[Full-disclosure] PyFault 0.1a

2007-07-11 Thread J.M. Seitz
Hey All,
I have begun writing a little class to do some fault injection on Win32
applications. Currently it only has DLL injection/ejection which is useful
if you are a MS Detours kinda person, or are writing DLL payloads for
exploits and you want a quick and dirty way of getting them in and out of
processes. Really I am looking for comments, and suggestsion on some
interesting fault cases that everyone would like to see. As time permits I
will be expanding this library to pound the snot out of software in all
kinds of interesting ways. You can download it here:
And I look forward to your comments, suggestions and bug fix requests.
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[Full-disclosure] TippingPoint IPS Signature Evasion

2007-07-11 Thread Paul Craig

= TippingPoint IPS Signature Evasion
= Vendor Website: 
= http://www.tippingpoint.com
= Affected Version:
=  TippingPoint IPS running TOS versions 2.1  2.2.0 - 2.2.4
= Vendor Notified. 18th January 2006
= Public Disclosure.   11th July 2007

== Overview ==

During security analysis of the Tippingpoint IPS product a signature 
evasion vulnerability was discovered. The use of specific Unicode characters
on particular web servers allows a remote user to bypass IPS detection.

== Exploitation ==

By using a hex encoded alternate Unicode character for forward slash (/)
a request can be produced that will not match any IPS signature present
in the TippingPoint device.

http://www.test.com/scripts/cmd.exe is a known attack, and detected by a

The same URI with alternate Unicode forward slash characters are not 
detected by the signature.

Web servers located behind a Tippingpoint IPS device which are capable
of decoding alternate Unicode characters can be accessed, and exploited 
without triggering the IPS device.

== Solutions ==

Security-Assessment.com has been in contact with Tipping and a new version
of the Tippingpoint IPS software has been released to address the 
discovered vulnerability.
This issue has been addressed in various TOS releases as indicated
by the affected product below.
  - X-Family devices,
  - non-X-Family device (not including 600E, 1200E,
2400E or 5000E),
  - non-X-Family device (including 600E, 1200E, 2400E
   or 5000E),

== Credit ==

Discovered and advised to Tippingpoint January 18th 2006
by Paul Craig of Security-Assessment.com

== About Security-Assessment.com ==

About Security-Assessment.com
Security-Assessment.com is Australasia's leading team of Information 
Security consultants specialising in providing high quality Information
Security services to clients throughout the Asia Pacific region. Our 
clients include some of the largest globally recognised companies in
areas such as finance, telecommunications, broadcasting, legal and
government. Our aim is to provide the very best independent advice
and a high level of technical expertise while creating long and lasting
professional relationships with our clients.

Security-Assessment.com is committed to security research and development,
and its team continues to identify and responsibly publish vulnerabilities
in public and private software vendor's products. Members of the
Security-Assessment.com RD team are globally recognised through their
release of whitepapers and presentations related to new security research.

Security-Assessment.com is an Endorsed Commonwealth Government of Australia
supplier and sits on the Australian Government Attorney-General's Department
Critical Infrastructure Project panel. We are certified by both Visa and
MasterCard under their Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

Paul Craig
Security Consultant

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[Full-disclosure] SecurityFocus Article

2007-07-11 Thread

If you live outside Germany and think this doesn't affect you, wait!

The lt;a 
 on Cybercrimelt;/agt; was signed by non EU and non European countries too, 
and East European Countries as well as African and Arabic countries are 
planning to sign and ratify the Convention.

You can read learn more reading the 
hosted by the United States Department of Justicelt;/agt;, or the 
lt;a href=quot;http://www.epic.org/privacy/intl/ccc.htmlquot;gt;comments by 
EPIClt;/agt; (Electronic Privacy Information Center).

Achtung! New German Laws on Cybercrime

by Federico Biancuzzi

Germany is passing some new laws regarding cybercrime that might affect 
security professionals. Federico Biancuzzi interviewed Marco Gercke, one of the 
experts that was invited to the parliamentary hearing, to learn more about this 
delicate subject. They discussed what is covered by the new laws, which areas 
remain in the dark, and how they might affect vulnerability disclosure and the 
use of common tools, such as nmap.

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[Full-disclosure] SUN Java JNLP Overflow

2007-07-11 Thread Brett Moore

= SUN Java JNLP Overflow
= Vendor Advisory:  
= http://sunsolve.sun.com/search/document.do?assetkey=1-26-102996-1
= Affected Software:
=  Java Web Start in JDK and JRE 6 Update 1 and earlier
=  Java Web Start in JDK and JRE 5.0 Update 11 and earlier
= Public disclosure on Wednesday July 11, 2007

== Overview ==


My guess is that two years down the track, nobody really took any

EEYE posted out there advisory, a couple of days ago. Check it if you 
want the technical details.

Not surprising that it was also discovered by another person, and most
likely more than one.

1) Start-Regedit
2) Edit-Search-editflags
3) Find those that have a flag set of BINARY 00 00 01 00
4) *yawn*
5) Find a valid file of that type
6) Try a long string in an obvious place
7) Watch the debugger kick in
8) Finish your cup of coffee

== Solutions ==

SUN has released a patch

This class of vulnerability is well known, and future cases can be 
mitigated by removing or modifying the editflags value for all
registry entries that have 'Disable Open/Save dialog box' set.

== Credit ==

Discovered and advised to SUN November 15 2006 by Brett Moore of

== About Security-Assessment.com ==

Security-Assessment.com is Australasia's leading team of Information 
Security consultants specialising in providing high quality Information 
Security services to clients throughout the Asia Pacific region. Our 
clients include some of the largest globally recognised companies in 
areas such as finance, telecommunications, broadcasting, legal and 
government. Our aim is to provide the very best independent advice and 
a high level of technical expertise while creating long and lasting 
professional relationships with our clients.

Security-Assessment.com is committed to security research and 
development, and its team continues to identify and responsibly publish 
vulnerabilities in public and private software vendor's products. 
Members of the Security-Assessment.com RD team are globally recognised 
through their release of whitepapers and presentations related to new 
security research.

Security-Assessment.com is an Endorsed Commonwealth Government of 
Australia supplier and sits on the Australian Government 
Attorney-General's Department Critical Infrastructure Project panel. 
We are certified by both Visa and MasterCard under their Payment 
Card Industry Data Security Standard Programs.

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Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Exploiting reflected XSS vulnerabilities, where user input must come through HTTP Request headers

2007-07-11 Thread kuza55
1.0 Introduction
2.0 The User_Agent Header
3.0 (Known) Firefox  Safari Request Header Injection (Sometimes)
4.0 Attacking Caching Proxies
5.0 References

1.0 Introduction
Ever since Adobe patched Flash player to stop attackers spoofing
certain headers such as Referer, User-Agent, etc, it has been
considered impossible to exploit XSS vulnerabilities where the user
input is taken from a request header, e.g. when a website prints out
what User-Agent a user's browser is sending, without escaping it. With
the exception of the Referer header which we can control enough to
exploit XSS attacks through it.

I want to showcase several ways in which we can still exploit these

The rest of the write-up is at:

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Wachovia Bank website sends confidential information

2007-07-11 Thread Bob Toxen
On Tue, Jul 10, 2007 at 09:39:33PM -0400, Jim Popovitch wrote:
 On Tue, 2007-07-10 at 20:20 -0400, Bob Toxen wrote:

  The vendor (Wachovia Bank) was notified via their customer service
  phone number on June 25.  We were transferred to web support.  The
  person answering asked us to FAX the details to her and we did so,
  also on June 25.  We explained that we were reporting a severe
  security problem on their web site.

 Severe?  All that seems to be leaked is a person's Name/Address/SSN
 number and some other details.  While this is too much info to leak, I'd
 hardly say it's severe.   That same info can be easily found in people's
 mailboxes weekdays between noon and 4pm.
Leaking a SSN is considered serious.  My use of the term severe was
to get their attention.

  We stated that that if we did not hear back from them within 7 days and
  the problem was not fixed by then that we would post the problem on the
  Full Disclosure list, following accepted industry practice.

 7 days?   industry practice?   Come on Bob I know you know that large
 corporations can't feed a cat in 7 days let alone make unscheduled
 website changes that fast.  Change control approvals alone would include
 14 or more days in most enterprises.   Why the rush to say so?
Please read my posting more carefully.  I stated that if I did not
hear back within 7 days and the problem persisted then I would disclose
it.  All they had to do was to ask for more time and I would have granted
any reasonable extension.  Instead, it appears that they ignored my
report; discouraging that is what Full Disclosure is all about, IMO.

I think that that web page should have been shut down within the
hour as any competent web person could have confirmed the leak with
a few minutes' inspection of the page source.

 -Jim P.

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[Full-disclosure] durito: enVivo!CMS SQL injection

2007-07-11 Thread 3APA3A

  durito  [damagelab]  -durito[at]mail[dot]ru-  reported  SQL  injection
  vulnerability in enVivo!CMS through ID parameter of default.asp.



  Original message (in Russian): http://securityvulns.ru/Rdocument425.html

{ , . } |\
+--oQQo-{ ^ }-+ \
|  ZARAZA  U  3APA3A   } You know my name - look up my number (The Beatles)
+-o66o--+ /

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Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Multiple .NET Null Byte Injection Vulnerabilities

2007-07-11 Thread Paul Craig

= Multiple .NET Null Byte Injection Vulnerabilities
= Vendor Website: 
= http://www.microsoft.com
= Affected Version:
=.NET FrameWork v1.1 SP1
=.NET FrameWork v2.0.50727
= Vendor Notified   - October, 2006
= Public Disclosure - July 11th, 2007

== Overview ==
Security-Assessment.com recently completed research into the .NET 
Framework in relation to the affect a Null byte (%00) has on 
various aspects of the .NET Common Language Runtime.
This advisory details the findings of that research conducted
by Paul Craig Paul.Craigatsecurity-assessment.com.

It was found that certain .NET methods in various sections of the
.NET namespace are vulnerable to Null byte injection attacks.
Null byte injection occurs when the .NET CLR incorrectly handles
user supplied Null bytes.

The .NET CLR considers Null bytes as 'data', .NET strings are
not Null byte terminated.
However, native POSIX compliant function calls terminate all
strings at the first found Null byte.
Interoperability issues are encountered when data containing a Null
byte is used by .NET to directly call a native C function call.

Native function calls terminate strings at the injected Null
byte allowing a remote user to arbitrarily terminate a string
parameter used by the vulnerable method.

Security-Assessment.com has discovered five vulnerable methods
in the .NET framework which are exploited through Null byte injection.
Three of the discovered vulnerabilities allow strings to be
arbitrary terminated through String Termination vulnerabilities.
The remaining two resulted in an Arbitrary File Disclosure
condition where a remote user is capable of accessing arbitrary
files from within the web root. 

.NET has a history surrounding Null byte input flaws and associated
On September 8th, 2003 WebCohort Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
released an advisory titled Microsoft ASP.NET Request Validation 
Null Byte Filter Bypass Vulnerability. Where by the .NET request
validation routine could be bypassed when using a Null byte

Null byte injection is not a new class of attack, and is a well
known exploitive method but this is the first time a Null byte
injection vulnerability has been found in methods within the
.NET framework.
Security researchers should be aware of Null byte injection 
attacks within the framework itself and .NET developed 

== Exploitation ==

The following examples can be found at

Exploit 1: Server.MapPath

A Null byte injected within the filename parameter of the
Server.MapPath method will terminate any returned string,
removing any string data concatenated to the user supplied
This can be seen in example 1 below.

name = test.aspx%00

Sub Page_Load()
dim name as string
dim realname as string
name = request(name)  .uploaded
realname = Mappath(.)  \  name
response.write(Mappath value of name variable:   MapPath(name) 
  response.write(The real value is:   realname  br)
End Sub

Mappath of name variable = C:\Inetpub\exploit1\test.aspx
The Real value is : C:\Inetpub\exploit1\test.aspx.uploaded

1.  Two variables are assigned, name and realname. 

2.  Name is a user supplied filename, and for security reasons
.uploaded is appended to this value.

3.  Real name is the virtual path for the current directory,
with the name variable appended (This is the correct 
location of the file)

4.  Inserting a Null byte suffix into the 'name' variable
(name=test.aspx%00) is able to terminate the string returned
 from MapPath and any data concatenated to the user supplied
 value is removed.

Exploit 2: Server.Execute and Server.Transfer

Server.Execute and Server.Transfer were found to both be vulnerable
to Null byte injection. Here the Null byte produces an arbitrary file 
disclosure vulnerability.

If a remote user is able to control the input used in a Server.Execute
or Server.Transfer method, the method can be used to disclose the contents
of any file within the document root.
As seen in example 2, below.

Sub Page_Load()
End Sub

Security-Assessment.com has witnessed Server.Transfer and Server.Execute
being used in page redirection functionality where .NET sessions are
transferred to a user supplied page variable.

According to MSDN:
The page transferred to should be another .aspx page. For instance,
a transfer to an .asp or .asmx page is not valid. The Transfer 
method preserves 

Re: [Full-disclosure] [WEB SECURITY] Attacking Password Recovery Facilities

2007-07-11 Thread Esteban Ribičić

when the provider sends and email with a link + hash, it normally wont allow
you to send you another link (lets say password recovery email) unless the
timeout for the first one expires...the timeout is normally a time/cost
function that limits how long or how much money it would cost you to get the
hash predicted the following attempt (usually hours)

anyway, nice website mailinator.com, can be handy!!! anyone knows for how
long it keeps your emails? probably not much!
is anyone aware of cool sampling tools that tries usual tricks (like
b8/64/etc encoding, etc) and non-usual ones?

On 7/6/07, pdp (architect) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


this is a small article from ap (aka pagvac) on how to attack password
recovery facilities. this post just briefly scratches the surface and
I am sure that he will come up with more stuff in the near future.
Nevertheless, he brought some interesting points. Hava a look. Cheers.

pdp (architect) | petko d. petkov

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http://www.webappsec.org/rss/websecurity.rss [RSS Feed]

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Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] [USN-482-1] OpenOffice.org vulnerability

2007-07-11 Thread Kees Cook
Ubuntu Security Notice USN-482-1  July 10, 2007
openoffice.org(2)/-amd64 vulnerability

A security issue affects the following Ubuntu releases:

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
Ubuntu 6.10
Ubuntu 7.04

This advisory also applies to the corresponding versions of
Kubuntu, Edubuntu, and Xubuntu.

The problem can be corrected by upgrading your system to the
following package versions:

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS:
  openoffice.org-core  2.0.2-2ubuntu12.4
  openoffice.org2-base 2.0.2-2ubuntu12.4

Ubuntu 6.10:
  openoffice.org-core  2.0.4-0ubuntu6

Ubuntu 7.04:
  openoffice.org-core  2.2.0-1ubuntu4

After a standard system upgrade you need to restart OpenOffice, or
reboot your computer, to effect the necessary changes.

Details follow:

John Heasman discovered that OpenOffice did not correctly validate the
sizes of tags in RTF documents.  If a user were tricked into opening a
specially crafted document, a remote attacker could execute arbitrary
code with user privileges. 

Updated packages for Ubuntu 6.06 LTS:

  Source archives:

  Size/MD5:36174 4f1cdad8f4da408f8e5518adedfe77e3

  Size/MD5: 1038 509d279057b4cdc77aa800065a27780c

  Size/MD5: 331056501 a35ec9f233b1eeca4c93ba16dc013c3b

  Size/MD5: 73116385 877a8d2c7253776419abf3329b87ffa9

  Size/MD5: 3264 2cc078ecce03d186335b63f4fdd3aa35

  Size/MD5: 206094795 b789f87aaa1f943a47a75740a73ba7cc

  Architecture independent packages:

  Size/MD5: 26439898 610d327c52c20ce1e722ac5beddb100a

  Size/MD5:  4810534 59aa71d72bbce454d785b21f78e6068f

  Size/MD5:  924 c297a9edab00e6857c6a635c0b06870c

  Size/MD5:  2404592 927066b6a18ba5cfefdcf0f37e8c096c

  Size/MD5:   605288 3d4ae7a4d12208124d94673f76954005

  Size/MD5:  2092658 8077413c303eb2e76d15da19b7d9943b

  Size/MD5:  920 14673bba873b5b83810b15db77c66208

  Size/MD5:  922 d5f9366e6d0b8caca9e21edaebdfdfbd

  Size/MD5:  922 db4c110ed4e04349e8d6472cb13bf37f

  Size/MD5:  918 85547808ab52697aec19a6b33c018740

  Size/MD5:  926 fc88982433ba1251839a30dfe4fad59b

  Size/MD5:  916 da8f539b72dca1a3386c6ce6ea3d15ad

  Size/MD5:  922 da2ffe4aa7417c09a662b32ca78432d5

  Size/MD5:  928 8f9593bf4ffa29ddbf46f9958fb4e289

  Size/MD5:  904 a7802c9b44fefee23ed70a43b4fe72fe


Re: [Full-disclosure] HomestayFinder XSS Vulnerability in Wikipedia Mirror

2007-07-11 Thread Matjaz Debelak
Well, it does not appear to work for me in any browser (tested Firefox and Konqueror).

LP Killer_X

Susam Pal wrote:
 There is an XSS vulnerability in HomestayFinder's 'Dictionary.aspx'
 script which is responsible for mirroring the content of Wikipedia. I
 found this interesting because here a script injected in one website
 exploits an XSS vulnerability in another website.

 I am including only a short example to demonstrate the issue. The
 complete document is available at:-

 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Susam_pal/Sandbox consists of the
 following as the source wiki markup:

scriptalert('XSS Demo')/script

 consists of the same code as HTML without the special characters encoded
 as HTML entities. Hence, the script is executed on the browser of the

 Contact Information:-
 Susam Pal

 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] [Humor] [archivists] National Archives timestamp (fwd)

2007-07-11 Thread J.A. Terranson

The Great Unwashed Masses discover SHA-256!

J.A. Terranson

The real point is that you cannot harbor malice toward others and then
cry foul when someone displays intolerance against you. Prejudice
tolerated is intolerance encouraged. Rise up in righteousness when you
witness the words and deeds of hate, but only if you are willing to rise
up against them all, including your own. Otherwise suffer the slings and
arrows of disrespect silently.

Harvey Fierstein is an actor and playwright.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 13:52:18 -0500
From: Brad Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [archivists] National Archives timestamp

For those who are not aware, there is a computational procedure
you can do for any digital file, that creates a unique number,
called a hash, that only matches that exact file.

There is a Federal standard for one hashing algorithm, called
SHA-1. That is a 160-biit number. More commonly used today is the
SHA-256 hash, that generates a 256 bit number. 

Another term for this is 'digital thumbprint'.

In the following discussion I am referring implicitly to the use
of the SHA-256 hash.

If you take a digital file 'A', and you change the order of two
characters in the file, the hash becomes completely different.

No two digital files will have the same thumbprint. You cannot
predict what the thumbprint will be for a file.  You cannot forge
or modify a file to match an existing thumbprint. 

There are digital time stamping services on the internet that
register these 'thumbprints' to prove a particular file existed
at a particular date and time, and it has not changed.

The US Postal Service offers a time stamping service for a small
fee that they call an 'Electronic Postmark' but it only is kept
for seven years. They also require the user to have a digital
certificate to establish identity of the person time stamping the

I propose something simpler. 

I propose that the National Archives create and offer a free time
stamping service that does not require a digital certificate. The
purpose of this is to store and retrieve unique file identifiers
that will establish that a file existed at a certain date and
time, and has not changed.

Then files can be archived in multiple locations across a
distributed network, and their identity and authenticity will
remain unquestionable.

This service would be a public good, similar to the digital time
source offered by the Navy, for example.

The National Archives will keep these timestamps in perpetuity.
They would basically be entries in a database, with a 32-byte
thumbprint, date and time. They would be a public record, so
anyone can look up a thumbprint and now the date and time it was

Can others see the value of this idea?

I can write the basic software for this. One part would be a
database for the National Archives with a web XML interface for
registering and retrieving the thumbprints. 

It would include a feature to thumbprint each day's database
entries, to eliminate any possibility of human interference in
the process.  You don't have to trust anybody or even the
institution, since the thumbprints are impossible to forge.

The second thing would be a program, downloadable from a web
page, to calculate and submit the thumbprint. I can write it in
Windows, publish the source, and others could do the same for
Linux, etc.

What could it be used for? Scanned images, photographs, text
documents, backup files, sound recordings, web pages, newspapers,
anything that can be digitized.

Since the only submission is the thumbprint and not the file,
files can remain private yet still be authenticated later. 

And the processing load on the server is tiny. 

The other alternative to have someone like the National Archives
do it, is to do it ourselves as a distributed database with
replication across many sites and servers.

I can do it myself, but this needs institutional support to last

That institution can be a formal body like the National Archives,
or an ad hoc self-organizing one. Perhaps the latter makes sense
in this global internet world.

I think of this as the 'Forever Project' since it is the first
thing designed to last forever. 

Brad Jensen
LaserVault LLC

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] HomestayFinder XSS Vulnerability in Wikipedia Mirror

2007-07-11 Thread Susam Pal
Hi Matjaz, 

I just checked it and I find it to be working with the browsers I have
(tested with Firefox and Internet Explorer 7). 

demonstrates the vulnerability. 

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Susam_pal/Sandbox is the page where
the script is hosted. The script present in Wikipedia exploits the XSS
vulnerability in HomestayFinder's Dictionary.aspx script. 

Susam Pal 

Matjaz Debelak writes: 

 Well, it does not appear to work for me in any browser (tested Firefox and Konqueror). 
 LP Killer_X 
 Susam Pal wrote:
 There is an XSS vulnerability in HomestayFinder's 'Dictionary.aspx'
 script which is responsible for mirroring the content of Wikipedia. I
 found this interesting because here a script injected in one website
 exploits an XSS vulnerability in another website. 

 I am including only a short example to demonstrate the issue. The
 complete document is available at:-

 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Susam_pal/Sandbox consists of the
 following as the source wiki markup: 

scriptalert('XSS Demo')/script 

 consists of the same code as HTML without the special characters encoded
 as HTML entities. Hence, the script is executed on the browser of the

 Contact Information:-
 Susam Pal

 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] [Humor] [archivists] National Archives timestamp(fwd)

2007-07-11 Thread Glenn.Everhart
They discover SHA256 but misunderstand somewhat. There will be cases where
different files yield the same hash, but if the algorithm works as it should
it will be infeasible to generate one given the desired hash value in any
sufficiently simple way.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of J.A.
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 12:25 AM
To: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
Subject: [Full-disclosure] [Humor] [archivists] National Archives

The Great Unwashed Masses discover SHA-256!

J.A. Terranson

The real point is that you cannot harbor malice toward others and then
cry foul when someone displays intolerance against you. Prejudice
tolerated is intolerance encouraged. Rise up in righteousness when you
witness the words and deeds of hate, but only if you are willing to rise
up against them all, including your own. Otherwise suffer the slings and
arrows of disrespect silently.

Harvey Fierstein is an actor and playwright.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 13:52:18 -0500
From: Brad Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [archivists] National Archives timestamp

For those who are not aware, there is a computational procedure
you can do for any digital file, that creates a unique number,
called a hash, that only matches that exact file.

There is a Federal standard for one hashing algorithm, called
SHA-1. That is a 160-biit number. More commonly used today is the
SHA-256 hash, that generates a 256 bit number. 

Another term for this is 'digital thumbprint'.

In the following discussion I am referring implicitly to the use
of the SHA-256 hash.

If you take a digital file 'A', and you change the order of two
characters in the file, the hash becomes completely different.

No two digital files will have the same thumbprint. You cannot
predict what the thumbprint will be for a file.  You cannot forge
or modify a file to match an existing thumbprint. 

There are digital time stamping services on the internet that
register these 'thumbprints' to prove a particular file existed
at a particular date and time, and it has not changed.

