taylor via Freedos-user
I'd like to see the Costa GUI added to the FreeDOS repository, if it's not 
there already. Its homepage is at I'd also 
like to see it added to FDIMPLES' database alongside OpenGEM, oZone, and SEAL, 
in the Graphical Desktops category.
GitHub - jacobpalm/costa: The Costa Graphical User Interface for MS-DOS and 
compatible systems<>
The Costa Graphical User Interface for MS-DOS and compatible systems - 
Brandon Taylor
Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Lure of the Temptress (again)

2023-04-02 Thread Brandon Taylor
Ah yes. I think I've cracked the blighter. At first I didn't have the emulated 
machine set up with VGA graphics (I only set it for EGA), so it was trying to 
load the EGA version of the game, but it wasn't there. Then I found a copy of 
the game that had both the EGA and VGA versions. Since I remembered (from 
DOSBox) that it looked much better in VGA, I simply tweaked the emulator to use 
a VGA adapter instead of the EGA one that 86Box seemingly defaulted to using...

...and the result is a fully playable game! Of course, it sounds different from 
DOSBox, but I guess that's to be expected depending on how MIDI is set up on 
each respective emulator. (Actually, as I recall, when I tried FreeDOS in such 
hypervisors as VirtualBox and VMware, they didn't have MIDI emulation at all, 
so the game sounded AWFUL on both of them, although it played more or less 

Thanks for everything -- I think 86Box will be my go-to emulator for FreeDOS 
going forward!

Brandon Taylor

From: Mateusz Viste 
Sent: Sunday, April 2, 2023 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Lure of the Temptress (again)

On 02/04/2023 18:18, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Hello! It's me again. Over 6 years ago, I asked whether it was possible
> to get "Lure of the Temptress" running in FreeDOS (and yes, once again,
> I've played it in DOSBox). I eventually agreed to concede that it
> wasn't.

FreeDOS is very much capable of loading and executing this game.

> I'm running a fork of PCem called "86Box," and have set up a FreeDOS 1.3
> environment on a virtual machine. I copied the "Lure of the Temptress"
> files to the emulated HDD image, and tried to run LURE.EXE -- only to be
> confronted with a message asking for "Disk B." Unfortunately, the
> apparent disk image files are in .VGA format, not in any format that
> 86Box can recognize and mount to an emulated floppy drive.

These *.VGA files are not floppy images, but data files belonging to the
game. If you copied only LURE.EXE to your directory, then the game fails
to find its data files. You simply need to have all the DISK[1-4].VGA
files present in the same directory as the LURE.EXE executable.


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[Freedos-user] Lure of the Temptress (again)

2023-04-02 Thread Brandon Taylor
Hello! It's me again. Over 6 years ago, I asked whether it was possible to get 
"Lure of the Temptress" running in FreeDOS (and yes, once again, I've played it 
in DOSBox). I eventually agreed to concede that it wasn't. (The full thread can 
be referenced at,
 in case anyone's interested.)


At the time, I was not aware of a nifty little program called "PCem," which is 
capable of emulating a plethora of different old PCs via LLE (low-level 

I'm running a fork of PCem called "86Box," and have set up a FreeDOS 1.3 
environment on a virtual machine. I copied the "Lure of the Temptress" files to 
the emulated HDD image, and tried to run LURE.EXE -- only to be confronted with 
a message asking for "Disk B." Unfortunately, the apparent disk image files are 
in .VGA format, not in any format that 86Box can recognize and mount to an 
emulated floppy drive.

So my question is: Does anyone here have a version of "Lure" on disk images 
that I can mount in 86Box, or does anyone know where such a version exists on 
the Internet?

