Re: [fw-general] Any thoughts about Zend View Filters for Zend layout?

2008-06-11 Thread patrick veach
Ciao Vincent,

I was using the word filter somewhat loosely. An example would be GIMP blur
filters.  They take an input image, modify it and pass it back, not merely
filter out It might also function as a decorator.

The response object is a choke point,  almost every thing passes through the
response object on its way to the layout, making it a good place to put a

The idea is to modify 'filter/decorate based on the named response segment
rather than the content i.e. where its going rather than what it is. Also,
we already have a filters directory in our modular directory layout but
alas, no  filters.



Re: [fw-general] Any thoughts about Zend View Filters for Zend layout?

2008-06-11 Thread patrick veach

Use cases might be :

$view--setFilter('content', 'box_it');   // content appears in box with
rounded corners

$view--setFilter('content', 'no_bad_words');  // naughty words become
nty w##ds

$view--setFilter('content', 'double_digit');  // all single digits get a
leading 0, 1 becomes 01

$view--setFilter('content', 'hide_IPs');  // ip address becomes

By setting a filter in the Controller's init function,  all 'content'
generated by that controller's actions would automatically get the filter
applied it.



[fw-general] Any thoughts about Zend View Filters for Zend layout?

2008-06-10 Thread patrick veach

Since we are routing output through the response object, it makes zend view
filters feasible.
The idea is to attach a filter(s) to a named segment of the response object
and then, when the
response object renders to the view, it first runs the contents of the
named segments through a filter.
or possibly a filter chain on its way to the view object.


or maybe filters could be set by  a viewHelper:

$view--setFilter('response_segment', 'filter_name');

It may be possible to do this without changing the response object
by using a view helper to set the filters and  plugins to render the named
Or, perhaps a more integrated method may be used.  We already have
/views/filters directory.

Anybody have thoughts on this issue?



Re: [fw-general] Extend acl to include modules

2007-05-25 Thread Patrick Veach
To Darby,

Thank you for response.  I really would like to have the api I mentioned.
The current one is perfect for controller::action, but i think there is a
to be able to allow/deny at the modular level.  There is a natural parental
relationship between module::controller::action.  This allows you to specify
at each level exactly which resources are being allowed/denied.

Here are some things that bother me with the current non-modular ACL.

Modules may have controllers::actions with the same name.  The
indexController comes to
mind.  How do you ban some index::action and allow others?

Attempts to solve the above problems (and others) lead to complicated tests
at the use point.
i.e. first test the module then test the controller::action.  instead of a
nice clean  $acl-allow(...);

I realize that the current ACL api isn't specific to the controller::action,
but it does
map onto the controller::action very nicely.  With one more level of
indirection it should
map onto the module::controller::action.


Pat Veach

 Hi Pat,

 Though a major use of Zend_Acl is to restrict access to action
 controllers, Zend_Acl is not limited to this purpose. Thus, its API is
 not specific to controllers, actions, and modules.

 Yes, Zend_Acl is extensible, so you should be able to define isAllowed()
 in an extending class if you want to transform the API as you have

 I think that the underlying issue is how you identify and structure your
 resources. Zend_Acl is flexible on how resources may be identified, so
 maybe something like the following would work for you:

 class My_Acl extends Zend_Acl
 public function isAllowed($role, $module, $controller, $action)
 return parent::isAllowed($role, $module.$controller, $action);

 The dot separator is arbitrary, and Zend_Acl per se does not care about
 what role and resource identifiers are used, only that they are unique.
 So you can come up with your own resource naming schema however
 appropriate for your needs.

 Judging from your deny() and allow() usage examples, however, I suspect
 that you need to organize the resources such that modules are parents of

 $acl-add(new Zend_Acl_Resource($module))
 -add(new Zend_Acl_Resource($module.$controller), $module);

 Alternatively, you could override these methods in an extending class if
 you require a specific API (e.g., in your examples below).

 Hope that helps!

 Best regards,

Re: [fw-general] Extend acl to include modules

2007-05-25 Thread Patrick Veach
To Darby,

I wasn't really sure about the nature of priveleges, but you cleared that

Thank you.

Thanks also to Matthew and Ralf


[fw-general] Action files

2007-04-24 Thread Patrick Veach
I use the following method:
Using conventional modular directory layout most controllers go into a 
folder/directory named after the module.


Controllers in the testing module might be cookies, pages and so on:


Now, I create a subfolder in the testing folder named after the controller

I factor common utility functions used by the PagesController actions into a 
file called pages_utilities.php. 
The file page_utilities.php goes into the /pages subfolder, so we have:

controllers/testing/CookiesController.php   // controller action scripts
controllers/testing// sub directory 
   /pages/pages_utilities.php // file containing page 
controller utility functions
   /pages/enroll_form.php  // contains a function that 
returns a form used by the page controller
controllers/cookies  // same as above

Inside the PagesController.php require_once allows access to controller 
specific files

require_once 'pages/pages_utilities.php';
require_once 'pages/enroll_form.php';
class Testing_PagesController{...}

This allows me to move the controller around to different modules as long as I 
move its subdir along with it.
(and change the class name of course, Testing_PagesController would become 

I should point that with this method you need to be on the alert for link rot 
especially in forms.  
If your form posts to /testing/pages/add  and you move the controller to a new 
module named 'working',
you should change your form to post to /working/pages/add.

This leads to module relative addressing stuff like:

$view-menu = 
create_nav_menu(get_menu_items($this-getRequest()-module),'Delete Item');

The create_nav_menu function is in one of the directories in the php include 
path making it available 
to all controllers in all modules.  Its first parameter is a function that 
returns an array of menu items, like:

  get_menu_items($mod) { $items = array ('Add Item'  = $mod/pages/add,
'Delete Item'   = $mod/pages/delete); return $items; }

The second parameter is a menu item so it can treat the selected menu item 
different from the un-selected ones, hilite it maybe.

The function get_menu_items()  is in the file 'pages/pages_utilities.php'  its 
only parameter (look closely) is the module name.
It injects the module name into the above $mod variable

Now, when the controller is moved to a new module the module relative address 
can track automatically.

My controllers are much smaller now that I factor out common or complex 
functions especially forms!

I hope this helps and if I am doing it wrong or backwards,  please let me know.

Pat Veach 

[fw-general] ZendFW chat

2007-03-09 Thread Patrick Veach
Did we ever set up a ZendFW chatroom? I know there was talk, but I don't 
know what was decided.



Re: [fw-general] Community chat

2007-02-16 Thread Patrick Veach

I would prefer freenode to efnet :-)

[fw-general] more on controller directories

2007-02-05 Thread Patrick Veach

To the list:

This worked:
$route = new 
= 'test', 'action' = 'index'));

$router-addRoute('testing', $route);

However,  there are now two paths that work

  1.  * /testing/test/show*
  2.   */test/show*

Both go to the same Controller/Action. Is this a feature or a bug?

This also worked:
Allows one to map:  */test/show-user* to TestController::showUserAction

Very nice:)

BTW I'm using Zend.70


[fw-general] getting controllers into subdirectories

2007-02-02 Thread Patrick Veach

Greetings to Zend Framework team;

Is there an example of getting the rewrite router to work with 
controllers in subdirectories?
I have several controllers and I would like to group them into different 
functional areas and

place them into subdirectories.

I want the URL *' /testing/test/info' *to map to 
/testing/TestController.php.  Where TestController.php contains infoAction..

I have tried several different urls similar to */testing_test/info.

*I have tried using the 'useModules' switch (in both front controller 
and router) and then URL */testing/test/info*

but nothing seems to work.

Is there a code snippet that shows controller setup that works with 

A very plain example would be most appreciated.



[fw-general] What is a back en controller?

2006-12-07 Thread Patrick Veach

What is a back end controller?