[Freesurfer] DODS vs DOSS for correlation analysis

2016-03-28 Thread Cassandra Wannan
Hi Doug,

I am carrying out some correlations between cortical thickness and
cognitive ability, and had a question about the use of DODS vs DOSS for my
analysis with Qdec. From reading some of the forums, it seems as though
DOSS should be used when there are no interactions present. I am including
gender as a covariate (fixed factor) and age as a nuisance variable in my
model. When I run this with DODS, it shows that the correlation between
thickness and cognition does not differ between males and females - does
this mean that I should run the correlation using DOSS? I only seem to find
significant correlations using DOSS, however I do not want to report these
if the analysis is not correct.



Cassandra Wannan

*PhD Candidate/Research Assistant/Psychology Tutor*

Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre

0433 339 839

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Re: [Freesurfer] DODS vs DOSS for correlation analysis

2016-03-30 Thread Cassandra Wannan
Hi Doug,

I'm using version 5.3. I had read about the bug but the release notes for
5.3 didn't mention not using DOSS in Qdec, so I thought the issue must have
been resolved. If not, I'll let my colleagues know as I believe some of
them are still using DOSS in Qdec.


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[Freesurfer] Different significant clusters: qdec vs mri_glmfit-sim

2016-04-13 Thread Cassandra Wannan
Hi Freesurfer experts,

Qdec does not appear to allow me to automatically extract mean values for
significant clusters for each participant, so I have been doing this using
command line after running the original analysis in Qdec. However, I have
found that there are some differences in the significant clusters between
the two. The command line I am using is:

mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir TRSCtrl_Vocab_DODS --cache 2 abs --cwp 0.01

I believe that this should correspond to analysis in Qdec using the preset
threshold of 2 and Monte-Carlo Null-Z Simulation value of 2.0 (0.01).

The significant clusters from Qdec are:

# ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  TalX   TalY   TalZCWP
CWPLowCWPHi   NVtxs   Annot

   17.740  109023669.23 -6.1  -12.5   47.0  0.00120
0.00080  0.00170  1618  paracentral

   25.854   63055   1542.69-19.0  -73.2   -3.6  0.00010
0.0  0.00020  1913  lingual

   35.393  127437   1063.38-23.4   -6.9  -28.0  0.00010
0.0  0.00020  2069  entorhinal

   45.026  112833788.05-13.9  -45.3   38.9  0.00010
0.0  0.00020  1660  precuneus

   54.726  141529523.23-34.4   -5.7   10.9  0.00760
0.00650  0.00870  1456  insula

   64.413   23898863.24-13.4   25.1   26.4  0.00010
0.0  0.00020  1495  superiorfrontal

   73.819   21492874.38-17.8  -72.7   29.0  0.00010
0.0  0.00020  1321  precuneus

Whereas from the command line:

# ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  MNIX   MNIY   MNIZCWP
CWPLowCWPHi   NVtxs   Annot

   17.740  109023668.36 56.9  -11.3   35.0  0.00050
0.00020  0.00080  1618  postcentral

   25.854   63055   1328.30 52.2  -58.3   -8.8  0.00010
0.0  0.00020  1913  inferiortemporal

   35.393  127437   1004.26 32.5   -2.8  -38.4  0.00010
0.0  0.00020  1950  fusiform

   45.026  112833782.44 54.3  -41.2   42.3  0.00010
0.0  0.00020  1660  supramarginal

   54.413   23898780.09  0.00010
0.0  0.00020  1495  precentral

   63.819   21492673.28 46.3  -59.1   31.8  0.00050
0.00020  0.00080  1321  inferiorparietal

When I view the glmfit clusters in free view they do appear very similar to
the ones in Qdec, but there is one less significant clusters and obviously
the cluster names are different. Am I using the correct command line to
extract this information?

Many thanks,

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[Freesurfer] Hippocampal subfield segmentation with T1 and T2

2018-01-18 Thread Cassandra Wannan
Hi all,

I've been trying to run the hippocampal subfield segmentation with T1 and
T2 images, and haven't had much luck. I had previously run recon-all on all
my scans in v5.3, but testing on one subject I re-ran recon-all with the
additional T2 scan, and that seems to have run fine. However, when I try to
run the subfield segmentation, I am getting errors. My command line is:

recon-all -s CRC040 -hippocampal-subfields-T1T2 CRC040/mri/T2.mgz
CRC040T1T2 -no-isrunning

but I have also tried:

recon-all -s CRC040 -hippocampal-subfields-T1T2 CRC040/mri/orig/T2raw.mgz
CRC040T1T2 -no-isrunning


recon-all -s CRC040 -hippocampal-subfields-T1T2 ./CRC040.nii CRC040T1T2

The error I am getting is:

/Applications/freesurfer_v6/bin//mri_robust_register --mov
--dst /data/blinky/work/cassie/CRC/crcimage/sam_mprage/CRC040/mri/T2.mgz
--noinit --cost NMI -nosym >/dev/null: Signal 127
ERROR: cannot find transform file
gunzip: can't stat:
No such file or directory
ERROR: problem reading fname
SWITCH expression must be a scalar or string constant.

Error in myMRIread>load_mgh (line 550)

Error in myMRIread>myMRIread_aux (line 92)

Error in myMRIread (line 63)

Error in segmentSubjectT1T2_autoEstimateAlveusML (line 192)


Any idea what could be causing the issue? The hippocampal pipeline runs
fine without the T2 scan, however I am planning to use the subfield
segmentation as a mask for some white matter tractography analysis in FSL,
and the dimensions of the output are not close to my nifti files. I was
hoping that using the T2 registration would help with this, but can't get
it to work! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

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