[Freesurfer] FS on Fedora Core 5, GLXBadLargeRequest

2006-06-08 Thread Glenn Lawyer


Around the 25th of April there was a brief discussion regarding running
FreeSurfer on a FC5 machine. Some users were having a problem with
tksurfer not displaying and an error with the X server

I just installed the centos _x64 3.0.3 verson of FreeSurfer on a FC5
machine, nvidia graphics card, and experienced the same error. However,
Nick mentioned that a FC5 build of FreeSurfer is available at 
named freesurfer-Linux-fc5-x86_64-dev20060426.tar.gz

I installed this build on my machine, and this version of tksurfer
displays properly (at least a first test, fsaverage + curvature +
aparc.anot + wireframe)

Nick went on to say
"This is a 'dev' version, meaning its built from a codebase
that is slightly ahead of date with the stable version, but
none-the-less should behave identically to stable.

This FC5 build won't be updated on a regular basis, 
since it is not one of our standard platforms (it was
built offsite)."

Just for kicks, I linked the FC5 tksurfer into my freesurfer_centos
bin, and that also seems to work. Thus I can use the centos_3.0.3
version of everything except tksurfer, for which I use the FC5 version
[EMAIL PROTECTED] local]# cd freesurfer_centos_3.0.3/bin/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# mv tksurfer tksurferorig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# ln -s ../../freesurfer_fc5_3/bin/tksurfer .

I'm only in it for the glory.

>  Glenn Lawyer   <
>  +352 061 967 244   <
>  Instituttgruppe for psykiatri  <
>  Postboks 1130 Blindern < 
>  0318 Oslo  <
<  http://folk.uio.no/davidgl >

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer hemodynamic waveforms for group analysis

2006-06-08 Thread Kevin Teich

If you're still having trouble with the time course loading, can you
send me the command line you're using and the data you are trying to

On Wed, Jun 07, 2006 at 07:35:49PM -0400, Doug Greve wrote:
> It is definitely possible to display time courses in tksurfer, but I 
> usually load them from the cmd line with -timecourse. I don't think I've 
> ever done it from the gui. Kevin will have to look into that error.
> If you'd like to try loading from the cmd line then:
> cd fegroup/bold/ISI1TR_BERT_ERFIRsm5pf5tpefsub/sph
> You will need to paint the HDRs onto fsaverage:
> mri_surf2surf --hemi lh --sval h-lh.bhdr --tval h-lh-fsaverage.mgh 
> --srcsubject ico --trgsubject fsaverage --noreshape
> Do the same thing for sig:
> cd AV-REST
> mri_surf2surf --hemi lh --sval sig-lh.bhdr --tval sig-lh-fsaverage.mgh 
> --srcsubject ico --trgsubject fsaverage --noreshape
> This will create: h-lh-fsaverage.mgh
> You can then:
> tksurfer fsaverage lh inflated -overlay AV-REST/sig-lh-fsaverage.bhdr 
> -timecourse h-lh-fsaverage.mgh
> doug
> >Dear Fellow Freesurfers,
> >
> >I am trying to display HDR waveforms (time courses) for group level FIR
> >analyses in tksurfer.
> >
> >When opening the group analysis data with tkmedit and a functional
> >overlay, obviously some sort of time course data is loaded, because I can
> >scroll back and forth between the different time points/frames of the
> >functional overlay (for the specific contrast that I loaded).
> >
> >However the load timecourse function does not seem to be working.
> >
> >When attempting to load a hemodynamic waveform, I receive either an error
> >(func_load_timecourse: error in FunD_New) without opening the HDR window,
> >or then the time course volume is "interpreted as encoded scalar volume"
> >and only one time point, of only one contrast, is shown in the HDR window.
> >
> >I have tried downloading all possible and impossible files related to the
> >group analysis (.hdr/.bhdr/.bfloat/.dat/.mat/.w) from both within the
> >specific contrast directory or the one higher level, but they all fail in
> >either of the two ways above. The wiki, in this case, was not very helpful
> >in trying to discover which file to load:
> >https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial_2fVisualization
> >https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial_2fVisualization
> >
> >
> >Is this function currently functional? If so, which file should I load?
> >
> >Details:
> >group brain = fsaverage
> >STUDY_DIR = /space/cognito/21/users/raij/avml_fmri_mctogether/
> >SUBJECTS_DIR = /space/cognito/5/users/raij/subjects_mri/
> >environment = nmr-std-env on machine ai (FreeSurfer vs >3)
> >group analysis name = fegroup,
> >analysis = ISI1TR_BERT_ERFIRsm5pf5tpefsub
> >example contrast: AV-REST
> >
> >Thanks for your help!
> >
> >Tommi
> >
> >---
> >Tommi Raij, M.D., Ph.D.
> >MGH/MIT/HMS Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
> >Bldg 149, 13th St
> >Charlestown, MA 02129
> >U.S.A.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >___
> >Freesurfer mailing list
> >Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> >https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> -- 
> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
> MGH-NMR Center
> Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
> Fax: 617-726-7422
> In order to help us help you, please follow the steps in:
> surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
> ___
> Freesurfer mailing list
> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer

Kevin Teich
Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] FS on Fedora Core 5, GLXBadLargeRequest

2006-06-08 Thread Nick Schmansky


You are correct in finding that just the tksurfer app 
is the one binary from the standard centos4_x86_64
stable freesurfer build that does not work on fc5.

By coincidence, I have been working with a 32bit
FC5 platform, and found that this is true.  That is,
the standard centos4 stable build works on 32bit
FC5, except for tksurfer.  It was necessary to update 
the nvidia driver on the FC5 platform to get rid of
'GLXBadLargeRequest' messages, but it also
necessitated a special build of tksurfer (to fix a
problem where the glut lib was not initialized).

So, in short, I will remove the FC5 x86_64 'dev' 
build, and post the special tksurfer builds (for fc5 
32bit and 64bit), and include a notice that fc5 users
should use the centos4 build, but to copy over tksurfer
with the special fc5 version.

I still recommend updating the nvidia driver (if using
that brand of vid card), as it clearly fixes one of the

Thanks for pointing this out!


On Thu, 2006-06-08 at 14:16 +0200, Glenn Lawyer wrote:


Around the 25th of April there was a brief discussion regarding running FreeSurfer on a FC5 machine. Some users were having a problem with tksurfer not displaying and an error with the X server (GLXBadLargeRequest). 

I just installed the centos _x64 3.0.3 verson of FreeSurfer on a FC5 machine, nvidia graphics card, and experienced the same error. However, Nick mentioned that a FC5 build of FreeSurfer is available at 
named freesurfer-Linux-fc5-x86_64-dev20060426.tar.gz

I installed this build on my machine, and this version of tksurfer displays properly (at least a first test, fsaverage + curvature + aparc.anot + wireframe)

Nick went on to say
"This is a 'dev' version, meaning its built from a codebase
that is slightly ahead of date with the stable version, but
none-the-less should behave identically to stable.

This FC5 build won't be updated on a regular basis, 
since it is not one of our standard platforms (it was
built offsite)."

Just for kicks, I linked the FC5 tksurfer into my freesurfer_centos bin, and that also seems to work. Thus I can use the centos_3.0.3 version of everything except tksurfer, for which I use the FC5 version
[EMAIL PROTECTED] local]# cd freesurfer_centos_3.0.3/bin/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# mv tksurfer tksurferorig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# ln -s ../../freesurfer_fc5_3/bin/tksurfer .

I'm only in it for the glory.

>  Glenn Lawyer   <
>  +352 061 967 244   <
>  Instituttgruppe for psykiatri  <
>  Postboks 1130 Blindern < 
>  0318 Oslo  <
<  http://folk.uio.no/davidgl >
Freesurfer mailing list

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] center of pial surface in world coordinates

2006-06-08 Thread Doug Greve

Hi Martijn,

we still support COR. I'm at a disadvantage here in that I've not used
Neurolens before. I'm not even sure what the problem is. You can show
the surfaces in neurolens and in tksurfer, so what's the problem?


