[FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-07 Thread Jon Zingale

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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-07 Thread Marcus Daniels
I guess Mearsheimer would say this poor guy is brainwashed by his Western 
puppet masters, or an elite acting against the interests of his (non) 

From: Friam  On Behalf Of Jon Zingale
Sent: Monday, March 7, 2022 1:15 PM
To: friam@redfish.com
Subject: [FRIAM] Enamine


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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn UTC-6  bit.ly/virtualfriam
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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-08 Thread Roger Critchlow
gt; Swedish mining industry has nicely illustrated.  To the extent that they
> have basic competence, some skills, and productive attitudes, they can move
> laterally among industries and be about as well off after the move as
> before.  Not exactly, not in all cases; but overall there is not a good
> argument that industries need to be locked forever into one form in order
> for workers to survive.  A society and economy that seeks to protect
> workers rather than specific job-roles can largely do so.  The ones whom
> there is not a need to transfer laterally are the CEOs.  Once, in the past,
> maybe they competed in some fair field, and by whatever combination of luck
> or skill or talents, won something.  But the river moves on, and someone
> who is very successful and lucky in one fair, novel event has no reason to
> expect to be comparably lucky in regular events afterward.  What changes is
> that they can dig into positions and become rentiers, as the 19th century
> economists used to cast it.  It is, as the Aesop fable says of the goat
> taunting the wolf, not they, but the roof on which they stand, that is the
> source of their safety.  So the main ones threatened by industry change are
> the ones who are shielded from competition and don’t want to go back.
> Yet the Mearsheimer framing would say that, because the CEOs are highly
> motivated, because their motives can be articulated, and because they have
> the capacity for impact, that gives a kind of tautological legitimacy to
> their wishes to stay in power and freeze industries in place, no matter
> what the cost to those who wouldn’t share that choice.
> A country is not one thing.  Russia has clearly identifiable four large
> groups (at least).  There are the former KGB, not necessarily ultra-wealthy
> but accumulating wealth to try to re-establish a past government where
> agency remains with them.  There are the oligarchs, who live as a kind of
> parasitic outgrowth of oligarchs worldwide, but in a less productive
> society.  Then there are the populist nationalists going around wearing Zs
> on their shirts.  And then there are the other several layers of society
> who could consider Boris Nemtsov a spokesman for them.  Mearsheimer’s
> expressions “Russia wants XYZ” are, in the sense of decision makers, "the
> KGB-cabal of Russia wants XYZ", and it can solidify a network of oligarchs
> and Zs to backstop and facilitate the decisions in which the KGB-cabal are
> the decisionmakers and prime movers.  That, to me, seems like a
> foreshortened notion of what “Russia wants”.
> Of course, there is another sort of bizarre Louis XIV disease that has
> bothered me in those who love power and live in academic places as long as
> I have got to experience them directly.  Even if one wanted to fully adopt
> Mearsheimer’s frame, it is only sequitur if the next 100 years,
> ecologically and climatologically, will look more or less like the past
> 100.  That that will not be the case is the thing we can be surest of, in
> all this conversation.  But the power brokers, I think, haven’t
> internalized the view that there are things in the world bigger than them.
> In some superficial cognitive way they have, maybe, but I feel like not
> really.
> Eric
> On Mar 7, 2022, at 5:05 PM, Marcus Daniels  wrote:
> I guess Mearsheimer would say this poor guy is brainwashed by his Western
> puppet masters, or an elite acting against the interests of his (non)
> countrymen?
> *From:* Friam  *On Behalf Of *Jon Zingale
> *Sent:* Monday, March 7, 2022 1:15 PM
> *To:* friam@redfish.com
> *Subject:* [FRIAM] Enamine
> https://enamine.net/news-events/press-releases/1333-the-official-appeal-of-enamine-founder-and-ceo-andrey-tolmachov-to-the-drug-discovery-and-scientific-community
> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fenamine.net%2fnews-events%2fpress-releases%2f1333-the-official-appeal-of-enamine-founder-and-ceo-andrey-tolmachov-to-the-drug-discovery-and-scientific-community&c=E,1,7_zuyurFyFe4I5VmXYseRz4O1YKW2dXzJUpMFUJ1uKzGzmiajeukuIw86vhfy544XC4ZzJBEG8h2kU7I0OK47-XzUD_mq3Cq3wydLhJscA,,&typo=1>
> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-08 Thread Marcus Daniels
Roger writes:

< Putin is enforcing Russian approved aspirations in Ukraine.   >

Which are at odds with EU and US interests, many of which are business 
interests.   These business interests are not so abstract.  They are, for 
example, intertwined with our retirement investments.  Work and Life are deeply 
intertwined in the West, for better or worse.  Other business, strategic, and 
ideological interests run counter to these interests.   When the US spreads its 
ideology with the rest of the world, that’s a way of putting out some 
propositions (something like a principal component of) “our” values to make it 
clear where conflict could occur and then negotiate or bully a favorable 
resolution.  Brazil, India, and China do it too. Sometimes it is subversive or 
has multiple motivations like in Iraq.  We can put aside the morality 
(ideological interests) if you want and think of containing Putin as zero-sum 
game.  Our relatively liberal, diversified, powerful economies or his 
autocratic no-future extractive economy.

What I find annoying about Mearshimer, or Chomsky for that matter, is the 
latent assumption that there is something moral and right and we all know what 
it is.
Humans do what we do, and exercise of power one of the main things -- either as 
individuals or tribes.

From: Friam  On Behalf Of Roger Critchlow
Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 11:03 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

I found Mearshimer's argument a persuasive point of view.   What else has the 
US done that might make other countries anxious?   Engineered regime changes in 
Iran and Chile, supported failed regime changes in Cuba and Nicaragua, fought 
wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, intervened in Panama, Grenada, and Somalia, 
no-fly-zones in the Balkans and Syria, pursued economic sanctions against Cuba, 
North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, and Russia, expanded NATO twice into eastern 
europe, training police and counter-insurgency forces god knows where.  That's 
just in my lifetime working from my eroding memory.  If you want to live in the 
US sphere of influence, you'd best not poke the eagle in the eye, you'd best 
adapt or mask your aspirations to the ones the US approves.

We protest that our interests are supporting democracy and providing 
humanitarian aid, because that feels good.  Pay no attention to those cozy 
contracts between occupied Iraq and the western oil companies.  That tasty 
piece of kleptocracy wasn't in any way a motivation for the completely made up 
reasons for invading Iraq.  (Rumsfeld knew that he knew that Iraq had oil 
reserves, it was a known known.)  And don't get all tedious counting the 
collateral casualties from our drone wars, we only bomb wedding celebrations 
when it's absolutely necessary, and we are sincerely sorry for your losses, so, 
please, stop crying over spilt milk, it really harshes the vibe.

Good for the goose is good for the gander.  Putin is enforcing Russian approved 
aspirations in Ukraine.   And Mearshimer's point is that Putin isn't making up 
his reasons, he's stated them often.  Until the Ukrainians capitulate, he will 
continue to level the country, one apartment block, school, hospital, 
university, police station, city hall, and factory at a time.  We can hope 
there won't be any accidents with nuclear power plants or hydroelectric dams.  
There will be no Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea for British destroyers to 
visit in the future while flashing their bums at Sebastapol.  And we're going 
to fight him to the last Ukrainian standing, like we fought the Sandinistas to 
the last Contra standing, and we fought Cuba to the last Cuban exile standing 
on the beach at the Bay of Pigs.   There wasn't any air cover there, either.

Mearshimer's point of view is not pretty, and fairness is not part of its 
calculus, but it's the way of the world that we, the United States of America, 
have made.  And when we screw up in our enthusiasm for truth, justice, and the 
amurkan way, we should not blame others for the consequences.  And most 
especially when blaming the other is both politically expedient and a way of 
escalating the conflict that our enthusiasms created in the first place.  And 
mostest especially when we're escalating toward a tactical nuclear war in 

Broadwell's rebuttal was so ironic that I couldn't listen to it.  "We didn't do 
that.  We couldn't do that.  We would never do that."   Sure, Ray, we're pure 
as the driven snow, and anything we did or didn't do that helped "that coup" 
happen was an innocent mistake, which Putin should have laughed off.  But Putin 
isn't laughing.  In fact, he looks awful.

Marcus' observation that "what's the point of a huge defense budget if all you 
can do is cower?" might well be Putin's mantra.


Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-08 Thread Marcus Daniels
Interesting how some on the left [1] and right [2] want appeasement while also 
ignoring what Ukrainians want, like a working economy.[3]

[1] https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/08/nyregion/dsa-nato-ukraine-russia.html
[3] From Tom:  

I am not so sure use of tactical nuclear weapons would end the conflict or 
result in a strategic exchange.   This is a country the size of Texas and a 
people that have had to live with radioactivity due to Russian negligence.   
They could perhaps take out Zelensky that way, but at that point he’d be a war 
hero.China is still supporting Russia then?  Really?

From: Friam  On Behalf Of Roger Critchlow
Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 11:03 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

I found Mearshimer's argument a persuasive point of view.   What else has the 
US done that might make other countries anxious?   Engineered regime changes in 
Iran and Chile, supported failed regime changes in Cuba and Nicaragua, fought 
wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, intervened in Panama, Grenada, and Somalia, 
no-fly-zones in the Balkans and Syria, pursued economic sanctions against Cuba, 
North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, and Russia, expanded NATO twice into eastern 
europe, training police and counter-insurgency forces god knows where.  That's 
just in my lifetime working from my eroding memory.  If you want to live in the 
US sphere of influence, you'd best not poke the eagle in the eye, you'd best 
adapt or mask your aspirations to the ones the US approves.

We protest that our interests are supporting democracy and providing 
humanitarian aid, because that feels good.  Pay no attention to those cozy 
contracts between occupied Iraq and the western oil companies.  That tasty 
piece of kleptocracy wasn't in any way a motivation for the completely made up 
reasons for invading Iraq.  (Rumsfeld knew that he knew that Iraq had oil 
reserves, it was a known known.)  And don't get all tedious counting the 
collateral casualties from our drone wars, we only bomb wedding celebrations 
when it's absolutely necessary, and we are sincerely sorry for your losses, so, 
please, stop crying over spilt milk, it really harshes the vibe.

Good for the goose is good for the gander.  Putin is enforcing Russian approved 
aspirations in Ukraine.   And Mearshimer's point is that Putin isn't making up 
his reasons, he's stated them often.  Until the Ukrainians capitulate, he will 
continue to level the country, one apartment block, school, hospital, 
university, police station, city hall, and factory at a time.  We can hope 
there won't be any accidents with nuclear power plants or hydroelectric dams.  
There will be no Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea for British destroyers to 
visit in the future while flashing their bums at Sebastapol.  And we're going 
to fight him to the last Ukrainian standing, like we fought the Sandinistas to 
the last Contra standing, and we fought Cuba to the last Cuban exile standing 
on the beach at the Bay of Pigs.   There wasn't any air cover there, either.

Mearshimer's point of view is not pretty, and fairness is not part of its 
calculus, but it's the way of the world that we, the United States of America, 
have made.  And when we screw up in our enthusiasm for truth, justice, and the 
amurkan way, we should not blame others for the consequences.  And most 
especially when blaming the other is both politically expedient and a way of 
escalating the conflict that our enthusiasms created in the first place.  And 
mostest especially when we're escalating toward a tactical nuclear war in 

Broadwell's rebuttal was so ironic that I couldn't listen to it.  "We didn't do 
that.  We couldn't do that.  We would never do that."   Sure, Ray, we're pure 
as the driven snow, and anything we did or didn't do that helped "that coup" 
happen was an innocent mistake, which Putin should have laughed off.  But Putin 
isn't laughing.  In fact, he looks awful.

Marcus' observation that "what's the point of a huge defense budget if all you 
can do is cower?" might well be Putin's mantra.

-- rec --
On Tue, Mar 8, 2022 at 6:37 AM David Eric Smith 
mailto:desm...@santafe.edu>> wrote:
Yes, Mearsheimer’s POV is a hard one for me to get my head around, and to 
describe in some way that would be “fair”.

I don’t want to say it is entirely amoral or immoral.  I think, within his view 
that certain conclusions are foregone, he has a sense that ordinary people can 
work out some conditions of living under several different systems, with 
compensations that they decide work for th

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Marcus Daniels
EricS writes:

< It seems to me that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what to 
do next, and it is a 19th-century induction, in which a small number of actors 
simply dictate what the world will do, and there should be some kind of US 
retreat [..] >

There’s another option, possibly within reach, to create the conditions to have 
the current Russian government implode and give Russia the opportunity to join 
NATO.  It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.

From: Friam  On Behalf Of David Eric Smith
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 3:58 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

It’s a good list of wrongdoings, Roger, and no argument can be sound that 
doesn’t keep it present and active.  Facts are facts.

I wasn’t saying I can’t follow Mearsheimer’s frame or its reasoning.  I was 
saying that the adequacy of working within the frame seems questionable and 
bothers me. To put in a metaphor where I am sure it would be better if I stuck 
to the particulars, it seems like a Baconian error to me: to suppose that (a 
subset of) the facts are self-interpreting.

You mention:
Mearshimer's point of view is not pretty, and fairness is not part of its 
calculus, but it's the way of the world that we, the United States of America, 
have made.  And when we screw up in our enthusiasm for truth, justice, and the 
amurkan way, we should not blame others for the consequences.

I agree, and I also understand that you didn’t say my summary included either 
the word or the theme of blaming anybody (while acknowledging that both the 
political and media rhetoric is full of that).  But I want to reiterate that 
apportioning blame and with it responsibility is the opening part of a 
discussion, but not obviously enough to say what to do next.  It seems to me 
that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what to do next, and it is 
a 19th-century induction, in which a small number of actors simply dictate what 
the world will do, and there should be some kind of US retreat, after which we 
can conclude (?) that the Russian government will pull back and return directly 
to what they were prioritizing in 2012 (broader-based prosperity, certain 
conditional integrations, etc., while still operating mainly as a 
partly-kleptocratic petro-state, an economic model that is not universal and 
that does bring in other biases in what kind of governance and social structure 
are most robust).  I guess also that Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia will 
recognize that they were duped and quickly withdraw from NATO to become more 
Finland-like buffer states, and that an even easier decision of that kind can 
be reached with respect to Poland and Hungary, since they were backsliders 
anyway.  (I am being absurdist here because, even if one thought Mearsheimer’s 
analysis of the optimal decisions in the past are different from those taken, I 
don’t see what paths to comparable outcomes are available now.)

