Re: [Freeipa-users] Exposing LDAP attributes with hyphens in their names?

2016-05-12 Thread Jan Cholasta


see also this recent commit to get an idea how to deal with attributes 
with "weird" names: 

On 11.5.2016 17:19, Jeffery Harrell wrote:

I’ve read Extending FreeIPA back to front (several times!) but I could
spend more time alone with an iPad and a copy of the Guide. Thanks for
the link.

On May 11, 2016 at 3:28:55 AM, Martin Kosek (
<>) wrote:

On 05/06/2016 07:12 PM, Jeffery Harrell wrote:
> Hi. I’m very new to IPA; I only picked it up a couple weeks ago. So this may 
> a remedial question.
> I’d like to expose, both via the CLI and the GUI, certain LDAP attributes 
> have hyphens in their names — e.g., "apple-user-homeurl.” The Param class
> rejects these attributes because of the hyphens; the name of the Param doesn’t
> conform to the regular expression so an exception gets thrown. This code does
> not work:
> |user.user.takes_params = user.user.takes_params + ( Str( 
> cli_name='appleuserhomeurl', label=_('Apple User Home URL'), doc=_('Apple user
> home URL.'), ), ) |
> Is there a sensible way of getting around that, or will I have to subclass 
> and write a whole bunch of new code to get this to work?
> Thanks very much.
> Jeffery

Did you check the documentation we have so far?

CCing Jan for reference.


Jan Cholasta

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Looking for documentation for Python API

2016-05-11 Thread Jan Cholasta

On 11.5.2016 10:52, Martin Kosek wrote:

On 05/07/2016 09:07 AM, Joshua J. Kugler wrote:

On Friday, May 06, 2016 09:04:59 Martin Basti wrote:

since IPA4.2 web UI contains API browser (IPA Server/API Browser)

So for example for caacl-add:
api.Command.caacl_add(u'argument-ca-acl-name', description=u"optional

you can try commands in "ipa console" it contains initialized API, just
call api.Command.()

API.txt provides the same information as API browser, but browser looks
better :)

Feel free to ask anything, if you identified gaps in docs which are hard
to understand for non-IPA developer feel free report it, or feel free to
create howTo in page.

Thanks for the pointers. I'm looking at automating some user and group
additions, group editing, etc.  Am I right in assuming that anything that uses
the api.Command. will require a kinit  before it is run,
even if it is via the Python API? If I want to use a user/pass from the script
itself (and not have a shell script which does kinit, then fires off my Python
script) would I be better off hitting the web API with sessions and JSON-RPC as
detailed here:

Put another way, since I want to hit the API from a system that might not have
sssd installed, nor has joined the realm, I assume it would be *impossible* to
use api.Command. as it relies on a Kerberos ticket?  To put it yet
another way: is there a way to hand a user/pass to the Python API and
authenticate that way.

The API itself can be hit with user/password, as noted in Alexander's blog. If
you want to use the actual Python API, Kerberos may be the only way. But I
think Jan or Petr may had some other (hacky) way to pass user+password there 

I don't think we support anything but Kerberos on the client side in our 
Python API. It might be possible to somehow emulate what the web UI 
does, but I haven't personally ever attempted to do that. Petr, have you?

Those are the questions I did not see addressed in the docs that I found.
There were lots of examples of invoking commands, but I never saw anything
about authenticating to the server before running the commands.

Thanks again for the pointers, and if there is documentation I missed, feel
free to point me in that direction.

Jan Cholasta

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Re: [Freeipa-users] change CA subject or "friendly name"?

2016-04-18 Thread Jan Cholasta


On 12.4.2016 01:08, Fraser Tweedale wrote:

On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 11:43:17AM -0400, Anthony Clark wrote:

Hello All,

I'm in the process of deploying FreeIPA 4 in a development environment.
One of my testers has imported the ca.pem file into Windows, and indicates
that it displays as:

Issued to: Certificate Authority
Issued by: Certificate Authority
Friendly Name: 

This will unfortunately cause confusion among certain end users, so I was
wondering if there's a way to change those attributes?

Ideally without reinstalling everything, but thankfully we're still early
in the process so it's OK if do blow everything away.

Do I need to generate a new CA outside of FreeIPA and then use
ipa-cacert-manage to "renew" the base CA?


Anthony Clark

Hi Anthony,

After a brief investigation it appears that ``Friendly Name'' is a
property that can be set in a Windows certificate store, and is not
part of, or derived from, the certificate itself.

Here are a couple of TechNet articles that might help:


As for "Issued to" and "Issued by", I guess these are derived from the 
subject and issuer name fields of the certificate, which currently can't 
be changed for our CA certificate.

We have a ticket to fix this for quite some time: 

Jan Cholasta

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Adding FreeIPA to an existing infrastructure

2016-04-18 Thread Jan Cholasta

On 18.4.2016 12:20, Martin Kosek wrote:

On 04/12/2016 12:14 PM, Remco Kranenburg wrote:

Thanks for all the pointers. I'm tentatively moving forward with a CA-less and
DNS-less IPA server, with Letsencrypt certificates. I think this is also the
setup that is used by the demo at <>. Is
there some documentation about this setup?

I installed this FreeIPA Demo server with Dogtag CA and then used something
like this to setup the root cert:

# do this once before taking snapshot of the VM
dnf install letsencrypt -y

ipa-cacert-manage install le-root-ca.pem -n le-root-ca -t ,,
ipa-certupdate -v

ipa-cacert-manage install le-authority-x1.pem -n le-authority-x1 -t C,,
ipa-certupdate -v

and then generated LE certificate:

# generate CSR
certutil -R -d /etc/httpd/alias/ -k Server-Cert -f /etc/httpd/alias/pwdfile.txt
-s "CN=$(hostname)" --extSAN "dns:$(hostname)" -a -o /root/httpd-csr.pem
openssl req -in /root/httpd-csr.pem -outform der -out /root/httpd-csr.der

# httpd process prevents letsencrypt from working, stop it
service httpd stop

# get a new cert
letsencrypt certonly --csr /root/httpd-csr.der --email 

# remove old cert
certutil -D -d /etc/httpd/alias/ -n Server-Cert
# add the new cert
certutil -A -d /etc/httpd/alias/ -n Server-Cert -t ,, -a -i /root/_cert.pem

# start httpd with the new cert
service httpd start

but you probably do not want this as you are not installing CA piece.

I'm trying to install a Letsencrypt
certificate into FreeIPA, but when I run the installation:

ipa-server-install --http-cert-file cert.pem --http-cert-file privkey.pem
--dirsrv-cert-file cert.pem --dirsrv-cert-file privkey.pem

It asks for my "Apache Server private key unlock password", even though the key
from Letsencrypt is not encrypted with a passphrase.

Try using empty passphrase: --http-pin= --dirsrv-pin=

When I give a bogus

password, it gives me another error:

ipa.ipapython.install.cli.install_tool(Server): ERRORThe full certificate
chain is not present in cert.pem, privkey.pem

Letsencrypt provides me with a few files: cert.pem, chain.pem, fullchain.pem,
privkey.pem. Even when I also add chain.pem and fullchain.pem, it gives me the
same error.

The error is legit, you have to specify the full CA certificate chain 
using --ca-cert-file.

CCing JanC, he is the man to help with this one.


Jan Cholasta

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Re: [Freeipa-users] CA-less vs CA-ful FreeIPA 4.2 installation

2016-02-08 Thread Jan Cholasta

Hi Peter,

On 9.2.2016 00:26, Peter Pakos wrote:


I now have a CA-less installation of FreeIPA 4.2 which seems to be
working OK.

The initial server was installed with the following command:

ipa-server-install \
   -U \
   -n \
   -p '' \
   -a '' \
   --mkhomedir \
   --setup-dns \
   --no-forwarders \
   --no-dnssec-validation \
   --dirsrv-cert-file=/root/ssl/GandiWildcardIPA.pfx \
   --dirsrv-pin='' \
   --http-cert-file=/root/ssl/GandiWildcardIPA.pfx \
   --http-pin='' \
   --dirsrv-cert-name=GandiWildcardIPA \
   --http-cert-name=GandiWildcardIPA \
   --idstart=1100 \

Both LDAP and HTTP certificates are correctly installed.

My question is, how do I renew LDAP/HTTP certificates?

I'm struggling to find a step-by-step instructions on how to do this
without breaking anything.

This is one of the last tests I need to perform before moving this
FreeIPA setup into production.

Any info is greatly appreciated.

Currently you have to manually replace the certificates once you 
manually renew them with your CA.

To replace the certificates, follow the guide I posted a month ago: 


Jan Cholasta

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Using external certificate in IPA 4.1

2016-02-07 Thread Jan Cholasta


On 4.2.2016 17:45, Martin Kosek wrote:

On 02/03/2016 06:02 PM, Ossi Ahosalmi wrote:

I'm trying to use our organizations wildcard certificate in IPA. Certificate is
signed by a trusted CA.

ipa-server-certinstall -w -d 

with next combinations:

- separate .key, .crt and ca chain, all in PEM format
- .crt and ca bundled into one file, .key as a separate file
- everything bundled together into one .p12 pkcs12 file

I always end up with this error:

"The full certificate chain is not present in ."

My CA file contains the whole chain and works in all other programs, just not
in IPA.

CCing Jan, but I think you are hitting

Actually I think it's #4786, but if that was fixed, you would hit #5603 
as well.


Jan Cholasta

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Re: [Freeipa-users] CA-less vs CA-ful FreeIPA 4.2 installation

2016-01-18 Thread Jan Cholasta

On 18.1.2016 12:42, Martin Kosek wrote:

On 01/18/2016 12:05 PM, Peter Pakos wrote:

On 18/01/2016 08:06, Martin Kosek wrote:

I am hoping that this is well explained here:

Some useful notes are also Dmitri Pal's blog post:

Thanks for the docs.

I'm trying to get my head around this... if I have a working CA-ful FreeIPA
setup and then install 3rd party SSL certificates for HTTP/LDAP only (including
3 root CA certs from the chain) - does this replace original self-signed CA
that FreeIPA generated (and becomes External CA install) or does CA stay
untouched and I can still take advantage of all the goodies that come with
CA-ful install like automatic certificates renewals (apart from HTTP/LDAP ones)?

Or does this became a multi CA install?

BTW, I can see that the root certificates are getting added to /etc/ipa/ca.crt.

You should be still able to benefit from all the goodies the CA-ful FreeIPA
has. As you noticed above, all root CA certs should be added to ca.crt (see
help for ipa-certupdate tool), it is used to update certs on server/client and
add the new CA certificates.

I'm also thinking ahead, when it comes to renewing certificates when they
expire in 1 year time, which install type would cause less problems?

In CA-ful installation, client certificates or FreeIPA CA subsystem
certificates should just renew automatically. In CA-less, you need to take care
to renew them manually with your 3rd party certificate provider.

So in my CA-ful install with 3rd party SSL certificate installed, how would the
renewal look?

All certificates issued by FreeIPA CA should be renewed automatically by
certmonger (if configured). External certificates should needs to be renewed
manually. Honza, does certmonger already warns about non-IPA certificates that
are getting close to expiration date or is this rather an RFE for future?

It's an RFE, covered by my "certmonger everywhere" proposal: 
(the part about uniform certmonger configuration).

I understand that I would have to install new HTTP/LDAP certificates manually
as they were signed by external CA, but would all certificates issued by
FreeIPA CA still renew automatically?

They should, yes.

I've failed to find any useful info covering the above points, so if you know
anything, please just let me know.

I think the important point is that even if you choose to install with CA-less
for now, you can switch to CA-ful later via ipa-ca-install:

Thank you, your help is much appreciated!

Jan Cholasta

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Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-certupdate not installing root certificates in /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias/

2016-01-18 Thread Jan Cholasta

Hi Peter,

On 18.1.2016 01:32, Peter Pakos wrote:


I have FreeIPA 4.2 (CA-ful) install on Centos 7.2 with 3rd party SSL
certificates installed for HTTP/LDAP.

When I run "ipa-certupdate" I can see that the 3rd party root
certificates are being removed from databases (/etc/httpd/alias,
/etc/pki/nssdb, /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias) and then re-added (apart from

Without the 3rd party root certificates in /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias,
the service pki-tomcatd is unable to start up.

