[Full-disclosure] SecNiche Garbage Dumps on mailinglists

2007-12-04 Thread Lamer Buster
Thanks for your garbage again! I was wondering all these days where
have you vanished and how big garbage you are going to dump on all of
us this time. so all that you want to express in your huge garbage
dump is inurl:ldap. xml site:com allinurl:indexof ldap. xml site:org.

bty your description on how google make queries is one amazing piece
of information. we would had never known this if you would not have
put this in your article. I think you must be drinking enough poo
these days.

shame on you.

-Original Message-
From: AKS aka (0kn0ck) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 04 December 2007 02:57
Subject: [WhitePaper (SecNiche)] Information Prone LDAP Garbage Dumps


The LDAP garbage dump that remains on web server results in
information disclosure. Security of LDAP may be compromised, if for
instance a search engine crawls through untamed directories on the web
server and finds information through the ldap.xml file. This type of
harvesting attack is also termed static information leveraging
attack. This article provides methods for dealing with this type of
attack and clarifying how to secure LDAP

Read it at :

Aks aka 0kn0ck

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Re: [Full-disclosure] URI handling woes in Acrobat Reader, Netscape, Miranda, Skype

2007-10-07 Thread Lamer Buster
why don't you guys agree to disagree and STUF?

On 10/8/07, Geo. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Glynn Clements [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  URIs which it passes to an external handler (e.g. mailto:), it only
  needs to identify the scheme (to select the correct handler); it is
  the handler's responsibility to validate its own URIs (i.e. mail
  programs need to validate mailto: URIs).

 I don't agree. Whatever program takes input from an untrusted source, it's
 that programs duty to sanitize the input before passing it on to internal
 components. It's like a firewall, you filter before it gets inside the

 Example, an ftp server has to sanitize filenames to prevent useage of
 streams on NTFS, you don't blame the filesystem that the input gets passed
 to, it's the job of the ftp server to do the sanitizing of untrusted input.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Life cycle of a hacker by n3td3v

2007-10-04 Thread Lamer Buster
by any chance your son's name is Aditya? which category you would like
your son to get tagged?

On 10/3/07, worried security [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 new-bie - hangs around web based chat: yahoo chat, msn chat. watches what
 hackers are doing, hangs about with them to befriend them and gain
 intelligence on how they hack, and ask for the tools from the people who
 make them to hack a few yahoo or msn accounts for themselves. while this
 isn't true hacker, its the beginning of a career of electronic hacking.

 kool-bie - has made friends with hackers who make the tools, has gained
 their trust and is welcomed into the real hacker social circles that the
 newbie wasn't socially accepted into as a newbie. koolbies are poked and
 probed and groomed, as in, if an insect is in your furr, then the real
 hackers will tell you and remove the pest irritating their skin. koolbie is
 given beta releases of the hackers tools before the newbie general public.

 curious-bie - the curiousbie,now bored with what the new-bie and kool-bie
 scene had on offer, starts wanting to dismantle, the tools they've been
 using. the curiousbie starts wanting to have the popularity, respect and
 chicks the real-bies have in the scene. the curious-bie will discover a hex
 editor and start exploring the real world of infosec, may start discovering
 new things by typing catchphrases into search engines, and finding security
 news articles interesting. starts finding mailing lists to do with real

 real-bie - the real hacker, has finally been reading mailing lists and news
 articles for a while, starts thinking about linux distros, joining internet
 relay chat, joining real discussion about technical emphasis of
 vulnerabilities, wants to start hacking.

 true-bie - has sucessfully penetrated an online application, maybe e-mail,
 gathers intelligence, gets interested in forming views of government and
 other people who are active members of mailing lists. at this point the
 industry discovers the person, the true-bie becomes vocal on online
 communities such as lists, social media sites, and news feedback forums.

 student-bie - has formed strong views and believes he is right, now wants to
 make money in a career of information security. goes to collage to become
 professional. hides hacking background from student peers, feels guilty
 about being part of the underground, keeps it secret.

 pro-bie - graduates from university, expects a full pay and a successful
 life, ends up just working in the local supermarket, this person is highly
 skilled hacker with knowledge of ethical stardards. doesn't get the job the
 course advertised the student would get, gets frustrated about life, feels
 lost and cheated, starts acting as a security professional online anyway, to
 live the dream they never got, even though they put the sweat and tears into
 achieving their university degree. at this point the government becomes
 concerned, pro-bie sets up websites, with professional text, claming to be a
 research group, or company that'll protect companies. the pro-bie will
 release real vulnerabilities to mailing lists and will get attention
 headlines from security journalists.

 job-bie - has, through exposure of releasing vulnerabilities and getting
 talked about in news articles, is offered a job at a real vendor company.
 the job-bie has managed to get the job and pay the pro-bie wanted, although
 admittedly, the university years ended up being a waste of time in reality.

 mature-bie - has been in known named company for a while, is known as an
 expert. older and more wiser, the mature-bie may start a blog, and commentry
 made by the mature-bie is often seen in quotes in news articles, commenting
 on security incidents and other security related current affairs. the
 mature-bie is respected member of the security community, the goal of
 everyones life in the industry, the mature-bie is looked on by government,
 and the government actually listen to what the mature-bie says on his blog,
 and quotes seen in news articles. mature-bie may be invited to
 vendor-security conferences, and government meetings, and the mature-bie may
 be approached by telecom companies to consult and help develop new cutting
 edge technologies and initiatives.

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[Full-disclosure] Will the real daddy of Aditya stand up? and spank the kidddo's ass

2007-09-21 Thread Lamer Buster
wow! I am going to love Aditya after sometime for his shameless nature
and being even more adamant than some of the FD trolls.

Aditya - we can understand your feeling that you are completely lost
and looking for your daddy over internet. Guess what we have a
surprise for you! Dr Neal's recent research is going to prove that
n3td3v is your daddy.

bty what the fuck is reverse Engineering layout?

-Original Message-
From: Aditya K Sood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 21 September 2007 04:35
Subject: [Mlabs] Dissecting Internals of Windows XP Svchost : Reverse
Engineering Stature

Hi all

This is the reverse Engineering layout of Scvhost Internals.

|Category : Reverse Engineering Analysis.

The paper solely relates to the core internals that build up the
Windows XP Svchost. The Svchost internals have not been disseminated
into informative elements yet. I have found only one or two analysis
but that wont satisfy my views regarding XP Svchost. The anatomy of
Svchost has got complexity in its own term. This pushes me to write a
specific analysis over it. The analysis provide a structural design
with concept wise dissection. The point is to understand the hidden
artifacts and how it affects the working aspect of prime service host
controller.Every process is disseminated into primary process and
secondary process. In terms related to operating system there is a
parent process and its child. If one look at the implementation
scenario then child processes are undertaken as thread internally. The
kernel level implementation is subjugated like this. The XP Svchost
runs as threads under services process.|


Aks aka 0kn0ck
http://mlabs.secniche.org | http://www.secniche.org

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[Full-disclosure] GOD save this Industry: Meta Info == Aditya === Lame Ass striked back :PPPPpppppppppppp

2007-09-20 Thread Lamer Buster
Here goes the height of foolishness ...

even though we all know, here is the foolish confession of Aditya that
he is Meta Info :))  GOD SAVE FD

More over thanks for adding to my fame and glory. You dont know what
you r doing for
me indirectly.


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sep 20, 2007 11:31 AM
Subject: Hahahah ! If you are a real son fo your father

Hey fucker

First of all your this stupidity not going to work what ever you do.
You have already hsown you are not a REAL SON of your FATHER. Teri Maa
di Lun , Teri Behn di Lun too.

You write this

Here is a final chance for you to grow up and stop posting your shit
otherwise I am going to make your life a hell virtually and use my
contacts in India to take care of you physically.

Do it if you are real son of your father then do it. Use your
contacts. Teri Maa di lun.
If your mother have breast feeded you and do it , use your contacts.
You impotent asshole.

I am waiting for it.

More over thanks for adding to my fame and glory. You dont know what
you r doing for
me indirectly.

Fucking Lamer Buster

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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Mlabs] Scrutinising SIP Payloads - Someone break his e-kneecaps please

2007-09-20 Thread Lamer Buster
JO: expect a mail after this from some  fake gmail id with terrible
Hinglish and extreamly kiddish slangs :D

On 9/20/07, J. Oquendo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 First of all you should credit ALL the individuals, companies and sites
 you rip your information from else its called plagiarism

 On Page 12. Word for word you simply copied:

 Temper the contents and make it work according to attackers usage.
 What the hell are you talking about...

 You stated The Cisco proxy server does not accept calls after 150 cps
 I don't know what the hell you were using but Netra's can easily push in
 upwards of CPS, IBM X's 1000 via udp, 200+ via tcp...

 On Page 19 you stated Wiretapping Attacks: These are the generic class
 of attacks which take place when modification of communication channel
 is done by an attacker between two parties. ... Really? So when I'm
 running VoIPong and nothing is getting modified yet I'm steady
 recording a conversation what is this called. An unmodified wiretapping

 That paper was yet another waste of time for me to read. Instead of
 copying and pasting to your hearts content and putting together
 something that makes sense only to you, why don't you first try to
 understand 1) what the hell you're talking about 2) what the hell you're
 writing about 3) what the protocol truly does and then - what attacks
 are possible based on something you truly know - as opposed to something
 you may think sounds logical.

 Page 28: It can be exploited by the attackers to have Denial of service
 attacks. The mechanism starts from the payload designing. The actual
 infection starts or is mainly coded in the payload itself by the
 attackers. What kind of high potent hashish are you smoking?

 Outside of these ignorant assumptions you make based on what I infer as
 an overall lack of knowledge on the subject, I could barely skim through
 the rest of your document since it was mainly terrible english with huge
 chunks of copied RFC material and ramblings that made zero sense.
 Nothing worth noting - other than me repeating in my head this jackass
 should STFU and learn what he's talking about instead of making an idiot
 out of himself

 And I don't mean to sound harsh - well yea I do, but that's irrelevant.
 What you're doing is flooding the industry with bullshit documents that
 those without a clue might read and become even more clueless. Please
 stop your ramblings.

 J. Oquendo
 Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta

 sil . infiltrated @ net http://www.infiltrated.net

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Re: [Full-disclosure] A Request To Everyone

2007-09-20 Thread Lamer Buster
STFU you lame ass. bty what is your request? atleast develope a decent
writing skill and know what you are writing.

the only way I see this would stop is, if you become little
considerate and stop posting all your craps in mailing list and
appologise openly for posting fake / crappy articles or postings.

many has adviced you several times in the past but you have never
listened and have been abusing mailinglist for positng your craps. All
we seen is that you want fame and glory by posting your craps with
media friendly fancy lines for those clueless media lurkers who think
they have been publishing breaking news out of your fake article.

sparky, here is a self assessement homework for you: Try to google for
one single seasoned security folk who has acknowledeged your work. I
am sure you get none and that proves something you need to worry about
yourself. Looks like your mom made love with a wailling donkey on the
river side and you got birth.

On 9/21/07, Aditya K Sood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 After looking at the mail wars , I want to say only two lines.

 I dont know who Meta Info is , Lamer Buster is , LSNN is and all.
 I dont know how they are generating mails and putting my name
 everywhere. Thats it.

 Thanks to all.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Mlabs] Scrutinising SIP Payloads : Traversing Attack Vectors in VOIP and IM

2007-09-19 Thread Lamer Buster
hello cranky! so you recently diverted your attention to steal others
work without giving any credits and get glorified. Do you think this
community is such a fool that it can not idenitfy your plagiarism.

SIP and its related issues are known for years. Anyone who is yet to
explore it, look for SIP Exploitation in google.


On 9/20/07, Aditya K Sood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have released core research paper on SIP comprising of Payload
 problems and Attack vectors.

 This research paper lays stress on the potential weaknesses present in
 the SIP which make it vulnerable to stringent attacks. The point of
 discussion is to understand the weak spots in the protocol. The payloads
 constitute the request vectors. The protocol inherits well defined
 security procedures and implementation objects. The security model is
 hierarchical and is diverged in every working layer of SIP from top to
 bottom. SIP features can be exploited easily if definitive attack base
 is subjugated. We will discuss about inherited flaws and methods to
 combat against predefined attacks. The payloads have to be scrutinized
 at the network level. It is critical because payloads are
 considered as infection bases to infect networks . The pros and cons
 will be enumerated from security perspective.

 You can download paper at:


 Aks aka 0kn0ck

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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Reality Behind LSNN/Fake Reports/Lamer Buster] Who Actually this person is ?

2007-09-09 Thread Lamer Buster

Aditya: would you ever grow up and be little considerate on this
community. Lets for the moment forget about all that flames people
have made for you; Have you ever realised how this all started??

In the history of Security and FD community no one except n3td3v has
ever tried to misuse the freedom of mailing lists. Especially in your
case I see that all that you are looking for is a short cut to fame
without anything good to backup yourself. Honestly I do not have
anything against Indians or India, I have really come across some of
the best mind from India and one of the best ever code breaker I know
is from India. You are certainly bringing in a bad name for all
Indians and no matter which country or place you are from; if someone
misuse the mailing list for all lame stuffs atleast I am certainly not
going to tolerate this.

Here is a final chance for you to grow up and stop posting your shit
otherwise I am going to make your life a hell virtually and use my
contacts in India to take care of you physically.

On 9/9/07, Meta Info [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all

 It has been noticed for the excessive criticism of security
 professionals over the
 lists have really shattered the things. I am having a contacts with
 the security lists
 person who are undertaking the functioning. With the use of these fake
 ids it has been
 noticed some person is try to disrupt the functioning by discrediting
 other. some what
 for his satisfaction. The mails clearly reflect the frustration of
 this poor professional.

 The lists are having an eye over this person for long time since he
 had started this. Now
 its time to look into reality. We were waiting that this person should
 stop this but some
 what the person is ruled out of his professional ethics.

 Due to this many professionals are leaving FD lists. We have even
 contacted with the
 server owner where his website is served. Changing id's dont hide this person
 identity. I have received many mails clarifying the act of this person.

 It has been this person is from some what a group called Metaeye and the owner
 is warl0ck somewhat name like Pranay Kanwar. We have full records of
 this because
 we are scrutinizing this person for long.

 This person chnages Id's and views with a response from list and try
 to pick the
 news from other lists like Bugtraq and Websecutity where he cant do the things
 because of moderation.

 Serious actions will be undertaken if he is not going to stop. Web
 owner of his website
 will be contacted very soon. This action has been undertaken after so many
 complaints from number of professionals.

 A warning has been issued to this  person  right now for not creating
 chaos on lists.
 Your complaints are getting high day by day.

 Rest just be easy on lists. It is as good as it is. Some time issues occur.

 Keep an eye.


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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] LSNN: Aditya releases lame documents; FD vulnerable

2007-09-09 Thread Lamer Buster
One thing is proved here: I had a great estimation about all these
security conferences but looks like some of them are even bigger
morons like Aditya who are not able to distiguish a lame ass from a
security guy. I will not be surprised that in future we will have
people like Aditya and n3td3v will be speakers at such conferences and
people would spend  to attend it.

On 9/9/07, LSNN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The lame ass of the month, Aditya K Sood has released two documents of
 the talks he delivered on Xfocus Xcon conference and OWASP Live 0
 conference day. [1.1] The security community has usually found Aditya
 K Sood's documents to be lame and useless. Aditya K Sood also does not
 occur in any security list where vulnerabilities are verified before
 pusblishing. [1.2] OSVDB/CVE has a policy of tagging such
 vulnerabilities as Myth/Fake but they have ignored Aditya because they
 believe the vulnerabilities to be so lame that it can not create any
 potential confusion. [1.3] Finally, some frustrated soul in Full
 Disclosure awarded Aditya K Sood with the title of Lame Ass of the
 Month. [1.4] Since then, Aditya seems to have been on a self-imposed
 exile from full disclosure.

 [1.1] http://www.webappsec.org/lists/websecurity/archive/2007-09/msg00032.html


 A vulnerability very common in many unmoderated forums also affects
 Full Disclosure mailing list. Any troll (like us) can can set rolling
 a long and winding discussion on lame topics which increases the SNR
 (signal to noise ratio) of the forum. A very recent example is the
 thread with the subject Came across this site [2.1] posted by Scott.
 Fortunately, Shyaam pointed out that it was a Useless thread once
 again.The lame thread still got 4 lame replies.

 This vulnerability is common in many unmoderated forums. There are
 many open source project forums which are known to be less affected by
 this vulnerability because in such forums the users and programmers
 are driven by a common goal, sense of responsibility and common-sense.


 We are Lame Security News Network (LSNN)
 If you believe in a free and open news service for security researchers,
 please volunteer by sending us lame news and articles on security.

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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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[Full-disclosure] Lame ass of the month - Aditya K Sood (from India)

2007-09-03 Thread Lamer Buster
finally I decided to give this lame ass a heads up for his yak yak yak.

congratulation for your yet another gay paper, gays like you have proved in
the past how this industry has encouraged people like you. I brand you as
the lame ass of the month for your ass fucking gay paper.

Have your mom stopped breast feeding you yet?


-Original Message-

From: Aditya K Sood [*mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Sent: 01 September 2007 11:35


Subject: [Paper] The Anatomy of Third Party Pop Up Attacks.


This article deals with the latest third party popup attacks that are
performed by an attacker from the rogue and vulnerable links of the web
sites to circumvent the normal functioning on the web. The target website
always seems to be the liable web provider from where the popup attacks are
possible. It also discusses other problems related with Pop Ups.

You can find it at:


*http://www.secniche.org/paper.html* http://www.secniche.org/paper.html



*http://www.secniche.org* http://www.secniche.org/
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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[Full-disclosure] Lame ass of the month - Aditya K Sood (from India)

2007-09-03 Thread Lamer Buster
finally I decided to give this lame ass a heads up for his yak yak yak.

congratulation for your yet another gay paper, gays like you have
proved in the past how this industry has encouraged people like you. I
brand you as the lame ass of the month for your ass fucking gay paper.

Have your mom stopped breast feeding you yet?


-Original Message-

From: Aditya K Sood [

Sent: 01 September 2007 11:35


Subject: [Paper] The Anatomy of Third Party Pop Up Attacks.


This article deals with the latest third party popup attacks that are
performed by an attacker from the rogue and vulnerable links of the
web sites to circumvent the normal functioning on the web. The target
website always seems to be the liable web provider from where the
popup attacks are possible. It also discusses other problems related
with Pop Ups.

You can find it at:





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