Re: [Full-disclosure] pause for reflection

2008-10-05 Thread Bob Bruen

Hi Gadi,

In answer to your last question:

  Enough whining though. Who is next on the target list? :)

Look at KnujOn's Top Ten Worst Registrars list. Joker and BLI have been 
handed breach notices by ICANN. EST will follow, then eNOM, then...

There is no need to worry about their bread, that's just the criminals 
trying to make us feel guilty. KnujOn was told that if we did not back 
off, a particular Chinese registrar was going to fire its low level abuse 
staff. These guys do not care about the people who work for them. They 
only care about their own bread. Please don't give in to their guilt trip.

The time has come for the criminals to find honest work, like the rest of 
us. There is plenty to do.

We are all of the Internet.

 -- bob

On Sun, 5 Oct 2008, Gadi Evron wrote:

 I started answering an email an hour ago, and it was important enough to
 spend time on. It also ended up being too long, so I dumped it in a blog
 post if you prfer reading in a web browser.

 Time for self reflection

 More seriously, why do I care so much? I have dual citizenship. Along with my
 homeland citizenship, I am of the Internet, and see it as my personal duty to
 try and make the Internet safe.

 Gadi Evron,
 Of the Internet.

Dr. Robert Bruen
Cold Rain Knujon

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Free Tibet..

2008-03-25 Thread Bob Bruen

Hi Jerome,

This is the only time I will participate in this thread.

We all know lots about Tibet and we all know that China invaded Tibet, a 
free country. The Dalai Lama is the true head of state of the Tibet 
government in exile. The Han should stop murdering the people of Tibet and 
leave them in peace.

   -- bob

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008, Jerome Jar wrote:

 Please, I humbly think that you know possibly nothing about Tibet, the
 province of China.

 A lot of Chinese people, who used to take western medias as the
 representation of good will and perhaps democracy, do feel sick of the
 misleading news article pieces produced by such medias on this very
 topic of Tibet. If all of your knowledge about the Tibet event comes
 from such sources, just ignore them.

 On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Gerald Maggro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ..with purchase of one country of equal or greater value?

  Seriously though, those cocksuckers in the Chinese gov't are at it
  again... wait, they never stopped. Murderous freedom hating ways. Just
  not right.

  How about a bigger target than Scientology this time?

  China's got the Olympics coming up, that makes them more sensitive than

  The Dalai Lama can be as peaceful as he wants... more action is needed.
  Alot more. Anyone want to pick a fight with the Chinese?

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Dr. Robert Bruen
Cold Rain Knujon

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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Professional IT Security Providers - Exposed] QuietMove ( D - )

2007-12-31 Thread Bob Bruen

Well, I guess this settles how you should be judged.
Spelling is hard, especially when complaining about somebody else.

Is it or Not quite, eh?

  -- bob

On Mon, 31 Dec 2007, secreview wrote:

