[Freesurfer] recon-all compared to dev table

2015-05-07 Thread zalewk
Dear freesurfer team,

I'm very new to freesurfer, and I am currently working my way through the 
recon-all dev table functions (listed here: 
http://freesurfer.net/fswiki/ReconAllDevTable) step-by-step in preparation for 
processing a large amount of participant volumetric data. While doing so I've 
noticed some inconsistencies between the dev table and the series of functions 
called by the recon-all command.

For example:
-The apas2aseg function listed in the dev table does not exist in my bin file 
(nor does it appear to be called by recon-all).
-The cortical ribbon output occurs after the three cortical parcellation 
steps/creation of the anatomical.stats files (instead of prior to these steps 
like the dev table suggests)
-The MNI intensity correction (the mri_nu_correct.mni function) is not called 
following the skull-stripping.
I downloaded the latest version of freesurfer (5.3.0) last week so it should be 

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions,
-Kody J. Zalewski

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[Freesurfer] Cortical volumes/ROI labelling question

2015-05-20 Thread zalewk
Hello Freesurfer team,

I've been previously learning freesurfer by going through the individual 
recon-all commands listed on the freesurfer website v5.3 table here: 
http://freesurfer.net/fswiki/ReconAllTableStableV5.3 and
recently just ran through the recon-all autorecon steps 1, 2 and 3.

Running the command individually as listed on the website:
mri_segstats --seg mri/wmparc.mgz --sum stats/wmparc.stats --pv mri/norm.mgz 
--excludeid 0 --brain-vol-from-seg --brainmask mri/brainmask.mgz --in 
mri/norm.mgz --in-intensity-name norm
--in-intensity-units MR --etiv --subject TB0204U_FREESURFER_THIRDRUN 
--surf-wm-vol --ctab /usr/local/freesurfer/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt

This produces both cortical and subcortical volumetric data in the same 
wmparc.stats file. (attached to this email as wmparc.stats)

Whereas, the default command from recon-all is:
mri_segstats --seg mri/wmparc.mgz --sum stats/wmparc.stats --pv mri/norm.mgz 
--excludeid 0 --brainmask mri/brainmask.mgz --in mri/norm.mgz 
--in-intensity-name norm --in-intensity-units MR --subject
TB0204U_FREESURFER_THIRDRUN --surf-wm-vol --ctab 
/usr/local/freesurfer/WMParcStatsLUT.txt --etiv

The resulting file is attached to this email as wmparc2.stats along with the 
DK40 stats. The only differences are the --brain-vol-from-seg flag (which 
doesn't seem relevant, based on the description of the flag), and the lookup 
table used in the generation of the wmparc.stats file. During the recon-all 
run, the wmparc.stats file only listed subcortical regions, whereas the DK40 
atlas is the only source listing cortical volumes.

While I would just use the DK40 atlas to retrieve this information, the problem 
here is that there appears to be a significant difference between the mm^3 
volume of hemispherical cortical areas listed in
the DK40 atlas compared to those produced when running the command with the 
flags. Unfortunately, I am not familiar enough with cortical volumes to 
recognize which estimate is more reasonable one. What
.stats file or look-up table should I be using to obtain the most accurate 
cortical data? 

Also, when fixing errant ROI label voxels with freeview voxel editor, what 
commands need to be run post-editing to apply the corrections? I was under the 
impression that the aparc+aseg.stats file was edited when changing the ROIs. 
Although, I was rather confused when I went back and regenerated the 
aparc+aseg.mgz file and my edits were still present.

-Kody J. Zalewski

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[Freesurfer] Motion Correction with T2

2015-05-21 Thread zalewk

Hello again Freesurfer team, 

Is it possible to perform a motion correction with only a T1 and a T2 scan, as 
my lab only has one available T1 scan per participant. 
Since the intensities of T1 and T2 are opposite of one another I've had no luck 
so far, but perhaps your team knows of a work-around. 

Kody J. Zalewski

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[Freesurfer] Stats file question

2015-05-26 Thread zalewk
Hello Freesurfer team, 

When generating the .stats files for grey matter volumetric data, this 
information appears in multiple places and I'm not sure which data I should be 
using for my final results. 