This is the complete process I'm following to install 3rd party
certificate (please let me know if I'm doing anything wrong):

### 3rd party SSL certificate install ##

# Gandi * certificate chain
# AddTrust.pem -> USERTrustRSAAddTrustCA.pem -> GandiStandardSSLCA2.pem

$ openssl verify -verbose -CAfile <(cat AddTrust.pem
USERTrustRSAAddTrustCA.pem GandiStandardSSLCA2.pem) OK

# Bug in ipa-cacert-manage, comment out lines 349-352
$ vim

$ ipa-cacert-manage install AddTrust.pem -n AddTrust -t C,C,C
$ ipa-cacert-manage install USERTrustRSAAddTrustCA.pem -n
USERTrustRSAAddTrustCA -t C,C,C
$ ipa-cacert-manage install GandiStandardSSLCA2.pem -n
GandiStandardSSLCA2 -t C,C,C

# Add root certificates to databases <- THIS IS WHERE THE ABOVE ROOT
$ ipa-certupdate

# Create PKCS12 certificate file including private key and full chain
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -out -inkey -in -certfile <(cat
AddTrust.pem USERTrustRSAAddTrustCA.pem GandiStandardSSLCA2.pem) -name

# Install PKCS12 certificate to LDAP and HTTP databases:
$ pk12util -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-IPA-WANDISCO-COM/ -i
$ pk12util -d /etc/httpd/alias/ -i

# Stop IPA
$ ipactl stop

# Edit /etc/dirsrv/slapd-IPA-WANDISCO-COM/dse.ldif to point dirsrv to
new certificate
# Replace:
nsSSLPersonalitySSL: Server-Cert
# with:
nsSSLPersonalitySSL: GandiWildcardIPA

# Edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/nss.conf to point httpd to new certificate
# Replace:
NSSNickname Server-Cert
# with:
NSSNickname GandiWildcardIPA

# Start IPA
$ ipactl start


In order to fix this, I have to manually add root certificates to the

$ certutil -A -d /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias/ -n AddTrust -t C,C,C -a <
$ certutil -A -d /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias/ -n USERTrustRSAAddTrustCA -t
C,C,C -a < USERTrustRSAAddTrustCA.pem
$ certutil -A -d /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias/ -n GandiStandardSSLCA2 -t
C,C,C -a < GandiStandardSSLCA2.pem

Should this not be done automatically by ipa-certupdate?

It should: <>.

Are the above steps correct for installing 3rd party certificates in
FreeIPA 4.2? Should I change anything?

Looks OK to me.

We are planning to move these nodes into production very soon, any help
would be much appreciated!


Jan Cholasta

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Using 3rd party certificates for HTTP/LDAP

2016-01-18 Thread Jan Cholasta

On 18.1.2016 09:07, Martin Kosek wrote:

On 01/15/2016 05:34 PM, Peter Pakos wrote:

On 15/01/2016 15:55, Rob Crittenden wrote:

I've re-run ipa-certupdate in verbose mode and I could see that it
removes all certificates in different databases (/etc/httpd/alias,
/etc/pki/nssdb, /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias) and then re-adds them (apart
from /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias).

Yup, looks like this part is missing. Perhaps the assumption was that
the CA would be authoritative in this regard.

Is this a bug? Should this be logged somewhere so it can be looked into?

Yes, <>.

Updating the CA certs you'd want to add them to LDAP, replacing the
older ones, and then ipa-certupdate will do the rest. You'd need to run
this on all clients and servers.

This sounds like a lot of manual work will be involved when it comes to renewal.

And without clear and up-to-date information and possibly step-by-step
instructions the effort needed to get this sorted is doubled.

Please note that it took us many hours to get a 3rd party SSL certificate
installed (you would think a very simple task). And the truth is that without
this mailing list and #freeipa channel we would still be stuck trying to get to
the bottom of this.

CCing Honza. Do we have all the respective tickets filed, so that we can
improve and speed up the user experience?

There's <> for automatic CA 
certificate distribution and 
<> and 
<> for 
ipa-server-certinstall fixes.

If there's anything missing, pleaes file a new ticket.

Jan Cholasta

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Using 3rd party certificates for HTTP/LDAP

2016-01-04 Thread Jan Cholasta

On 4.1.2016 14:10, Peter Pakos wrote:

Hi Jan,

On 04/01/2016 12:44, Jan Cholasta wrote:

1. Install the CA certificate chain of the issuer of the 3rd party
certificate to IPA using "ipa-cacert-manage install"

2. Run "ipa-certupdate" to update CA certificate related IPA


3. Manually import the server certificate into the
/etc/dirsrv/slapd-REALM NSS database, configure the correct nickname in
LDAP in the nsSSLPersonalitySSL attribute of
cn=RSA,cn=encryption,cn=config and restart DS.

4. Manually import the server certificate into the /etc/httpd/alias NSS
database, configure the correct nickname in /etc/httpd/conf.d/nss.conf
using the NSSNickname directive and restart httpd.

Would it be the same procedure for FreIPA 4.2 shipped with Centos 7.2?


Jan Cholasta

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Using 3rd party certificates for HTTP/LDAP

2016-01-04 Thread Jan Cholasta

Hi Peter,

On 21.12.2015 17:43, Peter Pakos wrote:


I tried to install a wildcard SSL certificate for HTTP/LDAP in our
FreeIPA 4.1 (Centos 7.1) installation by following instructions from
wiki page at

Unfortunately ipa-server-certinstall is currently broken. We plan to fix 
it some day, see <> and 

# ipa-server-certinstall -w -d
Directory Manager password:
Enter private key unlock password:
Command /usr/bin/certutil' '-d' '/etc/httpd/alias' '-D' '-n'
'Server-Cert returned non-zero exit status 255

After this I was unable to start httpd service, error_log revealed the
following error messages:

[Wed Nov 25 18:15:44.262751 2015] [:error] [pid 22124] Certificate not
found: 'Server-Cert'

In order to resurrect the service I had to change NSSNickname in
/etc/httpd/conf.d/nss.conf to match the new certificate's nickname.

Although the httpd service started, I couldn't get into Authentication
tab in FreeIPA UI - I kept getting the following error message: "Unable
to communicate with CMS (Service Unavailable)".

[root@shdc01 ~]# yum list installed | grep ipa-server
ipa-server.x86_64 4.1.0-18.el7.centos.4 @updates

[root@shdc01 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core)

At this point I was forced to restore our FreeIPA installation from a
snapshot as I wasn't able to fix it (I got some useful hints from
#freeipa Freenode channel however we still didn't manage to fully
resurrect the server).

My question is, what is the correct way of installing a 3rd party
certificate for HTTP/LDAP that will actually work?

1. Install the CA certificate chain of the issuer of the 3rd party 
certificate to IPA using "ipa-cacert-manage install"

2. Run "ipa-certupdate" to update CA certificate related IPA configuration.

3. Manually import the server certificate into the 
/etc/dirsrv/slapd-REALM NSS database, configure the correct nickname in 
LDAP in the nsSSLPersonalitySSL attribute of 
cn=RSA,cn=encryption,cn=config and restart DS.

4. Manually import the server certificate into the /etc/httpd/alias NSS 
database, configure the correct nickname in /etc/httpd/conf.d/nss.conf 
using the NSSNickname directive and restart httpd.

Many thanks in advance.

BTW, I also added a comment describing this problem to the ticket at


Jan Cholasta

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Re: [Freeipa-users] Yum update broke CA/CS - pki-tomcatd not starting

2015-12-14 Thread Jan Cholasta
ipactl start
Existing service file detected!
Assuming stale, cleaning and proceeding
Starting Directory Service
Starting krb5kdc Service
Starting kadmin Service
Starting named Service
Starting ipa_memcached Service
Starting httpd Service
Starting pki-tomcatd Service
Failed to start pki-tomcatd Service
Shutting down
Aborting ipactl

SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [caGetStatus] in context with
path [/ca]
threw exception CS server is not ready to serve.

[11/Dec/2015:01:02:19 +0200] - slapd started. Listening on All
Interfaces port
389 for LDAP requests
[11/Dec/2015:01:02:19 +0200] - Listening on All Interfaces port 636 for
LDAPS requests
[11/Dec/2015:01:02:19 +0200] - Listening on
for LDAPI requests
[11/Dec/2015:01:02:19 +0200] slapd_ldap_sasl_interactive_bind - Error:
could not perform interactive bind for id [] mech [GSSAPI]: LDAP error
-1 (Can't contact LDAP server) ((null)) errno 107 (Transport endpoint
is not
[11/Dec/2015:01:02:19 +0200] slapi_ldap_bind - Error: could not perform
interactive bind for id [] authentication mechanism [GSSAPI]: error -1
(Can't contact LDAP server)

Internal Database Error encountered: Could not connect to LDAP server
host ipa1.backend.planwee.local port 636 Error
netscape.ldap.LDAPException: IO
Error creating JSS SSL Socket (-1)

CentOS 7
IPA 4.1

The problem looks the same as this:

Unfortunately I cannot view resolution.

is this related to expired CA certificates?

If you have expired certificates (you can check with "# getcert list |
grep expires"), it could cause issues like that also.

The article you are referring to is rather around wrong CA certificate
trust attributes in /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/alias/ or
/etc/dirsrv/slapd-EXAMPLE-COM/ NSS databases.

You can check that with
# certutil -L -d /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/alias/
# certutil -L -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-EXAMPLE-COM/

BTW, if you want to see the whole article or other articles from the
large KB, I would suggest getting a subscription :-)

Jan Cholasta

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Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-replica-prepare error

2015-07-30 Thread Jan Cholasta

Dne 30.7.2015 v 17:28 Orion Poplawski napsal(a):

On 07/28/2015 11:09 PM, Jan Cholasta wrote:

Dne 20.7.2015 v 19:52 Orion Poplawski napsal(a):

On 07/20/2015 12:57 AM, Jan Cholasta wrote:

Dne 15.7.2015 v 20:57 Orion Poplawski napsal(a):

On 07/14/2015 11:53 PM, Jan Cholasta wrote:

   # ipa-replica-prepare -v
--dirsrv_pin=XX --http_pin=XX

Directory Manager (existing master) password:

(SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) security library failure.

I was able to debug this in gdb and tracked it down to a low entropy
condition.  Details noted in
Looks like prng_instantiate is being called 2-3 times and there just isn't
enough entropy:

Breakpoint 1, prng_instantiate (rng=0x7fffe5f9d3a0 ,
 bytes=bytes@entry=0x7fffc220 "\304(\336\350F8\375㨟\177\325\017+\302
len=110) at drbg.c:160
160 if (len < PRNG_SEEDLEN) {
1: len = 110
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, prng_instantiate (rng=rng@entry=0x7fffe5f9f620 ,
len=len@entry=32) at drbg.c:160
160 if (len < PRNG_SEEDLEN) {
1: len = 32

PRNG_SEEDLEN is 55 I think.

I wouldn't have thought that this might be the cause.

Thank you for the investigation!

Jan Cholasta

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Re: [Freeipa-users] CA-less replica setup and trouble with cert chain

2015-07-28 Thread Jan Cholasta


Dne 29.7.2015 v 00:56 Mike Oliver napsal(a):

Hi folks,

We're trying to add a FreeIPA  (4.1; CentOS 7) replica to our
infrastructure and keep running into an issue that prevents us from
preparing the replica.

We're using the CA-less setup where FreeIPA is using a wildcard
certificate provided by RapidSSL. I started trying to create the replica
using the information provided here :

But since we're not using a CA, it tells me that I need to specify
--http-cert-file and --dirsrv-cert-file. I create a p12 file that
includes the wildcard cert and the rest of the certs in the chain with:
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -in wildcard-with-intermediates.crt -inkey
wildcard.key -name "replica01" -out

I then check to see if all the necessary certs were added to the p12 file:
$ pk12util -l

I see our wildcard certificate, RapidSSL's intermediate certificate, and
the entry for Equifax/GeoTrust, that signed RapidSSL's certificate.

Then I run 'ipa-replica-prepare' on the existing FreeIPA server.
$ ipa-replica-prepare \ \ \
 --ca /etc/ipa/ca.crt \

Note that you can use the .crt and .key files directly:

$ ipa-replica-prepare 

I get the following error after the debug output reports  a series of
calls to certutil:
ipa: DEBUG: stderr=
ipa.ipaserver.install.ipa_replica_prepare.ReplicaPrepare: DEBUG: File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipapython/", line 169, in
line 262, in ask_for_options
line 162, in load_pkcs12
line 799, in load_pkcs12
 (", ".join(cert_files)))

ipa.ipaserver.install.ipa_replica_prepare.ReplicaPrepare: DEBUG: The
ipa-replica-prepare command failed, exception: ScriptError: The full
certificate chain is not present in
ipa.ipaserver.install.ipa_replica_prepare.ReplicaPrepare: ERROR: The
full certificate chain is not present in

The chain certainly looks to be complete given the output of pk12util,
but it's possible I'm just building the file wrong for use with FreeIPA.
What exactly is '--http-cert-file' and '--dirsrv-cert-file' expecting
and how should I go about generating the certificate used by
'ipa-replica-prepare' with a CA-less configuration?

If the chain is complete, there should be a self-signed CA certificate 
at the top. For you that would be the Equifax/GeoTrust certificate. If 
it's not self-signed, it means the chain is in fact not complete.