Here’s one take, on whether there are other dimensions outside Mearsheimer’s 
frame that bear on its adequacy.  A mock-dialogue:

QUESTION: Does the Russian (either) annexation or destruction of Ukraine at 
this time move the world toward or away from a rules-based system of 
international constraint?  How does an analytic answer to that serve as a 
criterion for valuing the event and deciding what to do in response to it?
REJOINDER: Does not exist as a question because the U.S. has taken many actions 
that, by not being constrained, undermined the role of constraint, whether they 
were taken by being misguided or by being cynically self-interested.

QUESTION: There are these patches of geography, often referred to by 
non-IR-specialists as “countries”.  We believe there are people who live there, 
and by a kind of abduction, we imagine those people have preferences, about 
engaging in trade relations or military alliances.  Should decisions they 
adopt, through various internal negotiations — yes, in contexts also shaped by 
external actors — have some right of persistence?
REJOINDER: Does not exist as a question because the U.S. haas taken actions 
that undermine rules-based international relations.

One can try to make the argument that there really are no other questions, 
because there is only ONE QUESTION, which is the one on which Mearsheimer’s 
frame settles.  But I think that is a hard argument to make analytically.  I 
recognize the possibility that, with short-term and blunt-force choices, the 
identities of actors and their lack of trustworthiness may make this frame so 
dominant that it overshadows most else.

But in any case, if those other questions do exist, even in a world where the 
U.S. haas taken actions that undermine rules-based international relations, I 
imagine a discussion of them would include elements that arise in this:

I don’t even know how

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Sarbajit Roy
What is going to happen in Ukraine is that Russia is going to teach Ukraine
a lesson for flirting with the EU, NATO and western liberalism and signing
that NATO document in November 2021.

Putin is going to annex the Eastern and Southern parts of Ukraine by
setting them up as autonomous regions/states within Ukraines' boundaries as
Russian protectorates. He is then going to make Kyiv sue for peace under
his terms with Russia taking over some aspects of Ukraine's foreign affairs
and defence/security (think back to the former East Germany). Putin has no
intention of taking over Ukraine or ruling it.

Russian's are very direct communicators (like Klingons), Putin, is doing
exactly what he said he would do before the invasion started. This is a
special military operation, not an invasion. The sooner Ukraine folds up
the better for everyone, and especially the Ukranians, since it's the US
and UK who are stoking the fires for their own selfish (war mongering
defence industry) interests.  And interestingly the Muslim world is lining
up behind the Russia-China axis as nobody really trusts the US and UK
anymore over there.

On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 9:57 PM Marcus Daniels  wrote:

> EricS writes:
> < It seems to me that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what
> to do next, and it is a 19th-century induction, in which a small number of
> actors simply dictate what the world will do, and there should be some kind
> of US retreat [..] >
> There’s another option, possibly within reach, to create the conditions to
> have the current Russian government implode and give Russia the opportunity
> to join NATO.  It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.
> *From:* Friam  *On Behalf Of *David Eric Smith
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 9, 2022 3:58 AM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <
> friam@redfish.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
> It’s a good list of wrongdoings, Roger, and no argument can be sound that
> doesn’t keep it present and active.  Facts are facts.
> I wasn’t saying I can’t follow Mearsheimer’s frame or its reasoning.  I
> was saying that the adequacy of working within the frame seems questionable
> and bothers me. To put in a metaphor where I am sure it would be better if
> I stuck to the particulars, it seems like a Baconian error to me: to
> suppose that (a subset of) the facts are self-interpreting.
> You mention:
> Mearshimer's point of view is not pretty, and fairness is not part of its
> calculus, but it's the way of the world that we, the United States of
> America, have made.  And when we screw up in our enthusiasm for truth,
> justice, and the amurkan way, we should not blame others for the
> consequences.
> I agree, and I also understand that you didn’t say my summary included
> either the word or the theme of blaming anybody (while acknowledging that
> both the political and media rhetoric is full of that).  But I want to
> reiterate that apportioning blame and with it responsibility is the opening
> part of a discussion, but not obviously enough to say what to do next.  It
> seems to me that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what to do
> next, and it is a 19th-century induction, in which a small number of actors
> simply dictate what the world will do, and there should be some kind of US
> retreat, after which we can conclude (?) that the Russian government will
> pull back and return directly to what they were prioritizing in 2012
> (broader-based prosperity, certain conditional integrations, etc., while
> still operating mainly as a partly-kleptocratic petro-state, an economic
> model that is not universal and that does bring in other biases in what
> kind of governance and social structure are most robust).  I guess also
> that Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia will recognize that they were duped and
> quickly withdraw from NATO to become more Finland-like buffer states, and
> that an even easier decision of that kind can be reached with respect to
> Poland and Hungary, since they were backsliders anyway.  (I am being
> absurdist here because, even if one thought Mearsheimer’s analysis of the
> optimal decisions in the past are different from those taken, I don’t see
> what paths to comparable outcomes are available now.)
> Here’s one take, on whether there are other dimensions outside
> Mearsheimer’s frame that bear on its adequacy.  A mock-dialogue:
> QUESTION: Does the Russian (either) annexation or destruction of Ukraine
> at this time move the world toward or away from a rules-based system of
> international constraint?  How does an analytic answer to that serve as a
> criterion for valuing the e

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Marcus Daniels
That sounds plausible.   What I don’t see is a release of sanctions before a 
lot of damage is done to the Russian economy.   North America doesn’t really 
need the oil, although I could see Germany and others folding when winter comes 
again.   As long as the sanctions hold up, Putin is in for a world of hurt.

From: Friam  On Behalf Of Sarbajit Roy
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 9:02 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

What is going to happen in Ukraine is that Russia is going to teach Ukraine a 
lesson for flirting with the EU, NATO and western liberalism and signing that 
NATO document in November 2021.

Putin is going to annex the Eastern and Southern parts of Ukraine by setting 
them up as autonomous regions/states within Ukraines' boundaries as Russian 
protectorates. He is then going to make Kyiv sue for peace under his terms with 
Russia taking over some aspects of Ukraine's foreign affairs and 
defence/security (think back to the former East Germany). Putin has no 
intention of taking over Ukraine or ruling it.

Russian's are very direct communicators (like Klingons), Putin, is doing 
exactly what he said he would do before the invasion started. This is a special 
military operation, not an invasion. The sooner Ukraine folds up the better for 
everyone, and especially the Ukranians, since it's the US and UK who are 
stoking the fires for their own selfish (war mongering defence industry) 
interests.  And interestingly the Muslim world is lining up behind the 
Russia-China axis as nobody really trusts the US and UK anymore over there.

On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 9:57 PM Marcus Daniels 
mailto:mar...@snoutfarm.com>> wrote:
EricS writes:

< It seems to me that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what to 
do next, and it is a 19th-century induction, in which a small number of actors 
simply dictate what the world will do, and there should be some kind of US 
retreat [..] >

There’s another option, possibly within reach, to create the conditions to have 
the current Russian government implode and give Russia the opportunity to join 
NATO.  It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.

From: Friam mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com>> On 
Behalf Of David Eric Smith
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 3:58 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

It’s a good list of wrongdoings, Roger, and no argument can be sound that 
doesn’t keep it present and active.  Facts are facts.

I wasn’t saying I can’t follow Mearsheimer’s frame or its reasoning.  I was 
saying that the adequacy of working within the frame seems questionable and 
bothers me. To put in a metaphor where I am sure it would be better if I stuck 
to the particulars, it seems like a Baconian error to me: to suppose that (a 
subset of) the facts are self-interpreting.

You mention:
Mearshimer's point of view is not pretty, and fairness is not part of its 
calculus, but it's the way of the world that we, the United States of America, 
have made.  And when we screw up in our enthusiasm for truth, justice, and the 
amurkan way, we should not blame others for the consequences.

I agree, and I also understand that you didn’t say my summary included either 
the word or the theme of blaming anybody (while acknowledging that both the 
political and media rhetoric is full of that).  But I want to reiterate that 
apportioning blame and with it responsibility is the opening part of a 
discussion, but not obviously enough to say what to do next.  It seems to me 
that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what to do next, and it is 
a 19th-century induction, in which a small number of actors simply dictate what 
the world will do, and there should be some kind of US retreat, after which we 
can conclude (?) that the Russian government will pull back and return directly 
to what they were prioritizing in 2012 (broader-based prosperity, certain 
conditional integrations, etc., while still operating mainly as a 
partly-kleptocratic petro-state, an economic model that is not universal and 
that does bring in other biases in what kind of governance and social structure 
are most robust).  I guess also that Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia will 
recognize that they were duped and quickly withdraw from NATO to become more 
Finland-like buffer states, and that an even easier decision of that kind can 
be reached with respect to Poland and Hungary, since they were backsliders 
anyway.  (I am being absurdist here because, even if one thought Mearsheimer’s 
analysis of the optimal decisions in the past are different from those taken, I 
don’t see what paths to comparable outcomes are available now.)

Here’s one take, on whether there are other dimensions outside Mearsheimer’s 
frame that bear on its adequacy.  A mock-dialogue:

QUESTION: Does the Russian (either) annexation or destruc

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Sarbajit Roy
Not really,
Russia is low down on the list of world economies and the Russian people
are quite used to deprivation if they see a positive outcome soon.
Putin paints it as an "EXISTENTIAL" threat for Mother Russia which had to
be done, no matter what.

On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 10:41 PM Marcus Daniels  wrote:

> That sounds plausible.   What I don’t see is a release of sanctions before
> a lot of damage is done to the Russian economy.   North America doesn’t
> really need the oil, although I could see Germany and others folding when
> winter comes again.   As long as the sanctions hold up, Putin is in for a
> world of hurt.
> *From:* Friam  *On Behalf Of *Sarbajit Roy
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 9, 2022 9:02 AM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <
> friam@redfish.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
> What is going to happen in Ukraine is that Russia is going to teach
> Ukraine a lesson for flirting with the EU, NATO and western liberalism and
> signing that NATO document in November 2021.
> Putin is going to annex the Eastern and Southern parts of Ukraine by
> setting them up as autonomous regions/states within Ukraines' boundaries as
> Russian protectorates. He is then going to make Kyiv sue for peace under
> his terms with Russia taking over some aspects of Ukraine's foreign affairs
> and defence/security (think back to the former East Germany). Putin has no
> intention of taking over Ukraine or ruling it.
> Russian's are very direct communicators (like Klingons), Putin, is doing
> exactly what he said he would do before the invasion started. This is a
> special military operation, not an invasion. The sooner Ukraine folds up
> the better for everyone, and especially the Ukranians, since it's the US
> and UK who are stoking the fires for their own selfish (war mongering
> defence industry) interests.  And interestingly the Muslim world is lining
> up behind the Russia-China axis as nobody really trusts the US and UK
> anymore over there.
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 9:57 PM Marcus Daniels 
> wrote:
> EricS writes:
> < It seems to me that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what
> to do next, and it is a 19th-century induction, in which a small number of
> actors simply dictate what the world will do, and there should be some kind
> of US retreat [..] >
> There’s another option, possibly within reach, to create the conditions to
> have the current Russian government implode and give Russia the opportunity
> to join NATO.  It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.
> *From:* Friam  *On Behalf Of *David Eric Smith
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 9, 2022 3:58 AM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <
> friam@redfish.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
> It’s a good list of wrongdoings, Roger, and no argument can be sound that
> doesn’t keep it present and active.  Facts are facts.
> I wasn’t saying I can’t follow Mearsheimer’s frame or its reasoning.  I
> was saying that the adequacy of working within the frame seems questionable
> and bothers me. To put in a metaphor where I am sure it would be better if
> I stuck to the particulars, it seems like a Baconian error to me: to
> suppose that (a subset of) the facts are self-interpreting.
> You mention:
> Mearshimer's point of view is not pretty, and fairness is not part of its
> calculus, but it's the way of the world that we, the United States of
> America, have made.  And when we screw up in our enthusiasm for truth,
> justice, and the amurkan way, we should not blame others for the
> consequences.
> I agree, and I also understand that you didn’t say my summary included
> either the word or the theme of blaming anybody (while acknowledging that
> both the political and media rhetoric is full of that).  But I want to
> reiterate that apportioning blame and with it responsibility is the opening
> part of a discussion, but not obviously enough to say what to do next.  It
> seems to me that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what to do
> next, and it is a 19th-century induction, in which a small number of actors
> simply dictate what the world will do, and there should be some kind of US
> retreat, after which we can conclude (?) that the Russian government will
> pull back and return directly to what they were prioritizing in 2012
> (broader-based prosperity, certain conditional integrations, etc., while
> still operating mainly as a partly-kleptocratic petro-state, an economic
> model that is not universal and that does bring in other biases in what
> kind of governance an

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Marcus Daniels
I guess it is possible that the northern activities are just an intended 
distraction, but it kind of looks like they are untrained for what they are 
Incompetence and deprivation are related.   
What’s the positive outcome?  That the border is a little better protected?   I 
mean, obviously, Putin will lie about “good outcomes”.

A contrast to Norway, which has a high standard of living but is still 
basically an oil economy.   Norway which pours money into education rather than 
defense like the US.   I mean, Russian mights like to be like Norwegians, 
driving around their own Teslas.

From: Friam  On Behalf Of Sarbajit Roy
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 9:17 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

Not really,
Russia is low down on the list of world economies and the Russian people are 
quite used to deprivation if they see a positive outcome soon.
Putin paints it as an "EXISTENTIAL" threat for Mother Russia which had to be 
done, no matter what.

On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 10:41 PM Marcus Daniels 
mailto:mar...@snoutfarm.com>> wrote:
That sounds plausible.   What I don’t see is a release of sanctions before a 
lot of damage is done to the Russian economy.   North America doesn’t really 
need the oil, although I could see Germany and others folding when winter comes 
again.   As long as the sanctions hold up, Putin is in for a world of hurt.

From: Friam mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com>> On 
Behalf Of Sarbajit Roy
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 9:02 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

What is going to happen in Ukraine is that Russia is going to teach Ukraine a 
lesson for flirting with the EU, NATO and western liberalism and signing that 
NATO document in November 2021.