There appears to be cortical information generated in both the .stats file 
based off the DKT atlas and the l/rh.aparc.stats file. The information in these 
files is quite different from one another. Using the FreeSurferColorLUT.txt (as 
listed in the recon-all dev table) instead of WMParcStatsLUT.txt (which is used 
when running recon-all) in generating the mri_segstats wmparc.stats file also 
produces cortical volumetric data. This third set of data differs significantly 
from the DKT Atlas, and differs less-so from the cortical volumes produced in 
the aparc.stats file. 

Which of the .stats files containing grey matter volume data is most accurate? 

Kody J. Zalewski

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Re: [Freesurfer] Stats file question

2015-05-28 Thread zalewk
Hi Doug, 

I sincerely apologize for being unclear! I'm still relatively new to freesurfer 
and learning the ropes. 
I've attached the three aforementioned .stats files. 
The lh.aparc.stats and DKTatlas40.stats were generated from running recon-all. 
When comparing them it appears the grey matter volume data between the same 
ROIs can vary significantly. 
I have also been running the commands individually from the recon-all v5.3 dev 
table (listed here https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/ReconAllDevTable). 
When I ran the mri_segstats command to generate the wmparc.stats file: 
mri_segstats --seg mri/wmparc.mgz --sum stats/wmparc.stats --pv mri/norm.mgz 
--excludeid 0 --brain-vol-from-seg --brainmask mri/brainmask.mgz --in 
mri/norm.mgz --in-intensity-name norm --in-intensity-units MR --etiv --subject 
TB0204U_FREESURFER_THIRDRUN --surf-wm-vol --ctab 

The cortical ROIs were listed alongside the white matter segmentations in 
wmparc.stats, and now have different grey matter volumes than either of the 
previous two .stats files, which has left me even more confused. 

Since these cortical volumes all differ from one another, it makes me wonder 
which .stats file has the most accurate cortical volumetric data. 

Kody J. Zalewski

Message: 4
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 14:58:44 -0400
From: Douglas N Greve 
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Stats file question
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Message-ID: <556613e4.3060...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

Can you list the 3 stats files you are talking about? I can't quite
follow from below

On 05/26/2015 02:21 PM, zal...@u.washington.edu wrote:
Hello Freesurfer team,

When generating the .stats files for grey matter volumetric data, this 
information appears in multiple places and I'm not sure which data I should be 
using for my final results.

There appears to be cortical information generated in both the .stats file 
based off the DKT atlas and the l/rh.aparc.stats file. The information in these 
files is quite different from one another.
Using the FreeSurferColorLUT.txt (as listed in the recon-all dev table) instead 
of WMParcStatsLUT.txt (which is used when running recon-all) in generating the 
mri_segstats wmparc.stats file also produces
cortical volumetric data. This third set of data differs significantly from the 
DKT Atlas, and differs less-so from the cortical volumes produced in the 
aparc.stats file.

Which of the .stats files containing grey matter volume data is most accurate?

Kody J. Zalewski

Freesurfer mailing list

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422

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[Freesurfer] Editing ROI labels

2015-06-01 Thread zalewk
Dear Freesurfer experts, 

My PI would like to know, when editing the ROI labels from the freesurfer color 
look-up table/aparc+aseg.mgz file with freeview voxel editor (at the end of 
-autorecon3), what commands need to be re-run to apply the changes to reflect 
the accurate volumetric data of each label? As, if I'm not mistaken, running 
-autorecon3 would overwrite all of the edits made at this point.

Kody J. Zalewski

Freesurfer mailing list

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[Freesurfer] QAtools error

2015-07-09 Thread zalewk
Dear Freesurfer experts, 

I am attempting to use QAtools to retrieve QA measures for my subjects. 
I can obtain WM SNR/avg/sd, but it appears the structural segmentation table is 
from a previous version of freesurfer (as the file order is different) and 
doesn't appear to work with my subjects processed recently in v5.3. To fix this 
I would imagine one would need to create a new template off of a subject with 
the -gen-asegLUT flag or use the -asegLUT flag. 

