Re: FVWM: Oddity with Mouse 2 using fvwm 2.6 & 2.7 on Suse Tumbleweed

2023-05-09 Thread mark_at_yahoo

On Sat, 08 Apr 2023 13:48:40 -0700 Steven Lembark wrote:

Insall SuSE Tumbleweed on it along fvwm.

Start up a machine running SuSE tumbleweed.
Their build is fvwm 2.6.9.

Copy over my ./.fvwm/config file.

Everything works out of the box execpt for Button2 in fvwm.

I had a somewhat related problem -- now partly solved -- so am posting
in the unlikely event that it may help the original poster. But first
I'll ask some questions on what again may be a slightly related problem
which I still haven't fixed ...

I've always had strange-to-me behavior with icons in FVWM. My config
file has:

AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I	ImagePath 

From reading the documentation I've always assumed that FVWM searches
the ":"-separated paths (including the default indicated by "+") for an
appropriate image file with some "NAME" plus a supported suffix such as
".xpm", ".svg", ".png", depending on how the fvwm binary was compiled. I
recently discovered the following post, which clarified that the "NAME"
is derived from the X11 window class property:

In my current situation/problem (with 2.6.9, but I've had similar ones
with 2.6.7 and earlier) I'm using an audio volume control utility,
/usr/bin/pavucontrol. If I run `xprop` I get (among other things):

WM_CLASS(STRING) = "pavucontrol", "Pavucontrol"
WM_ICON_NAME(STRING) = "Volume Control"
_NET_WM_ICON_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "Volume Control"
WM_NAME(STRING) = "Volume Control"
_NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "Volume Control"

So far, so good. But despite having several files named "pavucontrol"
and "Pavucontrol", with ".xpm", ".ppm", and ".png" extensions, in my
$HOME/.local/share/icons/hicolor/* directories, I'm instead getting a
different, small, volume knob icon instead when I minimize the
pavucontrol window. There are no other "*[Pp]avucontrol*" or
"*[Vv]olume*" files in either my directories or any of the system ones
I've found.

Q: Is my understanding of FVWM's ImagePath correct?
Q: How can I list the compiled-in default "+" ImagePath, maybe
   with some command in an FvwmConsole?
Q: Where is the mystery small icon be coming from?

Back to the original topic ...

I have a similar situation: Laptop (10+ years old, Intel+Nvidia) which
has been running openSUSE Leap 15.1 plus FVWM 2.6.7 without any issues
(except for some ImagePath mysteries) for 3+ years. Just upgraded to
openSUSE Tumbleweed with distro-supplied FVWM 2.6.9.

Excerpts from my $HOME/.fvwm/config file:

AddToFunc "Iconify-and-Raise" "C" Iconify
+ C Raise
Mouse 0 4   A   Iconify
Mouse 3 TI  A   Function "Iconify-and-Raise"
Mouse 3 SF  A   Function "Iconify-and-Raise"
Mouse 3 W   M   Function "Iconify-and-Raise"
Mouse 3 W   MS  Function windowops-or-die

This always worked with Leap/2.6.7, but on Tumbleweed+2.6.9 doing
Mouse 3 would crash FVWM with:

Process 2523 (fvwm) of user 1000 dumped core.
Stack trace of thread 2523:
#0  0x7f1e0696190c __pthread_kill_implementation ( + 0x8f90c)
#1  0x7f1e06910196 raise ( + 0x3e196)
#2  0x7f1e068f8897 abort ( + 0x26897)
#3  0x7f1e068f87ab __assert_fail_base.cold ( + 0x267ab)
#4  0x7f1e069084b6 __assert_fail ( + 0x364b6)
#5  0x7f1e078b4c03 _XAllocID ( + 0x42c03)
#6  0x7f1e07781695 XRenderCreatePicture ( + 0x5695)
#7  0x55a9df35bb6e n/a (fvwm + 0x91b6e)
#8  0x55a9df35c5ef n/a (fvwm + 0x925ef)
#9  0x55a9df319586 n/a (fvwm + 0x4f586)
#10 0x55a9df31b56d n/a (fvwm + 0x5156d)
#11 0x55a9df2f69fa n/a (fvwm + 0x2c9fa)
#12 0x55a9df30686b n/a (fvwm + 0x3c86b)
#13 0x55a9df2f544c n/a (fvwm + 0x2b44c)
#14 0x55a9df357169 n/a (fvwm + 0x8d169)
#15 0x55a9df35706f n/a (fvwm + 0x8d06f)
#16 0x7f1e07897dba XCheckIfEvent ( + 0x25dba)
#17 0x55a9df359e12 n/a (fvwm + 0x8fe12)
#18 0x55a9df36cd17 n/a (fvwm + 0xa2d17)
#19 0x55a9df306f53 n/a (fvwm + 0x3cf53)
#20 0x55a9df331eff n/a (fvwm + 0x67eff)
#21 0x55a9df33c230 n/a (fvwm + 0x72230)
#22 0x55a9df33cc64 n/a (fvwm + 0x72c64)
#23 0x55a9df33c7ae n/a (fvwm + 0x727ae)
#24 0x55a9df2fcd8e n/a (fvwm + 0x32d8e)
#25 0x55a9df30686b n/a (fvwm + 0x3c86b)
#26 0x55a9df306959 n/a (fvwm + 0x3c959)
#27 0x55a9df2dd9ea n/a (fvwm + 0x139ea)
#28 0x7f1e068f9bb0 __libc_start_call_main ( + 0x27bb0)
#29 0x7f1e068f9c79 __libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.34 ( + 0x27c79)
#30 0x55a9df2df645 n/a (fvwm + 0x15645)
ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64

This would happen at random with shell windows, which, related to the 
ImagePath problems above, are not currently showing any icon. But the 
crash was 100% reproducible with `pavucontrol` (again see above). Also, 
the random crashes se

fvwm2 -> fvwm3 (War: FVWM: Resizing)

2023-05-09 Thread Klaus Ethgen
Am Mo den  8. Mai 2023 um 19:24 schrieb Thomas Adam:
> In fvwm3, randr support supports this without a restart, but it needs more
> testing.

That brings me to the topic I did long postponed.

How to best move from fvwm2 to fvwm3?

I just gave it a try and found several incompatibilities.

First I notice that fvwm3 does log nothing to .xsession-errors by
itself. I have to start it with `-v -o -`.

The next is that there is somewhere default config that overwrite or
replace parts of my config.

I just put my current and growed config to [0].

- Xinerama (Line 8/9) does not work anymore, what is the correct
- The Colorset styles seems to be broken that way
- HilightBack and HilightFore style not supported
- Color style not supported
- FvwmProxy gone
- The title line is completely different now. I use to have blue for
  activated window and grey for inactive. Now it is the opposite (Have
  to do with HilightFore and HilightBack)
- How to have a config file for both versions with some
  in-config-switches to choose between incompatible options?


[0] http(s):// (yes, the certificate is
CACert for purpose.)
Klaus Ethgen
pub  4096R/4E20AF1C 2011-05-16Klaus Ethgen 
Fingerprint: 85D4 CA42 952C 949B 1753  62B3 79D0 B06F 4E20 AF1C

Description: PGP signature