Putin is going to annex the Eastern and Southern parts of Ukraine by setting 
them up as autonomous regions/states within Ukraines' boundaries as Russian 
protectorates. He is then going to make Kyiv sue for peace under his terms with 
Russia taking over some aspects of Ukraine's foreign affairs and 
defence/security (think back to the former East Germany). Putin has no 
intention of taking over Ukraine or ruling it.

Russian's are very direct communicators (like Klingons), Putin, is doing 
exactly what he said he would do before the invasion started. This is a special 
military operation, not an invasion. The sooner Ukraine folds up the better for 
everyone, and especially the Ukranians, since it's the US and UK who are 
stoking the fires for their own selfish (war mongering defence industry) 
interests.  And interestingly the Muslim world is lining up behind the 
Russia-China axis as nobody really trusts the US and UK anymore over there.

On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 9:57 PM Marcus Daniels 
mailto:mar...@snoutfarm.com>> wrote:
EricS writes:

< It seems to me that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what to 
do next, and it is a 19th-century induction, in which a small number of actors 
simply dictate what the world will do, and there should be some kind of US 
retreat [..] >

There’s another option, possibly within reach, to create the conditions to have 
the current Russian government implode and give Russia the opportunity to join 
NATO.  It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.

From: Friam mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com>> On 
Behalf Of David Eric Smith
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 3:58 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

It’s a good list of wrongdoings, Roger, and no argument can be sound that 
doesn’t keep it present and active.  Facts are facts.

I wasn’t saying I can’t follow Mearsheimer’s frame or its reasoning.  I was 
saying that the adequacy of working within the frame seems questionable and 
bothers me. To put in a metaphor where I am sure it would be better if I stuck 
to the particulars, it seems like a Baconian error to me: to suppose that (a 
subset of) the facts are self-interpreting.

You mention:
Mearshimer's point of view is not pretty, and fairness is not part of its 
calculus, but it's the way of the world that we, the United States of America, 
have made.  And when we screw up in our enthusiasm for truth, justice, and the 
amurkan way, we should not blame others for the consequences.

I agree, and I also understand that you didn’t say my summary included either 
the word or the theme of blaming anybody (while acknowledging that both the 
political and media rhetoric is full of that).  But I want to reiterate that 
apportioning blame and with it responsibility is the opening part of a 
discussion, but not obviously enough to say what to do next.  It seems to me 
that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what to do next, and it i

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Prof David West
I must agree that sanctions are a feckless response to Putin's aggression, 
past, present, and future. Yes, ordinary people will suffer; both in Russia and 
in the West, but neither policy nor outcomes will be effected and certainly not 
anything resembling regime change. North Korea and Iran are exemplars for the 
(in)effectiveness of sanctions.


On Wed, Mar 9, 2022, at 9:17 AM, Sarbajit Roy wrote:
> Not really,
> Russia is low down on the list of world economies and the Russian people are 
> quite used to deprivation if they see a positive outcome soon.
> Putin paints it as an "EXISTENTIAL" threat for Mother Russia which had to be 
> done, no matter what.
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 10:41 PM Marcus Daniels  wrote:
>> That sounds plausible.   What I don’t see is a release of sanctions before a 
>> lot of damage is done to the Russian economy.   North America doesn’t really 
>> need the oil, although I could see Germany and others folding when winter 
>> comes again.   As long as the sanctions hold up, Putin is in for a world of 
>> hurt.
>> __ __
>> *From:* Friam  *On Behalf Of *Sarbajit Roy
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 9, 2022 9:02 AM
>> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
>> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
>> __ __
>> What is going to happen in Ukraine is that Russia is going to teach Ukraine 
>> a lesson for flirting with the EU, NATO and western liberalism and signing 
>> that NATO document in November 2021. 
>> Putin is going to annex the Eastern and Southern parts of Ukraine by setting 
>> them up as autonomous regions/states within Ukraines' boundaries as Russian 
>> protectorates. He is then going to make Kyiv sue for peace under his terms 
>> with Russia taking over some aspects of Ukraine's foreign affairs and 
>> defence/security (think back to the former East Germany). Putin has no 
>> intention of taking over Ukraine or ruling it. 
>> Russian's are very direct communicators (like Klingons), Putin, is doing 
>> exactly what he said he would do before the invasion started. This is a 
>> special military operation, not an invasion. The sooner Ukraine folds up the 
>> better for everyone, and especially the Ukranians, since it's the US and UK 
>> who are stoking the fires for their own selfish (war mongering defence 
>> industry) interests.  And interestingly the Muslim world is lining up behind 
>> the Russia-China axis as nobody really trusts the US and UK anymore over 
>> there.
>> __ __
>> On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 9:57 PM Marcus Daniels  
>> wrote:
>>> EricS writes:
>>> < It seems to me that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what 
>>> to do next, and it is a 19th-century induction, in which a small number of 
>>> actors simply dictate what the world will do, and there should be some kind 
>>> of US retreat [..] >
>>> There’s another option, possibly within reach, to create the conditions to 
>>> have the current Russian government implode and give Russia the opportunity 
>>> to join NATO.  It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.
>>> *From:* Friam  *On Behalf Of *David Eric Smith
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 9, 2022 3:58 AM
>>> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
>>> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
>>> It’s a good list of wrongdoings, Roger, and no argument can be sound that 
>>> doesn’t keep it present and active.  Facts are facts.
>>> I wasn’t saying I can’t follow Mearsheimer’s frame or its reasoning.  I was 
>>> saying that the adequacy of working within the frame seems questionable and 
>>> bothers me. To put in a metaphor where I am sure it would be better if I 
>>> stuck to the particulars, it seems like a Baconian error to me: to suppose 
>>> that (a subset of) the facts are self-interpreting.  
>>> You mention:
 Mearshimer's point of view is not pretty, and fairness is not part of its 
 calculus, but it's the way of the world that we, the United States of 
 America, have made.  And when we screw up in our enthusiasm for truth, 
 justice, and the amurkan way, we should not blame others for the 
>>> I agree, and I also understand that you didn’t say my summary included 
>>> either the word or the theme of blaming anybody (while acknowledging that 
>>> both the political and media rhetoric is full of that).  But I want to 
>>> reiterate that apportioning blame and with it responsibility is the opening 
>>> part of a discussion, but not obviously enough to say what to do next.  It 
>>> seems to me that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what to do 
>>> next, and it is a 19th-century induction, in which a small number of actors 
>>> simply dictate what the world will do, and there should be some kind of US 
>>> retreat, after which we can conclude (?) that the Russian government will 
>>> pull back and return directly to what they were priorit

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Jochen Fromm
Sarbajit, what is the relationship of India and Russia? Is it true that Russia 
is India's biggest arms supplier?https://time.com/6154734/india-ukraine/-J.
 Original message From: Sarbajit Roy  Date: 
3/9/22  18:03  (GMT+01:00) To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee 
Group  Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine What is going to happen 
in Ukraine is that Russia is going to teach Ukraine a lesson for flirting with 
the EU, NATO and western liberalism and signing that NATO document in November 
2021. Putin is going to annex the Eastern and Southern parts of Ukraine by 
setting them up as autonomous regions/states within Ukraines' boundaries as 
Russian protectorates. He is then going to make Kyiv sue for peace under his 
terms with Russia taking over some aspects of Ukraine's foreign affairs and 
defence/security (think back to the former East Germany). Putin has no 
intention of taking over Ukraine or ruling it. Russian's are very direct 
communicators (like Klingons), Putin, is doing exactly what he said he would do 
before the invasion started. This is a special military operation, not an 
invasion. The sooner Ukraine folds up the better for everyone, and especially 
the Ukranians, since it's the US and UK who are stoking the fires for their own 
selfish (war mongering defence industry) interests.  And interestingly the 
Muslim world is lining up behind the Russia-China axis as nobody really trusts 
the US and UK anymore over there.On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 9:57 PM Marcus Daniels 

EricS writes:
< It seems to me that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what to 
do next, and it is a 19th-century induction, in which a small number of actors 
simply dictate what the world will do, and there should be some kind of US 
 [..] >
There’s another option, possibly within reach, to create the conditions to have 
the current Russian government implode and give Russia the opportunity to join 
NATO.  It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.

From: Friam  On Behalf Of
David Eric Smith
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 3:58 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

It’s a good list of wrongdoings, Roger, and no argument can be sound that 
doesn’t keep it present and active.  Facts are facts.


I wasn’t saying I can’t follow Mearsheimer’s frame or its reasoning.  I was 
saying that the adequacy of working within the frame seems questionable and 
bothers me. To put in a metaphor where I am sure it would be better if I stuck 
to the
 particulars, it seems like a Baconian error to me: to suppose that (a subset 
of) the facts are self-interpreting.  


You mention:

Mearshimer's point of view is not pretty, and fairness is not part of its 
calculus, but it's the way of the world that we, the United States of America, 
have made.  And when we screw up in our enthusiasm for truth, justice, and the 
 way, we should not blame others for the consequences.  


I agree, and I also understand that you didn’t say my summary included either 
the word or the theme of blaming anybody (while acknowledging that both the 
political and media rhetoric is full of that).  But I want to reiterate that 
 blame and with it responsibility is the opening part of a discussion, but not 
obviously enough to say what to do next.  It seems to me that Mearsheimer’s 
argument does do an induction for what to do next, and it is a 19th-century 
induction, in which a small
 number of actors simply dictate what the world will do, and there should be 
some kind of US retreat, after which we can conclude (?) that the Russian 
government will pull back and return directly to what they were prioritizing in 
2012 (broader-based prosperity,
 certain conditional integrations, etc., while still operating mainly as a 
partly-kleptocratic petro-state, an economic model that is not universal and 
that does bring in other biases in what kind of governance and social structure 
are most robust).  I guess
 also that Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia will recognize that they were duped 
and quickly withdraw from NATO to become more Finland-like buffer states, and 
that an even easier decision of that kind can be reached with respect to Poland 
and Hungary, since they
 were backsliders anyway.  (I am being absurdist here because, even if one 
thought Mearsheimer’s analysis of the optimal decisions in the past are 
different from those taken, I don’t see what paths to comparable outcomes are 
available now.)


Here’s one take, on whether there are other dimensions outside Mearsheimer’s 
frame that bear on its adequacy.  A mock-dialogue:


QUESTION: Does the Russian (either) annexation or destruction of Ukraine at 
this time move the world toward or away from a rules-based system of 
international constraint?  How does an analytic answer to that serve as a 
criterion for valuing
 the event 

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Marcus Daniels
My sense is that Moscow is a sophisticated city.   One sees resistance groups 
that talk about using VPNs and so forth.  (The gal from Pussy Riot is 
periodically on CNN for example.)   I am more worried about the elites being 
completely bought off.And like North Korea, one just needs enough 
well-trained ones to nurture a weapons program.Now people that had a 
comfortable city lifestyle like in Europe or the US will have a less 
comfortable one.   Ukrainians really hate Russians now, and it is a little 
unclear how much of that is justified.  Roger is claiming the hatred IS 
justified because the Russian democracy wants this.   I have a hard time buying 

From: Friam  On Behalf Of Prof David West
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 9:32 AM
To: friam@redfish.com
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

I must agree that sanctions are a feckless response to Putin's aggression, 
past, present, and future. Yes, ordinary people will suffer; both in Russia and 
in the West, but neither policy nor outcomes will be effected and certainly not 
anything resembling regime change. North Korea and Iran are exemplars for the 
(in)effectiveness of sanctions.


On Wed, Mar 9, 2022, at 9:17 AM, Sarbajit Roy wrote:
Not really,
Russia is low down on the list of world economies and the Russian people are 
quite used to deprivation if they see a positive outcome soon.
Putin paints it as an "EXISTENTIAL" threat for Mother Russia which had to be 
done, no matter what.

On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 10:41 PM Marcus Daniels 
mailto:mar...@snoutfarm.com>> wrote:

That sounds plausible.   What I don’t see is a release of sanctions before a 
lot of damage is done to the Russian economy.   North America doesn’t really 
need the oil, although I could see Germany and others folding when winter comes 
again.   As long as the sanctions hold up, Putin is in for a world of hurt.

From: Friam mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com>> On 
Behalf Of Sarbajit Roy
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 9:02 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

What is going to happen in Ukraine is that Russia is going to teach Ukraine a 
lesson for flirting with the EU, NATO and western liberalism and signing that 
NATO document in November 2021.

Putin is going to annex the Eastern and Southern parts of Ukraine by setting 
them up as autonomous regions/states within Ukraines' boundaries as Russian 
protectorates. He is then going to make Kyiv sue for peace under his terms with 
Russia taking over some aspects of Ukraine's foreign affairs and 
defence/security (think back to the former East Germany). Putin has no 
intention of taking over Ukraine or ruling it.

Russian's are very direct communicators (like Klingons), Putin, is doing 
exactly what he said he would do before the invasion started. This is a special 
military operation, not an invasion. The sooner Ukraine folds up the better for 
everyone, and especially the Ukranians, since it's the US and UK who are 
stoking the fires for their own selfish (war mongering defence industry) 
interests.  And interestingly the Muslim world is lining up behind the 
Russia-China axis as nobody really trusts the US and UK anymore over there.

On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 9:57 PM Marcus Daniels 
mailto:mar...@snoutfarm.com>> wrote:

EricS writes:

< It seems to me that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what to 
do next, and it is a 19th-century induction, in which a small number of actors 
simply dictate what the world will do, and there should be some kind of US 
retreat [..] >

There’s another option, possibly within reach, to create the conditions to have 
the current Russian government implode and give Russia the opportunity to join 
NATO.  It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.

From: Friam mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com>> On 
Behalf Of David Eric Smith
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 3:58 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

It’s a good list of wrongdoings, Roger, and no argument can be sound that 
doesn’t keep it present and active.  Facts are facts.

I wasn’t saying I can’t follow Mearsheimer’s frame or its reasoning.  I was 
saying that the adequacy of working within the frame seems questionable and 
bothers me. To put in a metaphor where I am sure it would be better if I stuck 
to the particulars, it seems like a Baconian error to me: to suppose that (a 
subset of) the facts are self-interpreting.

You mention:

Mearshimer's point of view is not pretty, and fairness is not part of its 
calculus, but it's the way of the world that we, the United States of America, 
have made.  And when we screw up in our enthusiasm for truth, justice, and the 
amurkan way, we should not blame others for the consequences.

I agree, and I also understand that you didn’t say my

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Sarbajit Roy
Yes Jochen.

India is Russia;'s largest buyers of arms, followed closely by China,
India also buys a lot of spares for Soviet equipment from the former Warsaw
pact countries, many of whom are now in NATO.

After the Soviet breakup, Russia has become unreliable in supplying spares,
and the quality of spares has also gone down, with former Soviet states
giving much better quality spares to us much cheaper. Russia was also
involved in too many corrupt deals to sell their arms here, which has
backfired on them and lowered their reputation as a trusted arms supplier
to us.

On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 11:11 PM Jochen Fromm  wrote:

> Sarbajit, what is the relationship of India and Russia? Is it true that
> Russia is India's biggest arms supplier?
> https://time.com/6154734/india-ukraine/
> -J.
>  Original message 
> From: Sarbajit Roy 
> Date: 3/9/22 18:03 (GMT+01:00)
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
> What is going to happen in Ukraine is that Russia is going to teach
> Ukraine a lesson for flirting with the EU, NATO and western liberalism and
> signing that NATO document in November 2021.
> Putin is going to annex the Eastern and Southern parts of Ukraine by
> setting them up as autonomous regions/states within Ukraines' boundaries as
> Russian protectorates. He is then going to make Kyiv sue for peace under
> his terms with Russia taking over some aspects of Ukraine's foreign affairs
> and defence/security (think back to the former East Germany). Putin has no
> intention of taking over Ukraine or ruling it.
> Russian's are very direct communicators (like Klingons), Putin, is doing
> exactly what he said he would do before the invasion started. This is a
> special military operation, not an invasion. The sooner Ukraine folds up
> the better for everyone, and especially the Ukranians, since it's the US
> and UK who are stoking the fires for their own selfish (war mongering
> defence industry) interests.  And interestingly the Muslim world is lining
> up behind the Russia-China axis as nobody really trusts the US and UK
> anymore over there.
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 9:57 PM Marcus Daniels 
> wrote:
>> EricS writes:
>> < It seems to me that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for
>> what to do next, and it is a 19th-century induction, in which a small
>> number of actors simply dictate what the world will do, and there should be
>> some kind of US retreat [..] >
>> There’s another option, possibly within reach, to create the conditions
>> to have the current Russian government implode and give Russia the
>> opportunity to join NATO.  It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.
>> *From:* Friam  *On Behalf Of *David Eric Smith
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 9, 2022 3:58 AM
>> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <
>> friam@redfish.com>
>> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
>> It’s a good list of wrongdoings, Roger, and no argument can be sound that
>> doesn’t keep it present and active.  Facts are facts.
>> I wasn’t saying I can’t follow Mearsheimer’s frame or its reasoning.  I
>> was saying that the adequacy of working within the frame seems questionable
>> and bothers me. To put in a metaphor where I am sure it would be better if
>> I stuck to the particulars, it seems like a Baconian error to me: to
>> suppose that (a subset of) the facts are self-interpreting.
>> You mention:
>> Mearshimer's point of view is not pretty, and fairness is not part of its
>> calculus, but it's the way of the world that we, the United States of
>> America, have made.  And when we screw up in our enthusiasm for truth,
>> justice, and the amurkan way, we should not blame others for the
>> consequences.
>> I agree, and I also understand that you didn’t say my summary included
>> either the word or the theme of blaming anybody (while acknowledging that
>> both the political and media rhetoric is full of that).  But I want to
>> reiterate that apportioning blame and with it responsibility is the opening
>> part of a discussion, but not obviously enough to say what to do next.  It
>> seems to me that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what to do
>> next, and it is a 19th-century induction, in which a small number of actors
>> simply dictate what the world will do, and there should be some kind of US
>> retreat, after which we can conclude (?) that the Russ

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Marcus Daniels
Well, yeah.   I’d say start flying sorties of F-16s and F-35s now, forget the 
cruddy old MiGs.   The distinctions between arms hardware supplier and arms 
services one of those rulebook distinctions for diplomats.  The rules are being 
ignored, obviously.

From: Friam  On Behalf Of Prof David West
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 9:32 AM
To: friam@redfish.com
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

I must agree that sanctions are a feckless response to Putin's aggression, 
past, present, and future. Yes, ordinary people will suffer; both in Russia and 
in the West, but neither policy nor outcomes will be effected and certainly not 
anything resembling regime change. North Korea and Iran are exemplars for the 
(in)effectiveness of sanctions.


On Wed, Mar 9, 2022, at 9:17 AM, Sarbajit Roy wrote:
Not really,
Russia is low down on the list of world economies and the Russian people are 
quite used to deprivation if they see a positive outcome soon.
Putin paints it as an "EXISTENTIAL" threat for Mother Russia which had to be 
done, no matter what.

On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 10:41 PM Marcus Daniels 
mailto:mar...@snoutfarm.com>> wrote:

That sounds plausible.   What I don’t see is a release of sanctions before a 
lot of damage is done to the Russian economy.   North America doesn’t really 
need the oil, although I could see Germany and others folding when winter comes 
again.   As long as the sanctions hold up, Putin is in for a world of hurt.

From: Friam mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com>> On 
Behalf Of Sarbajit Roy
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 9:02 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

What is going to happen in Ukraine is that Russia is going to teach Ukraine a 
lesson for flirting with the EU, NATO and western liberalism and signing that 
NATO document in November 2021.

Putin is going to annex the Eastern and Southern parts of Ukraine by setting 
them up as autonomous regions/states within Ukraines' boundaries as Russian 
protectorates. He is then going to make Kyiv sue for peace under his terms with 
Russia taking over some aspects of Ukraine's foreign affairs and 
defence/security (think back to the former East Germany). Putin has no 
intention of taking over Ukraine or ruling it.

Russian's are very direct communicators (like Klingons), Putin, is doing 
exactly what he said he would do before the invasion started. This is a special 
military operation, not an invasion. The sooner Ukraine folds up the better for 
everyone, and especially the Ukranians, since it's the US and UK who are 
stoking the fires for their own selfish (war mongering defence industry) 
interests.  And interestingly the Muslim world is lining up behind the 
Russia-China axis as nobody really trusts the US and UK anymore over there.

On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 9:57 PM Marcus Daniels 
mailto:mar...@snoutfarm.com>> wrote:

EricS writes:

< It seems to me that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what to 
do next, and it is a 19th-century induction, in which a small number of actors 
simply dictate what the world will do, and there should be some kind of US 
retreat [..] >

There’s another option, possibly within reach, to create the conditions to have 
the current Russian government implode and give Russia the opportunity to join 
NATO.  It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.

From: Friam mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com>> On 
Behalf Of David Eric Smith
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 3:58 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

It’s a good list of wrongdoings, Roger, and no argument can be sound that 
doesn’t keep it present and active.  Facts are facts.

I wasn’t saying I can’t follow Mearsheimer’s frame or its reasoning.  I was 
saying that the adequacy of working within the frame seems questionable and 
bothers me. To put in a metaphor where I am sure it would be better if I stuck 
to the particulars, it seems like a Baconian error to me: to suppose that (a 
subset of) the facts are self-interpreting.

You mention:

Mearshimer's point of view is not pretty, and fairness is not part of its 
calculus, but it's the way of the world that we, the United States of America, 
have made.  And when we screw up in our enthusiasm for truth, justice, and the 
amurkan way, we should not blame others for the consequences.

I agree, and I also understand that you didn’t say my summary included either 
the word or the theme of blaming anybody (while acknowledging that both the 
political and media rhetoric is full of that).  But I want to reiterate that 
apportioning blame and with it responsibility is the opening part of a 
discussion, but not obviously enough to say what to do next.  It seems to me 
that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what to do next, and it is 
a 19th-cent

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Sarbajit Roy
Marcus if I can clarify some of this.

The "West Ukrainian" people feel BETRAYED by Russia's attack on their
country, As fraternal Slavs they did not expect it considering their past
history with Russia.

Putin is making it clear that he is not targeting the Ukrainian people, per
se, but the ZELENKSY regime personally. The "Z" stands for Zelenksy regime
which has incorporated "neo-Nazi" armed irregular divisions which fought
the East Ukranians into the regular Ukranian army.

The Russian battle against these "Nazis" will be fought in Mariuopl and
perhaps Odessa, and it will be extremely brutal and uncivilised.
Putin has also sent in mainly conscripts (although he denies it) elsewhere
as (a) it bloodies them cheaply and b) they are less brutal than his
hardened troops and foreign mercenaries who will be used in urban warfare
assaults against the southern port cities.

Lastly as a reminder, Putin was prepared for deaths of 150 of his own
civilians to take out 40 hardcore Chechen rebels in the Oct 2002 opera
house hostage crisis. Something unacceptable in the West.


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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Jochen Fromm
Zelensky is Jewish. There are no Nazis in Ukraine. Russia behaves like Nazi 
Germany because it invades - unprovoked - an innocent democratic country. I am 
afraid you are repeating Russian state propaganda.The headline at 
theguardian.com is right now: "children buried in rubble after Russian 
airstrike on Mariupol hospital". Please tell me what kind of special military 
operation this is? Is it the one Tolstoy describes in "Special military 
operation and peace" ?-J.
 Original message From: Sarbajit Roy  Date: 
3/9/22  19:31  (GMT+01:00) To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee 
Group  Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine Marcus if I can clarify 
some of this.The "West Ukrainian" people feel BETRAYED by Russia's attack on 
their country, As fraternal Slavs they did not expect it considering their past 
history with Russia.Putin is making it clear that he is not targeting the 
Ukrainian people, per se, but the ZELENKSY regime personally. The "Z" stands 
for Zelenksy regime  which has incorporated "neo-Nazi" armed irregular 
divisions which fought the East Ukranians into the regular Ukranian army.The 
Russian battle against these "Nazis" will be fought in Mariuopl and perhaps 
Odessa, and it will be extremely brutal and uncivilised.Putin has also sent in 
mainly conscripts (although he denies it) elsewhere as (a) it bloodies them 
cheaply and b) they are less brutal than his hardened troops and foreign 
mercenaries who will be used in urban warfare assaults against the southern 
port cities.Lastly as a reminder, Putin was prepared for deaths of 150 of his 
own civilians to take out 40 hardcore Chechen rebels in the Oct 2002 opera 
house hostage crisis. Something unacceptable in the West.Sarbajit

.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Frank Wimberly
CNN's headline is WHO confirms Russian attacks on 18 hospitals.  That's
World Health Organization.

Frank C. Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
Santa Fe, NM 87505

505 670-9918
Santa Fe, NM

On Wed, Mar 9, 2022, 11:52 AM Jochen Fromm  wrote:

> Zelensky is Jewish. There are no Nazis in Ukraine. Russia behaves like
> Nazi Germany because it invades - unprovoked - an innocent democratic
> country. I am afraid you are repeating Russian state propaganda.
> The headline at theguardian.com is right now: "children buried in rubble
> after Russian airstrike on Mariupol hospital". Please tell me what kind of
> special military operation this is? Is it the one Tolstoy describes in
> "Special military operation and peace" ?
> -J.
>  Original message 
> From: Sarbajit Roy 
> Date: 3/9/22 19:31 (GMT+01:00)
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
> Marcus if I can clarify some of this.
> The "West Ukrainian" people feel BETRAYED by Russia's attack on their
> country, As fraternal Slavs they did not expect it considering their past
> history with Russia.
> Putin is making it clear that he is not targeting the Ukrainian people,
> per se, but the ZELENKSY regime personally. The "Z" stands for Zelenksy
> regime  which has incorporated "neo-Nazi" armed irregular divisions which
> fought the East Ukranians into the regular Ukranian army.
> The Russian battle against these "Nazis" will be fought in Mariuopl and
> perhaps Odessa, and it will be extremely brutal and uncivilised.
> Putin has also sent in mainly conscripts (although he denies it) elsewhere
> as (a) it bloodies them cheaply and b) they are less brutal than his
> hardened troops and foreign mercenaries who will be used in urban warfare
> assaults against the southern port cities.
> Lastly as a reminder, Putin was prepared for deaths of 150 of his own
> civilians to take out 40 hardcore Chechen rebels in the Oct 2002 opera
> house hostage crisis. Something unacceptable in the West.
> Sarbajit
>> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Jochen Fromm
Look at this CNN video. It shows an Ukrainian who has lost 5 family members 
because his home was struck by Russian missiles. The terror on his face is 
real. An innocent civilian who has lost everything: his family and his home. If 
this is not a war, then what is? It is a war of Putin against Ukraine because 
he feels threatened by the democracy there. He wants to submit the neighboring 
country to his authoritarian rule where his opponents are poisoned, shot or 
imprisoned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU3wJc9WmRI-J.
 Original message From: Sarbajit Roy  Date: 
3/9/22  19:31  (GMT+01:00) To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee 
Group  Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine Marcus if I can clarify 
some of this.The "West Ukrainian" people feel BETRAYED by Russia's attack on 
their country, As fraternal Slavs they did not expect it considering their past 
history with Russia.Putin is making it clear that he is not targeting the 
Ukrainian people, per se, but the ZELENKSY regime personally. The "Z" stands 
for Zelenksy regime  which has incorporated "neo-Nazi" armed irregular 
divisions which fought the East Ukranians into the regular Ukranian army.The 
Russian battle against these "Nazis" will be fought in Mariuopl and perhaps 
Odessa, and it will be extremely brutal and uncivilised.Putin has also sent in 
mainly conscripts (although he denies it) elsewhere as (a) it bloodies them 
cheaply and b) they are less brutal than his hardened troops and foreign 
mercenaries who will be used in urban warfare assaults against the southern 
port cities.Lastly as a reminder, Putin was prepared for deaths of 150 of his 
own civilians to take out 40 hardcore Chechen rebels in the Oct 2002 opera 
house hostage crisis. Something unacceptable in the West.Sarbajit

.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread thompnickson2


There are no Nazis in Ukraine.


Perhaps a bridge too far?  I regret to say that there are SOME nazis in 
Ukraine.   Evidence: an npr (?) reporter embedded with them.  Perhaps not more 
than there are in the US, or Germany, at the moment.  But they are there, they 
are, many of them battle hardened, and they are fighting on “our” side.  For 
good or ill.   I say this because eventually one of them will turn up on State 
TV in Moscow, and we have to be prepared for that.  




Nick Thompson

 <mailto:thompnicks...@gmail.com> thompnicks...@gmail.com



From: Friam  On Behalf Of Jochen Fromm
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 12:52 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine


Zelensky is Jewish. There are no Nazis in Ukraine. Russia behaves like Nazi 
Germany because it invades - unprovoked - an innocent democratic country. I am 
afraid you are repeating Russian state propaganda.


