[fw-general] Re: Where does this code belong

2011-06-06 Thread Peter Sharp
Thanks for the feedback.  Somehow, issues like this bog me down all the time.

I've looked at service layer before, even gone so far as to set up the
folder structure and get some basic classes going, but I always found myself
trying to figure out the purpose of the 'service' layer.  I always feel a
bit uncomfortable about having the service layer interact with the models
without controller involvement.

But, this might be a good example of where it fits.  Will have more of a
read and see what I can get going.


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[fw-general] Where does this code belong

2011-06-05 Thread Peter Sharp
I'm hitting my usual problem of getting something working and then wondering
if I've done things the right way and put things in the right place.

I'm just wondering how skinny a controller should be, as in 'skinny
controller, fat model'.

As an example, I have a table listing database rows with a form per row with
some controls (move up, move down, delete). These are submitted to
processAction(), which looks something like this.

 public function processAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();   
if($request->isPost()) {
$post = $request->getPost();

// Specify rows with target ids 
$id_keys = array('row_id', 'up_id', 'down_id');
foreach($post as $key=>$value) {
if (in_array($key, $id_keys)) $toTest[] = $value;

// Verify all specified ids are OK to use
$mapper = new Vendor_Model_Mapper_Size();
$keyTest = $mapper->hasPermission($toTest, $this->vendor);

if ($keyTest) {
// SUCCESS - Permission Granted
if(isset($post['promote_x'])) {
if (isset($post['row_id']) && isset($post['up_id'])) {
if (!$mapper->swapSortOrder($post['row_id'],
$post['up_id'])) {
// FAILURE - Unknown Error
$this->_helper->FlashMessenger('Process Failure
- Unknown Error.');
} else {
$this->_helper->FlashMessenger('Process Failure -
Malformed Request.');
if(isset($post['demote_x'])) {
if (isset($post['row_id']) && isset($post['down_id'])) {
if (!$mapper->swapSortOrder($post['row_id'],
$post['down_id'])) {
$this->_helper->FlashMessenger('Process Failure
- Unknown Error.');
} else {
$this->_helper->FlashMessenger('Process Failure -
Malformed Request.');
if(isset($post['delete_x']) && isset($post['row_id'])) {
if ($mapper->deactivate($post['row_id'])) {
// SUCCESS - Deactivated
} else {
// FAILURE - Unknown Error
$this->_helper->FlashMessenger('Process Failure -
Unknown Error.');
} else {
// FAILURE - Permission Denied
$this->_helper->FlashMessenger('Permission Denied.');


return $this->_helper->redirector->gotoRoute(array(
'resource' => $request->getParam('resource'),
'controller' => 'size',
'action' => 'index'
), 'vendorResource');


Now, it seems pretty messy to me (made worse by the fact it needs a going
over either way), but at the same time, it kind of 'feels' like the
controller is the right place to handle interaction between the model and
the view. But is this too 'fat'? How fat is too fat for a controller?

An alternative I have been considering is pushing the bulk of that logic
into the mapper and giving it a set of message constants, much like a
validator. So the new mapper function would return true or false, with the
error/success message exposed via a getter.

Then I could lose the process action and just pass the form output via
indexAction to the new function and then set the output based on a simple
pass or fail.

This is where it gets murky for me. It would certainly make my controller
skinnier, but it is really the mappers place to be handling form input. Well
... possibly. Most of the failures are triggered from database interactions.
A lot of it is based on the database failing to return the correct result.

Of course, having written this, it now 'feels' like the latter method is
more correct. No doubt I'll feel the other way again in an hour or so. 

Any thoughts?

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[fw-general] Re: subcontroller path separator

2011-04-15 Thread Peter Sharp
My gut feeling is that this trips everybody up the first time around.  

When you follow a named route, that route becomes the default route for url
creation in the current view.  That is why, when you go to a page via a
named route, any urls created by the url()helper (such as zend_navigation
links) will change along with it.

Why this is confusing is that there is already a default route (named
default).  Why a named route should override the default route is something
for debate (I feel).

When using the url() helper, the second parameter specifies the route to
use. So to break out of the current named route, you would need to specify
the route to use.  So to get back to the default route:

url($url_array, 'default'); 

As for your xml, you can specify the route for each page.  For example:


Looks a little more clunky, but it does mean you can mix multiple routes
into your MVC navigation.

Hope this helps.

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[fw-general] Re: Zend_Form_Element_Password

2011-04-01 Thread Peter Sharp
I'm not entirely sure what the point of showing a pre-filled password box is

If you're going to assume that the user has the credentials (as you are by
supplying the password for them), then you might as well just stay with that
assumption and not show the password box at all.

Also, if the password field is present to allow users to update their
password, then I'd be inclined to make them enter their password again
manually anyhow, as a password change is a significant status change to a
users account.  It only makes sense to make sure the person changing the
password had access to the original.

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[fw-general] Re: How can I extend Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu?

2011-03-17 Thread Peter Sharp
I'm officially confused.

Is it possible to have two views which work together but are separate?

In desperation, I went back to how I was doing it before, in the bootstrap,
and then traced it again.  The pluginloader found the bootstrap version and
then, as described, appended it with the Zend_View_Helper_Navigation prefix
ensuring it was loaded in preference to my own.

So, thinking along the lines described earlier, I defined the zend path
before my own (in bootstrap).  And now it works.

But I'd love to understand why.  If I add breakpoints on where the
helperPaths are set, I can watch two distinct objects have paths set, one
from application.ini settings, and the other from the settings in the

I'm wondering if it is something to do with using a layout, or more the way
I am attaching things to my view in my bootstrap.  (just out of interest,
the navigation object is part of my layout).  


protected function _initSettings()
// Retrieve the view
$layout = $this->getResource('layout');
$view = $layout->getView();

// Register Custom URL Handler
$urlHelper = new Custom_Controller_Action_Helper_Url();

// Create ACL and add the ACL action helper
$acl = new Custom_Acl();
$aclHelper = new Custom_Controller_Action_Helper_Acl(null,
array('acl' => $acl));

// Create the site navigation object
$nav_config = new Zend_Config_Xml(APPLICATION_PATH .
'/configs/navigation.xml', 'nav');
$nav_config = $this->_extrapolateAcl($nav_config->toArray());
$navigation = new Zend_Navigation($nav_config);

$role = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity();
if(null == $role)
$role = 'guest';
$role = $role->role;

// Attach navigation to the view

// Other view configuration
$view->addHelperPath('Custom/View/Helper', 'Custom_View_Helper');


I'm feeling like I'm creating a layout view here, distinct from the main
view, and the two carry their own configurations until the final stages of
the render process.  

Is this normal or am I just doing it wrong? 

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[fw-general] Re: How can I extend Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu?

2011-03-17 Thread Peter Sharp
Yeah, Ok.  It does actually load the helper paths into the pluginLoader
instance attached to the view.

They seem to be there and all accounted for when the navigation class is
called, but it seems that the navigation class sets up it's own instance of
pluginLoader in order to get it's view helpers.  It appears to go through
the process of adding all of the prefix paths again from scratch. Except
this time, the ones specified in application.ini are not added, so it will
only ever see the zend versions.

Again ... unless I'm missing something.

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[fw-general] Re: How can I extend Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu?

2011-03-17 Thread Peter Sharp

Hector Virgen wrote:
> This results in a prefix/path stack that looks like this:
> Zend_View_Helper => Zend/View/Helper
> Zend_View_Helper_Navigation => Zend/View/Helper/Navigation
> Custom_View_Helper => Custom/View/Helper
> At this point Zend_View should now be able to find your custom "menu" view
> helper.

How can I verify that?  It doesn't seem to have any impact, it still loads

I've stepped through it with xdebug to see how it loads, but as I watch the
pluginLoader build the _prefixToPaths, it doesn't seem to include mine. 
Certainly, by the time it hits load('Menu', true) in pluginLoder, the
prefixToPaths only contains two paths for Zend_View_Helper_ and one for

Am I missing a step somewhere, or should those lines in application.ini be
all that is needed?

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[fw-general] How can I extend Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu?

2011-03-16 Thread Peter Sharp
I'm trying to find a way to extend the menu view helper in order to make a
few changes to the way it handles ACL, but I cant seem to find a way to make
it use mine instead of the zend version.