The US Postal Service offers a time stamping service for a small
fee that they call an 'Electronic Postmark' but it only is kept
for seven years. They also require the user to have a digital
certificate to establish identity of the person time stamping the

I propose something simpler. 

I propose that the National Archives create and offer a free time
stamping service that does not require a digital certificate. The
purpose of this is to store and retrieve unique file identifiers
that will establish that a file existed at a certain date and
time, and has not changed.

Then files can be archived in multiple locations across a
distributed network, and their identity and authenticity will
remain unquestionable.

This service would be a public good, similar to the digital time
source offered by the Navy, for example.

The National Archives will keep these timestamps in perpetuity.
They would basically be entries in a database, with a 32-byte
thumbprint, date and time. They would be a public record, so
anyone can look up a thumbprint and now the date and time it was

Can others see the value of this idea?

I can write the basic software for this. One part would be a
database for the National Archives with a web XML interface for
registering and retrieving the thumbprints. 

It would include a feature to thumbprint each day's database
entries, to eliminate any possibility of human interference in
the process.  You don't have to trust anybody or even the
institution, since the thumbprints are impossible to forge.

The second thing would be a program, downloadable from a web
page, to calculate and submit the thumbprint. I can write it in
Windows, publish the source, and others could do the same for
Linux, etc.

What could it be used for? Scanned images, photographs, text
documents, backup files, sound recordings, web pages, newspapers,
anything that can be digitized.

Since the only submission is the thumbprint and not the file,
files can remain private yet still be authenticated later. 

And the processing load on the server is tiny. 

The other alternative to have someone like the National Archives
do it, is to do it ourselves as a distributed database with
replication across many sites and servers.

I can do it myself, but this needs institutional support to last

That institution can be a formal body like the National Archives,
or an ad hoc self-organizing one. Perhaps the latter makes sense
in this global internet world.

I think of this as the 'Forever Project' since it is the first
thing designed to last forever. 

Brad Jensen
LaserVault LLC

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

Re: [Full-disclosure] [Humor] [archivists] National Archives timestamp(fwd)

2007-07-11 Thread Steven Adair
Finding collisions is definitely one piece.  The other is that you can
argue about SHA-1 being the Federal standard.  Is it used more due to
widespread use in existing applications?  Yes.  However, all Federal
agencies (and people in general) should stop using it where possible. 
NIST has mandated by 2010 for most uses by Federal agencies.  I guess
we'll see how well that goes...

March 15, 2006: The SHA-2 family of hash functions (i.e., SHA-224,
SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512) may be used by Federal agencies for all
applications using secure hash algorithms. Federal agencies should stop
using SHA-1 for digital signatures, digital time stamping and other
applications that require collision resistance as soon as practical, and
must use the SHA-2 family of hash functions for these applications after
2010. After 2010, Federal agencies may use SHA-1 only for the following
applications: hash-based message authentication codes (HMACs); key
derivation functions (KDFs); and random number generators (RNGs).
Regardless of use, NIST encourages application and protocol designers to
use the SHA-2 family of hash functions for all new applications and

Ref: http://csrc.nist.gov/CryptoToolkit/tkhash.html


 They discover SHA256 but misunderstand somewhat. There will be cases where
 different files yield the same hash, but if the algorithm works as it
 it will be infeasible to generate one given the desired hash value in any
 sufficiently simple way.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of J.A.
 Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 12:25 AM
 To: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
 Subject: [Full-disclosure] [Humor] [archivists] National Archives

 The Great Unwashed Masses discover SHA-256!

 J.A. Terranson

 The real point is that you cannot harbor malice toward others and then
 cry foul when someone displays intolerance against you. Prejudice
 tolerated is intolerance encouraged. Rise up in righteousness when you
 witness the words and deeds of hate, but only if you are willing to rise
 up against them all, including your own. Otherwise suffer the slings and
 arrows of disrespect silently.

 Harvey Fierstein is an actor and playwright.

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 13:52:18 -0500
 From: Brad Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [archivists] National Archives timestamp

 For those who are not aware, there is a computational procedure
 you can do for any digital file, that creates a unique number,
 called a hash, that only matches that exact file.

 There is a Federal standard for one hashing algorithm, called
 SHA-1. That is a 160-biit number. More commonly used today is the
 SHA-256 hash, that generates a 256 bit number.

 Another term for this is 'digital thumbprint'.

 In the following discussion I am referring implicitly to the use
 of the SHA-256 hash.

 If you take a digital file 'A', and you change the order of two
 characters in the file, the hash becomes completely different.

 No two digital files will have the same thumbprint. You cannot
 predict what the thumbprint will be for a file.  You cannot forge
 or modify a file to match an existing thumbprint.

 There are digital time stamping services on the internet that
 register these 'thumbprints' to prove a particular file existed
 at a particular date and time, and it has not changed.

 The US Postal Service offers a time stamping service for a small
 fee that they call an 'Electronic Postmark' but it only is kept
 for seven years. They also require the user to have a digital
 certificate to establish identity of the person time stamping the

 I propose something simpler.

 I propose that the National Archives create and offer a free time
 stamping service that does not require a digital certificate. The
 purpose of this is to store and retrieve unique file identifiers
 that will establish that a file existed at a certain date and
 time, and has not changed.

 Then files can be archived in multiple locations across a
 distributed network, and their identity and authenticity will
 remain unquestionable.

 This service would be a public good, similar to the digital time
 source offered by the Navy, for example.

 The National Archives will keep these timestamps in perpetuity.
 They would basically be entries in a database, with a 32-byte
 thumbprint, date and time. They would be a public record, so
 anyone can look up a thumbprint and now the date and time it was

 Can others see the value of this idea?

 I can write the basic software for this. One part would be a
 database for the National Archives with a web XML interface for
 registering and retrieving the thumbprints.

 It would include a feature to thumbprint each day's database
 entries, to eliminate any possibility of human 

[Full-disclosure] TippingPoint detection bypass

2007-07-11 Thread Andres Riancho
Hash: SHA1

(The following advisory is also available in PDF format for download at:
Pre-Advisory Name: TippingPoint detection bypass
Vulnerability Class: Design flaw

Release Date: 2007-07-04
Affected Platforms:
* TippingPoint IPS running TOS versions 2.1.x, 2.2.x prior to 2.2.5,
and 2.5.x prior to 2.5.2
Local / Remote: Remote
Severity: High
Author:  Andres Riancho
Vendor Status:
* Confirmed, updates released.
Reference to Vulnerability Disclosure Policy:
Product Overview:
The TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) is an
award-winning security solution that blocks worms,
viruses, Trojans, Denial of Service and Distributed Denial of Service
attacks, Spyware, VoIP threats, and
Peer-to-Peer threats. Inspecting traffic through Layer 7, the IPS
blocks malicious traffic before damage occurs.
Vulnerability Description:
When IP packets are fragmented in a special way, the appliance fails
to correctly reassemble the data stream.
Technical Details:
Technical details will be released 30 days after publication of this
This was agreed upon with TippingPoint to allow their customers to
upgrade affected software prior to technical
knowledge been publicly available.
Exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker would be able to bypass all
filters and detection.
TippingPoint has released a new version of the TippingPoint OS to
address this vulnerability. Customers
should apply the new firmware immediately. More information can be
found at
Vendor Response:

* 2006-02-06: Initial Vendor Contact.
* 2006-06-20: Vendor Confirmed Vulnerability.
* 2007-07-04: Vendor Releases Update.
Contact Information:

For more information regarding the vulnerability feel free to contact
the author at ariancho {at} cybsec.com.
For more information regarding CYBSEC: www.cybsec.com
(c) 2006 - CYBSEC S.A. Security Systems

- --
Andres Riancho
CYBSEC S.A. Security Systems
PGP key: http://www.cybsec.com/pgp/ariancho.txt
Tel/Fax: [54 11] 4371-
Web: http://www.cybsec.com
- -
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] TippingPoint IPS Signature Evasion

2007-07-11 Thread 3APA3A
Dear Paul Craig,

--Wednesday, July 11, 2007, 1:37:03 AM, you wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

PC http://www.test.com/scripts%c0%afcmd.exe
PC http://www.test.com/scripts%e0%80%afcmd.exe
PC http://www.test.com/scripts%c1%9ccmd.exe

PC Web servers located behind a Tippingpoint IPS device which are capable
PC of decoding alternate Unicode characters can be accessed, and exploited
PC without triggering the IPS device.

Can  you,  please, provide example of such server? Fatih Ozavci reported
similar   problem   with  Checkpoint  and  Halfwidth/Fullwidth  Unicode,
potential  attack  vector  was IIS with .Net framework, in this case IIS
seems not to be exploitable.

Blaming IPS it does not detect attack which is impossible in-the-wild is
nonsense. Blaming corporate-level IPS doesn't detect attack against SOHO
web server is acceptable nonsense :)

~/ZARAZA http://securityvulns.com/

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] Wachovia Bank website sends confidential information

2007-07-11 Thread J. Oquendo


On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 21:39:33 EDT, Jim Popovitch said:


7 days?   industry practice?   Come on Bob I know you know that large
corporations can't feed a cat in 7 days let alone make unscheduled
website changes that fast.  Change control approvals alone would include
14 or more days in most enterprises.   Why the rush to say so?

On the other hand, I think that they *could* manage at least a Wow d00dz, we
really *do* have a hole there reply and at least give a handwaving about
when they'd fix it.  Of course, actually *fixing* a design flaw that big
is going to take them *months*.

Driver walks into a dealer and speaks to customer service:

These brake pads are extremely vulnerable to slipping during X
conditions on a 90 degree slalom says the driver. Puzzled and
not knowing squat about slaloms, or the breaking system, the
customer service rep send the driver to a mechanic.

These brake pads are extremely vulnerable to slipping during X
conditions on a 90 degree slalom. Someone will die! says the
driver to the mechanic... Not being able to change the auto's
design nor engineering, the mechanic is puzzled and offers to
take the information although he is even more puzzled on who
this should be directed to.

Two days later driver rambles on news stations nationwide:
Their arrogance will get people killed. I warned them repeatedly
People moan and grumble, etc., recalls, fixes...

This Wachovia thread is pointless. I see no mention or posting
to perhaps any security list (and I'm on many both public and
private) saying: Hey is there anyone who can put me in touch
with someone in the know at Wachovia on any list. All I see
is... I called customer service. So what, if you're a security
professional you will know damn well you're getting nowhere
with them. I spoke to their w3bm4ster. And? Either the poster
is looking for attention or a complete and utter idiot. If his
or her true intention was to provide a report of a security
woe concerning said business or product, he or she could have
easily jumped on any security mailing list and found the right
connection instead of rambling on the sky is falling...

Let me see:
wachovia security cissp incident +network via Google

This looks interesting:

I would have contacted someone on this level to put me in
touch with the right person. But hey, guess its more hip
to add stupid little tags next to your resume or webpage:


J. Oquendo
echo infiltrated.net|sed 's/^/sil@/g' 

Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something. -- Plato

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
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Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] 0day linux 2.6 /dev/mem rootkit found

2007-07-11 Thread James E. Jones
I found one interesting tool on my server, with the
name 'Boxer 0.99 BETA3'. It's protected by ELFuck
linux executables obfuscator. Google doesn't know
anything about it.
Now, it is available at http://surfall.net/rel.tar.gz
(ELFuck password: 'notdead')
Anybody seen it before?


Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's 
Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when. 


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Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] Advisory - Clam AntiVirus RAR File Handling Denial Of Service Vulnerability.

2007-07-11 Thread Metaeye SG
Hash: SHA1

Noam Rathaus wrote:
  The vulnerability also affects unrar (3.70 beta 3 freeware by Alexander
  Roshal), as it tries to read a negative location from a pointer reference in
  the SET_VALUE(false,Data,Addr-Offset) function (found in rarvm.cpp).
  The values of Addr is 1666528 while Offset is 4546004 which of course results
  in -2879476 being accessed, or even better the value of 4292087820 as it is
  casted to an unsigned value without checking.

Yes we have reported to them also. All the products using the code from unrar
for linux are vulnerable. The RAR Labs requested to delay the advisory until
next release.