The headline at theguardian.com is right now: "children buried in rubble after 
Russian airstrike on Mariupol hospital". Please tell me what kind of special 
military operation this is? Is it the one Tolstoy describes in "Special 
military operation and peace" ?





 Original message 

From: Sarbajit Roy mailto:sroy...@gmail.com> > 

Date: 3/9/22 19:31 (GMT+01:00) 

To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group mailto:friam@redfish.com> > 

Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine 


Marcus if I can clarify some of this.

The "West Ukrainian" people feel BETRAYED by Russia's attack on their country, 
As fraternal Slavs they did not expect it considering their past history with 

Putin is making it clear that he is not targeting the Ukrainian people, per se, 
but the ZELENKSY regime personally. The "Z" stands for Zelenksy regime  which 
has incorporated "neo-Nazi" armed irregular divisions which fought the East 
Ukranians into the regular Ukranian army.

The Russian battle against these "Nazis" will be fought in Mariuopl and perhaps 
Odessa, and it will be extremely brutal and uncivilised.

Putin has also sent in mainly conscripts (although he denies it) elsewhere as 
(a) it bloodies them cheaply and b) they are less brutal than his hardened 
troops and foreign mercenaries who will be used in urban warfare assaults 
against the southern port cities.

Lastly as a reminder, Putin was prepared for deaths of 150 of his own civilians 
to take out 40 hardcore Chechen rebels in the Oct 2002 opera house hostage 
crisis. Something unacceptable in the West.



.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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 5/2017 thru present https://redfish.com/pipermail/friam_redfish.com/
 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread glen

Yes. There's a lot of them in the US here in WA, in spite of our overwhelmingly 
blue election results. So my guess is that the accusations of Svaboda's links 
to neo-nazis is at least somewhat true. Svoboda's results are pretty small ... 
nothing like Trump's share in our elections. But non-zero is infinitely greater 
than zero.

And given Nuland's encouragement that Yatseniuk talk to Tyahnybok four times 
per week added some smoke to the conspiracy theory.

But for anyone with a shred of skeptical ability to accept Putin's "denazification" 
rhetoric is preposterous. That rhetoric is clear manipulative propaganda. If the 
"democracy" in Russia accepts that rhetoric, it's because they've been stripped of that 
skeptical ability.

On 3/9/22 11:07, thompnicks...@gmail.com wrote:

Perhaps a bridge too far?  I regret to say that there are SOME nazis in 
Ukraine.   Evidence: an npr (?) reporter embedded with them.  Perhaps not more 
than there are in the US, or Germany, at the moment.  But they are there, they 
are, many of them battle hardened, and they are fighting on “our” side.  For 
good or ill.   I say this because eventually one of them will turn up on State 
TV in Moscow, and we have to be prepared for that.

.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Sarbajit Roy
THis may help you re: the Nazi issue

On Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 12:22 AM Jochen Fromm  wrote:

> Zelensky is Jewish. There are no Nazis in Ukraine. Russia behaves like
> Nazi Germany because it invades - unprovoked - an innocent democratic
> country. I am afraid you are repeating Russian state propaganda.
> The headline at theguardian.com is right now: "children buried in rubble
> after Russian airstrike on Mariupol hospital". Please tell me what kind of
> special military operation this is? Is it the one Tolstoy describes in
> "Special military operation and peace" ?
> -J.
>  Original message 
> From: Sarbajit Roy 
> Date: 3/9/22 19:31 (GMT+01:00)
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
> Marcus if I can clarify some of this.
> The "West Ukrainian" people feel BETRAYED by Russia's attack on their
> country, As fraternal Slavs they did not expect it considering their past
> history with Russia.
> Putin is making it clear that he is not targeting the Ukrainian people,
> per se, but the ZELENKSY regime personally. The "Z" stands for Zelenksy
> regime  which has incorporated "neo-Nazi" armed irregular divisions which
> fought the East Ukranians into the regular Ukranian army.
> The Russian battle against these "Nazis" will be fought in Mariuopl and
> perhaps Odessa, and it will be extremely brutal and uncivilised.
> Putin has also sent in mainly conscripts (although he denies it) elsewhere
> as (a) it bloodies them cheaply and b) they are less brutal than his
> hardened troops and foreign mercenaries who will be used in urban warfare
> assaults against the southern port cities.
> Lastly as a reminder, Putin was prepared for deaths of 150 of his own
> civilians to take out 40 hardcore Chechen rebels in the Oct 2002 opera
> house hostage crisis. Something unacceptable in the West.
> Sarbajit
>> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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>>  1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/
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> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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>  1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Carl Tollander
Hmm, 1860's.   Treaty of Aigun, and others at the time, regarded by China
as one of many unequal treaties, since they were imposed on it when it was
weakened by internal issues.   Historically, China would only consider
negotiating treaties among equals, maybe now, since Russia and China are
best buds, China might bring up that it's time to reconsider those
treaties.  Maybe if Russia were just a bit less equal due to recent
military overextension.  Say, would be nice to have all of the Amur basin
reunified.   Not to mention all the beachfront property!

BTW, there's a lot of Ukrainians living on the Kurils, the southernmost of
which are claimed by Japan.  Wonder how they are looking at current events.

Anyhow, let's not get too Eurocentric.   Russia has a lot of border.


On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 10:48 AM Marcus Daniels  wrote:

> Well, yeah.   I’d say start flying sorties of F-16s and F-35s now, forget
> the cruddy old MiGs.   The distinctions between arms hardware supplier and
> arms services one of those rulebook distinctions for diplomats.  The rules
> are being ignored, obviously.
> *From:* Friam  *On Behalf Of *Prof David West
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 9, 2022 9:32 AM
> *To:* friam@redfish.com
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
> I must agree that sanctions are a feckless response to Putin's aggression,
> past, present, and future. Yes, ordinary people will suffer; both in Russia
> and in the West, but neither policy nor outcomes will be effected and
> certainly not anything resembling regime change. North Korea and Iran are
> exemplars for the (in)effectiveness of sanctions.
> davew
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2022, at 9:17 AM, Sarbajit Roy wrote:
> Not really,
> Russia is low down on the list of world economies and the Russian people
> are quite used to deprivation if they see a positive outcome soon.
> Putin paints it as an "EXISTENTIAL" threat for Mother Russia which had to
> be done, no matter what.
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 10:41 PM Marcus Daniels 
> wrote:
> That sounds plausible.   What I don’t see is a release of sanctions before
> a lot of damage is done to the Russian economy.   North America doesn’t
> really need the oil, although I could see Germany and others folding when
> winter comes again.   As long as the sanctions hold up, Putin is in for a
> world of hurt.
> *From:* Friam  *On Behalf Of *Sarbajit Roy
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 9, 2022 9:02 AM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <
> friam@redfish.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
> What is going to happen in Ukraine is that Russia is going to teach
> Ukraine a lesson for flirting with the EU, NATO and western liberalism and
> signing that NATO document in November 2021.
> Putin is going to annex the Eastern and Southern parts of Ukraine by
> setting them up as autonomous regions/states within Ukraines' boundaries as
> Russian protectorates. He is then going to make Kyiv sue for peace under
> his terms with Russia taking over some aspects of Ukraine's foreign affairs
> and defence/security (think back to the former East Germany). Putin has no
> intention of taking over Ukraine or ruling it.
> Russian's are very direct communicators (like Klingons), Putin, is doing
> exactly what he said he would do before the invasion started. This is a
> special military operation, not an invasion. The sooner Ukraine folds up
> the better for everyone, and especially the Ukranians, since it's the US
> and UK who are stoking the fires for their own selfish (war mongering
> defence industry) interests.  And interestingly the Muslim world is lining
> up behind the Russia-China axis as nobody really trusts the US and UK
> anymore over there.
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 9:57 PM Marcus Daniels 
> wrote:
> EricS writes:
> < It seems to me that Mearsheimer’s argument does do an induction for what
> to do next, and it is a 19th-century induction, in which a small number of
> actors simply dictate what the world will do, and there should be some kind
> of US retreat [..] >
> There’s another option, possibly within reach, to create the conditions to
> have the current Russian government implode and give Russia the opportunity
> to join NATO.  It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.
> *From:* Friam  *On Behalf Of *David Eric Smith
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 9, 2022 3:58 AM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <
> friam@redfish.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
> It’s a good list of 

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Marcus Daniels
Lol!  I am all for denazification of Oregon!For those I shall draw the 
relevant foreign legion a map!
For other states, I am sure others can draw maps.
-Original Message-
From: Friam  On Behalf Of glen
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 11:10 AM
To: friam@redfish.com
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

Yes. There's a lot of them in the US here in WA, in spite of our overwhelmingly 
blue election results. So my guess is that the accusations of Svaboda's links 
to neo-nazis is at least somewhat true. Svoboda's results are pretty small ... 
nothing like Trump's share in our elections. But non-zero is infinitely greater 
than zero.

And given Nuland's encouragement that Yatseniuk talk to Tyahnybok four times 
per week added some smoke to the conspiracy theory.

But for anyone with a shred of skeptical ability to accept Putin's 
"denazification" rhetoric is preposterous. That rhetoric is clear manipulative 
propaganda. If the "democracy" in Russia accepts that rhetoric, it's because 
they've been stripped of that skeptical ability.

On 3/9/22 11:07, thompnicks...@gmail.com wrote:
> Perhaps a bridge too far?  I regret to say that there are SOME nazis in 
> Ukraine.   Evidence: an npr (?) reporter embedded with them.  Perhaps not 
> more than there are in the US, or Germany, at the moment.  But they are 
> there, they are, many of them battle hardened, and they are fighting on “our” 
> side.  For good or ill.   I say this because eventually one of them will turn 
> up on State TV in Moscow, and we have to be prepared for that.

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 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread glen

Sheesh. We have so many neo-nazis in our US forces the Azov regiment looks like 
kids playing cowboys and indians (no offense intended). We've even had to 
commission well-funded efforts not only to root them out, but also to sideline 
the radicalization of new recruits. Combine that with the III%ers and Oath 
Keepers who are actively trying to infiltrate all branches of our government 
and these piddly little accusations in that Aljazeera article are laughable, 
true or not.

Top that off with "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", which is a solid 
element of any conflict, and I don't see that much wrong as long as the nazis are 
fighting the equally toxic Russians.

But, again, Putin's denazification is ridiculous as justification for bombing 
infrastructure and civilian targets.

On 3/9/22 11:22, Sarbajit Roy wrote:

THis may help you re: the Nazi issue

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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Sarbajit Roy

Actually this CNN video supports my observations that ordinary Ukrainians
simply can't understand the "geo-political" reasons why Russia is attacking
them. The sooner this stops the better.

All these "barbaric" assaults on civilians are part and parcel of Russian
methods and they write it off to collateral damage. In any case, Russian
missiles /rockets are not designed for precision, but to make it up in
sheer numbers.

PS: I personally have considerable knowledge of Soviet munition platforms
and their tactics, which I can't really disclose over a public forum, but
there is no way I hold a brief for the Russians or swallow their propaganda.

On Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 12:35 AM Jochen Fromm  wrote:

> Look at this CNN video. It shows an Ukrainian who has lost 5 family
> members because his home was struck by Russian missiles. The terror on his
> face is real. An innocent civilian who has lost everything: his family and
> his home. If this is not a war, then what is? It is a war of Putin against
> Ukraine because he feels threatened by the democracy there. He wants to
> submit the neighboring country to his authoritarian rule where his
> opponents are poisoned, shot or imprisoned.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU3wJc9WmRI
> -J.
>  Original message 
> From: Sarbajit Roy 
> Date: 3/9/22 19:31 (GMT+01:00)
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
> Marcus if I can clarify some of this.
> The "West Ukrainian" people feel BETRAYED by Russia's attack on their
> country, As fraternal Slavs they did not expect it considering their past
> history with Russia.
> Putin is making it clear that he is not targeting the Ukrainian people,
> per se, but the ZELENKSY regime personally. The "Z" stands for Zelenksy
> regime  which has incorporated "neo-Nazi" armed irregular divisions which
> fought the East Ukranians into the regular Ukranian army.
> The Russian battle against these "Nazis" will be fought in Mariuopl and
> perhaps Odessa, and it will be extremely brutal and uncivilised.
> Putin has also sent in mainly conscripts (although he denies it) elsewhere
> as (a) it bloodies them cheaply and b) they are less brutal than his
> hardened troops and foreign mercenaries who will be used in urban warfare
> assaults against the southern port cities.
> Lastly as a reminder, Putin was prepared for deaths of 150 of his own
> civilians to take out 40 hardcore Chechen rebels in the Oct 2002 opera
> house hostage crisis. Something unacceptable in the West.
> Sarbajit
>> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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>>  5/2017 thru present https://redfish.com/pipermail/friam_redfish.com/
>>  1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/
> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn UTC-6  bit.ly/virtualfriam
> un/subscribe http://redfish.com/mailman/listinfo/friam_redfish.com
> FRIAM-COMIC http://friam-comic.blogspot.com/
> archives:
>  5/2017 thru present https://redfish.com/pipermail/friam_redfish.com/
>  1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Marcus Daniels
Did NATO forget to pack surface-to-surface missiles in the goodie bag?The 
US knows where the Russian artillery forces are, and are telling the 
Ukrainians, right?
Why are they not yet Sunflowers?  It seems like the Russians are distracting 
everyone with these civilian attacks why they work for territory in the south.

From: Friam  On Behalf Of Jochen Fromm
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 11:05 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

Look at this CNN video. It shows an Ukrainian who has lost 5 family members 
because his home was struck by Russian missiles. The terror on his face is 
real. An innocent civilian who has lost everything: his family and his home. If 
this is not a war, then what is? It is a war of Putin against Ukraine because 
he feels threatened by the democracy there. He wants to submit the neighboring 
country to his authoritarian rule where his opponents are poisoned, shot or 


 Original message 
From: Sarbajit Roy mailto:sroy...@gmail.com>>
Date: 3/9/22 19:31 (GMT+01:00)
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

Marcus if I can clarify some of this.
The "West Ukrainian" people feel BETRAYED by Russia's attack on their country, 
As fraternal Slavs they did not expect it considering their past history with 

Putin is making it clear that he is not targeting the Ukrainian people, per se, 
but the ZELENKSY regime personally. The "Z" stands for Zelenksy regime  which 
has incorporated "neo-Nazi" armed irregular divisions which fought the East 
Ukranians into the regular Ukranian army.

