Re: [Freevo-users] The future of Freevo(.org)

2014-01-20 Thread John Percival
A sad day indeed!

Quite a few years ago I tried to get Freevo running on a Fujitsu HTPC but, no 
matter how I tried, I just couldn't get a signal out of the SCART socket - 
something quite basic one would have thought. Loads of people on the web with 
the same problem but no solution. So I shelved the project until, ironically, I 
got a Smart TV with a new-fangled HDMI connection and I'm now using REL-1_9_2b2.

I did consider moving to version 2 but, quite frankly, I've invested too many 
years of my life in getting Freevo working at all and, more importantly, 
working the way I want it. Not only do I think it looks pretty cool (is it 
still cool to say 'cool'), but so does my wife and that's saying something.

Sure I tried XBMC along the way but I don't like its look and feel. Although I 
do admit to ripping some code from it to create an ITV Player (I'm in the UK) 
for Freevo. Also, I created several other TV 'catch-up' players from scratch.

I can also watch my security camera via Freevo and it's integrated with my 
Asterisk PBX. In fact, just this minute I've managed to get it to play my voice 

As an old assembler programmer, I've taught myself some basic Python and 
thoroughly enjoyed, and will continue to enjoy, working with the Freevo 

I suppose I'd better take some backups.

Very many thanks to all involved Freevo and best wishes for the future.

Sob. Sob.

John Percival.

Jake wrote:This is a sad day :( I used freevo for years 
but started using my TVs inbuilt dlna client when my last htpc died 3 years 
ago. It was a threadbare experience - but at least it didn't try to be too 
clever. I recently got a raspberry pi for xbmc, but I do miss freevo. It had 
the perfect mix of simplicity and features, my TVs dlna client is utterly 
braindead and xbmc tries to be too clever.

Thanks for all your hard work Dirk!

Dirk Meyer wrote:Hi,

I have no idea how many people still read this list, how many people
still use Freevo 1.x, and how many people use 2.0 from git (I guess that
is only me).

I failed to get a release of Freevo 2 out. I changed too much, a
complete rewrite and some parts are also written three or four times. My
fault, I know -- an error made years ago and when noticed, it was too
late to change it. And since I started a new job four years ago my time
working on Freevo got smaller and smaller every month. Jason also is
completely busy with his job.

I still say Freevo 2 is ready to use, but I will not release it. I'm not
sure it works with the latest clutter or gstreamer, I only know it works
for me. It lacks many important features such as DVD playback (I have a
BluRay Player) and TV recording. I do not need it and I don't have time
to code it.

Besides that, XBMC has a much biggercommunity, UPnP is enough for many
people (even I use NAS + BubbleUPnP + TV sometimes) and new development
such as Chromecast will reduce Freevo's usefulness even further.

I will continue to use Freevo 2, I may even write an Android client for
it (after learning Python with Freevo which was useful for getting my
current job, hacking Android is a good next step), but I see no real
future for Freevo without a live community and more people hacking code.
If someone contributes something, I will add it. If someone needs help
to get Freevo 2 running, I will provide it.

Since we also lack someone maintaining the server we host and I do not
want to pay for something we don't need, I will shut it down at the end
of February. This means the SVN and the Wiki will be gone. If someone
wants a backup of the Wiki please tell me. The code is already on github
and will remain there. The mailing list on SF will continue andso will
the mail server hosting and all mail addresses will continue
to be valid.

Maybe after some time someone resurrects Freevo. I would love to pass
the maintainership over to someone just as I took it over from Krister
years ago. Maybe someone takes the kaa-stuff and writes something new
and better. I'm happy to assist and I think the same is true for Jason.
Maybe I will release something someday based on the current code.

It was a great time, I learned a lot and it was much fun.



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Re: [Freevo-users] Apple Trailers YouTube - analogue output

2011-11-04 Thread John Percival
Problem was no default device set in asound.conf (in fact no asound.conf at 

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[Freevo-users] Apple Trailers YouTube - analogue output

2011-11-03 Thread John Percival

I'm using Freevo 1.9.2b2 and I've just managed to hook up digital (hw:0.1) 
output. Movies and CDs play fine via Xine.

However AppleTrailers and YouTube videos are still using the analogue (hw:0.0) 

What do I need to tweak to get these via the digital device?


John Percival.
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Re: [Freevo-users] Weather forecast

2009-08-03 Thread John Percival

Not sure if you got Moscow working - I did, but I used code RSXX0063 (note 
double zero). Maybe that's the problem with the US ones you tried?

This is where I get the maps from:

My patch simply reads this page then parses the html to derive the url of the 
map itself, which is then downloaded.

Actually, for the mistyped RUXX case, the original code also crashes, albeit in 
a different place. Using my newly acquired Python 'skills' I had changed the 
displayed date from the back-to-front US style (sorry) to the format we use in 
the UK - that's where my code crashes but the original also crashes in the same 

Looks like error handling needs to be smartened up a bit. I'm not sure that I'm 
quite ready to properly maintain code. My Python programming is quite inelegant 
still. But maybe one day. Happy to share my findings with the experts, though.

I also take your point about not refreshing all locations at once. But more 
worrying for me at the moment is the fact that although I've now added a second 
location, I don't seem to get a sub menu at all.


 From: Chris Jones
 Sent: Mon Aug 03 04:02:39 CEST 2009
 Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] Weather forecast
 On Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 03:16:39PM EDT, John Percival wrote:
  Don't know about a cache. There is WEATHER_AGE which I have set to 1
  sec to force it to get the data every time (normally it's set to an
 Now it's working.. Must have been sloppy testing on my part.
  I'll have a look at the places you're having trouble with. I did warn
  you it was a hack, though !!
 One who fixes a lowly user like myself's issue in a couple of hours
 becomes the official maintainer of the code.
 That's precisely why I was giving you a heads-up re: the results of my
 A possible design flaw in the plugin is that it fetches all the data for
 all weather stations when you access the subdirectory from the main
 menu. This is OK when you have about 2-3 entries.. less so when you have
 defined 20-30 entries or more. 
 Takes forever.. so maybe it would be better to retrieve the data when
 the user actually accesses a given weather station. 
 Seriously, I was NOT whining, quite the contrary.. 
 I figured some form of feedback from a real life user might be useful.
 Thanks for fixing my problem...!!!
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Re: [Freevo-users] Weather forecast

2009-08-03 Thread John Percival

 From: John Percival
 Sent: Mon Aug 03 21:35:00 CEST 2009
 Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] Weather forecast
 Not sure if you got Moscow working - I did, but I used code RSXX0063 (note 
 double zero). Maybe that's the problem with the US ones you tried?
 This is where I get the maps from:
 My patch simply reads this page then parses the html to derive the url of the 
 map itself, which is then downloaded.
 Actually, for the mistyped RUXX case, the original code also crashes, albeit 
 in a different place. Using my newly acquired Python 'skills' I had changed 
 the displayed date from the back-to-front US style (sorry) to the format we 
 use in the UK - that's where my code crashes but the original also crashes in 
 the same routine.
 Looks like error handling needs to be smartened up a bit. I'm not sure that 
 I'm quite ready to properly maintain code. My Python programming is quite 
 inelegant still. But maybe one day. Happy to share my findings with the 
 experts, though.
 I also take your point about not refreshing all locations at once. But more 
 worrying for me at the moment is the fact that although I've now added a 
 second location, I don't seem to get a sub menu at all.

