[fw-general] Zend Framework Down?

2010-09-15 Thread Carlos Medina

i notice the Zend Framework at www.framework.zend.com ist not longer 



Re: [fw-general] Troubles with login

2010-09-06 Thread Carlos Medina

Hi Matthew,
the i have reset my password three times but nothing happend. When i 
want to login the answer ist, username or password incorrect (over crowd 
the message is: invalid login). Mybe is my account not active (i dont 
know why).What can i do?



Am 05.09.2010 16:51, schrieb Matthew Weier O'Phinney:

-- Carlos Medina  wrote
(on Sunday, 05 September 2010, 03:17 PM +0200):

i have problems to login in the Jira Issue tracker or Wiki. The Failure message
is: your username and password are incorrect - please try again. But at friday
was ok. Please tell me where i can get help (reminder? etc?)

You can get a password reset sent via this form:



[fw-general] Troubles with login

2010-09-05 Thread Carlos Medina

Hi All,
i have problems to login in the Jira Issue tracker or Wiki. The Failure 
message is: your username and password are incorrect - please try again. 
But at friday was ok. Please tell me where i can get help (reminder? etc?)

Best regards


Re: [fw-general] Faltal Error with Controller Action on ZF

2010-01-11 Thread Carlos Medina

Hi Hector,
please send us a Exception or Message, what is the Output of it?


Hector Virgen schrieb:

Have you tried disabling Zend Optimizer? I was having strange issues with it
(like not recognizing changes I've made to a file).


On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 5:57 PM, EHaskins  wrote:


I am having the same issue on my Zend Server CE. If I restart Zend Server
error goes away until I make a change to the Controller file. Here is a
minified controller that is getting the errors.  I see the exact same
error: Cannot redeclare class Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Abstract in " as

It is very strange and a concern for me as I have a couple projects being
built on ZF exclusively


   public function indexAction() {

   $sitestbl = new Model_DbTable_Websites();

   $websites = $sitestbl->getWebsites();

   // Loop thru the available sites and crawl
   foreach($websites AS $web){
   $links = array();

   $links = array_merge($links, $this->_buildLinks($web['website'],

   echo "";

   public function _buildLinks($starturl,$depth){

   $linkarray = array();
   $currdepth = 0;

   // Load Start URL
   $dom = new DOMDocument();
   $pg = @file_get_contents('http://'.$starturl);
   $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);

   $aTag = $xpath->query('//a...@href]');

   foreach ($aTag AS $val){
   // Add Additional
   $linkarray[] = $val->getAttribute('href');

   return $linkarray;

View this message in context:
Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at Nabble.com.


[fw-general] Re: [zf-contributors] Wil's bowing out. . .

2010-01-01 Thread Carlos Medina

Wil Sinclair schrieb:

Hi all,

I'm afraid I won't be working at Zend in the coming year. I've had a
great time working with all of you, and I wish you and the ZF project
all the success in the world.

My personal mail is w...@wllm.com. I won't have a lot of time for Zend
Framework in the next few months, but you can find me working with the
guys from CakePHP on a new project called Lithium:
http://li3.rad-dev.org/. Hop on IRC and drop by #li3 if you'd like to

Happy New Year!


Hi Wil and all,
i am proud to has worked with you. Thanks for all. I will show this new 
Framework (i think ZF will became break now )



Re: [fw-general] include path

2009-10-15 Thread Carlos Medina

Hi Ed,
please write a description, what are you doing. I can not "see" what the 
problem is. Little bit code can help.



Ed Lazor schrieb:

Something broke in my project, not sure what, but ZF is suddenly
having trouble finding classes - models, controllers, forms, etc..
Everything works if I manually add the directories to the include
path.  Any idea of what broke, how to fix it, or what to check?

In one special case, the models are stored both in APPLICATION_PATH .
'/models' and in APPLICATION_PATH . '/models/source'.



Re: [fw-general] framework.zend.com down??