Brandon Taylor
Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Issue: FreeDOS on PCem emulating a NE2000

2022-03-16 Thread Brandon Taylor
I've discovered a neat little low-level emulator called PCem and have installed 
FreeDOS on a virtual machine using that program. There is, however, a weird 
little quirk. Whereas I can have PCem emulate a network card such as an NE2000, 
and configure FDAUTO.BAT to load high the appropriate packet driver 
(NE2000.COM), trying the next command -- "call %dosdir%\bin\fdnet.bat start" 
fails with the message "Physical hardware networking is not supported at this 

Now, from what I've read in previous posts, it sounds like others have had 
success by replacing "start" with "try," such that the line now reads "call 
%dosdir%\bin\fdnet.bat try", so I tried that fix, but now I get another 
problem, saying "Error: Your DHCP server never responded and no packets were 
seen on the wire. Check your cabling and packet driver settings, including the 
hardware IRQ. Network is unreachable/unavailable."

Inspired by the example provided in the FreeDOS Wiki (for a 3Com 3c589 PCMCIA 
card -- not important), I entered the following line into FDAUTO.BAT:

lh %dosdir%\drivers\crynwr\ 0x60 10 0x300

and that's when I got the error. Looking up at the top of the screen, I saw 
something very weird: The IRQ for my emulated NIC was being set to 5 instead of 
10! So I went into C:\FREEDOS\BIN\FDNET.BAT and changed the line that read 0x60 0x5 0x300

to instead read 0x60 0xa 0x300

and that didn't work either (although it seems PCem forks its network 
configuration routines from QEMU). Finally, I reverted the change and tried 
setting the IRQ from within PCem, but that didn't work either.

Brandon Taylor
Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Git for DOS?

2022-02-26 Thread Brandon Taylor
This may sound odd, but is there any way I can use Git on FreeDOS, either 
natively (from COMMAND.COM) or from some third-party command interpreter (e.g. 

Brandon Taylor
Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] FDNET missing from FreeDOS 1.3-RC4

2021-09-06 Thread Brandon Taylor
I've just installed FreeDOS 1.3-RC4 on a virtual machine, and, upon running 
FDIMPLES, discovered that FDNET is nowhere to be found. What's the issue here?

Brandon Taylor
Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Any Gui?

2021-01-03 Thread Brandon Taylor
Make sure your FreeDOS CD is in the drive. Then run FDIMPLES. Go to “Graphical 
Desktops”, press TAB, press ENTER on “OPENGEM.” Press TAB twice and ENTER on OK.

Personally, however, I find OpenGEM to be quite ugly. My pick would be SEAL, if 
I’m going for beauty.

Brandon Taylor

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Bryan Kilgallin<>
Sent: Sunday, January 3, 2021 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Any Gui?

Thanks, Jim:

>  > Google "FreeGEM" or "OpenGEM".  GEM was released as open source
> back in
>  > 1996.
> Include one in a FreeDOS package.
> --
> There is one for OpenGEM already, and it's included in FreeDOS.

Please remind me where it is, or how to open or get it. In my FreeDOS
installation on an old 32 bit PC, I looked in FDOS. Therein, I looked in
PACKAGES. Then I gave up!

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Re: [Freedos-user] Games

2016-06-18 Thread Brandon Taylor
As much as I hate to concede, I must. I have found a critical passage on the 
FreeDOS website which, in my eyes, discourages further experimentation:

“FreeDOS is a complete operating system. If you choose to install this on your 
computer, you may overwrite the operating system you have now (for example, 
Windows.) If this is not what you intend, please stop now.”

It seems, in making FreeDOS, the developers have decided to stay true to the 
original nature of the earliest days of DOS. 640KB was all the memory anyone 
ever needed, DOS liked to be the ONLY operating system on any given PC, and 
multi-booting wasn't even heard of.

Anyway, Dennis, although plugging a different SourceForge project, is 
essentially correct. DOSBox always played my games without problems, and, as 
the old adage goes, “If it ain't broke, don't fix it.”

So anyway, thus ends my brief and unsuccessful foray into FreeDOS.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Temptress to kill. 


