Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-15 Thread James (njan) Eaton-Lee
 of dependencies.
v) Significant performance hit due to the use of VPNs tunneling traffic 
over wireless.
vi) Your users aren't going to be able to do *anything* that won't go 
over a proxy server, since you've said "all traffic must go through a 
proxy server". This means one of the following things:

  * Only Web/FTP Traffic is allowed
  * You're going to allow HTTP CONNECT tunneling on all ports, 
obviating  the proxy server entirely and making life for your users 
hellish as you try and force a whole load of traffic to go over a web proxy

  * You're going to use SOCKS (similar to the previous)
  * You're going to use the ISA Firewall Client, which does in effect 
allow you to authenticate all traffic going via your ISA Servers, but 
renders the VPN pointless, and is very difficult to firewall.
  * Only selected traffic is *actually* going to traverse the proxy 
server when you realise it isn't a panacea (again, obviating the need 
for it). Since you've specifically highlighted authentication as the 
main reason for the "proxy server" here, and you've mentioned kerberos 
as a protocol that is traversing your wlan, you can't simply mean 
"application-layer firewall", and I must only assume you want to use the 
firewall client (or don't understand what ISA does).
vii) Probably other stuff I didn't think about in the 10 minutes it took 
me to write this e-mail.

Many elements of the policy are pretty pointless given the number of 
other restrictions you have in place, such as:

MAC Filtering - when you consider what a tiny hurdle MAC spoofing is 
compared to your VPN infrastructure, proxy infrastructure, kerberos, etc 
and the overhead associated with this, it really seems quite pointless.

The Cisco PIX - Why? To filter the one or two ports hitting the VPN 
Concentrator? Even if you had this after the concentrator and not 
before, sitting a PIX (which is a firewall) in front of an ISA Server 
(which is a firewall) and behind a VPN Concentrator (which probably does 
basic firewalling itself) is pretty redundant, especially given the 
bandwidth your LAN clients likely use and the cost of Cisco Firewalls. 
If you're going down the Firewall Client route, firewalling the traffic 
between ISA and the VPN Concentrator is almost entirely pointless anyway.

Turning on, enabling, and implementing every possible security setting 
and device you think of is not defence in depth, and will probably only 
have two effects - your users won't use your wireless network, and 
you'll burn so much cash you won't have any left to spend on *useful* 
security measures.

=> Alternatively...

You can do some extremely nice things with WPA2-Radius, it can be 
authenticated in a very similar way to VPNs, using 802.1x and EAP-TLS 
with certificates, and you can even dump users into different VLANs over 
wifi depending upon who they authenticate as. It can be implemented for 
the price of a $300 entry-level enterprise-grade AP such as those from 
HP and Cisco, using existing licensed Radius software on your Windows 
DCs, and an existing licensed Enterprise CA with autoenrolment.

If that's not good enough, and you simply must have encryption and 
authentication over the top of your encrypted, authenticated wifi lan, 
why not use IPSec? This provides a performance benefit over a VPN (no 
tunneling), is far more granularly configurable (across your whole AD 
estate via GPOs), and won't automatically break when users roam across 
Access Points. It also provides security for *all* users, not just VPN 
users, and generally hardens the soft underbelly of your internal 
network infrastructure rather than relying on an overcomplex outer shell 
which, once breached, exposes your (probably under-hardened) internal 

This approach makes it substantially easier to provision new wireless 
access points too (since they no longer have connectivity requirements 
tied to your proxy/VPN infrastructure or carry the requirement to 
provision additional VPN Servers / PIXes / ISA Servers / etc). At worst 
you may have a few trunked vlans.

There is obviously a performance and management hit associated with this 
approach (IPSec), but I think it's a more balanced one based on the 
nature of the threat, and it provides a greater return than just wifi 

If you're looking to step it up further you can go with MS SMS server and shavlik netchk to manage and audit the laptops.  

If you were going to take this a step further, I'd suggest using one of 
the many NAP-like platforms currently out there, doing some sensible 
application-layer firewalling, or waiting until w2k8 came out and using 
NAP itself. You've already got NAQC, since in your hypothetical scenario 
you've already bought some ISA Licenses - you may as well actually use them.

 - James.

-Original Message-
From: &quo

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-15 Thread gjgowey
If you want my take on how to secure a wireless network I'd approach it like 

1) wpa2 (of course)
2) mac restrictions (yes, keeping a list of legitimate mac's will be required, 
but if you don't have an automated inventory system in this day and age then 
how are you ensuring nothing goes missing to begin with?).
3) ipsec VPN connections from all systems that connect via the wireless (this 
is in addition to the wpa2) using a unique cert per system (not the typical 
shared password setup that I am still amazed passes for secure in some peoples 
4) all traffic must go through a proxy server that sits right behind the VPN 

If you're running an MS based setup:
5) necessary GP modifications to enforce all this and more (if you study all 
the options available to be forced, xp, w2k, and w2k3 really can get quite 
secure at the protocol level).
6) force kerberos authentication everywhere possible with absolutely no client 
side caching of the credentials allowed.  Reason: even if someone gets all the 
way through to the proxy server level ISA can still stop someone cold if their 
machine doesn't have a machine account on the domain (good luck spoofing that).

Basically you're looking at layers of authentication and encryption with no way 
around any of them (even if you do plug in a NIC on one of the systems that's 
on the wireless) and this really doesn't take a lot of hardware or software to 
pull off.  Example setup: in front would be your WAP behind that would be a 
Cisco pix fw with a Cisco VPN concentrator behind it and a MS w2k3 box running 
ISA behind that.  4 devices basically providing a very solid wireless 

If you're looking to step it up further you can go with MS SMS server and 
shavlik netchk to manage and audit the laptops.  


Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

-Original Message-
From: "pdp (architect)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2007 21:59:19 
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks


maybe I am making a huge mistake for responding to your message, but
let see. this is what I think about security in depth in a bit more

let say that we have a wireless network which is guarded by  "security
in depth" network administrators. the first thing they will do is to
secure the actual network by some massive segmentation exercises...
then the connection with enhanced privacy/encryption schemes (WPA2).
They will put more layers on the top of that. For example, the users
need to authenticate with client-side certificates. Now the network
and the connection is secure (sort of), they enforce group policy for
all laptops so that these laptops cannot connect to any other network
(sending probe requests, rogue access points). Right! But now they
also kill the ethernet since a laptop cannot be connected to the
wireless and the wired network since it is also a risk (stepping stone
attacks). Each client has a firewall on the top of that. The firewall
blocks everything that comes in and lets only the browser to go out
through a proxy which requires authentication (NTLM, Basic Auth, etc).
The user of the laptop runs with the least possible privileges and
they cannot install software. They cannot use the CD (Sonny Rootkits),
they cannot use the USB (endpoint security). The laptop has a boot
password as well so in case it is stolen the attackers cannot crack
open the disk.

My question is the following: does this sound sane to you? Do you
really believe that someone will let you do all that, without causing
chaos? Laptops are good because they are mobile. You are allowed to
take them out and work from home. At home you have your own network
which you would like to connect to. Even if you use a different
account on that same laptop to connect to that network, the risk is
still there. A system is as secure as the weakest link.

Companies don't like to hear how you are going to solve all problems
once and for all with some killer security in depth solution because
it is not possible. in order to make things work you have to leave
various doors open. At GNUCITIZEN we have one maxima.. "Be
legitimate!" If the attacker try to be a legitimate user as much as
possible they will stay unnoticed and they will get in.

Now how do we handle security in 21st century the way I see it (btw, I
am not interest in selling any services, in fact, GNUCITIZEN is not
that type of organization)? First of all, careful planning - the
system has to be as secure as flexible and usable even if this means
that you need to have a shared key for all of your wireless networks.
Second, you need a crisis management plan. Natwest got hacked by a MP3
player.. how many of you have heard of it and for how long this story
was on the news? Third, you

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-15 Thread pdp (architect)

maybe I am making a huge mistake for responding to your message, but
let see. this is what I think about security in depth in a bit more

let say that we have a wireless network which is guarded by  "security
in depth" network administrators. the first thing they will do is to
secure the actual network by some massive segmentation exercises...
then the connection with enhanced privacy/encryption schemes (WPA2).
They will put more layers on the top of that. For example, the users
need to authenticate with client-side certificates. Now the network
and the connection is secure (sort of), they enforce group policy for
all laptops so that these laptops cannot connect to any other network
(sending probe requests, rogue access points). Right! But now they
also kill the ethernet since a laptop cannot be connected to the
wireless and the wired network since it is also a risk (stepping stone
attacks). Each client has a firewall on the top of that. The firewall
blocks everything that comes in and lets only the browser to go out
through a proxy which requires authentication (NTLM, Basic Auth, etc).
The user of the laptop runs with the least possible privileges and
they cannot install software. They cannot use the CD (Sonny Rootkits),
they cannot use the USB (endpoint security). The laptop has a boot
password as well so in case it is stolen the attackers cannot crack
open the disk.

