[Freevo-users] MAME and keyboard--cheesy workaround

2004-08-02 Thread Victor B. Putz

(posting this to the list mostly in case someone needs this
information later)

I'm not certain of the hoops that Freevo puts child applications
through, but as configured it launches xmame as a child application in
such a way that there is a lag (or something) in the keyboard
response.  This ranges from unnoticeable in some games to making
others unplayable on my machine (Joust was the worst culprit; I could
not even get my wee bird to fly at all, because repeated "flap"
presses were not registered correctly; the best I could do is sort of
a tepid fluttering).

There is a good workaround, I'm sure.  But in the absence of that, I
made a "freevo_xmame.sh" script which consists of the following:

/usr/local/bin/xmame.x11 $*

...and then set xmame in freevo_conf to point to it.  Freevo passes
all the arguments to the script as if it were xmame, and the script
just passes them on to xmame.  It works like a champ.  Silly, but it
*does* at least work.

I'm guessing that freevo sets up some pipes, etc to talk to the child
process, and somehow this was interfering with keyboard input to
xmame.  By launching xmame from within a script, xmame is talking to
nothing (freevo is busy chatting with the script, which is saying
nothing and receiving nothing while xmame is playing), so the game can
process events as fast as they come.  This probably has some
disadvantages like making it impossible for the remote control to stop
games or some such, but it's a price I'm willing to pay.

Anyway, hope it helps someone.


Description: Digital signature

[Freevo-users] Xmame, keyboard problems from freevo

2004-07-31 Thread Victor B. Putz

OK, here's an odd one, and I'm legitimately baffled.

I am using the xmame/games plugin from freevo, and overall it works
well.  But there is a fairly serious problem: when I run xmame from
within freevo, something is preventing rapid keypresses (in other
words, keys pressed close together are interfering with each other).

I have tested this numerous times; in Joust, for example, running
under freevo I cannot get my wee bird to fly more than about an inch
above the bottom of the screen; using the same command line from a
terminal (*WITH* freevo running in the background), it works fine.  In
some fighting games, playing under freevo makes it nigh-impossible to
hit certain combos; using the same command line from a terminal
(again, with Freevo still running in the background), you can hit the
combos every time.

It's a very noticeable difference.  I have tried changing the
GAMES_NICE value, but I honestly don't think this is the problem,
because (interesting)... if I use xmame to map a *joystick* button to
the control, I can register as many events as I want to and get
combos, play joust, whatever under freevo without error.

(but since the whole reason I'm using xmame is that I built a console
controller that sends keyboard events, getting the keyboard working is
a vital part of my enjoyment).

So: Something is interfering with keystrokes when running xmame from
within Freevo.  Could it have anything to do with PyGame keyboard
setups, like setting a value so that autorepeat doesn't scream down to
the bottom of the page instantly?  I'm not sure why that would
propagate to a program launched from within freevo, but I'm game to
play with it.

*ANY* ideas would be helpful; I'm flummoxed here.


Description: Digital signature

[Freevo-users] fxd files running amok!

2004-07-02 Thread Victor B. Putz
OK, this is one I should have been able to figure out for myself, but
it's perplexing me.

In my "recorded TV" folder, freevo is happily making an .fxd file for
every .avi that is recorded.  So I get pairs for everything recorded,


In the Freevo menu, that means I have one long list of two "groups" of
files--one of which has a descriptive name (with for example the
episode name as well as the show name), and one group that will just
have show names (for example, I will have two lines in the menu for
one show; one might say "Good Eats - The Egg-Files" and the other will
just say "Good Eats").

That's bad enough, but it's even more of a pain to try and delete both
files, so I just let the fxd's pile up and eventually remove them via
command line.

How can I turn off this spontaneous fxd file creation?


Description: Digital signature

[Freevo-users] XMame not listing some games...?

2004-06-04 Thread Victor B. Putz
Here's a curious one, and I'll hunt it down if no one knows, but I
figured I'd ask.

My xmame configuration is not listing certain games for which I have
the rom AND the rom passes verification.  I only know of one (T-mek),
and it's not even a game I particularly am dying to play, but it irks
me that I can't figure out why it's not showing up.