Thanks all,


Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-replica-prepare error

2015-07-28 Thread Jan Cholasta

Dne 20.7.2015 v 19:52 Orion Poplawski napsal(a):

On 07/20/2015 12:57 AM, Jan Cholasta wrote:

Dne 15.7.2015 v 20:57 Orion Poplawski napsal(a):

On 07/14/2015 11:53 PM, Jan Cholasta wrote:

  # ipa-replica-prepare -v
--dirsrv_pin=XX --http_pin=XX

Directory Manager (existing master) password:

(SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) security library failure.

Not much :(

Seems to be very early.

I can't find an ipa-replica-prepare.log file.

That's weird, there should be ~50 lines of output before ipa-replica-prepare
prompts you for directory manager password.

I didn't have any luck in reproducing the issue so far.

Could you please try this:

 $ mkdir tmpdb
 $ certutil -N -d tmpdb
 $ pk12util -i
 $ certutil -L -d tmpdb  # look for nickname of certificate
which has trust attributes of u,u,u
 $ certutil -O -d tmpdb -n nickname  # use the nickname from above

I would like to see the output of the last 2 commands.

[root@europa ~]# pk12util -i -d tmpdb
Enter Password or Pin for "NSS Certificate DB":
Enter password for PKCS12 file:
pk12util: no nickname for cert in PKCS12 file.
pk12util: using nickname: * - COMODO CA Limited
[root@europa ~]# certutil -L -d tmpdb

Certificate Nickname Trust Attributes

COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA - COMODO CA Limited ,,
AddTrust External CA Root - AddTrust AB  ,,
* - COMODO CA Limited   u,u,u
COMODO RSA Certification Authority - AddTrust AB ,,
[root@europa ~]# certutil -O -d tmpdb -n '* - COMODO CA Limited'
"AddTrust External CA Root - AddTrust AB" [CN=AddTrust External CA
Root,OU=AddTrust External TTP Network,O=AddTrust AB,C=SE]

   "COMODO RSA Certification Authority - AddTrust AB" [CN=COMODO RSA
Certification Authority,O=COMODO CA Limited,L=Salford,ST=Greater 

 "COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA - COMODO CA Limited"
[CN=COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA,O=COMODO CA
Limited,L=Salford,ST=Greater Manchester,C=GB]

   "* - COMODO CA Limited" [CN=*,OU=PositiveSSL
Wildcard,OU=Domain Control Validated]

Thanks. Unfortunately it looks perfectly fine, so I still have no idea 
what's wrong.

This is a long shot, but coult you try running ipa-replica-prepare in 
strace and post the log of that?

# strace -o ipa-replica-prepare-strace.log ipa-replica-prepare --dirsrv_pin=XX --http_pin=XX

Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-replica-prepare error

2015-07-20 Thread Jan Cholasta

Dne 15.7.2015 v 20:57 Orion Poplawski napsal(a):

On 07/14/2015 11:53 PM, Jan Cholasta wrote:


Dne 10.7.2015 v 22:33 Orion Poplawski napsal(a):

On 07/08/2015 11:31 AM, Orion Poplawski wrote:

   But then when I go to make a replica:

# ipa-replica-prepare
--dirsrv_pin=XX --http_pin=XX
Directory Manager (existing master) password:

(SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) security library failure.

Which looks like others are experiencing (with not resolution that I could

Unfortunately this error code can mean almost anything, NSS isn't particularly
helpful with errors.

Putting AddTrustExternalCARoot into doesn't appear to help.


Without ipa-replica-prepare log or pk12util output it's really hard to tell
what's going on. Could you provide the output of the following commands:

 # pk12util -l

Certificate(has private key):
 Version: 3 (0x2)
 Serial Number:
 Signature Algorithm: PKCS #1 SHA-256 With RSA Encryption
 Issuer: "CN=COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA,O=COMODO CA
  Limited,L=Salford,ST=Greater Manchester,C=GB"
 Not Before: Thu Oct 11 00:00:00 2012
 Not After : Sun Jan 10 23:59:59 2016
 Subject: "CN=*,OU=PositiveSSL Wildcard,OU=Domain Control Val
 Subject Public Key Info:
 Public Key Algorithm: PKCS #1 RSA Encryption
 RSA Public Key:
 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
 Signed Extensions:
 Name: Certificate Authority Key Identifier
 Key ID:

 Name: Certificate Subject Key ID

 Name: Certificate Key Usage
 Critical: True
 Usages: Digital Signature
 Key Encipherment

 Name: Certificate Basic Constraints
 Critical: True
 Data: Is not a CA.

 Name: Extended Key Usage
 TLS Web Server Authentication Certificate
 TLS Web Client Authentication Certificate

 Name: Certificate Policies
 Policy Name: OID.
 Policy Qualifier Name: PKIX CPS Pointer Qualifier
 Policy Qualifier Data: "";
 Policy Name: OID.

 Name: CRL Distribution Points
 Distribution point:
 URI: "

 Name: Authority Information Access
 Method: PKIX CA issuers access method
 URI: "
 Method: PKIX Online Certificate Status Protocol
 URI: "";

 Name: Certificate Subject Alt Name
 DNS name: "*"
 DNS name: ""

 Signature Algorithm: PKCS #1 SHA-256 With RSA Encryption

Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-replica-prepare error

2015-07-14 Thread Jan Cholasta


Dne 10.7.2015 v 22:33 Orion Poplawski napsal(a):

On 07/08/2015 11:31 AM, Orion Poplawski wrote:

  But then when I go to make a replica:

# ipa-replica-prepare
--dirsrv_pin=XX --http_pin=XX
Directory Manager (existing master) password:

(SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) security library failure.

Which looks like others are experiencing (with not resolution that I could

Unfortunately this error code can mean almost anything, NSS isn't 
particularly helpful with errors.

Putting AddTrustExternalCARoot into doesn't appear to help.


Without ipa-replica-prepare log or pk12util output it's really hard to 
tell what's going on. Could you provide the output of the following 

# pk12util -l

# ipa-replica-prepare -v 
--dirsrv_pin=XX --http_pin=XXXXXX



Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] using pathlen:0 for freeipa's CA certificate?

2015-05-15 Thread Jan Cholasta

Dne 15.5.2015 v 09:31 Martin Kosek napsal(a):

On 05/15/2015 09:22 AM, Fraser Tweedale wrote:

On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 07:59:27AM +0200, Jan Cholasta wrote:


Dne 5.5.2015 v 10:43 Martin Kosek napsal(a):

On 05/04/2015 01:19 PM, Harald Dunkel wrote:

Hi folks,

Instead of a self-signed certificate I would like to use an external
CA to sign freeipa's CSR ("ipa-server-install --external-ca").

Is pathlen:0, e.g.

basicConstraints=critical,CA:TRUE, pathlen:0

sufficient for freeipa's CA certificate?

I would say it should be sufficient for FreeIPA CA for now, given it
does not
allow subordinate CAs. However, I am still CCing Fraser and Honza for
reference, in case there would be some limitation in Dogtag/our CA
that would limit use of the basicConstraints extension.

I'm not aware of any.

Yes, currently it is sufficient.  When FreeIPA has sub-CAs
capability, a pathLenConstraint of zero will prevent the creation of
valid sub-CAs.

Martin, Jan, this is a situation I had not considered.  I propose
that we should detect pathLenConstraint and error out if sub-CAs
creation is attempted at a depth that cannot be valid.  If you agree
I will add to design document.

I agree. Please also add a ticket for this part. The check can be IMO
added to FreeIPA 4.2.1, it is not critical for 4.2 GA.

I believe there would be other things to check as well, e.g. 
directoryName name constraints.

Note that this basiConstrain would surely prevent you from using the

but this is OK with you, I assume. BTW, Fraser, we should record a
task to
properly watch for the pathlen limitation and have nice error
messages around
it when admin attempts to use Sub-CAs.

Final note, there is a related ticket:



Jan Cholasta

Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] using pathlen:0 for freeipa's CA certificate?

2015-05-14 Thread Jan Cholasta


Dne 5.5.2015 v 10:43 Martin Kosek napsal(a):

On 05/04/2015 01:19 PM, Harald Dunkel wrote:

Hi folks,

Instead of a self-signed certificate I would like to use an external
CA to sign freeipa's CSR ("ipa-server-install --external-ca").

Is pathlen:0, e.g.

basicConstraints=critical,CA:TRUE, pathlen:0

sufficient for freeipa's CA certificate?

I would say it should be sufficient for FreeIPA CA for now, given it does not
allow subordinate CAs. However, I am still CCing Fraser and Honza for
reference, in case there would be some limitation in Dogtag/our CA certificate
that would limit use of the basicConstraints extension.

I'm not aware of any.

Note that this basiConstrain would surely prevent you from using the upcoming

but this is OK with you, I assume. BTW, Fraser, we should record a task to
properly watch for the pathlen limitation and have nice error messages around
it when admin attempts to use Sub-CAs.

Final note, there is a related ticket:



Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-replica-prepare failing

2015-04-22 Thread Jan Cholasta


yes, you can definitely use a different certificate in the meantime, 
although it can't be self-signed.


Dne 20.4.2015 v 14:17 David Dejaeghere napsal(a):


Let me know how I can assist.
In the meantime could I setup a replica using a different certificate?
Self signed or anything like that?



2015-04-17 15:27 GMT+02:00 Jan Cholasta>>:


I don't have any new information. I'm trying to reproduce the
problem but had no luck so far.


Dne 17.4.2015 v 15:23 David Dejaeghere napsal(a):


Any more things I can try out? How do we proceed?

Kind Regards,


2015-04-15 11:48 GMT+02:00 David Dejaeghere>

 Hi Honza,

 That gave me the exact same output.  Any ideas?



     2015-04-15 7:33 GMT+02:00 Jan Cholasta>
 < <>>>:


 Dne 14.4.2015 v 19:47 Rob Crittenden napsal(a):

 David Dejaeghere wrote:

 Hi Rob,

 So you want to output of the command using pk12
 server cert and
 key? or with the ca chain in there too?

 Oddly enough it is failing in exactly the same
place. Those
 GoDaddy CA
 certs are still being loaded from somewhere, I'm
not sure
 where, and I
 suspect that is the source of the problem.

 They are in the default CA certificate bundle (in the
 ca-certificate package). I guess NSS loads it

 I'm going to forward the log to a colleague who has
 on this code
 more recently than I have. Maybe he will have an idea.

 Could you try if the following works?

  # mv

  # update-ca-trust

  # ipa-replica-prepare ...

  # mv /root/

  # update-ca-trust



     Jan Cholasta

Jan Cholasta

Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-replica-prepare failing

2015-04-17 Thread Jan Cholasta


I don't have any new information. I'm trying to reproduce the problem 
but had no luck so far.


Dne 17.4.2015 v 15:23 David Dejaeghere napsal(a):


Any more things I can try out? How do we proceed?

Kind Regards,


2015-04-15 11:48 GMT+02:00 David Dejaeghere>>:

Hi Honza,

That gave me the exact same output.  Any ideas?



2015-04-15 7:33 GMT+02:00 Jan Cholasta>>:


Dne 14.4.2015 v 19:47 Rob Crittenden napsal(a):

David Dejaeghere wrote:

Hi Rob,

So you want to output of the command using pk12 with
server cert and
key? or with the ca chain in there too?

Oddly enough it is failing in exactly the same place. Those
GoDaddy CA
certs are still being loaded from somewhere, I'm not sure
where, and I
suspect that is the source of the problem.

They are in the default CA certificate bundle (in the
ca-certificate package). I guess NSS loads it automatically.

I'm going to forward the log to a colleague who has worked
on this code
more recently than I have. Maybe he will have an idea.

Could you try if the following works?

 # mv /usr/share/pki/ca-trust-__source/

 # update-ca-trust

 # ipa-replica-prepare ...

 # mv /root/

 # update-ca-trust



    Jan Cholasta

Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-replica-prepare failing

2015-04-14 Thread Jan Cholasta


Dne 14.4.2015 v 19:47 Rob Crittenden napsal(a):

David Dejaeghere wrote:

Hi Rob,

So you want to output of the command using pk12 with server cert and
key? or with the ca chain in there too?

Oddly enough it is failing in exactly the same place. Those GoDaddy CA
certs are still being loaded from somewhere, I'm not sure where, and I
suspect that is the source of the problem.

They are in the default CA certificate bundle (in the ca-certificate 
package). I guess NSS loads it automatically.

I'm going to forward the log to a colleague who has worked on this code
more recently than I have. Maybe he will have an idea.

Could you try if the following works?

# mv /usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/ 

# update-ca-trust

# ipa-replica-prepare ...

# mv /root/ 

# update-ca-trust



Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] Replica with external ca + custom subject in certificate

2015-04-08 Thread Jan Cholasta

Dne 8.4.2015 v 17:43 James James napsal(a):

It's a little bit more clear. Thanks.