My question is the following: does this sound sane to you? Do you
really believe that someone will let you do all that, without causing
chaos? Laptops are good because they are mobile. You are allowed to
take them out and work from home. At home you have your own network
which you would like to connect to. Even if you use a different
account on that same laptop to connect to that network, the risk is
still there. A system is as secure as the weakest link.

Companies don't like to hear how you are going to solve all problems
once and for all with some killer security in depth solution because
it is not possible. in order to make things work you have to leave
various doors open. At GNUCITIZEN we have one maxima.. "Be
legitimate!" If the attacker try to be a legitimate user as much as
possible they will stay unnoticed and they will get in.

Now how do we handle security in 21st century the way I see it (btw, I
am not interest in selling any services, in fact, GNUCITIZEN is not
that type of organization)? First of all, careful planning - the
system has to be as secure as flexible and usable even if this means
that you need to have a shared key for all of your wireless networks.
Second, you need a crisis management plan. Natwest got hacked by a MP3
player.. how many of you have heard of it and for how long this story
was on the news? Third, you need to calculate the risk. Example?
Credit card fraud! We know that cards are getting stolen but the
calculated risk is %2 out of the whole, which can be easily
compensated. Etc, etc, etc!

As you can see it is not just technical when it comes to the real
world. In the real world the management gives you instructions and you
have to implement them in the best possible way. Projects stack up.
People leave, new people join in and work on the networks that have
been given. Chaos is the norm! How many of you have seen a network
that is done right? Yeh, there are a few of you, but you are probably
talking about your home network which does not exceed more then 20
machines. How come I have never seen a security in depth in practice.
You guys are more experienced then me, that's for sure... but I've
done quite a few tests in the past 4 years and I know what I've seen.
It is bad, but it is OK, because then we can sit together and walk
through the entire process.

I expect more flames for which I am not planning to respond. If you
think that security in depth works for you... do it! personally, I
will offer something additional to my clients. something, that gives
them that extra safe net, which has nothing to do with security in


On 10/14/07, C Q <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess there's some logic in spreading FUD about security in depth
> not working. It might be a nice way to scare potential customers
> who don't know much about security into whatever services
> Gnucitizen team sells. However, these kind of tricks
> simply won't work with any seasoned  security professional.
> It'll actually backfire if you are not careful... because you
> won't be taken seriously in the industry. I'm pretty sure
> Pdp's rating in the books of many security professionals
> went down quite a few notches :-) It's a small world...
> and most likely it'll affect your and your company's
> future... because you'll need to do business with
> people like Thor (who gave a great and very logical
> description with proper supporting examples of what
> security in depth is and what's mean to do).
> The chances are that they'll simply choose to work
> with someone else... who betters understands the big

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-14 Thread C Q
This wasn't a flame... It was a simple observation.

Having read your reply I also see that you are trying
to reinvent the wheel... when you talk about
crisis management and other planning. Risk analysis,
business continuity and disaster recovery planning,
well prepared incident response procedures and policies, etc
have been practiced by security professionals for quite a while,
so they are not new concepts. There's still a lot of work
to do when it comes implementing proper security and
compliance solutions. Many companies either don't
do it or don't do it effectively, but there has been
some progress over the years. Many companies
don't even have a CSO/CISO because security
and compliance are only starting to gain the recognition
they require. Obviously, there's much
more work to do... and that's good for all of us
in the information security business :-)

As far as defense in depth goes, just like with everything
else it can be improperly implemented to a point
where it's ineffective or prohibitively disrupted to the business.
Your example is a great example of that :-) However,
it doesn't mean that the concept is useless. Simple
analogy... Let's say I pick up a cook book to make
a fancy dish, but I end up with something that
can even turns my dog green :-) Does it mean that
the recipe was bad or does it mean I shouldn't
quit my day job to become a chef?
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-14 Thread C Q
I guess there's some logic in spreading FUD about security in depth
not working. It might be a nice way to scare potential customers
who don't know much about security into whatever services
Gnucitizen team sells. However, these kind of tricks
simply won't work with any seasoned  security professional.
It'll actually backfire if you are not careful... because you
won't be taken seriously in the industry. I'm pretty sure
Pdp's rating in the books of many security professionals
went down quite a few notches :-) It's a small world...
and most likely it'll affect your and your company's
future... because you'll need to do business with
people like Thor (who gave a great and very logical
description with proper supporting examples of what
security in depth is and what's mean to do).
The chances are that they'll simply choose to work
with someone else... who betters understands the big
picture in security :-)

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-13 Thread pdp (architect)
ok, I am not questioning whether it is needed or not... anyway,
instead of mailing a huge chunk of text again and clogging everyones
email account, I decided to post my thoughts on the blog where they
should be anyway, here is the link:

On 10/12/07, Thor (Hammer of God) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> CIL:
> > Thor, with no disrespect but you are wrong. Security in depth does not
> > work and I am not planning to support my argument in any way. This is
> > just my personal humble opinion. I've seen only failure of the
> > principles you mentioned. Security in depth works only in a perfect
> > world. The truth is that you cannot implement true security mainly
> > because you will hit on the accessibility side. It is all about
> > achieving the balance between security and accessibility. Moreover,
> > you cannot implement security in depth mainly because you cannot
> > predict the future. Therefore, you don't know what kinds of attack
> > will surface next.
> No disrespect taken - we're all just people here ;)
> Thing is, in a "perfect world" we wouldn't need security at all (well,
> depending on your definition of "perfect world" is of course) - it's
> "real world" issues that require we build multiple layers of defenses to
> ensure that assets are protected when other layers, mechanisms, or
> policies fail.  And not being able to predict the future is *precisely*
> why security in depth is required.  For example-- Back in January of
> 2003 (where has the time gone?) I published an article on Security Focus
> discussing how to secure Exchange Server deployments.
> ( if you want to check up on
> me).  I would draw your attention to this excerpt in regard to using
> ISA's SMTP application filter to inspect SMTP traffic:
> "Though we are filtering the command set through the ISA server, it is
> the element of the unknown that concerns me: we just don't know what
> vulnerabilities the future may present, and the possibility of a
> compromised Exchange server is just too much of a risk."
> Fast forward to April of 2005 where Microsoft published "MS05-021:
> Vulnerability in Exchange Server Could Allow Remote Code Execution" (The
> XLINK2STATE overflow).  If one had followed the deployment example in
> the paper and practiced security in depth by implementing an SMTP
> application filter as described, they would have been completely
> protected against the XLINK2STATE issue years before it was exposed.
> *That* is security in depth, used in the real world, working both in
> principle and in practice.
> Not knowing "what kinds of attack will surface next" is the core concept
> that drives security in depth, not what obviates it. Security in depth
> coupled with "least privilege" WORKS.  It's really the *only* thing that
> works.  It is the foundation for dictating the logic of "allow what you
> need" as opposed to "block what you think is bad." So, in that respect,
> the goal is not to be in a reactionary position when you post "if I send
> attachment X, and the user opens it and connects with protocol Y, and
> then enter their credentials in server Z" but rather to deploy an
> infrastructure that, by its own design, protects against the entire
> class of attack.
> > Security is not a destination, it is a process. Security in depth
> > sounds like a destination to me.
> >
> > > However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
> > > just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
> > > them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that
> > for
> > > now- let's pretend that somehow this is a magic attack--  This is
> > where
> > > security-in-depth comes in, and where the overall context of your
> > post
> > > is incorrect:
> >
> > It is not the same. We educate users not to open .exe files but RDP
> > and ICA are just pure business tools. Users are familiar with them and
> > their purpose. Therefore, they are more trusted. And what happens when
> > the tools that you trust turn against you?
> The tools are not turning against us at all-- this requires that you
> email a target, and not only get them to open your attachment (against
> warnings), but to then click "connect," and finally, to actually enter
> their username and password into your host (where you still have to get
> them, btw). *SO* much more has to happen beyond the "tool" that it
> doesn't matter.  Besides, I don't think users know anything about .rdp
> files -- I can say that I've never, ever, been emailed an rdp file.
> > And how come it is OK for a simple text file be able to ride your
> > session and execute commands on behalf of you? I think that this is a
> > problem. CSRF is a well known, widely acknowledged problem. The client
> > should at least warn you that you are about to start an alternative
> > shell. That's not the case though.
> >
> > BTW, I am not sure if you stumbled across the ot

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-12 Thread Thor (Hammer of God)

> Thor, with no disrespect but you are wrong. Security in depth does not
> work and I am not planning to support my argument in any way. This is
> just my personal humble opinion. I've seen only failure of the
> principles you mentioned. Security in depth works only in a perfect
> world. The truth is that you cannot implement true security mainly
> because you will hit on the accessibility side. It is all about
> achieving the balance between security and accessibility. Moreover,
> you cannot implement security in depth mainly because you cannot
> predict the future. Therefore, you don't know what kinds of attack
> will surface next.

No disrespect taken - we're all just people here ;)

Thing is, in a "perfect world" we wouldn't need security at all (well,
depending on your definition of "perfect world" is of course) - it's
"real world" issues that require we build multiple layers of defenses to
ensure that assets are protected when other layers, mechanisms, or
policies fail.  And not being able to predict the future is *precisely*
why security in depth is required.  For example-- Back in January of
2003 (where has the time gone?) I published an article on Security Focus
discussing how to secure Exchange Server deployments.
( if you want to check up on
me).  I would draw your attention to this excerpt in regard to using
ISA's SMTP application filter to inspect SMTP traffic: 

"Though we are filtering the command set through the ISA server, it is
the element of the unknown that concerns me: we just don't know what
vulnerabilities the future may present, and the possibility of a
compromised Exchange server is just too much of a risk."  

Fast forward to April of 2005 where Microsoft published "MS05-021:
Vulnerability in Exchange Server Could Allow Remote Code Execution" (The
XLINK2STATE overflow).  If one had followed the deployment example in
the paper and practiced security in depth by implementing an SMTP
application filter as described, they would have been completely
protected against the XLINK2STATE issue years before it was exposed.
*That* is security in depth, used in the real world, working both in
principle and in practice. 

Not knowing "what kinds of attack will surface next" is the core concept
that drives security in depth, not what obviates it. Security in depth
coupled with "least privilege" WORKS.  It's really the *only* thing that
works.  It is the foundation for dictating the logic of "allow what you
need" as opposed to "block what you think is bad." So, in that respect,
the goal is not to be in a reactionary position when you post "if I send
attachment X, and the user opens it and connects with protocol Y, and
then enter their credentials in server Z" but rather to deploy an
infrastructure that, by its own design, protects against the entire
class of attack.

> Security is not a destination, it is a process. Security in depth
> sounds like a destination to me.
> > However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
> > just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
> > them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that
> for
> > now- let's pretend that somehow this is a magic attack--  This is
> where
> > security-in-depth comes in, and where the overall context of your
> post
> > is incorrect:
> It is not the same. We educate users not to open .exe files but RDP
> and ICA are just pure business tools. Users are familiar with them and
> their purpose. Therefore, they are more trusted. And what happens when
> the tools that you trust turn against you?

The tools are not turning against us at all-- this requires that you
email a target, and not only get them to open your attachment (against
warnings), but to then click "connect," and finally, to actually enter
their username and password into your host (where you still have to get
them, btw). *SO* much more has to happen beyond the "tool" that it
doesn't matter.  Besides, I don't think users know anything about .rdp
files -- I can say that I've never, ever, been emailed an rdp file.

> And how come it is OK for a simple text file be able to ride your
> session and execute commands on behalf of you? I think that this is a
> problem. CSRF is a well known, widely acknowledged problem. The client
> should at least warn you that you are about to start an alternative
> shell. That's not the case though.
> BTW, I am not sure if you stumbled across the other post I released on
> FD and BUGTRAQ which is closely related to this one. Well, here is the
> situation: if you visit a remote page that happens to be malicious,
> attackers can inject any commands they wish into your remote desktop
> without any visible notice. No interaction is required. And the attack
> is super generic btw, and probably 100% wormable.

I looked at what you posted, but there is no info.  And you say that you
are "witholding the PoC" so there's no way I can begin 

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-12 Thread Pete Simpson
Defence in depth is in question? After more than 20 years in compsec,
the fallacy of the argument that defence in depth is dead is ironic.
D.I.D. means that if defence A fails, B comes in. If B fails C comes in
then D. etc. Though pdp is a very inventive youngster, it takes a few
grey hairs to master security.

Or perhaps we in the 'old scool' are deluded.




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Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-11 Thread Gautam R. Singh
My employer does this, but I think its easier to fool users, say we craft a
website say which again asks for username/password & most users will blindly
give away their credentials thinking it as a new session..

> Not to step in to the middle of this, but I once worked for an employer
> with what I considered the best way of stopping attacks cold: a proxy server
> that prompted you for your credentials when you went to an external web site
> and gp settings that disabled the ability to save your username/password
> locally as well as tight settings on the systems to prevent pretty much
> anything from being installed or modified.  So everytime you opened up a
> brand new session of ie and tried to access an external site you were
> prompted for your username/password.  Somehow I doubt there's any malware
> around that is designed to survive in that type of an environment.
> Geoff


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-11 Thread John C. A. Bambenek, CISSP
Security in depth is a tactic, not a process or definition.  And it works
for what it's designed to, which is the same thing most security solutions
are designed to.  That is, they raise the bar of entry.  Ideally, it makes
it hard to find the one-kink in the armor to bring it all down and makes the
bad guys have to go through effort to penetrate many layers.  In so doing,
they become easier to detect and ultimately stop.  No system is perfect, you
can only maximize your chances to defeat the attack and identify the

On 10/10/07, pdp (architect) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thor, with no disrespect but you are wrong. Security in depth does not
> work and I am not planning to support my argument in any way. This is
> just my personal humble opinion. I've seen only failure of the
> principles you mentioned. Security in depth works only in a perfect
> world. The truth is that you cannot implement true security mainly
> because you will hit on the accessibility side. It is all about
> achieving the balance between security and accessibility. Moreover,
> you cannot implement security in depth mainly because you cannot
> predict the future. Therefore, you don't know what kinds of attack
> will surface next.
> Security is not a destination, it is a process. Security in depth
> sounds like a destination to me.
> > However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
> > just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
> > them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that for
> > now- let's pretend that somehow this is a magic attack--  This is where
> > security-in-depth comes in, and where the overall context of your post
> > is incorrect:
> It is not the same. We educate users not to open .exe files but RDP
> and ICA are just pure business tools. Users are familiar with them and
> their purpose. Therefore, they are more trusted. And what happens when
> the tools that you trust turn against you?
> And how come it is OK for a simple text file be able to ride your
> session and execute commands on behalf of you? I think that this is a
> problem. CSRF is a well known, widely acknowledged problem. The client
> should at least warn you that you are about to start an alternative
> shell. That's not the case though.
> BTW, I am not sure if you stumbled across the other post I released on
> FD and BUGTRAQ which is closely related to this one. Well, here is the
> situation: if you visit a remote page that happens to be malicious,
> attackers can inject any commands they wish into your remote desktop
> without any visible notice. No interaction is required. And the attack
> is super generic btw, and probably 100% wormable.
> So, I believe it is an attack. Yes, it is not stack, heap overflow, or
> some null pointer dereference issue, but it is an attack that we
> cannot simply ignore it, mainly because it is a problem with a feature
> rather then a bug. Features cannot be easily eliminated. Bugs will be
> fixed!
> One thing that I am always trying to do with the GNUCITIZEN sessions
> is to educate developers as well system administrators that attacks
> succeed when they are unexpected. At the end of the day, the trick is
> simple.
> On 10/10/07, Thor (Hammer of God) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Security in depth is alive and well, thank you.  In fact, it is security
> > in depth that allows administrators to prevent this type of "attack" (if
> > we can actually make the stretch to call it that).
> >
> > However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
> > just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
> > them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that for
> > now- let's pretend that somehow this is a magic attack--  This is where
> > security-in-depth comes in, and where the overall context of your post
> > is incorrect:
> >
> > First off, you block .rdp files at the SMTP gateway (that by itself is
> > security in depth). Secondly, normal domain users don't RDP to external
> > hosts, so there would never be an allow rule for outbound RDP.  Even if
> > there was some need for off-lan RDP traffic from users, it would be on a
> > host-by-host basis and managed by the firewalls.  That, again, is
> > security in depth.
> >
> > If your users are running XP, then the admin would prevent them from
> > updating to the 6.0 client anyway.  All you have to do in this case is
> > configure your RDP hosts to require TLS encryption based on a
> > certificate, and the client will not be able to connect at all if the
> > certificate is not in the trusted root certificates store.  Done.  If
> > you've got advanced users or have allowed 6.0 clients, then you ensure
> > that the client is set not to connect if authentication fails against
> > TLS secured hosts - of course, these people would be educated against
> > lame attacks anyway, so, done.  If you are running Win2k8, then you use
> > group pol

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-11 Thread Xo Plague
pdp (architect) wrote:
> Thor, with no disrespect but you are wrong. Security in depth does not
> work and I am not planning to support my argument in any way. This is
> just my personal humble opinion. I've seen only failure of the
> principles you mentioned. Security in depth works only in a perfect
> world. The truth is that you cannot implement true security mainly
> because you will hit on the accessibility side. It is all about
> achieving the balance between security and accessibility. Moreover,
> you cannot implement security in depth mainly because you cannot
> predict the future. Therefore, you don't know what kinds of attack
> will surface next.
> Security is not a destination, it is a process. Security in depth
> sounds like a destination to me.
>> However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
>> just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
>> them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that for
>> now- let's pretend that somehow this is a magic attack--  This is where
>> security-in-depth comes in, and where the overall context of your post
>> is incorrect:
> It is not the same. We educate users not to open .exe files but RDP
> and ICA are just pure business tools. Users are familiar with them and
> their purpose. Therefore, they are more trusted. And what happens when
> the tools that you trust turn against you?
> And how come it is OK for a simple text file be able to ride your
> session and execute commands on behalf of you? I think that this is a
> problem. CSRF is a well known, widely acknowledged problem. The client
> should at least warn you that you are about to start an alternative
> shell. That's not the case though.
> BTW, I am not sure if you stumbled across the other post I released on
> FD and BUGTRAQ which is closely related to this one. Well, here is the
> situation: if you visit a remote page that happens to be malicious,
> attackers can inject any commands they wish into your remote desktop
> without any visible notice. No interaction is required. And the attack
> is super generic btw, and probably 100% wormable.
> So, I believe it is an attack. Yes, it is not stack, heap overflow, or
> some null pointer dereference issue, but it is an attack that we
> cannot simply ignore it, mainly because it is a problem with a feature
> rather then a bug. Features cannot be easily eliminated. Bugs will be
> fixed!
> One thing that I am always trying to do with the GNUCITIZEN sessions
> is to educate developers as well system administrators that attacks
> succeed when they are unexpected. At the end of the day, the trick is
> simple.
> On 10/10/07, Thor (Hammer of God) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Security in depth is alive and well, thank you.  In fact, it is security
>> in depth that allows administrators to prevent this type of "attack" (if
>> we can actually make the stretch to call it that).
>> However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
>> just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
>> them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that for
>> now- let's pretend that somehow this is a magic attack--  This is where
>> security-in-depth comes in, and where the overall context of your post
>> is incorrect:
>> First off, you block .rdp files at the SMTP gateway (that by itself is
>> security in depth). Secondly, normal domain users don't RDP to external
>> hosts, so there would never be an allow rule for outbound RDP.  Even if
>> there was some need for off-lan RDP traffic from users, it would be on a
>> host-by-host basis and managed by the firewalls.  That, again, is
>> security in depth.
>> If your users are running XP, then the admin would prevent them from
>> updating to the 6.0 client anyway.  All you have to do in this case is
>> configure your RDP hosts to require TLS encryption based on a
>> certificate, and the client will not be able to connect at all if the
>> certificate is not in the trusted root certificates store.  Done.  If
>> you've got advanced users or have allowed 6.0 clients, then you ensure
>> that the client is set not to connect if authentication fails against
>> TLS secured hosts - of course, these people would be educated against
>> lame attacks anyway, so, done.  If you are running Win2k8, then you use
>> group policy to disable clients opening un-signed RDP files in the first
>> place, and again, be done.  Or just use TSGateway and require
>> certificates to log on - heck, they'd never make it past the gateway if
>> you didn't allow them.  Done part IV.  If you've got Vista clients, then
>> you'd also be using egress firewall rules in the "public" network
>> context blocking the outbound traffic, all configured with a single GPO.
>> I could go on, and on.
>> The point is that just because you have (amazingly enough) qualified
>> this attack as "highly successful" and "vicious" does n

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-11 Thread Jim Harrison
"..I am not planning to support my argument in any way.."
That's a shame.
If you can prove your hypothesis, it lends credibility to your claims.
A refusal to do so only weakens your position.

As others have pointed out, your attack only works if security in depth has 
been blatantly, intentionally ignored.
I'll grant that it's an interesting methodology, but it assumes too much and 
ultimately fails to prove your claims.

You're absolutely correct; "Security in depth" is a process; no one has argued 
What no one has stated is that security in depth has an endpoint.
Not only does it require proper analysis, planning and deployment, it's greatly 
weakened without constant monitoring and adjustment to meet new threats.
That said, nothing you have proposed in your attack methodology changes those 


-Original Message-
From: pdp (architect) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 5:17 PM
To: Thor (Hammer of God)
Subject: Re: Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

Thor, with no disrespect but you are wrong. Security in depth does not
work and I am not planning to support my argument in any way. This is
just my personal humble opinion. I've seen only failure of the
principles you mentioned. Security in depth works only in a perfect
world. The truth is that you cannot implement true security mainly
because you will hit on the accessibility side. It is all about
achieving the balance between security and accessibility. Moreover,
you cannot implement security in depth mainly because you cannot
predict the future. Therefore, you don't know what kinds of attack
will surface next.

Security is not a destination, it is a process. Security in depth
sounds like a destination to me.

> However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
> just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
> them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that for
> now- let's pretend that somehow this is a magic attack--  This is where
> security-in-depth comes in, and where the overall context of your post
> is incorrect:

It is not the same. We educate users not to open .exe files but RDP
and ICA are just pure business tools. Users are familiar with them and
their purpose. Therefore, they are more trusted. And what happens when
the tools that you trust turn against you?

And how come it is OK for a simple text file be able to ride your
session and execute commands on behalf of you? I think that this is a
problem. CSRF is a well known, widely acknowledged problem. The client
should at least warn you that you are about to start an alternative
shell. That's not the case though.

BTW, I am not sure if you stumbled across the other post I released on
FD and BUGTRAQ which is closely related to this one. Well, here is the
situation: if you visit a remote page that happens to be malicious,
attackers can inject any commands they wish into your remote desktop
without any visible notice. No interaction is required. And the attack
is super generic btw, and probably 100% wormable.

So, I believe it is an attack. Yes, it is not stack, heap overflow, or
some null pointer dereference issue, but it is an attack that we
cannot simply ignore it, mainly because it is a problem with a feature
rather then a bug. Features cannot be easily eliminated. Bugs will be

One thing that I am always trying to do with the GNUCITIZEN sessions
is to educate developers as well system administrators that attacks
succeed when they are unexpected. At the end of the day, the trick is

On 10/10/07, Thor (Hammer of God) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Security in depth is alive and well, thank you.  In fact, it is security
> in depth that allows administrators to prevent this type of "attack" (if
> we can actually make the stretch to call it that).
> However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
> just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
> them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that for
> now- let's pretend that somehow this is a magic attack--  This is where
> security-in-depth comes in, and where the overall context of your post
> is incorrect:
> First off, you block .rdp files at the SMTP gateway (that by itself is
> security in depth). Secondly, normal domain users don't RDP to external
> hosts, so there would never be an allow rule for outbound RDP.  Even if
> there was some need for off-lan RDP traffic from users, it would be on a
> host-by-host basis and managed by the firewalls.  That, again, is
> security in depth.
> If your users are running XP, then the admin would prevent them from
> updating to the 6.0 client anyway.  All you have to do in this case is
> configure your RDP hosts to require TLS encryption based on a
> certificate, and the client will not be able to connect at all if the
> certificate is not in the trus

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-11 Thread full-disclosure
Hash: SHA1


On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 14:54:52 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 14:05:28 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>You seem a tad confused regarding the use of the "reply" button,
>> On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 07:14:32 -0400 "pdp (architect)"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I wasn't the one who you were replying to.
Note: This signature can be verified at
Charset: UTF8
Version: Hush 2.5


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-11 Thread Alex Everett
That may be a possible process/policy in some environments, but probably not 
Take education/academic environments for example. We really have to try to 
balance competing interests.
For example, the very security and accessibility issues you describe on a macro 
Not to mention other issues in these environments such as transients and 
devices we do not own/manage.

If users around the world still visit sites to download the storm worm, is it 
unreasonable to assume that they may execute a rdp or citrix file?


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 8:28 AM
To: pdp (architect); Thor (Hammer of God)
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

Not to step in to the middle of this, but I once worked for an employer with 
what I considered the best way of stopping attacks cold: a proxy server that 
prompted you for your credentials when you went to an external web site and gp 
settings that disabled the ability to save your username/password locally as 
well as tight settings on the systems to prevent pretty much anything from 
being installed or modified.  So everytime you opened up a brand new session of 
ie and tried to access an external site you were prompted for your 
username/password.  Somehow I doubt there's any malware around that is designed 
to survive in that type of an environment.


Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

-Original Message-
From: "pdp (architect)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 01:17:16
To:"Thor (Hammer of God)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

Thor, with no disrespect but you are wrong. Security in depth does not
work and I am not planning to support my argument in any way. This is
just my personal humble opinion. I've seen only failure of the
principles you mentioned. Security in depth works only in a perfect
world. The truth is that you cannot implement true security mainly
because you will hit on the accessibility side. It is all about
achieving the balance between security and accessibility. Moreover,
you cannot implement security in depth mainly because you cannot
predict the future. Therefore, you don't know what kinds of attack
will surface next.

Security is not a destination, it is a process. Security in depth
sounds like a destination to me.

> However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
> just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
> them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that for
> now- let's pretend that somehow this is a magic attack--  This is where
> security-in-depth comes in, and where the overall context of your post
> is incorrect:

It is not the same. We educate users not to open .exe files but RDP
and ICA are just pure business tools. Users are familiar with them and
their purpose. Therefore, they are more trusted. And what happens when
the tools that you trust turn against you?

And how come it is OK for a simple text file be able to ride your
session and execute commands on behalf of you? I think that this is a
problem. CSRF is a well known, widely acknowledged problem. The client
should at least warn you that you are about to start an alternative
shell. That's not the case though.

BTW, I am not sure if you stumbled across the other post I released on
FD and BUGTRAQ which is closely related to this one. Well, here is the
situation: if you visit a remote page that happens to be malicious,
attackers can inject any commands they wish into your remote desktop
without any visible notice. No interaction is required. And the attack
is super generic btw, and probably 100% wormable.

So, I believe it is an attack. Yes, it is not stack, heap overflow, or
some null pointer dereference issue, but it is an attack that we
cannot simply ignore it, mainly because it is a problem with a feature
rather then a bug. Features cannot be easily eliminated. Bugs will be

One thing that I am always trying to do with the GNUCITIZEN sessions
is to educate developers as well system administrators that attacks
succeed when they are unexpected. At the end of the day, the trick is

On 10/10/07, Thor (Hammer of God) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Security in depth is alive and well, thank you.  In fact, it is security
> in depth that allows administrators to prevent this type of "attack" (if
> we can actually make the stretch to call it that).
> However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
> just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
> them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-11 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 14:05:28 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:


You seem a tad confused regarding the use of the "reply" button, since:

> On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 07:14:32 -0400 "pdp (architect)"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I wasn't the one who you were replying to.

Description: PGP signature
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-11 Thread pdp (architect)
gboyce, cheers... nice example! although I had something else in mind.
maybe I shouldn't have used the term "security in depth" since your
version differs a bit from mine. I guess different semantics. but yes,
i agree that systems, processes, data, etc needs to be separated and
blended into a balanced mix which as you said, while under attack, it
does not give away the keys to the kingdom.


On 10/11/07, gboyce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Oct 2007, pdp (architect) wrote:
> > Thor, with no disrespect but you are wrong. Security in depth does not
> > work and I am not planning to support my argument in any way. This is
> > just my personal humble opinion. I've seen only failure of the
> > principles you mentioned. Security in depth works only in a perfect
> > world. The truth is that you cannot implement true security mainly
> > because you will hit on the accessibility side. It is all about
> > achieving the balance between security and accessibility. Moreover,
> > you cannot implement security in depth mainly because you cannot
> > predict the future. Therefore, you don't know what kinds of attack
> > will surface next.
> >
> > Security is not a destination, it is a process. Security in depth
> > sounds like a destination to me.
> The reason for security in depth is precisely because no security controls
> are foolproof.  The point isn't to make a system completely unbreakable,
> but to raise the bar for what is required in order to extend their access
> beyond what they already control.
> Lets take a webserver as an example.
> Your webserver only requires ports 80 and 443 listening to the world, so
> you deploy a firewall in front of it restricting access to just those
> ports.
> A default install of the OS may enable a few other processes bound to
> remote ports like a mail server, portmap, etc.  These processes aren't
> needed on this particular system.  The firewall blocks access to them, but
> firewalls aren't perfect.  The attacker may have found a way to get behind
> it.  So you turn off those unneeded services.
> Being a webserver, its running a number of web applications.  Since you
> don't want to place more trust in those applications than you have to, you
> chroot apache and have it run as a non-privledged user.  Hopefully this
> will contain a successful compromise.
> But still, the attacker may break out of the chroot, so you make sure that
> you remove setuid applications or at least keep them up to date with the
> latest security updates.  You do your best to keep them from becoming
> root.  But even that may fail.
> Assuming all else has failed, this system is completely owned.  But you
> have other systems with even more sensitive information.  So you architect
> your network such that this webserver does not have more network
> prilvedges than it needs.  You filter outbound network connections to
> hopefully block a good portion of botnet command and control functions.
> You block access from this webserver to other systems unless they have a
> need to talk to them.  You implement application level firewalls between
> it and services that it does need to talk to.
> THIS is defence is depth.  Its not about perfect security.  Its about
> containing breaches.  Its about blocking unnecessary risks.  Its about
> making sure that a small mistake that you make does not hand over the keys
> to the kingdom.
> --
> Greg

pdp (architect) | petko d. petkov

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-11 Thread gboyce
Well, what is your definition of "Security in Depth"?

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007, pdp (architect) wrote:

> gboyce, cheers... nice example! although I had something else in mind.
> maybe I shouldn't have used the term "security in depth" since your
> version differs a bit from mine. I guess different semantics. but yes,
> i agree that systems, processes, data, etc needs to be separated and
> blended into a balanced mix which as you said, while under attack, it
> does not give away the keys to the kingdom.
> thanks
> On 10/11/07, gboyce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thu, 11 Oct 2007, pdp (architect) wrote:
>>> Thor, with no disrespect but you are wrong. Security in depth does not
>>> work and I am not planning to support my argument in any way. This is
>>> just my personal humble opinion. I've seen only failure of the
>>> principles you mentioned. Security in depth works only in a perfect
>>> world. The truth is that you cannot implement true security mainly
>>> because you will hit on the accessibility side. It is all about
>>> achieving the balance between security and accessibility. Moreover,
>>> you cannot implement security in depth mainly because you cannot
>>> predict the future. Therefore, you don't know what kinds of attack
>>> will surface next.
>>> Security is not a destination, it is a process. Security in depth
>>> sounds like a destination to me.
>> The reason for security in depth is precisely because no security controls
>> are foolproof.  The point isn't to make a system completely unbreakable,
>> but to raise the bar for what is required in order to extend their access
>> beyond what they already control.
>> Lets take a webserver as an example.
>> Your webserver only requires ports 80 and 443 listening to the world, so
>> you deploy a firewall in front of it restricting access to just those
>> ports.
>> A default install of the OS may enable a few other processes bound to
>> remote ports like a mail server, portmap, etc.  These processes aren't
>> needed on this particular system.  The firewall blocks access to them, but
>> firewalls aren't perfect.  The attacker may have found a way to get behind
>> it.  So you turn off those unneeded services.
>> Being a webserver, its running a number of web applications.  Since you
>> don't want to place more trust in those applications than you have to, you
>> chroot apache and have it run as a non-privledged user.  Hopefully this
>> will contain a successful compromise.
>> But still, the attacker may break out of the chroot, so you make sure that
>> you remove setuid applications or at least keep them up to date with the
>> latest security updates.  You do your best to keep them from becoming
>> root.  But even that may fail.
>> Assuming all else has failed, this system is completely owned.  But you
>> have other systems with even more sensitive information.  So you architect
>> your network such that this webserver does not have more network
>> prilvedges than it needs.  You filter outbound network connections to
>> hopefully block a good portion of botnet command and control functions.
>> You block access from this webserver to other systems unless they have a
>> need to talk to them.  You implement application level firewalls between
>> it and services that it does need to talk to.
>> THIS is defence is depth.  Its not about perfect security.  Its about
>> containing breaches.  Its about blocking unnecessary risks.  Its about
>> making sure that a small mistake that you make does not hand over the keys
>> to the kingdom.
>> --
>> Greg
> -- 
> pdp (architect) | petko d. petkov

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-11 Thread Paul Melson
> Not to step in to the middle of this, but I once worked for an employer
with what I 
> considered the best way of stopping attacks cold: a proxy server that
prompted you for your 
> credentials when you went to an external web site and gp settings that
disabled the ability 
> to save your username/password locally as well as tight settings on the
systems to prevent 
> pretty much anything from being installed or modified.  So everytime you
opened up a brand 
> new session of ie and tried to access an external site you were prompted
for your 
> username/password.  Somehow I doubt there's any malware around that is
designed to survive 
> in that type of an environment.

(This is far enough afield that I'm not cc'ing pdp or Thor or anyone else,
just the lists).

Actually, it's trivial for malware to survive in this kind of environment.
If the proxy is HTTP-only and requires a cached http-auth header from the
browser, then the malware just has to use any port that is allowed through
the firewall directly that's not 80.

If the proxy is used to perform client authentication (Cisco, Check Point,
and other firewalls do this as well) where a browser authenticates a user
and then the proxy allows other traffic from that client IP address for
until the session expires or there is an idle time limit reached, the
malware need only persist on whatever C&C channel it uses until a user
authenticates to the proxy/firewall.  Then the traffic will still be

In many cases, the malware will be dropped and activated *during* one of
these sessions and, at least for a short period of time, will function
unhindered.  Unless a network can authenticate clients on a per-session on
each protocol, there is still plenty of opportunity for malware to thrive.

 This is why monitoring and detection are key elements of Defense
In Depth, whose death has been prematurely reported a lot this


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-11 Thread Obscure
At the risk of going off topic - this kind of approach makes end users to get 
really used to entering their username and password in the web browser. Guess 
what happens when a (possibly malicious) website asks for credentials (using 
basic auth/whatever)?

These kind of solutions not only limit usability, but they also run the risk of 
creating security holes. 

Sent from my vi friendly email client 

On Thu, Oct 11, 2007 at 12:27:48PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Not to step in to the middle of this, but I once worked for an employer with 
>what I considered the best way of stopping attacks cold: a proxy server that 
>prompted you for your credentials when you went to an external web site and gp 
>settings that disabled the ability to save your username/password locally as 
>well as tight settings on the systems to prevent pretty much anything from 
>being installed or modified.  So everytime you opened up a brand new session 
>of ie and tried to access an external site you were prompted for your 
>username/password.  Somehow I doubt there's any malware around that is 
>designed to survive in that type of an environment.
>Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.
>-Original Message-
>From: "pdp (architect)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 01:17:16 
>To:"Thor (Hammer of God)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks
>Thor, with no disrespect but you are wrong. Security in depth does not
>work and I am not planning to support my argument in any way. This is
>just my personal humble opinion. I've seen only failure of the
>principles you mentioned. Security in depth works only in a perfect
>world. The truth is that you cannot implement true security mainly
>because you will hit on the accessibility side. It is all about
>achieving the balance between security and accessibility. Moreover,
>you cannot implement security in depth mainly because you cannot
>predict the future. Therefore, you don't know what kinds of attack
>will surface next.
>Security is not a destination, it is a process. Security in depth
>sounds like a destination to me.
>> However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
>> just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
>> them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that for
>> now- let's pretend that somehow this is a magic attack--  This is where
>> security-in-depth comes in, and where the overall context of your post
>> is incorrect:
>It is not the same. We educate users not to open .exe files but RDP
>and ICA are just pure business tools. Users are familiar with them and
>their purpose. Therefore, they are more trusted. And what happens when
>the tools that you trust turn against you?
>And how come it is OK for a simple text file be able to ride your
>session and execute commands on behalf of you? I think that this is a
>problem. CSRF is a well known, widely acknowledged problem. The client
>should at least warn you that you are about to start an alternative
>shell. That's not the case though.
>BTW, I am not sure if you stumbled across the other post I released on
>FD and BUGTRAQ which is closely related to this one. Well, here is the
>situation: if you visit a remote page that happens to be malicious,
>attackers can inject any commands they wish into your remote desktop
>without any visible notice. No interaction is required. And the attack
>is super generic btw, and probably 100% wormable.
>So, I believe it is an attack. Yes, it is not stack, heap overflow, or
>some null pointer dereference issue, but it is an attack that we
>cannot simply ignore it, mainly because it is a problem with a feature
>rather then a bug. Features cannot be easily eliminated. Bugs will be
>One thing that I am always trying to do with the GNUCITIZEN sessions
>is to educate developers as well system administrators that attacks
>succeed when they are unexpected. At the end of the day, the trick is
>On 10/10/07, Thor (Hammer of God) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Security in depth is alive and well, thank you.  In fact, it is security
>> in depth that allows administrators to prevent this type of "attack" (if
>> we can actually make the stretch to call it that).
>> However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
>> just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
>> them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that for

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-11 Thread gboyce
On Thu, 11 Oct 2007, pdp (architect) wrote:

> Thor, with no disrespect but you are wrong. Security in depth does not
> work and I am not planning to support my argument in any way. This is
> just my personal humble opinion. I've seen only failure of the
> principles you mentioned. Security in depth works only in a perfect
> world. The truth is that you cannot implement true security mainly
> because you will hit on the accessibility side. It is all about
> achieving the balance between security and accessibility. Moreover,
> you cannot implement security in depth mainly because you cannot
> predict the future. Therefore, you don't know what kinds of attack
> will surface next.
> Security is not a destination, it is a process. Security in depth
> sounds like a destination to me.

The reason for security in depth is precisely because no security controls 
are foolproof.  The point isn't to make a system completely unbreakable, 
but to raise the bar for what is required in order to extend their access 
beyond what they already control.

Lets take a webserver as an example.

Your webserver only requires ports 80 and 443 listening to the world, so 
you deploy a firewall in front of it restricting access to just those 

A default install of the OS may enable a few other processes bound to 
remote ports like a mail server, portmap, etc.  These processes aren't 
needed on this particular system.  The firewall blocks access to them, but 
firewalls aren't perfect.  The attacker may have found a way to get behind 
it.  So you turn off those unneeded services.

Being a webserver, its running a number of web applications.  Since you 
don't want to place more trust in those applications than you have to, you 
chroot apache and have it run as a non-privledged user.  Hopefully this 
will contain a successful compromise.

But still, the attacker may break out of the chroot, so you make sure that 
you remove setuid applications or at least keep them up to date with the 
latest security updates.  You do your best to keep them from becoming 
root.  But even that may fail.

Assuming all else has failed, this system is completely owned.  But you 
have other systems with even more sensitive information.  So you architect 
your network such that this webserver does not have more network 
prilvedges than it needs.  You filter outbound network connections to 
hopefully block a good portion of botnet command and control functions. 
You block access from this webserver to other systems unless they have a 
need to talk to them.  You implement application level firewalls between 
it and services that it does need to talk to.

THIS is defence is depth.  Its not about perfect security.  Its about 
containing breaches.  Its about blocking unnecessary risks.  Its about 
making sure that a small mistake that you make does not hand over the keys 
to the kingdom.


Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-11 Thread gjgowey
Not to step in to the middle of this, but I once worked for an employer with 
what I considered the best way of stopping attacks cold: a proxy server that 
prompted you for your credentials when you went to an external web site and gp 
settings that disabled the ability to save your username/password locally as 
well as tight settings on the systems to prevent pretty much anything from 
being installed or modified.  So everytime you opened up a brand new session of 
ie and tried to access an external site you were prompted for your 
username/password.  Somehow I doubt there's any malware around that is designed 
to survive in that type of an environment.


Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

-Original Message-
From: "pdp (architect)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 01:17:16 
To:"Thor (Hammer of God)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

Thor, with no disrespect but you are wrong. Security in depth does not
work and I am not planning to support my argument in any way. This is
just my personal humble opinion. I've seen only failure of the
principles you mentioned. Security in depth works only in a perfect
world. The truth is that you cannot implement true security mainly
because you will hit on the accessibility side. It is all about
achieving the balance between security and accessibility. Moreover,
you cannot implement security in depth mainly because you cannot
predict the future. Therefore, you don't know what kinds of attack
will surface next.

Security is not a destination, it is a process. Security in depth
sounds like a destination to me.

> However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
> just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
> them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that for
> now- let's pretend that somehow this is a magic attack--  This is where
> security-in-depth comes in, and where the overall context of your post
> is incorrect:

It is not the same. We educate users not to open .exe files but RDP
and ICA are just pure business tools. Users are familiar with them and
their purpose. Therefore, they are more trusted. And what happens when
the tools that you trust turn against you?

And how come it is OK for a simple text file be able to ride your
session and execute commands on behalf of you? I think that this is a
problem. CSRF is a well known, widely acknowledged problem. The client
should at least warn you that you are about to start an alternative
shell. That's not the case though.

BTW, I am not sure if you stumbled across the other post I released on
FD and BUGTRAQ which is closely related to this one. Well, here is the
situation: if you visit a remote page that happens to be malicious,
attackers can inject any commands they wish into your remote desktop
without any visible notice. No interaction is required. And the attack
is super generic btw, and probably 100% wormable.

So, I believe it is an attack. Yes, it is not stack, heap overflow, or
some null pointer dereference issue, but it is an attack that we
cannot simply ignore it, mainly because it is a problem with a feature
rather then a bug. Features cannot be easily eliminated. Bugs will be

One thing that I am always trying to do with the GNUCITIZEN sessions
is to educate developers as well system administrators that attacks
succeed when they are unexpected. At the end of the day, the trick is

On 10/10/07, Thor (Hammer of God) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Security in depth is alive and well, thank you.  In fact, it is security
> in depth that allows administrators to prevent this type of "attack" (if
> we can actually make the stretch to call it that).
> However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
> just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
> them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that for
> now- let's pretend that somehow this is a magic attack--  This is where
> security-in-depth comes in, and where the overall context of your post
> is incorrect:
> First off, you block .rdp files at the SMTP gateway (that by itself is
> security in depth). Secondly, normal domain users don't RDP to external
> hosts, so there would never be an allow rule for outbound RDP.  Even if
> there was some need for off-lan RDP traffic from users, it would be on a
> host-by-host basis and managed by the firewalls.  That, again, is
> security in depth.
> If your users are running XP, then the admin would prevent them from
> updating to the 6.0 client anyway.  All you have to do in this case is
> configure your RDP hosts to require TLS encryption based on

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-11 Thread pdp (architect)
Thor, with no disrespect but you are wrong. Security in depth does not
work and I am not planning to support my argument in any way. This is
just my personal humble opinion. I've seen only failure of the
principles you mentioned. Security in depth works only in a perfect
world. The truth is that you cannot implement true security mainly
because you will hit on the accessibility side. It is all about
achieving the balance between security and accessibility. Moreover,
you cannot implement security in depth mainly because you cannot
predict the future. Therefore, you don't know what kinds of attack
will surface next.

Security is not a destination, it is a process. Security in depth
sounds like a destination to me.

> However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
> just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
> them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that for
> now- let's pretend that somehow this is a magic attack--  This is where
> security-in-depth comes in, and where the overall context of your post
> is incorrect:

It is not the same. We educate users not to open .exe files but RDP
and ICA are just pure business tools. Users are familiar with them and
their purpose. Therefore, they are more trusted. And what happens when
the tools that you trust turn against you?

And how come it is OK for a simple text file be able to ride your
session and execute commands on behalf of you? I think that this is a
problem. CSRF is a well known, widely acknowledged problem. The client
should at least warn you that you are about to start an alternative
shell. That's not the case though.

BTW, I am not sure if you stumbled across the other post I released on
FD and BUGTRAQ which is closely related to this one. Well, here is the
situation: if you visit a remote page that happens to be malicious,
attackers can inject any commands they wish into your remote desktop
without any visible notice. No interaction is required. And the attack
is super generic btw, and probably 100% wormable.

So, I believe it is an attack. Yes, it is not stack, heap overflow, or
some null pointer dereference issue, but it is an attack that we
cannot simply ignore it, mainly because it is a problem with a feature
rather then a bug. Features cannot be easily eliminated. Bugs will be

One thing that I am always trying to do with the GNUCITIZEN sessions
is to educate developers as well system administrators that attacks
succeed when they are unexpected. At the end of the day, the trick is

On 10/10/07, Thor (Hammer of God) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Security in depth is alive and well, thank you.  In fact, it is security
> in depth that allows administrators to prevent this type of "attack" (if
> we can actually make the stretch to call it that).
> However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
> just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
> them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that for
> now- let's pretend that somehow this is a magic attack--  This is where
> security-in-depth comes in, and where the overall context of your post
> is incorrect:
> First off, you block .rdp files at the SMTP gateway (that by itself is
> security in depth). Secondly, normal domain users don't RDP to external
> hosts, so there would never be an allow rule for outbound RDP.  Even if
> there was some need for off-lan RDP traffic from users, it would be on a
> host-by-host basis and managed by the firewalls.  That, again, is
> security in depth.
> If your users are running XP, then the admin would prevent them from
> updating to the 6.0 client anyway.  All you have to do in this case is
> configure your RDP hosts to require TLS encryption based on a
> certificate, and the client will not be able to connect at all if the
> certificate is not in the trusted root certificates store.  Done.  If
> you've got advanced users or have allowed 6.0 clients, then you ensure
> that the client is set not to connect if authentication fails against
> TLS secured hosts - of course, these people would be educated against
> lame attacks anyway, so, done.  If you are running Win2k8, then you use
> group policy to disable clients opening un-signed RDP files in the first
> place, and again, be done.  Or just use TSGateway and require
> certificates to log on - heck, they'd never make it past the gateway if
> you didn't allow them.  Done part IV.  If you've got Vista clients, then
> you'd also be using egress firewall rules in the "public" network
> context blocking the outbound traffic, all configured with a single GPO.
> I could go on, and on.
> The point is that just because you have (amazingly enough) qualified
> this attack as "highly successful" and "vicious" does not, in any way,
> degrade the value of security in depth.  In fact, it is a perfect
> example *for* security in depth in that regard:  if this "attack"
> succeeds aga

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-11 Thread M. Burnett
It is important to note that you can block this though a setting in the
Terminal Sevices Configuration admin tool. There is a setting to not allow
initial programs to be launch or to always launch a specific program. This
will always override any program specified by the client. You can also
configure this via group policy.

It is also important to note that if you can get a user to click on an
e-mail attachment you send them, you can probably do anything you want on
their computer anyway.