The Russian battle against these "Nazis" will be fought in Mariuopl and perhaps 
Odessa, and it will be extremely brutal and uncivilised.
Putin has also sent in mainly conscripts (although he denies it) elsewhere as 
(a) it bloodies them cheaply and b) they are less brutal than his hardened 
troops and foreign mercenaries who will be used in urban warfare assaults 
against the southern port cities.
Lastly as a reminder, Putin was prepared for deaths of 150 of his own civilians 
to take out 40 hardcore Chechen rebels in the Oct 2002 opera house hostage 
crisis. Something unacceptable in the West.

.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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 5/2017 thru present https://redfish.com/pipermail/friam_redfish.com/
 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn UTC-6  bit.ly/virtualfriam
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 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Marcus Daniels
Maybe they are blocking evacuations because they make good human shields.   
Otherwise just do the obvious thing and vaporize the Russians forces once they 
settle in.

From: Friam  On Behalf Of Sarbajit Roy
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 10:30 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

Marcus if I can clarify some of this.
The "West Ukrainian" people feel BETRAYED by Russia's attack on their country, 
As fraternal Slavs they did not expect it considering their past history with 

Putin is making it clear that he is not targeting the Ukrainian people, per se, 
but the ZELENKSY regime personally. The "Z" stands for Zelenksy regime  which 
has incorporated "neo-Nazi" armed irregular divisions which fought the East 
Ukranians into the regular Ukranian army.

The Russian battle against these "Nazis" will be fought in Mariuopl and perhaps 
Odessa, and it will be extremely brutal and uncivilised.
Putin has also sent in mainly conscripts (although he denies it) elsewhere as 
(a) it bloodies them cheaply and b) they are less brutal than his hardened 
troops and foreign mercenaries who will be used in urban warfare assaults 
against the southern port cities.
Lastly as a reminder, Putin was prepared for deaths of 150 of his own civilians 
to take out 40 hardcore Chechen rebels in the Oct 2002 opera house hostage 
crisis. Something unacceptable in the West.

.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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 5/2017 thru present https://redfish.com/pipermail/friam_redfish.com/
 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn UTC-6  bit.ly/virtualfriam
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 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Marcus Daniels
Sarbajit wrote:
< Lastly as a reminder, Putin was prepared for deaths of 150 of his own 
civilians to take out 40 hardcore Chechen rebels in the Oct 2002 opera house 
hostage crisis. Something unacceptable in the West.>
I think this argues against incrementalism with Putin.


From: Friam  On Behalf Of Sarbajit Roy
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 10:30 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

Marcus if I can clarify some of this.
The "West Ukrainian" people feel BETRAYED by Russia's attack on their country, 
As fraternal Slavs they did not expect it considering their past history with 

Putin is making it clear that he is not targeting the Ukrainian people, per se, 
but the ZELENKSY regime personally. The "Z" stands for Zelenksy regime  which 
has incorporated "neo-Nazi" armed irregular divisions which fought the East 
Ukranians into the regular Ukranian army.

The Russian battle against these "Nazis" will be fought in Mariuopl and perhaps 
Odessa, and it will be extremely brutal and uncivilised.
Putin has also sent in mainly conscripts (although he denies it) elsewhere as 
(a) it bloodies them cheaply and b) they are less brutal than his hardened 
troops and foreign mercenaries who will be used in urban warfare assaults 
against the southern port cities.
Lastly as a reminder, Putin was prepared for deaths of 150 of his own civilians 
to take out 40 hardcore Chechen rebels in the Oct 2002 opera house hostage 
crisis. Something unacceptable in the West.

.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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 5/2017 thru present https://redfish.com/pipermail/friam_redfish.com/
 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Prof David West
The US claims to be giving the Ukraine government intel "in real time" but the 
Ukraine claims, and points to several examples, that often there is a lag of 
hours to as much as a day between our knowing something and transmitting it to 
the Ukraine.


On Wed, Mar 9, 2022, at 11:44 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Did NATO forget to pack surface-to-surface missiles in the goodie bag?The 
> US knows where the Russian artillery forces are, and are telling the 
> Ukrainians, right?
> Why are they not yet Sunflowers?  It seems like the Russians are distracting 
> everyone with these civilian attacks why they work for territory in the south.
> *From:* Friam  *On Behalf Of *Jochen Fromm
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 9, 2022 11:05 AM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
> Look at this CNN video. It shows an Ukrainian who has lost 5 family members 
> because his home was struck by Russian missiles. The terror on his face is 
> real. An innocent civilian who has lost everything: his family and his home. 
> If this is not a war, then what is? It is a war of Putin against Ukraine 
> because he feels threatened by the democracy there. He wants to submit the 
> neighboring country to his authoritarian rule where his opponents are 
> poisoned, shot or imprisoned. 
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU3wJc9WmRI
> -J.
>  Original message 
> From: Sarbajit Roy 
> Date: 3/9/22 19:31 (GMT+01:00)
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
> Marcus if I can clarify some of this.
> The "West Ukrainian" people feel BETRAYED by Russia's attack on their 
> country, As fraternal Slavs they did not expect it considering their past 
> history with Russia.
> Putin is making it clear that he is not targeting the Ukrainian people, per 
> se, but the ZELENKSY regime personally. The "Z" stands for Zelenksy regime  
> which has incorporated "neo-Nazi" armed irregular divisions which fought the 
> East Ukranians into the regular Ukranian army.
> The Russian battle against these "Nazis" will be fought in Mariuopl and 
> perhaps Odessa, and it will be extremely brutal and uncivilised.
> Putin has also sent in mainly conscripts (although he denies it) elsewhere as 
> (a) it bloodies them cheaply and b) they are less brutal than his hardened 
> troops and foreign mercenaries who will be used in urban warfare assaults 
> against the southern port cities.
> Lastly as a reminder, Putin was prepared for deaths of 150 of his own 
> civilians to take out 40 hardcore Chechen rebels in the Oct 2002 opera house 
> hostage crisis. Something unacceptable in the West.
> Sarbajit
>> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
>> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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>> archives:
>>  5/2017 thru present https://redfish.com/pipermail/friam_redfish.com/
>>  1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/
> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn UTC-6  bit.ly/virtualfriam
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> archives:
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> 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn UTC-6  bit.ly/virtualfriam
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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Marcus Daniels
Even the integrated tactical data links are remarkably slow compared to 
consumer CDMA.   It's amazing that the bandwidth is adequate to do anything.  
It's like old modems (2400 baud).   One could imagine have automated engagement 
programs where drone imagery would be processed to enumerate targets with 
computer vision algorithms and then send it to aircraft.   
Bit...by...bit...by..bit..  In this case, writing on sticky notes and running 
it down the hall.   I heard that Zelensky had a secure communications system 
that the U.S. provided him to talk to Biden.

From: Friam  On Behalf Of Prof David West
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 2:18 PM
To: friam@redfish.com
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

The US claims to be giving the Ukraine government intel "in real time" but the 
Ukraine claims, and points to several examples, that often there is a lag of 
hours to as much as a day between our knowing something and transmitting it to 
the Ukraine.


On Wed, Mar 9, 2022, at 11:44 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:

Did NATO forget to pack surface-to-surface missiles in the goodie bag?The 
US knows where the Russian artillery forces are, and are telling the 
Ukrainians, right?

Why are they not yet Sunflowers?  It seems like the Russians are distracting 
everyone with these civilian attacks why they work for territory in the south.

From: Friam mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com>> On 
Behalf Of Jochen Fromm
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 11:05 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

Look at this CNN video. It shows an Ukrainian who has lost 5 family members 
because his home was struck by Russian missiles. The terror on his face is 
real. An innocent civilian who has lost everything: his family and his home. If 
this is not a war, then what is? It is a war of Putin against Ukraine because 
he feels threatened by the democracy there. He wants to submit the neighboring 
country to his authoritarian rule where his opponents are poisoned, shot or 



 Original message 

From: Sarbajit Roy mailto:sroy...@gmail.com>>

Date: 3/9/22 19:31 (GMT+01:00)

To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 

Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

Marcus if I can clarify some of this.

The "West Ukrainian" people feel BETRAYED by Russia's attack on their country, 
As fraternal Slavs they did not expect it considering their past history with 

Putin is making it clear that he is not targeting the Ukrainian people, per se, 
but the ZELENKSY regime personally. The "Z" stands for Zelenksy regime  which 
has incorporated "neo-Nazi" armed irregular divisions which fought the East 
Ukranians into the regular Ukranian army.

The Russian battle against these "Nazis" will be fought in Mariuopl and perhaps 
Odessa, and it will be extremely brutal and uncivilised.

Putin has also sent in mainly conscripts (although he denies it) elsewhere as 
(a) it bloodies them cheaply and b) they are less brutal than his hardened 
troops and foreign mercenaries who will be used in urban warfare assaults 
against the southern port cities.

Lastly as a reminder, Putin was prepared for deaths of 150 of his own civilians 
to take out 40 hardcore Chechen rebels in the Oct 2002 opera house hostage 
crisis. Something unacceptable in the West.


.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn UTC-6  
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 5/2017 thru present https://redfish.com/pipermail/friam_redfish.com/
 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Roger Critchlow
EOs are highly
>> motivated, because their motives can be articulated, and because they have
>> the capacity for impact, that gives a kind of tautological legitimacy to
>> their wishes to stay in power and freeze industries in place, no matter
>> what the cost to those who wouldn’t share that choice.
>> A country is not one thing.  Russia has clearly identifiable four large
>> groups (at least).  There are the former KGB, not necessarily ultra-wealthy
>> but accumulating wealth to try to re-establish a past government where
>> agency remains with them.  There are the oligarchs, who live as a kind of
>> parasitic outgrowth of oligarchs worldwide, but in a less productive
>> society.  Then there are the populist nationalists going around wearing Zs
>> on their shirts.  And then there are the other several layers of society
>> who could consider Boris Nemtsov a spokesman for them.  Mearsheimer’s
>> expressions “Russia wants XYZ” are, in the sense of decision makers, "the
>> KGB-cabal of Russia wants XYZ", and it can solidify a network of oligarchs
>> and Zs to backstop and facilitate the decisions in which the KGB-cabal are
>> the decisionmakers and prime movers.  That, to me, seems like a
>> foreshortened notion of what “Russia wants”.
>> Of course, there is another sort of bizarre Louis XIV disease that has
>> bothered me in those who love power and live in academic places as long as
>> I have got to experience them directly.  Even if one wanted to fully adopt
>> Mearsheimer’s frame, it is only sequitur if the next 100 years,
>> ecologically and climatologically, will look more or less like the past
>> 100.  That that will not be the case is the thing we can be surest of, in
>> all this conversation.  But the power brokers, I think, haven’t
>> internalized the view that there are things in the world bigger than them.
>> In some superficial cognitive way they have, maybe, but I feel like not
>> really.
>> Eric
>> On Mar 7, 2022, at 5:05 PM, Marcus Daniels  wrote:
>> I guess Mearsheimer would say this poor guy is brainwashed by his Western
>> puppet masters, or an elite acting against the interests of his (non)
>> countrymen?
>> *From:* Friam  *On Behalf Of *Jon Zingale
>> *Sent:* Monday, March 7, 2022 1:15 PM
>> *To:* friam@redfish.com
>> *Subject:* [FRIAM] Enamine
>> https://enamine.net/news-events/press-releases/1333-the-official-appeal-of-enamine-founder-and-ceo-andrey-tolmachov-to-the-drug-discovery-and-scientific-community
>> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fenamine.net%2fnews-events%2fpress-releases%2f1333-the-official-appeal-of-enamine-founder-and-ceo-andrey-tolmachov-to-the-drug-discovery-and-scientific-community&c=E,1,7_zuyurFyFe4I5VmXYseRz4O1YKW2dXzJUpMFUJ1uKzGzmiajeukuIw86vhfy544XC4ZzJBEG8h2kU7I0OK47-XzUD_mq3Cq3wydLhJscA,,&typo=1>
>> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-09 Thread Marcus Daniels
< And his second point is that given the balance of our actions and inactions 
in Ukraine, we created this outcome.  We encouraged the Ukrainians to thumb 
their noses at Russia and pursue integration with Europe.  >

If they want that, they can want that.If the US or the EU are prepared to 
support them in that goal, then we should be ready to pay that cost.If we 
aren’t prepared for the costs, then just state that directly.   If we are 
prepared to some of the cost by donating arms, then we can say that is our 
intent.   I don’t see a lot of evidence of deception here.   What I remember is 
Zelensky bending over backward to persuade Trump to give them the Javelins and 
Trump screwing him over.   And it looks to me like they were well received.  

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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-10 Thread Barry MacKichan

WHO’s on first?

My last year at Harvard, after all the mathmematics students had been 
matched to graduate schools, some of us were talking at lunch.

One of them was going to UCLA.
I asked, “Who’s at UCLA?”
“Yes”, he answered.

*Sze-tsen Hu wrote a book on Homotopy Theory

On 9 Mar 2022, at 14:04, Frank Wimberly wrote:

CNN's headline is WHO confirms Russian attacks on 18 hospitals.  

World Health Organization.

Frank C. Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
Santa Fe, NM 87505

505 670-9918
Santa Fe, NM

On Wed, Mar 9, 2022, 11:52 AM Jochen Fromm  wrote:

Zelensky is Jewish. There are no Nazis in Ukraine. Russia behaves 

Nazi Germany because it invades - unprovoked - an innocent democratic
country. I am afraid you are repeating Russian state propaganda.

The headline at theguardian.com is right now: "children buried in 
after Russian airstrike on Mariupol hospital". Please tell me what 
kind of
special military operation this is? Is it the one Tolstoy describes 

"Special military operation and peace" ?


 Original message 
From: Sarbajit Roy 
Date: 3/9/22 19:31 (GMT+01:00)
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 

Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

Marcus if I can clarify some of this.

The "West Ukrainian" people feel BETRAYED by Russia's attack on their
country, As fraternal Slavs they did not expect it considering their 

history with Russia.

Putin is making it clear that he is not targeting the Ukrainian 
per se, but the ZELENKSY regime personally. The "Z" stands for 
regime  which has incorporated "neo-Nazi" armed irregular divisions 

fought the East Ukranians into the regular Ukranian army.