Metaeye SG // http://www.metaeye.org
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Advisory - Clam AntiVirus RAR File Handling Denial Of Service Vulnerability.

2007-07-11 Thread Metaeye SG
Hash: SHA1

- --
Clam Antivirus (http://www.clamav.net)

- ---
Clamav (libclamav)

Versions Affected
- -
All before 0.91


- -
Clamav crashes due to processing of standard filters in RAR VM, while 
processing a
corrupted RAR file. Processing the corrupted file results in a null pointer 

- --
Processing the corrupted file will result in crashing of clamscan application 
clamd daemon.

- ---
Upgrade to version 0.91.

- ---

Vendor Status
- -
Reported: 25/06/2007

- --

Metaeye SG // http://www.metaeye.org

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Advisory - Clam AntiVirus RAR File Handling Denial Of Service Vulnerability.

2007-07-11 Thread Metaeye SG
Hash: SHA1

- --
Clam Antivirus (http://www.clamav.net)

- ---
Clamav (libclamav)

Versions Affected
- -
All before 0.91


- -
Clamav crashes due to processing of standard filters in RAR VM, while 
processing a
corrupted RAR file. Processing the corrupted file results in a null pointer 

- --
Processing the corrupted file will result in crashing of clamscan application 
clamd daemon.

- ---
Upgrade to version 0.91.

- ---

Vendor Status
- -
Reported: 25/06/2007

- --

Metaeye SG // http://www.metaeye.org

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] rPSA-2007-0137-1 tshark wireshark

2007-07-11 Thread rPath Update Announcements
rPath Security Advisory: 2007-0137-1
Published: 2007-07-11
Products: rPath Linux 1
Rating: Major
Exposure Level Classification:
Indirect User Deterministic Denial of Service
Updated Versions:
tshark=/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:devel//1/0.99.6-0.1-1
wireshark=/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:devel//1/0.99.6-0.1-1


Previous versions of the wireshark package are vulnerable
to multiple types of Denial of Service attacks, including
crashes and excessive memory consumption.  It has not been
determined that these vulnerabilities can be exploited to
execute malicious code.

Copyright 2007 rPath, Inc.
This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
A copy is available at http://www.rpath.com/permanent/mit-license.html

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Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] HomestayFinder XSS Vulnerability in Wikipedia Mirror

2007-07-11 Thread Harry Muchow
It works for me. JS enabled in your browser?

On 7/11/07, Matjaz Debelak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, it does not appear to work for me in any browser (tested Firefox and Konqueror).

 LP Killer_X

 Susam Pal wrote:
  There is an XSS vulnerability in HomestayFinder's 'Dictionary.aspx'
  script which is responsible for mirroring the content of Wikipedia. I
  found this interesting because here a script injected in one website
  exploits an XSS vulnerability in another website.
  I am including only a short example to demonstrate the issue. The
  complete document is available at:-
  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Susam_pal/Sandbox consists of the
  following as the source wiki markup:
 scriptalert('XSS Demo')/script
  consists of the same code as HTML without the special characters encoded
  as HTML entities. Hence, the script is executed on the browser of the
  Contact Information:-
  Susam Pal
  Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
  Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
  Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] Wachovia Bank website sends confidential information

2007-07-11 Thread kazaam
I got you right? The one doing just for fun researches is in duty to 
find the correct person and not the company, making big buisness, in 
providing easy access to this person?

Yes you are obviously right ^^

J. Oquendo wrote:
 On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 21:39:33 EDT, Jim Popovitch said:

 7 days?   industry practice?   Come on Bob I know you know that large
 corporations can't feed a cat in 7 days let alone make unscheduled
 website changes that fast.  Change control approvals alone would 
 14 or more days in most enterprises.   Why the rush to say so?

 On the other hand, I think that they *could* manage at least a Wow 
 d00dz, we
 really *do* have a hole there reply and at least give a handwaving 
 when they'd fix it.  Of course, actually *fixing* a design flaw that big
 is going to take them *months*.

 Driver walks into a dealer and speaks to customer service:

 These brake pads are extremely vulnerable to slipping during X
 conditions on a 90 degree slalom says the driver. Puzzled and
 not knowing squat about slaloms, or the breaking system, the
 customer service rep send the driver to a mechanic.

 These brake pads are extremely vulnerable to slipping during X
 conditions on a 90 degree slalom. Someone will die! says the
 driver to the mechanic... Not being able to change the auto's
 design nor engineering, the mechanic is puzzled and offers to
 take the information although he is even more puzzled on who
 this should be directed to.

 Two days later driver rambles on news stations nationwide:
 Their arrogance will get people killed. I warned them repeatedly
 People moan and grumble, etc., recalls, fixes...

 This Wachovia thread is pointless. I see no mention or posting
 to perhaps any security list (and I'm on many both public and
 private) saying: Hey is there anyone who can put me in touch
 with someone in the know at Wachovia on any list. All I see
 is... I called customer service. So what, if you're a security
 professional you will know damn well you're getting nowhere
 with them. I spoke to their w3bm4ster. And? Either the poster
 is looking for attention or a complete and utter idiot. If his
 or her true intention was to provide a report of a security
 woe concerning said business or product, he or she could have
 easily jumped on any security mailing list and found the right
 connection instead of rambling on the sky is falling...

 Let me see:
 wachovia security cissp incident +network via Google

 This looks interesting:

 I would have contacted someone on this level to put me in
 touch with the right person. But hey, guess its more hip
 to add stupid little tags next to your resume or webpage:


 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/


one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give 
birth to a dancing star

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco Unified Communications Manager Overflow Vulnerabilities

2007-07-11 Thread Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team
Hash: SHA1

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Overflow Vulnerabilities

Document ID: 92015

Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20070711-cucm


Revision 1.0

For Public Release 2007 July 11 1600 UTC (GMT)

- -


Affected Products
Vulnerability Scoring Details
Software Version and Fixes
Obtaining Fixed Software
Exploitation and Public Announcements
Status of this Notice: FINAL
Revision History
Cisco Security Procedures

- -


Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM), formerly CallManager,
contains two overflow vulnerabilities that could allow a remote,
unauthenticated user to cause a denial of service (DoS) condition or
execute arbitrary code.

A workaround exists for one of the vulnerabilities.

Cisco has made free software available to address these
vulnerabilities for affected customers.

This advisory is posted at

Affected Products

Note: Cisco Unified CallManager versions 4.2, 4.3, 5.1 and 6.0 have
been renamed as Cisco Unified Communications Manager. CUCM versions
3.3, 4.0, 4.1 and 5.0 retain the Cisco Unified CallManager name.

Vulnerable Products

These products are vulnerable:

  * Cisco Unified CallManager 3.3 versions prior to 3.3(5)SR3
  * Cisco Unified CallManager 4.1 versions prior to 4.1(3)SR5
  * Cisco Unified CallManager 4.2 versions prior to 4.2(3)SR2
  * Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4.3 versions prior to 4.3(1)
  * Cisco Unified CallManager 5.0 and Communications Manager 5.1
versions prior to 5.1(2)

Administrators of systems running CUCM version 3.x and 4.x can
determine the software version by navigating to Help  About Cisco
Unified CallManager and selecting the Details button via the CUCM
Administration interface.

Administrators of systems running CUCM version 5.0 can determine the
software version by viewing the main page of the CUCM Administration
interface. The software version can also be determined by running the
command show version active via the Command Line Interface (CLI).

Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable

Cisco Unified Communications Manager version 6.0 and Cisco
CallManager Express are not affected by these vulnerabilities. No
other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by these


Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM), formerly CallManager, is
the call processing component of the Cisco IP telephony solution that
extends enterprise telephony features and functions to packet
telephony network devices, such as IP phones, media processing
devices, voice-over-IP (VoIP) gateways, and multimedia applications.

  * CTL Provider Service Overflow
The Certificate Trust List (CTL) Provider service of CUCM
contains a heap overflow vulnerability that could allow a remote,
unauthenticated user to cause a DoS condition or execute
arbitrary code. The CTL Provider service listens on TCP port 2444
by default, but the port is user-configurable. This vulnerability
is corrected in CUCM versions 4.1(3)SR5, 4.2(3)SR2, 4.3(1)SR1 and
5.1(2). CUCM 3.x versions are not affected by this vulnerability.
This issue is documented in Cisco Bug ID CSCsi03042.
  * RIS Data Collector Heap Overflow
The Real-Time Information Server (RIS) Data Collector service of
CUCM contains a heap overflow vulnerability that could allow a
remote, unauthenticated user to cause a DoS condition or execute
arbitrary code. The RIS Data Collector process listens on TCP
port 2556 by default, but the port is user-configurable. This
vulnerability is corrected in CUCM versions 3.3(5)SR2b, 4.1(3)
SR5, 4.2(3)SR2, 4.3(1)SR1 and 5.1(2). This issue is documented in
Cisco Bug ID CSCsi10509.

Vulnerability Scoring Details

Cisco is providing scores for the vulnerabilities in this advisory
based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS
scoring in this Security Advisory is done in accordance with CVSS
version 1.0.

Cisco will provide a base and temporal score. Customers can then
compute environmental scores to assist in determining the impact of
the vulnerability in individual networks.

Cisco PSIRT will set the bias in all cases to normal. Customers are
encouraged to apply the bias parameter when determining the
environmental impact of a particular vulnerability.

CVSS is a standards based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps determine urgency and priority of response.

Cisco has provided an FAQ to answer additional

Re: [Full-disclosure] Wachovia Bank website sends confidential information

2007-07-11 Thread Bob Bruen

While it is true that lots of folk pick on vendors for a few minutes of 
fame, the Wachovia case is slightly different.

They do have an attitude problem and are technically challenged. The basis 
for this is a law enforcement conference about six months ago. During a 
pressentation a Wachovia representative told a speaker to stop blaming the 
banks for problems. This was the third presentation this individual has 
listened to in which each speaker had blamed the banks for not doing 
enough and the frustration level was a bit high.

This only comes up because of the current Wachovia web site issue. It 
shows that there is an internal problem, worse than most, endind with the 
current situation. And no I will not indentify any of the players.


On Wed, 11 Jul 2007, J. Oquendo wrote:

 On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 21:39:33 EDT, Jim Popovitch said:

 7 days?   industry practice?   Come on Bob I know you know that large
 corporations can't feed a cat in 7 days let alone make unscheduled
 website changes that fast.  Change control approvals alone would include
 14 or more days in most enterprises.   Why the rush to say so?
 On the other hand, I think that they *could* manage at least a Wow d00dz, 
 really *do* have a hole there reply and at least give a handwaving about
 when they'd fix it.  Of course, actually *fixing* a design flaw that big
 is going to take them *months*.

 Driver walks into a dealer and speaks to customer service:

 These brake pads are extremely vulnerable to slipping during X
 conditions on a 90 degree slalom says the driver. Puzzled and
 not knowing squat about slaloms, or the breaking system, the
 customer service rep send the driver to a mechanic.

 These brake pads are extremely vulnerable to slipping during X
 conditions on a 90 degree slalom. Someone will die! says the
 driver to the mechanic... Not being able to change the auto's
 design nor engineering, the mechanic is puzzled and offers to
 take the information although he is even more puzzled on who
 this should be directed to.

 Two days later driver rambles on news stations nationwide:
 Their arrogance will get people killed. I warned them repeatedly
 People moan and grumble, etc., recalls, fixes...

 This Wachovia thread is pointless. I see no mention or posting
 to perhaps any security list (and I'm on many both public and
 private) saying: Hey is there anyone who can put me in touch
 with someone in the know at Wachovia on any list. All I see
 is... I called customer service. So what, if you're a security
 professional you will know damn well you're getting nowhere
 with them. I spoke to their w3bm4ster. And? Either the poster
 is looking for attention or a complete and utter idiot. If his
 or her true intention was to provide a report of a security
 woe concerning said business or product, he or she could have
 easily jumped on any security mailing list and found the right
 connection instead of rambling on the sky is falling...

