Proxy Radius Server

2004-07-28 Thread Cool Man
Hi ,
Which protocol is used to communicate between two radius servers?
Piro Magic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(Sorry for my english :-) )Hi all, I have a little problem.I'd like to test my freeradius 1pre3 and I want toknow how to make it.I'd like to test VPN, dialup, and adsl accesses.What kind of test can I make ?I have freeradius 1pre3 on a RedHat9 machine and anCisco 5300 Access server.Thanx for all , have a good day.__Do you Yahoo!?New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages! - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
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Re: Proxy Radius Server

2004-07-28 Thread Mustafa N. Deeb

radius :)

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 10:31 
  Subject: Proxy Radius Server
  Hi ,
  Which protocol is used to communicate between two radius servers?
  Piro Magic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
for my english :-) )Hi all, I have a little problem.I'd like to 
test my freeradius 1pre3 and I want toknow how to make it.I'd 
like to test VPN, dialup, and adsl accesses.What kind of test can I make 
?I have freeradius 1pre3 on a RedHat9 machine and anCisco 5300 
Access server.Thanx for all , have a good 
day.__Do you 
Yahoo!?New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB 
messages! - List 
info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
  Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! 
  Mail - 50x more storage than other providers!

Setting up a proxy radius server

2004-06-12 Thread Stephen Petersen
I've just setup freeradius just using ./configure, make and make install.
By the docs its setup to do proxy.
In plain language what conf files need to be edited.

I've edit client.conf and proxy.conf and can't get any proxying happening.


Stephen Petersen

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Re: Setting up a proxy radius server

2004-06-14 Thread Alan DeKok
"Stephen Petersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> By the docs its setup to do proxy.
> In plain language what conf files need to be edited.

  clients.conf & proxy.conf

> I've edit client.conf and proxy.conf and can't get any proxying happening.

  Try running it debug mode, as suggested in the FAQ, README, and INSTALL.

  Alan DeKok.

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freeradius as radius and proxy radius server

2005-07-20 Thread marc racal
hi all,

can freeradius work as a radius server and at the same time as a proxy
radius server?  if this is possible, has anyone found good
links/resources on how to set this up?



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RE: freeradius as radius and proxy radius server

2005-07-20 Thread Mike Mitchell
Hi Marc,

> can freeradius work as a radius server and at the same time 
> as a proxy radius server?  if this is possible, has anyone 


> found good links/resources on how to set this up?

Have you read the docs that come with freeradius? Looked at the example
configuration files? Done any searches of this list or google?

Its not very difficult to set up, depending on the logic you wish to use to
determine which requests to handle locally, and which requests to proxy. If
you have more specific questions based on what you're trying to achieve,
then the people on this list will be able to help you more easily... once
you've had a go yourself ;-)


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Accounting with a proxy radius server and primary server

2005-03-05 Thread delrieu\.nans
Hello ,

In the past, i had one server radius and acounnting was
configured . No problem

No, I would like to have :

Proxy radius (it just proxy all request to other radius)
 -> Primary radius
 -> Secondary radius
 -> Default Radius

In order to setup the proxy radius on the same pc,i have paste
all my conf file of the server radius in a new directory and i
have just modify : raddbdir to change the directory of the
files for my new proxy radius. Nothing else to change for
accounting ?

The prmary radius is already started and when i launch the
proxy radius (with radiusd -d /proxy -x), it tells me that
permission was denied on users, db.daily etc... there are all
permissions on these files.  Why ?

When i comment all the line of  accounting, it works fine !
i would like to know why it d'oenst work with accounting

What i have to do in order to have all accounting ?

make accounting on proxy or accounting on primary ? help me

welcome for your suggestion
Nans delrieu

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Proxy Radius server with primary and secondary don't work, Strange ?

2005-01-13 Thread Nans Delrieu
Hello, I want to have a secondary server radius if primary fall.

I think my configuration is good but when I use radtest, the proxy
radius server doenst't proxy the request to the secondary radius server.

In order to test my configuration the primary server doesn't exist (
it's a pc but not a radius server)

After lots of requests, the verbose mode give me that :

marking authentication server for realm deadSending Access-Reject of id 94 to

after that it's send me an Acess Reject ??

The proxy radius server configuration doesn't send request to secondary
server ??
strange ?

Is there another place to notify to proxy to send request to secondary
server ?

I don't understand why this configuration doens't work ??