The Russian battle against these "Nazis" will be fought in Mariuopl 

perhaps Odessa, and it will be extremely brutal and uncivilised.
Putin has also sent in mainly conscripts (although he denies it) 

as (a) it bloodies them cheaply and b) they are less brutal than his
hardened troops and foreign mercenaries who will be used in urban 

assaults against the southern port cities.

Lastly as a reminder, Putin was prepared for deaths of 150 of his own
civilians to take out 40 hardcore Chechen rebels in the Oct 2002 

house hostage crisis. Something unacceptable in the West.


.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. 
.- - .

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 5/2017 thru present 

 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. 
.- - .

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 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- 
- .

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 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-10 Thread Frank Wimberly
That's funny.

Frank C. Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
Santa Fe, NM 87505

505 670-9918
Santa Fe, NM

On Thu, Mar 10, 2022, 10:13 AM Barry MacKichan <
barry.mackic...@mackichan.com> wrote:

> WHO’s on first?
> My last year at Harvard, after all the mathmematics students had been
> matched to graduate schools, some of us were talking at lunch.
> One of them was going to UCLA.
> I asked, “Who’s at UCLA?”
> “Yes”, he answered.
> *Sze-tsen Hu wrote a book on Homotopy Theory
> On 9 Mar 2022, at 14:04, Frank Wimberly wrote:
> CNN's headline is WHO confirms Russian attacks on 18 hospitals.  That's
> World Health Organization.
> ---
> Frank C. Wimberly
> 140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
> Santa Fe, NM 87505
> 505 670-9918
> Santa Fe, NM
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2022, 11:52 AM Jochen Fromm  wrote:
>> Zelensky is Jewish. There are no Nazis in Ukraine. Russia behaves like
>> Nazi Germany because it invades - unprovoked - an innocent democratic
>> country. I am afraid you are repeating Russian state propaganda.
>> The headline at theguardian.com is right now: "children buried in rubble
>> after Russian airstrike on Mariupol hospital". Please tell me what kind of
>> special military operation this is? Is it the one Tolstoy describes in
>> "Special military operation and peace" ?
>> -J.
>>  Original message 
>> From: Sarbajit Roy 
>> Date: 3/9/22 19:31 (GMT+01:00)
>> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
>> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
>> Marcus if I can clarify some of this.
>> The "West Ukrainian" people feel BETRAYED by Russia's attack on their
>> country, As fraternal Slavs they did not expect it considering their past
>> history with Russia.
>> Putin is making it clear that he is not targeting the Ukrainian people,
>> per se, but the ZELENKSY regime personally. The "Z" stands for Zelenksy
>> regime  which has incorporated "neo-Nazi" armed irregular divisions which
>> fought the East Ukranians into the regular Ukranian army.
>> The Russian battle against these "Nazis" will be fought in Mariuopl and
>> perhaps Odessa, and it will be extremely brutal and uncivilised.
>> Putin has also sent in mainly conscripts (although he denies it)
>> elsewhere as (a) it bloodies them cheaply and b) they are less brutal than
>> his hardened troops and foreign mercenaries who will be used in urban
>> warfare assaults against the southern port cities.
>> Lastly as a reminder, Putin was prepared for deaths of 150 of his own
>> civilians to take out 40 hardcore Chechen rebels in the Oct 2002 opera
>> house hostage crisis. Something unacceptable in the West.
>> Sarbajit
>>> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- -
>>> .
>>> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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>>> FRIAM-COMIC http://friam-comic.blogspot.com/
>>> archives:
>>>  5/2017 thru present https://redfish.com/pipermail/friam_redfish.com/
>>>  1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/
>> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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>>  1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/
> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-11 Thread glen

We call on Biden to reject reckless demands for a no-fly zone
We deplore Russia’s aggression. However, it strains credulity to think that a 
US war with Russia would make the American people safer or more prosperous

Directly on the heels of counter-arguing with EricC about the inadequacy of hypocrisy as an 
argument, this open letter "peacenick" rhetoric really gets on my nerves. The sanctions 
are anemic, and damn near cowardly. The tagline to the open letter "safer or more 
prosperous" is spot on. Because *that's* why we do things, right? So we can be safe and 
prosperous? Safety and prosperity are the foundations of our ethics? Bullshit.

Buffers and proxy wars are the epitome of manipulative exploitation. I'm no 
war-monger. But this democratic backsliding and trend toward dictators with 
leaders like Modi, Orbán, Lukashenko, et al *are* the actual front line. And 
that front line isn't geographical. It's ethical.

War, even nuclear, might serve as a tacit demonstration to our right-wing 
friends that freedom, the word they love so much, doesn't lie in safety and 
prosperity. It lies in the recognition of, and united stance against, 
exploitative bullies.

We're lucky I'm not in charge, I guess. 8^D

On 3/11/22 02:49, David Eric Smith wrote:

 The notion of “using” buffer states — which I hate, by the way, as an attitude 
of consigning people and regions to disposability categories — as a way to 
allow graded responses and stalemates from which large bully-powers could 
withdraw, would have been the template for most alliance treaties.

.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-11 Thread Marcus Daniels
One issue seems to be classified tech.


We can always make more classified tech.

I agree completely.  Stand for something or fall for nothing.  The maximalist 
MAD scenario is a made-up thing.

On Mar 11, 2022, at 7:07 AM, glen  wrote:

We call on Biden to reject reckless demands for a no-fly zone
We deplore Russia’s aggression. However, it strains credulity to think that a 
US war with Russia would make the American people safer or more prosperous

Directly on the heels of counter-arguing with EricC about the inadequacy of 
hypocrisy as an argument, this open letter "peacenick" rhetoric really gets on 
my nerves. The sanctions are anemic, and damn near cowardly. The tagline to the 
open letter "safer or more prosperous" is spot on. Because *that's* why we do 
things, right? So we can be safe and prosperous? Safety and prosperity are the 
foundations of our ethics? Bullshit.

Buffers and proxy wars are the epitome of manipulative exploitation. I'm no 
war-monger. But this democratic backsliding and trend toward dictators with 
leaders like Modi, Orbán, Lukashenko, et al *are* the actual front line. And 
that front line isn't geographical. It's ethical.

War, even nuclear, might serve as a tacit demonstration to our right-wing 
friends that freedom, the word they love so much, doesn't lie in safety and 
prosperity. It lies in the recognition of, and united stance against, 
exploitative bullies.

We're lucky I'm not in charge, I guess. 8^D

On 3/11/22 02:49, David Eric Smith wrote:
 The notion of “using” buffer states — which I hate, by the way, as an attitude 
of consigning people and regions to disposability categories — as a way to 
allow graded responses and stalemates from which large bully-powers could 
withdraw, would have been the template for most alliance treaties.

.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

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 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-11 Thread Carl Tollander
>>The maximalist MAD scenario is a made-up thing.

As are orange juice futures.  Useful as a trade instrument, but you don't
want to take delivery.


On Fri, Mar 11, 2022, 08:18 Marcus Daniels  wrote:

> One issue seems to be classified tech.
> https://dnyuz.com/2022/03/09/screw-removal-allows-us-to-send-classified-stinger-missiles-to-ukraine/
> We can always make more classified tech.
> I agree completely.  Stand for something or fall for nothing.  The
> maximalist MAD scenario is a made-up thing.
> On Mar 11, 2022, at 7:07 AM, glen  wrote:
> We call on Biden to reject reckless demands for a no-fly zone
> We deplore Russia’s aggression. However, it strains credulity to think
> that a US war with Russia would make the American people safer or more
> prosperous
> https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/mar/11/we-call-on-biden-to-reject-reckless-demands-for-a-no-fly-zone
> Directly on the heels of counter-arguing with EricC about the inadequacy
> of hypocrisy as an argument, this open letter "peacenick" rhetoric really
> gets on my nerves. The sanctions are anemic, and damn near cowardly. The
> tagline to the open letter "safer or more prosperous" is spot on. Because
> *that's* why we do things, right? So we can be safe and prosperous? Safety
> and prosperity are the foundations of our ethics? Bullshit.
> Buffers and proxy wars are the epitome of manipulative exploitation. I'm
> no war-monger. But this democratic backsliding and trend toward dictators
> with leaders like Modi, Orbán, Lukashenko, et al *are* the actual front
> line. And that front line isn't geographical. It's ethical.
> War, even nuclear, might serve as a tacit demonstration to our right-wing
> friends that freedom, the word they love so much, doesn't lie in safety and
> prosperity. It lies in the recognition of, and united stance against,
> exploitative bullies.
> We're lucky I'm not in charge, I guess. 8^D
> On 3/11/22 02:49, David Eric Smith wrote:
>  The notion of “using” buffer states — which I hate, by the way, as an
> attitude of consigning people and regions to disposability categories — as
> a way to allow graded responses and stalemates from which large
> bully-powers could withdraw, would have been the template for most alliance
> treaties.
> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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> FRIAM-COMIC http://friam-comic.blogspot.com/
> archives:
> 5/2017 thru present https://redfish.com/pipermail/friam_redfish.com/
> 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/
> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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>  1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-11 Thread Steve Smith

On 3/11/22 8:18 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:

The maximalist MAD scenario is a made-up thing.

I'm not sure how to parse this.  Not possible (technically) or not 
likely (sociopolitically)?

Is your belief that there is no scenario where those who hold nuclear 
weapons cannot launch enough to effectively wipe out humanity within 
hours/days/weeks?   I honestly don't know the accuracy of the public 
numbers of nuclear weapons in-hand around the world, but as I remember 
my last glance at those numbers they were on the order of 6K each for 
US/Russia/China with hundreds in the hands of most of the other 
identified nuclear powers.

If you are suggesting that the use of nuclear weapons by NATO or Russia 
in this conflict would be limited to "a handful" (1, 2, 3 digits?) 
exchanged from each side, and the result of *that* would result instead 
in Glen's "tacit demonstration". Or your/Frank's ideation that a 
significant reduction in population and a nuclear winter  which could 
well be what Gaia (Medea?) needs to put the scourge that is modern 
humanity/civilization back in our box (for a while)? This I believe 
is possible (with a huge delta on both population reduction and global 
cooling reset and the myriad modes of ringing in the system that is our 

In a 'flip' moment I might endorse this course... but it feels a little 
like being an out of control skier deliberately *flinging* myself into 
the trees at top speed hoping I survive the crash... possible, but only 
as a true last-ditch effort.   I *do* think there are political and even 
technical stops in the MAD machine designed to avoid a complete emptying 
of all arsenals against all other arsenals in one giant death spasm, but 
I don't know what the scale of the ratcheted mini-spasms would be.  The 
cure that kills the patient before the malady can?

Meanwhile let's argue about the details of the tech to use H2 as a 
storage/transportation alternative to fossil fuels and keep on endorsing 
the stacking of the house of cards higher and higher, because after all, 
like the tower of babel we will eventually get to heaven that way?  
Techno-utopian paths forward seem inevitable so I *am* interested in the 
details of these kinds of things, but without an equal focus on reducing 
our appetite by orders of magnitude, I think we are just rearranging 
deck chairs.

Bending this pretzeled thread further...

- Steve

On Mar 11, 2022, at 7:07 AM, glen  wrote:

We call on Biden to reject reckless demands for a no-fly zone
We deplore Russia’s aggression. However, it strains credulity to 
think that a US war with Russia would make the American people safer 
or more prosperous


Directly on the heels of counter-arguing with EricC about the 
inadequacy of hypocrisy as an argument, this open letter "peacenick" 
rhetoric really gets on my nerves. The sanctions are anemic, and damn 
near cowardly. The tagline to the open letter "safer or more 
prosperous" is spot on. Because *that's* why we do things, right? So 
we can be safe and prosperous? Safety and prosperity are the 
foundations of our ethics? Bullshit.

Buffers and proxy wars are the epitome of manipulative exploitation. 
I'm no war-monger. But this democratic backsliding and trend toward 
dictators with leaders like Modi, Orbán, Lukashenko, et al *are* the 
actual front line. And that front line isn't geographical. It's ethical.

War, even nuclear, might serve as a tacit demonstration to our 
right-wing friends that freedom, the word they love so much, doesn't 
lie in safety and prosperity. It lies in the recognition of, and 
united stance against, exploitative bullies.

We're lucky I'm not in charge, I guess. 8^D

On 3/11/22 02:49, David Eric Smith wrote:
 The notion of “using” buffer states — which I hate, by the way, as 
an attitude of consigning people and regions to disposability 
categories — as a way to allow graded responses and stalemates from 
which large bully-powers could withdraw, would have been the 
template for most alliance treaties.

.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. 
.- - .

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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-11 Thread Marcus Daniels
< Meanwhile let's argue about the details of the tech to use H2 as a 
storage/transportation alternative to fossil fuels and keep on endorsing the 
stacking of the house of cards higher and higher, because after all, like the 
tower of babel we will eventually get to heaven that way? Techno-utopian paths 
forward seem inevitable so I *am* interested in the details of these kinds of 
things, but without an equal focus on reducing our appetite by orders of 
magnitude, I think we are just rearranging deck chairs. >

It just irritates me when a promising system has some property that may need to 
be addressed is dismissed in some drive-by shooting sort of way.
I rarely travel and think that face-to-face communication takes away as much as 
it adds.  People pull their punches when they feel they can be punched.


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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-11 Thread glen

Exactly. I'd endorse not only a no-fly zone, but also active counter attacks on 
their deployed forces like that convoy. If Sarbajit is right that the highly 
skilled forces will be largely deployed in the South and the conscripts in the 
North are mostly a sacrificable feint, then I'd even support some special 
forces boots on the ground in the South.

But I vacillate on whether we should do anything outside Ukraine territory. I suppose 
slight fuzzification of the boundary is unavoidable to some extent. I'd like to retain my 
sanctimonious conception of "defensive" action.

On 3/11/22 09:06, Marcus Daniels wrote:

I’m just saying it could go on a while.   I think Putin doesn’t give a damn 
about his armed forces, and would not treat a battlefield exchange the same way 
he would treat an attack on Moscow.

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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-11 Thread Marcus Daniels
It makes some sense to get the Russian forces overextended and then ramp up an 
insurgency.He will spend a ton of money that he doesn't have.  
To keep the high moral ground, it is better if he escalates.  For example, if 
he used a tactical nuke, then scale larger but somewhat proportionate response. 
  It could even be conventional.  Make clear to the Russian people and Russian 
leaders that he will destroy the country.  

