Re: rights/responsibilities

1998-09-26 Thread Tor Forde

Steve Kurtz wrote:
 Dear Thomas,

 Your axe is social justice; mine is long term habitat health and
 minimization of scarcity induced conflicts. You accept the system at base,
 and plea for redistribution of credits. My view is equal slices of an
 insufficient renewable pie results in maximum suffering and dieoff. Of
 course, you may not think the pie is insufficient!

It is certainly not right to construct a conflict between social justice
and ecological concerns! Therefore I do not think that the solution to
overpopulation is to starve the "unnecessary" people to death, or hope
for their annihilation by war and plague.

Today it looks like that the European populations are trying to
eliminate themselves. I no country in Europe are so many children born
that the children will replace their parents generation.
In Italy the population will be reduced by 50% within a century, since
the average woman in Italy gives birth to less than 1.4 child. 

Some countries are producing more children than they can raise and feed
- but in Europe so few children are born, and have been born after 1970,
that the development of European societies will be hampered few decades
ahead. The reason is I guess that women in Europe are free to decide
themselves how many children they will have. 
The most important reason to overpopulation is the supression of women
in those countries which are producing more children than they can feed.
To prevent overpopulation one has to given poor women a larger slice of
the pie, an equal slice of the pie, and education and the possibility to
run their own lives.

All the best
Tor Førde

Re: rights/responsibilities

1998-09-26 Thread Thomas Lunde

-Original Message-
From: Steve Kurtz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: futurework [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: September 25, 1998 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: rights/responsibilities

Dear Thomas,

 Thomas:  Come on guys having a piss requires "human actions".

At some future date, if you live long enough, you will undoubtedly need to
make an effort to urinate.

Thomas:  That may very well be true.  But using it as a definition of work
is pretty succint.  My Oxford dictionary uses a whole column - more than
almost any other word in the dictionary to describe the various meanings of
work.  I think that trying to work with a generalization such as " required
human actions" is like describing life as breathing.  Though there may be
some truth in both statements, neither gives enough information to apply to
real world situations.

  Answer the
 question!   "Does or should everyone have to work?  And the collorary
 question, "What is work?  Give me your definition.

I did both in plain English. "Yes" , and "required human actions". If you
choose another definition, it is up to you to state it.

Thomas:  I guess, I disagree with both your answers.  No, everyone should
not have to work because work has not been adequately defined.  Required
human actions is not a definition, it is a generalization.  I use work as
currently defined by economists as paid employment.  There are many
legitimate reasons for a person at some time in their lives to not be
engaged in paid employment.  To young, to old, getting educated, no paid
work available, suffering medical problems, lazy, exploring other facets of
being human, thinking, inventing, playing and on ad infinitum.  I sorry, I
have not found the world amendable to black and white answers or yes or no

 Someone who sits on the sidelines and takes
 shots without every revealing their position.

What do you call my above quoted statement?

Thomas:  And I have told you what I think of your above quoted statement -
it's to general.

 How did we get to vegative people?

They are the only people who can't ( don't) work.

Thomas:  I think with a little imagination, you can come up with more than
two categories other than "can't" and "won't".

 1.The fact that many people aren't working is the result of a
 set of economic theories developed by Milton Freidman such as the concept
 fighting inflation by deliberately creating unemployment through a
 theoritical position called the "natural rate of unemployment".

I claim that everyone is working, if not vegetative. Freidman is like all
neo-classical economists, deluded; and they are running like scared rabbits
now that the debt based money system is collapsing. If I have to pick one
primary factor in the breakdown it is debt-based, fiat money. All
economists do is speculate.

Thomas:  Slippery, slippery.  Was there anything in my statement about debt
based economies?  No.  So why go off on a tangent.  If you want to discuss
or analyze my essay, then do it on the contents of the essay, not on some
privately held opinion that is tangent to my statements.

 2.These policies have become the basis for a whole slew of
 and activities by the Central Bank which has deliberately created
 unemployment as a policy goal.

I assume you are referring to the US Fed. Well, they support the debt based
money system, and the policies to which you are referring are the
looseness/tightness of money supply. You are choosing to play intellectual
ball in the park created by the bankers.
Also, you define remuneration as fiat money/credits. That is an "artificial
turf" ballpark IMO,  it will not endure since it is unsustainable. A
trillion credits cannot, on their own sustain any life in any form.

Thomas:  No, what I am referring to is the choice made by the US FEd and the
Canadian Central Banks that led to certain policies without explaining or
exploring other possiblities such as full employment and slight inflation.
What I am asking for is a response from the List, should anyone choose to
make it, about whether they made the right choice.  I have my opinion and I
am interested in others.

 As that unemployed group used social
 services - which is what they are there for - to protect themselves, the
 government used this as an excuse to cut social programs claiming we
 couldn't afford them.  Business jumped on the bandwagon on payroll taxes
 a call for an elimination of the minimum wage and other draconian
 under their banner of global competition.

Your axe is social justice; mine is long term habitat health and
minimization of scarcity induced conflicts. You accept the system at base,
and plea for redistribution of credits. My view is equal slices of an
insufficient renewable pie results in maximum suffering and dieoff. Of
course, you may not think the pie is insufficient!

Thomas:  Well, I don't think I accept the system at base as you claim.
However, given that is the system at the moment, you are right, I 

In Case Anyone Needed to Be Reminded

1998-09-26 Thread Michael Gurstein

As the witticism goes:

   If you owe the bank $10,000 and you can't pay, you have a problem...

   If you owe the bank $10,000,000 and you can't pay, they have a

Globe and Mail, Saturday Sept. 26, 1998

-Brian Milner and Andrew Willis-

"The 14 powerful financial institutions pumping more than $3.5 billion
(U.S.) into crippled hedge fund operator Long Term Capital Management LP
said yesterday they acted to prevent disruption in global financial
markets that could stem from a precipitous liquidation of the portfolio." 
As an aside, it is likely that the Canadian banks which did not
participate in the bail-out and had (according to the article) only minor
exposure to LTCM were presumably saved from this debacle because they were
"too small to be global players"... But next time, after they will have
had the opportunity to merge and thus become "global players", they too
will have the chance to play (and lose) with the big boys at the high
stakes craps table.


Mike Gurstein

Global Learn Day II (fwd)

1998-09-26 Thread Michael Gurstein

I have been asked to be a keynote speaker for this event.  The text of the
address I will be giving on Oct. 11 can be found at  The presentation itself will
be available as Real Video on the day of the event.

For anyone with an interest, other of the papers produced by myself and my
at C\CEN colleagues over the last several years can be found at

Any comments on the paper(s) are appreciated.


Mike Gurstein

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Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 13:02:35 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Global Learn Day II

To:  E.S.D*. - GLD LIST -

Subject:  Important Announcement/Global Learn Day II

Global Learn Day II will take place on October 10 and 11.  This is a
worldwide 30 hour nonstop webcast featuring the leaders in distance
education from around the world.  Attendance is free.

21st Century technology will be used to ensure that those with even "386"
computers and 14.4 modems, while not fully functional for all the video 
and audio activities, can still interactively participate in this
groundbreaking event. While the entire proceedings will be archived for
one full year, we earnestly hope you will attend on Saturday or Sunday,
October 10 or 11. And, if you're using an older system with a slow internet
connection you can still chat with people from around the world using IRC
chat. Starting October 1, 1998, you'll be able to download the program you
need and all the information about joining this exciting around the world chat

Very specific GLDII Announcements will be forthcoming in the next two
weeks, all which are designed answer your commonly asked questions and help
you better enjoy your time at Global Learn Day II.

For immediate information about GLDII, you may wish to write:

We sincerely hope that you will attend this extraordinary event.

Linda Riddell
Director of Communications
Tel:  619 230 0212

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URL Correction (Whoops) (fwd)

1998-09-26 Thread Michael Gurstein

For anyone with an interest, other of the papers produced by myself and my
C\CEN colleagues over the last several years can be reached from and clicking on either the
"papers" button or the "new publications" tag.

Any comments on the paper(s) are appreciated.


Mike Gurstein