[G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-24 Conversa Leandro Regueiro
Sorry. I will try to translate it to english below, unless my skills
in translating to english aren't the same as my ones translating from
english :)

Who is interested in translating debian to galician? As Jacobo says
none, at least none I know.

All we know the great scarcity of translators that we suffer. The
projects didn't stop growing, getting more strings to translate,
changing already translated strings, and there are even more projects
as time passes.

Not all the new translators that are in Rosetta (Launchpad) are
translating, and from those who translate, only a few do good
translations. And a lot of them will leave in less than a year. If we
count those who really translate, only there are a dozen of people. In
Trasno Project there are more translators. On the other hand we are
less visible (all people speaks about ubuntu, and the option of
involve on the translation is on the help menu of every program, but
this links with rosetta and not with Trasno), but this doesn't say
that we translate less than them.

In fact Debian is the second distro with higher level of translation
(galician language), behind Mandriva (I didn't count Ubuntu and
derivatives, because we couldn't diferenciate the distro part and the
another part). In this two projects there is only one translator
because didn't appear other people to colaborate on the translation or
this people didn't translate more than a hundred of strings, or them
asked for the translation method and saw it so hard compared with
Rosetta and left. So if there is only one, it usually is because none
wants to translate.

And too the Rosetta translations didn't go upstream, only go to Ubuntu
and derivatives. Then is Felipe (Rosetta galician team coordinator)
who tries to push the Rosetta translators to Trasno Project to do
really useful translations for all, and only a few do it. The other
day I read this about Transifex, the new Fedora Project for
translation who send automatically the translations upstream

I think since a lot of years that the future of the translation
projects (like Trasno Project) is to have a infrastructure like
Transifex. The unification of different translation projects on only
one site, but with direct commit of translations to canonical
repositories in transparent way (not the canonical of Ubuntu :) ). It
could be science-fiction but it is the future and it is here.

  Leandro Regueiro

[G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-23 Conversa Christian Perrier
Quoting suso.baleato en xunta.es (suso.baleato en xunta.es):
> Leandro:
> debian-l18n seems to be using english as its common language

Sure. Leandro, we would appreciate you to translate your original
message back to English as its content seems interesting for the
community (which is what I deduced by trying to understand your
messagemostly by analogy with my very miniaml knowledge of
Portuguese, Spanish and more generally Latin-based languages..:-))

 próxima parte 
Borrouse unha mensaxe que non está en formato texto plano...
Nome : non dispoñible
Tipo   : application/pgp-signature
Tamaño : 197 bytes
Descrición: Digital signature

[G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-23 Conversa suso.bale...@xunta.es

debian-l18n seems to be using english as its common language

Leandro Regueiro escrebeu:
> Ata logo,
>   Leandro Regueiro

[G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-23 Conversa Leandro Regueiro
En todo caso, quen está interesado en colaborar na tradución de
debian? Como di Jacobo ninguén, polo menos que eu coñeza.

Todos sabemos da gran escaseza de tradutores que temos. Os proxectos
que xa hai non paran de incorporar novas cadeas e cambiarnos parte das
que xa habia, cada vez hai máis proxectos novos e non damos abasto.

Non todos os tradutores novos que hai en Rosetta traducen algo, e dos
que traducen moi poucos fan traducións minimamente boas, non nos
enganemos. Ademais boa parte deles hao deixar en menos dun ano. Se
contamos realmente ós que traducen en Rosetta dubido que xuntemos unha
ducia. No Proxecto Trasno somos máis. Por outra parte somos menos
visibles, pero iso non quere dicir que non traballemos.

De feito Debian é a segunda distro con mellor nivel de tradución, por
detrás de Mandriva (non conto a Ubuntu e derivadas porque realmente
non sei que parte é da distro e cal non). Nestes dous proxectos de
tradución hai un só tradutor porque non apareceron persoas dispostas a
colaborar máis aló de cen ou duascentas cadeas ou nin sequera
mostraron máis interese que en saber como se traduce, e en canto saben
que non é tan fácil coma Rosetta fuxen coma se o demo os perseguira.
Así que non nos enganemos, se hai un só é porque normalmente ninguén
máis quere colaborar.

Ademais as traducións de Rosetta só reverten en Ubuntu e derivados,
non na comunidade real. Así é que Felipe intenta que se integren con
Trasno, e só uns poucos o fan. Outro conto é o que lin de Transifex, o
novo proxecto de Fedora http://www.0xdeadbeef.com/weblog/?p=298

Penso dende hai anos que o Proxecto Trasno teria que ser o que é a
idea de Transifex. A unificación dos diferentes proxectos de tradución
nun único sitio, pero con envio directo dos resultados ós repositorios
oficiais de forma transparente. Pode ser ciencia ficción, pero é o
futuro e está máis preto do que todos cremos.

Chamarémoslles veteranos en vez de vacas sagradas, Marce.

Ata logo,
  Leandro Regueiro

[G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-22 Conversa suso.bale...@xunta.es
Christian Perrier escrebeu:
> Quoting suso en riseup.net (suso en riseup.net):
> > Yes, yes, I know all that Christian, and I'll never get tired to express
> > my gratitude and admiration for Jacobo's work. I'll even let myself to
> > feel galician patriotic feelings and so in case that could be considered
> > a good thing :-) But, at the same time please compare this two archives:
> > 
> > http://lists.debian.org/debian-l10n-galician/
> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-l10n-gl/
> So, not really aproblem specific to Galician, but a more general problem.

I agree. Indeed that was the purpose of my message: to visibilize the
general problem through the particular Galician case. References to
Jacobo were done simply because... he is the only one in the galician
team! :)

> Back to Galician: I think that it should somewhat be the duty of
> Jacobo to build that community by using d-l-galician more often and
> invest some time in helping people there as well as establishing work
> methods.

I think so. I may offer my help.

> However, just like anybody else, I have no power to enforce that if
> there is no will for it to happen. And if translations continue to
> come from an individual, they'll still be the reference.

Yep, I can understand that, even when clearly that's not the best
translation situation IMHO.

> As a conclusion, I really encourage people who want more progress in
> Debian Galician l10n to:
> - use d-l-galician for work
> - encourage Jacobo to work with the team and establish work
> methods. That definitely needs some investment of time but that will
> be compensated by the extra (wo)manpower that would get attracted on
> long term.

I support your encouragment in exactly the same terms. Added to that
-and as I did before in Badajoz last year- I'd like to offer all the 
resources I could provide from the Galician Government's FLOSS Center 
in order to support Debian l10n community, specially where that means 
strengthening galician Debian l10n community and maintaining an
updated and accurate Debian galician translation. Just an example we
could promote an event to discuss all this, inviting l10n Debian
experts, in a similar collaborative way as the last event we organized,
along with the galician localization community:


Sharing our hardware platform, which is settled at the Galician
Supercomputing Center (-still- Debian + Xen) could be another
possibility; I don't know, it's just a matter of identifying common
needings in order to find common ways to solve them. And nobody can
identify their own needings better than the Debian l10n community

Whatever. Recognizing the existance of the problem is the first
neccesary step in order to solve it. Step done, solution is in
progress. Good! :)

Xesús Manuel Benítez BaleatoCoordenador de mancomun.org
Consellaría de Innovación e Industria  Xunta de Galicia 
Praza de Europa, nº 15 - A, 6ºC 15707   Santiago de Compostela (Galiza)
(0034) 638035310 Ext: 343820/ Fax: 881999113  

[G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-22 Conversa Christian Perrier
Quoting suso en riseup.net (suso en riseup.net):

> Yes, yes, I know all that Christian, and I'll never get tired to express
> my gratitude and admiration for Jacobo's work. I'll even let myself to
> feel galician patriotic feelings and so in case that could be considered
> a good thing :-) But, at the same time please compare this two archives:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-l10n-galician/
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-l10n-gl/

This definitely proves that Ubuntu is attracting the
"resources". Something we, indeed, experience in about all l10n teams.

The activity of the French team, for instance, didn't change that much
over years and we're even losing manpower, slowly, which is not
exactly compensated by "new blood".

Certainly, here, there's an influence of the emergence of Ubuntu. It
attracts newcomers more easily.among these, there's a noticeable
number of people who want to collaborate but can't do it on
programming-style staks, then are naturally turned to l10n activities.

Hence the big bump in Ubuntu l10n community while the Debian one is
mostly hosed. Another explanation probably being that the "animation"
of the community can be done by dedicated resources (understand
"people paid for this") while the same in Debian requires time and
energy from volunteers (see how slow we're developing stuff around

So, not really aproblem specific to Galician, but a more general problem.

Ways to collaborate have to be found there but that needs to overcome
some difficulties:

- the initial start of Ubuntu l10n work was "translate a lot no matter
how you do it", resulting in poor quality, lack of proofreading and no
interaction with upstreamas well as loss of confidence from those
people who were doing the same work with much caution, for years. I
think that this image is still stuck to Ubuntu l10n, which requires
overcoming the reticences of those who are doing that work for years
(which includes /me)

- basing the work on Rosetta, being non free, places a philosophical
challenge here

- no communication between "those in charge" (not
deliberately...mostly because of lack of time to invest on this,
particularly in Debian. Also because, there is always some reluctance,
on the Debian "side", to see our work being "stolen".whether this
is true or not)

I don't really know how Rosetta has been improved to better interact
with upstream (as "upstream" for DI, I don't really see things coming
by themselves...while I have to admit that I have access to some stuff
that's done in Rosetta and am free to reinclude it in DI...however
with no idea about the quality of the work I'm including).

Back to Galician: I think that it should somewhat be the duty of
Jacobo to build that community by using d-l-galician more often and
invest some time in helping people there as well as establishing work

However, just like anybody else, I have no power to enforce that if
there is no will for it to happen. And if translations continue to
come from an individual, they'll still be the reference.

As a conclusion, I really encourage people who want more progress in
Debian Galician l10n to:

- use d-l-galician for work
- encourage Jacobo to work with the team and establish work
methods. That definitely needs some investment of time but that will
be compensated by the extra (wo)manpower that would get attracted on
long term.

 próxima parte 
Borrouse unha mensaxe que non está en formato texto plano...
Nome : non dispoñible
Tipo   : application/pgp-signature
Tamaño : 197 bytes
Descrición: Digital signature

[G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-21 Conversa s...@riseup.net
Christian Perrier escrebeu:
> Quoting suso en riseup.net (suso en riseup.net):
> > Yes... and you are not the only one who can see that. Indeed, that
> > "inactivity" is one of the reasons why Galician Government FLOSS Center
> > has decided to choose Ubuntu instead of Debian as the base of its desktop
> > developments [0].
> And, well, Ubuntu's dpkg, apt, aptitude are localized
> becauseJacobo did the work..:-). So is the Ubuntu installer,
> Ubuntu's iso-codes, Ubuntu's console keymap choices, etc, etc.
> Jacobo is one of the most reliable l10n actors I had the honor to work
> with during the last years. Don't forget that, nearly alone, he raised
> Galician statistics so high that your language is topping all other
> languages from Spain, including Castillan..:-)

Yes, yes, I know all that Christian, and I'll never get tired to express
my gratitude and admiration for Jacobo's work. I'll even let myself to
feel galician patriotic feelings and so in case that could be considered
a good thing :-) But, at the same time please compare this two archives:


Only the existance of a localization community can ensure the persistance
in the long term of the contributions made from the public administration
as well as its projects suitability to the free software development
paradigms. That's what Ubuntu is providing as an added value (and 
surprinsingly Debian not) in the galician case: community. That's not
easy for me to admit as a Debian advocator and user.

> Probably other actors of Galicia l10n have to learn how to work with
> such an efficient worker but I don't really see any reason why that
> couldn't happen.

I agree. But please consideer how much is needed that such an efficient
worker agrees on allowing others to work with him: and how
debian-l10n-galician mailing list might be effectively used as the main
resource of Debian galician localization workflow: basically because
that's its _own_ l10n mailing list.

Anyway that's simply my opinion. If I can do something to help in 
finding a way to strap on its boots the galician l10n Debian community
providing a generational replacement without loosing Jacobo's
contribution, just tell me. I'm sure the debian galician community will
arise at last and we all together will find a proper solution, even when
we could need plenty of time to achieve that objective. 


[G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-21 Conversa Christian Perrier
Quoting suso en riseup.net (suso en riseup.net):
> Yes... and you are not the only one who can see that. Indeed, that
> "inactivity" is one of the reasons why Galician Government FLOSS Center
> has decided to choose Ubuntu instead of Debian as the base of its desktop
> developments [0].

Which is quite nonsense as I don't really see why Ubuntu wouyld be better
translated...unless of course people who localize in Ubuntu don't
really care for their work to go upstreamahem

And, well, Ubuntu's dpkg, apt, aptitude are localized
becauseJacobo did the work..:-). So is the Ubuntu installer,
Ubuntu's iso-codes, Ubuntu's console keymap choices, etc, etc.

> It is not possible to trust in a software distro whose 'localization
> community' means... just one person. Too weak, too vulnerable, too
> unsustainable in the long term [1], as you may easily understand. Unless
> you trust in pregnant birds, as the old galician proverb says.

Jacobo is one of the most reliable l10n actors I had the honor to work
with during the last years. Don't forget that, nearly alone, he raised
Galician statistics so high that your language is topping all other
languages from Spain, including Castillan..:-)

Probably other actors of Galicia l10n have to learn how to work with
such an efficient worker but I don't really see any reason why that
couldn't happen.

 próxima parte 
Borrouse unha mensaxe que non está en formato texto plano...
Nome : non dispoñible
Tipo   : application/pgp-signature
Tamaño : 197 bytes
Descrición: Digital signature

[G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-21 Conversa suso.bale...@xunta.es
Jacobo Tarrio escrebeu:
> El sábado, 21 de junio de 2008 a las 17:29:53 +0200, suso en riseup.net 
> escribía:
>  Resumo da túa mensaxe: "creamos a comunidade de traductores en Debian, pero
> por algún motivo impedíronnos traballar, como se demostra pola inactividade
> da lista. O único motivo que se me ocorre é esta mensaxe de Jacobo. A culpa
> é vosa. A lista ha continuar inactiva ata que deixedes de sabotearnos."

O resumo da miña mensaxe é que se a lista está inactiva, é por 
responsabilidade colectiva; o que te inclúe a tí, como é natural.

>  Creo que está claro dabondo.

Espero que agora sí. Non acabo de entender moi ben a qué ven esta
reacción túa tan agresiva. 


[G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-21 Conversa s...@riseup.net
Jacobo Tarrio escrebeu:
> O único que digo é que o meu caracter e a miña maneira de traballar
> non se axustan ben ao traballo de localización en equipo, polo que se outra
> xente quere traballar, non debe contar comigo.

Creo que a estas alturas todo o mundo ten perfectamente claro eso que dis
e creo que ninguén pon en dúbida o teu direito a traballar como queiras.

Se da miña mensaxe deduces outra cousa entón deberías darlle unha volta
máis por que ninguén se está metendo contigo e pola túa reacción
parecería que sí. Xa teño notado que por algún motivo o que eu escrebo
aféctate especialmente, e ben que me coido de evitar ferir
susceptibilidades. A miña única referencia a tí foi pra recoñecer o valor
do teu traballo, considera iso.

>  En resumo: se non traballades en l10n de Debian, a culpa é vosa. Non
>  de Debian, nin miña, senón só vosa. E a min deixádeme en paz dunha vez.

Para o bon e para o malo nos proxectos comunitarios as responsabilidades 
son sempre colectivas; e iso inclúenos a todos, tanto se gostamos diso
como se non.


[G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-21 Conversa Jacobo Tarrio
El sábado, 21 de junio de 2008 a las 17:29:53 +0200, suso en riseup.net 

> Se da miña mensaxe deduces outra cousa entón deberías darlle unha volta
> máis por que ninguén se está metendo contigo e pola túa reacción
> parecería que sí. Xa teño notado que por algún motivo o que eu escrebo
> aféctate especialmente, e ben que me coido de evitar ferir
> susceptibilidades. A miña única referencia a tí foi pra recoñecer o valor
> do teu traballo, considera iso.

 Resumo da túa mensaxe: "creamos a comunidade de traductores en Debian, pero
por algún motivo impedíronnos traballar, como se demostra pola inactividade
da lista. O único motivo que se me ocorre é esta mensaxe de Jacobo. A culpa
é vosa. A lista ha continuar inactiva ata que deixedes de sabotearnos."

 Creo que está claro dabondo.

 Adxunto a mensaxe por se alguén quere comparar o meu resumo co contido
orixinal da mensaxe.

   Jacobo Tarrío | http://jacobo.tarrio.org/
 próxima parte 
Yes... and you are not the only one who can see that. Indeed, that
"inactivity" is one of the reasons why Galician Government FLOSS Center
has decided to choose Ubuntu instead of Debian as the base of its desktop
developments [0].

It is not possible to trust in a software distro whose 'localization
community' means... just one person. Too weak, too vulnerable, too
unsustainable in the long term [1], as you may easily understand. Unless
you trust in pregnant birds, as the old galician proverb says.


[0] http://apt.mancomun.org/

[1] As an user, I detected that potential danger at December 2006. So
  I decided to contribute changing the Debian l10n galician community
  status from "non-existant" to "existant". I achieved to attract near
  60 motivated volunteers to support the creation of the
  debian-l10n-galician _public_ mailing list, so it was finally created
  in order to stablish an open collaboration channel for all us
  interested in Debian localization to galician language.


  But: just after the creation of that list, it seems that Debian 
  internal decission making process decided to exclude their own galician
  l10n mailing list from the entire localization workflow, as the
  absence of messages in the archive clearly demostrates. Perhaps that
  strange behaviour can be based on this:


  Even if that is the reason as it is not, the results of your excluding
  policy are very visible: you changed the state of the galician l10n
  Debian community from "active" (and motivated) to "inactive" (and

  As the Coordinator of the Government of Galicia FLOSS Center [2] that 
  turns impossible for me to support at the official channels the
  convenience of using and investing on a GNU/Linux distro like Debian
  which is uncapable to maintain a galician localization community;
  specially when the same people subscribed to the debian-l10n-galician
  mailing list are succesfuly involved and active in other free software

  Of course, my duties as a civil servant will not unallow me to
  continue contributing with Debian in a personal way. In this sense, and 
  as that Debian user who is the founder of the galician l10n debian 
  mailing list, I might inform you that our list will remain inactive until
  you decide to allow galician people to collaborate. Of course if you 
  prefer to maintain that "inactive" status, I will respect it, even when
  it's clearly a wrong decisition in the long term, from my point of view.

  All that summarized: Debian exclusive trust in Tarr?o, makes me
  trusting in Tarr?o by his valuable contribution, while at the same time
  makes me untrusting Debian itself, at least in the i18n part of the

[2] http://www.mancomun.org/


Christian Perrier escrebeu:
> Quoting suso en riseup.net (suso en riseup.net):
> > Hi Nicolas,
> > 
> > Galician language missed there.
> Well, as far as we know, the team does not use pseudo-URLs in a
> mailing list to track down work.
> Indeed, debian-l10n-galician is mostly...inactive as far as I can see.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-i18n-REQUEST en lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster en lists.debian.org

[G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-21 Conversa Jacobo Tarrio
El sábado, 21 de junio de 2008 a las 16:00:01 +0200, suso en riseup.net 

 Só vou respostar unha vez a esta soberana parvada.

 Debian non ten ningún tipo de acordo exclusivo comigo nin viceversa. A
responsabilidade de que se faga ou non o traballo é da xente que fai (ou non
fai) ese traballo. Se queredes traballar en l10n de Debian o único que tedes
que facer é traballar en l10n de Debian.

 Sei de sobra que o contido da miña mensaxe é moi doado de malinterpretar.
Non pretendo que sexa unha ameaza, advertencia ou cousa mafiosa de ningún
tipo. O único que digo é que o meu caracter e a miña maneira de traballar
non se axustan ben ao traballo de localización en equipo, polo que se outra
xente quere traballar, non debe contar comigo.

 Finalmente, levo anos procurando me manter fóra do camiño da outra xente
que queira traballar en localización. Por iso, tendo en conta o que digo no
parágrafo anterior, non participo noutros equipos de tradución. Por iso non
participo nas discusións que hai ás veces na lista do Trasno. É dicir, non
me meto nin interfiro, a pesares do que algúns poidan pensar, e tamén
querería que se me brindase a mesma cortesía. Xa estou farto de ler cousas
sobre vacas sagradas e non sei que máis cousas e de ter a culpa de todo.

 En resumo: se non traballades en l10n de Debian, a culpa é vosa. Non de
Debian, nin miña, senón só vosa. E a min deixádeme en paz dunha vez.

 E isto é o último que vou dicir sobre o tema.

 (Non vou solicitar que Suso se desdiga ou pida disculpas nin nada polo
estilo, porque xa sei que había ser unha petición totalmente inútil).

> Yes... and you are not the only one who can see that. Indeed, that
> "inactivity" is one of the reasons why Galician Government FLOSS Center
> has decided to choose Ubuntu instead of Debian as the base of its desktop
> developments [0].
> It is not possible to trust in a software distro whose 'localization
> community' means... just one person. Too weak, too vulnerable, too
> unsustainable in the long term [1], as you may easily understand. Unless
> you trust in pregnant birds, as the old galician proverb says.
> Yours,
> --
> [0] http://apt.mancomun.org/
> [1] As an user, I detected that potential danger at December 2006. So
>   I decided to contribute changing the Debian l10n galician community
>   status from "non-existant" to "existant". I achieved to attract near
>   60 motivated volunteers to support the creation of the
>   debian-l10n-galician _public_ mailing list, so it was finally created
>   in order to stablish an open collaboration channel for all us
>   interested in Debian localization to galician language.
>   http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=404451
>   But: just after the creation of that list, it seems that Debian 
>   internal decission making process decided to exclude their own galician
>   l10n mailing list from the entire localization workflow, as the
>   absence of messages in the archive clearly demostrates. Perhaps that
>   strange behaviour can be based on this:
>   http://lists.debian.org/debian-i18n/2006/12/msg00194.html
>   Even if that is the reason as it is not, the results of your excluding
>   policy are very visible: you changed the state of the galician l10n
>   Debian community from "active" (and motivated) to "inactive" (and
>   reluctant).
>   As the Coordinator of the Government of Galicia FLOSS Center [2] that 
>   turns impossible for me to support at the official channels the
>   convenience of using and investing on a GNU/Linux distro like Debian
>   which is uncapable to maintain a galician localization community;
>   specially when the same people subscribed to the debian-l10n-galician
>   mailing list are succesfuly involved and active in other free software
>   projects.
>   Of course, my duties as a civil servant will not unallow me to
>   continue contributing with Debian in a personal way. In this sense, and 
>   as that Debian user who is the founder of the galician l10n debian 
>   mailing list, I might inform you that our list will remain inactive until
>   you decide to allow galician people to collaborate. Of course if you 
>   prefer to maintain that "inactive" status, I will respect it, even when
>   it's clearly a wrong decisition in the long term, from my point of view.
>   All that summarized: Debian exclusive trust in Tarrío, makes me
>   trusting in Tarrío by his valuable contribution, while at the same time
>   makes me untrusting Debian itself, at least in the i18n part of the
>   things.
> [2] http://www.mancomun.org/
> Christian Perrier escrebeu:
> > Quoting suso en riseup.net (suso en riseup.net):
> > > Hi Nicolas,
> > > 
> > > Galician language missed there.
> > 
> > 
> > Well, as far as we know, the team does not use pseudo-URLs in a
> > mailing list to track down work.
> > 
> > Indeed, debian-l10n-galician is mostly...inactive as far as I can see.
> > 
> > 
> -- 
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[G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-21 Conversa s...@riseup.net
Yes... and you are not the only one who can see that. Indeed, that
"inactivity" is one of the reasons why Galician Government FLOSS Center
has decided to choose Ubuntu instead of Debian as the base of its desktop
developments [0].

It is not possible to trust in a software distro whose 'localization
community' means... just one person. Too weak, too vulnerable, too
unsustainable in the long term [1], as you may easily understand. Unless
you trust in pregnant birds, as the old galician proverb says.


[0] http://apt.mancomun.org/

[1] As an user, I detected that potential danger at December 2006. So
  I decided to contribute changing the Debian l10n galician community
  status from "non-existant" to "existant". I achieved to attract near
  60 motivated volunteers to support the creation of the
  debian-l10n-galician _public_ mailing list, so it was finally created
  in order to stablish an open collaboration channel for all us
  interested in Debian localization to galician language.


  But: just after the creation of that list, it seems that Debian 
  internal decission making process decided to exclude their own galician
  l10n mailing list from the entire localization workflow, as the
  absence of messages in the archive clearly demostrates. Perhaps that
  strange behaviour can be based on this:


  Even if that is the reason as it is not, the results of your excluding
  policy are very visible: you changed the state of the galician l10n
  Debian community from "active" (and motivated) to "inactive" (and

  As the Coordinator of the Government of Galicia FLOSS Center [2] that 
  turns impossible for me to support at the official channels the
  convenience of using and investing on a GNU/Linux distro like Debian
  which is uncapable to maintain a galician localization community;
  specially when the same people subscribed to the debian-l10n-galician
  mailing list are succesfuly involved and active in other free software

  Of course, my duties as a civil servant will not unallow me to
  continue contributing with Debian in a personal way. In this sense, and 
  as that Debian user who is the founder of the galician l10n debian 
  mailing list, I might inform you that our list will remain inactive until
  you decide to allow galician people to collaborate. Of course if you 
  prefer to maintain that "inactive" status, I will respect it, even when
  it's clearly a wrong decisition in the long term, from my point of view.

  All that summarized: Debian exclusive trust in Tarrío, makes me
  trusting in Tarrío by his valuable contribution, while at the same time
  makes me untrusting Debian itself, at least in the i18n part of the

[2] http://www.mancomun.org/


Christian Perrier escrebeu:
> Quoting suso en riseup.net (suso en riseup.net):
> > Hi Nicolas,
> > 
> > Galician language missed there.
> Well, as far as we know, the team does not use pseudo-URLs in a
> mailing list to track down work.
> Indeed, debian-l10n-galician is mostly...inactive as far as I can see.