Mark Burnett

> -Original Message-
> From: Thor (Hammer of God) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 4:11 PM
> To: pdp (architect);;
> Subject: RE: Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks
> Security in depth is alive and well, thank you.  In fact, it is
> security
> in depth that allows administrators to prevent this type of "attack"
> (if
> we can actually make the stretch to call it that).
> However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
> just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
> them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that for
> now- let's pretend that somehow this is a magic attack--  This is where
> security-in-depth comes in, and where the overall context of your post
> is incorrect:
> First off, you block .rdp files at the SMTP gateway (that by itself is
> security in depth). Secondly, normal domain users don't RDP to external
> hosts, so there would never be an allow rule for outbound RDP.  Even if
> there was some need for off-lan RDP traffic from users, it would be on
> a
> host-by-host basis and managed by the firewalls.  That, again, is
> security in depth.
> If your users are running XP, then the admin would prevent them from
> updating to the 6.0 client anyway.  All you have to do in this case is
> configure your RDP hosts to require TLS encryption based on a
> certificate, and the client will not be able to connect at all if the
> certificate is not in the trusted root certificates store.  Done.  If
> you've got advanced users or have allowed 6.0 clients, then you ensure
> that the client is set not to connect if authentication fails against
> TLS secured hosts - of course, these people would be educated against
> lame attacks anyway, so, done.  If you are running Win2k8, then you use
> group policy to disable clients opening un-signed RDP files in the
> first
> place, and again, be done.  Or just use TSGateway and require
> certificates to log on - heck, they'd never make it past the gateway if
> you didn't allow them.  Done part IV.  If you've got Vista clients,
> then
> you'd also be using egress firewall rules in the "public" network
> context blocking the outbound traffic, all configured with a single
> GPO.
> I could go on, and on.
> The point is that just because you have (amazingly enough) qualified
> this attack as "highly successful" and "vicious" does not, in any way,
> degrade the value of security in depth.  In fact, it is a perfect
> example *for* security in depth in that regard:  if this "attack"
> succeeds against anyone, it is not because security in depth does not
> exist, it is because security in depth was not practiced.
> t
> -Original Message-
> From: pdp (architect) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 4:15 AM
> Subject: Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks
> Security in depth does not exist! No matter what you do, dedicated
> attackers will always be able to penetrate your network. Seriously!
> Information security is mostly about risk assessment and crisis
> management.
> When it comes to exploitative penetration testing, I relay on tactics
> rather then exploits. I've already talked about how insecure Remote
> Desktop service could be. In this post I will show you how easy it is
> to compromise a well protected Windows Terminal or CITRIX server with
> a simple social engineering attack and some knowledge about the
> platform we are about to exploit.
> The attack is rather simple. All the bad guys have to do is to compose
> a malicious RDP (for Windows Terminal Services) or ICA (for CITRIX)
> file and send it to the victim. The victim is persuaded to open the
> file by double clicking on it. When the connection is established, the
> user will enter their credentials to login and as such let the hackers
> in. Vicious!
> I have a more detailed explanation about the tactics behind this
> attack. Because I don't want to spam people with tones of text, I just
> included a link which you can follow. Hope that this is useful and at
> the same time eye opening, not that it is something completely
> amazing. But it does work and it works well.
> cheers.
> --
> pdp (architect) | petko d. pe

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-10 Thread Thor (Hammer of God)
Security in depth is alive and well, thank you.  In fact, it is security
in depth that allows administrators to prevent this type of "attack" (if
we can actually make the stretch to call it that).

However, for the record, this is not an "attack."  You might as well
just email the target and ask for their password.  Or if you can get
them to open files, just send off a rootkit.  But let's ignore that for
now- let's pretend that somehow this is a magic attack--  This is where
security-in-depth comes in, and where the overall context of your post
is incorrect:

First off, you block .rdp files at the SMTP gateway (that by itself is
security in depth). Secondly, normal domain users don't RDP to external
hosts, so there would never be an allow rule for outbound RDP.  Even if
there was some need for off-lan RDP traffic from users, it would be on a
host-by-host basis and managed by the firewalls.  That, again, is
security in depth.

If your users are running XP, then the admin would prevent them from
updating to the 6.0 client anyway.  All you have to do in this case is
configure your RDP hosts to require TLS encryption based on a
certificate, and the client will not be able to connect at all if the
certificate is not in the trusted root certificates store.  Done.  If
you've got advanced users or have allowed 6.0 clients, then you ensure
that the client is set not to connect if authentication fails against
TLS secured hosts - of course, these people would be educated against
lame attacks anyway, so, done.  If you are running Win2k8, then you use
group policy to disable clients opening un-signed RDP files in the first
place, and again, be done.  Or just use TSGateway and require
certificates to log on - heck, they'd never make it past the gateway if
you didn't allow them.  Done part IV.  If you've got Vista clients, then
you'd also be using egress firewall rules in the "public" network
context blocking the outbound traffic, all configured with a single GPO.
I could go on, and on.

The point is that just because you have (amazingly enough) qualified
this attack as "highly successful" and "vicious" does not, in any way,
degrade the value of security in depth.  In fact, it is a perfect
example *for* security in depth in that regard:  if this "attack"
succeeds against anyone, it is not because security in depth does not
exist, it is because security in depth was not practiced.


-Original Message-
From: pdp (architect) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 4:15 AM
Subject: Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

Security in depth does not exist! No matter what you do, dedicated
attackers will always be able to penetrate your network. Seriously!
Information security is mostly about risk assessment and crisis

When it comes to exploitative penetration testing, I relay on tactics
rather then exploits. I've already talked about how insecure Remote
Desktop service could be. In this post I will show you how easy it is
to compromise a well protected Windows Terminal or CITRIX server with
a simple social engineering attack and some knowledge about the
platform we are about to exploit.

The attack is rather simple. All the bad guys have to do is to compose
a malicious RDP (for Windows Terminal Services) or ICA (for CITRIX)
file and send it to the victim. The victim is persuaded to open the
file by double clicking on it. When the connection is established, the
user will enter their credentials to login and as such let the hackers
in. Vicious!

I have a more detailed explanation about the tactics behind this
attack. Because I don't want to spam people with tones of text, I just
included a link which you can follow. Hope that this is useful and at
the same time eye opening, not that it is something completely
amazing. But it does work and it works well.


pdp (architect) | petko d. petkov

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Re: [Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-10 Thread full-disclosure

Hash: SHA1


On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 07:14:32 -0400 "pdp (architect)"
>Security in depth does not exist! No matter what you do, dedicated
>attackers will always be able to penetrate your network.
>Information security is mostly about risk assessment and crisis
>When it comes to exploitative penetration testing, I relay on
>rather then exploits. I've already talked about how insecure
>Desktop service could be. In this post I will show you how easy it
>to compromise a well protected Windows Terminal or CITRIX server
>a simple social engineering attack and some knowledge about the
>platform we are about to exploit.
>The attack is rather simple. All the bad guys have to do is to
>a malicious RDP (for Windows Terminal Services) or ICA (for
>file and send it to the victim. The victim is persuaded to open
>file by double clicking on it. When the connection is established,
>user will enter their credentials to login and as such let the
>in. Vicious!
>I have a more detailed explanation about the tactics behind this
>attack. Because I don't want to spam people with tones of text, I
>included a link which you can follow. Hope that this is useful and
>the same time eye opening, not that it is something completely
>amazing. But it does work and it works well.
>pdp (architect) | petko d. petkov
>Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
Note: This signature can be verified at
Charset: UTF8
Version: Hush 2.5


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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] Remote Desktop Command Fixation Attacks

2007-10-10 Thread pdp (architect)

Security in depth does not exist! No matter what you do, dedicated
attackers will always be able to penetrate your network. Seriously!
Information security is mostly about risk assessment and crisis

When it comes to exploitative penetration testing, I relay on tactics
rather then exploits. I've already talked about how insecure Remote
Desktop service could be. In this post I will show you how easy it is
to compromise a well protected Windows Terminal or CITRIX server with
a simple social engineering attack and some knowledge about the
platform we are about to exploit.

The attack is rather simple. All the bad guys have to do is to compose
a malicious RDP (for Windows Terminal Services) or ICA (for CITRIX)
file and send it to the victim. The victim is persuaded to open the
file by double clicking on it. When the connection is established, the
user will enter their credentials to login and as such let the hackers
in. Vicious!

I have a more detailed explanation about the tactics behind this
attack. Because I don't want to spam people with tones of text, I just
included a link which you can follow. Hope that this is useful and at
the same time eye opening, not that it is something completely
amazing. But it does work and it works well.


pdp (architect) | petko d. petkov

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -