Testing Freesbie 2.0.1...

2007-01-29 Thread Otto Huamani
Hi again...
After trying 5 times with different cheatcodes and 1
time with only "set freesbie.wm=xfce" (and just after
entering the desktop, clicking the shutdown button on
the left side of the bar), appears the following:

**(xfce4-session:1450):WARNING**:Failed to perform
shutdown action!
unsetenv:not found
unsetenv:not found
Agent pid1442 killed
xscreensaver: 16:18:03: SIGHUP received:restarting...
xscreensaver: 16:18:03: initial effective uid/gid was
xscreensaver: 16:18:03: running as
xscreensaver: couldn't get password of "freesbie"
xscreensaver: couldn't get password of "root"
The application 'xfce-mcs-manager' lostlist connection
for the display:0.0;
most likely the x server was shutdown or you
killed/destroyed the application.
waiting the x server to shutdown x connection to: 0.0
broken(explicit kill or server shutdown)

[some useful tip is located in this

freesbie is connected to ttyv0 as local ...(sorry for
the poor translation, real words are in spanish)

And the PC doesn't shotdown. So what I do is typing
"shutdown -p now" to shutdown manually.
I hope this helps. Bye friends.

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Testing Freesbie 2.0.1...

2007-01-28 Thread Otto Huamani
I'm just testing the new Freesbie. Now the problem with my usb mouse has 
everything running just fine.
I have got a wireless router and tried to connect to Internet from there. I had 
a big headache (because I'm a newbie in freebsd and its terminal) setting up my 
connection using wep encryption. I got connected to the router but  I couldn't 
get  a dhcp  address (wepmode on, wepkey ...). Finally my problem was that I 
had to set the "ifconfig ral0 deftxkey" to 1(not only the wepkey parameter), 
then after the command "dhclient ral0" everything have just run fine. Of course 
all this running in su (superuser).
Now I'm sending this e-mail from Freesbie with wireless connection. If Freesbie 
just had a graphical way to set the wireless connection it would be fantastic.
Thank you and keep the good work.

Correo Yahoo!
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Regístrate ya - http://correo.espanol.yahoo.com/ -- 
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About Freesbie 2.0

2007-01-16 Thread Otto Huamani
I've just downloaded the recently released Freesbie
I was testing it in my PC, but it couldn't recognize
the usb mouse so I was using only the keyboard. I
tried removing from the usb port and putting in
another port hopping the PC would recognize, but
nothing happened.
I'll use a ps2 mouse for the moment.
I wonder if can this Freesbie be installed into my
hard disk as knoopix can(just double clicking an
Keep the excellent job.

Correo Yahoo!
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Regístrate ya - http://correo.espanol.yahoo.com/ 
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Correction: Freesbie 2.0 BETA (EW)

2006-11-18 Thread Otto Huamani
I am sorry. I can see the folder /dev/ntfs. I just need to mount manually now.

.Ahh, another thing. In the Freesbie 2.0 LVC there was a "msdosfs" folder 
into the /dev folder where I could see my fat32 and NTFS partitions, and from 
there I just  mounted those partitions(which does not mount automatically yet 
as in Freesbie 1.1); but now only appears the fat32 oneJust to notice you...

Correo Yahoo!
Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! 
Regístrate ya - http://correo.espanol.yahoo.com/ -- 
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Freesbie 2.0 BETA (EW)

2006-11-18 Thread Otto Huamani
I have just run Freesbie 2.0 beta after sorting some problem in the boot 
My laptop is a DELL Latitude D510.
I have the serial port disabled in the BIOS.
With the Freesbie 1.1 and Freesbie 2.0 LVC all the boot proccess run with no 

But with this beta, the boot proccess freezes at:

FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1
([EMAIL PROTECTED], Wed Nov 8 08:01:13 UTC 2006)
Loading /boot/defaults/loader.conf

This "\" is where it freezes. Just enabling the serial port (I selected com1) 
the boot proccess run OK. I tried many changes in the BIOS and only enabling 
the serial port allowed me to pass this "\" in the boot proccess.

Ahh, another thing. In the Freesbie 2.0 LVC there was a "msdosfs" folder into 
the /dev folder where I could see my fat32 and NTFS partitions, and from there 
I just  mounted those partitions(which does not mount automatically yet as in 
Freesbie 1.1); but now only appears the fat32 oneJust to notice you...

I am writing this mail from FreesBIE 2.0 EW using an AVAYA wireless PCcard. By 
the way, is there a visual way or a wizard for setting the wireless connection? 
I had to use the Terminal (ifconfig and dhclient).

Best Regards. 
I will be waiting for the final release of FreesBIE 2.0. Must be great!!

Correo Yahoo!
Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! 
Regístrate ya - http://correo.espanol.yahoo.com/ -- 
FreeSBIE mailing list (http://www.freesbie.org)

FreeSBIE LVC works great!!!

2006-10-15 Thread Otto Huamani
Hi. I just downloaded the iso image yesterday. FreeSBIE LVC works great, my laptop is:  - DELL LATITUDE D510  - 256MB RAM  - COMBO DRIVE  using cheatcodes:  set freesbie.wm=xfce  set freesbie.lang=spanish  The only thing I missed from FreeSBIE 1.1: That was able to mount NTFS and USB memory by itself. With FreeSBIE LVC I needed to do it manually.     Thanx people. [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:  Send FreeSBIE mailing list submissions tofreesbie@gufi.orgTo subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visithttp://liste.gufi.org/mailman/listinfo/freesbieor, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to[EMAIL PROTECTED]You can reach the person managing the list
 at[EMAIL PROTECTED]When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specificthan "Re: Contents of FreeSBIE digest..."Today's Topics:1. Announce: FreeSBIE LVC is out! (Matteo Riondato)--Message: 1Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 20:25:39 +0200From: Matteo Riondato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Announce: FreeSBIE LVC is out!To: freesbie@gufi.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"All,after the success of FreeSBIE GMV, I release a new ISO imagetoday: FreeSBIE LVC. This is the second of a series of four ISOimages: GMV, LVC, EW, and CE, with CE being hopefully FreeSBIE 2.0. Assaid, LVC goes public today, while EW is planned for the end ofOctober and CE for the middle of November. This means that FreeSBIELVC *can* be
 considered FreeSBIE 2.0 PREBETA (while GMV could not).The codename for this image is LVC, which stands for "Lee Van Cleef",who played in "A few dollars more" and "The good, the bad and theugly". Complete information about this actor athttp://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001812/ .Similarly to GMV, LVC is based on the HEAD branch of FreeBSD, so onFreeBSD 7-CURRENT and, to be precise, as it was on2006. Ports are approximately from the same date. EWand CE, on the other hand, will be based on the RELENG_6_2 branch,both for sources and for ports.After having released GMV, I received lots of feedback andsuggestions. I would like to thank everybody for their support:having fun and feeling appreciated is what make me going on with thiswork. All the suggestions had been included in LVC, but this does notmean that LVC is perfect. Remember, is "PREBETA". I say it onceagain: please, test LVC and send me
 feedback, bug reports,suggestions, insults, whatever. Please specify [FreeSBIE LVC] in thesubject of the mail. Additional software and fixes are not the only news in FreeSBIE LVC.FreeSBIE now has *cheatcodes*!What are cheatcodes? They are a way to specify FreeSBIE options suchas language, windowmanager, ramdisks'sizes, etc, at boot time. Whenyou'll boot FreeSBIE, you'll see a new menu. Follow the instructionsand you'll see what cheatcodes are about. =)More cheatcodes will be added in EW and in CE.FreeSBIE LVC can be downloaded from the following locations:{ftp, http}://mirror.tomato.it/ftp/pub/Freesbie/BETA/FreeSBIE-LVC-20061010.iso (100Mbps)http://drizzt.bsdnet.eu/freesbie/FreeSBIE-LVC-20061010.iso (80MBps)http://core.drizzt.bsdnet.eu/freesbie/FreeSBIE-LVC-20061010.iso (24Mbps)http://people.freebsd.org/~matteo/GMV/FreeSBIE-LVC-20061010.iso (slow,when possible don't use this mirror,
 please)Additional mirrors are much appreciated. If you decide to mirrorFreeSBIE LVC, please send me a mail with the address where it will beavailable for download, so I can add it to the list of mirrors.If you like BitTorrent:http://torrent.freesbie.org/FreeSBIE-LVC-20061010.iso.torrentThe MD5 sum for the ISO image is:MD5 (FreeSBIE-LVC-20061010.iso) = ea7fa4b50f5ea3f741c9fcedf4944e3aA list of installed software follows. Please note that this is onlythe list of the "main" packages and does not include theirdependencies.abiword editors/abiwordabiword-plugins editors/abiword-pluginsaircrack-ng net-mgmt/aircrack-ngaMule net-p2p/amule2arpwatch net-mgmt/arpwatchbacula-client sysutils/bacula-clientbash shells/bash beep-media-player-esound multimedia/beep-media-playerbuffer misc/buffercabextract archivers/cabextractcdrtools sysutils/cdrtoolschillispot
 net-mgmt/chillispotchkrootkit security/chkrootkitclamav security/clamavcpdup sysutils/cpdupcpuburn sysutils/cpuburncrack security/crackcups print/cupscurl ftp/curle2fsprogs sysutils/e2fsprogsekiga net/ekigaelinks www/elinkseject sysutils/ejectemacs editors/emacsetherape net-mgmt/etherapeettercap-gtk2 net-mgmt/ettercapevince graphics/evincefetchmail mail/fetchmailfirefox www/firefoxfirewalk security/firewalkfluxbox x11-wm/fluxboxfping net/fpingfreeradius net/freeradiusgaim net-im/gaimgdesklets deskutils/gdeskletsgftp ftp/gftpgimp graphics/gimpgnuchess games/gnuchessgnupg security/gnupggphoto2 graphics/gphoto2gqview graphics/gqviewgrdesktop net/grdesktopgtkpod audio/gtkpodgv print/gvhping net/hpinghydra security/hydraike-scan security/ike-scaninkscape graphics/inkscapeirssi irc/irssijohn securit