martijn van den heuvel wrote:
Dear Bruce,
Thanks for your quick reply. I posted this question on the
Neurolens-forum as well. 
too think it is just a problem of two different coordinate system. Rick
(of the Neurolens forum) mentioned that the pial surface coordinate to
world coordinate system is stated in a COR.info file. However, I think
that the COR.info file is no longer supported by freesurfer, is this
correct? Is there an alternative? Sorry, if my question was not totally
clear. I will describe what I did:
I translated my anatomy file to talairach space (only translation,
no scaling, resliced it so there is not .mat file ) and used it (in SPM
analyse format) as input for the freesurfer-train (recon-all
-autorecon1,2,3). The recon-all dev table suggests that freesurfer uses
brain.finalsurfs.mgz (same orientation as T1.mgz) as the input for
creating the surface pial files. In my original anatomy file the
(0,0,0) coordinate is around the center of the brain (in talairach
space). As my input anatomy is already in Talairach space orig.mgz is
also in talairach space and there is a minimum translation by
freesurfer to create T1.mgz (I checked this and indead talairach.xfm is
almost a 1 1 1 matrix). If freesurfer uses this as the input for the
surface rendering, should not be the (0,0,0) coordinate in the middle
of the pial surface? Using tksurfer this is indead the case, however
using Neurolens this is not the case, there is a large shift.  There is a small shift from
talairach coordinate system to RAS system, but  my surface rendering
has a much larger shift (in my example around 45 mm in the
Maybe this COR.info file is the solution, holding the
translation from scanner coordinates <-> RAS, however I don't
have an example of this file and therefore do not now what this file
looks like and what it does.
Hope you can help me with this problem.
Really appreciate your time.
greetings, martijn

> On 6/7/06, Bruce Fischl <
  > wrote:
>> I think it's probably just displaying them in different
>> systems. tksurfer displays in an RAS coordinate system in
which (0,0,0)
>> is essentially the center of the volume, whereas Neurolens is
>> displaying scanner coordinates. Does it matter to you? Not
sure I
>> understand - is it causing you any problems?
>> Bruce
>> On Wed, 7 Jun 2006, martijn van den heuvel
>> wrote:
>> > Dear freesurfer-users,
>> >
>> > I want to plot the freesurfer surface rendering
(xxx.pial) in the
>> program
>> > Neurolens. Loading the image gives no problem and
Neurolens gives a
>> > beautiful rendering. However, when loading the pial
surface in tksurfer
>> I
>> > see a difference between the two renderings. The surface
in tksurfer is
>> > centered to RAS (0,0,0) , like the T1.mgz image (as it
supposed to do).
>> Im
>> > trying to figure out what this translation is, but I
cannot find the
>> answer
>> > on the web,  hence this email. Does tksurfer loads in a
translation file
>> > (except for the talaraich.xfm, I got this translation
covered), or does
>> it
>> > do a general shift to the RAS centre? Generally, Im
looking for the
>> > translation matrix from RAS to world coordinates, so I
can apply this
>> > translation to the surface before loading it in Neurolens.
>> >
>> > I hope someone can help me with this question.
>> >
>> > Yours sincerely,
>> >
>> > Martijn van den Heuvel
>> >


Freesurfer mailing list

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

In order to help us help you, please follow the steps in:

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] FSL output overlay

2006-06-08 Thread Vishwadeep Ahluwalia
To elaborate my problem a little more ...

Running FSL command avwhd gave me :

 filename   spiral.nii.gz

sizeof_hdr 348
data_type  INT16
dim0   4
dim1   64
dim2   64
dim3   25
dim4   250
dim5   1
dim6   1
dim7   1
vox_units  Unknown
time_units Unknown
datatype   4
nbyper 2
bitpix 16
vox_offset 352
scl_slope  0.00
scl_inter  0.00
phase_dim  0
freq_dim   0
slice_dim  0
slice_name Unknown
slice_code 0
slice_end  0
slice_duration 0.00
intent Unknown
intent_p1  0.00
intent_p2  0.00
intent_p3  0.00
qform_name Unknown
qform_code 0
qto_xyz:1  3.75  0.00  0.00  0.00
qto_xyz:2  0.00  3.75  0.00  0.00
qto_xyz:3  0.00  0.00  4.00  0.00
qto_xyz:4  0.00  0.00  0.00  1.00
qform_xorient  Left-to-Right
qform_yorient  Posterior-to-Anterior
qform_zorient  Inferior-to-Superior
sform_name Unknown
sform_code 0
sto_xyz:1  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
sto_xyz:2  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
sto_xyz:3  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
sto_xyz:4  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
sform_xorient  Unknown
sform_yorient  Unknown
sform_zorient  Unknown
file_type  NIFTI-1+
file_code  1

And avwhd on the spgr gave me:

filename   spgr.nii.gz

sizeof_hdr 348
data_type  INT16
dim0   3
dim1   256
dim2   256
dim3   124
dim4   1
dim5   1
dim6   1
dim7   1
vox_units  mm
time_units s
datatype   4
nbyper 2
bitpix 16
vox_offset 352
scl_slope  1.00
scl_inter  0.00
phase_dim  0
freq_dim   0
slice_dim  0
slice_name Unknown
slice_code 0
slice_end  0
slice_duration 0.00
intent Unknown
intent_p1  0.00
intent_p2  0.00
intent_p3  0.00
qform_name Scanner Anat
qform_code 1
qto_xyz:1  -0.937500  0.00  -0.00  131.00
qto_xyz:2  0.00  0.937500  -0.00  -119.197502
qto_xyz:3  0.00  0.00  1.20  -77.393600
qto_xyz:4  0.00  0.00  0.00  1.00
qform_xorient  Right-to-Left
qform_yorient  Posterior-to-Anterior
qform_zorient  Inferior-to-Superior
sform_name Scanner Anat
sform_code 1
sto_xyz:1  -0.937500  0.00  0.00  131.00
sto_xyz:2  0.00  0.937500  0.00  -119.197502
sto_xyz:3  0.00  0.00  1.20  -77.393600
sto_xyz:4  0.00  0.00  0.00  1.00
sform_xorient  Right-to-Left
sform_yorient  Posterior-to-Anterior
sform_zorient  Inferior-to-Superior
file_type  NIFTI-1+
file_code  1

When I analyze the data in FSL I get the expected activation (Left
hemisphere activation for right hand movement)so I know that FSL is reading
or assuming the orientation correctly for the functional(even though sform
and qform are unknown). My question is : after I run the recon-all process
on the spgr, what do I need to do to the functional data to get freesurfer
to read it correctly inorder to get proper output from reg-feat2anat?
Any help is appreciated.


Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] converting .img to .mgz

2006-06-08 Thread Chacko Cherian
Hi everybody,

I ve got a small question on converting .img
scans(Analyze) TO .mgz...

suppose i have a  raw.img(and raw.hdr) file and I want
use recon-all for converting this to .mgz do I just
need to do 
recon-all -i raw.img -s 
Or is there any other way I can directly use .img
files instead of converting to the native .mgz

Thanks a lot,in advance


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Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] converting .img to .mgz

2006-06-08 Thread Bruce Fischl

that should work. Why do you want another way?


On Thu, 8 Jun 2006, Chacko Cherian wrote:

Hi everybody,

I ve got a small question on converting .img
scans(Analyze) TO .mgz...

suppose i have a  raw.img(and raw.hdr) file and I want
use recon-all for converting this to .mgz do I just
need to do
recon-all -i raw.img -s 
Or is there any other way I can directly use .img
files instead of converting to the native .mgz

Thanks a lot,in advance


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Freesurfer mailing list

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] converting .img to .mgz

2006-06-08 Thread Doug Greve

You can't use .img files directly in the recon. The cmd line you have 
will work, or you can

mkdir -p subject_name/orig
mri_convert raw.img subject_name/orig/001.mgz

Note: make sure that you look at 001.mgz in tkmedit to make sure that it 
is oriented correct, esp if the .img does not have a .mat


Chacko Cherian wrote:

Hi everybody,

I ve got a small question on converting .img
scans(Analyze) TO .mgz...

suppose i have a  raw.img(and raw.hdr) file and I want
use recon-all for converting this to .mgz do I just
need to do 
recon-all -i raw.img -s 

Or is there any other way I can directly use .img
files instead of converting to the native .mgz

Thanks a lot,in advance


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Freesurfer mailing list


Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

In order to help us help you, please follow the steps in:

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] FSL output overlay

2006-06-08 Thread Doug Greve

What do you mean "to get proper output from reg-feat2anat"? This program 
produces a freesurfer registration file, which you then check with reg-feat2anat --manual 


Vishwadeep Ahluwalia wrote:

To elaborate my problem a little more ...

Running FSL command avwhd gave me :

filename   spiral.nii.gz

sizeof_hdr 348
data_type  INT16
dim0   4
dim1   64
dim2   64
dim3   25
dim4   250
dim5   1
dim6   1
dim7   1
vox_units  Unknown
time_units Unknown
datatype   4
nbyper 2
bitpix 16
vox_offset 352
scl_slope  0.00
scl_inter  0.00
phase_dim  0
freq_dim   0
slice_dim  0
slice_name Unknown
slice_code 0
slice_end  0
slice_duration 0.00
intent Unknown
intent_p1  0.00

intent_p2  0.00
intent_p3  0.00
qform_name Unknown
qform_code 0
qto_xyz:1  3.75  0.00  0.00  0.00
qto_xyz:2  0.00  3.75  0.00  0.00
qto_xyz:3  0.00  0.00  4.00  0.00
qto_xyz:4  0.00  0.00  0.00  1.00
qform_xorient  Left-to-Right
qform_yorient  Posterior-to-Anterior
qform_zorient  Inferior-to-Superior
sform_name Unknown
sform_code 0
sto_xyz:1  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
sto_xyz:2  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
sto_xyz:3  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
sto_xyz:4  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
sform_xorient  Unknown
sform_yorient  Unknown
sform_zorient  Unknown
file_type  NIFTI-1+
file_code  1

And avwhd on the spgr gave me:

filename   spgr.nii.gz

sizeof_hdr 348
data_type  INT16
dim0   3
dim1   256
dim2   256
dim3   124
dim4   1
dim5   1
dim6   1
dim7   1
vox_units  mm
time_units s
datatype   4
nbyper 2
bitpix 16
vox_offset 352
scl_slope  1.00
scl_inter  0.00
phase_dim  0
freq_dim   0
slice_dim  0
slice_name Unknown
slice_code 0
slice_end  0
slice_duration 0.00
intent Unknown
intent_p1  0.00

intent_p2  0.00
intent_p3  0.00
qform_name Scanner Anat
qform_code 1
qto_xyz:1  -0.937500  0.00  -0.00  131.00
qto_xyz:2  0.00  0.937500  -0.00  -119.197502
qto_xyz:3  0.00  0.00  1.20  -77.393600
qto_xyz:4  0.00  0.00  0.00  1.00
qform_xorient  Right-to-Left
qform_yorient  Posterior-to-Anterior
qform_zorient  Inferior-to-Superior
sform_name Scanner Anat
sform_code 1
sto_xyz:1  -0.937500  0.00  0.00  131.00
sto_xyz:2  0.00  0.937500  0.00  -119.197502
sto_xyz:3  0.00  0.00  1.20  -77.393600
sto_xyz:4  0.00  0.00  0.00  1.00
sform_xorient  Right-to-Left
sform_yorient  Posterior-to-Anterior
sform_zorient  Inferior-to-Superior
file_type  NIFTI-1+
file_code  1

When I analyze the data in FSL I get the expected activation (Left
hemisphere activation for right hand movement)so I know that FSL is reading
or assuming the orientation correctly for the functional(even though sform
and qform are unknown). My question is : after I run the recon-all process
on the spgr, what do I need to do to the functional data to get freesurfer
to read it correctly inorder to get proper output from reg-feat2anat?
Any help is appreciated.


Freesurfer mailing list


Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

In order to help us help you, please follow the steps in:

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] converting .img to .mgz

2006-06-08 Thread Chacko Cherian

That doesn't seem to work...the error it gives is
> > "Unsupported datatype 132"

--- Doug Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You can't use .img files directly in the recon. The
> cmd line you have 
> will work, or you can
> mkdir -p subject_name/orig
> mri_convert raw.img subject_name/orig/001.mgz
> Note: make sure that you look at 001.mgz in tkmedit
> to make sure that it 
> is oriented correct, esp if the .img does not have a
> .mat
> doug
> Chacko Cherian wrote:
> >Hi everybody,
> >
> >I ve got a small question on converting .img
> >scans(Analyze) TO .mgz...
> >
> >suppose i have a  raw.img(and raw.hdr) file and I
> want
> >to 
> >use recon-all for converting this to .mgz do I just
> >need to do 
> >recon-all -i raw.img -s 
> >Or is there any other way I can directly use .img
> >files instead of converting to the native .mgz
> >format...?
> >
> >Thanks a lot,in advance
> >
> >
> >Chacko.   
> >
> >
> >__
> >Do You Yahoo!?
> >Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 
> >http://mail.yahoo.com 
> >___
> >Freesurfer mailing list
> >Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
> MGH-NMR Center
> Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
> Fax: 617-726-7422
> In order to help us help you, please follow the
> steps in:
> surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
> ___
> Freesurfer mailing list
> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu

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Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] center of pial surface in world coordinates

2006-06-08 Thread martijn van den heuvel
Hi Doug,Thanks for your reply. Indeed, I can open the surface in both programs, but there seems to be a shift in a coordinate system. I want to plot fiber tracts in Neurolens as well, so I need to know where I can find the exact (0,0,0) coordinate in the pial surface. Using tksurfer the (0,0,0) coordinate is in the center of the volume (RAS), however that is not the case using NeuroLens. So, I thought that maybe there is a translation applied when loading the surface into tksurfer. 
greetings,martijnOn 6/8/06, Doug Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Hi Martijn,

we still support COR. I'm at a disadvantage here in that I've not used
Neurolens before. I'm not even sure what the problem is. You can show
the surfaces in neurolens and in tksurfer, so what's the problem?


martijn van den heuvel wrote:
Dear Bruce,
Thanks for your quick reply. I posted this question on the
Neurolens-forum as well. 
too think it is just a problem of two different coordinate system. Rick
(of the Neurolens forum) mentioned that the pial surface coordinate to
world coordinate system is stated in a COR.info file. However, I think
that the COR.info file is no longer supported by freesurfer, is this
correct? Is there an alternative? Sorry, if my question was not totally
clear. I will describe what I did:
I translated my anatomy file to talairach space (only translation,
no scaling, resliced it so there is not .mat file ) and used it (in SPM
analyse format) as input for the freesurfer-train (recon-all
-autorecon1,2,3). The recon-all dev table suggests that freesurfer uses
brain.finalsurfs.mgz (same orientation as T1.mgz) as the input for
creating the surface pial files. In my original anatomy file the
(0,0,0) coordinate is around the center of the brain (in talairach
space). As my input anatomy is already in Talairach space orig.mgz is
also in talairach space and there is a minimum translation by
freesurfer to create T1.mgz (I checked this and indead talairach.xfm is
almost a 1 1 1 matrix). If freesurfer uses this as the input for the
surface rendering, should not be the (0,0,0) coordinate in the middle
of the pial surface? Using tksurfer this is indead the case, however
using Neurolens this is not the case, there is a large shift.  There is a small shift from
talairach coordinate system to RAS system, but  my surface rendering
has a much larger shift (in my example around 45 mm in the
Maybe this COR.info file is the solution, holding the
translation from scanner coordinates <-> RAS, however I don't
have an example of this file and therefore do not now what this file
looks like and what it does.
Hope you can help me with this problem.
Really appreciate your time.
greetings, martijn

> On 6/7/06, Bruce Fischl <
  > wrote:
>> I think it's probably just displaying them in different
>> systems. tksurfer displays in an RAS coordinate system in
which (0,0,0)
>> is essentially the center of the volume, whereas Neurolens is
>> displaying scanner coordinates. Does it matter to you? Not
sure I
>> understand - is it causing you any problems?
>> Bruce
>> On Wed, 7 Jun 2006, martijn van den heuvel
>> wrote:
>> > Dear freesurfer-users,
>> >
>> > I want to plot the freesurfer surface rendering
(xxx.pial) in the
>> program
>> > Neurolens. Loading the image gives no problem and
Neurolens gives a
>> > beautiful rendering. However, when loading the pial
surface in tksurfer
>> I
>> > see a difference between the two renderings. The surface
in tksurfer is
>> > centered to RAS (0,0,0) , like the T1.mgz image (as it
supposed to do).
>> Im
>> > trying to figure out what this translation is, but I
cannot find the
>> answer
>> > on the web,  hence this email. Does tksurfer loads in a
translation file
>> > (except for the talaraich.xfm, I got this translation
covered), or does
>> it
>> > do a general shift to the RAS centre? Generally, Im
looking for the
>> > translation matrix from RAS to world coordinates, so I
can apply this
>> > translation to the surface before loading it in Neurolens.
>> >
>> > I hope someone can help me with this question.
>> >
>> > Yours sincerely,
>> >
>> > Martijn van den Heuvel
>> >

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-- Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.MGH-NMR Center[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

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