My configuration :

Server Proxy radius


client  { #Server Proxy Radius (

  secret= rad1
  shortname = proxy
  nastype   = other  


client {  # Serveur Primaire

  secret = rad1
  shortname  = primary
  nastype= other

client {   # Serveur Secondaire

  secret = rad1
  shortname  = secondary
  nastype= other


proxy server {

 synchronous = no
 retry_delay = 5
 dead_time = 2 #(I have tested other values but didn't work)
 default_fallback = yes
 post_proxy_authorize = yes


 realm {

  type = radius
  authhost =
  accthost =
  secret   = primaryradius 


 realm {

  type = radius
  authhost =
  accthost =
  secret   = secondaryradius



Configuration Primary Server


client  {   #Server Primare Radius

  secret= primaryradius
  shortname = primary
  nastype   = other  


client {  # Serveur Proxy

  secret= primaryradius
  shortname = proxy
  nastype   = other


realm {

type = radius
authhost =  LOCAL
accthost = LOCAL


realm {

type = radius
authhost = LOCAL
accthost = LOCAL


Configuration Secondary Server


client  {   #Server Primare Radius

  secret = secondaryradius
  shortname  = secondary
  nastype= other  


client  {  # Serveur Proxy

  secret = secondaryradius
  shortname  = proxy
  nastype= other


realm {

type  = radius
authhost  = LOCAL
accthost  = LOCAL


 realm {

  type = radius
  authhost = LOCAL
  accthost = LOCAL


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Re: Proxy Radius server with primary and secondary don't work, Strange ?

2005-01-13 Thread Thor Spruyt
Nans Delrieu wrote:
Hello, I want to have a secondary server radius if primary fall.
I think my configuration is good but when I use radtest, the proxy
radius server doenst't proxy the request to the secondary radius
It will mark the server as dead and send the NEXT request to the fallback.
In order to test my configuration the primary server doesn't exist (
it's a pc but not a radius server)
Ok, should bo ok to test.
After lots of requests, the verbose mode give me that :
marking authentication server for realm deadSending Access-Reject of id 94 to
after that it's send me an Acess Reject ??
Yes, that's how it works.
Try again and it should then proxy to the secondary.
The proxy radius server configuration doesn't send request to
secondary server ??
strange ?
Try again after it marked primary as dead.
Is there another place to notify to proxy to send request to secondary
server ?
No, only in proxy.conf
I don't understand why this configuration doens't work ??
My configuration :
Server Proxy radius
client  { #Server Proxy Radius (
  secret= rad1
  shortname = proxy
  nastype   = other
Ok, so you can use radtest as client
client {  # Serveur Primaire
  secret = rad1
  shortname  = primary
  nastype= other
Your homeserver should NOT be listed as a client here!
client {   # Serveur Secondaire
  secret = rad1
  shortname  = secondary
  nastype= other
Your homeserver should NOT be listed as a client here!
proxy server {
 synchronous = no
 retry_delay = 5
 dead_time = 2 #(I have tested other values but didn't work)
 default_fallback = yes
 post_proxy_authorize = yes
dead_time is the amount of time (in seconds) that the server is marked as 
dead, so give it a higher value like 120
If you send an auth request and the primary is down, you'll get an 
Access-Reject. Then try again within those 120 seconds and it should proxy 
to the secondary.

 realm {
  type = radius
  authhost =
  accthost =
  secret   = primaryradius
 realm {
  type = radius
  authhost =
  accthost =
  secret   = secondaryradius
Looks ok.
Configuration Primary Server
client  {   #Server Primare Radius
  secret= primaryradius
  shortname = primary
  nastype   = other
client {  # Serveur Proxy
  secret= primaryradius
  shortname = proxy
  nastype   = other
realm {
type = radius
authhost =  LOCAL
accthost = LOCAL
realm {
type = radius
authhost = LOCAL
accthost = LOCAL
Should be ok.

Configuration Secondary Server
client  {   #Server Primare Radius
  secret = secondaryradius
  shortname  = secondary
  nastype= other
client  {  # Serveur Proxy
  secret = secondaryradius
  shortname  = proxy
  nastype= other

realm {
type  = radius
authhost  = LOCAL
accthost  = LOCAL
 realm {
  type = radius
  authhost = LOCAL
  accthost = LOCAL
Should be ok
Run the proxyserver with -X to see what it's doing.
Thor Spruyt
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How to define freeradius as a proxy radius server and not a home server

2005-01-27 Thread nans

helloI want to use Proxy Freeradius 
features.I have 2 proxy with 2 server A & B (primary).Home 
Radius A <-> Proxy A <---> Proxy B <-> Home Radius 
Bwhen i use radtest testuser password proxya auth secret. It works 
!but when i use radtest testuser password proxya:1814 auth secret. 
Proxy A tell me : "Ignoring request from unknown home 
server130.130.93.13:32779"When i would like to use attr_rewrite 
in order to modify packets fromProxy B, Proxy A see packet "proxy_reply" as 
reply. NOT PROXY_REPLY !! I think proxy A see Proxy B as a simple Home 
server.HOW to declare Proxy A and PROXY B as PROXY RADIUS SERVER and not 
home server.please help me 

how to configure a proxy radius server but the username doesn't have any realm ?

2010-08-09 Thread freddychu
   I want to configure a proxy radius server and the username doesn't have
any realm, just like 'tom'.
   So I configure realm NULL section in proxy.conf file, but it doesn't
work, the error message in radiusd terminal when redius server received the
accounting message: 
   Proxying request 0 to home server port 1813
   The message can't be proxy to myProxyPool_1, I don't understand why the
home server become 
Can anybody help me? How to configure it ?

proxy.conf file: 
#home server 1
home_server myProxyServer_1 {
type = auth+acct
ipaddr =  
port = 1812
secret = testing123   
require_message_authenticator = no
response_window = 20
zombie_period = 40
revive_interval = 120
status_check = status-server
check_interval = 10
num_answers_to_alive = 3
coa {
irt = 2
mrt = 16
mrc = 5
mrd = 30
#home server 2
home_server myProxyServer_2 {
type = auth+acct
virtual_server = localserver
# home server pool 1
home_server_pool myProxyPool_1{
type = fail-over
home_server = myProxyServer_1
home_server = myProxyServer_2
realm {
auth_pool = myProxyPool_1
acct_pool = myProxyPool_1
realm NULL {
   authhost= myProxyPool_1
   accthost= myProxyPool_1
   secret  = testing123


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How to forward a request rejected by a proxy RADIUS server to another LDAP server?

2007-06-04 Thread Clark J. Wang

I've configured a proxy RADIUS server in `proxy.conf' and an LDAP server in
`radiusd.conf' and they work well. I want to forward those requests rejected
by the proxy RADIUS server to the LDAP server and re-authenticate them
again. Can I do that in FreeRADIUS? And how?

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Re: how to configure a proxy radius server but the username doesn't have any realm ?

2010-08-09 Thread Alan DeKok
freddychu wrote:
> Hi,
>I want to configure a proxy radius server and the username doesn't have
> any realm, just like 'tom'.
>So I configure realm NULL section in proxy.conf file, but it doesn't
> work, the error message in radiusd terminal when redius server received the
> accounting message: 
>Proxying request 0 to home server port 1813
>The message can't be proxy to myProxyPool_1, I don't understand why the
> home server become 

  The server does not invent random IP addresses for home servers.

  If that IP address shows up, it is because you put it into a
configuration file.  Go find that address, and fix the configuration.

  Alan DeKok.
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Re: How to forward a request rejected by a proxy RADIUS server to another LDAP server?

2007-06-05 Thread Phil Mayers
Clark J. Wang wrote:
> I've configured a proxy RADIUS server in `proxy.conf' and an LDAP server 
> in `radiusd.conf' and they work well. I want to forward those requests 
> rejected by the proxy RADIUS server to the LDAP server and 
> re-authenticate them again. Can I do that in FreeRADIUS? And how?

Can't be done.

The main reason it hasn't been implemented is that many Radius auth 
algorithms e.g. EAP involve multiple exchanges. You can't just "break 
into" the middle of a conversation.

In principle it could be done for PAP, and I think CHAP and MS-CHAP. At 
the moment the easiest way would be to use an Exec-Program and radclient 
to issue the request to the proxy, and if it fails do the LDAP.

Frequently when people ask to do this it's because most of their users 
live in a remote server but some live in an LDAP server. If that's the 
case, you can solve the problem other ways.
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Re: How to forward a request rejected by a proxy RADIUS server to another LDAP server?

2007-06-05 Thread Jian Wang

On 6/5/07, Phil Mayers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Clark J. Wang wrote:
> I've configured a proxy RADIUS server in `proxy.conf' and an LDAP server
> in `radiusd.conf' and they work well. I want to forward those requests
> rejected by the proxy RADIUS server to the LDAP server and
> re-authenticate them again. Can I do that in FreeRADIUS? And how?

Can't be done.

The main reason it hasn't been implemented is that many Radius auth
algorithms e.g. EAP involve multiple exchanges. You can't just "break
into" the middle of a conversation.

In principle it could be done for PAP, and I think CHAP and MS-CHAP. At
the moment the easiest way would be to use an Exec-Program and radclient
to issue the request to the proxy, and if it fails do the LDAP.

Frequently when people ask to do this it's because most of their users
live in a remote server but some live in an LDAP server. If that's the
case, you can solve the problem other ways.

Thank you very much :-)


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How to define freeradius as a proxy radius server and not a home server (listening on proxy :1814 ??

2005-01-26 Thread Nans Delrieu

I want to use Proxy Freeradius features.

I have 2 proxy with 2 server A & B (primary).

Home Radius A <-> Proxy A <---> Proxy B <-> Home Radius B

when i use radtest testuser password proxya auth secret. It works !

but when i use radtest testuser password proxya:1814 auth secret
. Proxy A tell me : "Ignoring request from unknown home server"

When i would like to use attr_rewrite in order to modify packets from
Proxy B, Proxy A see packet "proxy_reply" as reply. NOT PROXY_REPLY !! I
think proxy A see Proxy B as a simple Home server.

HOW to declare Proxy A and PROXY B as PROXY RADIUS SERVER and not home

please help me  

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