[Friendship] Jokes #167

2000-08-08 Terurut Topik M Fahmi Aulia

Original Sender  : "M Fahmi Aulia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jokes ini diperuntukkan buat yg lagi be-te'kali aja, hehehe...B^P


*** Jokes begin ***

source: Ivan

Ada 3 orang pemuda sedang membicarakan tentang keberanian mereka menyetir
mobil sendirian.

pemuda 1 : wah waktu itu saya pulang dari Jakarta jam 10.00 malam sendirian
pemuda 3 : wah hebat donk!

pemuda 2 : wah itu sih masih kecil, gue jam 11.00 malam aja masih berani!
pemuda 1 : wah kalah donk gue!

pemuda 3 : (bingung apa yang mo diceritain) akhirnya ia bercerita, wah kalau
begitu kalian masih kalah ama gue, gue pulang dari Bogor ke Bandung jam
12.00 naik mobil lampunya gak gue nyalain

pemuda 1,2 : wah hebat donk, gimana caranya?
pemuda 3 : (dengan enteng), ngapain juga gue nyalain lampu mobil orang masih
jam 12.00 siang kok!!!


source: Antox'

Badrun menjadi tersangka dalam peristiwa penamparan yang dilakukan secara
sengaja dan ceto melo-melo alias tertangkap basah.

Hakim : karena anda bersalah menampar saudara Kaldun maka anda dijatuhi
hukuman ( ganti rugi ) tamparan sebanyak anda menampar saudara Kaldun.

Badrun : ya... kalau sekiranya saya bersalah ...ya hukuman tersebut terpaksa
saya terima, tapi ada satu permintaan bapak hakim, saya minta waktu beberapa
saat untuk dapat mempersiapkan diri menerima hukuman tamparan tersebut.

Hakim : ooo,silakan saya hargai permintaanmu.

Sesaat kemudian Badrun pergi ke toilet untuk persiapan.( be'ol
maksudnya ) Tapi setelah di tunggu Badrun tidak nongol-nongol, karena Kaldun
sudah tidak sabar, kemudian Kaldun menghampiri bapak Hakim.dan plak !
plak ! plak ! PLAK ! muka pak hakim ditampar oleh Kaldun..

Kaldun : maaf pak hakim karena saya terburu-buru, saya harap pak hakim minta
ganti rugi tamparan sama si Badrun...ok ?! Kemudian Kaldun dengan entengnya
pergi ngeloyor keluar sidang.

Hakim : !!???


source: Hafid

Ada ibu baru datang dari daerah. ibu itu naik kereta api turun di stasiun

Terus ibu naik metromini jurusan Manggarai-Rawamangun. Ditengah jalan naik
anak kuliah,dan enngak lama lagi naik anak smp. Terus anak kuliah turun di
Ikip bayar Rp 200,dan enggak lama lagi anak smp turun bayar Rp 100.

Sampai di terminal Rawamangun si ibu turun dan dia bayar Rp 50. Lalu si
kernet marah-marah dan dia bilang sama si ibu.

kernet : ibu ini kurang masak Rp 50 ongkosnya tambahin bu.
ibu : anak kul tadi Rp 200 ongkosnya dan anak smp Rp 100 yang pakai ceana

kernet : bengong
ibu :aku kan (diangkat roknya) ternyata si ibu nggak pakai celana dalam.


source: lupa ngetikB^P

Microsoft's Mobnas *If Microsoft Built Cars*

1. Every time they repainted the lines on the road, you'd have to buy a new

2. Occasionally your car would just die on the motorway for no reason,
accept this, restart and drive on.

3. Occasionally, executing a maneuver would cause your car to stop and fail
to restart and you'd have to re-install the engine. For some strange reason,
you'd just accept this too.

4. You could only have one person in the car at a time, unless you  bought a
"Car 95" or a "Car NT". But then you'd have to buy more seats.

5. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was twice as
reliable, five times as fast, twice as easy to drive - but it would only run
on five percent of the roads.

6. The Macintosh car owners would get expensive Microsoft upgrades to their
cars which would make their cars go much slower.

7. The oil, engine, gas and alternator warning lights would be replaced with
a single "General Car Fault" warning light.

8. People would get excited about the "new" features in Microsoft cars,
forgetting completely that they had been available in other cars for many

9. We'd all have to switch to Microsoft gas and all auto fluids but the
packaging would be superb.

10. New seats would force everyone to have the same size butt.

11. The airbag system would say "Are you sure?" before going off.

12. If you were involved in a crash, you would have no idea what happened.

13. They wouldn't build their own engines, but form a cartel with their
engine suppliers. The latest engine would have 16 cylinders, multi-point
fuel injection and 4 turbos, but it would be a side-  valve design so you
could use Model-T Ford parts on it.

14. There would be an "Engium Pro" with bigger turbos, but it would be
slower on most existing roads.

15. Microsoft cars would have a special radio/cassette player which would
only be able to listen to Microsoft FM, and play Microsoft Cassettes.Unless
of course, you buy the upgrade to use existing stuff.

16. Microsoft would do so well, because even though they don't own any
roads, all of the road manufacturers would give away Microsoft cars free,
ncluding IBM!

17. If you still ran old versions of car (ie. CarDOS 6.22/CarWIN 3.11), then
you would be called old fash

Re: [Friendship] [OOT] Rumus Matematika

2000-08-08 Terurut Topik Joshi

Original Sender  : Joshi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

DAM wrote:
>> DAM itu beken amat seh? ^_^
>beken = bekas kenek ?
hah? masih SMA udah jadi kenek?

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Re: [Friendship] [OOT] Rumus Matematika

2000-08-08 Terurut Topik DAM

Original Sender  : "DAM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> DAM itu beken amat seh? ^_^

beken = bekas kenek ?

73, cuagn

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