Attempting to use -asegLUT flag with the ASegStatsLUT.txt results in:
Processing each subcortical label ...
mysubject has 35 outliers ...
(With all structures as outliers, and without reporting the SNR/avg/sd for each 

When attempting to write out a new segmentation table with the -gen-asegLUT 
flag the error I receive is: 
gawk: /usr/local/freesurfer/QAtools/QAtools_v1.1/gstd.awk:22: (FILENAME=- 
FNR=1) fatal: division by zero attempted
(standard_in) 1: syntax error
(standard_in) 1: syntax error

The command is here: 
$QA_tools/recon_checker -s mysubject -asegLUT $FREESURFER_HOME/ASegStatsLUT.txt 

Am I going about this correctly? 


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[Freesurfer] QA measures

2015-07-16 Thread zalewk
Dear Freesurfer Team,

We would like to have a Q/A measure (or two) that would give us indication of 
how well your software worked on each of our data
sets.   Obviously some image sets will be noisier than others for a variety of 
reasons.  Could you point us towards what
options we may have for extracting such a measure from your processing 
pipeline?  We were playing around with QAtools but
wanted to understand if there is a systematic computation of say a handful of 
variables that would give us a global
representation of how well things worked for each case we run? Something that 
we could compare across our patients and even
across data sets?


Freesurfer mailing list

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[Freesurfer] QA measures mgz

2015-07-21 Thread zalewk
Excellent, thank you for sharing! I have one more question.
When running the mri_cnr function I tried using a number of different .mgz 
files with varying results, which would you recommend for the most accurate 
gm/wm and gm/csf CNR?



Message: 1
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2015 18:24:28 +0200
From: "Jacek Manko" 
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] QA measures
To: Freesurfer support list 
Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Message-ID: <55a92c3ce71501.52368...@wp.pl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2

You may find this paper useful:


Authors describe there some measures such as "Euler number" and “Contrast 
to Noise ratio (CNR)". Actually, they dont belong to QA package, but they are 
definitely worth looking at.

Jacek Manko

Dnia 17-07-2015 o godz. 0:03 zal...@u.washington.edu napisa?(a):
Dear Freesurfer Team,

We would like to have a Q/A measure (or two) that would give us
indication of how well your software worked on each of our data
sets.   Obviously some image sets will be noisier than others for a
variety of reasons.  Could you point us towards what
options we may have for extracting such a measure from your processing
pipeline?  We were playing around with QAtools but
wanted to understand if there is a systematic computation of say a
handful of variables that would give us a global
representation of how well things worked for each case we run? Something
that we could compare across our patients and even
across data sets?


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Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Registering scans with different voxel sizes/numbers

2016-07-05 Thread zalewk
Hello Freesurfer team,
I have the unfortunate task of performing longitudinal volumetric analysis on 
subjects collected on three different scanners with different voxel 
numbers/sizes. I didn't find this out until attempting to run the longitudinal 
base and receiving this message:
WARNING: Image geometries differ across time, maybe due to aquisition changes?
 This can potentially bias a longitudinal study! Will continue in 10s.

By re-registering the original nifti and recreating the norm.mgz/talairach I 
can correct the geometry, but FSL's Flirt will only work with niftis and not 
mgz volumes, ergo I can't re-register the manually edited brainmask/wm volumes 
I was wondering if there were any freesurfer tools I could use to simply 
re-register the .mgz volumes to the new norm.mgz? If so, how would I go about 
doing that? Seeing as the brainmask/wm are both registered to 256^3/1mm anyhow, 
is this something I should even be concerned about?  


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Re: [Freesurfer] clarification

2016-07-05 Thread zalewk
My apologies as I misstated some of the data in my first email,

The voxel sizes are relatively similar, (two of the acquisitions are 1mm vs one 
with 0.9mm). 
Whereas the FOV is different between the scans being 256x256x176 on one 
acquisition, 224x256x176 on the second and 240x240x180 on the third.


