Re: [Freedos-user] New Version of DOSUTILS

2013-01-07 Thread mbbrutman
Quoting wiwa64

 I also noted NTOOLS in a seperate package.  As it happens, I know the
 guy who wrote netcat on which it's modelled. This is very nice to have
 for DOS.
 Actually there is more than one implementation of netcat for DOS.
 Michael Brutmans mtcp package also comes with an nc clone for DOS. His
 version has less features though.

First, the similarities:

- Both use TCP/IP sockets.  Both can listen (server) or create sockets  
- Both can use stdin and stdout or work interactively.

There are a few key differences:

- the mTCP version is a more pure version of netcat; it does not  
include the ability to run an arbitrary command, insert an initial  
string into the input ahead of stdin, format the output, etc.

- the mTCP version provides much tighter control over how the  
connection is terminated.  (How long to wait, wait for the other side  
to initiate the close, etc.)

- mTCP provides a dedicated Telnet client for use with telnet servers,  
complete with ANSI emulation, backscroll, etc.

- the mTCP version does not include the DHCP client code; DHCP  
configuration is in a separate program.  (All of the mTCP programs use  
the same DHCP client code in that program.)

- the mTCP version is not dependent on a TCP library that has not been  
maintained in years.  I'm still actively working on performance and  
features, so if you need something either in the application or the  
library let me know.

The next version of the mTCP version of netcat will include UDP  
support.  That will make it pretty much complete as far as a network  
diagnostic tool.  (For port scanning, echoing, etc. separate  
applications really should be used.)


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] network printing

2012-06-28 Thread mbbrutman
Quoting Michael B. Brutman

 small rant

 We really need more programmers.  I've done my part to create a
 framework for writing TCP/IP and UDP applications.  There are a lot of
 neat ideas floating around, but for one person it is like trying to boil
 the ocean.

 Can write code but you are not a DOS programmer yet?  On the edge about
 how to get started?  I can help ...

 /small rant

And just a small clarification ...  That's an open invitation to  
anybody who wants to get started coding under DOS.

I've been thinking about setting up a Wiki or a FAQ to make it easier  
for people who code on more modern platforms; warnings about fun  
things like segments and pointer arithmetic can help get people up to  
speed faster.  Even just a good how-to on setting up a development  
environment would be helpful.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDos4Kids (and Kids-at-heart)

2011-11-03 Thread mbbrutman

Most modern flash devices have cells that are writable at least 10  
times that - 100,000 cycles is the minimum you will find.  Better  
devices have even higher cycle counts.

DOM products have FLASH in them - Nobody said anything about DRAM.  If  
they had DRAM they would have to be continuously powered.

Products like Disk on Module that are designed as hard drive  
replacements usually have better wear leveling capability than  
standard USB thumb drives, as the directory meta data update issue  
is well known.  SSDs take this to another level by over provisioning  
which means including more capacity than is advertised so that they  
will have enough spare capacity to make it to their rated lifetime.

For applications where fast access is required nothing can beat a  
FLASH based device.  Part of the equation there involves unit life; if  
you use a FLASH based device in an environment with lots of writes  
then you expect to be replacing it on an accelerated schedule.  The  
write and read throughput is far above what a conventional spinning  
disk can provide, although the capacities are far smaller.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] FTP Server testing needed

2011-09-30 Thread mbbrutman
Quoting Bernd Blaauw

 Is your machine on the internet or did you perform some router port
 forwarding magic? I've always wanted to do that, however router software
 isn't that cooperative usually.

The machine is behind a firewall and the firewall is setup to forward  
incoming requests on port 2021 to the machine.  An additional block of  
ports (around 2000) are being forwarded to support incoming data  
connections used for directory listings and file transfers.  (These  
are the additional connections you get when the client is in PASV mode.)

Normally a firewall snoops port 21 for traffic to figure out what  
traffic should be allowed to pass freely, but my ISP blocks 21 forcing  
me to use a non-standard port that no firewall knows to look for.

On a slightly related note, the PCjr is still up and running and  
waiting for your call!  It has had 479 FTP sessions started in the  
last 2 days; traffic has been much slower today though.  If you've  
visited once, come back and try again - the more concurrent traffic it  
gets the better the code gets tested.  The address is,  
port 2021.


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] mTCP 2011-05-20 Version

2011-06-01 Thread mbbrutman
Quoting Christian Masloch

 Now that mTCP is Free Software, I think the next version of FreeDOS
 should focus on getting basic networking abilities.

 Well, relatively free.  A certain group of people are aghast that I used
 GPL v3 - apparently that is not free enough for them.  I'm getting a
 good laugh out of that conversation though.

