Re: [Freedos-user] more Yahoo! spam

2013-06-06 Thread Jim Lemon
On 06/07/2013 01:41 PM, dmccunney wrote:
 You *wish* you were
 important enough that anyone could be *bothered* to pay that sort of
 attention to you.  You aren't and they don't.

Warhol deconstructed. I like it.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] SYSLINUX instructions

2013-02-09 Thread Jim Lemon
On 02/09/2013 04:43 AM, Rugxulo wrote:
Hi Rugxulo,
Thanks for the tips. The initial problem was the GPT partition table 
which I have now found is a common one. Because FREEDOS tries to write 
an MSDOS partition table, this apparently corrupts the GPT table and 
things don't work correctly. I finally seem to have succeeded by:

1) writing an MSDOS partition table from Linux with the parted program
512MB FAT16
the rest ext2

2) installing FREEDOS, dropping out to the command prompt and doing 
fdisk /mbr

3) installing Fedora 14 (I know it's old, I'll upgrade) and manually 
adding DOS to the boot list during installation.

I am not sure that this couldn't have been done with the original 
partition table, but I am _not_ going back to find out. Now to get KDE 
going as the window manager in Linux (Why don't we have the choice any 

The reason for all this is that I write DOS programs for human 
performance testing where I take over interrupts and timers in order to 
get decent response timing and you just can't do that in a DOS box.


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Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] SYSLINUX instructions

2013-02-08 Thread Jim Lemon
I have been trying to set up an HP nx6320 laptop with FREEDOS and Fedora 
Linux. While I have done this numerous times previously, by simply 
installing FREEDOS and then Linux, this particular box is giving me no 
end of trouble. I can install FREEDOS and it boots okay, but when I 
install Linux, it refuses to see the FAT16 partition and overwrites 
FREEDOS, or if I rewrite the partition table as msdos, FREEDOS will boot 
but not Linux. I have been trying to install SYSLINUX as a last resort, 
but if I do it from Linux, it doesn't work, and I haven't been able to 
find SYSLINUX.EXE in the FREEDOS 1.1 distribution. Does anyone know 
where SYSLINUX.EXE lives or do I have to download it myself?


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Long-term survival of FreeDOS

2013-01-03 Thread Jim Lemon
On 01/03/2013 12:57 PM, dmccunney wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 7:57 PM, Jim  wrote:

 If there was a Linux kernel in which the user could turn off everything that
 isn't in DOS, that would be a way out.

 If you could turn off everything that *isn't* in DOS, you might have
 fun running the Linux kernel.  You run DOS in an emulator on top of
 Linux because you can't *get* DOS to run native on that hardware.
 Drivers are needed that don't exist.

 What you probably want is a flavor of Linux modified for use in an
 RTOS, where a user process can preempt the kernel itself.

Exactly. I intend to try out RTLinux at some point.

 But on modern hardware, other time-critical programs that will carve
 out slices of CPU time are likely a Who cares? issue.  Commonly
 used hardware is orders of magnitude faster than the machines DOS was
 made to run on, and there are cases like games where you might
 specifically *want* to steal CPU slices, because otherwise your game
 runs *too* fast and is unplayable. .

I have had to do this once, when writing an assembly code driver for a 
digital rotation encoder. The read cycle had to be slowed down by a 
specified number of NOPs to allow the register to load. The problem is 
that when a program is monitoring response devices such as the mouse and 
keyboard and presenting an animated display to the user, even a 
millisecond lost to some other program is a disaster. As I can often see 
the system blink on modern PCs running Windows and even Linux, I'm 
reasonably certain that I can't trust them to be accurately recording 
reaction times. One of my colleagues thought that she had solved the 
problem by buying an expensive test battery until I showed her the 
uncertainty factor that came with every response recorded.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Long-term survival of FreeDOS

2013-01-03 Thread Jim Lemon
On 01/04/2013 04:13 AM, dmccunney wrote:
 Real time simply means guaranteed to respond to an external event
 within a specified period.  What time period is required?