On Tue, 5 Jul 2016, zal...@u.washington.edu wrote:

> Hello Freesurfer team,
> I have the unfortunate task of performing longitudinal volumetric analysis on 
> subjects collected on three different scanners with different voxel 
> numbers/sizes. I didn't find this out until attempting to run the 
> longitudinal base and receiving this message:
> WARNING: Image geometries differ across time, maybe due to aquisition changes?
> This can potentially bias a longitudinal study! Will continue in 10s.
> By re-registering the original nifti and recreating the norm.mgz/talairach I 
> can correct the geometry, but FSL's Flirt will only work with niftis and not 
> mgz volumes, ergo I can't re-register the manually edited brainmask/wm 
> volumes properly.
> I was wondering if there were any freesurfer tools I could use to simply 
> re-register the .mgz volumes to the new norm.mgz? If so, how would I go about 
> doing that? Seeing as the brainmask/wm are both registered to 256^3/1mm 
> anyhow, is this something I should even be concerned about?
> Thanks,
> KZ

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[no subject]

2019-03-04 Thread zalewk
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2019-03-14 Thread zalewk
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External Email - Use Caution=

Hi Bruce,

In response to your previous email, in v6.0 it doesn't look like recon-all =
has a "-no-cerebellum" flag (or any cerebellum-related flags), I did verify=
 that the recon-all script in the bin folder had hemisphere-specific flags =
available however.

Is there any documentation on this? It still seems as if I'm missing someth=
ing here, was it maybe included in previous versions of freesurfer and remo=

Kody Zalewski

Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2019 15:07:26 -0500 (EST)
From: Bruce Fischl 
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Omitting aseg regions from segmentation
To: Freesurfer support list 

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3D"iso-8859-1"

Hi Kody

yes, there are some hidden options to recon-all for this. Take a look at
the script for things like -no-cerebellum, -rh-only, and see if they are
sufficient for what you are trying to do


On Mon, 4 Mar 2019, zalewk wrote:

> External Email - Use Caution
> Hello Freesurfer team,
> I am currently working processing the volumetrics of exvivo brains, many =
of which do not have a
> brainstem/cerebellum.
> It seems this often results in a subcortical alignment that isn't optimal=
, and fails to create the
> pial/wm surface where freesurfer attempts to label more ventral non-zero =
voxels as
> brainstem/cerebellum. Currently, I have to manually edit the aseg.auto_no=
> and aseg.presurf.mgz to fix this.
> Is there a way to omit aseg labels (like the brainstem/cerebellum) from t=
he processing stream that
> I've overlooked? If not, would there be a potential alternate solution su=
ch as creating a second
> atlas from the original sans these ROIs and have the cross-sectional stre=
am still run normally?
> Best,
> Kody Zalewski

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[no subject]

2019-03-19 Thread zalewk

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External Email - Use Caution=

Thanks for getting back to me Doug/Bruce.
Sounds good, yes I definitely would want to wait until the bugs have been w=
orked out before utilizing latest release.

If your dev team needs contributors to document/write the ex-vivo processin=
g stream I'd be happy to step in and help, I've been running various ex-viv=
o scan acquisitions through freesurfer for a year at this point. I also hav=
e experience in C and shell scripting if that helps, as it seems that's wha=
t much of freesurfer is written in.
Not sure who I would talk to about that.

Kody Zalewski

Message: 11
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2019 14:53:30 +
From: "Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D." 
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Omitting aseg regions from segmentationTo: "frees=
Message-ID: <235d9f13-1eda-1d76-920f-d30b9c467...@mgh.harvard.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3D"windows-1252"

... but know that the dev version is not fully tested -- there may be signi=
ficant bugs that will not be uncovered until it is tested. As such, we may =
not be able to support any problems you run into.

On 3/18/19 8:12 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Kody

there definitely are flags like this in the dev version. e.g.:
case "-no-cerebellum":
case "-nocerebellum":
set nocerebellum=3D( -nocerebellum)
breaksw ;

Maybe you should just grab the dev version?

And sorry, we haven't documented the ex vivo processing stream yet as it is=
 too much of a work-in-progress.


On Thu, 14 Mar 2019, zalewk wrote:

External Email - Use Caution

Hi Bruce,

In response to your previous email, in v6.0 it doesn't look like recon-all =
has a "-no-cerebellum"
flag (or any cerebellum-related flags), I did verify that the recon-all scr=
ipt in the bin folder had
hemisphere-specific flags available however.

