Quoting suso en riseup.net (suso en riseup.net):

> Yes, yes, I know all that Christian, and I'll never get tired to express
> my gratitude and admiration for Jacobo's work. I'll even let myself to
> feel galician patriotic feelings and so in case that could be considered
> a good thing :-) But, at the same time please compare this two archives:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-l10n-galician/
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-l10n-gl/

This definitely proves that Ubuntu is attracting the
"resources". Something we, indeed, experience in about all l10n teams.

The activity of the French team, for instance, didn't change that much
over years and we're even losing manpower, slowly, which is not
exactly compensated by "new blood".

Certainly, here, there's an influence of the emergence of Ubuntu. It
attracts newcomers more easily.....among these, there's a noticeable
number of people who want to collaborate but can't do it on
programming-style staks, then are naturally turned to l10n activities.

Hence the big bump in Ubuntu l10n community while the Debian one is
mostly hosed. Another explanation probably being that the "animation"
of the community can be done by dedicated resources (understand
"people paid for this") while the same in Debian requires time and
energy from volunteers (see how slow we're developing stuff around

So, not really aproblem specific to Galician, but a more general problem.

Ways to collaborate have to be found there but that needs to overcome
some difficulties:

- the initial start of Ubuntu l10n work was "translate a lot no matter
how you do it", resulting in poor quality, lack of proofreading and no
interaction with upstream....as well as loss of confidence from those
people who were doing the same work with much caution, for years. I
think that this image is still stuck to Ubuntu l10n, which requires
overcoming the reticences of those who are doing that work for years
(which includes /me)

- basing the work on Rosetta, being non free, places a philosophical
challenge here

- no communication between "those in charge" (not
deliberately...mostly because of lack of time to invest on this,
particularly in Debian. Also because, there is always some reluctance,
on the Debian "side", to see our work being "stolen".....whether this
is true or not)

I don't really know how Rosetta has been improved to better interact
with upstream (as "upstream" for DI, I don't really see things coming
by themselves...while I have to admit that I have access to some stuff
that's done in Rosetta and am free to reinclude it in DI...however
with no idea about the quality of the work I'm including).

Back to Galician: I think that it should somewhat be the duty of
Jacobo to build that community by using d-l-galician more often and
invest some time in helping people there as well as establishing work

However, just like anybody else, I have no power to enforce that if
there is no will for it to happen. And if translations continue to
come from an individual, they'll still be the reference.

As a conclusion, I really encourage people who want more progress in
Debian Galician l10n to:

- use d-l-galician for work
- encourage Jacobo to work with the team and establish work
methods. That definitely needs some investment of time but that will
be compensated by the extra (wo)manpower that would get attracted on
long term.

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