I have been able to guarantee millisecond resolution of events to 
measure the subtle effects on human performance of various experimental 
manipulations. By recording the data in text formats that can be 
imported into essential (ha!) applications like Excel, I have been 
able to convince the people who use my programs that they are not 
impossible to use. Remember, these are postgrad students and professors, 
not the average mouth breather.
 How accurately do you *need* to be recording reaction times?

Currently I get millisecond (1024 Hz) resolution using the CMOS timer 
interrupt to run the clock counter and recording keypresses by 
redirecting the keyboard interrupt vector to a program routine.

 For that use case, I'm not sure I'd try to run DOS on top of Linux,
 even with a Linux version modified for RTOS usage.

 The best option might be custom monitoring software running directory
 on the RTOS, without DOS in the loop.

I don't think I would even consider running DOS on top of something 
else. The something else would have to have the ability to capture the 
information coming into the DOS emulator, which means that it could do 
it without DOS. I could wear the pain of rewriting all the graphics 
stuff if I could get the response timing on another system.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Long-term survival of FreeDOS

2013-01-02 Thread Jim Lemon
On 01/03/2013 07:52 AM, Aitor SantamarĂ­a wrote:
 Now I wonder myself if any of these two variants will dominate in the
 future, or if there will be a third different approach to the future of DOS.

For those of us who use DOS for its simpleminded I do what I'm told and 
that's all I do functionality, the option of running DOS as the 
operating system is important. Emulators are no good, for whatever is 
running the emulator is also running other time-critical programs that 
will carve out slices of CPU time. If there was a Linux kernel in which 
the user could turn off everything that isn't in DOS, that would be a 
way out.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Long-term survival of FreeDOS

2012-04-12 Thread Jim Lemon
On 04/12/2012 06:54 AM, dmccunney wrote:
 the question becomes Why do you *need* to do this?

 The answer is that generally, you *don't*.  Current hardware is
 increasingly faster and more powerful.  In the old days you talked
 directly to the hardware to squeeze the maximum performance out of
 slow and limited hardware.  There's no *reason* to address the
 hardware directly now simply to get performance: you can talk to it
 through drivers using OS calls.  The hardware is more than fast

 Lean and unbloated is relative.  One man's bloat is another's
 necessary functionality.  And the faster and more powerful your
 hardware becomes, the less you *care* about bloat.

 The only people who still have that sort of concerns are working in
 the embedded space where they still *have* slow and limited hardware,
 and are dealing with things like 8-bit microcontrollers, or dealing
 with things like set top boxes or wireless routers, where the CPU is
 not Intel and the limits are imposed by what you can do in the
 available flash RAM.  They *aren't* using DOS, because DOS doesn't run
 on ARM or MIPS architectures.

I'm sure that the majority of DOS users are simply running applications 
that don't require real time data acquisition. The problem with modern 
operating systems generally is that the overhead of running multitasking 
and heavily protected file systems produces significant periods of 
non-response. This usually happens while the processor is talking to 
storage media, and while this doesn't disrupt things like typing 
noticeably, it does so for precise event timing. Because DOS doesn't 
write to disk unless you tell it to, it is easy to pick off events like 
mouse clicks and keypresses to the millisecond. I'm hoping that someone 
comes up with an embedded Linux OS that will allow this kind of single 
minded attention to what's happening while suspending all that nice talk 
that keeps the file system happy.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Long-term survival of FreeDOS

2012-04-11 Thread Jim Lemon
On 04/11/2012 12:37 AM, Alex wrote:

 This topic is not about DOS vs other operating systems, or the fact
 that users tend to gradually abandon DOS. It's about the survivability
 of DOS vis-a-vis hardware.
 The starting point for my reasoning is: what will happen with the
 future development of the hardware architectures? So far DOS has fared
 relatively well, in the sense that it can still run even on 32bit and
 64bit architectures, despite the fact that it does not fully support
 them. Now the question is: will it always be like this? Or will there
 come a point when, due to a radical CPU redesign, we won't be able to
 even use DOS any longer on newer machines? What are the chances of
 this happening?

 Related questions are: how adaptable would the (Free)DOS codebase
 prove, in the event of this happening? How much manpower would be
 required to recode/adapt (Free)DOS to the new needs? In short, could
 DOS survive such a situation?

 I know that this may look as an overly pessimistic scenario, but I
 believe it's one we had better anticipate, rather than just assuming
 that things will always be as they are now. I hope I am very wrong in
 my reasoning, and I would be very glad if someone pointed it out.

Hi Alex,
The problem for people like me, who program at a fairly low level, is 
that the programs won't run on emulators. Many of the real time tricks, 
like using the CMOS clock or taking over the keyboard interrupt, will be 
blocked as illegal instructions. I have been battling with this for some 
years, and my colleagues have to scavenge for old PCs that will run DOS 
natively. I think that at some point I will have to move to another OS 
if I can get the real time data acquisition.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] C compiler

2012-01-26 Thread Jim Lemon
On 01/26/2012 11:54 AM, Marco Achury wrote:

 Dear Sirs

 Is there any official or recommended C compiler for Freedos?

 Would be great if such compiler come included on the distro so
 the user can create their own programs.

 I know djgpp and Watcom, are both compilers under active

Hi Marco,
I recently switched from Borland Turbo C to Watcom, and after all the 
cursing and headbanging, I agree that it is a better compiler. If you 
are going in this direction, get ready for a steep climb on the learning 


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Modern Uses For FreeDOS

2012-01-26 Thread Jim Lemon
On 01/26/2012 10:53 AM, Bob Cochran wrote:

 I am pretty ignorant of how FreeDOS is used by the community as I am
 sure my previous posts show. I would like to build a better
 understanding of FreeDOS. What is it used for most commonly? I know it
 is an operating system, of course, but I don't know why it is used as an
 operating system compared to other operating system choices. I would
 like to understand the user base for FreeDOS better. Are there many
 users, or just a small base of users, or somewhere in between?

Hi Bob,
I have been writing human performance tests on PCs for about 25 years, 
beginning with Apple IIe boxes, then moving to IBM PCs. FreeDOS is ideal 
for this as the OS only does what you tell it to do, and never capers 
off to do other tasks, thus allowing precise timing of events without 
having external equipment. Recently I learned how to use the BIOS real 
time clock interrupt to count time, and while taking a bit of learning 
and programming, this has proven superior to reprogramming TIMER0 on the 
825x timer chip. Program data is written to a text file that can be 
processed by external utilities.

FreeDOS also allows me to take over the keyboard and pointer interrupts 
so that I can capture data from these devices. By using batch files and 
doing a little programming on the keyboard queue and Interapplication 
Communication Area, I can allow the users to run sequences of tests that 
require no operator input between tests.

The only other OS I would consider is Linux, using Real Time Linux to 
run the tests (Windows is a disaster for timing). It would be more 
convenient, as the users could use a GUI to run things instead of 
complaining about selecting a batch file from a list. However, I would 
have to port all the code (C) to Linux and set up RTL, a considerable 
task. FreeDOS is still a viable option.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Problem with USB keyboard in some computers

2011-07-02 Thread Jim Lemon
On 07/02/2011 04:21 AM, Aitor SantamarĂ­a wrote:
 I actually have several programs that simulate keystrokes (MOUSKEYS, 
 JOYKEYS, SCANCODE, and USBKEYB).  However, in order to simulate keystrokes 
 properly, the BIOS must be compatible with the keyboard simulation as 
 provided by the programs.  Some hardware/firmware BIOS's are compatible, 
 while others aren't.  If you don't ever use these programs, or if your BIOS 
 is compatible, MS KEYB is not needed.  However, if you use any of these 
 programs, and your BIOS is incompatible, you need to replace the keyboard 
 BIOS with a new one that is compatible.  MS KEYB does this, and is the only 
 program I'm aware of that does.

 I am also curious to know, because I was thinking that by 3.0, I would
 remove all the pre-AT stuff (for easier maintainance), and leave only
 INT 15h,  4Fh stuff, but why would you want to simulate keystrokes

This may not be relevant, but I have had to use the trick of loading up 
the keyboard buffer with fake keystrokes to avoid starting multiple DOS 
command instances when running programs via batch files. It's an easy 
way to get the last program to exit in the current command shell and 
then start up again in the previous shell that initiated the batch file.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Word processing

2011-05-06 Thread Jim Lemon
On 05/06/2011 06:43 AM, Marco Achury wrote:

 Is available any new wordprocessor for DOS?

 On this old talk recommend msword for DOS (free as free beer)

Hi Marco,
There are several sites for downloading WordPerfect 4.2, the best DOS 
word processor I ever used.


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Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Failure to compile with Borland C++ compiler under FreeDOS 1.0 - solved?

2011-02-04 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi all,
Quite some time ago, I posted a problem that when I upgraded to FreeDOS 
1.0, my Borland 2.0 compiler started throwing errors that it couldn't 
find some object and library files to link. In desperation, I managed to 
get the compiler to work on an ancient laptop that was running FreeDOS 
0.9. A few months ago, that laptop died, and I had to try anything I 
could. I got an old PC and loaded the Borland compiler and source files 
on it. It gave odd errors like not being able to write what looked like 
temp files when I went into a DOS shell from BC. It still threw the 
linking errors. This made me suspicious, and I moved about 10 files from 
the project directory to a new directory and tried again. I managed to 
get the compiler to work after a bit of directory specification. What I 
think was the problem was that the project directory had well over 400 
files in it. I may have hit some kind of directory limit at the same 
time I upgraded FreeDOS to 1.0. I'm going to do more experimentation on 
this (and finish the job that has been hanging for so long), and I'll 
let you know what happens. If anyone else strikes this problem, this may 
be of assistance.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] pre 1.0 version

2010-11-25 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi all,
Thanks for the suggestions. I tried copying the old (0.9) KERNEL.SYS and 
COMMAND.COM onto the drive, but no luck, the same error on trying to 
compile. I had downloaded FreeDOS1.0 from, but it only had 
the 2036 kernel. I'm reluctant to do a full install, as it will knock 
out my grub dual boot to Linux and I'll have to redo that.

I'm running Borland C++ version 2.0 as the compiler. I'll keep plugging 
away and let you all know if anything happens.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] pre 1.0 version

2010-11-20 Thread Jim Lemon
On 11/20/2010 12:14 AM, Rugxulo wrote:
 What year and model and cpu? Just curious. And what exactly doesn't
 work, it won't turn on??

DELL Latitude XP 475D
Plugged it in, hit the switch and nothing. No lights, no sound, nothing.
It has been going for years and I only kept it for the last year or two 
to compile C programs under FreeDOS.
 Hmmm, I know I read your recent message, but you were kinda vague.
 What exactly doesn't work? What error message does it give? What
 version of Borland C? And most importantly, what kernel are you using?
 (try ver /r) It's most likely an issue on your end since I haven't
 heard of any Borland tools having issues except maybe Turbo C 3.0, but
 I think they fixed that in later kernels. So you should definitely try
 kernel 2038 (instead of 2036 from FD 1.0) or even unstable 2039.

ver -r (or -R, despite the help info) gives

FreeCom version 0.84 pre2 XMS_Swap [Aug 28 2006 00:29:00]

I'm pretty sure that it's the version because I had been compiling 
various C programs in the Borland C IDE for years and as soon as I 
upgraded, it stopped compiling. I just tried it again with a program 
that I know would compile and got:

Undefined symbol _EGA_VGA_driver in module STRZ2.C

When it first happened, the undefined symbol would be whatever library 
or object file was to be linked in first. I checked the paths, checked 
that the libraries and object files were there, tried to manually 
compile and link, tried stupid things like copying the object files into 
the code directory, etc. It was then that I copied a minimal Borland C 
setup to the old DELL that still had the previous FreeDOS version and 
... it worked! As I had to get the program compiled and was able to, I 
didn't complain and thought that I would eventually be able to fix the 

 EDIT: Does this link help? But I'd rather you didn't use this and
 instead told us more specifically what's wrong. Most FreeDOS users
 don't use Borland tools except (freeware) TC++ 1.0.1 or TC 2.01 or TP

Thanks, I'm downloading it now.

 P.S. Worst case scenario, you could always use OpenWatcom, right? It's
 far better than Borland anyways (and official compiler for FD, natch).

My choices appear to be three:

Downgrade to pre 1.0 FreeDOS and hope that I can once again do the 
development work on this PC. This is the best option, as I don't do a 
lot of this anymore, and I wouldn't have to change anything.

Move from Borland C to Watcom. I agree with your opinion about Watcom, 
but I have an awful lot of code that depends upon Borland graphics 
drivers (and probably a few other Borland things), and I don't want to 
rewrite it. So it would be a worst case scenario. I would rather port 
the whole thing to Linux and run it under Real Time Linux.

Fix whatever is going wrong with the present setup. The error messages, 
as explained above, are those awful sort that say X isn't there and 
when you look, X is there. My guess is that there was some subtle change 
in a DOS or BIOS filesystem call between 0.9 and 1.0 and it broke the 
ability of the Borland system to find objects to be linked.

Anyway, I'll try the first option now and let you know how I go. Thanks 
for your interest, and of course the link to the old distribution.


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Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] pre 1.0 version

2010-11-19 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi all,
Well, it's finally happened. The ancient DELL laptop that has been my 
only development machine has carked it and I am going to have to try to 
downgrade this PC to a pre-1.0 version to keep compiling. My Borland C 
compiler has not worked on this machine since I upgraded to 1.0 and 
despite several messages to the list, I've found no way to fix it. I 
looked in the archive, but there does not seem to be any pre-1.0 
versions available. Anyone know where I can get one?


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Zorland/Zortech C compiler?

2010-06-20 Thread Jim Lemon
On 05/28/2010 11:49 PM, Alain Mouette wrote:

 I use Borland C 3.1 regularly on FreeDOS... have you tryed to configure
 the the lib directories in the IDE?

Hi Alain,
Yes, I set the directories and for some reason when I try to compile, 
the IDE reports that it can't open XXX.lib when I know that the 
libraries are all there. However, the same files compile fine on an 
ancient laptop that still has the 0.9 (?) version of FreeDOS. Of course 
I don't really want to depend on the old laptop, for it is really slow, 
and if it dies, I'm up the creek. I'm going to try to copy the libraries 
into the directory in which I'm compiling (blush) just to see if I can 
get some work done.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Zorland/Zortech C compiler?

2010-05-28 Thread Jim Lemon
On 05/28/2010 01:19 PM, Ralf A. Quint wrote:
 I personally prefer Borlands C/C++ 3.1 myself, it's still after all
 those years the most usable DOS C/C++ compiler that still runs on 16
 bit DOS, though unfortunately, only the older version of Turbo C++
 1.01 is available  from Borland's/Imprise's/Codegear's/Embaradero's
 museums page as freeware (not Open Source). But still good enough if
 you in fact want to write real DOS programs...

Hi Ralf,
I have been using the Borland C compiler for some years, but ran into a 
problem with version 1.0 of FreeDOS. Since I upgraded from 0.9something, 
the IDE can no longer find libraries or object files that are not in the 
current directory, nor can I manually compile and link. I have managed 
to work around this by transferring a minimal subset of the Borland C 
installation to an old laptop that is still running 0.9something, but 
this is hardly an ideal solution. Do you have any information that might 
allow me to get Borland C to work under FreeDOS 1.0 and beyond? Thanks.



Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on flatscreen

2010-01-21 Thread Jim Lemon
On 01/22/2010 08:08 AM, Ray Davison wrote:
 Felix Miata wrote:
 On 2010/01/18 15:00 (GMT-0800) Ray Davison composed:

 I recently swapped my wife's CRT for a used 20, IBM ThinkVision.  The
 image is shifted up about an inch which puts a pull-down bar off-screen.
Win and eCS (OS/2) are OK.


 Push the button on the display made to auto-adjust the image position?

 So far I have not found such a button, and Google is no help.

On many flatscreen monitors, the buttons are little touch areas at the 
bottom of the screen. On my Samsung, which has a black frame, they are 
completely invisible to me unless I shine a bright light on the frame. 
They do the same things that the old buttons did.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] ot: turning up the pc speaker?

