I've put the files back in that location (make_average_*). Run
make_average_subject with --no-aseg. But I'm not sure this is the
problem. It looks like it is failing when creating the average surface
(the fix above is for the volume only). But give it a try. Also,
remember to send the entire log file so we can better debug it.
Jiefeng Jiang wrote:
I was trying to build an average subject using 250 subjects and I got
the following error message:
processing subject nor76 (246 of 250)
reading spherical surface
reading colortable from annotation file...
colortable with 35 entries read (originally
curvature mean = -0.017, std = 0.597
curvature mean = -0.064, std = 0.640
ripping medial wall...
computing parameterization for surface
ImageAlloc: could not allocate 512x256 buffer
curvature mean = -0.088, std = 0.872
Cannot allocate memory
I saw someone discussing this issue a few month ago and Doug
provided new scripts of make_average_subject, make_average_volume and
make_average_surface to solve this problem. However, I can't find
these files using the link
Can anyone tell me whether and how this problem has been solved?
Thanks in advance!
Jiefeng Jiang
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422
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