QuiteMove, located at is a small Professional
IT Security Services Provider that offers Training services, Incident
Response Services, Web Application Security Services and Penetration
Testing Services. QuiteMove was started by Adam Munter in 2006 along
with Jeffrey Rassas, and James Garvey, Jr. You can read their mission
statement here; (but its
pretty basic).When reviewing the QuiteMove website and people we were
not the least bit impressed. The QuiteMove website is packed full of
grammatical errors and many of the services don't even have
descriptions. The services that do have descriptions are very poorly
written and very poorly defined. Take a look at their Penetration
Testing service offering as an example. If you want to see an example
of no content check out their Social Engineering offering.Since we were
unable to extract anything useful from the materials provided to us by
QuiteMove we decided to focus on the talent behind QuietMove.
Unfortunately we were equally unimpressed. The only technically
oriented team members that we were able to identify within QuietMove
were Adam Munter, who is a founder and Marcin Wielgoszewsk, who is a
very green consultant. Seeing as Adam Munter is being positioned as
the technical visionary for QuietMove, we decided to focus on him and
not on Marcin.Adam's Linkedin Bio: it turns
out Adam Munter worked for Accuvant, a company that competes directly
with Adam's QuietMove; prior to founding QuietMove. Adam's role at
Accuvant was to lead consultants on IT Security Engagements for large
orginazations. In conjunction with this, Adam also spoke at
conferences. He worked here for 1 year and 1 month.Prior to working for
Accuvant, Adam worked for Pegasus Solutions Inc. as the acting Chief
Security Officer. Pegasus is the largest hotel reservation distribution
system vendor and a major vendor of Hotel Management systems. Adam did
get some Sarbanes Oxley work under his belt as he helped Pegasus to
successfully marshall through their first audit. Adam also initiated
the program to help get Pegasus to be Visa CISP compliant, including
evaluating and changing their handling of payment Cardholder data. He
worked here for 2 years and 1 month.From August 2000 to January 2003
Adam was a Founding member of IBM's Ethical Hacking Center of
Competency. His responsibilities included being a technical
interviewer for new hires, a Penetration Testing Subject Matter Expert,
and the performance of consulting engagements for clients ranging from
midsize companies and government agencies to the fortune 500. Adam
worked for IBM for 2 years and 6 months.So if we add up the relevant
experience that Adam has had according to his linked in bio we get 1
year and 1 month + 2 years and 6 months, which is a grand total of 3
years and 7 months of professional IT Security Consulting Experience.
Not sure about our readers, but to us at Secreview that hardly makes
Adam an IT Security Expert.But wait, now we have a
discrepancy...According to the QuietMove website, Adam has over 14
years of experience in information security, software, and product RD
with 8 years being dedicated solely to security. His QuietMove bio
goes on to say Adam???s particular talents include penetration testing
of web and binary applications, networks, systems, and SCADA, ???social
engineering??? and physical penetration of facilities, and in developing
professional services offerings. This just doesn't add up.Anyway,
remember we didn't set out to bash anyone here, but Adam/QuietMove put
himself/themselves in the line of fire. QuietMove appears to be a very
small and disorganized shop. Their website is half-assed and incomplete
and we can't say anything better about their talent profile. We suggest
that QuietMove complete their website and review their talent profile,
then we'll set out to do another review and see if they score better.
As of right now, we can't give them more than a D-. We'll keep an eye
on their website and redo this review if they ever fix their
issues.Score Card (Click to Enlarge)

Posted By secreview to Professional IT Security Providers - Exposed at
12/31/2007 11:32:00 AM

Dr. Robert Bruen
Cold Rain Knujon
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Anyone have a reason for 2x the email flow today?

2007-12-05 Thread Bob Bruen

Hey JP,

People who live in glass houses should not throw rocks at other people, 
especially in public.

I still have not forgotten that you stole that CD set of SUSE 9.0 from me. 
The CD set may not be worth much, but I loaned them to you after you 
begged for someone on the list to bail you out of a tough situation. I was 
the fool that did. It looks like this is just another example of your lack 
of integrity.

  -- bob

On Wed, 5 Dec 2007, Dude VanWinkle wrote:

 On Dec 5, 2007 6:47 PM, Jay Dephallia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Its not spam email. You can seriously make yourself bigger with this pill.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] has all the info. Just email him about it. Also, ask
 him about the size of his cock.

 What a surprise you use a gmail account to send cowardly attacks
 anonymously. I bet if I met you on the street you would just mess
 yourself and run back to your mama's womb.


 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Dr. Robert Bruen
Cold Rain Knujon

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] spammer wades into US Presidential race

2007-11-08 Thread Bob Bruen

  Hi James.

Spam may be part of our lives, but to roll over and accept it is not 
really the best approach. Fight back.

  -- bob

On Thu, 8 Nov 2007, James Matthews wrote:

 Spam is a part of our lives

 On Nov 8, 2007 1:34 PM, lsi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 4. Analysis of spam for the benefit of the group.

Dr. Robert Bruen
Cold Rain Knujon

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Wachovia Bank website sends confidential information

2007-07-11 Thread Bob Bruen

While it is true that lots of folk pick on vendors for a few minutes of 
fame, the Wachovia case is slightly different.

They do have an attitude problem and are technically challenged. The basis 
for this is a law enforcement conference about six months ago. During a 
pressentation a Wachovia representative told a speaker to stop blaming the 
banks for problems. This was the third presentation this individual has 
listened to in which each speaker had blamed the banks for not doing 
enough and the frustration level was a bit high.

This only comes up because of the current Wachovia web site issue. It 
shows that there is an internal problem, worse than most, endind with the 
current situation. And no I will not indentify any of the players.


On Wed, 11 Jul 2007, J. Oquendo wrote:

 On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 21:39:33 EDT, Jim Popovitch said:

 7 days?   industry practice?   Come on Bob I know you know that large
 corporations can't feed a cat in 7 days let alone make unscheduled
 website changes that fast.  Change control approvals alone would include
 14 or more days in most enterprises.   Why the rush to say so?
 On the other hand, I think that they *could* manage at least a Wow d00dz, 
 really *do* have a hole there reply and at least give a handwaving about
 when they'd fix it.  Of course, actually *fixing* a design flaw that big
 is going to take them *months*.

 Driver walks into a dealer and speaks to customer service:

 These brake pads are extremely vulnerable to slipping during X
 conditions on a 90 degree slalom says the driver. Puzzled and
 not knowing squat about slaloms, or the breaking system, the
 customer service rep send the driver to a mechanic.

 These brake pads are extremely vulnerable to slipping during X
 conditions on a 90 degree slalom. Someone will die! says the
 driver to the mechanic... Not being able to change the auto's
 design nor engineering, the mechanic is puzzled and offers to
 take the information although he is even more puzzled on who
 this should be directed to.

 Two days later driver rambles on news stations nationwide:
 Their arrogance will get people killed. I warned them repeatedly
 People moan and grumble, etc., recalls, fixes...

 This Wachovia thread is pointless. I see no mention or posting
 to perhaps any security list (and I'm on many both public and
 private) saying: Hey is there anyone who can put me in touch
 with someone in the know at Wachovia on any list. All I see
 is... I called customer service. So what, if you're a security
 professional you will know damn well you're getting nowhere
 with them. I spoke to their w3bm4ster. And? Either the poster
 is looking for attention or a complete and utter idiot. If his
 or her true intention was to provide a report of a security
 woe concerning said business or product, he or she could have
 easily jumped on any security mailing list and found the right
 connection instead of rambling on the sky is falling...

 Let me see:
 wachovia security cissp incident +network via Google

 This looks interesting:

 I would have contacted someone on this level to put me in
 touch with the right person. But hey, guess its more hip
 to add stupid little tags next to your resume or webpage:

Dr. Robert Bruen
Cold Rain Technologies

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Wachovia Bank website sends confidential information

2007-07-11 Thread Bob Bruen
Hi Jim,

No, I did not declare the whole of Wachovia technically challenged based 
on the one incident at a security conference.. What I was pointing out is 
that the current problem of their failure to put up a secure web and their 
failure to respond to notification about has another data point from 6 
about months ago.

In general enterprises send only a small group of people to any given 
conference, so no, the whole of Wachovia did not attend. Nevertheless, 
when you are the one attending, you are a representive of that enterprise.

You seemed to have missed the point that I was adding to a discussion, not 
trying to create a new one. My point was in the dustbin, where it would 
have stayed, until the current discussion appeared.

 -- bob

On Wed, 11 Jul 2007, Jim Popovitch wrote:

 On Wed, 2007-07-11 at 12:03 -0400, Bob Bruen wrote:
 While it is true that lots of folk pick on vendors for a few minutes of
 fame, the Wachovia case is slightly different.

 They do have an attitude problem and are technically challenged. The basis
 for this is a law enforcement conference about six months ago. During a
 pressentation a Wachovia representative told a speaker to stop blaming the
 banks for problems. This was the third presentation this individual has
 listened to in which each speaker had blamed the banks for not doing
 enough and the frustration level was a bit high.

 So you declare the whole of Wachovia technically challenged based on the
 one incident at a security conference (did all of Wachovia attend?) six
 months ago?  Come on. ;-)

 Wachovia, like every other large enterprise, has good, mediocre, and bad
 employees.  It's a fact of life, but not a news worthy story.  I'm sure
 that some days the best and brightest represent Wachovia at some
 conference somewhere, and I am equally sure that some days the worst and
 most deplorable represent Wachovia at some conference somewhere.  It

 -Jim P.

 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Dr. Robert Bruen
Cold Rain Technologies

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -