Re: [fw-general] Thank you for your kind reply! Appreciation, The lessen, The hope

2012-11-06 Thread
Hello  Matthew and Marco,

Thank you for your kind reply!

First and foremost I have to tell you how much we appreciate and admire what you
are doing! Thank you very much for you hard work! Appreciation and respect are
the driving force of everything good and positive.

Your reply means so much to me! It means that you listen for our problems,
opposite to what I have been told.  The communication is an encouragement and
the key for solving all problems.

I know how fast everything evolves in this industry. I started my exciting
journey in this magical forest back in 1983. We still discover so many things in
programming. That's why this journey is so exacting. Our knowledge, vision and
understanding change.

I totally understand and I don't expect the process of merging ZF1
library/components to ZF2 module/library to be  automatic.

The lessen I learned is:
If I am going to use PHP and Zend Framework for complex long term projects, me
and every member of my team have to be an active community member.  The way of
thinking us (our project) and them (ZF team) should be changed to ONLY us
and our ZF project. The separation should be replaced by cooperation. We can not
expect ZF team to solve all our problems and follow them like blind.

My hope is:
Zend Framework to become the main standard framework for all PHP developers.
Everybody to follow the same naming, coding standards, application structure,
design patterns and best practices.

I think ZF has the potential to play this role.

There are over than 40 official frameworks like CodeIgniter, Symfony, CakePHP
etc. and endless amount of unofficial frameworks. Virtual every PHP programmer
has his own framework and way of doing things.The main weakness/advantage of PHP
is that allows you to do the same things on endless different ways. It looks
like the story for the Babylon Tower. All people have been curst to speak
different languages, not to be able to cooperate and build a tower tall enough
to reach god.

I really hope ZF is the key for changing this situation. Instead of everybody
rewriting his own blog, CMS, WiKi, forum etc. to have them as ZF modules and
reuse them. There are so many PHP developers.  If all PHP developers follow the
same application/module structure soon we will end up having so many reusable
elements which will allow us to reach unbelievable levels.  What a wonderful
world! :)

Best Regards,

Stoyan Cheresharov

Matthew Weier O'Phinney hat am 5. November 2012 um 15:17
 -- wrote
 (on Sunday, 04 November 2012, 07:53 PM +0100):
  I have not been active member of the community because I have been
  busy working on our projects. So I have not been part of the
  discussions about the design patterns etc. in ZF2. I also couldn't
  believe we have to start over again.

 The point of a new _major_ release is to allow backwards breaking
 changes. Sometimes previous decisions make it impossible to accommodate
 new application designs -- or even existing ones! -- and the only way to
 allow them is to break compatibility. This is not done lightly --
 whenever a change like this has to be made, there's significant thought
 that goes into it.

 With ZF1, we had 5 years between major releases. This is a huge amount
 of time, and during that time, we discovered many people were moving
 _away_ from ZF1 because we could not accommodate the applications they
 wanted to build. We thus chose to make a new major version that would
 address the shortcomings in the framework.

 This happens.

 What we plan going forward is a shorter timeframe between major
 releases. This may seem like an odd decision, as we're saying there will
 be backwards incompatible changes more frequently. However, the idea is
 that we can introduce _fewer_ breaks, and thus make migration to the new
 version easier.

 This is a plan for the _future_ though, and does not address your
 concerns about ZF2.

  I think ZF2 has great ideas. But there should be a way to migrate the
  existing code not multiply the time and effort of so many people by 0.

 You've been able to write code that works release after release for 5+
 years at this point. We had to draw a line in the sand somewhere.

 We're working on compiling information on migration. The fact of the
 matter, however, is that it's not likely going to be something that can
 be automated, nor something you can likely manage to do in a few hours
 (unless your site is quite small). But the end result should be quite
 compelling -- a truly modular architecture, with the ability to
 substitute services easily, and the ability to tie into the application
 workflow in a much simpler fashion.

  The sad story in this industry is that if you follow somebody (we follow
  you are doomed to be always second.
  We have to buy again new books, attend seminars invest again huge amount of
  learning the new. things.
  It is like pushing the reset 

RE: [fw-general] Thank you

2007-03-14 Thread Andi Gutmans
Thanks for the positive feedback!
I'm happy we've managed to make it easy-to-use. We have always had a
goal and strong bias in favor of usability.

From: Alan Wagstaff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 1:47 PM
Subject: [fw-general] Thank you

Hi all,
Short story:
Thank you to everyone involved in the Zend Framework.  You have
re-ignited my interest in developing PHP applications and helped me
learn a hell of a lot in the process :)
Long story:
As a self-taught developer, I started many years ago with a BBS
system called Proboard.  Proboard had a C SDK that allowed you to write
add-ons (PEX) which where essentially executables that would run within
Proboard and give access to the BBS's functions.  After that, I wrote
add-ons for various other programs / scripts until a couple of years ago
when I started writing modifications for the vBulletin forum software. 
After about a year and a half I became disillusioned with the
slow progress of vBulletin and decided to cast out and start writing
fresh new PHP applications, rather than writing modifications for
pre-built scripts and applications. 
It then became painfully obvious to me that writing complete PHP
scripts was exceptionally hard.  With Proboard / vBulletin / etc, all of
the core bits where taken care of.  For example, connection to
databases, handling input filtering, and so on.  After writing all of
these methods / libraries from scratch I decided that perhaps PHP
development wasn't for me. 
At this point, I decided to branch out in to Windows programming
and played about with Visual C# for about 6 months until that one
glorious day I accidentally discovered the Zend Framework.
Without realising it, I had essentially been using frameworks
all of my programming life in one form or another, be it the Probard SDK
or extending vBulletin.  To discover a nice, easy to use Framework for
my favourite programming language (Yes, PHP :D) was incredible. 
Since I've started investigating / playing with the Zend
Framework a month or 2 ago, I feel that I have learnt so much about PHP,
OOP and software development as a whole.  It has really opened my eyes
to the possibilities that software development has to offer when done
Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone involved in
the Zend Framework project, and that I'm looking forward to v1.0 and the
great new features that are bound to follow.
Keep up the great work all!
Kind regards,