2010-01-13 Thread Jim Lemon
On 01/13/2010 02:08 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
 I use English, Canadian, and wish to turn up the internal speaker volume.
 I have seen enough to suggest that there here was some command for this.
 With some DOS screen readers, that speaker is used for indications.  
 With some laptops, it can even be used for the speech output itself.
Hi Karen,
According to my ancient volume of Norton (Programmer's Guide to the IBM 
PC) there is no volume control on the PC speaker itself, which is as I 
recall. What can be done is to replace the speaker with a more efficient 
sound generator like a piezo buzzer. You can then install a 
potentiometer in series on the input and adjust it that way. We have had 
to do that with a lab machine where we replaced the speaker with 
headphones as of course the sound is much louder in the headphones.


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Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Calling soundblaster driver from C

2009-11-18 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi folks,
I'm trying to get a Fujitsu E8410 to send a tone to the headphone output 
instead of the internal speaker. Many PCs with a sound card seem to 
automatically route the internal speaker to the sound card, but this one 
doesn't. My first attempt at solving the problem is to try the 
soundblaster driver that comes with FreeDOS 1.0. However, I have no idea 
how to do this in C. Can anyone provide a pointer to some docs? Thanks.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Freedos 1.1...

2009-07-30 Thread Jim Lemon
Pat Villani wrote:
 Let me address all your fears.  Version 1.1 is being worked on as we 

 Now, if the folks that are eager to see a version 1.1 are willing to 
 contribute, let me know and we'll figure out how you can help.
One thing that might help is that I have found that while version 1.0 
wouldn't allow my Borland C++ compiler v2.0 to compile DOS executables 
with libraries in another directory, I have found that I can compile 
executables when there are no included libraries. I just stumbled across 
this the other day when I tried to compile a simpler program that didn't 
require anything that wasn't in the current directory.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] make,make install in dos?

2009-06-17 Thread Jim Lemon
kurt godel wrote:
 Ok, I give up; I knew that linux has 'make' and 'make install' all 
 over the place, but, until this afternoon,
 I never knew that dos has it. While attempting to install some parts 
 of HX and GEM to djgpp, I was struck
 by this: use 'make' to configure the includes(headers) and libraries, 
 and use 'make install' to install them
 in the djgpp. Never heard of 'make' in dos; went to dosbox(XP) and 
 freedos, typed 'make' and was returned
 make [option] [target]. lovely. Did make -help, and got a list of 
 options, none of them called 'install'.
 Typing 'make install -help', got the same thing, with 'install' 
 treated as a bogus argument. I cannot fathom
 the commandline syntax here; does 'target' refer to the djgpp includes 
 and libraries I guess I'm trying
 to enrich? Then where does the 'source' go on the commandline? Is the 
 source called a 'makefile'?
 Then, amazingly, when trying to google this up, nobody has this 
 info(instead:here are some of the most
 common dos commands). *come ON*, what gives 
Hi Kurt,
make is not specific to DOS, but is a way of running a series of 
processes, usually compiling source code, but can be many other 
processes. A bit like a shell (or batch) script that invokes programs to 
do specific things. If you look in the Makefile (the usual name for 
the file that make processes), you will see sections that do things 
that are probably familiar to you, like

cc -o hello.exe hello.c

in the section named install, you are likely to see files being moved 
to the locations where they can be invoked without specifying the path 
to them. Yeah, make can be cryptic, but the best way to learn about it 
is to write a simple makefile yourself and use make to build a toy program.


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[Freedos-user] FreeDOS 1.0 and Borland compiler v2.0

2009-05-12 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi gang,
I had to do some programming on the DOS human performance tests that I 
wrote after a considerable break. I had downloaded FreeDOS 1.0 a while 
ago and fortunately hadn't gotten around to installing it until a few 
days ago. When I tried to recompile some code, the compiler started 
throwing errors like:

Can't open file c:\bc\lib\emu.lib

even though the files were all there with no access restrictions. The 
command line compiler gave similar errors, as did the command line 
linker. As about the only thing I had done was to install the new 
version of FreeDOS, I laboriously copied the essential Borland 
installation to an ancient laptop that I use as a lab machine (using 
1.44M floppies!). This had the same version of FreeDOS that I had 
replaced. Sure enough, the compiler worked again and I got the 
executable. I don't know what went wrong, but perhaps this will uncover 
something that can be fixed for the next release.


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Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Purpose of dos...