[Just sorted out the sub-menu - helps to get the config right]
  From: Chris Jones
  Sent: Mon Aug 03 04:02:39 CEST 2009
  Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] Weather forecast
  On Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 03:16:39PM EDT, John Percival wrote:
   Don't know about a cache. There is WEATHER_AGE which I have set to 1
   sec to force it to get the data every time (normally it's set to an
  Now it's working.. Must have been sloppy testing on my part.
   I'll have a look at the places you're having trouble with. I did warn
   you it was a hack, though !!
  One who fixes a lowly user like myself's issue in a couple of hours
  becomes the official maintainer of the code.
  That's precisely why I was giving you a heads-up re: the results of my
  A possible design flaw in the plugin is that it fetches all the data for
  all weather stations when you access the subdirectory from the main
  menu. This is OK when you have about 2-3 entries.. less so when you have
  defined 20-30 entries or more. 
  Takes forever.. so maybe it would be better to retrieve the data when
  the user actually accesses a given weather station. 
  Seriously, I was NOT whining, quite the contrary.. 
  I figured some form of feedback from a real life user might be useful.
  Thanks for fixing my problem...!!!
  Let Crystal Reports handle the reporting - Free Crystal Reports 2008 30-Day 
  trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus 
  what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
  Crystal Reports now.
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Re: [Freevo-users] Weather forecast

2009-08-02 Thread John Percival
 From: Chris Jones
 Sent: Sun Aug 02 01:04:25 CEST 2009
 Subject: [Freevo-users] Weather forecast
 I have found several plugins that appear to add a Weather Forecast
 entry to the main freevo menu and I'm not sure which I should use.
 There appears to be a weather plugin, a weatherdata plugin and..
 took me a while to find it a oneclick plugin.
 I eventually set up the and this seems to work OK -
 configured it to display the weather here on Long Island, NY.. as well
 as the UK (London), Shanghai, China.. Buenos Aires, Lima, Peru, Paris,
 France, etc. and the only glitch appears that for all of these, the last
 step when I arrow down through the successive screens should display the
 radar map. For all of the above, a Radar Map for xx message is
 displayed and and error message that reads: error encountered while
 trying to download weather map. 
 I do get a transient message Fetching radar map for xx when I hit
 the space bar to refresh the display.
 Is there any way I could fix this, or if not, altogether skip the
 display of this last screen?
 Is the radar map url incorrect in the plugin source?
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I modified the code to make it work (for my location it displays a weather map, 
not a radar map - but at least it is a map). I checked it with Long Island and 
it does display a map, not sure if it's the sort you want though.

I attach the code for what it's worth. I'm a hacker, not a Python programmer - 
but I'm trying to learn!


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Re: [Freevo-users] ICECAST_GENRE_MAP

2009-07-30 Thread John Percival
Thanks for the reply.

I'm sure there is a clue if you're a Python expert, which I'm slowly becoming!

It seems to be something to do with re-mapping genres, e.g renaming 
'classiscal' to be 'crap'.

The problem is that without something sensible in that config item, the plugin 
crashed with a 'has_key' error.

I've commented out this:

   ## genre remapping
   if self.genremap.has_key(g):
   g = self.genremap[g]

and it's working fine. Except I can't re-map genres, but I can live with that.

 From: John Molohan
 Sent: Wed Jul 29 20:32:11 CEST 2009
 To: John Percival,
 Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] ICECAST_GENRE_MAP
 John Percival wrote:
  Quick question:
  can somebody tell me the format of ICECAST_GENRE_MAP for, please?
 Never come across it before. Is there no clue in the code in 

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I contacted the author of and he kindly provided the following 

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Re: [Freevo-users] ICECAST_GENRE_MAP

2009-07-29 Thread John Percival
Thanks for the reply.

I'm sure there is a clue if you're a Python expert, which I'm slowly becoming!

It seems to be something to do with re-mapping genres, e.g renaming 
'classiscal' to be 'crap'.

The problem is that without something sensible in that config item, the plugin 
crashed with a 'has_key' error.

I've commented out this:

   ## genre remapping
   if self.genremap.has_key(g):
   g = self.genremap[g]

and it's working fine. Except I can't re-map genres, but I can live with that.