I have created a new ipa 4.1 replica but when I want run :

# ipa-cacert-manage renew --self-signed

I've got this message :

[root@ipa-devel-centos7 ~]# ipa-cacert-manage renew --self-signed
CA is not configured on this system

You can run ipa-cacert-manage only on IPA servers with CA installed.

If I want to install the CA I've got this message :

[root@ipa-devel-centos7 system]# ipa-ca-install --password=mypassorwd -U
CA is already installed.

This command is used to install CA in CA-less IPA environment. The error 
message is a bit misleading and we have a ticket for that: 

Should I have to promote the replica to a standalone master before
installing the CA ?

You need to run ipa-ca-install with the replica info file used to create 
the replica to install the CA:

# ipa-ca-install 

Any hints will be appreciated...


2015-04-08 7:27 GMT+02:00 Jan Cholasta>>:

Dne 7.4.2015 v 15:31 Martin Kosek napsal(a):

On 04/07/2015 02:08 PM, James James wrote:

I will try to give a better explanation :

I have a CentOS 6.6 with ipa 3.0 named ipa-master.
ipa-master has been
installed with an external CA about 3 years ago and I will
have to renew
the certificate soon.

   I have created a test server (ipa-dev) with the same
configuration (centos
6.6 and ipa 3.0) to test the renewal process. I want the new
ipa-dev sever
to be installed with an external CA.

In the same time my external CA has changed and wants the
field in the certificate request 's subject.

CSR during installation with external CA is produced by Dogtag,
so you are
constrained with the options and capabilities provided by
Maybe it would be possible to modify the CSR and update the
Subject manually,
but I expect it would crash the installer later (JanC may know
more (CCed))

The subject name identifies the CA in server (and other)
certificates. If you change it, you break the trust chain from the
CA certificate to the server certificates and that will break all

If it is not possible to add emailAddress in the subject, is
it possible to
migrate my ipa-master CA system from an external CA to a
CA-less or
self-signed CA ?

It is, with ipa-cacert-manage - see links below.

You can change your external CA to self-signed CA in IPA 4.1 or
newer by running:

 # ipa-cacert-manage renew --self-signed

You can't change external CA to CA-less.


2015-04-07 13:48 GMT+02:00 Martin Kosek>>:

On 04/07/2015 01:44 PM, James James wrote:


Is there a way to migrate from an external CA to a
CA-less or a


CA  ?

Yes, you can use ipa-cacert-manage tool introduced in
FreeIPA 4.1.0:

(Although I am still not sure about your use case and if
this would help

2015-04-07 12:51 GMT+02:00 Martin Kosek>>:

On 04/03/2015 11:39 AM, James James wrote:


I want to initialize a new replica with an
external CA. My Certificate
Authority wants a CSR with the field
emailAddress in the subject like :


I am not a bit confused. Do you plan to have
FreeIPA *without* a CA or
with own
CA signed by external CA?

FreeIPA supports these kinds of setups right now:


Re: [Freeipa-users] Replica with external ca + custom subject in certificate

2015-04-07 Thread Jan Cholasta

Dne 7.4.2015 v 15:31 Martin Kosek napsal(a):

On 04/07/2015 02:08 PM, James James wrote:

I will try to give a better explanation :

I have a CentOS 6.6 with ipa 3.0 named ipa-master. ipa-master has been
installed with an external CA about 3 years ago and I will have to renew
the certificate soon.

  I have created a test server (ipa-dev) with the same configuration (centos
6.6 and ipa 3.0) to test the renewal process. I want the new ipa-dev sever
to be installed with an external CA.

In the same time my external CA has changed and wants the emailAddress
field in the certificate request 's subject.

CSR during installation with external CA is produced by Dogtag, so you are
constrained with the options and capabilities provided by ipa-server-install.
Maybe it would be possible to modify the CSR and update the Subject manually,
but I expect it would crash the installer later (JanC may know more (CCed))

The subject name identifies the CA in server (and other) certificates. 
If you change it, you break the trust chain from the CA certificate to 
the server certificates and that will break all SSL in IPA.

If it is not possible to add emailAddress in the subject, is it possible to
migrate my ipa-master CA system from an external CA to a CA-less or
self-signed CA ?

It is, with ipa-cacert-manage - see links below.

You can change your external CA to self-signed CA in IPA 4.1 or newer by 

# ipa-cacert-manage renew --self-signed

You can't change external CA to CA-less.


2015-04-07 13:48 GMT+02:00 Martin Kosek :

On 04/07/2015 01:44 PM, James James wrote:


Is there a way to migrate from an external CA to a CA-less or a


CA  ?

Yes, you can use ipa-cacert-manage tool introduced in FreeIPA 4.1.0:

(Although I am still not sure about your use case and if this would help

2015-04-07 12:51 GMT+02:00 Martin Kosek :

On 04/03/2015 11:39 AM, James James wrote:


I want to initialize a new replica with an external CA. My Certificate
Authority wants a CSR with the field emailAddress in the subject like :


I am not a bit confused. Do you plan to have FreeIPA *without* a CA or
with own
CA signed by external CA?

FreeIPA supports these kinds of setups right now:

  How can I do with the ipa-server-install command ?  I have been trying


few days but I still can't.

Thanks for your help.

CCing Honza who should know the definitive answer. However, FreeIPA was


very flexible in configuring special subjects for it's CA certificate


cn=Certificate Authority, ou=...) or hosts in case of CA-less setup.

Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] nsAccountLock attribute

2015-03-31 Thread Jan Cholasta


Dne 1.4.2015 v 07:09 Prashant Bapat napsal(a):

Hi ,

Is there a way of making the nsAccountLock attribute (User
enable/disable) to be anonymously readable ?

I'm trying to implement a SSH key lookup sshd authorized key command
script. Based on this attribute the user will be allowed to login. I
need this to be anonymously readable.

Tried setting the permissions but it does not work.

Any other ideas on this ?

If your SSH server is a properly configured IPA host (i.e. you had run 
ipa-client-install or ipa-server-install on it), rejecting locked user 
login should work automatically, without having to configure anything.

Thanks for your help.


Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] Troubleshooting SSO

2015-03-30 Thread Jan Cholasta
r_pty entering
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13750]: debug2: session_new: allocate
(allocated 0 max 10)
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13750]: debug3: session_unused: session
id 0 unused
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13750]: debug1: session_new: session 0
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13761]: debug3:
mm_request_receive_expect entering: type 29
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13761]: debug3: mm_request_receive
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13750]: debug1: SELinux support enabled
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13750]: debug3: ssh_selinux_setup_pty:
setting TTY context on /dev/pts/2
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13750]: debug3: ssh_selinux_setup_pty:
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13750]: debug3: mm_request_send
entering: type 29
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13750]: debug3: mm_answer_pty: tty
/dev/pts/2 ptyfd 5
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13761]: debug1: session_pty_req: session
0 alloc /dev/pts/2
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13761]: debug1:
server_input_channel_req: channel 0 request shell reply 1
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13761]: debug1: session_by_channel:
session 0 channel 0
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13761]: debug1:
session_input_channel_req: session 0 req shell
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13761]: Starting session: shell on pts/2
for adm-faru03@test.osuwmc from port 65333
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13761]: debug2: fd 3 setting TCP_NODELAY
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13761]: debug3: packet_set_tos: set
IP_TOS 0x10
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13761]: debug2: channel 0: rfd 14 isatty
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13761]: debug2: fd 14 setting O_NONBLOCK
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13761]: debug3: fd 12 is O_NONBLOCK
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13762]: debug1: Setting controlling tty
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13762]: debug3: mm_request_send
entering: type 124
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13762]: debug3:
mm_request_receive_expect entering: type 125
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13750]: debug3: mm_request_receive
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13762]: debug3: mm_request_receive
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13750]: debug3: monitor_read: checking
request 124
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13750]: debug3: mm_request_send
entering: type 125
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13762]: debug3: Copy environment:
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13762]: debug3: Copy environment:
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13762]: debug3: Copy environment:
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13762]: debug3: Copy environment:
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13762]: debug3: Copy environment:
Mar 30 13:33:47 mid-ipa-vp01 sshd[13762]: debug3: Copy environment:

Just in case, here is my krb5.conf

includedir /var/lib/sss/pubconf/krb5.include.d/

  default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
  kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
  admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log

  default_realm = UNIX.TEST.OSUWMC
  dns_lookup_realm = true
  dns_lookup_kdc = true
  rdns = false
  ticket_lifetime = 24h
  forwardable = yes
  udp_preference_limit = 0
# default_ccache_name = KEYRING:persistent:%{uid}

   kdc = mid-ipa-vp01.unix.test.osuwmc:88
   master_kdc = mid-ipa-vp01.unix.test.osuwmc:88
   admin_server = mid-ipa-vp01.unix.test.osuwmc:749
   default_domain = unix.test.osuwmc
   pkinit_anchors = FILE:/etc/ipa/ca.crt
#  auth_to_local =
#  auth_to_local = RULE:[1:$1 $0](^ *
   auth_to_local = DEFAULT

  .unix.test.osuwmc = UNIX.TEST.OSUWMC
  unix.test.osuwmc = UNIX.TEST.OSUWMC

 db_library =

I'm not sure if this would be of any help to you, but in case you have 
GSSAPI credential delegation enabled in PuTTY, you also need to allow 
them to be delegated to the IPA server using:

$ ipa host-mod  --ok-as-delegate=1


Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] IPA 4.1.0 in RHEL 7.1

2015-03-12 Thread Jan Cholasta

Dne 12.3.2015 v 08:25 Martin Kosek napsal(a):

On 03/11/2015 09:05 PM, Dmitri Pal wrote:

On 03/11/2015 03:15 PM, Erinn Looney-Triggs wrote:


Third, there appears to be a behavior change from in ipalib. I cleaned up a
little inventory script for ansible, you can take a look at it here:

Before RHEL 7.1 the call to api.Command.hostgroup_find()['result'] on line 30
worked, now it fails:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 133, in 
File "./", line 71, in list_groups
  result = api.Command.host_find()['result']
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipalib/", line 439, in
  ret =*args, **options)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipalib/", line 755, in run
  return self.forward(*args, **options)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipalib/", line 776, in
  return self.Backend.rpcclient.forward(, *args, **kw)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipalib/", line 880, in forward
  command = getattr(self.conn, name)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipalib/", line 97, in
__get_conn, threading.currentThread().getName())
AttributeError: no context.rpcclient in thread 'MainThread'

Is this expected? Is this a regression?

Some things changed. I would leave for developers to take a look and provide
more guidance.

Erinn, it may help us if you share the whole sequence how you bootstrap and
authenticatoin the API. Honza, was there any related change causing ^^^?

There is api.Backend.xmlclient.connect() in the code, but JSON-RPC is 
now used by default. This can be fixed by calling 
api.Backend.rpcclient.connect() instead.

Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-server setup with external CA fails

2015-03-11 Thread Jan Cholasta
[10/Mar/2015:17:17:24][localhost-startStop-1]: CertUtils:
verifySystemCertByNickname() failed:ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca
[10/Mar/2015:17:17:24][localhost-startStop-1]: SignedAuditEventFactory:


lure][CertNickName=ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca] CIMC certificate

[10/Mar/2015:17:17:24][localhost-startStop-1]: CertUtils:
verifySystemCerts() cert tag=sslserver
[10/Mar/2015:17:17:24][localhost-startStop-1]: CertUtils:
verifySystemCertByNickname(): calling isCertValid()
[10/Mar/2015:17:17:24][localhost-startStop-1]: CertUtils:
verifySystemCertByNickname() failed:Server-Cert cert-pki-ca
[10/Mar/2015:17:17:24][localhost-startStop-1]: SignedAuditEventFactory:


lure][CertNickName=Server-Cert cert-pki-ca] CIMC certificate

[10/Mar/2015:17:17:24][localhost-startStop-1]: CertUtils:
verifySystemCerts() cert tag=subsystem
[10/Mar/2015:17:17:24][localhost-startStop-1]: CertUtils:
verifySystemCertByNickname(): calling isCertValid()
[10/Mar/2015:17:17:24][localhost-startStop-1]: CertUtils:
verifySystemCertByNickname() failed:subsystemCert cert-pki-ca
[10/Mar/2015:17:17:24][localhost-startStop-1]: SignedAuditEventFactory:


lure][CertNickName=subsystemCert cert-pki-ca] CIMC certificate

[10/Mar/2015:17:17:24][localhost-startStop-1]: CertUtils:
verifySystemCerts() cert tag=audit_signing
[10/Mar/2015:17:17:24][localhost-startStop-1]: CertUtils:
verifySystemCertByNickname(): calling isCertValid()
[10/Mar/2015:17:17:24][localhost-startStop-1]: CertUtils:
verifySystemCertByNickname() passed:auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca
[10/Mar/2015:17:17:24][localhost-startStop-1]: SignedAuditEventFactory:


cess][CertNickName=auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca] CIMC certificate

[10/Mar/2015:17:17:24][localhost-startStop-1]: SignedAuditEventFactory:


e] self tests execution (see selftests.log for details)

The selftests.log contradicts itself and I¹m not really sure where to
next. Any ideas?


Which version is it?
A similar problem have been seen with the early IPA 3.3 version and was
related to the format of the cert file returned by AD. AFAIR it contains
more certs that we expected.
Something along those lines.

I am CCing Jan Cholasta who was fixing very similar error in IPA 3.3.3
in RHEL-7.0 (should have been fixed in RHEL-7.1), he should have more

I am also CCing Endi from Dogtag team, he may also have some idea from
PKI side.


I would like to see /root/ipa.crt and /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/CS.cfg. 
Without them, I can't really tell what's wrong.

Jan Cholasta

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Go to for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] I think I trashed my FreeIPA CA - how to recover?

2015-01-16 Thread Jan Cholasta

Dne 15.1.2015 v 15:29 Bill Peck napsal(a):

On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 3:26 AM, Jan Cholasta>> wrote:


Dne 14.1.2015 v 14:54 Brian Topping napsal(a):

Hi Martin, thanks for your response!

What I realize now is the certificate CRL points to the
server that
no longer exists and I'd like to get that cleaned up. I



is that relevant for my situation?

Yes, this is the procedure to follow for servers older than
4.1. Jan is
that correct? If yes, the page deserves a warning/update.

This is the procedure to follow on IPA < 4.0. On IPA >= 4.0, the
information about renewal master is stored in LDAP, but you still
have to handle CRL master manually.

I'm still not clear what needs to be done on IPA >= 4.0 when promoting a
new CRL master.  Can that page be updated to state these instructions
are for IPA < 4.0 and include the manual piece you mention for IPA >= 4.0?


I have updated the page with information for current versions of IPA.

Ooof! I forgot that vendor repos were so far behind. I'm still
at 3.3.3-28.

Is it reasonable and desirable to run one of my two servers with the
image documented at
<>?  I'm
interested in integrating Shiro or some other RBAC against IPA
at some
point in the next few months, but I'd wait if the Docker image is a
prelude to 4.x hitting vendor repos soon.

Cheers, Brian


Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
    Go To for more info on the project

Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go To for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] Promoting ipa 4.1 on Centos 7 replica to master

2015-01-16 Thread Jan Cholasta


I have updated 
with information for IPA 4.0+.


Dne 15.1.2015 v 17:46 Rui Gomes napsal(a):

Hello Rob,

Thank you for the quick reply, I will give it a go, I wasn't sure if the links 
would work since most the of configuration for the dogtag in centos7 is 
and commands like:

"getcert list -d /var/lib/pki-ca/alias -n "subsystemCert cert-pki-ca" | grep 

Do not apply, I will try to accommodate for the difference in versions, I might 
bug you guys again :)

Rui Gomes

- Original Message -
From: "Rob Crittenden" 
To: "Rui Gomes" ,
Sent: Thursday, 15 January, 2015 16:20:46
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] Promoting ipa 4.1 on Centos 7 replica to master

Rui Gomes wrote:

Hello Guys,

I been seeing planting of email about promoting replicas to masters but does 
articles do not seem to apply to ipa 4.1/centos 7 combo.

I had a ipa 3.0 master on centos 6.4 that died recently(I can still access the 
file system), and I would like to promote my 4.1 replica to the master.

I tried:


But they don't seem relevant to that specific setup, centos 7/ipa 4.1 can you 
guys give me some pointer how can I get my 4.1 replica to master?

Rui Gomes

Every server in IPA is a master, the only distinction being whether it
has a CA installed or not, and to a lesser extend DNS (all masters have
the data, some may just not run the service).

So if you have a master with a CA then you have a full IPA master.

The only thing that distinguishes one master from another is due to
order of installation due to two things that should only be done on one
master: generate the CRL and handle CA subsysutem certificate renewal.

The first IPA master installed is given these duties. To switch the CRL
generator use the first link.

The page is going to be updated soon to reflect how renewal should be
handled on 4.0+ servers. The renewal master is now stored in LDAP so
switching it is a lot easier.


Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go To for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] I think I trashed my FreeIPA CA - how to recover?

2015-01-15 Thread Jan Cholasta


Dne 14.1.2015 v 14:54 Brian Topping napsal(a):

Hi Martin, thanks for your response!

What I realize now is the certificate CRL points to the server that
no longer exists and I'd like to get that cleaned up. I found 
is that relevant for my situation?

Yes, this is the procedure to follow for servers older than FreeIPA
4.1. Jan is
that correct? If yes, the page deserves a warning/update.

This is the procedure to follow on IPA < 4.0. On IPA >= 4.0, the 
information about renewal master is stored in LDAP, but you still have 
to handle CRL master manually.

Ooof! I forgot that vendor repos were so far behind. I'm still at 3.3.3-28.

Is it reasonable and desirable to run one of my two servers with the
image documented at  I'm
interested in integrating Shiro or some other RBAC against IPA at some
point in the next few months, but I'd wait if the Docker image is a
prelude to 4.x hitting vendor repos soon.

Cheers, Brian


Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go To for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: Multiple Domains and SSH

2014-11-21 Thread Jan Cholasta
Right, I forgot that this is the way IPA sent multi-value primary keys 
before version 4.0, sorry.

If you require working web UI, the only alternative is adding a host 
entry for each hostname then.

Dne 21.11.2014 v 13:56 Christoph Kaminski napsal(a):

no have added it in 2 fqdn attributes

Christoph Kaminski

Von: Jan Cholasta 
An: Christoph Kaminski 
Kopie: "" 
Datum: 21.11.2014 11:09
Betreff: Re: Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: [Freeipa-users] Multiple Domains
and SSH

It seems you added "," to fqdn,
instead of adding "" and ""

Dne 21.11.2014 v 11:05 Christoph Kaminski napsal(a):
 > with ipa 3.3.0 work your second solution but if I do it then I get
 > errors in the gui if I go to the hosts settings there
 > Error:
 >, host not found
 > both names are in configured as A Record in dns
 > MfG
 > Christoph Kaminski
 > Von: Jan Cholasta 
 > An: Christoph Kaminski 
 > Kopie: Jakub Hrozek , Dmitri Pal ,
 > "" 
 > Datum: 20.11.2014 13:08
 > Betreff: Re: Antwort: Re: [Freeipa-users] Multiple Domains and SSH
 > Hi,
 > Dne 19.11.2014 v 09:45 Christoph Kaminski napsal(a):
 >  > this is an example of a host here and the ways how can I reach it via
 > ssh:
 >  > (they are all in dns forward and reverse resolving)
 > (note I redacted the hostnames and IP addresses in the output below)
 >  >
 >  > host host.mgmt
 >  > host.mgmt has address
 >  > host
 >  > domain name pointer host.mgmt.
 >  > host
 >  > has address
 >  > host
 >  > domain name pointer
 >  > host
 >  > has address
 >  > host
 >  > domain name pointer
 > So it's a host with multiple IP addresses? You have 2 options then:
 >   1. Add a host entry with the SSH public key to IPA for each of the
 > hostnames then, as Dmitri suggested.
 >   2. Manually add the additional hostnames to the fqdn attribute of the
 > host entry using ldapmodify.
 >  >
 >  > MfG
 >  > Christoph Kaminski
 >  >
 >  >
 >  >
 >  >
 >  > Von: Jan Cholasta 
 >  > An: Jakub Hrozek ,
 >  > Kopie:
 >  > Datum: 19.11.2014 07:53
 >  > Betreff: Re: [Freeipa-users] Multiple Domains and SSH
 >  > Gesendet von:
 >  >

 >  >
 >  >
 >  >
 >  > Hi,
 >  >
 >  > Dne 18.11.2014 v 23:53 Jakub Hrozek napsal(a):
 >  >  >
 >  >  >> On 18 Nov 2014, at 23:12, Dmitri Pal  wrote:
 >  >  >>
 >  >  >> On 11/18/2014 01:07 AM, Christoph Kaminski wrote:
 >  >  >>> Hi
 >  >  >>>
 >  >  >>> I can reach each host here via ssh on multiple domains:
 >  >  >>>
 >  >  >>>
 >  >  >>> host
 >  >  >>> host.mgmt
 >  >  >>>
 >  >  >>> sss_ssh_knownhostproxy does work only on the domain which I have
 >  > use to register to ipa (mgmt), on the other domains I get ever "The
 >  > authenticity of host ' ()'
 >  > can't be established."... why?
 >  >
 >  > Because it does not know that the hostnames refer to the same host.
 >  >
 >  > Do you have a reverse DNS record set up for the host? Does it point to
 >  > the same hostname that you used to register the host in IPA?
 >  >
 >  >  >>>
 >  >  >>
 >  >  >>
 >  >  >> And other hosts in those domains are not registered?
 >  >  >> May be you should try to add a host entry and SSH digest to
IPA even
 >  > if they are not enrolled?
 >  >
 >  > This would work too.
 >  >
 >  >  >>
 >  >  >
 >  >  > Maybe Honza would have some tips for debugging...
 >  >
 >  > See pages 13-16 of
 >  >
 >  >
 >  > Honza
 >  >
 >  &

Re: [Freeipa-users] Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: Multiple Domains and SSH

2014-11-21 Thread Jan Cholasta
It seems you added "," to fqdn, 
instead of adding "" and "" 

Dne 21.11.2014 v 11:05 Christoph Kaminski napsal(a):

with ipa 3.3.0 work your second solution but if I do it then I get
errors in the gui if I go to the hosts settings there

Error:, host not found

both names are in configured as A Record in dns

Christoph Kaminski

Von: Jan Cholasta 
An: Christoph Kaminski 
Kopie: Jakub Hrozek , Dmitri Pal ,
Datum: 20.11.2014 13:08
Betreff: Re: Antwort: Re: [Freeipa-users] Multiple Domains and SSH


Dne 19.11.2014 v 09:45 Christoph Kaminski napsal(a):
 > this is an example of a host here and the ways how can I reach it via
 > (they are all in dns forward and reverse resolving)

(note I redacted the hostnames and IP addresses in the output below)

 > host host.mgmt
 > host.mgmt has address
 > host
 > domain name pointer host.mgmt.
 > host
 > has address
 > host
 > domain name pointer
 > host
 > has address
 > host
 > domain name pointer

So it's a host with multiple IP addresses? You have 2 options then:

  1. Add a host entry with the SSH public key to IPA for each of the
hostnames then, as Dmitri suggested.

  2. Manually add the additional hostnames to the fqdn attribute of the
host entry using ldapmodify.

 > MfG
 > Christoph Kaminski
 > Von: Jan Cholasta 
 > An: Jakub Hrozek ,
 > Kopie:
 > Datum: 19.11.2014 07:53
 > Betreff: Re: [Freeipa-users] Multiple Domains and SSH
 > Gesendet von:
 > Hi,
 > Dne 18.11.2014 v 23:53 Jakub Hrozek napsal(a):
 >  >
 >  >> On 18 Nov 2014, at 23:12, Dmitri Pal  wrote:
 >  >>
 >  >> On 11/18/2014 01:07 AM, Christoph Kaminski wrote:
 >  >>> Hi
 >  >>>
 >  >>> I can reach each host here via ssh on multiple domains:
 >  >>>
 >  >>>
 >  >>> host
 >  >>> host.mgmt
 >  >>>
 >  >>> sss_ssh_knownhostproxy does work only on the domain which I have
 > use to register to ipa (mgmt), on the other domains I get ever "The
 > authenticity of host ' ()'
 > can't be established."... why?
 > Because it does not know that the hostnames refer to the same host.
 > Do you have a reverse DNS record set up for the host? Does it point to
 > the same hostname that you used to register the host in IPA?
 >  >>>
 >  >>
 >  >>
 >  >> And other hosts in those domains are not registered?
 >  >> May be you should try to add a host entry and SSH digest to IPA even
 > if they are not enrolled?
 > This would work too.
 >  >>
 >  >
 >  > Maybe Honza would have some tips for debugging...
 > See pages 13-16 of
 > Honza
 > --
 > Jan Cholasta
 > --
 > Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
 > Go To
<><>for more info on the project
 >< <>>
 > *BIOTRONIK - excellence for life*
 > Established with the development of the first German pacemaker in 1963,
 > BIOTRONIK has upheld the highest quality standards in the fields of
 > cardiac rhythm management and vascular intervention in more than 100
 > countries worldwide. We’ve developed advanced technologies and products
 > such as BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring®, Closed Loop Stimulation (CLS) and
 > Orsiro, the industry’s first hybrid drug eluting stent. BIOTRONIK also
 > offers the broadest portfolio of cardiac devices with ProMRI®, an
 > advanced technology that gives patients access to magnetic resonance
 > (MR) scanning.
 > Woermannkehre 1, 12359 Ber

Re: [Freeipa-users] Antwort: Re: Multiple Domains and SSH

2014-11-20 Thread Jan Cholasta


Dne 19.11.2014 v 09:45 Christoph Kaminski napsal(a):

this is an example of a host here and the ways how can I reach it via ssh:
(they are all in dns forward and reverse resolving)

(note I redacted the hostnames and IP addresses in the output below)

host host.mgmt
host.mgmt has address
host domain name pointer host.mgmt.
host has address
host domain name pointer
host has address
host domain name pointer

So it's a host with multiple IP addresses? You have 2 options then:

 1. Add a host entry with the SSH public key to IPA for each of the 
hostnames then, as Dmitri suggested.

 2. Manually add the additional hostnames to the fqdn attribute of the 
host entry using ldapmodify.

Christoph Kaminski

Von: Jan Cholasta 
An: Jakub Hrozek ,
Datum: 19.11.2014 07:53
Betreff: Re: [Freeipa-users] Multiple Domains and SSH
Gesendet von:


Dne 18.11.2014 v 23:53 Jakub Hrozek napsal(a):
 >> On 18 Nov 2014, at 23:12, Dmitri Pal  wrote:
 >> On 11/18/2014 01:07 AM, Christoph Kaminski wrote:
 >>> Hi
 >>> I can reach each host here via ssh on multiple domains:
 >>> host
 >>> host.mgmt
 >>> sss_ssh_knownhostproxy does work only on the domain which I have
use to register to ipa (mgmt), on the other domains I get ever "The
authenticity of host ' ()'
can't be established."... why?

Because it does not know that the hostnames refer to the same host.

Do you have a reverse DNS record set up for the host? Does it point to
the same hostname that you used to register the host in IPA?

 >> And other hosts in those domains are not registered?
 >> May be you should try to add a host entry and SSH digest to IPA even
if they are not enrolled?

This would work too.

 > Maybe Honza would have some tips for debugging...

See pages 13-16 of


Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go To <>for more info on the project <>

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BIOTRONIK has upheld the highest quality standards in the fields of
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countries worldwide. We’ve developed advanced technologies and products
such as BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring®, Closed Loop Stimulation (CLS) and
Orsiro, the industry’s first hybrid drug eluting stent. BIOTRONIK also
offers the broadest portfolio of cardiac devices with ProMRI®, an
advanced technology that gives patients access to magnetic resonance
(MR) scanning.

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Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go To for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] Multiple Domains and SSH

2014-11-18 Thread Jan Cholasta


Dne 18.11.2014 v 23:53 Jakub Hrozek napsal(a):

On 18 Nov 2014, at 23:12, Dmitri Pal  wrote:

On 11/18/2014 01:07 AM, Christoph Kaminski wrote:


I can reach each host here via ssh on multiple domains:

sss_ssh_knownhostproxy does work only on the domain which I have use to register to ipa (mgmt), 
on the other domains I get ever "The authenticity of host ' ()' can't be established."... why?

Because it does not know that the hostnames refer to the same host.

Do you have a reverse DNS record set up for the host? Does it point to 
the same hostname that you used to register the host in IPA?

And other hosts in those domains are not registered?
May be you should try to add a host entry and SSH digest to IPA even if they 
are not enrolled?

This would work too.

Maybe Honza would have some tips for debugging...

See pages 13-16 of 


Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go To for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] Third party SSL certificate renewal

2014-11-03 Thread Jan Cholasta

Hi Dragan,

first of all sorry for the delay, I was on leave last week.

Dne 24.10.2014 v 20:31 Dragan Prostran napsal(a):

Hi Jan,

I'm grateful for your help. I've researched how to follow your
recommendations above, but I'm not having a lot of luck. According to
old posts in this mailing list,,
the command ipa-server-certinstall is the way to go. That said, I
found an issue you've filed to allow for this, and it was implemented
in FreeIPA 3.3:
Unfortunately, this system is running FreeIPA 3.0:

# rpm -qa | grep -P "ipa[_-]"

I've found these instructions: I've read
those instructions, and I believe I may have a misconception about
this process. The procedure calls to:
# cp /root/ipa.crt /usr/share/ipa/html/ca.crt
# cp /root/ipa.crt /etc/ipa/ca.crt

Can you clear up what /root/ipa.crt ought to contain? I assume it
ought to contain *only* the root CA certificate which is the *first*
key in the bundle provided by the 3rd party Certificate Authority. Is
that correct?

The instructions you have found do not apply entirely in your situation. 
The file /etc/ipa/ca.crt should contain only the *leaf* CA cert, i.e. 
the one with subject name equal to issuer name in your LDAP/HTTP server 
certs. The file /usr/share/ipa/html/ca.crt should contain the whole CA 
cert chain.

The files /etc/ip/ca.crt already exists, but it is a single
certificate. The file I have, issued alongside with the certificate by
GoDaddy, is a CA bundle. It contains 3 public keys in sequence in a
single file. Could you please be more detailed as to how to accomplish
this: "you need to import the CA certificate to NSS databases at
/etc/dirsrv/slapd-DIRSRV_REDACTED, /etc/httpd/alias and
/etc/pki/nssdb, copy it to /etc/ipa/ca.crt and
/usr/share/ipa/html/ca.crt and update
cn=CAcert,cn=ipa,cn=etc,dc=example,dc=com in LDAP with it."

Once you have the correct CA cert in /etc/ipa/ca.crt, you can run the 
following command to import the cert to each NSS database:

# certutil -d  -A -n  -t C,, -a -i /etc/ipa/ca.crt

(use any nickname you like)

For the LDAP update, see "Update the CA in LDAP" in the instructions you 
have found.

I certainly hope these are not inappropriate questions: I'd just like
to ensure this is done correctly. Thank you.

Don't worry, these are very appropriate questions ;-)

Dragan Prostran

On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 6:12 AM, Jan Cholasta  wrote:


Dne 24.10.2014 v 04:36 Dragan Prostran napsal(a):


This is my first time posting to this list, so if I've made a faux pas
or mistake, please do correct me.

Can anyone please point me to the correct method to renewing 3rd party
SSL certificates used by FreeIPA 3.0? I suspect I've not done this

Here is what has worked correctly so far:
1. FreeIPA is installed and configured to work correctly. It uses 3rd
party SSL certificates. I have access to the CSR, the certificate, the
private key, and the new CA bundle.
2. I have successfully followed these instructions to update the SSL
certificates used by Apache to serve the FreeIPA web interface:
Of note is that there are 2 IPA servers, and the procedure has been
followed on both.
3. Upon visiting the FreeIPA web interface, I can see that the
certificate is valid, and expires in the future. Login to FreeIPA and
modifying (for example) an LDAP password, work correctly.
4. 3rd party services that take advantage of LDAP work correctly. I
can login and authenticate via LDAP.

Here is what does not work correctly:
1. A distinct, 3rd party webservice that takes advantage of LDAP *via
SSL* no longer is able to authenticate. Prior to certificate update
mentioned, this did work correctly. I must admit I'm unfamiliar with
LDAP (via SSL), and so instead of troubleshooting that service, I had
a closer look at the FreeIPA instance.

The 3rd party webservice needs to trust the CA certificate of the LDAP
server certificate in order for this to work.

2. When connected to the FreeIPA instance, and issuing 'ipa
user-status username', the following error is returned:

ipa: ERROR: cert validation failed for "CN=CERT_CN_REDACTED,OU=Domain
Control Validated" ((SEC_ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ISSUER) Peer's certificate
issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user.)
ipa: ERROR: cert validation failed for "CN=CERT_CN_REDACTED,OU=Doma

Re: [Freeipa-users] Third party SSL certificate renewal

2014-10-24 Thread Jan Cholasta
/etc/httpd/alias and /etc/pki/nssdb, copy it to /etc/ipa/ca.crt and 
/usr/share/ipa/html/ca.crt and update 
cn=CAcert,cn=ipa,cn=etc,dc=example,dc=com in LDAP with it.

Dragan Prostran


Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go To for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] migration 3.3->4.1 & CA change

2014-10-23 Thread Jan Cholasta


Dne 23.10.2014 v 08:47 Petr Spacek napsal(a):

On 22.10.2014 22:06, William Graboyes wrote:

Hash: SHA512

Hello List,

So the whole not being able to change the CA easily is becoming a
regular point of contention in meetings.  If I have read the e-mails
on this list correctly this issue is fixed in 4.1.  After spending a
large amount of time thinking about this, I believe I have come to a
solution that will appease management, my coworkers, and myself.

Here is what I am thinking of doing.  I am thinking I will install
FC21 VM with free-IPA (which should be 4.1) then migrating my current
install over there, followed by changing the CA to that of my
contracted CA and third party issuer.

The questions that come to mind are:

1) how does one migrate the information over to a new install, in this
case 3.3 to 4.1 on separate servers?

You should be able to simply add FreeIPA 4.1 replica to existing 3.3
deployment. Please make sure that your 3.3 it updated with latest
packages, older versions of DS had some problems with replication to
newest version AFAIK.

2) is there any documentation on the process of changing the CA in 4.1?

Honza, can you add some details?

You can fid more info at 

3) am I insane for wanting to introduce FC21 into my environment?
4) has anyone done this, and what was your experience with doing so?


Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go To for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] ca.crt contains more than one certificate

2014-08-25 Thread Jan Cholasta


Dne 8.8.2014 v 14:46 Nicklas Björk napsal(a):

Trying to upgrade from FreeIPA 3.0 running on CentOS 6 to 3.3 on CentOS
7 using migration. I seem to have run into some certificate problems and
the replica installation halts half-way through. We have a simple
CA-structure, where FreeIPA has been installed as a sub-ca directly
under ca root ca.

A replica bundle was created on the master using:
ipa-replica-prepare --ip-address
the gpg-file was copied to replica:/var/lib/ipa and the following
command was executed:
ipa-replica-install --mkhomedir -d --setup-ca --setup-dns
--no-forwarders /var/lib/ipa/

During the first attempt, I was instructed to also run on the master server, which has been done. The
replica installation halts complainig that ca.crt contains more than one
certificate. Both the FreeIPA CA and the Root CA certificates are in
that file.

Debug output in /var/log/ipareplica-install.log tells the following:

2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG   [17/34]: configuring ssl for ds instance
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG Loading Index file from
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG Starting external process
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/certutil -d
/etc/dirsrv/slapd-EXAMPLE-NET/ -N -f
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG stdout=
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG stderr=
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG Starting external process
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/pk12util -d
/etc/dirsrv/slapd-EXAMPLE-NET/ -i
/tmp/tmpNOzZ3cipa/realm_info/dscert.p12 -k
/etc/dirsrv/slapd-EXAMPLE-NET//pwdfile.txt -v -w /dev/stdin
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG stdout=pk12util: PKCS12 IMPORT SUCCESSFUL

2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG stderr=
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG Starting external process
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/certutil -d
/etc/dirsrv/slapd-EXAMPLE-NET/ -L
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG stdout=
Certificate Nickname Trust


Server-Cert  u,u,u
CN=Example Root CA,O=Example AB,,

2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG stderr=
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG Starting external process
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/certutil -d
/etc/dirsrv/slapd-EXAMPLE-NET/ -A -n CA -t CT,CT, -a
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG stdout=
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG stderr=
2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG   File
line 638, in run_script
 return_value = main_function()

   File "/usr/sbin/ipa-replica-install", line 664, in main
 ds = install_replica_ds(config)

   File "/usr/sbin/ipa-replica-install", line 189, in install_replica_ds
 ca_file=config.dir + "/ca.crt",

"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/", line
360, in create_replica

   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/",
line 364, in start_creation

"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/", line
606, in enable_ssl

   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/",
line 841, in create_from_pkcs12
 self.nssdb.import_pem_cert('CA', 'CT,CT,', ca_file)

   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/",
line 240, in import_pem_cert

2014-08-08T12:22:08Z DEBUG The ipa-replica-install command failed,
exception: ValueError: /tmp/tmpNOzZ3cipa/realm_info/ca.crt contains more
than one certificate

Is there anything obvious that is wrong or odd with this setup or process?

It seems you somehow ended up with more than one certificate in 
/etc/ipa/ca.crt on the master. It should contain only the IPA CA 
certificate, if you delete all other certificates from it and re-run 
ipa-replica-prepare, you should be able to successfully install the 
replica using ipa-replica-install.

Best regards
Nicklas Björk


Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go To for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] Installing a new Cert

2014-08-25 Thread Jan Cholasta


Dne 25.8.2014 v 03:04 Chris Whittle napsal(a):

Trying to do this

And I keep getting "Error unable to get local issuer certificate getting

Where are you getting this error? ipa-server-certinstall, or httpd, or 
somewhere else?

What version of ipa do you have installed?

I'm wondering if it's because of this from the doc
"The certificate in mysite.crt must be signed by the CA used when
installing FreeIPA."
but it might not either...

In this case you should get a "file.p12 is not signed by 
/etc/ipa/ca.crt, or the full certificate chain is not present in the 
PKCS#12 file" error in ipa-server-certinstall.

Any ideas?


Jan Cholasta

Manage your subscription for the Freeipa-users mailing list:
Go To for more info on the project

Re: [Freeipa-users] FreeIPA + Foreman 1.5

2014-04-25 Thread Jan Cholasta
 n, o, q, p are not supported on the version

That might be a script that is run on the system rather than a part of the
template and it would check the package version available and use only
applicable options. Again here I would like to hear the opinion of the list.

It seems to me that all integration options are available in 6.4 (see above).
The only exception is SUDO which needs to be configured manuallyP:
   - /etc/nsswitch.conf
   - NIS domain name
   - /etc/sssd/sssd.conf - configuration is different based on SSSD version. In
6.4 and 6.4, you need to manually configure SSSD SUDO LDAP provider (slide 12
in, in
6.6/7.0 you will be able to just add sudo service in SSSD and utilize SSSD SUDO
IPA provider. With FreeIPA 4.0, you do not need to do anything, you have SUDO
client configuration for free.


Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] using 3rd party cert not self sign cert in ipa

2014-03-25 Thread Jan Cholasta

On 25.3.2014 10:27, wrote:

Dear all:
whe install it already genrate a self sign cert  called
<> . and run ca service.  now i want to check if it
ok to install 3rd party replcacing
to httpd my ldap it will be https: my co domain (official cert ). and

You don't have to touch these files if you only want to install your own 
certificates for HTTP and LDAP.

Is it possible ? or any side effect on the infrsturture if chane the cert,.
I saw some info on web ...but i now already launch and many users
connected. if i replaced the cert will it make the ldap invalid for
exisiting users.???

You must make sure the CA certificate that signed your HTTP and LDAP 
certificates is trusted on your client systems. If you do that, 
everything should work fine.



Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] install with external CA failed

2014-03-10 Thread Jan Cholasta

 Certificate Trust Flags:
 SSL Flags:
 Email Flags:
 Object Signing Flags:

... and so on...

Any suggestions from anyone who has gotten an external-ca install to work?


Senior Software Engineer @ Parsons


Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Odd problem with SSSD and SSH keys

2014-01-16 Thread Jan Cholasta
I'm glad that fixed it, but I would still be interested in what went 
wrong. Could you tell me what was the difference between and domain configuration? I'm also curious how did such 
configuration got into sssd.conf in the first place, ipa-client-install 
should have created only one domain.

On 16.1.2014 18:19, Bret Wortman wrote:

It did. I just needed the motivation to figure out which version was
correct. So I experimented on my own workstation this morning before
anyone else got in and rolled out a corrected version.

Thanks for your help, everyone!

On 01/16/2014 11:52 AM, Jan Cholasta wrote:

I think you can just comment out the whole [domain/] section in
sssd.conf and restart sssd. Does that solve the problem? If not, could
you please post your sssd.conf here?

On 16.1.2014 11:21, Bret Wortman wrote:

Yes, though there should be only one. We ended up somehow with and and I'm not sure how to reduce us properly to

Bret Wortman

On Jan 16, 2014, at 4:42 AM, Jan Cholasta  wrote:

OK, there is definitely something going on in the client then. Are
there multiple domains configured in sssd.conf?

On 15.1.2014 13:56, Bret Wortman wrote:
The fingerprint does match.

On 01/15/2014 03:33 AM, Jan Cholasta wrote:

On 14.1.2014 12:34, Bret Wortman wrote:
The key in /etc/ssh/ matches what's in IPA
for the
host in question. It should not have had any connectivity issues;
co-located with several of our IPA masters.

Can you also check if the MD5 fingerprint reported by ssh (e.g.
2a:1e:1c:87:33:44:fb:87:ab:6f:ee:80:d5:21:7e:ab in your original
matches the MD5 fingerprint for the host in IPA?

Jan Cholasta

Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Odd problem with SSSD and SSH keys

2014-01-16 Thread Jan Cholasta
I think you can just comment out the whole [domain/] section in 
sssd.conf and restart sssd. Does that solve the problem? If not, could 
you please post your sssd.conf here?

On 16.1.2014 11:21, Bret Wortman wrote:

Yes, though there should be only one. We ended up somehow with and and I'm not sure how to reduce us properly to just

Bret Wortman

On Jan 16, 2014, at 4:42 AM, Jan Cholasta  wrote:

OK, there is definitely something going on in the client then. Are there 
multiple domains configured in sssd.conf?

On 15.1.2014 13:56, Bret Wortman wrote:
The fingerprint does match.

On 01/15/2014 03:33 AM, Jan Cholasta wrote:

On 14.1.2014 12:34, Bret Wortman wrote:
The key in /etc/ssh/ matches what's in IPA for the
host in question. It should not have had any connectivity issues; it's
co-located with several of our IPA masters.

Can you also check if the MD5 fingerprint reported by ssh (e.g.
2a:1e:1c:87:33:44:fb:87:ab:6f:ee:80:d5:21:7e:ab in your original post)
matches the MD5 fingerprint for the host in IPA?

Jan Cholasta

Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Odd problem with SSSD and SSH keys

2014-01-16 Thread Jan Cholasta
OK, there is definitely something going on in the client then. Are there 
multiple domains configured in sssd.conf?

On 15.1.2014 13:56, Bret Wortman wrote:

The fingerprint does match.

On 01/15/2014 03:33 AM, Jan Cholasta wrote:

On 14.1.2014 12:34, Bret Wortman wrote:

The key in /etc/ssh/ matches what's in IPA for the
host in question. It should not have had any connectivity issues; it's
co-located with several of our IPA masters.

Can you also check if the MD5 fingerprint reported by ssh (e.g.
2a:1e:1c:87:33:44:fb:87:ab:6f:ee:80:d5:21:7e:ab in your original post)
matches the MD5 fingerprint for the host in IPA?

Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Odd problem with SSSD and SSH keys

2014-01-15 Thread Jan Cholasta

On 14.1.2014 12:34, Bret Wortman wrote:

The key in /etc/ssh/ matches what's in IPA for the
host in question. It should not have had any connectivity issues; it's
co-located with several of our IPA masters.

Can you also check if the MD5 fingerprint reported by ssh (e.g. 
2a:1e:1c:87:33:44:fb:87:ab:6f:ee:80:d5:21:7e:ab in your original post) 
matches the MD5 fingerprint for the host in IPA?

I'd be happy to run sss_ssh_knownhostsproxy manually but haven't been
able to locate the proxy command to use via Google yet. Any guidance?

I don't think you need to do that, it will just update 
/var/lib/sss/pubconf/known_hosts again.

On 01/14/2014 05:43 AM, Jan Cholasta wrote:

On 13.1.2014 22:18, Jakub Hrozek wrote:

On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 02:44:29PM -0500, Bret Wortman wrote:

They're definitely different. I deleted the one in the file, then
tried again. It put the bad key back in the file. I blew the whole
file away and the same thing happened. Where is this key coming from
if not from IPA?

Can you try running sss_ssh_knownhostsproxy manually to see what key
does it return?

The keys are propagated to the file from the sssd database. If the
was offline, the client could use stale records. Can you verify the
has no connectivity issues?

Honza (CC-ed) might have some more hints.

Compare the public key in /etc/ssh/ on the host
with the public key for that host in IPA. If they do not match, the
host key was changed after IPA client was installed and the host
record in IPA must be manually updated with the new key.


Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Odd problem with SSSD and SSH keys

2014-01-14 Thread Jan Cholasta

On 13.1.2014 22:18, Jakub Hrozek wrote:

On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 02:44:29PM -0500, Bret Wortman wrote:

They're definitely different. I deleted the one in the file, then
tried again. It put the bad key back in the file. I blew the whole
file away and the same thing happened. Where is this key coming from
if not from IPA?

Can you try running sss_ssh_knownhostsproxy manually to see what key
does it return?

The keys are propagated to the file from the sssd database. If the client
was offline, the client could use stale records. Can you verify the client
has no connectivity issues?

Honza (CC-ed) might have some more hints.

Compare the public key in /etc/ssh/ on the host with 
the public key for that host in IPA. If they do not match, the host key 
was changed after IPA client was installed and the host record in IPA 
must be manually updated with the new key.


Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Globalsign External CA Certificate Import Failure

2014-01-06 Thread Jan Cholasta


On 3.1.2014 22:13, James Scollard wrote:

Thanks for the reply,


Package freeipa-server-3.3.3-2.fc19.x86_64 already installed and latest

I'm not sure I understand the answer.

I created the CSR and they signed it using their automation, and
returned the new ones to me for installation, which failed.
SUN.WEATHER.COM is a valid Kerberos domain name, but not a valid O=. The
node itself is, we have a wildcard certificate for, and this domain controller needs the certificate for
the domain for setup to complete.

What am I doing wrong here?

I sense some confusion about ipa-server-install options here. You use a 
wildcard server certificate as IPA's CA certificate, which is obviously 
not correct. It seems to me you are trying to do one of the following:

 a) Set up IPA using your own server certificate. This is achieved 
using the --*_pkcs12 options.

You must create a PKCS#12 file with the certificate and its private 
key in order to do this. Assuming you save the PKCS#12 file to 
/root/, the command line should look 
something like:

# ipa-server-install 

 b) Set up IPA including a IPA-managed CA, with the CA being a 
subordinate of some external CA. This is where you should use the 
--external* options.

First run ipa-server-install with --external-ca, which will create 
a CSR for IPA CA certificate in /root/ipa.csr. Then sign the CSR with 
the external CA to get the IPA CA certificate. Finally, run 
ipa-server-install with --external_cert_file pointing to the IPA CA 
certificate and --external_ca_file pointing to CA certificate of the 
external CA.

On 1/3/14 3:58 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:

James Scollard wrote:

When attempting to run the second part of the installation with an
external CA (Globalsign) using my signed certificate and CA certificate
chain I get the following;

[root@ldapm6x00 ~]# ipa-server-install

The log file for this installation can be found in
Directory Manager password:

Subject of the external certificate is not correct (got
CN=*,O=The Weather Channel Interactive\,
Inc,L=Atlanta,ST=Georgia,C=US, expected CN=Certificate

CN= and O= are correct, so why is IPA refusing to use the certificate?
It appears to be expecting bogus data instead of using the provided
identity.  This doesnt appear to be an issue with the certificate,
although I have never installed FreeIPA with a Globalsign certificate. I
did nto see this problem with Network Solutions wildcard certificates
though.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

This isn't related to the external CA, it just can't modify the
subject of the IPA CA, which it did in this case. I'm not even
entirely sure what it would mean to have the CA certificate itself be
a wildcard cert. Doesn't seem to be a valid use-case though.

Looks like this validation was added in in v3.



Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Cross-realm trust with AD and ssh keys management

2013-09-25 Thread Jan Cholasta

On 25.9.2013 10:17, Martin Kosek wrote:

On 09/24/2013 04:40 PM, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:

On Tue, 24 Sep 2013, Alexandre Ellert wrote:


I've successfully setup a testing environment with an IPA server (RHEL 6.4)
and a cross realm trust with my Active Directory (Win2008 R2).
Authentication works both with AD passwords and Kerberos GSS-API.

Now, I'm trying to find the way to manage ssh key which belong to AD
users. It seems that I can do that only with users declared on IPA
domain.  Can you confirm that ?

Yes. AD users do not exist physically in IPA LDAP, therefore there is no
object to assign attributes into.

Does winsync method provide a way to add ssh key to an AD user ?

Under winsync AD users would become 'normal' LDAP objects in IPA,
therefore you can assign additional values/attributes to them.

Though note that winsync, one would loose all the SSO capabilities...

Alexander, I am just thinking about possibilities. We now have the concept of
external groups in FreeIPA which one can then use as members of normal POSIX
groups and use them in HBAC or other policies.

Would it be possible to create "external users", i.e. user entries identified
by FQDN/SID and then be able to assign selected set of user attributes (like
SSH public key, home directory, shell...) which could then be leveraged by SSSD?


I think that if you add proper schema to AD, you can have SSSD directly 
use SSH public keys stored in AD.


Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Wildcard SSL

2013-09-23 Thread Jan Cholasta

On 16.9.2013 01:20, Andrew Lau wrote:

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 4:23 AM, Dmitri Pal>> wrote:

On 09/14/2013 04:00 AM, Andrew Lau wrote:


I have a reverse proxy infront of many of my hosts, each of the
virtual hosts have their own SSL cert, currently with FreeIPA I'm
adding hosts for each virtual host and then creating a cert.

From what I've found, it doesn't seem to be possible to do a
wildcard ssl through FreeIPA, I tried exporting the ca root
private key to manually sign a wildcard cert with no success. I
may have done that wrong.

Any suggestions?

Is this what you are looking for?

It is currently on a distant roadmap but help always welcome.


Freeipa-users mailing list  <>

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager for IdM portfolio
Red Hat Inc.

Looking to carve out IT costs?  <>

Freeipa-users mailing list <>


Is there any way of manually doing that now by pulling the root ca and
key out to sign a cert?

You can do it manually via Dogtag.

First, import the client cert from /root/ca-agent.p12 found on your IPA 
server to your web browser.

Then, navigate your web browser to 
paste the wildcard CSR in the form and submit it.

Then, navigate your web browser to 
https://ipaserver:8443/ca/agent/ca/listRequests.html, find your request 
and approve it. This should give you the signed certificate.


Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Export SSL Cert

2013-09-20 Thread Jan Cholasta

On 20.9.2013 10:14, Andrew Lau wrote:


On my ever quest to finally get freeipa working behind a reverse proxy,
the final thing was is it possible to export the private key and cert of
the freeipa http cert? I would like to put the SSL cert on the reverse
proxy but it seems I'm not having any luck getting the private key out
from the certdb.



you can use pk12util to export it to PKCS#12 file, which contains both 
the certificate and the private key:

# pk12util -o file.p12 -n Server-Cert -d /etc/httpd/alias -k 


Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] one last SSH question

2013-07-17 Thread Jan Cholasta

On 17.7.2013 16:22, Armstrong, Kenneth Lawrence wrote:

Ok, hopefully my last SSH key question.

I've been following the instructions here:

and here:

I have my host's public key set, it shows up in the web UI, and I have
these lines added to the end of the /etc/ssh/ssh_config file on the
client machine (that is also a member of the IdM domain):

ProxyCommand /usr/bin/sss_ssh_knownhostsproxy -p %p -d
UserKnownHostsFile2 .ssh/sss_known_hosts

I have reloaded the SSH service on the client.  I go to connect from my
client to my linuxtest server (which happens to be my IdM server), and I
get this:

[karmstrong@linuxclient <mailto:karmstrong@linuxclient> ~]$ ssh <>
The authenticity of host ' ()' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is ad:22:28:8d:91:81:3c:07:47:9d:5a:0d:09:33:18:e1.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? no
Host key verification failed.

The public key fingerprint matches what is set on the host's page in the
IdM interface.

I do not have a known_hosts in the karmstrong .ssh directory.

I have also tried adding the FQDN, and FQDN,ip address into the SSH key
on the IdM server through the Web UI, but I still get the bit about not
finding an IP for the proxy command to use when it tries to authenticate
the host.

I have also verified that there is a PTR record in DNS for the host
itself, so I believe that it is not a name resolution error.

Am I missing something?

No. The documentation is wrong for some reason. This is what you should 
have in ssh_config:

ProxyCommand /usr/bin/sss_ssh_knownhostsproxy -p %p %h
GlobalKnownHostsFile /var/lib/sss/pubconf/known_hosts


Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Question about design of ldap dns

2013-07-15 Thread Jan Cholasta

On 15.7.2013 11:17, James Hogarth wrote:

Hi guys,

I'm just picking up the nice to have ticket of configure the default TTL
as part of my general TTL refactor work seeing as the exposing and
modification of TTL in the UI is unlikely to be complete before 3.3
freeze (mostly working but a few bugs remaining) :

The approach I'm considering is to make the record capable of an
individual TTL by just appending the TTL to the record so it would look
dn: idnsName=bar, <>, cn=dns,
dc=example, dc=com
idnsName: bar
ARecord: 7200

This is an approach that matches how things like MX and SRV are dealt
with (except those have numbers at the front) and would require much
simpler modifications.

Then there would be a precedence to the actual TTL used in this order:
1) If a TTL is in the record data use that
2) If a TTL is in the idnsName data (the current dnsTTL attribute) then
use that
3) If a TTL is in the zone data (as per the ticket name to be decided)
then use that
4) If a TTL is specified in the named.conf configuration for the
bind-dyndb-ldap plugin then use that.

Although potentially not as nice as making each data entry a first class
citizen as an object in LDAP such as for an example:
dn: aRecord=,idnsName=bar,
<>, cn=dns, dc=example, dc=com
aRecordName: bar
aRecordTTL: 7200

It'd require far less upheaval in terms of migrations and testing...

What are your thoughts on this before I start digging into this part of
the code base?



There's a third option: group DNS records by both name and TTL, instead 
of just name, like this:

dn: idnsName=bar+dNSTTL=7200,
idnsName: bar
dNSTTL: 7200

dn: idnsName=bar+dNSTTL=3600,
idnsName: bar
dNSTTL: 3600

This way you don't have to change the format of existing attributes nor 
add new attributes.


Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] GlobalKnownHostsFile changes produce unexpected behavior

2013-06-24 Thread Jan Cholasta

On 19.6.2013 21:36, Matthew Barr wrote:

This may need to be passed upstream to the SSH maintainers or openssh
folks, but:
(Centos 6.4, ipa-client 3.0.0-26,  openssh-5.3p1-84.1 )

IPA  (sssd) when installed is to modify the /etc/ssh/ssh_config file, by
adding (at least)  a line :

GlobalKnownHostsFile /var/lib/sss/pubconf/known_hosts

Default behavior of SSH when that isn't present is to check both
/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts2 & /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts  for keys.  This is
documented in the ssh_config man page.

However, when the line is present with the sssd change, the OS only
checks for /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts2, plus the file in /var/lib/sss.

I don't think it checks /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts2, since the 
GlobalKnownHostsFile2 option was deprecated in OpenSSH 5.9, unless of 
course you have an older version of OpenSSH installed.

It still checks for both $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts &
$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts,  either way.  (that's controlled by a different

Should IPA / SSSD be adding back in the default value, until such time
as it's fixed in the upstream?

I'm not sure I understand, what do you think should be fixed?


Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Freeipa -ssh keys

2013-04-24 Thread Jan Cholasta

On 23.4.2013 20:20, naresh reddy wrote:

Hi Rob

I am sorry for coming back again
i can see client can get the ssh keys from the server but still fails
please suggest.

By "client" you mean the machine that you are trying to ssh to, i.e. the 
machine that has sshd running? If not, make sure sss_ssh_authorizedkeys 
works on the machine with sshd, because that's the one that matters here.

Also, what version of OpenSSH do you have installed?


Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Allow IPA users to create SSH tunnel with no shell

2012-12-18 Thread Jan Cholasta
Actually, I wanted to make something like this in SSH user 
impersonation, <>. My idea 
was to allow overriding of authorized_keys options in impersonation rules.

In your case, you could have a special user account "tunnel" that would 
be used to access the tunnel and set up impersonation so that members of 
group "tunnelusers" could impersonate user "tunnel" with authorized_keys 
options command, permitopen, no-agent-forwarding and no-x11-forwarding 
overrided. That way, any user in the "tunnelusers" group would be able 
to log in with their normal public keys (with no authorized_keys 
options) as user "tunnel" and have authorized_keys options set to the 
needed values by the impersonation rule.

Of course, that would work only with SSH public key authentication.

BTW, if the tunnel is provided only by a single or a small number of 
systems, you can configure sshd on these systems to do what you want 
without using authorized_keys options (see man sshd_config, directives 
ForceCommand, PermitOpen, AllowAgentForwarding, X11Forwarding and 
possibly Match).


On 17.12.2012 16:30, Albert Adams wrote:

An HBAC extension would certainly be appreciated.  I'm not sure how
other organizations are setup but in our environment we don't give shell
access unless absolutely necessary and we use a lot of SSH tunneling
with target services bound to localhost.  If I can figure out the
correct syntax to get the perl command added to the users public key in
IPA (as Honza suggested) then that will provide a work around for the
time being.  Ultimately it would be awesome to have the same level of
granularity that the local authorized_keys file allowed while reaping
the benefits of centralized management.


On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 9:36 AM, Simo Sorce>> wrote:

On Mon, 2012-12-17 at 09:07 -0500, Albert Adams wrote:
 > Thank you for the responses.  I was initially attempting to set this
 > value via the web UI and if I entered anything other than the hash
 > value of the user's public key it would get rejected.  After thinking
 > about your response I realize that I really need to determine a
 > of doing this via a HBAC rule.  If I accomplish this with
 > authorized_keys then the user is restricted across the board and
 > not be able to gain a shell on any system whereas HBAC would allow me
 > to restrict thier access as needed.  We currently require users to
 > tunnel over SSH to gain access to certain sensitive web apps (like
 > Nessus) but those same users have shell access on a few boxes.
 > Thoughts??

One thing you could do is to use the override_shell parameter in sssd.
However this one would override the shell for all users so just
putting /sbin/nologin there would not work if you need some users to be
able to log in (if you care only for root logins it would be enough).

However you can still manage to use it to point to a script that would
test something like whether the user belongs to a group or not, and if
so run either /bin/bash or /bin/nologin

This seem like a nice feature request for FreeIPA though, maybe we can
extend HBAC to allow a special option to define a shell, maybe creating
a special 'shell' service that sssd can properly interpret as a hint to
set nologin vs the actual shell.

Dmitri, should we open a RFE on this ?


Simo Sorce * Red Hat, Inc * New York

Freeipa-users mailing list

Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Allow IPA users to create SSH tunnel with no shell

2012-12-17 Thread Jan Cholasta


this should work and you don't even have to set the shell to 
/sbin/nologin (depends on whether you want the users to be able to login 
to the system by other means or not), as the command directive in 
authorized_keys takes precedence.

The tricky part is escaping the value correctly (there is shell 
escaping, IPA CSV quote escaping and authorized_keys quote escaping in 

$ ipa user-mod user --sshpubkey='"command=""/usr/bin/perl -e '\''$|=1; 
print \""Tunnel created, use your webbrowser to connect to the 
tool\n\"";while(1) { print localtime(time) . \""\n\""; sleep 
ssh-rsa ..."'


On 17.12.2012 03:23, Peter Brown wrote:

Hi Albert,

Have you tried putting that command in the public key for the user in
freeipa and setting the user shell to /sbin/nologin or the equivalent?

On 15 December 2012 02:09, Albert Adams>> wrote:

In our environment we have several systems where users require
access to the system to setup an SSH tunnel but should not have a
shell on the system.  Prior to rolling out IPA we accomplished this
with the authorized_keys file as follows:

command="/usr/bin/perl -e '$|=1; print \"Tunnel created, use your
webbrowser to connect to the tool\n\";while(1) { print
localtime(time) . \"\n\"; sleep

Is there a way to accomplish this in IPA?


Freeipa-users mailing list <>

Freeipa-users mailing list

Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] Do we need ipa-client-update script?

2012-09-21 Thread Jan Cholasta

Dne 21.9.2012 10:45, Petr Spacek napsal(a):

Hello users,

we have a question for client machine administrators:

On 09/21/2012 10:12 AM, Martin Kosek wrote:

 > ..., that it may be useful to implement a script
 > like "ipa-client-update" which would be capable of updating client
 > (and could be entered in a cron for example) without a need to re-enroll
 > client. Such script could for example:
 > * update SSH keys of the client
 > * update a list of IPA DNS servers in #3095
 > * ...
 > Martin

Would it be useful at all? What other information should updater maintain?

IMHO DNS configuration on client side is job for DHCP or Puppet. Isn't it?

There is a couple of tickets that are related to this issue:




Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] unable to activate the ssh service in sssd config

2012-08-03 Thread Jan Cholasta

Dne 3.8.2012 08:58, Роман Бамбурин napsal(a):

hi, i trying to install freeipa-client and i have error "unable to
activate the ssh service in sssd config" . What i need to do to resolve
this problem? Thanks.


you need to add the ssh service to /etc/sssd/sssd.conf manually. In 
order to do that, you need to modify this line in the [sssd] section:

services = nss, pam


services = nss, pam, ssh

and add a new empty [ssh] section at the end of the file.


Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] dead in the water IPA server

2012-05-07 Thread Jan Cholasta


It seems that your system ate all the available memory and the kernel 
decided to kill a directory server instance to free some. The kernel 
agent responsible for this is called the out-of-memory killer, you can 
read more about it and how to configure it not to kill important 
processes here:

On 7.5.2012 02:22, Steven Jones wrote:

Interesting memory attached

I take it it isnt good?  cant login that is for sure so whatever is behind the 
web gui is dead if nothing else...


Steven Jones

Technical Specialist - Linux RHCE

Victoria University, Wellington, NZ

0064 4 463 6272

Jan Cholasta

Freeipa-users mailing list