[Freesurfer] Recon-all

2007-07-25 Thread Sharon Ruso
Dear Freesurfers.

I am facing a crucial point.:)and I need your help.

After examining most of our subjects, we decided that there is no need to
run all the procedures- work flow, since our data is not prone to too many
failures, and just start with recon-all-all, get all the data and then start
editing.  Usually we have to add very few cp and to do some pial edits (not
in all the cases).However, our talairach looks good, no skull striping
problems and wm is also ok.

I was wondering if running recon-all-all, and then fixing the i.e. cp , or
the pial surface when repeating autorecon2-cp, or
autorecon2-pial-autorecon3, is it harmful? Does this mass my analysis , or
it's ok?

Thank You 


Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Help with surface parcellation

2007-07-24 Thread Sharon Ruso
Hello Everyone.

I have a subject that throughout all the process looked pretty good,
however, when I reached the final process of checking surfaces and loading
the aparc.annot file, I paid attention that all my unknown area , covers
my -almost fully my corpus callosum label. What should I do, is there a
way to fix it?



Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Talairach

2007-07-10 Thread Sharon Ruso
Dear FreeSurfers

I am pretty new to Freesurfer, and I'm using the workflows which
are provided in your website; however, I was wondering
If every time, I have to check my Talairach (i.e. and to fix it) Do I have
to run the recon-all -autorecon1 ... Which takes hrs, or I have another
short option which I can apply after correcting the Talairach transform?

P.S following the workflow takes me almost 3-4 days for a subject (looking
carefully and fixing everything,, am I on the right track?

Help, Please

Thank You 

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Pial Surfaces

2007-04-16 Thread Sharon Ruso
Dear FreeSurfers
I have a problem editing pial surfaces. My pial borders do not include
Some important brain parts i.e. amygdala.
Can anybody help me?

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Manuals and Scuba

2007-04-11 Thread Sharon Ruso
Dear FreeSurfer Team

I'm a new user of freesurfer and I would like to ask you few questions.

1.Where can I find more information regarding SCUBA?

2.I read very carefully through the freesurfer website, (all the work flow
and tutorials) however, I was wondering weather every time I do any kind of
changes, do I have to run recon all again,, or there are any single commands
that repair/edit my own revisions?

3. What is the newest version of the FreeSurfer Manual and where can I find

Thank You in advance

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