 Should you refer to me here (I highly doubt you do not) then please ensure
 not to misrepresent my opinion. I am not aghast at your choice of
 license. Though as has been stated it is true that personally I would have
 _preferred_ a license other than the GPL. It is obviously your choice. As
 I pointed out I appreciate your source code release nonetheless.

 If you want to further express your amusement at me please keep that to
 our forum. I will not reply to other posts about that on this mailing list.

Actually, I was referring to you.

And just as you pointed out that you have the right to infer whatever  
you want to infer on that forum, I am exercising my right to share my  
amusement where I choose to share it.

Have a good day ...


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] mTCP 2011-05-20 Version

2011-06-01 Thread mbbrutman
Quoting Bernd Blaauw

 Op 1-6-2011 18:25, schreef:

 Well, relatively free.  A certain group of people are aghast that I used
 GPL v3 - apparently that is not free enough for them.  I'm getting a
 good laugh out of that conversation though.

 I've read that discussion and liked it, in my opinion looks nothing more
 than a thought experiment along the lines of:
 hey thanks for releasing it as GPL3 but have you considered the effects
 of your choice in case somebody (has some software and) wants to do 'X' ? 

 People are fine with your choice, they're just creating awareness by
 being difficult about choices, without attacking the choices or the
 person(s) making them.

 Welcome to :)

Sometimes it is hard to tell the motivation.  I would have preferred  
that the license discussion not be attached to the announcement of one  
particular project and instead treated as a different/new thread of  
discussion.  That removes any doubts.  A more appropriate use of the  
announcement thread would have been to discuss the project goals or  
technical questions.

However, I agree that it is time to move on.  We definitely don't want  
this devolving any further ..


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Connecting FreeDOS to a SMB share

2011-01-17 Thread mbbrutman
Quoting Eric Auer

 Hi Santiago,

 Update: I installed easily the NDIS2 drivers for my card, then the packet
 driver wrapper. mTCP is working perfectly.
 Right now, I am trying TCP's MS CLIENT 3.0 to connect to the SMB share
 through TCP/IP.

 Nice! Maybe you could email a summary of how you did it?
 I mean what you installed and which config files you had
 to edit in which way to make MTCP work via NDIS etc :-)

I second that motion - I've never used NDIS and a shim before and  
I'd like to see how that is done.

 The SMB share is actually a Dlink NAS, I can use NFS too, but I have to
 install some modules before. I'll try a little more for SMB and then try

 Interesting. I assume you can also access the NAS via FTP or even HTTP?
 Samba sounds okay for me, but of course the choice between MSCLIENT and
 the ported Linux Samba command line tool smbclient is not that big :-)


If most NAS boxes do HTTP, is this the reason/motivation I need to get  
wget done?


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Connecting FreeDOS to a SMB share

2011-01-17 Thread mbbrutman

 With all the discussion on mTCP it seems this package is getting a  
 lot of attention.

 Is there any update as to when we might be able to get source or  
 even just a binary library?

Short story - working on it.

Longer story ..  it's all my original code and I have copyright to it.  
  However, the large corporation that pays me insists on approving any  
open source contributions.  (Which is reasonable.)  So you can imagine  
the look on people's faces when I said I want to start a new open  
source project, for DOS.  I seriously don't think they know what to  
do. :-)

A binary library is possible and I originally started down that path,  
but it makes more sense to just have people include the original  
source code and directly compile and link in everything they need.   
Otherwise they wind up dealing with whatever compromises were compiled  
into the library.

It is all evolving as I learn ..


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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Connecting FreeDOS to a SMB share

2011-01-13 Thread mbbrutman

I appreciate the interest in mTCP, but there is a limitation you need  
to be aware of.

The mTCP DHCP client is designed for the mTCP applications.  You can  
use it and adapt it to do other things, but you will have to write  
some scripts or code to take the output from the DHCP client (a text  
file) and make it usable for whatever app you had in mind.

For example, if you liked my DHCP client and wanted to use it with  
WATTCP applications, you would have to run my DHCP client, extract the  
IP addresses that you need from the MTCPCFG file, and then put them in  
the WATTCP config file.

I don't know what it takes to make it usable for something like the MS  
SMB client - it can probably be done/adapted, but it's not something I  
thought about and I don't expect it to work 'out of the box'.  It only  
works out of the box with the other mTCP applications.


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Re: [Freedos-user] Dhcp

2011-01-12 Thread mbbrutman


I'm not well versed on lynx - it is built on top of the WATTCP  
library.  Try a simpler application like PING or FTP which also uses  
the WATTCP library before you move onto lynx - at least you will know  
you have the basic configuration settings correct.

Somebody else already pointed out mTCP - .  
  That has the basic apps in it, but it does not have a web browser.   
The support is very good though. :-)


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