Re: Allowing both PAP and CHAP with a mixture of clear text and encrypted passwords

2004-07-15 Thread Mike Lampson
>> Is it possible to make radius tell the dial equipemnt to send the
>> password in clear text if it can't authenticate a CHAP password?
>  No.
>  In many cases, the NAS can't even control it.  The client uses
> CHAP, and there's no way for the NAS to tell it to use PAP.

We had a case of a service that proxied to our RADIUS and tried to do CHAP.
Our network engineers fixed this by putting the following into the DEFAULT
profile for that client:

  Ascend-Send-Auth = Send-Auth-PAP

I cannot speak to what this attribute does or if any special settings were
configured on the router.  I leave that to someone with a more vested
interest in this scenario to figure out.


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Bug with Access-Reject and reject_delay

2004-08-30 Thread Mike Lampson
Alan (and all),

I believe that I have found a bug related to Access-Reject and the
reject_delay and max_session_time configuration settings.  I am running FR

When I run radiusd -X, all behaves as expected.  The Access-Reject is sent
after the delay time indicated by the reject_delay setting.

However, when I run radiusd as a deamon without any parameters, the
Access-Reject is delayed by reject_delay + max_session_time when
reject_delay>0.  If I set reject_delay to 0 and run as a daemon, there is no

I would like to continue using the default reject_delay value as '1'.
However, I have had to dramatically shorten the max_session_time to allow
Access-Reject messages to be sent in a reasonable time.  My first question
is will shortening max_session_time to 1 second have any negative
recurcussions?  My second question is can the underlying problem be fixed in
the next release?

My environment is FR 1.0.0 using MySQL.  I am using NTRadPing to test and
tcpdump to monitor the response times from the RADIUS server.



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Re: reject_delay anomaly

2004-12-28 Thread Mike Lampson

See also my post and Alan's response from the archives:



-Original Message-
From: "George C. Kaplan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: reject_delay anomaly
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 09:30:37 -0800

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Scott
> George,
> I was recently monitoring some testing of my own radius server the other
> I'm using the CVS release (not a daily snapshot) from 2004-12-15 on RedHat
> 7.2.  While briefly testing my setup, I noticed there was a reject delay
> failed authentications.  I didn't time anything, but your comment about
> seconds plus the config paramater sounds accurate.  However, I have not
> experienced any excessive delays like the 31 second ballpark you mention.

The 31-second delay wasn't obvious, because most RADIUS clients will
retry after a couple of seconds.  A packet trace will reveal that no
reply is sent to the first request, but the reject reply is sent
immediately after the retry.  Using 'radclient' with a really long
timeout revealed the 31-second delay.

> If you're not making any progress with this, I'd suggest investigating the
> source code, to see where this is handled.  I would then, either enable
> debugging (if logging is already present for this section), or add some
> messages of your own (including the current time+millisecond timestamp).

I've sidestepped the immediate problem by turning off the
reject_delay, but I'll try to dig through the source if I can find
time.  (I'm wary of debugging modes, as I've already seen that -X
hides the problem).

Communication & Network Services510-643-0496
University of California at Berkeley

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RE: Access-Reject not sent unless run with -X

2005-01-31 Thread Mike Lampson
> I am encountering some strange behaviour of freeradius
> 1.01. May be a bug.
> A) If i launch the freeradius daemon with the radiusd
> command i notice that Access-Reject packets are not
> sent back. Access-Accept are sent.
> B) If now I launch freeradius using the interactive
> "radiusd -X" command, for excatly the same context as
> A) I now receive back my Access-Reject packets.

This is a bug.  See my previous post here:

Where I state "max_session_time", I should have said "max_request_time".

Either change you RADIUS client to have a 31+ second timeout or dramatically
reduce the setting for "max_request_time".  I use 6 seconds.

Alternatively, have you RADIUS client resend the authentication request
fairly soon after the first.  A second authentication request gets an
immediate Access-Reject response.  No 31 second delay.



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RE: HuntGroups & MySql

2005-05-17 Thread Mike Lampson
I believe the reason these SQL Group discussions die is that it is hard to
explain what it really happening.  I will attempt to do so but cannot devote
much time to followups if this is not clear.  Also my understanding is based
on FR 1.0.0 as we haven't moved up to 1.0.2 yet.