2009-08-12 Thread Carlos Medina

keith Pope schrieb:

Seems to be down for me

I can not access to Jira or the subdomain from Zend Framework. Are 
problems there?



[fw-general] Back again to the Zend Framework

2009-05-20 Thread Carlos Medina

Hi all,
my Name is Carlos and i want to contrib to Zend Framework with code but 
i dont know the procedures to do this. Can please somebody help me to do 
this? I have sing the CLA and i can take a look on the Issue Tracker but 
i dont know where can i start .



Re: [fw-general] ZF & Memory usage

2008-11-25 Thread Carlos Medina

mothmenace schrieb:


I recently deployed a ZF based site and have been experiencing memory issues
on the server. This isn't to say the problem is with ZF, but I really wanted
to ask other people's experiences in a number of areas.

Host: Media Temple DV (dedicated virtual)
Memory: 256mb
Issues: frequent memory overages (more than once a day), reported as black
level kmemsize QoS alerts in the Plesk control panel.

I have APC enabled. It shows about 7mb of 32mb allocated memory used. I've
set apc.stat to 0.
I added a memory_get_usage(true) to my bootstrap, and with APC it comes out
at about 1.75mb per page (much higher without). Page serve times are in the
0.7 range.

I don't think the site is getting particularly high traffic, and I
experienced some kmemsize issues even before launch. There are no other
sites running on that hosting atm, and I'm pretty sure mail use is low. I've
been following the server with top as much as possible, apache httpd process
instances are showing 2.5% memory use. On average the mem usage is showing :
siMem:689496k total,   311772k used,   377724k free. The mysqld process
shows 3.2% overall mem usage . load averages are like: 0.08, 0.06, 0.01.

I'm really stumped as to what to try. Is there any way of knowing what
scripts were running when the memory ran out? As for improving performance I
could implement some aggressive caching techniques, but before that I wanted
to know what other peoples ZF apps look like in terms of memory usage. What
is a typical ZF website memory footprint? Many thanks if you have any
suggestions, even if it's just for further testing.

i think you can start tu search on your SQL Statements. Maybe yout are 
getting too large results from Database (Zend DB?). Install and use 
profiling and FirePHP could be help.


Carlos Medina

[fw-general] Problem while using Zend Controller and two Systems

2008-08-13 Thread Carlos Medina

Hallo body,
i noticed that the Dispatcher drop a Exception when i use my Application 
on Windows (XAMMP) and not in Linux (DEBIAN). Here is my Structure:

$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$frontController->setControllerDirectory(array('default' =>BASEPATH . 


Note that the Controller Directories are from /mandant/controllers AND 
/core/controllers. When i use this on Windows with Xammp you must to 
change the loadClass() method on Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard 
[292]  from Zend_Loader::loadFile($file, $dir, true); to 
Zend_Loader::loadFile( $loadFile , $dir, true);



Re: [fw-general] Load javascript library

2008-08-10 Thread Carlos Medina

Bagus Nugroho schrieb:

If we load javascript framework(in this case jQuery), where's the appropriate location? 
Load on layout?

Load on controllers?
Load on plugin?
or load on views?
And what the consequence on each of location?
Thanks in advance,
Rgds, bn

The question at this point is, what do you want to do?. I think, Load 
over Controller is the best way, because you can load more than one 
Script File on the same Controller. I do this on my simplyContent CMS 
and works fine. I load more Files with one Controller /js/tiny ( in this 
case for TinyMCE). You can try to load CSS files too, with Parameters 
you can load more than one File and selecte which Files you need and 
which not...



Re: [fw-general] Multiple Controller Directories

2008-08-08 Thread Carlos Medina

maxarbos schrieb:

thank you for yoru reply.

going through this, it seems as though it will be only using one dir/app
rather than checking both.
I want all requests to go through /applicaion/commonground and if the
controller is not found there, to check in the /application/xxx depending on
the subdomain.

so when I go to:  sub1.domain.com/sayhi  
it will first look in /application/commonground/controllers for tha

controller, but since it doesnt exist in there, it will also then check in
the /application/sub1/controllers dir  for SayhiController.php

I am trying to set this up per the documentation, but it doesnt seem to be

Keith Pope-3 wrote:
Sorry I didnt read your email fully, its early :)

You could try using the router to eliminate the modules problem you 
have, checkout the docs 
http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.controller.router.html section Hostname routing

Keith Pope
Web Developer


I use more than one Directory Controller: I set the Name of Controller
and Directory on the Controller instance.

Like this:
$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();

You must to use the same structure



Re: [fw-general] zend registry problem

2008-08-08 Thread Carlos Medina
Ahmed Abdel-Aliem schrieb:
> Dear All,
> i have a problem setting a value in Zend_Registry and retrieving it back in
> another page
> *here is the scenario, when a user log in i set his last login from the
> database in a variable :*
> Zend_Registry::getInstance();
> Zend_Registry::set('user_last_login',
> $user_row[user_last_login]);
> *and in the page he is redirected to i try to retrieve this variable like
> this :*
> Zend_Registry::getInstance();
> echo Zend_Registry::get('user_last_login');
> *the page return the following error :*
> The following error occurred:
> exception 'Zend_Exception' with message 'No entry is registered for key
> 'user_last_login'' in
> /Library/WebServer/Documents/cha/library/Zend/Registry.php:145 Stack trace:
> #0
> /Library/WebServer/Documents/cha/application/admin/controllers/IndexController.php(46):
> Zend_Registry::get('user_last_login') #1
> /Library/WebServer/Documents/cha/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(502):
> IndexController->indexAction() #2
> /Library/WebServer/Documents/cha/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(293):
> Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('indexAction') #3
> /Library/WebServer/Documents/cha/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php(919):
> Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http),
> Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)) #4
> /Library/WebServer/Documents/cha/admin/index.php(53):
> Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch() #5 {main}
> i dunno why it is not working while i can easily retrieve any variable i set
> in the registry in my bootstrap
> here is how i deal with the registry in my bootstrap
> $registery = Zend_Registry::getInstance();
> Zend_Registry::set('connection', $config->database);
> Zend_Registry::set('pageLimit', $dataConfig->pages->limit);
> Zend_Registry::set('truepath', '/cha/application/admin/');
> Zend_Registry::set('urlpath', 'http://localhost/cha/admin/');
> can anyone give me a hand in this please ?
> thanks in advance.
> *
> Regards,
> Ahmed Abdel-Aliem
> Aroma Designs & Solutions
> www.GraphicAroma.com
> www.AromaCreatives.com*
> Acting by Reacting : By not printing this e-mail I help protect the
> environment.
i Use the Zend Registry with
Zend_Registry::set( $strRegistryName, $objRegistryObject ); // use
variables on the setRegistry Method anyware.
and i get the Data with
Zend_Registry::get( 'registry' );



Re: [fw-general] Contributor mailing list. . .

2008-07-16 Thread Carlos Medina

i think that the contributors List should be contributors only. Here we 
can post contributors only Stuff  while developing



Laurent Melmoux schrieb:

Pádraic Brady a écrit :
Is there a reason not to make it a less specific name like 
zf-development? It's a small comment but zf-contributors could be 
interpreted as contributors-only which would be counter productive ;).

I feel like Pádraic.
Pádraic Brady

OpenID Europe Foundation 

- Original Message 
To: Wil Sinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: fw-general@lists.zend.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 6:54:21 AM
Subject: Re: [fw-general] Contributor mailing list. . .

Hi all, the ZF team at Zend would like to propose a new list-
'zf-contributor' for contributors to the Zend Framework project. 

should be an open list that covers development of components in
both the
standard and extras libraries.

This is a great idea and will help make contributing much easier IMO.