Brandon Taylor

Sent from my Windows 10 phone

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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Games

2016-06-17 Thread Brandon Taylor
Dennis --

As much as I hate to disillusion your apparent preference for DOSBox, 
such promotion is not really the purpose of this mailing list or of our 
current discussion. I am certainly aware of DOSBox and have played Lure 
Of The Temptress without any problems in DOSBox, but my goal in this 
conversation is to see whether it will run as well in FreeDOS.

And Eric -- I'm sorry for sounding like a total newbie, but how am I 
supposed to create a bootable USB drive with a "full" version of 
FreeDOS? I'm looking at the files from SourceForge and I can't make head 
or tail of the installation instructions.

Brandon Taylor

What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols are 
consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow, 
J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity planning
Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Games

2016-06-17 Thread Brandon Taylor
Here is the directory listing of the FreeDOS environment created by Rufus, as 
well as the contents of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file it generates. There is no 

Brandon Taylor

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

--Directory Listing--
 Volume in drive H is FREEDOS
 Volume Serial Number is 848E-F2C8

 Directory of H:\

06/17/2016  06:25 PM  LOCALE
06/17/2016  06:25 PM96 AUTOEXEC.BAT
06/17/2016  06:25 PM   206 autorun.inf
06/17/2016  06:25 PM34,494 autorun.ico
   3 File(s) 34,796 bytes

 Directory of H:\LOCALE

06/17/2016  06:25 PM  .
06/17/2016  06:25 PM  ..
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 3,648 DISPLAY.EXE
06/17/2016  06:25 PM11,446 KEYB.EXE
06/17/2016  06:25 PM16,254 MODE.COM
06/17/2016  06:25 PM40,360 KEYBOARD.SYS
06/17/2016  06:25 PM29,750 KEYBRD2.SYS
06/17/2016  06:25 PM32,178 KEYBRD3.SYS
06/17/2016  06:25 PM13,105 KEYBRD4.SYS
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 6,464 ega.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 7,059 ega2.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 5,469 ega3.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 4,431 ega4.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 7,217 ega5.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 7,409 ega6.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 5,387 ega7.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 6,973 ega8.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 5,785 ega9.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 5,543 ega10.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 7,228 ega11.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 8,119 ega12.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 6,281 ega13.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 7,758 ega14.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 6,458 ega15.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 7,793 ega16.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 8,929 ega17.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM 5,158 ega18.cpx
  25 File(s)266,202 bytes

 Directory of H:\System Volume Information

06/17/2016  06:25 PM  .
06/17/2016  06:25 PM  ..
06/17/2016  06:25 PM76 IndexerVolumeGuid
   1 File(s) 76 bytes

 Total Files Listed:
  29 File(s)301,074 bytes
   5 Dir(s)   2,032,508,928 bytes free
@echo off
set PATH=.;\;\LOCALE
echo Using US-English keyboard with US-English codepage [437]
What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols are 
consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow, 
J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity planning
Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Games

2016-06-17 Thread Brandon Taylor
Well, now, this is very odd indeed. The copy of FreeDOS that I got with Rufus 
apparently does not come with a MEM command. Possibly it’s an old version, or a 
stripped-down version, or just broken? Anyway, I’ll try downloading FreeDOS 
from SourceForge and see what happens next.

Brandon Taylor

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols are 
consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow, 
J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity planning
Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Games

2016-06-17 Thread Brandon Taylor
I just acquired FreeDOS via Rufus, a program that lets me create bootable USB 
drives. I’m trying to play some DOS games, such as “Lure Of The Temptress,” but 
the game won’t run – it says “Not enough memory to run the game.” As I have not 
had a lot of experience with the DOS family of operating systems (I was raised 
on Windows), I don’t know what to do, if there’s anything I can do, to get this 
game to work. It sounds like a typical problem with DOS’s 640KB limitation, but 
I don’t know how to get around it. Can anyone help me out here?

Brandon Taylor

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols are 
consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow, 
J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity planning
Freedos-user mailing list