-Original Message-
From: Friam  On Behalf Of glen
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2022 10:26 AM
To: friam@redfish.com
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

Exactly. I'd endorse not only a no-fly zone, but also active counter attacks on 
their deployed forces like that convoy. If Sarbajit is right that the highly 
skilled forces will be largely deployed in the South and the conscripts in the 
North are mostly a sacrificable feint, then I'd even support some special 
forces boots on the ground in the South.

But I vacillate on whether we should do anything outside Ukraine territory. I 
suppose slight fuzzification of the boundary is unavoidable to some extent. I'd 
like to retain my sanctimonious conception of "defensive" action.

On 3/11/22 09:06, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> I’m just saying it could go on a while.   I think Putin doesn’t give a damn 
> about his armed forces, and would not treat a battlefield exchange the same 
> way he would treat an attack on Moscow.

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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-11 Thread Steve Smith

On 3/11/22 10:29 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:

< Meanwhile let's argue about the details of the tech to use H2 as a 
storage/transportation alternative to fossil fuels and keep on endorsing the stacking 
of the house of cards higher and higher, because after all, like the tower of babel 
we will eventually get to heaven that way? Techno-utopian paths forward seem 
inevitable so I *am* interested in the details of these kinds of things, but without 
an equal focus on reducing our appetite by orders of magnitude, I think we are just 
rearranging deck chairs. >

It just irritates me when a promising system has some property that may need to 
be addressed is dismissed in some drive-by shooting sort of way.
I rarely travel and think that face-to-face communication takes away as much as 
it adds.  People pull their punches when they feel they can be punched.

yes, the situation we are in (as always and forever really) is tricky 
business.   I accept that we need to do lots of things that can feel (to 
purists) like 2 steps forward and 3 steps sideways/back.   A partially 
hydrogen-fueled industrial/transportation system may be part of a key 
transition path away from fossil fuels and even a final residual resting 
place if magically humanity ends up in a healthy homeostasis with mother 
Gaia (and Auntie Medea appeased enough to avoid her wrath?)  That is a 
long and windy path, and it feels like both need to proceed briskly but 
also thoughtfully... that doesn't seem to be in our 
hyper-capitalist/techno-utopianist DNA?

I've lived long enough to have a lng list of "good ideas" that I 
either initiated or threw my energy behind or at least tacitly agreed 
with enough not to question, and sooo many of them have turned out to be 
actually a step in the wrong direction, that I'm feeling very skitchy 
about those kinds of solutions.

- Steve


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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-11 Thread Marcus Daniels
EricS wrote:

< But extending NATO to frontier countries that you cannot practically defend 
without suicidal commitments, and whose offensive strategic value is not 
comparable to the defensive strategic loss of keeping your promise, seems like 
a template imprinted on a broad range of treaties by the MAD application.>

There are some defensive tools in Poland and Romania.  I think that’s part of 
what has been freaking Putin out.


One could certainly see an Aegis Ashore system ending up in Ukraine, and given 
recent events, putting Tomahawks in MK41 launchers at those sites.
Note the trailer configuration in the last article.   At least as useful as 
some MiGs.

Putin is like Trump and accuses the thing he is guilty.   So it seems 
appropriate to make his fear a reality.


From: Friam  On Behalf Of David Eric Smith
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2022 2:50 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

What you have below is well-articulated, Roger; I understand.

In watching through the “Gravitas” link that Sarbajit forwarded — a good 
summary in short space, though it was a bit odd as the slide breezed by to see 
Sweden and Finland mislabeled — I was brought back to a comment Fiona Hill made 
in an interview somewhere, I think in The Atlantic.

Hill normally does not use metaphors, because she can say what she means by 
speaking in particulars.  But here she likened NATO to re-insurance, an 
industry that was on my mind decades ago in thinking about moving public policy 
about climate damage.

I like this analogy a lot, because it brings in the Black Swan literature and 
theme.  Black Swan, of course, is not about asserting the truism that 
unforeseen things happen, but rather about analysis of institutions meant to 
absorb risk when their design depends in essential ways on a model of the 
underlying events that can be mis-specified.

In listening to Sharma on Gravitas, in light of the large volume we have 
discussed here, and other reading from decades ago about RAND and MAD doctrine, 
I was struck at the singular role nuclear weapons had in creating a completely 
different paradigm for political re-insurance.  It doesn’t seem to me that 
maximalist responses were a norm in the era before post-WWII, of the kind that 
NATO Article V now is.  The notion of “using” buffer states — which I hate, by 
the way, as an attitude of consigning people and regions to disposability 
categories — as a way to allow graded responses and stalemates from which large 
bully-powers could withdraw, would have been the template for most alliance 
treaties.  MAD was reasoned out as working only if it was maximalist.  (The 
fact that we have not had a post-WWII nuclear exchange seems to be interpreted 
as evidence that the MAD reasoning is true, though I have reservations that 
correlation is not causation.)  But extending NATO to frontier countries that 
you cannot practically defend without suicidal commitments, and whose offensive 
strategic value is not comparable to the defensive strategic loss of keeping 
your promise, seems like a template imprinted on a broad range of treaties by 
the MAD application.

How did I get off on this tangent, I have to remind myself to mention.  It was 
Sharma’s (and many others’) assertion that, when the Warsaw Pact was disbanded, 
NATO should have been as well.  That led to the image that, when both large 
alliances existed, imprinting the nuclear template on them has at least some 
coherence of motive.  But with Warsaw Pact disbanded, and several national 
identities breaking away as often happens in the dissolution of empires, to 
have retained the MAD model of re-insurance for NATO looks increasingly weird.

I guess this is a thread-bend.


On Mar 9, 2022, at 5:47 PM, Roger Critchlow mailto:r...@elf.org>> 

Hi Eric --

Mearshimer ought to be persuasive, he's been doing this longer than I've been 
writing code.

I don't think he has any good ideas about what to do now.

The obvious point is that avoiding this outcome would have been much, much 
better for everyone involved.  Better to be alive than dead.  Better to have a 
home than a pile of rubble.   Better to be at a home than tramping around 
Europe exploring the wonderful world of refugee accommodations.   Better to be 
at peace than at war.  Better to not be trying to sanction Russia into 
submission and dealing with the domestic economic blowback of the sanctions.

And his second point is that given the balance of our actions and inactions in 
Ukraine, we created this outcome.  We encouraged the Ukrainians to thumb their 
noses at Russia and pursue int

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-12 Thread Sarbajit Roy
If anything, these linked articles highlight the stranglehold US armament
suppliers like Lockheed and Raytheon have over the US Government's
international policies that they could get unilaterally abrogated the ABM
treaty which held for 30 years.

On Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 11:28 AM Marcus Daniels 

> EricS wrote:
> < But extending NATO to frontier countries that you cannot practically
> defend without suicidal commitments, and whose offensive strategic value is
> not comparable to the defensive strategic loss of keeping your promise,
> seems like a template imprinted on a broad range of treaties by the MAD
> application.>
> There are some defensive tools in Poland and Romania.  I think that’s part
> of what has been freaking Putin out.
> https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/16/world/europe/poland-missile-base-russia-ukraine.html
> https://news.usni.org/2016/05/12/aegis-ashore-site-in-romania-declared-operational
> https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/29477/lets-talk-about-the-post-inf-treaty-u-s-test-of-a-ground-launched-tomahawk-missile
> One could certainly see an Aegis Ashore system ending up in Ukraine, and
> given recent events, putting Tomahawks in MK41 launchers at those sites.
> Note the trailer configuration in the last article.   At least as useful
> as some MiGs.
> Putin is like Trump and accuses the thing he is guilty.   So it seems
> appropriate to make his fear a reality.
> Marcus
> *From:* Friam  *On Behalf Of *David Eric Smith
> *Sent:* Friday, March 11, 2022 2:50 AM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <
> friam@redfish.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
> What you have below is well-articulated, Roger; I understand.

.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-12 Thread Marcus Daniels
I think the Russian military recognized the growing potential to 1) thwart 
isolated uses of tactical nukes and 2) with no INF, recognized the potential of 
versatile, even transportable, surface-to-surface missiles on the Russian 
border.   Putin was running out of time for his tour of Ukraine.

I think I shall buy some LM stock.  It seems like a growth area.
On Mar 12, 2022, at 8:44 AM, Sarbajit Roy  wrote:

If anything, these linked articles highlight the stranglehold US armament 
suppliers like Lockheed and Raytheon have over the US Government's 
international policies that they could get unilaterally abrogated the ABM 
treaty which held for 30 years.

On Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 11:28 AM Marcus Daniels 
mailto:mar...@snoutfarm.com>> wrote:
EricS wrote:

< But extending NATO to frontier countries that you cannot practically defend 
without suicidal commitments, and whose offensive strategic value is not 
comparable to the defensive strategic loss of keeping your promise, seems like 
a template imprinted on a broad range of treaties by the MAD application.>

There are some defensive tools in Poland and Romania.  I think that’s part of 
what has been freaking Putin out.


One could certainly see an Aegis Ashore system ending up in Ukraine, and given 
recent events, putting Tomahawks in MK41 launchers at those sites.
Note the trailer configuration in the last article.   At least as useful as 
some MiGs.

Putin is like Trump and accuses the thing he is guilty.   So it seems 
appropriate to make his fear a reality.


From: Friam mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com>> On 
Behalf Of David Eric Smith
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2022 2:50 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

What you have below is well-articulated, Roger; I understand.

.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

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Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-12 Thread Sarbajit Roy

On Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 10:26 PM Marcus Daniels 

> I think the Russian military recognized the growing potential to 1) thwart
> isolated uses of tactical nukes and 2) with no INF, recognized the
> potential of versatile, even transportable, surface-to-surface missiles on
> the Russian border.   Putin was running out of time for his tour of
> Ukraine.
> I think I shall buy some LM stock.  It seems like a growth area.
> On Mar 12, 2022, at 8:44 AM, Sarbajit Roy  wrote:
> If anything, these linked articles highlight the stranglehold US armament
> suppliers like Lockheed and Raytheon have over the US Government's
> international policies that they could get unilaterally abrogated the ABM
> treaty which held for 30 years.
> On Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 11:28 AM Marcus Daniels 
> wrote:
>> EricS wrote:
>> < But extending NATO to frontier countries that you cannot practically
>> defend without suicidal commitments, and whose offensive strategic value is
>> not comparable to the defensive strategic loss of keeping your promise,
>> seems like a template imprinted on a broad range of treaties by the MAD
>> application.>
>> There are some defensive tools in Poland and Romania.  I think that’s
>> part of what has been freaking Putin out.
>> https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/16/world/europe/poland-missile-base-russia-ukraine.html
>> https://news.usni.org/2016/05/12/aegis-ashore-site-in-romania-declared-operational
>> https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/29477/lets-talk-about-the-post-inf-treaty-u-s-test-of-a-ground-launched-tomahawk-missile
>> One could certainly see an Aegis Ashore system ending up in Ukraine, and
>> given recent events, putting Tomahawks in MK41 launchers at those sites.
>> Note the trailer configuration in the last article.   At least as useful
>> as some MiGs.
>> Putin is like Trump and accuses the thing he is guilty.   So it seems
>> appropriate to make his fear a reality.
>> Marcus
>> *From:* Friam  *On Behalf Of *David Eric Smith
>> *Sent:* Friday, March 11, 2022 2:50 AM
>> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <
>> friam@redfish.com>
>> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Enamine
>> What you have below is well-articulated, Roger; I understand.
> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn UTC-6  bit.ly/virtualfriam
> un/subscribe http://redfish.com/mailman/listinfo/friam_redfish.com
> FRIAM-COMIC http://friam-comic.blogspot.com/
> archives:
> 5/2017 thru present https://redfish.com/pipermail/friam_redfish.com/
> 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/
> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn UTC-6  bit.ly/virtualfriam
> un/subscribe http://redfish.com/mailman/listinfo/friam_redfish.com
> FRIAM-COMIC http://friam-comic.blogspot.com/
> archives:
>  5/2017 thru present https://redfish.com/pipermail/friam_redfish.com/
>  1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

.-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn UTC-6  bit.ly/virtualfriam
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 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

2022-03-12 Thread Marcus Daniels
Space-based weapons seem like a growth area too, as launch gets cheaper and 
cheaper.   Hypersonic missiles and interceptors are just a new arms race.

Seems like the only thing the US can agree on is when we hate someone.

On Mar 12, 2022, at 9:01 AM, Sarbajit Roy  wrote:


On Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 10:26 PM Marcus Daniels 
mailto:mar...@snoutfarm.com>> wrote:
I think the Russian military recognized the growing potential to 1) thwart 
isolated uses of tactical nukes and 2) with no INF, recognized the potential of 
versatile, even transportable, surface-to-surface missiles on the Russian 
border.   Putin was running out of time for his tour of Ukraine.

I think I shall buy some LM stock.  It seems like a growth area.
On Mar 12, 2022, at 8:44 AM, Sarbajit Roy 
mailto:sroy...@gmail.com>> wrote:

If anything, these linked articles highlight the stranglehold US armament 
suppliers like Lockheed and Raytheon have over the US Government's 
international policies that they could get unilaterally abrogated the ABM 
treaty which held for 30 years.

On Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 11:28 AM Marcus Daniels 
mailto:mar...@snoutfarm.com>> wrote:
EricS wrote:

< But extending NATO to frontier countries that you cannot practically defend 
without suicidal commitments, and whose offensive strategic value is not 
comparable to the defensive strategic loss of keeping your promise, seems like 
a template imprinted on a broad range of treaties by the MAD application.>

There are some defensive tools in Poland and Romania.  I think that’s part of 
what has been freaking Putin out.


One could certainly see an Aegis Ashore system ending up in Ukraine, and given 
recent events, putting Tomahawks in MK41 launchers at those sites.
Note the trailer configuration in the last article.   At least as useful as 
some MiGs.

Putin is like Trump and accuses the thing he is guilty.   So it seems 
appropriate to make his fear a reality.


From: Friam mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com>> On 
Behalf Of David Eric Smith
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2022 2:50 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Enamine

What you have below is well-articulated, Roger; I understand.

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn UTC-6  bit.ly/virtualfriam
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 5/2017 thru present https://redfish.com/pipermail/friam_redfish.com/
 1/2003 thru 6/2021  http://friam.383.s1.nabble.com/