Re: [Full-disclosure] I'm not the troll i've been trolled

2009-01-12 Thread - o z -
I will point out the faults in n3td3v's premises, read my last profile  

On Jan 12, 2009, at 5:01 AM, n3td3v wrote:

 I've been the victim of trolls they see me as a good target to pick  
 because I run the n3td3v intelligence group and i'm going to apply for

Victim, martyr fantasies, with the 'intel group' being a self-serve  
lis that ANYONE can join (as I have under a different alias).  It  
doesn't exist
per se, it's all in his head.  It's about as useful as tits on a boy.

 your everyday people can't run security because their ideas are
 too ordinary and they come up with nothing new.

Typical -- exclusivity, it's all one big secret that a normal person  
cannot understand.

  they seen someone with an indepth underworld life that i
 can talk about that others don't believe because the secret world of
 spooks is often unbelievable to ordinary folks and thats where people
 think i must be trolling.

Secret world of spooks reference, the whole intel agency thing, Mystery!

 the fact is i've never trolled the n3td3v
 group is real and i'll be applying for mi5 real soon.

Real soon, yep, where have we heard this?

 there is no
 mental illness or anything else, thats just something thought up by
 trolls to get me to reply even more.

DENIAL, of course there hasn't been mental illness, nope, not at  
all...OK, maybe a little...

 I research open source intelligence such as mailing
 lists and websites, television and radio. as well as monitoring folks
 in social situations online and offline building up profile of folks.

Notice the subtle threat of 'researching and profiling other folks'?
Usually when threats occur, this is the attempt to 'one-up' their last
drama, just like I wrote about.  We're getting to him, so the monkey  
has to perform
a new and better trick.

  maybe thats because i run an intelligence group thats why i'm
 interested in it and i'll hope one day to collaborate with mi5 to
 share intelligence on people, hackers and the threats.

MI5 fixation, again!

 this is a
 secret underworld you've had some insight to and the way we think, you
 will not understand us, you will never understand unless you are part
 of it.

He has the secret key of the universe that mere mortals cannot  

OK, now watch what happens, it will be right out of the handbook.   
Some kind of
event will be precipitated.  If this is worked right, we can alter the  
behavior to our


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[Full-disclosure] n3td3v profile...

2009-01-11 Thread - o z -
Andrew is a special kind of crazya friend of mine and former  
colleague who I highly respect (practicing Psych.,
who profiles individuals for a real doggone intel agency...alas, not  
MI-Jive) labeled Andrew as a probable
schizophrenic with grandiose idealizations.

These types of people usually can't hold a job.  The most active  
period of delusions occur from 17-33, some
think the drop-off may be due to decreased levels of testosterone as  
they age.  Intelligence agency intrigue  innuendo is a classic
manifestation, along with imaginary friends, martyr glamorizations,  
alternate personalities and repeated exclamations that they will  
curtail their
behaviors, only to come back, roaringly, foisting themselves upon a  
group/friend circle with a different guise or mission.
Some have said it resembles alcoholic behavior in the promises to  

They constantly need an audience, since 'friends' are temporal at  
best...they churn through relationships like shit
flowing through a people become estranged/exasperated with  
the constant epiphany's, revelations and
God-like interpretations.

Stranger yet is that people like this can be wonderfully charming in  
real-lifefunny for awhile, but as they age, they
start losing boyish charms that previously were  
forgiven...promulgating even more outlandish behavior as grow older.
Sound familiar?  We have a baseline here, folks.  Also notice he  
hasn't written anything technical -- it's mostly
outlandish hypothesis with pointers to..not infosec...but Andrew.

They usually refuse medications to control themselves, because it  
dulls the essence of what they're trying to portray:
someone mysterious, withholding critical information, being the sole- 
source of knowledge that might somehow change
the world.

IMHO, I would venture to say Andrew has attempted suicide -- his type  
is usually unsuccessful, indeed, it's not a suicide
attempt but an attention-seeking event.

He's bat-shit-fucking-crazy-nuts, but sane enough to fool someone  
unfamiliar with his MO.  That's what is so aggravating about this
particular form of mental illness...once again, as long as there's a  
receptive audience, the monkey will feel the compulsion to
perform.  It's akin to sexual gratification for him to see he's the  
subject of people's ire...don't forget that.

This type of person will emotionally soul-suck everyone he comes in  
contact with, and make up dramas if only to suck more
people in, because really, it's all about the adulation of n3td3v/ 
Andrew/, nothing else.

Solutions:  There's a few, but I wouldn't want to be responsible for  
the end result; once again, n3td3v is a human たまごっち
(Tamagotchi) and should be treated accordingly.

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[Full-disclosure] Observations from 10 days in Nov.

2009-01-09 Thread - o z -
One thing is 'fer sure...since I can't simply skim over the messages  
due to over-zealous subject lines, I
read the messages.  Most of 'em, anyway.  I find myself assaulted with  
word salad, burying myself in

interesting expressions of hatred, grief, aggravation and amusement.

..So hey, I thought I would share, in between hostile Palestinian  
verbal-fire and absolute assumptions that
n3td3v is a sleeper MI-5 agent.  You can't fool me, n3td3v, I have  
experience in these things.

In no particular order, here is a mean sample from a 10-day period in  
November...I'd write more,

but this is a security list: learn about security, its just expected by the user that the  
system is
 1) not **break in able** and 2) hasn't already been  
compromised. if you
turn your computer on and everything looks in place and as it should,  

suggest to yourself you haven't been hacked, howe...

now i am going back to my real job, doing real things and you can go  
back to
playing with lego and waiting for your mother to bring in some  

cut into triangles. without the crustfaggot
-Biz Marqee

Unfortunately, the Joe Sixpacks tend to marry Jill Sixpacks, and  


i have a power base of nearly 5000 members on the n3td3v mailing list,
and i don't work for the government but i very much believe in  

the uk intelligence services are doing. so i suggest you don't fuck
with n3td3v but its your choice at the end of the day. thank you and
good day.

They don't realise I might work for MI5.  And then again, I might  
work for MI5.


Actually I think a new game should be created that revolves around  

n3td3v.  At the end of the month a Stalker of the Month could be
selected and given a prize. I think it could be a lot of fun.

Look at the 7 days without you - no one was asking wheres n3td3v were
they? No, everyone was enjoying the fact that you were in hospital  
the guards do reruns of your drunk uncles night time visits your  

That shit fucked you up for life didn't it, faggot?
-Biz Marqee

What's a n3td3v?
-Paul Ferguson

Does this mean you are wanting the vendors to be fucked?

Let us all rejoice by following Gadi Evron in his love of the cock and
all things whitehat.
-not dev

I'm not sure this is a good idea as it gives a heads up to hackers.
you may think its not long but its actually 5 days for a hacker to
figure out potentially a vulnerability in said area.

maybe we should have a discussion on what a drug addled cock lover  
you are?

-Biz Marqee

Note:  Like a bad acid trip or some kind of heinous, immutable INFOSEC  
Phoenix, n3td3v Will Not Die.
As soon as he announces he's going away, he comes back.  Tossed,  
abused and perhaps prancing around your flat with a but-plug up his  
ass reminiscing
about a phantasmagorical guy named Clyde, n3td3v is Eternal, n3td3v is  
MI5, n3td3v Is All

Things to Everyone.

I'll end this with a prophetic statement by the aforementioned from  

Subject: [Full-disclosure] n3td3v: viva end of n3td3vand security  

From: n3td3v
Date: Fri Sep 1 20:13:50 BST 2006

n3td3v with the beginning Spetember 1st 2006 is the end of n3td3v  
commentry via Full-Disclosure list or any
other medium. This is because n3td3v is moving into the professional  
scene, so underground hacker scene isn't

suitable for the n3td3v agenda.



“Condoleezza Rice is a very cruel, offended woman who lacks men's  
attention. She needs to be taken to a company of man-soldiers and it  
would be just fine. Releasing such stupid remarks gives her the  
feeling of being fulfilled. This is the only way for her to attract  
men's attention.  Show me that Rice is a woman? The only thing she  
attracts is reindeer. The States needs to practice the old Soviet  
tradition when both single women and single men were not allowed to  
take responsible state positions...

--Vladimir Zhirinovsky,  Russian politician,  leader of the Liberal  
and Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

2009-01-04 Thread - o z -
On Jan 4, 2009, at 10:31 PM, Avraham Schneider wrote:

 When there is no choice, there is no choice - Israel has to defend  
 it's own
 civilian population as a first priority.

 Let me tell you a little of the latest events -

 1) IDF calls a family in Gaza, to let them know they are about to  
 bomb the
 house from the air - demanding that the family members leave  
 (the IDF had inteligence that weapons were stored in that family's  
 2) Family members climb to the roof of the house as they know the  
 IDF pilots
 would not want to harm civilians
 3) The IDF pilot fires a rocket to the corner of the roof, making it  
 that if they don't leave, they will die,
 4) The family get the point and run away
 5) House is fired at
 6) Explosions ocur due to ammunition and rockets stored there.

Correction #3:  The MC actually dispatched MIGCAP to fire 20mm cannon,
not 'rocket' -- at the next building over.   The kill ratio from a  
rocket's shrapnel
would have killed anyone on the roof, hence, 20mm fire to ward off the  
and scare the dickens out of them so they would bail from the structure.

#4:  Family found Jesus right away, no, Common Sense...and bailed from  
the roof.

#5:  Cool fireworks display courtesy of your local IDF

#6:  Kudos to family for making a media moment of defiance, but it was  
really time
to leave before someone was killed.


 You people can't even agree to stop a flame war.

 It's not a flame war - it's an off-topic propaganda started by a  
 Muslim and
 defended by a Jew.
 Just add the subject to a filter rule in Outlook/gmail/whatever  
 client you
 use, and forget about it.

Defended by two Jews now, Mazel tov

“Condoleezza Rice is a very cruel, offended woman who lacks men's  
attention. She needs to be taken to a company of man-soldiers and it  
would be just fine. Releasing such stupid remarks gives her the  
feeling of being fulfilled. This is the only way for her to attract  
men's attention.  Show me that Rice is a woman? The only thing she  
attracts is reindeer. The States needs to practice the old Soviet  
tradition when both single women and single men were not allowed to  
take responsible state positions...

--Vladimir Zhirinovsky,  Russian politician, rabid leader of the  
Liberal and Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR)

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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD subject line/name of org suggestion...

2008-12-12 Thread - o z -
On Dec 12, 2008, at 12:13 AM, Knud Erik Højgaard wrote:

 On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 9:28 PM, - o z  - . wrote:
 I don't want to read it with Lynx, either.  I've got
 some damn good SMTP clients, like Pine v.01a, OK?

 How do you read anything with an SMTP client?

You're right.  It should be pop, imap, or simply client.  And while  
your comment displays a
level of technical acumen, I occasionally forget that not everyone  
speaks/comprehends the
subtleties of English, probably about as good as me trying to get  
satire spoken in Danish.

It's a joke.  Satire.  My mail client rant, whether or not the  
underlying protocols used smtp, pop,
imap, http, https or little blue elves carrying 7 or 8 mime-bits out  
my bunghole...didn't have an option for
crayon fonts big and colorful enough so an international audience  
would understand  laugh...when I
used Pine as the kicker, masturbatorily using a pre-Alpha version  
moniker, even
calling Pine a great way to read email...I guess u took that seriously?

That's OK,  I learned a long time ago not to #%*^ with the Vikings.   
Your comment did
make me think back...way back to 1995...using Trumpet Windsock with a  
win SMTP client
that *did* use SMTP to both send and receivesomehow?...written in  
Pascal of all things...compiled and
supported by a David C(K)ornit was very, very slow.

But not funny.  At least your average SMTP server was way more  
friendly back then after HELO, and
damn it all, were they more xploitable or what?  When I think back to  
all the crazy...never mind.
It was an astounding time be alive is all, and writing about it makes  
me feel very, very old.

Thanx for the clarification, Knud.



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Re: [Full-disclosure] [SECURITY] [DSA 1685-1] New uw-imap packages fix multiple vulnerabilities

2008-12-12 Thread - o z -

On Dec 11, 2008, at 10:36 PM, Steffen Joeris wrote:

Debian Security Advisory DSA-1685-1   Steffen  

December 12, 2008

Package: uw-imap
Vulnerability  : buffer overflows, null pointer dereference
Problem type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE Id(s)  : CVE-2008-5005 CVE-2008-5006

Two vulnerabilities have been found in uw-imap, an IMAP
implementation. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project
identifies the following problems:

This alert is an excellent example of what I've been ranting about,  

Re: [Full-disclosure] [SECURITY] [DSA 1685-1] New uw-imap packages fix  
multiple vulnerabilities


24-25 characters that could have been appended to the end of the  
subject line instead of

the beginning.

In a perfect world, the message would read like this, with [Full- 
disclosure] abbreviated to [FD]:

Re: [FD] New uw-imap packages fix multiple vulnerabilities [SECURITY]  
[DSA 1685-1]

Oi, I know this makes too much sense, sorry.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] FD subject line/name of org suggestion...

2008-12-11 Thread - o z - .

Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] FD subject line/name of org suggestion...

This is quite simple to do on Gmail. All you need to do is open any 
full-disclosure email. Then click on show details and select filter messages 
from this mailing list. 

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 6:10 PM, wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 10:39:51 EST, Phillip Partipilo said:

 Could try a separate folder and using rules to segregate FD emails.

 There really arent *that* many emails, I mean, compared to nearly

 insane volume of ntsysadmin or activedir.

Nytrokiss, are you really suggesting, as a general rule, to use a *web-browser* 
on an unmoderated
security forum that occasionally includes live exploit codethat runs in 
said browser?Call me old 
fashioned, but man, I don't think that's a good idea.  I don't want to read it 
with Lynx, either.  I've got 
some damn good SMTP clients, like Pine v.01a, OK?

(Slapping-Self, 'cause the G5 no workie, again...!  Do as I say, not as I do, 
hah!  Slap!)

Getting back to the org. premise, some of you here don't think the org. ID's 
are getting a little
out of hand in their length?  I meekly submit the notion that this practice may 
have something to 
do with Ego/Promo...I dunno, really, what is the requirement for an extra 
space/length [ blah-blah1371117 ] 
between the charactersif only to center the eye on the author?

Indeed, instead of [Full-disclosure] wouldn't [FD] work just the same for 
filtering?  And give us 
more space?  Yeah, I think it would.

...and it's a ton of emails, especially if you run a few flavors of 'Nix and do 
your best not to become a 
bad Netizen.  Or if someone posts, ranting they've been Fed-Poizoned...?  Think 
how many wage-drones 
you've worked with that have no care of exploits on FD, and suffered the 
consequences because of it? 

I stand by my suggestions.


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[Full-disclosure] FD subject line/name of org suggestion...

2008-12-10 Thread - o z -
Hi everyone!

Is it just me, or is it normal for everyone else *not* to usually see  
the entire exploit notification, e.g.,
subject line in client:

[Full-disclosure] [ GL** #-0* ] Critical Squirrel Meat Timer v. 
371117a Threat to Earth and All Inhabitants

  off right about @Meat Timer) [date]'

What has happened over time (10+ years) is that while average desktop  
space has grown, font real-estate
has shrunk.   Way more stuff is on-screen.  We're bombarded with even  
more info, some of it critical, and yeah,
maybe some of us like to keep current 'cause we live  breath infosec  
and have to kill -s netdev 666 just to
make sense of it all sometimes.  Belay that, nothing, nothing makes  
sense there...makes my orange
run like clockwork.   That's it!

Using an informal survey method, most of my peers display FD the same  
waycritical version info is usually obscuficated
(or it's something else dearly important...say what you want...the  
community is creative with names).

It would be easier on the eyes and achieve a better productivity  
metric for my capitalist oppressors if the sub. line read:

[Full-disclosure] Warning goes here .xxx [good  
job, now put your name/date thingy here, right here!]

When my FD mailbox has 1000+ messages, many of them pertaining to  
software I'm responsible for, it would make
it easier if the subject line devoted as much space possible for the  
'sploit...firstfollowed by the author's naming convention.

Credit will be remembered no matter what, since if it affects you, it  
will be opened.  If it's been a long night or day,
whoa, it's easy to overlook something I shouldn't.   Right now it's  
like, Wow, that was some exploit I saw by
'insert name here and date' -- sure wish I could have read it at one  
glance, damn...

Somebody might be screaming, Dude, change your settings -- and  
they're right.  I should and do...but still have the same
issue, on a variety of clients -- increasing available subject line  
space helps, regardless.  Some org. ID's rent *16!*
characters in the subj. line, and the last five can be a real bitch,  
i.e., v.371117 -- etc.

Maybe some of 'ya think this is persnickety, and hell, it might be,  
it's just the 'best job, least amount of time thing.'
It just makes more sense to me is all, quite unlike my apparent  
deteriorating cognitive  grammatical abilities.


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