I've looked at the xmameitem.py file, and it looks like most of the
right stuff SHOULD be happening (the Python code calls xmame with
--listitems as an argument, and t-mek does show up in that huge list),
but somewhere between xmame --listitems and showing on the screen, it

Any ideas, or should I just hunt it down?


Description: Digital signature

Re: [Freevo-users] remote as a joystick

2004-04-17 Thread Victor B. Putz
> Does anyone have any suggestions on wireless joysticks/gamepads or good
> video cards for emulation? I have a dxr3 but that doesnt seem to supprt
> emulation output, so I had put in a voodoo card, which really sucks.

I am currently using a pair of Logitech Cordless Rumblepads.  You can
almost always find them on eBay in the $10-$15 range (I bought two for
$20) and they make very passable controllers for MAME, TuxRacer,
SCUMMVM, and the like.  I'm in the process of making a tabletop-style
arcade control panel and wiring the buttons/joysticks to one of the
rumblepad circuit boards, which ought to be entertaining even if it
doesn't work...

Basically depending on your emulator, any vid card will work (it's not
like the vast majority of emulated games require intense 3d acceleration--
in fact, I don't think MAME would take advantage of it anyway).
There is GLMame, although it has issues with vector games at the moment.


Description: Digital signature

[Freevo-users] Blocky mencoder... on some channels.

2004-04-15 Thread Victor B. Putz
OK, after doing searches, looking at faqs, and getting thoroughly 
perplexed, I must finally ask the list (apologies; seems like the sort 
of problem that's been addressed before).

I'm using mencoder with a Hauppage WinTV board on an Athlon 1400 (or so) 
with 768MB ram.  The quality of my recordings varies; almost all of them 
have two vertical visible wiggly lines down the middle of the screen... 
and while some channels are fairly clear (Food Network, of all things, 
comes through with about the same quality as a VHS VCR), some are 
execrable (Comedy Central is EXTREMELY blocky to the point where 
on-screen text is difficult if not impossible to read).

Additionally, and this is less important (because we use an external 
tuner for live TV), watching TV via the freevo gets choppier and 
choppier as time goes on.

Here's my VCR command line from local_conf.py (the aumix bit is in there 
because I was having difficulty with setting record levels; now that 
I've switched motherboards to ALSA, it's probably no longer needed):

Any help anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated.  I'm OK with 
320x240 (not sure the hauppage can actually record at better--any 
ideas?), but the blockiness is really unacceptable.

VCR_CMD = ('aumix -L -f /home/freevo/recording_aumixrc; ' +
   '/usr/bin/mencoder ' +# Change. Absolute path to the 
   '-tv driver=v4l:input=0' +   # Input 0 = Comp. V. in
   ':norm=NTSC' +  # Change
#   ':channel=%(channel)s' +# Filled in by Freevo
   ':chanlist=us-cable' +  # Change
   ':width=320:height=240' +   # Change if needed
   ':outfmt=yv12' +# Prob. ok, yuy2 might be 
   ':device=/dev/video0' + # CHANGE!
   ':adevice=/dev/dsp' +  # CHANGE!
   ':audiorate=32000' +# 44100 for better sound
   ':forceaudio:forcechan=1:' +# Forced mono for bug in my 
   'buffersize=64' +   # 64 Megabyte capture buffer, 
   ' tv://%(channel)s'+
   ' -ovc lavc -lavcopts ' +   # Mencoder lavcodec video 
   'vcodec=mpeg4' +# lavcodec mpeg-4
   ':vbitrate=1200:' + # Change lower/higher, 
   'keyint=30 ' +  # Keyframe every 10 secs, 
   '-oac mp3lame -lameopts ' + # Use Lame for MP3 encoding
   'br=128:cbr:mode=3 ' +  # MP3 const. bitrate, 128 
   '-ffourcc divx ' +  # Force 'divx' ident, better 
   '-endpos %(seconds)s ' +# only mencoder uses this so 
do it here
   '-o %(filename)s.avi ')   # Filled in by 


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