Is there any documentation on this? It still seems as if I'm missing someth=
ing here, was it maybe
included in previous versions of freesurfer and removed?

Kody Zalewski

Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2019 15:07:26 -0500 (EST)
From: Bruce Fischl <mailto:fis...@nmr.mgh.harva=
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Omitting aseg regions from segmentation
To: Freesurfer support list <mailto:freesur=

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3D"iso-8859-1"

Hi Kody

yes, there are some hidden options to recon-all for this. Take a look at
the script for things like -no-cerebellum, -rh-only, and see if they are
sufficient for what you are trying to do


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External Email -=
 Use Caution<=

Thanks for getting back to me Doug/Bruce.

Sounds good, yes I definitely would want to wait until the bugs have been w=
orked out before utilizing latest release.

If your dev team needs contributors to document/write the ex-vivo processin=
g stream I'd be happy to step in and help, I've been running various ex-viv=
o scan acquisitions through freesurfer for a year at this point. I also hav=
e experience in C and shell scripting
 if that helps, as it seems that's what much of freesurfer is written in. <=
Not sure who I would talk to about that.  

Kody Zalewski

Message: 11
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2019 14:53:30 +
From: "Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D." <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Omitting aseg regions from segmentationTo: "=
freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu" <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>=

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... but know that the dev version is not fully tested -- there may be signi=
ficant bugs that will not be uncovered until it is tested. As such, we may =
not be able to support any problems you run into.

On 3/18/19 8:12 PM, Br=
uce Fi

[Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis of multiple scanner acquisitions

2018-06-07 Thread zalewk
External Email - Use Caution

Good afternoon Freesurfer team,

I want to run the longitudinal pipeline on multiple groups of subjects, the 
problem is we are at the mercy of the scanners available to us at the various 
time-points. We have two different Siemens 1.5 scanners (same type of scanner, 
there was an effort made to match them) at time point 1 and 2 with a Phillips 
3T at time point 3. Is it worth the time to attempt a longitudinal analysis on 
this cohort?

Kody Zalewski

Freesurfer mailing list

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contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at
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but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

[no subject]

2018-06-18 Thread zalewk
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External Email - Use Caution=

Hello Freesurfer Team,

Sorry to bother you guys again, any word on what you think is the best appr=
oach going forward here?

Kody Zalewski

From: zalewk
Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2018 10:39 AM
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: Longitudinal analysis of multiple scanner acquisitions

Good afternoon Freesurfer team,

I want to run the longitudinal pipeline on multiple groups of subjects, the=
 problem is we are at the mercy of the scanners available to us at the vari=
ous time-points. We have two different Siemens 1.5 scanners (same type of s=
canner, there was an effort made to match them) at time point 1 and 2 with =
a Phillips 3T at time point 3. Is it worth the time to attempt a longitudin=
al analysis on this cohort?

Kody Zalewski

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External Email -=
 Use Caution<=

Hello Freesurfer Team,

Sorry to bother you guys again, any word on what you think is the best appr=
oach going forward here?

Kody Zalewski

From: zalewk
Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2018 10:39 AM
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: Longitudinal analysis of multiple scanner acquisitions

Good afternoon Freesurfer team,<=

I want to run the longitudinal pipeline on multiple groups of subjects, the=
 problem is we are at the mercy of the scanners available to us at the vari=
ous time-points. We have two different Siemens 1.5 scanners (same type of s=
canner, there was an effort made
 to match them) at time point 1 and 2 with a Phillips 3T at time point 3. I=
s it worth the time to attempt a longitudinal analysis on this cohort? 