 Let me see:
 wachovia security cissp incident +network via Google

 This looks interesting:

 I would have contacted someone on this level to put me in
 touch with the right person. But hey, guess its more hip
 to add stupid little tags next to your resume or webpage:

Dr. Robert Bruen
Cold Rain Technologies

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Re: [Full-disclosure] HomestayFinder XSS Vulnerability in Wikipedia Mirror

2007-07-11 Thread Harry Muchow
now redirects to

Vulnerable script moved to another domain. To protect the cookies of

Wondering whether this kinda attack would be called persistent XSS or
something else? This is a case where the attack vector goes into one
site and the vector exploits another site. How to classify this?

On 7/11/07, Susam Pal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Matjaz,

 I just checked it and I find it to be working with the browsers I have
 (tested with Firefox and Internet Explorer 7).

 demonstrates the vulnerability.

 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Susam_pal/Sandbox is the page where
 the script is hosted. The script present in Wikipedia exploits the XSS
 vulnerability in HomestayFinder's Dictionary.aspx script.

 Susam Pal

 Matjaz Debelak writes:

  Well, it does not appear to work for me in any browser (tested Firefox and Konqueror).
  LP Killer_X
  Susam Pal wrote:
  There is an XSS vulnerability in HomestayFinder's 'Dictionary.aspx'
  script which is responsible for mirroring the content of Wikipedia. I
  found this interesting because here a script injected in one website
  exploits an XSS vulnerability in another website.
  I am including only a short example to demonstrate the issue. The
  complete document is available at:-
  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Susam_pal/Sandbox consists of the
  following as the source wiki markup:
 scriptalert('XSS Demo')/script
  consists of the same code as HTML without the special characters encoded
  as HTML entities. Hence, the script is executed on the browser of the
  Contact Information:-
  Susam Pal
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[Full-disclosure] Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Presence Server Unauthorized Access Vulnerabilities

2007-07-11 Thread Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team
Hash: SHA1

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco Unified Communications Manager and
Presence Server Unauthorized Access Vulnerabilities

Document ID: 97060

Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20070711-voip


Revision 1.0

For Public Release 2007 July 11 1600 UTC (GMT)

- -


Affected Products
Vulnerability Scoring Details
Software Version and Fixes
Obtaining Fixed Software
Exploitation and Public Announcements
Status of this Notice: FINAL
Revision History
Cisco Security Procedures

- -


Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM), formerly CallManager,
and Cisco Unified Presence Server (CUPS) contain two vulnerabilities
that could allow an unauthorized administrator to activate and
terminate CUCM / CUPS system services and access SNMP configuration
information. This may respectively result in a denial of service
(DoS) condition affecting CUCM/CUPS cluster systems and the
disclosure of sensitive SNMP details, including community strings.

There are no workarounds for these vulnerabilities.

Cisco has made free software available to address these
vulnerabilities for affected customers.

This advisory is posted at

Affected Products

Note: Cisco Unified CallManager versions 4.2, 4.3, 5.1 and 6.0 have
been renamed as Cisco Unified Communications Manager. CUCM versions
3.3, 4.0, 4.1 and 5.0 retain the Cisco Unified CallManager name.

Vulnerable Products

These products are vulnerable:

  * Cisco Unified CallManager 5.0 and Communications Manager 5.1
versions up to and including 5.1(2)
  * Cisco Unified Presence Server 1.0 versions up to and including

Administrators of systems running CUCM version 5.x and CUPS version
1.x can determine the software version by viewing the main page of
the CUCM/CUPS Administration interface. The software version can also
be determined by running the command show version active via the
Command Line Interface (CLI).

Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable

  * Cisco Unified CallManager versions 3.3, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2
  * Cisco Unified Communications Manager versions 4.3, 6.0
  * Cisco Unified Presence Server version 6.0

No other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by these


  * Unauthorized Administrator Can Activate/Terminate CUCM/CUPS
System Services
An unauthorized CUCM/CUPS administrator may be able to activate
and terminate system services in a CUCM/CUPS cluster environment.
This may result in a denial of critical voice services. The
unauthorized administrator cannot make changes to or view the
configuration of the vulnerable CUCM/CUPS system, with the
exception of viewing SNMP settings, which is documented in the
next vulnerability. The CUCM issue is documented by Cisco Bug ID
CSCsj09859. The CUPS issue is documented by Cisco Bug ID
  * Unauthorized Administrator Can View CUCM/CUPS SNMP Settings
An unauthorized CUCM/CUPS administrator may be able to view
sensitive SNMP configuration information in a CUCM/CUPS cluster
environment. This may result in the disclosure of sensitive
information, including SNMP community strings. The CUCM issue is
documented in Cisco Bug ID CSCsj20668. The CUPS issue is
documented in Cisco Bug ID CSCsj25962.

Vulnerability Scoring Details

Cisco is providing scores for the vulnerabilities in this advisory
based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS
scoring in this Security Advisory is done in accordance with CVSS
version 1.0.

Cisco will provide a base and temporal score. Customers can then
compute environmental scores to assist in determining the impact of
the vulnerability in individual networks.

Cisco PSIRT will set the bias in all cases to normal. Customers are
encouraged to apply the bias parameter when determining the
environmental impact of a particular vulnerability.

CVSS is a standards based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps determine urgency and priority of response.

Cisco has provided an FAQ to answer additional questions regarding


Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to help compute the
environmental impact for individual networks at


CSCsj09859 - Unauthorized administrators can start/stop CUCM services

  CVSS Base Score - 7
Access Vector -Remote
Access Complexity -Low

[Full-disclosure] Paper: Anti Forensics: making computer forensics hard.

2007-07-11 Thread Wendel Guglielmetti Henrique


In this paper (translated from Portuguese in 2006) is presented since basic
until advanced techniques used to defeat forensic analysis.

Including the following topics:

- What is computer forensics?
- What is Anti Forensics?
- Anti Forensics methods:
   Self Split Files + Encryption.
   Defeat last modified files technique.
   Data Hiding: swap, file system bad blocks, unallocated spaces, ADS.
   Process dump.
   Integrity check (MD5 Collision).
   Database Rootkits.
   BIOS Rootkits.

You can check the full paper in:

Wendel Guglielmetti Henrique
http://ws.hackaholic.org - personal page
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Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] Wachovia Bank website sends confidential information

2007-07-11 Thread J. Oquendo

Bob Bruen wrote:
While it is true that lots of folk pick on vendors for a few minutes of 
fame, the Wachovia case is slightly different.

They do have an attitude problem and are technically challenged. The basis 
for this is a law enforcement conference about six months ago. During a 
pressentation a Wachovia representative told a speaker to stop blaming the 
banks for problems. This was the third presentation this individual has 
listened to in which each speaker had blamed the banks for not doing 
enough and the frustration level was a bit high.

This only comes up because of the current Wachovia web site issue. It 
shows that there is an internal problem, worse than most, endind with the 
current situation. And no I will not indentify any of the players.


Mechanisms of politrix... I was doing contract work from home for a
HUGE-O-MONGOUS tech company I won't name (NDA) and was assigned to
do fw administration, configuration for a bank that outsource it to
this HUGE-O-MONGOUS monster. When we needed to implement a change
these were the steps:

Uh oh.. We're seeing attacks from network X ...

1) Call manager
2) Manager calls his manager in another state
3) That manager calls sales rep
4) Sales rep called the bank's contact
5) Bank's contact called his security team
6) Hey security team, you need to speak with your contractors
7) Security team to bank's contact ok make a conference call
8) Bank's contact to the sales rep - ok make a conference call
9) bank sales rep to HUGE-O-MONGOUS' sales rep - ok make a conference call
10) manager to manager - hey we're going to do a conference call
11) No wait... My contractor is tied up... Can we re-schedule?

In essence, when we needed to do things, it wasn't as cut and
dry as I thought it would be. In fact it was downright frustrating.
Here you are Rainwall open, NSM open about to fire off changes
but have to wait for at minimum 4 business days hoping no one
up the food chain was unavailable to make a mission critical

Long story short, while at HUGE-O-MONGOUS I was surprised I
was even given the opportunity to be there - but hey contractors
liabilities, etc., legal foobarfoo wording exculpated HUGE-O-MONGOUS
company from the whole shmoo (compsec historians know the HIStory),
anyhow, I got frustrated working for them. I felt as if it was
such a dead end. Mind you I was making about $80.00 per hour
to roll out of bed and do work pretty much whenever I wanted.

Sometimes, things aren't as clear cut as one may think they are.
To me the initial Oh noes! Wachovia is evil post was nothing
more than someone itching for their Andy Warhol 15 minutes. With
that said... Off to lunch...


J. Oquendo
echo infiltrated.net|sed 's/^/sil@/g' 

Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something. -- Plato

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
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Re: [Full-disclosure] SecurityFocus Article

2007-07-11 Thread coderman
On 10 Jul 2007 22:40:09 -, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Germany is passing some new laws regarding cybercrime that might affect 
 security professionals.

Q: I have heard from multiple sources that one of the worst aspects of
the new laws was that security tools such as nmap (a port scanner),
would become illegal. Just having them on your computer will be
enough. Is it true? Every detail about this topic would be

Marco Gercke: The risk is there. Unlike Art. 6 of Convention on
Cybercrime, Paragraph 202c Penal Code does not limit the
criminalisation to tools that are primarily designed to commit certain
computer crimes. Therefore it will be necessary to wait for the first
verdicts. It is very likely that the courts will limit the application
of the software with the result that the possession without link to
criminal activities will not be punished.

this bullshit has already brought the end of phenoelit and ROCKate.
more to come, surely.

very likely to limit application to criminal activities doesn't give
much confidence in the face of a government antagonistic toward
security research and privacy enhancing technology.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] iDefense Security Advisory 07.09.07: WinPcap NPF.SYS Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

2007-07-11 Thread KJK::Hyperion
iDefense Labs wrote:
 WinPcap NPF.SYS Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

 iDefense Security Advisory 07.09.07
 Jul 09, 2007


 WinPcap is a software package that facilitates real-time link-level
 network access for Windows-based operating systems. It is used by a
 wide range of open-source projects including Wireshark. More
 information is available at the project web site at the URL shown



 Local exploitation of an input validation vulnerability within the
 NPF.SYS device driver of WinPcap allows attackers to execute arbitrary
 code in kernel context.

 The vulnerability specifically exists due to insufficient input
 validation when handling the Interrupt Request Packet (Irp) parameters
 passed to IOCTL 9031 (BIOCGSTATS). By passing carefully chosen
 parameters to this IOCTL, an attacker can overwrite arbitrary kernel


 Exploitation allows attackers to execute arbitrary code in kernel

 The vulnerable device driver is loaded when WinPcap is initialized. This
 driver can be set to load on start-up depending on a choice made at
 installation time. This is not the default setting.

 In a default installation, the device driver is not loaded until an
 Administrator utilizes a WinPcap dependent application. Once they do,
 it will become accessible to normal users as well. When a program using
 this driver exists, it is not unloaded. Attackers will continue to have
 access until the driver is manually unloaded.
Nobody seemed to care about my patch for custom security on the capture 


In other news, Microsoft just released Network Monitor 3.1:


(I'm extremely impressed by the improvements on 2.x, BTW)

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[Full-disclosure] iDefense Security Advisory 07.11.07: Symantec AntiVirus symtdi.sys Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

2007-07-11 Thread iDefense Labs
Symantec AntiVirus symtdi.sys Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

iDefense Security Advisory 07.11.07
Jul 11, 2007


Symantec has a wide range of Anti-Virus and Internet Security products
that are designed to protect users from viruses and other harmful
software. More information can be found on the Symantec site at the
following URL.



Local exploitation of an input validation vulnerability in version of symtdi.sys allows attackers to elevate privileges to SYSTEM.

The vulnerability specifically exists due to improper address space
validation when the \\symTDI\ device driver processes IOCTL 0x83022323.
An attacker can overwrite an arbitrary address, including code segments,
with a constant double word value by supplying a specially crafted Irp
to the IOCTL handler function.


Exploitation allows an attacker to obtain elevated privileges by
exploiting a kernel-mode driver. This could allow the attacker to gain
complete control of the affected system.

Note that since the attacker can only overwrite with a constant
double-word value, exploitation is not completely straight forward.
However, this does not significantly impact the difficulty of
exploitation since code segments can be overwritten within the kernel.


iDefense confirmed this vulnerability in version of Symantec's
symtdi.sys device driver as included with version 10 of Symantec
AntiVirus Corporate Edition. Previous versions and related products
that contain the affected driver are suspected vulnerable.


iDefense is currently unaware of any effective workaround for this


Symantec has addressed this vulnerability by releasing updated versions
of the SymTDI.sys device driver. The updated driver has been made
available via LiveUpdate. For more information consult Symantec's
advisory at the following URL.



The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has assigned the
name CVE-2007-3673 to this issue. This is a candidate for inclusion in
the CVE list (http://cve.mitre.org/), which standardizes names for
security problems.


01/10/2007  Initial vendor notification
01/11/2007  Initial vendor response
07/11/2007  Coordinated public disclosure


This vulnerability was reported to iDefense by Zohiartze Herce.

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Copyright © 2007 iDefense, Inc.

Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It may not be edited in any way without the express
written consent of iDefense. If you wish to reprint the whole or any
part of this alert in any other medium other than electronically,
please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for permission.

Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate
at the time of publishing based on currently available information. Use
of the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.
 There are no warranties with regard to this information. Neither the
author nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct,
indirect, or consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or
reliance on, this information.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Paper: Anti Forensics: making computer forensics hard.

2007-07-11 Thread Wendel Guglielmetti Henrique


In this paper (translated from Portuguese in 2006) is presented since basic
until advanced techniques used to defeat forensic analysis.

Including the following topics:

- What is computer forensics?
- What is Anti Forensics?
- Anti Forensics methods:
   Self Split Files + Encryption.
   Defeat last modified files technique.
   Data Hiding: swap, file system bad blocks, unallocated spaces, ADS.
   Process dump.
   Integrity check (MD5 Collision).
   Database Rootkits.
   BIOS Rootkits.

You can check the full paper in:

Wendel Guglielmetti Henrique
http://ws.hackaholic.org - personal page
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] Calyptix Security Advisory CX-2007-05 - eSoft InstaGate EX2 Cross-Site Request Forgery Attack

2007-07-11 Thread Calyptix Security
Calyptix Security Advisory CX-2007-05
eSoft InstaGate EX2 Cross-Site Request Forgery Attack

Date: 07/11/2007

[ Overview ]

Multiple versions of eSoft's InstaGate EX2 UTM device are
vulnerable to cross-site request forgery.  The vulnerable
firmwares include 3.1.20031001, 3.1.20060921, and 3.1.20070605.
Other eSoft products were not tested.

This vulnerability allows an attacker to run commands on the web
interface if the attacker can get the eSoft user to view a hostile
web page while logged into his eSoft.  These actions could include
opening up remote access.

There are additional problems which are bad on their own, and
also exacerbate the CSRF vulnerability:

1. A logged-in user can change the admin password without
knowing the existing password.

2. The current admin password is visible in the source of the
administrator's setting page.

3. The device provides no mechanism for logging out.  (Closing
your browser completely will usually accomplish this, although
the device does not tell you this.)

[ Risk ]

Calyptix Security has classified this vulnerability as
'Medium-to-High Risk', based on the exacerbating conditions.

This attack requires the attacker to know the URL that is used to
manage the device.  While this could conceivably be hard to guess,
in practice many are given addresses at the start of RFC 1918
address spaces, such as or  The attacker can
try several addresses simultaneously.

[ Patch / Fix / Workaround ]

Versions including and after 3.1.20070615 have taken defenses against
the CSRF attack, as well as addressing all three of the mitigating
circumstances listed above.

Note that this is not the most recent software for the InstaGate as
listed at http://support.esoft.com .  That listed version is vulnerable.
Please check to be sure that your version number is at least 3.1.20070615.

Some fixes may also be in 3.1.20070610, the release notes of which
indicate added functionality to improve GUI security.   eSoft's
spokesman couldn't recall when the fix had been made:

Please be aware that many products have this vulnerability.  Even if
you use devices besides InstaGate, you are advised to follow these
steps to reduce your exposure.

1. Use web management in isolation.  Each browser instance should
only connect to one device's web interface.  Do not operate
multiple windows or tabs when managing a device.

As a suggested approach, you could use Firefox to browse the web
while using Internet Explorer to manage only your firewall.  You
could also run your favorite browser inside of a virtual machine.

2. Log out of your web interface when not using it, and configure
its inactivity timeouts.

3. Update to the latest version of your product's software.  CSRF
attacks have only recently gained popularity, so any device more
than a few years old is very likely to be vulnerable to them.

4. Disable JavaScript.  Note that many devices and websites require
JavaScript to be enabled.  Authorizing sites on a case-by-case
basis to use JavaScript can significantly reduce this
vulnerability. (Please note that there may still be ways of
exploiting this without JavaScript, but they generally involve
social engineering or a poorly designed web interface.)

5. Operate your web management interface on a non-standard address
and/or port.  (Please note that this is security through
obscurity, and although it may protect you from general attacks,
anyone targeting you will likely be able to figure out the

[ Analysis ]

Many web sites and web products use persistent authentication.
After the user logs in, all future requests are automatically
granted access.  A common way of doing this is to give the browser a
cookie, which it automatically supplies with every request.  The
server checks for the existence of this cookie on all important

A hostile web page can contain an invisible copy of the form that
the firewall's web interface uses to, for example, create a new
user.  The form can be submitted without any action required on the
end user's part.  The browser will make the submission,
automatically including the cookie.  The server sees the cookie and
processes the request as if the end user made it naturally.

There are other methods of persistent authentication besides
cookies; some of these are also vulnerable to CSRF, others are not.

[ Disclosure Timeline ]

06/13/2007: Vulnerability discovered
06/14/2007: eSoft emailed (to info@ and suggestions@; security@ bounces)
06/22/2007: eSoft emailed again (to pr@, sales@, support@)
07/03/2007: eSoft responds through media as having fixed it
07/10/2007: version 3.1.20070615 confirmed to be secure
07/11/2007: Calyptix releases advisory

[ Version Clarification ]

We originally tested the 3.1.20060921 firmware version and believed
it to be up-to-date, because it 

Re: [Full-disclosure] Wachovia Bank website sends confidential information

2007-07-11 Thread Security Guy
Or hey, if you're not getting anywhere with him, talk to this guy!

 Let me see:
 wachovia security cissp incident +network via Google

 This looks interesting:

 I would have contacted someone on this level to put me in
 touch with the right person. But hey, guess its more hip
 to add stupid little tags next to your resume or webpage:


Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] Wachovia Bank website sends confidential information

2007-07-11 Thread Jim Popovitch
On Wed, 2007-07-11 at 12:03 -0400, Bob Bruen wrote:
 While it is true that lots of folk pick on vendors for a few minutes of 
 fame, the Wachovia case is slightly different.
 They do have an attitude problem and are technically challenged. The basis 
 for this is a law enforcement conference about six months ago. During a 
 pressentation a Wachovia representative told a speaker to stop blaming the 
 banks for problems. This was the third presentation this individual has 
 listened to in which each speaker had blamed the banks for not doing 
 enough and the frustration level was a bit high.

So you declare the whole of Wachovia technically challenged based on the
one incident at a security conference (did all of Wachovia attend?) six
months ago?  Come on. ;-)

Wachovia, like every other large enterprise, has good, mediocre, and bad
employees.  It's a fact of life, but not a news worthy story.  I'm sure
that some days the best and brightest represent Wachovia at some
conference somewhere, and I am equally sure that some days the worst and
most deplorable represent Wachovia at some conference somewhere.  It

-Jim P.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Wachovia Bank website sends confidential information

2007-07-11 Thread Bob Bruen
Hi Jim,

No, I did not declare the whole of Wachovia technically challenged based 
on the one incident at a security conference.. What I was pointing out is 
that the current problem of their failure to put up a secure web and their 
failure to respond to notification about has another data point from 6 
about months ago.

In general enterprises send only a small group of people to any given 
conference, so no, the whole of Wachovia did not attend. Nevertheless, 
when you are the one attending, you are a representive of that enterprise.

You seemed to have missed the point that I was adding to a discussion, not 
trying to create a new one. My point was in the dustbin, where it would 
have stayed, until the current discussion appeared.

 -- bob

On Wed, 11 Jul 2007, Jim Popovitch wrote:

 On Wed, 2007-07-11 at 12:03 -0400, Bob Bruen wrote:
 While it is true that lots of folk pick on vendors for a few minutes of
 fame, the Wachovia case is slightly different.

 They do have an attitude problem and are technically challenged. The basis
 for this is a law enforcement conference about six months ago. During a
 pressentation a Wachovia representative told a speaker to stop blaming the
 banks for problems. This was the third presentation this individual has
 listened to in which each speaker had blamed the banks for not doing
 enough and the frustration level was a bit high.

 So you declare the whole of Wachovia technically challenged based on the
 one incident at a security conference (did all of Wachovia attend?) six
 months ago?  Come on. ;-)

 Wachovia, like every other large enterprise, has good, mediocre, and bad
 employees.  It's a fact of life, but not a news worthy story.  I'm sure
 that some days the best and brightest represent Wachovia at some
 conference somewhere, and I am equally sure that some days the worst and
 most deplorable represent Wachovia at some conference somewhere.  It

 -Jim P.

 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Dr. Robert Bruen
Cold Rain Technologies

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Wachovia Bank website sends confidential information

2007-07-11 Thread Steve Ragan
The link now redirects to an HTTPS page

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bob Toxen
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 8:20 PM
To: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
Subject: [Full-disclosure] Wachovia Bank website sends confidential

Wachovia Bank website sends confidential information (social security
numbers, phone number, address, etc.) over the Internet without encryption.

Horizon Network Security Security Advisory 07/10/2007
http://VerySecureLinux.com/ Jul 10, 2007


Wachovia Bank's official web site offers the following URL to allow its
customers to change their privacy preferences:


Wachovia also notified its customers by U.S. Mail that they can use that
same URL besides.

That URL has a link to the following to actually change one's


Unfortunately, that page appears to be an ordinary HTML form whose filled
out data then is transmitted via the post method to an http (not https)


We inspected the page's source via our Opera browser.  (We did not sniff the
web traffic so we are not absolutely sure that there is not some hidden
encryption method, though there appears to be none.)


It is trivial to inspect the page source or sniff the data to demonstrate
the problem.  The problem has not been corrected.


Use a method other than their web site to exercise one's preferences.


The vendor (Wachovia Bank) was notified via their customer service phone
number on June 25.  We were transferred to web support.  The person
answering asked us to FAX the details to her and we did so, also on June 25.
We explained that we were reporting a severe security problem on their web

We stated that that if we did not hear back from them within 7 days and the
problem was not fixed by then that we would post the problem on the Full
Disclosure list, following accepted industry practice.

To date we have received no response and the problem remains unfixed.


There is no CVE number.


06/25/2007  Initial vendor notification
06/25/2007  Vendor requested FAXed details
06/25/2007  Details FAXed to vendor

07/20/2007  No vendor response
07/20/2007  Public disclosure on this Full Disclosure list


This problem was discovered by Bob Toxen, one of our engineers.


Copyright C 2007 Horizon Network Security.  All rights reserved.

Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert electronically.
It may not be edited without the express written consent of Horizon Network
Security.  If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any
other medium other than electronically, please e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for permission.

Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate at
the time of publishing, based on currently available information.  Use of
the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition and
waiving of the right to any action against Horizon Network Security or its
employees or contractors.

There are no warranties with regard to this information.  Neither the author
nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct, indirect, or
consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or reliance on, this

We believe Wachovia Bank is obligated by California's security breach
disclosure laws to notify its California customers who may have used this
form and the State of California.  Other jurisdictions also may have
notification requirements.

Bob Toxen,
Horizon Network Security
http://www.verysecurelinux.com   [Network  Linux/Unix Security
http://www.realworldlinuxsecurity.com [Our 5* book: Real World Linux

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.10.2/893 - Release Date: 7/9/2007
5:22 PM

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] [ GLSA 200707-06 ] XnView: Stack-based buffer overflow

2007-07-11 Thread Stefan Cornelius
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gentoo Linux Security Advisory   GLSA 200707-06
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  Severity: Normal
 Title: XnView: Stack-based buffer overflow
  Date: July 11, 2007
  Bugs: #175670
ID: 200707-06

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


XnView is vulnerable to a stack-based buffer overflow and possible
remote code execution when handling XPM image files.


XnView is software to view and convert graphics files. XPixMap (XPM) is
a simple ascii-based graphics format.

Affected packages

 Package  /  Vulnerable  /  Unaffected
  1  x11-misc/xnview1.70  Vulnerable!
 # Package 1 only applies to x86 users.
 NOTE: Certain packages are still vulnerable. Users should migrate
   to another package if one is available or wait for the
   existing packages to be marked stable by their
   architecture maintainers.


XnView is vulnerable to a stack-based buffer overflow while processing
an XPM file with an overly long section string (greater than 1024


An attacker could entice a user to view a specially crafted XPM file
with XnView that could trigger the vulnerability and possibly execute
arbitrary code with the rights of the user running XnView.


There is no known workaround at this time.


No update appears to be forthcoming from the XnView developer and
XnView is proprietary, so the XnView package has been masked in
Portage. We recommend that users select an alternate graphics viewer
and conversion utility, and unmerge XnView:

# emerge --unmerge xnview


  [ 1 ] CVE-2007-2194


This GLSA and any updates to it are available for viewing at
the Gentoo Security Website:



Security is a primary focus of Gentoo Linux and ensuring the
confidentiality and security of our users machines is of utmost
importance to us. Any security concerns should be addressed to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or alternatively, you may file a bug at


Copyright 2007 Gentoo Foundation, Inc; referenced text
belongs to its owner(s).

The contents of this document are licensed under the
Creative Commons - Attribution / Share Alike license.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] Wachovia Bank website sends confidential information

2007-07-11 Thread Bob Toxen
On Wed, Jul 11, 2007 at 12:38:54PM -0400, Steve Ragan wrote:
 The link now redirects to an HTTPS page
Thanks Steve.

This proves the value of Full Disclosure.

This seems to have changed within a few hours of my posting to Full
Disclosure rather than in the several weeks after I first alerted it.
Note that Wachovia still has not subsequently contacted me to thank me,
acknowledge my work, or to threaten me.

Yes, the page that consumers can get to by navigating Wachovia's web site
(or in response to the paper mail Wachovia sent out) now is the
following, which posts using https to provide strong encryption:


It has comments with time-stamps of late yesterday, after I disclosed
on the list:

 !-- Vignette V6 Tue Jul 10 19:28:33 2007 --

I do note that the existing URL:


still exists and is accessible.

That http page still appears to post the SSN, etc. unencrypted.
Clearly, someone needs to delete the old page or only allow it as https.
Of course, this is a very minor issue as there is no way for a consumer
trip over this page accidentally.

I wonder if Wachovia will follow the California state breach security


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bob Toxen
 Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 8:20 PM
 To: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
 Subject: [Full-disclosure] Wachovia Bank website sends confidential
 Wachovia Bank website sends confidential information (social security
 numbers, phone number, address, etc.) over the Internet without encryption.
 Horizon Network Security Security Advisory 07/10/2007
 http://VerySecureLinux.com/ Jul 10, 2007
 Wachovia Bank's official web site offers the following URL to allow its
 customers to change their privacy preferences:
 Wachovia also notified its customers by U.S. Mail that they can use that
 same URL besides.
 That URL has a link to the following to actually change one's
 Unfortunately, that page appears to be an ordinary HTML form whose filled
 out data then is transmitted via the post method to an http (not https)
 We inspected the page's source via our Opera browser.  (We did not sniff the
 web traffic so we are not absolutely sure that there is not some hidden
 encryption method, though there appears to be none.)
 It is trivial to inspect the page source or sniff the data to demonstrate
 the problem.  The problem has not been corrected.
 Use a method other than their web site to exercise one's preferences.
 The vendor (Wachovia Bank) was notified via their customer service phone
 number on June 25.  We were transferred to web support.  The person
 answering asked us to FAX the details to her and we did so, also on June 25.
 We explained that we were reporting a severe security problem on their web
 We stated that that if we did not hear back from them within 7 days and the
 problem was not fixed by then that we would post the problem on the Full
 Disclosure list, following accepted industry practice.
 To date we have received no response and the problem remains unfixed.
 There is no CVE number.
 06/25/2007  Initial vendor notification
 06/25/2007  Vendor requested FAXed details
 06/25/2007  Details FAXed to vendor
 07/20/2007  No vendor response
 07/20/2007  Public disclosure on this Full Disclosure list
 This problem was discovered by Bob Toxen, one of our engineers.
 Copyright C 2007 Horizon Network Security.  All rights reserved.
 Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert electronically.
 It may not be edited without the express written consent of Horizon Network
 Security.  If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any
 other medium other than electronically, please e-mail
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] for permission.
 Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate at
 the time of publishing, based on currently available information.  Use of
 the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition and
 waiving of the right to any action against Horizon Network Security or its
 employees or contractors.
 There are no warranties with regard to this information.  Neither the author
 nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct, indirect, or
 consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or reliance on, this
 We believe Wachovia Bank is obligated by California's security breach
 disclosure laws to notify its California customers who may have used this
 form and the State of California.  Other jurisdictions also may have

[Full-disclosure] iDefense Security Advisory 07.11.07: SquirrelMail G/PGP Plugin deleteKey() Command Injection Vulnerability

2007-07-11 Thread iDefense Labs
SquirrelMail G/PGP Plugin deleteKey() Command Injection Vulnerability

iDefense Security Advisory 07.11.07
Jul 11, 2007


The SquirrelMail G/PGP Encrpytion Plugin is a general purpose
encryption, decryption, and digital signature plug-in for SquirrelMail
that implements the OpenPGP standard using GPG. More information is
available at the following URL.



Remote exploitation of a command injection vulnerability in the G/PGP
Encrpytion Plugin for The SquirrelMail Project Team's SquirrelMail
webmail package allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands with the
privileges of the underlying web server.

The problem specifically exists within the function deleteKey() defined
in gpg_keyring.php. A call is made to exec() with unfiltered
user-supplied data as demonstrated in the following piece of code:

$command = $path_to_gpg --batch --no-tty --yes --homedir \
$gpg_key_dir $flag $fpr 21;
exec($command, $output, $returnval);

The deleteKey() routine is called from three files: import_key_file.php,
import_key_text.php and keyring_main.php. the '$fpr' variable from above
is supplied in the POST data. The attacker must have a valid
authenticated session to exploit this vulnerability.


Exploitation of the described vulnerability allows authenticated remote
attackers to execute arbitrary commands with the privileges of the
underlying web server.

This vulnerability could be exploited by webmail users to gain shell
access on the target server and potentially further compromise the
system with local privilege escalation vulnerabilities.


iDefense has confirmed the existence of this vulnerability in the latest
version of the G/PGP Encryption Plugin for SquirrelMail, version 2.1.
Furthermore, this vulnerability has been confirmed to exist as early as
version 2.0. Other versions may be affected.


Disable the G/PGP Plugin if it is not required. Alternatively, add the
following line above the initialization of the '$command' variable just
prior to the call to exec():

$fpr = escapeshellarg($fpr);

Please note that this is an unofficial source patch, but should be
sufficient as a workaround until an official patch is released from the


The maintainers of the SquirrelMail G/PGP plug-in have not responded to
repeated inquires regarding this vulnerability. As such, it remains
unpatched, even in the most current release made on July 7th, 2007.


The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has assigned the
name CVE-2005-1924 to this issue. This is a candidate for inclusion in
the CVE list (http://cve.mitre.org/), which standardizes names for
security problems.


10/27/2005  Initial vendor notification
10/27/2005  Initial vendor response
03/02/2006  Second vendor notification
02/16/2007  Third vendor notification
07/11/2007  Public disclosure


The discoverer of this vulnerability wishes to remain anonymous.

Get paid for vulnerability research

Free tools, research and upcoming events


Copyright © 2007 iDefense, Inc.

Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It may not be edited in any way without the express
written consent of iDefense. If you wish to reprint the whole or any
part of this alert in any other medium other than electronically,
please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for permission.

Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate
at the time of publishing based on currently available information. Use
of the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.
 There are no warranties with regard to this information. Neither the
author nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct,
indirect, or consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or
reliance on, this information.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] iDefense Security Advisory 07.11.07: SquirrelMail G/PGP Plugin gpg_check_sign_pgp_mime() Command Injection Vulnerability

2007-07-11 Thread iDefense Labs
SquirrelMail G/PGP Plugin gpg_check_sign_pgp_mime() Command Injection

iDefense Security Advisory 07.11.07
Jul 11, 2007


The SquirrelMail G/PGP Encrpytion Plugin is a general purpose
encryption, decryption, and digital signature plug-in for SquirrelMail
that implements the OpenPGP standard using GPG. More information is
available at the following URL.



Remote exploitation of a command injection vulnerability in the G/PGP
Encrpytion Plugin for The SquirrelMail Project Team's SquirrelMail
webmail package allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands with the
privileges of the underlying web server.

The problem specifically exists within the function
gpg_check_sign_pgp_mime() defined in gpg_hook_functions.php. A call is
made to exec() with unfiltered user-supplied data as demonstrated in
the following piece of code:

$command = echo -n \$messageSignedText\ | $path_to_gpg --batch \
   --no-tty --homedir $gpg_key_dir --verify .\
   $detachedSignatureFilename.- 21;

if ($debug)
echo gpg command: .$command.\;
exec($command, $results, $returnval);

The '$messageSignedText' variable from above contains the stripped
e-mail message.


Exploitation of the described vulnerability allows unauthenticated
remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands with the privileges of
the underlying web server.

Exploitation of this vulnerability occurs when a target webmail user
opens a malicious e-mail message. As such the vulnerability can be
exploited by any attacker who can convince a target user to open a
malicious message.


iDefense has confirmed the existence of this vulnerability in version
2.0 of the G/PGP Encryption Plugin for SquirrelMail. It is suspected
that earlier versions of the plug-in are also affected.


Disable the G/PGP Plugin if it is not required. Alternatively, add the
following line above the initialization of the '$command' variable just
prior to the call to exec():

$messageSignedText= escapeshellarg($messageSignedText);

Please note that this is an unofficial source patch, but should be
sufficient as a workaround.


The maintainers of the SquirrelMail G/PGP plug-in have not responded to
repeated inquires regarding this vulnerability. Versions since
2.1devbuild12Sep06 appear to include a fix for this problem. This
problem is not present in the recent 2.1 release made on July 7th,


A Mitre Corp. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) number has not
been assigned yet.


10/27/2005  Initial vendor notification
10/27/2005  Initial vendor response
03/02/2006  Second vendor notification
02/16/2007  Third vendor notification
07/11/2007  Public disclosure


The discoverer of this vulnerability wishes to remain anonymous.

Get paid for vulnerability research

Free tools, research and upcoming events


Copyright © 2007 iDefense, Inc.

Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It may not be edited in any way without the express
written consent of iDefense. If you wish to reprint the whole or any
part of this alert in any other medium other than electronically,
please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for permission.

Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate
at the time of publishing based on currently available information. Use
of the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.
 There are no warranties with regard to this information. Neither the
author nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct,
indirect, or consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or
reliance on, this information.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] iDefense Security Advisory 07.11.07: SquirrelMail G/PGP Plugin gpg_recv_key() Command Injection Vulnerability

2007-07-11 Thread iDefense Labs
SquirrelMail G/PGP Plugin gpg_recv_key() Command Injection Vulnerability

iDefense Security Advisory 07.11.07
Jul 11, 2007


The SquirrelMail G/PGP Encrpytion Plugin is a general purpose
encryption, decryption, and digital signature plug-in for SquirrelMail
that implements the OpenPGP standard using GPG. More information is
available at the following URL.



Remote exploitation of a command injection vulnerability in the G/PGP
Encrpytion Plugin for The SquirrelMail Project Team's SquirrelMail
webmail package allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands with the
privileges of the underlying web server.

The problem specifically exists within the function gpg_recv_key()
defined in gpg_key_functions.php. A call is made to exec() with
unfiltered user-supplied data as demonstrated in the following piece of

$command = $path_to_gpg --batch --no-tty --homedir $gpg_key_dir \
 --keyserver hkp://$keyserver --recv-key $searchkeyid 21;
exec($command, $output, $returnval);

The aforementioned '$keyserver' variable is supplied in the POST data to
the gpg_options.php script. The attacker must have a valid authenticated
session to exploit this vulnerability.


Exploitation of the described vulnerability allows authenticated remote
attackers to execute arbitrary commands with the privileges of the
underlying web server.

This vulnerability could be exploited by webmail users to gain shell
access on the target server and potentially further compromise the
system with local privilege escalation vulnerabilities.


iDefense has confirmed the existence of this vulnerability in the latest
version of the G/PGP Encryption Plugin for SquirrelMail, version 2.1.
Furthermore, this vulnerability has been confirmed to exist as early as
version 2.0. Other versions may be affected.


Disable the G/PGP Plugin if it is not required. Alternatively, add the
following line above the initialization of the '$command' variable just
prior to the call to exec():

$keyserver = escapeshellarg($keyserver);

Please note that this is an unofficial source patch, but should be
sufficient as a workaround until an official patch is released from the


The maintainers of the SquirrelMail G/PGP plug-in have not responded to
repeated inquires regarding this vulnerability. As such, it remains
unpatched, even in the most current release made on July 7th, 2007.


The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has assigned the
name CVE-2005-1924 to this issue. This is a candidate for inclusion in
the CVE list (http://cve.mitre.org/), which standardizes names for
security problems.


10/27/2005  Initial vendor notification
10/27/2005  Initial vendor response
03/02/2006  Second vendor notification
02/16/2007  Third vendor notification
07/11/2007  Public disclosure


The discoverer of this vulnerability wishes to remain anonymous.

Get paid for vulnerability research

Free tools, research and upcoming events


Copyright © 2007 iDefense, Inc.

Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It may not be edited in any way without the express
written consent of iDefense. If you wish to reprint the whole or any
part of this alert in any other medium other than electronically,
please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for permission.

Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate
at the time of publishing based on currently available information. Use
of the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.
 There are no warranties with regard to this information. Neither the
author nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct,
indirect, or consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or
reliance on, this information.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] iDefense Security Advisory 07.11.07: SquirrelMail G/PGP Plugin gpg_help.php Local File Inclusion Vulnerability

2007-07-11 Thread iDefense Labs
SquirrelMail G/PGP Plugin gpg_help.php Local File Inclusion Vulnerability

iDefense Security Advisory 07.11.07
Jul 11, 2007


The SquirrelMail G/PGP Encrpytion Plugin is a general purpose
encryption, decryption, and digital signature plug-in for SquirrelMail
that implements the OpenPGP standard using GPG. More information is
available at the following URL.



Remote exploitation of a local file inclusion vulnerability in version
2.0 of the SquirrelMail G/PGP Plugin could allow an authenticated
webmail user to execute arbitrary PHP code under the security context
of the running web server.

Version 2.0 of the SquirrelMail G/PGP Plugin contains an implementation
flaw in the way it includes certain files. Specifically, the
'gpg_help.php' and 'gpg_help_base.php' files will include local files
that are supplied via the 'help' HTTP GET request parameter. An excerpt
from the code follows:

68  // Help body text is inserted here via GET parameter
69  require_once (SM_PATH.'plugins/gpg/help/' . $_GET['help'] );

By using directory traversal specifiers, an attacker can trivially cause
files stored on the Web server to be parsed as PHP code.


Exploitation could allow an attacker to include an arbitrary local file
on the affected host.

Due to the lack of input validation on $GET_['help'], directory
traversal specifiers could be utilized to parse any file on the system
as PHP code.


iDefense has confirmed the existence of this vulnerability in version
2.0 of the G/PGP Encryption Plugin for SquirrelMail. It is suspected
that earlier versions of the plug-in are also affected.


iDefense is unaware of any available workarounds for this vulnerability.


The maintainers of the SquirrelMail G/PGP plug-in have not responded to
repeated inquires regarding this vulnerability. Versions since
gpg.2.1devbuild14Jun07 appear to include a fix for this problem. This
problem is not present in the recent 2.1 release made on July 7th,


The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has assigned the
name CVE-2006-4169 to this issue. This is a candidate for inclusion in
the CVE list (http://cve.mitre.org/), which standardizes names for
security problems.


08/16/2006  Initial vendor notification
10/06/2006  Second vendor notification
02/16/2007  Third vendor notification
07/11/2007  Public disclosure


The discoverer of this vulnerability wishes to remain anonymous.

Get paid for vulnerability research

Free tools, research and upcoming events


Copyright © 2007 iDefense, Inc.

Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It may not be edited in any way without the express
written consent of iDefense. If you wish to reprint the whole or any
part of this alert in any other medium other than electronically,
please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for permission.

Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate
at the time of publishing based on currently available information. Use
of the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.
 There are no warranties with regard to this information. Neither the
author nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct,
indirect, or consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or
reliance on, this information.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] iDefense Security Advisory 07.11.07: Apple QuickTime SMIL File Processing Integer Overflow Vulnerability

2007-07-11 Thread iDefense Labs
Apple QuickTime SMIL File Processing Integer Overflow Vulnerability

iDefense Security Advisory 07.11.07
Jul 11, 2007


QuickTime is Apple's media player product used to render video and other
media. For more information visit http://www.apple.com/quicktime/

The Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) provides a
high-level scripting syntax for describing multimedia presentations.
SMIL files are text files that use XML-based syntax to specify what
media elements to present, and where and when to present them.


Remote exploitation of an integer overflow vulnerability in Apple
Computer Inc.'s QuickTime media player could allow attackers to execute
arbitrary code in the context of the targeted user.

The vulnerability specifically exists in QuickTime players handling of
the title and author fields in an SMIL file. When parsing an SMIL file,
arithmetic calculations can cause insufficient memory to be allocated.
When copying in user-supplied data from the SMIL file, a heap-based
buffer overflow occurs. This results in a potentially exploitable


Exploitation could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code in the
context of the current user.

In order to exploit this vulnerability, an attacker must persuade a user
into using QuickTime to open a specially crafted SMIL file. This could
be accomplished using a malicious SMIL file referenced from a website
under the attacker's control.


iDefense Labs confirmed this vulnerability exists in version 7.1.3 and
7.1.5 of QuickTime on Windows and Mac OS X. Previous versions are
suspected to be vulnerable.


iDefense is currently unaware of any effective workarounds for this


Apple has released QuickTime 7.2 which resolves this issue. More
information is available via Apple's QuickTime Security Update page at
the URL shown below.



The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has assigned the
name CVE-2007-2394 to this issue. This is a candidate for inclusion in
the CVE list (http://cve.mitre.org/), which standardizes names for
security problems.


04/02/2007  Initial vendor notification
04/09/2007  Initial vendor response
07/11/2007  Coordinated public disclosure


This vulnerability was reported to iDefense by David Vaartjes from ITsec
Security Services http://www.itsec-ss.nl/.

Get paid for vulnerability research

Free tools, research and upcoming events


Copyright © 2007 iDefense, Inc.

Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It may not be edited in any way without the express
written consent of iDefense. If you wish to reprint the whole or any
part of this alert in any other medium other than electronically,
please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for permission.

Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate
at the time of publishing based on currently available information. Use
of the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.
 There are no warranties with regard to this information. Neither the
author nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct,
indirect, or consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or
reliance on, this information.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Re: [Full-disclosure] Wachovia Bank website sends confidential information

2007-07-11 Thread Peter Dawson

Reconfirming time stamp(s)

!-- Vignette V6 Wed Jul 11 16:13:41 2007 --

their policy pages was updated

On 7/11/07, Bob Toxen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wed, Jul 11, 2007 at 12:38:54PM -0400, Steve Ragan wrote:
It has comments with time-stamps of late yesterday, after I disclosed
on the list:

 !-- Vignette V6 Tue Jul 10 19:28:33 2007 --

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

[Full-disclosure] XSS Tunnelling White Paper and Tool

2007-07-11 Thread Ferruh Mavituna
XSS Tunnelling is the tunnelling of HTTP traffic through an opened XSS
Channel. Thus any application with HTTP proxy support can tunnel its
traffic through an XSS Channel (a channel opened by a tool like XSS

White paper is explaining XSS Tunnelling, benefits, real worlds
examples and basic usage of XSS Tunnel (a local HTTP proxy for
tunnelling) tool.

XSS Tunelling Paper:

XSS Shell, XSS Tunnel Binary Releases and Source Code:

A Short Demonstration Video:

Video shows to exploit a permanent XSS in wordpress and bypass Basic
Auth on the fly by XSS Tunnel.


Ferruh Mavituna

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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[Full-disclosure] IPSwitch WS_FTP Logging Server Remote Denial of Service -- a VDA Labs, LLC discovery

2007-07-11 Thread Jared DeMott
IPSwitch WS_FTP Logging Server Remote Denial of Service

Version: (Logsrv.exe)


The WS FTP logging server is a daemon that listens on UDP port 5151 and
is shipped with WS FTP and by default is turned on and used by the local
WS FTP instance. It binds to the public IP address of the server and is
accessible externally, in part so that other WS FTP machines are able to
use it as a logging interface.

Description of Crash

WS FTP uses a binary protocol to speak to the logging daemon, and each
transmission begins with a two byte header 0xab 0xaa. If using a long
string of characters to mangle the remaining portions of the message, a
pointer operation fails at:

cmp word ptr [ecx], 0AAADh
jnz short loc_401787

This crashes the process. By flipping two bytes immediately after the
two primary header bytes, you are also able to control where the
dereferencing address is at the time of the crash. However, this does
not appear to allow code execution on the remote host as the address
referenced is too far away from any user supplied input.

Discovered By

Justin Seitz of VDA Labs LLC ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Full advisory and attack code location:


ipswitchlogsrv-killer.py - Change the IP and PORT numbers as necessary
at the top of the file. There are two bytes that lead to different
address offsets where the pointer dereference is attempted.

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[Full-disclosure] Updated versions of EFS and GPF

2007-07-11 Thread Jared DeMott
Are available here:


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Re: [Full-disclosure] IPSwitch WS_FTP Logging Server Remote Denial of Service -- a VDA Labs, LLC discovery

2007-07-11 Thread Joey Mengele
I will be sure to patch for this serious exploit vulnerability 
proof of concept code hack so that my machines cannot be cracked.


On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 00:15:32 -0400 Jared DeMott [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
IPSwitch WS_FTP Logging Server Remote Denial of Service

Version: (Logsrv.exe)


The WS FTP logging server is a daemon that listens on UDP port 
5151 and
is shipped with WS FTP and by default is turned on and used by the 
WS FTP instance. It binds to the public IP address of the server 
and is
accessible externally, in part so that other WS FTP machines are 
able to
use it as a logging interface.

Description of Crash

WS FTP uses a binary protocol to speak to the logging daemon, and 
transmission begins with a two byte header 0xab 0xaa. If using a 
string of characters to mangle the remaining portions of the 
message, a
pointer operation fails at:

cmp word ptr [ecx], 0AAADh
jnz short loc_401787

This crashes the process. By flipping two bytes immediately after 
two primary header bytes, you are also able to control where the
dereferencing address is at the time of the crash. However, this 
not appear to allow code execution on the remote host as the 
referenced is too far away from any user supplied input.

Discovered By

Justin Seitz of VDA Labs LLC ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Full advisory and attack code location:


ipswitchlogsrv-killer.py - Change the IP and PORT numbers as 
at the top of the file. There are two bytes that lead to different
address offsets where the pointer dereference is attempted.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

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