Re: FVWM: Fvwm3-RC0 is released

2020-09-01 Thread gi1242+fvwm
Thanks! I'll give it a shot this weekend.

Been some 15 years of using fvwm now, so thanks for all your work!


'Smith & Wesson' -- The original point and click interface.

Re: FVWM: Zoom whiteboard and fvwm

2020-09-01 Thread gi1242+fvwm
On Fri, Aug 07, 2020 at 07:50:32PM +0530, Mandar Mitra wrote:

> Hmmm, I'm not sure what has changed, but the instructions I had written about 
> earlier (from 
> seem to be 
> working now. Specifically:
> 1. Start Zoom.
> 2. Run "xcompmgr -c -l0 -t0 -r0 -o.00" in a terminal.
> 3. Start the whiteboard. I can now draw, change colour, etc.
> As suggested in the Manjaro forum page, I'm thinking of putting this
> in my .xsession now.

I tried it. It works, thanks a lot. All I needed was a vanilla


(I didn't need any fancy shadows with -c).

Now that it works I realize how bad the quality of the Zoom whiteboard
drawing is. I use xournal++ normally, which yields much better results
(but isn't collaborative).


What happens when you eat too many spaghettiOs? You have a vowel

Re: FVWM: Fvwm3-RC0 is released

2020-09-01 Thread gi1242+fvwm
Very cool, thanks! Is there an upgrade guide/list of changes since
Fvwm2? I couldn't find it on the website.

(I see that my current configuration will still work with fvwm3,
but I'm still slow to test it as it's critical for my daily work.)


When an actress saw her first strands of gray hair, she thought she'd

Re: FVWM: Zoom whiteboard and fvwm

2020-08-06 Thread gi1242+fvwm
On Thu, Aug 06, 2020 at 05:12:51PM +0300, Dov Grobgeld wrote:

> A more serious Zoom related problem for me is that when I share a
> window, the floating toolbar is not shown.

I don't have this problem. The floating toolbar, and minimized
thumbnails all work fine. It's just the whiteboard + screen annotations
that dont work under Fvwm, but work under other desktops...


Two peanuts walk into a bar.
One was a salted.

Re: FVWM: Zoom whiteboard and fvwm

2020-08-06 Thread gi1242+fvwm
On Mon, Jul 06, 2020 at 05:08:56PM +0530, Mandar Mitra wrote:

> If you're running fvwm and using Zoom, can you please check if you can
> reproduce this problem?

I use Fvwm. The Zoom whiteboard or screen annotations do not work for me

It works under KDE.


The e-mail of the species is deadlier than the mail.

Re: FVWM: Is Idle status communicated to SystemD?

2020-05-04 Thread gi1242+fvwm
Thanks. Indeed, xautolock will work for me.

Making Fvwm dependent on systemd would certainly be suboptimal.



'Common' Proof Techniques:
26. Proof by appeal to intuition -- Cloud-shaped drawings frequently
help here.

FVWM: Is Idle status communicated to SystemD?

2020-05-03 Thread gi1242+fvwm
Hi All,

I'm trying to get my computer to sleep when inactive. I have:


in /etc/systemd/logind.conf. However, no action is taken no matter how
long the system is left idle.

After looking here:

it looks like it's the WM's responsibility to notify SystemD of the idle
status. Does fvwm do this? (I start Fvwm from sddm, or directly via
startx from the text console.)

If anyone has it working and has any tips they can share that would be

Thanks in advance,


'Common' Proof Techniques:
27. "Reductio ad erratum": Assume the statement to be proved is false.
Write down all the consequences you can. Sooner or later you will make a
mistake. At some later time, this mistake will lead to a contradiction.

Re: FVWM: Full crash when using an invalid PNG for a mini-icon

2019-05-28 Thread gi1242+fvwm
On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 05:21:50PM +0200, Martin Cermak wrote:

>> Can you please ensure FVWM has been built with debug symbols, and get
>> a backtrace from gdb?
> Reproduced with fvwm-2.6.8-2.fc29.x86_64

Yay, thanks! Now I don't have to download + compile... :)


In democracy your vote counts. In feudalism your count votes.

Re: FVWM: Full crash when using an invalid PNG for a mini-icon

2019-05-28 Thread gi1242+fvwm
On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 09:46:35AM -0400, wrote:

> The problem is that the png file password.png (which I'm attaching,
> and hoping it makes it past the list mail filters) is badly formed.

Oops. I forgot the attachment. Here it is now.



A lot of money is tainted. It taint yours and it taint mine.

FVWM: Full crash when using an invalid PNG for a mini-icon

2019-05-28 Thread gi1242+fvwm
Hi All,

I'm using fvwm 2.6.7 from Debian/stretch.

If I execute the command

Pick WindowStyle MiniIcon password.png

I get a full FVWM crash (and consequently an X server exit + lost work +

The problem is that the png file password.png (which I'm attaching,
and hoping it makes it past the list mail filters) is badly formed. When
opening it, libpng reports an error:

libpng error: IDAT: invalid distance too far back

Regardless of what the error with the PNG is, FVWM should just install a
Dummy MiniIcon (or ignore the request) instead of crashing.

Please let me know if someone else can reproduce the problem, and if it
persists with the latest release. (I'm happy to file a bug report
instead if you prefer.)



'Committee' -- A cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly

Re: FVWM: Java applications don't get keyboard focus

2017-07-27 Thread gi1242+fvwm
On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 02:11:53AM +0300, Oleksandr Gavenko wrote:

> I've lived with this problem since 2008. Or even earlier.

Ha ha. Me too! I even posted about this back in 2007 or so, but could
never fix it.

My work around was to launch Java applications (mainly Matlab) in their
own desktop. But even then it sometimes requires I manually click the


Once you've seen one shopping center, you've seen a mall.

Re: FVWM: Happy New Year (2017)

2016-12-31 Thread gi1242+fvwm
Happy New Year to all. (And a big thank you to the Fvwm Devs.)


if (2.0 == 1.99963) printf('Pentium inside!\n');

Re: FVWM: [Draft] New Configuration Format

2016-09-21 Thread gi1242+fvwm
One thing I wouldn't mind added is "here documents". I use FvwmPerl
quite a bit and my config is full of things like

+ I SendToModule perlwops eval \
my ($NEWX, $WIN) = (0, undef); \
foreach $WIN (@b) { \
$NEWX = $WIN->{x}+$WIN->{width} \
... (10 more lines)

It might make things more readable if I could do 

+ I SendToModule perlwops eval <<< "EOF"

instead without having to worry about the backslashes.


2. Don't bother taking the Mac icon off the start-up screen this time.

Re: FVWM: [Draft] New Configuration Format

2016-09-19 Thread gi1242+fvwm
On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 08:45:12PM +0100, Thomas Adam wrote:

> Yes, yes, conversion script(s).  There'll be something to ensure
> people can start from a known point and potentially not have to learn
> anything new as well if they don't want to.  Ignorance through
> continuity has benefits...

Thanks a TON.


'Stress' -- The confusion created when ones mind overrides the body's
basic desire to choke the living crap out of some butthead who
desperately needs it.

Re: FVWM: [Draft] New Configuration Format

2016-09-19 Thread gi1242+fvwm
On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 11:05:23AM -0700, elliot s wrote:

> If a conversion script can convert the current rc file to a code
> friendly format, can a front end parser do that instead, so that we
> keep the current user friendly format?

Usually conversion scripts aren't perfect, so I don't know how workable
this is.

But let me also add my two cents and desperately plead for backward
compatibility. Or at least a conversion script that is pretty pretty

When Python decided to break backward compatibility in version 3, they
completely fragmented the user base. Despite them supplying a conversion
script! It has been 8 years now, and adoption of python 3 is far from
universal. Please don't follow suite and fragment the Fvwm user base as

Debian popularity contest shows that the Fvwm user base now is about
1500, just a hair above what it was in 2008:

So Fvwm isn't gaining too many new users. If backward incompatible
changes fragment the current user base even more I'll be a little



He often broke into song because he couldn't find the key.

Re: FVWM: FVWM Logo Competition

2016-09-06 Thread gi1242+fvwm
Apologies for "hijacking" this thread; I love fvwm and use it every day.
I have to confess that a small part of me fears that because of a silly
protocol change, fvwm may suddenly "not work", and the fvwm dev(s) might
no longer be interested...

Regardless, let me also add my BIG THANK YOU to the previous message.
I've been using fvwm for 10+ years now and am very happy with it.


A computer is like an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no

Re: FVWM: FVWM Logo Competition

2016-09-01 Thread gi1242+fvwm
On Thu, Sep 01, 2016 at 08:49:00AM +0200, Martin Cermak wrote:

> I like the current logo.  But as long as fvwm is here as such, I'm
> fine with pretty much any logo for it ;)

Ditto; The logo can be a green polka dotted rabbit if you fancy. Just as
long as fvwm doesn't disappear...


10. The Treasure Island casino in Las Vegas is now managed by Somali

Re: FVWM: Survey: Are you affected by disappearing Firefox menus?

2016-03-30 Thread gi1242+fvwm
On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 06:12:07AM +0200, Michael Großer wrote:

> +---+
> | Does anybody of you is confronted during day-to-day work with |
> | issues that Firefox menues disappear when you are about to|
> | open a sub menu or another menu?  |
> +---+

No problem for me.

Debian 8.3
iceweasel 38.7.1esr-1~deb8u1
fvwm 1:2.6.5.ds-3


Chemicals: Noxious substances from which modern foods are made.