Kody Zalewski 


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Freesurfer mailing list

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http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
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[Freesurfer] recon-all bug

2021-04-01 Thread zalewk
External Email - Use Caution

Hi Freesurfer team,

My lab recently switched over from FS6 to FS7 and I think I've encountered a 
bug with recon-all.
I'm running subjects stepwise and editing them, running recon-all with the 
-autorecon2 and -autorecon3 flags initially are no problem, they run fine.  
Trying to re-run them or use the -autorecon2-wm, -autorecon-pial etc. flags 
lead to crashing at certain parts of the program. The error message I get is 
"if: expression syntax". Digging into the code, it seems to crash when it hits 
a line of code "if($ud || $ForceUpdate)". The syntax superficially looks right 
(I don't know tcsh), checking the variables it seems like $ForceUpdate is never 
set, but removing it from recon-all doesn't fix the problem.
It seems the $ud variable is for checking if updates are needed for a set of 
volumes passed to the program. I don't know why that would be a problematic 
argument, removing that part seems to fix it, but this also seems like an 
important variable and I don't know enough about tcsh to understand why it 
works after removing it. Can one of the folks who wrote the recon-all script 
help me out? I'm running the commands step-wise as a work-around, but that is 
much less convenient.

Kody Zalewski
Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] recon-all bug

2021-04-02 Thread zalewk
External Email - Use Caution

Hi freesurfer team,

I've tried running recon-all as mentioned before with the -xf flag under 
different conditions.
As far as I can tell, any line using the UpdateNeeded function. e.g.: "set ud = 
`UpdateNeeded $thickness $pial $white`" fails with the following if statement 
because the variable $ud includes paths as strings in it instead of a 0/1 
integer. Setting it to a 1 or 0 beforehand also seems to solve the problem. The 
function UpdateNeeded only seems to return an integer as an exit status, so I'm 
not sure why there are path strings in it causing it to fail.
If I print out the $ud variable before it fails and the result is:
"/subjectDirectory/subjectID_FREESURFER/mri mri mri_FREESURFER 
/subjectDirectory/subjectID_FREESURFER/mri/mri_FREESURFER/stats 1"
It returns the exit status of 1 preceded by the path of the subject's mri 
directory, just "mri", "mri_FREESURFER" and the subject's stats directory (all 
subjects in this particular study have the suffix "_FREESURFER"). It prints 
this out these strings no matter the variables as .mgz file names, or number of 
variables passed to the UpdateNeeded function. I still don't have a clue what 
would cause this behavior. The UpdateNeeded function seems to work fine and as 
intended as far as I can tell, so I still don't know why these paths/strings 
are being added and causing it to crash.

Kody Zalewski

Message: 3
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2021 03:49:02 +0200
From: fsbuild 
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] recon-all bug
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Cc: cm...@neurosurgery.washington.edu
Message-ID: <1617328142.6066780ef2...@trashmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

External Email - Use Caution

Hello Kody,
One thing you could try to get more information printed about what is going on 
is to edit the very first line in the recon-all script to be:
#! /bin/tcsh -xf
? instead of
#! /bin/tcsh -f
Adding the x option will echo each line in the script as it?s run with the 
variable values expanded, and seeing that output could help with debugging.

- R.

On Apr 1, 2021, at 20:29, zalewk <zal...@uw.edu> 
wrote:External Email - Use 
CautionHi Freesurfer 
team, My lab recently switched over from FS6 to FS7 and I think I've 
encountered a bug with recon-all.. I'm running subjects stepwise and 
editing them, running recon-all with the -autorecon2 and -autorecon3 flags 
initially are no problem, they run fine.  Trying to re-run them or use the 
-autorecon2-wm, -autorecon-pial etc. flags lead to crashing at certain parts of 
the program. The error message I get is "if: expression syntax". Digging into 
the code, it seems to crash when it hits a line of code "if($ud || 
$ForceUpdate)". The syntax superficially looks right (I don't know tcsh), 
checking the variables it seems like $ForceUpdate is never set, but removing it 
from recon-all doesn't fix the problem.  It seems the $ud variable is 
for checking if updates are !
 needed fo
 r a set of volumes passed to the program. I don't know why that would be a 
problematic argument, removing that part seems to fix it, but this also seems 
like an important variable and I don't know enough about tcsh to understand why 
it works after removing it. Can one of the folks who wrote the recon-all script 
help me out? I'm running the commands step-wise as a work-around, but that is 
much less convenient. Best, Kody 
Zalewski___Freesurfer mailing 
Freesurfer mailing list