Re: FVWM: Style ... SkipMapping

2019-11-18 Thread Hegel3DReloaded
On Monday, 18. November 2019 17:22, Dr Rainer Woitok  

> Greetings,
> On Saturday, 2019-11-16 16:42:01 +, Hegel3DReloaded wrote:
> > ...
> > You need to leave this page.
> Well, when I'm there, I'll have to leave this page. But I don't want to
> get there in the first place. That's why I used the "SkipMapping" style
> which I THOUGHT would prevent exactly this.
> >Since this is probably in the InitFunction, then simply:
> >
> No, as could be clearly seen, it's not in the "InitFunction" but rather
> in a shell script named "" which contains the command
> "nohup firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &".
> But perhaps that's the cause? Does "SkipMapping" only work for applic-
> ations started from within the "fvwm" configuration file? Could anyone
> shed some light on this?

If it is running on the same $DISPLAY, it should behave exactly the same no
matter if started from FvwmButtons, shell script or database trigger which
puts job in RabbitMQ ...

Your problem appeared trivial to me, but I have tried this in a test
environment and found VERY interesting behaviour: Firefox is desparately
trying to get in focus and under the mouse when started. It goes to the
desk and page we told it, SkipMapping works, but window program is jumping
back to you like a stray dog for a peace of meat. It is fast, so you cannot
see it without serious throttling of the CPU and GPU. I have tried couple other
applications, but none of them exercises this behaviour. Tried even with
InitialMapCommand style - with that, we have more freedom for experimenting.

This doesn't work (Firefox gets back):
Style Firefox InitialMapCommand MoveToPage 1 1

This works as a workaround:
Style Firefox InitialMapCommand Schedule 500 MoveToPage 1 1

Style Firefox StartsOnPage 0 1 1, SkipMapping, InitialMapCommand Schedule 500 
MoveToPage 1 1

will produce the following funny scenario:

- Firefox appears on X server
- Immediately mapped by FVWM on page 1 1
- It gets back to you like a dog
- ~ 0.5 seconds later, FVWM will kick it back where it belongs. :)

I remember couple years ago, when 2-3 seconds after mapping Firefox moves
cca 1cm above top edge of the screen. It was the cat and mouse game between
Firefox and FVWM ... FVWM wins ... most of the time.

> > Why not something like this in InitFunction or SessionInitFunction?
> >
> > -   I Exec exec firefox
> > -   I Wait Firefox
> > -   I Next (Firefox) MoveToPage 0 1
> From the "fvwm" manpage I gather that "Wait ..." "causes execution of a
> function to pause until a new window matching ... appears".
> That's exactly what I want NOT to do! I do NOT want to watch Firefox
> waiting for the WiFi to become ready and then to reload all its tabs! I
> want to enter commands into my terminal window in another page instead!

I think you don't understand. It will last only up to the point when
Firefox window appears on the screen, after that, it will be moved from
the way, and can load it's tabs next two days if it wants.

BTW, This is the other way to acomplish certain order on workspaces after
login. It is preferred by me, so I didn't knew about Firefox agressive
behaviour until now.

> By the way: could you please explain the purpose of the "Next (Firefox)"
> clause after using "Wait Firefox" to wait until the window has mapped?
> Why not just use a plain "MoveToPage 0 1" here?

Because MoveToPage X Y will most probably be executed before Firefox appears.

In short, your best change is InitialMapCommand with Schedule X hack. Maybe
not 500, maybe it can be 200 or 50 ... practice.

... one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire
was that, lacking zero, they had no way to indicate
successful termination of their C programs.
  -- Robert Firth

Re: FVWM: Style ... SkipMapping

2019-11-18 Thread Lucio Chiappetti

On Mon, 18 Nov 2019, Dr Rainer Woitok wrote:

Style Firefox   StartsOnDesk 1, SkipMapping, NoPPosition
  + "I"   Test (Init) Exec exec /usr/bin/palemoon myhomepage

And it works?   Well, I have "FixedPPosition" rather than "NoPPosition".

Sincerely I do not even remember why I have NoPPosition. I see I have it 
for all four "browser-type" entries, so it should be something dating a 
long time ago ...

... but I see I have it also globally in the front section together with 
this lot (which I can't remember when I inserted, I propagate .fvwrc from 
upgrade to upgrade)

Style * SloppyFocus
Style * DecorateTransient
Style * SmartPlacement
Style * NoPPosition
Style * ManualPlacementIgnoresStartsOnPage,

BorderStyle Inactive -- HiddenHandles NoInset

Concerning InitFunction vs started from command line I replied in the 
previous mail

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Corti 12 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: Style ... SkipMapping

2019-11-18 Thread Lucio Chiappetti

On Mon, 18 Nov 2019, Dr Rainer Woitok wrote:

No, as could be clearly seen, it's not in the "InitFunction" but rather 
in a shell script named "" which contains the command 
"nohup firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &".

No idea why you start an application you always want NOT from InitFunction

But perhaps that's the cause?   Does "SkipMapping" only work for applic-
ations started from within the "fvwm" configuration file?

But it should not matter. I sometimes have to kill my browser and then I 
restart it from a terminal, and goes straight to the desktop my .fvmrc 
(refer to my previous mail) designates for browsers,

I even tried now starting firefox (not my palemoon browser which I left 
running) with /usr/bin/firefox & and it went straight to the desktop 
designates for browsers (due to the vestigial style).

If you are concerned of the runtime messages the browser may issue while 
running (is that why you redirect stderr ?), also palemoon has that 
problem when started from a terminal. But I simply kill such terminal to 
get rid of them !

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Corti 12 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

"Can you see Enrico Fermi punching a time clock? There are effective
ways to measure scientific productivity; times clocks are not the way."
(Leon M. Lederman to INFN)

Re: FVWM: Style ... SkipMapping

2019-11-18 Thread Dr Rainer Woitok

On Monday, 2019-11-18 12:03:58 +0100, you wrote:

> ...
> The only point is do you really mean "page" or "desktop" ?

As can be seen from the "Style Firefox StartsOnPage 0 0 1" line I mean a
particular page on a particular desktop.

> ...
> I have this (actually also a vestigial FF line)
> Style "Pale Moon"   StartsOnDesk 1, SkipMapping, NoPPosition
> Style Firefox   StartsOnDesk 1, SkipMapping, NoPPosition
> and in my StartFunction
>   + "I"   Test (Init) Exec exec /usr/bin/palemoon myhomepage

And it works?   Well, I have "FixedPPosition" rather than "NoPPosition".
Could that matter?   Or is the  relevent difference  that you  start the
browser from  within "fvwm"  while I'm  starting it  from within a shell


Re: FVWM: Style ... SkipMapping

2019-11-18 Thread Dr Rainer Woitok

On Saturday, 2019-11-16 16:42:01 +, Hegel3DReloaded wrote:

> ...
> You need to leave this page.

Well, when I'm there, I'll have to leave this page.  But I don't want to
get there in the first place.  That's why I used the "SkipMapping" style
which I THOUGHT would prevent exactly this.

>  Since this is probably in the InitFunction, then 
> simply:

No, as could be clearly seen,  it's not in the "InitFunction" but rather
in a shell script named "" which contains the command
"nohup firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &".

But perhaps that's the cause?   Does "SkipMapping" only work for applic-
ations started from within the "fvwm" configuration file?   Could anyone
shed some light on this?

> ...
> Why not something like this in InitFunction or SessionInitFunction?
> + I Exec exec firefox
> + I Wait Firefox
> + I Next (Firefox) MoveToPage 0 1

>From the "fvwm" manpage I gather that "Wait ..."  "causes execution of a
function to pause until a new window matching ... appears".

That's exactly what I  want NOT to do!   I do NOT want  to watch Firefox
waiting for the WiFi to become ready and then to reload all its tabs!  I
want to enter commands into my terminal window in another page instead!

By the way: could you please explain the purpose of the "Next (Firefox)"
clause after using  "Wait Firefox"  to wait until the window has mapped?
Why not just use a plain "MoveToPage 0 1" here?


Re: FVWM: Style ... SkipMapping

2019-11-18 Thread Lucio Chiappetti

On Sat, 16 Nov 2019, Dr Rainer Woitok wrote:

  During the login process on my laptop I want to fire up Firefox using
  a page different  from the  default page  where my terminal window is
  opened.   This way  I can start  entering commands  without having to
  wait for Firefox loading all its tabs.

I ceased using Firefox long ago (now using Palemoon) but I guess what I do 
is so similar for all browsers and was what I did in the past with FF.

The only point is do you really mean "page" or "desktop" ? I have 7 
desktops each one usually of one page (I can toggle to 2 or 4 pages to 
extend off screen but I rarely do that). All browsers should go to the 
second desktop (number 1, named "web") while the first one (number 0, 
named "mail") is the one where I usually login.

I have this (actually also a vestigial FF line)

Style "Pale Moon"   StartsOnDesk 1, SkipMapping, NoPPosition
Style Firefox   StartsOnDesk 1, SkipMapping, NoPPosition

and in my StartFunction

 + "I"   Test (Init) Exec exec /usr/bin/palemoon myhomepage

I have also a (vestigial ?) efent handler which I used to force the 
browser to a fixed non-default window size, but I guess it does not matter 
anymore. You could get my present (and some past) .fvwmrc from

3. What happens:  Firefox is starting in its own page, but this page is
   also the one shown on the screen rather than the page containing my
   terminal wind- ow.

I noticed a funny behaviour sporadically when starting libreoffice (with a 
slow splash screen) and changing desks while it is coming up. libreoffice 
may come up in the wrong desktop.

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Corti 12 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

"Can you see Enrico Fermi punching a time clock? There are effective
ways to measure scientific productivity; times clocks are not the way."
(Leon M. Lederman to INFN)