I have the file located at Custom/View/Helper/Navigation/Menu.php under
library (class name 'Custom_View_Helper_Navigation_Menu')

I feel like I have tried every variation under the sun, but I cant seem to
get anything to make this work.

// from bootstrap

$layout = $this->getResource('layout');
$view = $layout->getView();

$view->addHelperPath('Custom/View/Helper', 'Custom_View_Helper');


Is there something I'm missing or am I just going about it all wrong?

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[fw-general] Re: Complex UPDATE statement - Best method

2011-03-12 Thread Peter Sharp

BillKarwin wrote:
> Be aware that query() internally does a prepare() and execute(), so  
> running execute() a second time is unnecessary.  Also, unless your  
> UPDATE is idempotent, you could change your data in ways you don't  
> intend.  If you had interpolated the values into the SQL string and  
> executed it twice, it would swap 21 and 22 and then by executing  
> again, it would swap them back to their original rows!  :-)
> But in your example, the second call to execute() should fail anyway,  
> because the query expects parameters but you aren't passing any.

Thanks for the heads up on that one.  I tired it a few times and nothing
seemed to be happening.  Taking out that execute() call fixed it right up. 
Seems a prepared query can be executed for some odd reason.

I think I'll proceed with the coded query now that i have it working anyhow. 
Stored Procedures for another day.  Thanks to everyone for the feedback.

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[fw-general] Complex UPDATE statement - Best method

2011-03-10 Thread Peter Sharp
I've been working with ZF for a while now, but for some odd reason, I have
never really come across too many situations where I couldn't get a query to
way the way I liked right out of the box, probably because most of the
complexity was in the selects.

Anyhow, I have a query along the lines of this:

tbl_unit_size AS size_1, tbl_unit_size AS size_2
size_1.sort_order = size_2.sort_order
( size_1.ID IN (21,22) )
AND ( size_2.ID IN (21,22) )
AND ( size_1.ID <> size_2.ID)

Basically, it just swaps the sort order of two rows, in this case rows with
the ID 21 and 22.

Anyhow, I cant see a way to make the dbTable->update() do the trick, so that
leaves me with either just making a zend_db_statement, something like this:

$sql = "UPDATE
tbl_vendor_size AS size_1, tbl_vendor_size AS size_2 
size_1.sort_order = size_2.sort_order
( size_1.VS_PK IN (:orig,:dest) )
AND ( size_2.VS_PK IN (:orig,:dest) )
AND ( size_1.VS_PK <> size_2.VS_PK );";
$data = array(':orig' => 21, ':dest' => 22);

$query = $this->getDbTable()->getAdapter()->query($sql, $data);

Or would this be better in a stored procedure, in which case I don't know
how that would be accessed, or how you would know it worked afterwards.

How would you go about this, from a best practices perspective?

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[fw-general] Re: Newbie : Message: Invalid controller specified

2011-03-08 Thread Peter Sharp

mich wrote:
> btw   would the path be:
> http://localhost/square/public/index/add  ??

Mich, It's somewhat difficult to say what the URL would be ... you seem to
be changing your server setup between each post.

But assuming that when you first create the project, you can view the Zend
page at http://localhost, you would be able to access the actions you are
creating at http://localhost/index/add etc.

Or if, as per your last post, you get to your starter page at
http://localhost/square/public, then the action URL would be

You may get more help on issues such as this from an alternate source,
perhaps  http://www.zfforums.com/ ZFForums .  

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[fw-general] Re: Newbie : Message: Invalid controller specified

2011-03-08 Thread Peter Sharp

mich wrote:
>  They were created in 
> ..square/application/views/scripts/index (in the same folder where there
> is the index.phtml).

This is actually the correct location for the files, assuming they were
named add.phtml and edit.phtml.  These are view files which are loaded when
calling the matching functions in the index controller (hence the reason
they are in the views/scripts/index folder - they are view scripts belonging
to the controller named index).

This being fine (although you deleted the files, so maybe not now) your
problem seems to be coming from somewhere else.

Do you have a a public function indexAction() in the file
/application/controllers/IndexController.php?  Perhaps you edited the file
and inadvertently renamed or removed that file?

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[fw-general] Re: Best Zend Framework Tutorial

2011-03-07 Thread Peter Sharp
Don't know if you've stumbled across this one, but it tends to explain itself
better than most.

http://akrabat.com/zend-framework-tutorial/ Tutorial: Getting Started with
Zend Framework 1.10 

It's mostly the fundamentals, but it seems that might be wht what you're

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[fw-general] Re: Setting a custom route seems to break zend_navigation URLs

2011-03-03 Thread Peter Sharp

Hector Virgen wrote:
> In your navigation configuration you need to specify which route to use
> for
> each page -- it won't default to the "default" route. Without specifying a
> route it's like calling the Url view helper and passing in NULL as the
> route
> (which ends up using the currently matched route).
> --
> *Hector Virgen*
> Sr. Web Developer
> http://www.virgentech.com

I guess what I find confusing in this is that the route 'default' is not
used as the default.  You see the word default and you expect that if
nothing is specified, then the default value should be used.

A lot of confusion could be prevented by simply changing the word 'default'
to something else. 'standard' or 'base' or 'basic' perhaps.  Either that or
make the 'default' route work as the name implies, as the default route when
nothing else is specified.

I would think that if you wanted to follow some other route than the
default, it should be specified.  The way it stands, you can use the url
helper and navigation without giving it a second thought and it works
perfectly, but then you add a route and suddenly it's all reversed and all
your links (as based on most of the examples around) are suddenly incorrect
... or imprecise at best. 

Peter Sharp wrote:
>> Peter Sharp wrote:
>> >
>> > I have defined a custom route in order to capture a parameter in the
>> > middle
>> > of a URL.
>> >
>> > ...
>> >
>> > Which seemed to give the desired result.  However, once I have arrived
>> at
>> > the URL, all my zend_navigation URL's insert the literal part of the
>> > custom
>> > route.  i.e. the home link now ends with \vendor.  So once at that URL,
>> no
>> > links work to allow navigation back to the default controller.
>> >
>> > ...
>> >
>> > I have figured out a workaround, by specifying the default route for
>> each
>> > element added to zend_navigation, but it seems that this should not be
>> > required.  Surely the default route should be the ... well ... default
>> > unless I specify otherwise?
>> >
>> Ok ... so after a long and relatively fruitless search, I decided to have
>> a
>> look in the Zend Framework Issue Tracker ... and there we go.
>> My workaround seems to be the desired way to use zend_navigation and the
>> url
>> view helper is to specify  that the default router is to be used on each
>> url() call and zend_navigation element in order for the current route not
>> to
>> be.
>> I have commented on the issue I found, but this seems odd to me.  Surely
>> 'default' should be used by default unless another named route is
>> supplied?
>> There is also another issue that I've had and like this one, I somehow
>> managed to figure out the way to make it work.  If you have a named route
>> and you are using zend_navigation, you must specify a default or required
>> value for the variable part(s) of your route or it will throw an
>> exception.
>> This may be related to using zend_acl with zend_navigation and custom
>> routes, but surely I'm not the only one doing so.
>> I am right on both these things, yes?  They are "expected"?
>> Thanks

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[fw-general] Setting a custom route seems to break zend_navigation URLs

2011-03-02 Thread Peter Sharp
I have defined a custom route in order to capture a parameter in the middle
of a URL.


So '/vendor/test/foo/bar' would translate to:


Module- vendor

Controller- foo

Action   - bar

Value- test


I initially tried the following:


protected function _initRoutes()


// Get Front Controller Instance

$front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();


// Get Router

$router = $front->getRouter();


$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(



'module' => 'vendor',

'action' => 'index',

'value' => 'username'




$router->addRoute('test_route', $route);


return $router;



Which seemed to give the desired result.  However, once I have arrived at
the URL, all my zend_navigation URL's insert the literal part of the custom
route.  i.e. the home link now ends with \vendor.  So once at that URL, no
links work to allow navigation back to the default controller.


Also tried with the pattern 'vendor/test/:controller/:action' to no avail.


I have figured out a workaround, by specifying the default route for each
element added to zend_navigation, but it seems that this should not be
required.  Surely the default route should be the ... well ... default
unless I specify otherwise?


Any help would be appreciated.


[fw-general] Label decorator and decorators in general

2010-12-13 Thread Peter Sharp

Every time I get into working with forms, I find myself wondering why things 
have been done in a certain way.
One thing that occurs to me is that the 'tag' option for certain decorators, 
such as the label decorator, seems to be a stop-gap measure for complex 
elements that need to be wrapped in tags and which are not able to have this 
done using the parent elements decorator tree.
This can make things complex, such as where you want to change the tags 
wrapping the label element but you also want to assign a class to it.  Using 
the 'tag' option with the label decorator, this seems to be impossible.
Just wondering what the response would be to the concept of giving all 
decorators the ability to inherit child decorators, used something like this ...
$this->addDecorator('Label', array('decorator' => array('HtmlTag', array(   
 'tag' => 'p','class' => 'yourClass','id' => 'yourId'   
Alternately, you could limit it to HtmlTag and just have ...
$this->addDecorator('Label', array('htmltag' => array('tag' => 'p', 
   'class' => 'yourClass','id' => 'yourId'  )));

Implementation would be along the same lines as in the label decorator, where 
if a decorator/htmltag has been set, it wraps the output of the parent 
decorator with that of the child before being appended / prepended to the 
In this way, any element could have the current linear decorators, as well as 
stacked decorators on any aspect.  Any element could have multiple decorators, 
each wrapped in their own individual tags, which I think is tricky to 
accomplish now.Element decorators could be updated to reflect this change to 
produce the same output so that there are no compatibility issues.
Just wanted to put this out there.  I think it would add a lot of flexibility 
to the decorators as a whole, and perhaps make the whole decorator scheme 
easier to understand / adjust.
Also, does anyone know why it was decided that element labels should not be 
passed to a viewscript?  I've done it now, but it was a real hassle to try and 
make a viewscript insert the element label AND value.  In the end I made an 
alternate label decorator, otherwise I would have had to sneak the label in via 
attribs using a modified decorator, which felt a bit too much like a hack.


RE: [fw-general] Re: Guidance on storing passwords securely

2010-08-31 Thread Peter Sharp
I think that storing a per user salt and a site salt and using both in your
password hashing scheme is about the best you can really do.


If a hacker gets into your database in a way that allows them to reveal
structure and uncover your salt value, then they still won't be able to
replicate the original password without knowing the site salt, which is
stored in code, not the database (unless your site salt is too simple).  If
they can access code and database then all is lost anyway.  


But this fear that a hacker might be able to get the value for the user salt
if it's just in a column names salt in the user table is a little bit
redundant really.  If they can get the salt value, then they'll pretty much
be able to access everything else so they no longer really need your site at
all.  Why try to find the key when you've already busted down the door?


Also, and I hate to say it, but if a user is for some reason using their
banking password for any other public site, then they must wear the lions
share of the responsibility if or when it is discovered and used by a
malicious user.  I mean, you have a role to play in the users security, but
so do they.  



From: Hector Virgen [mailto:djvir...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 31 August 2010 3:56 PM
To: Bill Karwin
Cc: fw-general General
Subject: Re: [fw-general] Re: Guidance on storing passwords securely


Bill, do you have any concerns about hackers recovering the user's original
(raw) password to log into their other accounts such as banking? That's
where I see the salt coming in as a protective measure -- they would need
the db as well as the code to discover the password.

Hector Virgen
Sent from my Droid X

On Aug 30, 2010 10:50 PM, "Bill Karwin"  wrote:
> On Aug 30, 2010, at 10:29 PM, Ralf Eggert wrote:
>> interesting stuff. But where should the distinct salt per user be 
>> saved?
>> It feels quite wrong to store it in the database right beside the
>> password. Or should it be combined from, lets say: user id, email
>> address and registration date?
> Ideally the salt should be more strongly pseudorandom. You don't need 
> to use any constant or other user-related field in the calculation of 
> the salt. Just make it as random as you can make it. And make sure 
> you use a distinct random salt per user.
> If the attacker gains access to make queries against your database, 
> you've lost the game anyway, so storing the salt in a column named 
> "salt" in the same table with the hashed password is not significantly 
> riskier than storing the salt anywhere else that the attacker gains 
> access to.
> In other words, don't rely on security by obscurity. Don't even favor 
> security by obscurity. In some ways, I think it's better *not* to 
> make your code or database obscure at all, if that encourages you to 
> strengthen more effective security measures to prevent attackers from 
> gaining access.
> Regards,
> Bill Karwin