 From: John Molohan
 Sent: Wed Jul 29 20:32:11 CEST 2009
 To: John Percival,
 Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] ICECAST_GENRE_MAP
 John Percival wrote:
  Quick question:
  can somebody tell me the format of ICECAST_GENRE_MAP for, please?
 Never come across it before. Is there no clue in the code in 

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Re: [Freevo-users] webradio.fxd and

2009-07-29 Thread John Percival
On further examination, that's what I concluded. Really useful feature!
 From: John Molohan
 Sent: Wed Jul 29 19:22:26 CEST 2009
 To: John Percival,
 Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] webradio.fxd and 
 John Percival wrote:
  I've noticed a link tag in webradio.fxd which I assume is supposed to 
  show a web page when playing internet radio. Is this supported in v1.8.1?
  I've managed to use the cover-img tag to display a graphic, though.
 Freevo doesn't have a browser built in so I'd imagine this tag is just 
 for skins to display the link to the user.

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[Freevo-users] ICECAST_GENRE_MAP

2009-07-27 Thread John Percival
Quick question:

can somebody tell me the format of ICECAST_GENRE_MAP for, please?


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Freevo-users mailing list

[Freevo-users] webradio.fxd and link

2009-07-14 Thread John Percival
I've noticed a link tag in webradio.fxd which I assume is supposed to show a 
web page when playing internet radio. Is this supported in v1.8.1?

I've managed to use the cover-img tag to display a graphic, though.

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[Freevo-users] vlc and remote control

2009-07-08 Thread John Percival

I'm using Freevo 1.8.1, Ubuntu 9.04 and vlc  0.9.9a.

I' ve set 'VIDEO_PREFERED_PLAYER = 'vlc', the video plays fine and I can 
control it via the keyboard.

However, I cannot get the remote control to work (it works perfectly with 
mplayer and xine).

If I press the OK button I get: no event mapping for key 'SELECT' in context 
'video'. I cannot find a vlc equivalent for e.g. Event(VIDEO_SEND_XINE_CMD).

Is there some other configuration file I should be aware of to get remote 
control commands through to vlc?


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[Freevo-users] vlc lirc???

2009-07-03 Thread John Percival

I'd like to use vlc as preferred video player.

Can anybody tell me whether it is possible to control it via a remote control 
on Freevo - and,  better still, how to configure it!


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Re: [Freevo-users] lcd

2009-07-02 Thread John Percival
On closer examination, it seems that my display is not quite 18 characters wide!

My solution was to change this line:

width = self.lcd.d_width


width = self.lcd.d_width-2

It's a bit of a hack, I know, but by effectively limiting the screen to 16 
columns it keeps the display nicely centered.

Thanks for the prompt replies and for pointing me in the right direction.


 From: Andreas Dick
 Sent: Wed Jul 01 23:24:36 CEST 2009
 Subject: Re: [Freevo-users] lcd
 hei John
 I hope you find out how to change the lcd2 plugin for your needs. if you dig 
 the code, you will find how the display size is coded.
 the clock and status informations are placed on the right end of the top 
 probably you will have to change this position (+2).
 in the code you will find as well, how to controll the lcd with python 
 commands... its allways helpfull to test the features of the lcd in the 
 python shell...
 I wrote the plugin just for my needs, but maybe it is possible to merge your 
 version with mine...?
 unfortuneately I have freevo not startet at the moment, but I will check the 
 code the next time I get time for it.
 Am Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2009 19.51:45 schrieb Duncan Webb:
  John Percival wrote:
   I have a Fujitsu-Siemens Scaleo E which has, I think, a Futaba dm140 VFD.
   When I try to acitvate the lcd plugin, it complains that it cannot find a 
 screen for a 2x18 display (5x8 matrix).
   Activating the lcd2 (2x16) plugin works a lot better but with one slight 
 irritation. The last character of the first line is incomplete: the 
 right-most one or two columns of the matrix are missing but appear at the 
 start of the second line.
   Is there any way of defining a 2x18 screen ?
  Hopefully the code is clear enough for you to workout how to add to it
  to create a 2x18 display.
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