2009-01-18 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi all,
I read Michael Robinson's email with great interest. About my only 
interest in DOS is that it allows me to take over the machinery without 
the operating system butting in. It is a fantastic environment for test 
programming and other uses that require real time I/O. I've been away 
from the test programming for a year or two, and I'm about to start 
another project, so I'll probably try to upgrade to the latest FreeDOS. 
The extensions I'm interested in are mainly those that allow me to 
access newer filesystems so that the people who use my tests won't 
whinge as much about having to transfer files from DOS to NTFS or the 
like. Too many features is a pain. We can get too many features 
anywhere, even my latest Linux OS is annoying me with features that I 
don't want and can't turn off. I understand the enthusiasm of those who 
want to do all that is possible in DOS, but spare a thought for those 
like me who just want the bare minimum to work.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] rar-unrar

2007-06-03 Thread Jim Lemon
Jose Antonio Senna wrote:
 JIm Lemon wrote:
This is almost invariably an older version of unrar trying to uncompress 
a file compressed with a newer version of rar. As Oleg noted, go to 
rarlabs and get the latest version.
  Last time I did access I could not find any version
 of unrar (free), just winrar (includes unrar but must be paid and is for 
  Did anyone check the link lately ?

Go to rarlabs, select the Downloads option on the left side menu and 
in the English Winrar and rar release section at the top you will find 
a Linux trial version. I'm not sure how long the trial lasts, but it 
will get you out of a jam, and if somebody wants to program an unrar 
that works for free (I've tried at least three and they didn't do the 
job) that would be great. Otherwise we should pay fer what we gets.


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[Freedos-user] bootable USB stick

2007-04-30 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi folks,

After using FreeDOS for some years to run a battery of human performance 
tests, I am running out of tricks keeping up with PC design. In order to 
run the tests on PCs without a VFAT partition, I now boot off a CD-ROM 
and write data to a diskette. Unfortunately, hardly any PCs these days 
are shipped with diskette drives...

My aim now is to create bootable USB sticks, running the whole show from 
the stick. The whole installation is not much over 10Mb, so there's 
plenty of room. I read Russell's tech note that indicates that USB 
keyboards and mice will work (they already do with my present setup, I 
use the 33h interrupt for the mice). However, I couldn't seem to find a 
comprehensible method for creating bootable USB sticks. Is there a cook 
book out there somewhere for doing this?


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Latest Update: USB Driver Disk v1.5 and XDMA v2.3

2005-10-31 Thread Jim Lemon

Johnson Lam wrote:


1) USB Driver Disk v1.5

- Thanks to Bernd's help rewriting AUTOEXEC.BAT to avoid loading
USBASPI twice!

Hi Johnson,

I'm quite interested in USB support, as diskette drives are getting 
scarce on new PCs. I couldn't find this on the FreeDOS site, could you 
let me know where I can find this and documentation if it isn't included 
in the distribution? Thanks.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Bootable DOS CD

2005-05-23 Thread Jim Lemon

Carl William Spitzer IV wrote:

I want to make my own bootable dos CD.  My current attempts using K3b
under Suse make bootable cd's but I can not then access the additional

1) What am I doing wrong?

You may not be adding the boot image and the boot catalog to the ISO9660 
image. Say you have everything you want in a directory MYDOSCD. Here's 
how I would do it under Fedora Core 2.

1) Make a bootable floppy with all the drivers you will need at boot 
time. (I use SHSUCDX for the CD extension plus free ASPI drivers - you 
can check if everything works by booting from the floppy).

2) Mount the DOS partition where your contents are, put the floppy in 
the drive and create the boot image from the floppy.

mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/dos
cd /mnt/dos/mydoscd
dd if=/dev/fd0 of=image/boot.img
(make sure you have a directory MYDOSCD\IMAGE)

3) Create the ISO9660 image.
mkisofs -b image/boot.img -c -A FreeDOS \
-o /mnt/dos/mycdimag -P 'My DOS CD' \
-p C_Spitzer -r -V DOSCD -v .

4) Change to the image directory and write the CD.
cd ..
cdrecord -v dev=/dev/hdc mycdimag

Note that I have left a lot of things that are specific to my system 
like /dev/hdc is the CD burner and /dev/hda1 is my DOS partition.


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