FreeRADIUS' use of groups in the sql module is not the same as using Unix
groups in the users file.  You cannot create separate check conditions in
separate SQL groups and then send only the reply elements from that same
group.  Look at the SQL queries in sql.conf - specifically, the
authorize_group_check_query and authorize_group_reply_query settings.  These
queries return check and reply attributes for a user based on the settings
FreeRADIUS is concerned this is one large group of check and reply

I have implemented two possible solutions and I'm sure there are plenty of
others.  One solution is to use Autz-Type and implement a different sql.conf
definition for each Autz-Type.  The downside is that many more SQL
connections are opened when FR starts up.  Another solution is to redefine
the SQL queries in sql.conf.  I have implemented this approach by adding a
HuntGroup column to the table definitions.  I then add the appropriate
clients to the huntgroup file and have the SQL queries use the HuntGroup
name as part of the query to find the appropriate check and reply attributes
to return to FreeRADIUS.  As example of our setup is as follows:

| GroupName | Attribute | op | Value  | HuntGroup |
| DEFAULT   | Auth-Type | =  | Local  | wlusers   |
| DEFAULT   | Auth-Type | =  | Reject | dial800   |
| tollfree  | Auth-Type | := | Local  | dial800   |

| GroupName | Attribute  | op | Value   | HuntGroup |
| DEFAULT   | Service-Type   | =  | Framed-User | wlusers   |
| DEFAULT   | Framed-Protocol| =  | PPP | wlusers   |
| DEFAULT   | Framed-IP-Address  | =  | | wlusers   |
| DEFAULT   | Framed-IP-Netmask  | =  | | wlusers   |
| DEFAULT   | Framed-Compression | =  | Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP | wlusers   |
| tollfree  | Service-Type   | =  | Framed-User | dial800   |
| tollfree  | Framed-Protocol| =  | PPP | dial800   |
| tollfree  | Framed-IP-Address  | =  | | dial800   |
| tollfree  | Framed-IP-Netmask  | =  | | dial800   |
| tollfree  | Framed-Compression | =  | Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP | dial800   |

A similar approach could be implemented using IP addresses, hints or realms.


(not a FreeRADIUS developer)

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RE: HuntGroups & MySql

2005-05-20 Thread Mike Lampson
> This looks like my radgroupcheck -- is that what you are using?
>> +---+---+++---+
>> | GroupName | Attribute | op | Value  | HuntGroup |
>> +---+---+++---+

Yes, this is the standard MySQL table layout but with the addition of the
HuntGroup column.

> This looks like my radgroupreply -- is that what you are using?
>> +---+--++--+---+
>> | GroupName | Attribute| op | Value| HuntGroup |
>> +---+--++--+---+


> Can you post the changes you made to the sql.conf queries?

authorize_group_check_query =
"SELECT ${groupcheck_table}.id,${groupcheck_table}.GroupName,
 ${groupcheck_table}.op FROM ${groupcheck_table},${usergroup_table}
 WHERE ${usergroup_table}.Username = trim('%{SQL-User-Name}') AND
 ${usergroup_table}.GroupName = ${groupcheck_table}.GroupName AND
 (${groupcheck_table}.HuntGroup = '%{request:Huntgroup-Name}' OR
 ${groupcheck_table}.HuntGroup IS NULL) ORDER BY ${groupcheck_table}.id"

authorize_group_reply_query =
"SELECT ${groupreply_table}.id,${groupreply_table}.GroupName,
 ${groupreply_table}.op FROM ${groupreply_table},${usergroup_table}
 WHERE ${usergroup_table}.Username = trim('%{SQL-User-Name}') AND
 ${usergroup_table}.GroupName = ${groupreply_table}.GroupName AND
 (${groupreply_table}.HuntGroup = '%{request:Huntgroup-Name}' OR
 ${groupreply_table}.HuntGroup IS NULL) ORDER BY ${groupreply_table}.id"

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Re: Authenticate/Attributes based on NAS-IP-Address

2005-06-08 Thread Mike Lampson

Extend the MySQL schema and change the SQL queries in sql.conf to do what
you want.  You could extend by HuntGroup, NAS-IP, Client-IP, whatever.  See
my previous post to this list archived here:



-Original Message-
Message: 6
Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2005 19:20:28 -0700
Subject: Re: Authenticate/Attributes based on NAS-IP-Address
To: FreeRadius users mailing list

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Actually I already have two running FreeRADIUS servers with SQL. That
isn't the hard part. The problem with your instructions is that I'm not
using ippool to assign dynamic IPs, our NASes are doing that (Portmaster
2/3). I don't have a problem setting up static IPs either, as we have
several Dial-Up users who need those also. The problem lies in that I
want to use the RADIUS server for PPPoE authentication also. But I want
to allow users who log in through PPPoE to also be able to log in
regularly(Dial-Up), when their PPPoE isn't logged in. BUT, when they log
in through PPPoE, I want them to be assigned a static IP, when they
login via Portmasters/Dial-Up, then they don't get the static IP, they
get a regular dynamic one.
Basically if a user logs in through NAS1, they are assigned X attributes
with dynamic IP, if they log in through NAS2, they are assigned Y
attributes with a static IP. And all this needs to be done in MySQL,
that way my own PHP frontend(which I intend to release GPL) can work
with it. Also I think MySQL scales better.



| Nick White   |
| Network Consultant   |
| |

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Re: Authenticate/Attributes based on NAS-IP-Address

2005-06-08 Thread Mike Lampson
> That link doesn't give me anything. Page Not Found. I've done a lot of
> searching through the archives though and haven't really found anything
> like this.

Did you add the "tml" back into the URL?

>> tml


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MD5 password encryption problem

2004-02-13 Thread Mike Lampson
Hello all,

I have searched the mailing list archived and have failed to find a solution
to my particular problem.

I am trying to switch the entries in our users file from Unix crypt to MD5
encryption.  My entry in the users file looks like this:

mikelampson Auth-Type := PAP, Crypt-Password ==
Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
Framed-IP-Address =,
Framed-IP-Netmask =,
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

The above Crypt-Password is for the string "test123" and was generated by
using the md5_hex function from the Digest::MD5 Perl library.

The top portion of the authenticate section of radiusd.conf is as follows:

Auth-Type PAP {

And the pap section looks like this:

# PAP module to authenticate users based on their stored password
#  Supports multiple encryption schemes
#  clear: Clear text
#  crypt: Unix crypt
#md5: MD5 ecnryption
#   sha1: SHA1 encryption.
#  DEFAULT: crypt
pap {
#encryption_scheme = crypt
encryption_scheme = md5

And finally the relevant lines when running radiusd -X is as follows:

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=26,
User-Name = "mikelampson"
User-Password = "test123"
modcall: entering group authorize for request 1
  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok for request 1
  modcall[authorize]: module "chap" returns noop for request 1
rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "mikelampson", looking up realm NULL
rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
  modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop for request 1
users: Matched mikelampson at 129
  modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok for request 1
modcall: group authorize returns ok for request 1
  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type PAP
auth: type Crypt
auth: Failed to validate the user.

I am using NTRadPing to generate the request.

Any suggestions appreciated.



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MD5 encoded password will not validate

2004-02-16 Thread Mike Lampson
Hello all,

I tried to ask this question on Friday and didn't receive an answer, so let
me try to explain it better.

I am presently running FreeRADIUS using Unix crypt passwords.  This works
fine.  However I need to add support for better (i.e. longer) passwords and
would like to use MD5 encoded passwords.

This is not working using NTRadPing.  I am getting a "failed to validate the
user" error:

>> modcall: group authorize returns ok for request 0
>>   rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type PAP
>> auth: type Crypt
>> auth: Failed to validate the user.

As best as I can tell, I am correctly MD5 encoding the password string
"test123".  Does anyone have any ideas? Below is the block from my users

mikelampson Auth-Type := PAP, Crypt-Password ==
Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
Framed-IP-Address =,
Framed-IP-Netmask =,
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

The top portion of the authenticate section of radiusd.conf is as follows:

Auth-Type PAP {

And the pap section looks like this:

# PAP module to authenticate users based on their stored password
#  Supports multiple encryption schemes
#  clear: Clear text
#  crypt: Unix crypt
#md5: MD5 ecnryption
#   sha1: SHA1 encryption.
#  DEFAULT: crypt
pap {
#encryption_scheme = crypt
encryption_scheme = md5

The original post to the list is archived at

I would appreciate any ideas anyone has on the use of MD5 encoded passwords.



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RE: MD5 encoded password will not validate

2004-02-17 Thread Mike Lampson
Fellow FreeRADIUS Enthusiasts:

I have solved the riddle of my problem.  The details are:

 - Auth-Type := PAP does not work in user record.  I added a DEFAULT record
specifying Auth-Type := PAP.
 - Attribute "Crypt-Password" cannot be used with rlm_pap module.
 - Specifying "User-Password" with "==" operand does not work with rlm_pap;
use ":=".

So to solve my problem, my users file now looks like this:

DEFAULT Auth-Type := PAP
Fall-Through = Yes

mikelampson User-Password := 7288edd0fc3ffcbe93a0cf06e3568e28521687bc
Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
Framed-IP-Address =,
Framed-IP-Netmask =,
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

P.S. I've successfully tested this with both MD5 and SHA1 encoding.



-Original Message-
From: Mike Lampson
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 2:47 PM
Subject: MD5 encoded password will not validate

 Archived at:

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Re: "lower_pass = after" problems

2004-03-27 Thread Mike Lampson
On 3/27/04 12:26 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan DeKok) wrote:

>> Do you want to remove only the "after" option (the real hack) or the
>> entire command?
> Both.  The "after" thing runs the packet through the server twice,
> which is problematic.  The "lower_pass" thing can be done in a module.

I would urge you *not* to do this.  We SHA1 encrypt our lowercased,
MySQL-stored passwords.  We then lowercase the incoming password from the
authentication request before the PAP module SHA1-encodes it for comparison.
I would rather not process the incoming authentication request through an
additional module prior to performing the authentication.



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Curious behavior with huntgroups and NAS-IP-Address

2004-05-07 Thread Mike Lampson
Hello all,

I am seeing some curious behavior with Huntgroups and how it relates to the
NAS-IP-Address attribute. This behavior is noticable in a certain RADIUS
test utility I have used.  This tool sends a NAS-IP-Address attribute inside
of an Authentication request.  What I see is that FreeRADIUS verifies that
my true (public) IP address is in clients.conf.  It then proceeds to look up
my Huntgroup based on the NAS-IP-Address inside the RADIUS packet instead of
the true IP address.

I first noticed this because my test utility picked up my client IP and put
it into the request.  This IP is NAT'ed by our firewall and shows up at the
FreeRADIUS server with a public address that is correctly verified in the
clients.conf file.  However FreeRADIUS then looks for a Huntgroup match
using the private IP address.

Is this behavior by design or is it a bug?



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Re: Curious behavior with huntgroups and NAS-IP-Address

2004-05-07 Thread Mike Lampson
>   If you want it to have huntgroups based on the source IP of the
> RADIUS packet, edit the huntgroups file, and change "NAS-IP-Address"
> to "Client-IP-Address".

Thanks.  I missed that attribute when looking through the various examples.



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Question on client name and accounting

2004-06-07 Thread Mike Lampson
Hi all,

Quick question: I see in variables.txt that there is a 1-character variable
for the client name.  I wish to store the client name in the accounting

The 1-character variable, %C, works as I would expect.  However since these
variable names are will be removed in a future version, I would like to use
the proper variable name.

Can anyone tell me what name I should use?


Mike Lampson

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Re: Forum for freeRADIUS

2004-06-09 Thread Mike Lampson
Apologies if this is a duplicate e-mail.  I read this mailing list in digest
mode which means there is some delay between people's posting and arrival in
my Inbox.

I have had good luck searching the FreeRADIUS mailing list at the following

The old version of the list, when it was hosted at, can be
searched from here:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/



- Original Message -
Message: 14
From: "Alan DeKok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Forum for freeRADIUS
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 11:34:28 -0400

> There are number of questions answered on previous mailing list but they
> lack good search engine & web interface.

  So we should add a good search engine, not another forum.

> Lots of newbie like me keep on asking same questions again and again
> which are already answered.

  I use google to search the list archives.  It usually works.

  Alan DeKok.

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