Re: 10.5.6 Desktop Icons can't be moved

2009-02-22 Thread Eric Volker

I had a similar issue with my Intel iMac. A autoclean with AppleJack  
fixed the problem. The only drawback to AppleJack is that you have to  
run it in single user mode (hold down cmd-s after the startup chime.)  
See here for more info:



On Feb 21, 2009, at 10:57 PM, hillhippy wrote:

 This weekend I decided  that OS10.5 was old enough to try installing
 it on my PM 2.7 G5.  Expecting that things could go wrong I kept the
 drive with OS10.4.11, and formatted a drive for 10.5.install  Ran the
 installer and it consistantly failed if I tried to use the feature in
 the configuration assistant that copies your settings and files from a
 different drive.

 Feeling kinda smart I reformated the drive and just installed the OS,
 then used the migration assistant in the utilities folder to move my
 files and accounts, then ran software update to get everything
 current.  This all seemed to work, but now I can't move any of the
 icons on the desktop, they are frozen in place.

 I have used get info to check the icons and they are not locked, I
 have rights to the icons, I Zaped PRAM, I can left click and put the
 icon in the trash. I thought this might be related to the migration
 assistant, but the icons are are frozen in both a new account created
 during the install and accounts that I migrated.  Tried any Apple
 mouse in place of my Kensington with no change

 I Googled this issue and what I found was problems where icons and
 files wrer frozen and could not be opened or deleted, both of which I
 can do.  I'm stumped, but glad I can still startup in 10.4.11.

 As always any help would be appreciated.

 Leo Hoyt

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transferring a hard disk

2009-02-22 Thread ldeden

Dear List Members:

I have a Beige G3 and a Blue and White G3.  I want to install the
Beige's hard drive into the Blue and White, but the Blue and White
will not mount the Beige drive.  I suspect that there are some driver
issues involved, but do not know how to remedy the situation.

I want to make this switch so that I can retain all of the settings
that I have been using and not have to re-install any software.  Both
computers are running OSX (10.4.11).

Any ideas?  Is there a way to get all of the Beige's data and user
information onto the Blue and White's hard drive?  Then I could boot
from the Blue and White.



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Re: Install glitch with Fedora

2009-02-22 Thread jfMac

OS x can't read the linux file system straight off.
I think you must start up with the Fedora cd. Do not use the alt/
option key, but rather use the Fedora disk as you would an OS x
install disk.

Put the linux disk in the drive, restart your computer, and press the
c key so your mac will start up from the optical drive. Then you can
proceed with the linux install in the free-space you hopefully left on
your hard disk.


On Feb 20, 8:17 am, tony wrote:
 I have a G4 'Mystic', dual processor 450Mhz with 1G ram, have
 partitioned the HDrive and installed Tiger and Os 9.2 with no
 problems. But when I insert a Fedora 9 dvd and restart with alt,
 showing the three icons (tiger, os 9 and fedora), and choose fedora,
 the machine looks at the disc and then shows it as corrupted, and
 won't boot it. I think this is a glitch, as I have now tried three
 install discs from recognised linux sellers, the latest fedora 10
 which has apparently no problems. All are ppc versions.

 Any ideas? Thanks,
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Re: 2 OS Xs - Tiger Leopard; but, Only 1 Fully Utilizing the PCI Cards Installed

2009-02-22 Thread Bruce Johnson

On Feb 21, 2009, at 8:47 PM, insightinmind wrote:

 So far, after a required Manual Uninstall of Drivers (another
 indication M-Audio folks aren't up to par with Leopard), it seems to
 be running kp-blue-screen-free. The Tiger installation seems the same

 I am back to running my AGP ATI Radeon 9800Pro Mac Edition as well.

 Comments welcomed.

Well, you've solved the problem for the moment...sub-optimal to be  
sure. Here's hoping M-Audio's programmers can fix their drivers for  
10.5.  When I was looking something else up yesterday I did come  
across a mention that the audio system drivers did change between 10.4  
and 10.5. They'll probably fix them 3 months after 10.6 is out :-)

Bruce Johnson

Wherever you go, there you are B. Banzai,  PhD

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Re: transferring a hard disk

2009-02-22 Thread Bruce Johnson

On Feb 22, 2009, at 5:02 AM, wrote:

 Dear List Members:

 I have a Beige G3 and a Blue and White G3.  I want to install the
 Beige's hard drive into the Blue and White, but the Blue and White
 will not mount the Beige drive.  I suspect that there are some driver
 issues involved, but do not know how to remedy the situation.

So long as the Beige G3 drive is an IDE not a SCSI drive, the two  
should swap without issues.

Does another drive work in the BW? Have you checked master/slave  

Is it a first gen BW and you're trying to make the Beige G3 drive a  
slave? (The first gen BW only supported one drive on their IDE bus,  
due to a bug on the motherboard)

Bruce Johnson

Wherever you go, there you are B. Banzai,  PhD

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160 GB hard drive in a G3 Beige

2009-02-22 Thread James Brown
Hello all,

I need to call on your collective wisdom.  I am a long time Mac user, but a
newbie at looking under the hood.  My question is about my Power Macintosh
G3 Beige.  A couple of months ago, I pulled it out of storage with the goal
of upgrading it to have a second computer around the house for routine use.
Thanks to the many great resource on the web, including this group, I have
learned about all its strengths and peculiarities.  It is a ROM revision A
machine, so I'm aware of the 8 GB limitation and know about the 128 GB
limit on hard drive accessing.   I maxed out the RAM, replaced the battery,
added a Sonnet, Tango 2.0 PCI adapter card, a 4 MB SGRam module, and had it
running at Mac OS X 10.2.8, but it seemed flaky, so I went back to OS
9.2.2.  But that is not my question right now.

The problem now is about the hard drive.  I replaced the 4 GB drive with a
Seagate 160 GB Barracuda (7200 rpm).  The computer could only see 128 GB,
but that was ok.  I partitioned that drive into 7.2 GB in the top volume,
about 118 GB in a middle volume and about 3 in the bottom volume – with the
idea that I would stay away from that end of the drive.  I did a fresh
install from the installation CDs and upgraded to 9.2.2.  Everything worked
well for about a week, so I started loading applications and using it.
Yesterday, I discovered that the computer only recognizes the middle volume
as 117.9 MB.  Looks like a power of 1000 error?  So what has happened to
the remainder of the middle volume?

I've used Disk First Aid and Drive Set-up to look for obvious issues.  It is
in the middle of scanning the disk for bad blocks using Drive Set-up, so
nothing to report there (Should that take  12 hours?)  Other diagnostics to
try? I hope that I can get this machine to operate stably because I'm
enjoying toying around with it.  How can I fix this issue without

I am going to be away for a couple of days, so I apologize in advance if I
cannot answer any questions quickly.  Thanks.

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Re: 2 OS Xs - Tiger Leopard; but, Only 1 Fully Utilizing the PCI Cards Installed

2009-02-22 Thread insightinmind

On Feb 22, 2009, at 9:00 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

 Well, you've solved the problem for the moment...sub-optimal to be
 sure. Here's hoping M-Audio's programmers can fix their drivers for
 10.5.  When I was looking something else up yesterday I did come
 across a mention that the audio system drivers did change between 10.4
 and 10.5. They'll probably fix them 3 months after 10.6 is out :-)

And 10.6 will be leaving us PPC folks in the dust ...

Could you pass along the 10.4/10.5 audio change reference to me (us)?  
Would like to read up on it, maybe pass if along to the M-Audio  
folks ... I've been transferring some comments of the LEM Forum  
along ... did not use any names.

Here's the Forum:

Their Forum Administrator is then, sometimes, passing along the  
comments and my results to the Tech folks (maybe at Avid?).  
Evidently, they are being shielded from folks like me ... techy- 
musicians -  Hope the only thing being lost in the, translations, is  
the frustration ... I've been relatively careful not to put that part  
out there for them.


Bill Connelly

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Re: Do I really need a new processor?

2009-02-22 Thread lorensmedberg

I've got the same machine, I maxed out the memory a long time ago that
made a big difference, later I installed a new faster hard drive 
made that the start up drive, again that bumped up the speed quite a
bit. But the thing that made my 733 quicksilver run like a new
computer was installing OWC's 1500ghz 2 mb - L3 processor . It didn't
take very long to install it  it was very well worth it. My
QuickSilver now bench test's right on parr with my G5 iMac 1.6ghz. The
best part is last November when our house was burglarized they took
over $8,000.00 worth of stuff but they didn't bother with stealing my
trusty old Quicksilver.

On Feb 21, 10:09 am, Anne Keller-Smith wrote:
 Hiyas ~

 Got the memory working - I mean OWC sent me a new stick and it's  
 fine. Took me awhile to fool around with, mostly because I forgot  
 which stick was which and had to open/close case more often than  
 absolutely necessary, compare numbers on sticks with them, etc. LOL.

 Now I have a lovely new processor to install, but the machine is  
 running quickly and beautifully as is. Installed DW CS4 plus Flash  
 and they work fine, except I haven't a clue how to use either one. My  
 kid will help me with new Flash - I was using MX. Again LOL.

 It was $250. Wonder if OWC would let me return it? Impulse buy, for  
 pete's sake.

 Or maybe install it, this QS has a puny 733mHz processor. Really  
 tired of opening the case, plus a backache from moving the lucite  
 case around. Oldsters will understand.

 Happy as clam, tho, because I can use this machine for a couple more  
 years - then when 10.6 comes out will buy new.

 Anne Keller Smith
 Down to Earth Web Design

 G4 Quicksilver 733mHz Tower
 896 MB RAM, 40 GB hard drive, OS 10.4.11

 Intel iMac 2.4gHz Core 2 Duo
 1GB RAM, 250GB Hard Drive, OS 10.5.5

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Re: 160 GB hard drive in a G3 Beige

2009-02-22 Thread PeterH

On Feb 22, 2009, at 7:34 AM, James Brown wrote:

  It is a ROM revision A machine, so I'm aware of the 8 GB  
 limitation and know about the 128 GB limit on hard drive accessing.

ROM Rev A only limits you to Master IDEs, only, no Slave IDEs.

ROM Rev A has nothing to do with 8 GB limitation, per se, as all Old  
World Macs have the 8 GB limitation for the first partition, for OS  
X, but not for OS 9.

As the IDEs are DMA mode, there is no 128 GB limitation in the  
chipset, but there is an artificial 128 GB limitation in the drivers  
(both OS X and OS 9).

If you get Intech's Hard Drive SpeedTools, you will get an  
initializer for OS 9 which can initialize a drive which is larger  
than 128 GB (actually, it is 131,072 MB).

You will still have to have an 8 GB (8192 MB) first partition, if you  
want to boot OS X. You will then place a partition break at exactly  
131,072 MB.

The included white paper on safe formatting will disclose all  
these details.

The High Cap kext for OS X will allow that MacOS to access above  
the 128 GB line.

You could install 500 GB drives on that machine, if you wanted to.

All the B or C ROMs would do would be to give you Slave support,  
which is certainly a good reason to install a B or C ROM.

The B ROM should fine, as all the C ROM did was correct an error in  
the support for the video chip which was on the Rev. 2 and 3  
motherboards, and the C ROM did nothing for IDE support.

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Problem with Applejack instructions

2009-02-22 Thread Jonas Lopez

Problem with Applejack instructions

I want to use this and can read and understand, but as is the case here, the 
writer assumes you know more than we do and then tells us of a danger, so here 
is the problem:

QUIT 1: I am a user and am logged in, when I am done with the computer, I use 
the APPLE MENU/ SHUT quit.

Question: Does this mean I am still logged in? Is this the WRONG WAY to close 
the computer if I want to use Applejack?


QUIT 2: I am a user and am logged in, when I am done with the computer I use 

Question: Is this the missing instruction that will cause a problem if not 

If I follow this instruction:
Start and hold the COMMAND AND S KEYS DOWN to start up in Single User Mode.

Is the above QUIT 1 OR QUIT 2 correct or not.

As you can see, the error is is NOT TELLING HOW TO QUIT in a special way. ( I 
have never used the log out in years )

Please reply.


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Re: 2 OS Xs - Tiger Leopard; but, Only 1 Fully Utilizing the PCI Cards Installed

2009-02-22 Thread Eric Volker

On Feb 22, 2009, at 10:18 AM, insightinmind wrote:

 And 10.6 will be leaving us PPC folks in the dust ...

 Could you pass along the 10.4/10.5 audio change reference to me (us)?
 Would like to read up on it, maybe pass if along to the M-Audio
 folks ... I've been transferring some comments of the LEM Forum
 along ... did not use any names.

 Here's the Forum:

 Their Forum Administrator is then, sometimes, passing along the
 comments and my results to the Tech folks (maybe at Avid?).
 Evidently, they are being shielded from folks like me ... techy-
 musicians -  Hope the only thing being lost in the, translations, is
 the frustration ... I've been relatively careful not to put that part
 out there for them.

Bill, I also have a Tiger partition that I installed my M-Audio  
Revolution on. I had much the same problem with it that I did with  
Leopard, though I'll admit I had no kernel panics. While it seemed  
stable in the sense that it didn't crash the whole system, I would  
still get garbled audio out of Tiger. Of course, you're using a  
different card and probably a different driver. I hope you can manage  
to get your sound card issues straightened out. It does seem silly  
that M-Audio doesn't have a stable driver for an OS that has been out  
as long as Leopard has.


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Re: Problem with Applejack instructions

2009-02-22 Thread Dan

At 9:56 AM -0800 2/22/2009, Jonas Lopez wrote:
Problem with Applejack instructions

I want to use this and can read and understand, but as is the case 
here, the writer assumes you know more than we do and then tells us 
of a danger, so here is the problem:

QUIT 1: I am a user and am logged in, when I am done with the 
computer, I use the APPLE MENU/ SHUT quit.

Question: Does this mean I am still logged in?

No.   When you tell the machine to shutdown, it first quits all your 
processes, then logs you out, then quits all the system processes, 
then runs down the kernel, and finally kills the power.

Is this the WRONG WAY to close the computer if I want to use Applejack?

No, it's fine.  Even selecting restart is fine.  They key is that you 
must hold down cmd-s when you boot to get into Single User mode, so 
you can run AppleJack.

QUIT 2: I am a user and am logged in, when I am done with the 
computer I use the APPLE MENU/ LOG OUT quit.

Question: Is this the missing instruction that will cause a problem 
if not followed?

If I follow this instruction:
Start and hold the COMMAND AND S KEYS DOWN to start up in Single User Mode.

Is the above QUIT 1 OR QUIT 2 correct or not.

Either works; per my explination above.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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Re: Problem with Applejack instructions

2009-02-22 Thread Eric Volker

On Feb 22, 2009, at 11:56 AM, Jonas Lopez wrote:

 Problem with Applejack instructions

 I want to use this and can read and understand, but as is the case  
 here, the writer assumes you know more than we do and then tells us  
 of a danger, so here is the problem:

 QUIT 1: I am a user and am logged in, when I am done with the  
 computer, I use the APPLE MENU/ SHUT quit.

 Question: Does this mean I am still logged in? Is this the WRONG WAY  
 to close the computer if I want to use Applejack?


 QUIT 2: I am a user and am logged in, when I am done with the  
 computer I use the APPLE MENU/ LOG OUT quit.

 Question: Is this the missing instruction that will cause a problem  
 if not followed?

 If I follow this instruction:
 Start and hold the COMMAND AND S KEYS DOWN to start up in Single  
 User Mode.

 Is the above QUIT 1 OR QUIT 2 correct or not.

 As you can see, the error is is NOT TELLING HOW TO QUIT in a special  
 way. ( I have never used the log out in years )

 Please reply.

I'm not sure about those instructions, but the way I've always used  
AppleJack is to do a complete Shutdown from the Apple Menu. You would  
then start your Mac back up. After the startup chime, hold down CMD-S  
until a black screen comes up. Once the black screen comes up, you can  
let go of CMD-S. The black screen should look like a Terminal window  
that fills the whole screen. At that point, you can run AppleJack. My  
understanding is that this the best and safest way to use AppleJack.


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Re: 10.5.6 Desktop Icons can't be moved

2009-02-22 Thread Pleasant Grove Vineyard

I dumped the preferences without any change, I had already fixed the

I noticed that I can move windows around but I can't move items in the
windows.  Later today I'll try some of the other suggestions.



On Feb 21, 9:11 pm, Cyrus wrote:
 Sometimes your user preferences can get corrupted over time, or by
 having the application they are for crash. I would try moving the
 desktop and finder preferences to a new folder, forcing the OS to
 create a new one. These are in the Users[your 
 username] and

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rsync question

2009-02-22 Thread Eric Volker

I hope folks don't mind if I ask a Unix-y question. I've grown fond of  
using rsync to keep my iTunes collection synced across various Macs. I  
just point rsync at my Linux server, and push or pull the iTunes  
material depending on which I need. The problem I've noticed is that  
rsync insists on touching every single file, whether or not it needs  
to be synced. I've read on Bombich's site that is due to a bug in  
Apple's version of rsync, and they recommend recompiling rsync on each  
Mac you want to update. Needless to say, that's a rather tedious fix.  
Are there any command line options I can use with rsync to work around  
the problem?



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Re: Problem with Applejack instructions

2009-02-22 Thread Dan

At 1:37 PM -0600 2/22/2009, Eric Volker wrote:
I'm not sure about those instructions, but the way I've always used 
AppleJack is to do a complete Shutdown from the Apple Menu. You would 
then start your Mac back up. After the startup chime, hold down CMD-S 
until a black screen comes up. Once the black screen comes up, you can 
let go of CMD-S. The black screen should look like a Terminal window 
that fills the whole screen. At that point, you can run AppleJack. My
understanding is that this the best and safest way to use AppleJack.

best and safest?   AppleJack MUST be run from Single User mode, period.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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Re: Problem with Applejack instructions

2009-02-22 Thread Paul

Earlier, at 1:37 pm -0600 2/22/09, Eric Volker wrote:
I'm not sure about those instructions, but the way
I've always used
AppleJack is to do a complete Shutdown from the Apple
Menu. You would
then start your Mac back up. After the startup chime,
hold down CMD-S
until a black screen comes up. Once the black screen
comes up, you can
let go of CMD-S. The black screen should look like a
Terminal window
that fills the whole screen. At that point, you can
run AppleJack. My
understanding is that this the best and safest way to
use AppleJack.

 There is a READ ME enclosed with the Applejack install

But I restart and hold down the S and Command buttons,
wait for the prompt and type applejack, after which I
get my choices.

 If, when you install Applejack, you opt for the
optional install, you get MemTest, which is accessed
from the prompt (after typing Applejack) by typing x


Idealism is what precedes experience;
cynicism is what follows.
-- David T. Wolf

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Re: transferring a hard disk

2009-02-22 Thread Lawrence David Eden

On Feb 22, 2009, at 5:02 AM, wrote:

  Dear List Members:

  I have a Beige G3 and a Blue and White G3.  I want to install the
  Beige's hard drive into the Blue and White, but the Blue and White
  will not mount the Beige drive.  I suspect that there are some driver
  issues involved, but do not know how to remedy the situation.

So long as the Beige G3 drive is an IDE not a SCSI drive, the two
should swap without issues.

This is what I thought, too Bruce.  The drive from the Beige is a 
Quantum ATA drive.  It works fine in the Beigebut will not boot 
the BW.  Isn't ATA the same as IDE?

Does another drive work in the BW? Have you checked master/slave

Yes.  I have a Western Digital in the BW that works fine.  I called 
Apple about the jumper settings, and they told me to use CS instead 
of Master.  The BW seems to like this setting, but if I install the 
Quantum in addition to the WD, the BW will not boot regardless of 
what jumper settings I select.

Is it a first gen BW and you're trying to make the Beige G3 drive a
slave? (The first gen BW only supported one drive on their IDE bus,
due to a bug on the motherboard)

The BW that I have is a 450 mhz model, so I am pretty sure that it 
is not a first gen.

I have firewire on the Beige via a PCI card, but the BW and the 
Beige can't get together via firewire.  I thought I could solve the 
problem via the Migration Assistant, but NO GO.


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Re: 10.5.6 Desktop Icons can't be moved

2009-02-22 Thread Clark Martin

Pleasant Grove Vineyard wrote:
 I dumped the preferences without any change, I had already fixed the
 I noticed that I can move windows around but I can't move items in the
 windows.  Later today I'll try some of the other suggestions.

I haven't been following this but it sounds like it's set to arrange the 
ICON view by something.  With the Desktop selected, under the View menu 
select Show View Options.  Under Arrange, select None.

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway

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2009-02-22 Thread R. A. Cantrell
Wayback machine, I know I did this in the past, but I can't remember how. I
want to set up children's programs that ordinarily require that the cd be in
the cd player for the program to run to be able to run from a copy somewhere
on the HD. It saves the wear, tear, and breakage (inevitable) that five year
olds inflict on cd players. OS 9.1, Imac Bondi. THe program in question
installs on the HD, but requires the cd be in the drive to run. Further
complicated in that the cd mounts as two volumes, one being the program, the
other an audio cd. I don't know where or ecactly the method for copying
the cd to the drive in such a way that the install program finds it instead
of requesting the cd be inserted into the cd player.

All the best,

R.A. Cantrell

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Re: Fool'em

2009-02-22 Thread Steve R

At 4:06 PM -0600 2/22/09, R. A. Cantrell posted:
Wayback machine, I know I did this in the past, but I can't remember 
how. I want to set up children's programs that ordinarily require 
that the cd be in the cd player for the program to run to be able to 
run from a copy somewhere on the HD. It saves the wear, tear, and 
breakage (inevitable) that five year olds inflict on cd players. OS 
9.1, Imac Bondi. THe program in question installs on the HD, but 
requires the cd be in the drive to run. Further complicated in that 
the cd mounts as two volumes, one being the program, the other an 
audio cd. I don't know where or ecactly the method for copying the 
cd to the drive in such a way that the install program finds it 
instead of requesting the cd be inserted into the cd player.

Have you checked Disk Utility to see if it shows the CD as two 
separate sessions? If it does, choose the 'audio cd' as the CD you 
want to copy. It gets saved as .cdr, change it to .iso, and when 
needed to be mounted, doubleclick.

Otherwise, you could possibly drag the contents from the audio 
session to an image or folder to create a new image. Problems with 
that are any hidden files the programmer may have added, and these 
hidden files were far more common pre-X to stop duplicating discs.

Steve R

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Re: Broken screw

2009-02-22 Thread norm46

I removed the card but the nut is what is broken off.Could not even
drill it out.

On Feb 19, 11:10 am, Bruce Johnson
 On Feb 18, 2009, at 6:54 PM, Norm Rowe wrote:

  I know I can just leave it alone but when I installed my ATI 9800 card
  one of the screws that hold the cable broke off. It is in a position
  where it nearly impossible to get a tool on it. Any ideas other than  
  just let be?

 Not if you remove the card. I've never seen one break where you  
 couldn't disconnect the cable. Yank the card and then you can get a  
 pair of needle-nosed pliers on the nut the cable screws into. Those  
 are simply screwed into the card and readily replaceable...any pc  
 supply or repair shop in your area should have dozens laying about.

 Bruce Johnson
 University of Arizona
 College of Pharmacy
 Information Technology Group

 Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs
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Re: Applejack instructions violate log out

2009-02-22 Thread Len Gerstel

On Feb 22, 2009, at 6:16 PM, Jonas Lopez wrote:

 Yes there is a Readme with Applejack and in it is the following:
 Running this script while logged in as a user can crash your system

 So the question still is; HOW TO LOG OUT?

 The last item on the Apple menu is

 Question is:
 Are we REQUIRED to use this to quit then start up holding command  
 plus S for Single user mode?

No, any time you shut down or restart, all users are automatically  
logged out before the computer powers down.

So, as long as either power up the computer holding the command S, or  
restart hitting command S just after the screen goes blank, you are  
starting in single user mode.

Logging in is something that happens each time you start the computer.  
It can be either automatic to your user account by selecting that  
option in the Users preference pane, or you can be presented with a  
list of available users upon start up (before you see any desktop) to  
choose which one you want to log into.


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Re: Problem with Applejack instructions

2009-02-22 Thread gifutiger

Greetings ( + )!( + )

If the instruction that come with the applejack application are not
understandable then I would recommend that you trash the program and
not attempt to run it under any circumstance.

Best regards,

  - Harry -

On Feb 22, 9:56 am, Jonas Lopez wrote:
 Problem with Applejack instructions

 I want to use this and can read and understand, but as is the case here, the 
 writer assumes you know more than we do and then tells us of a danger, so 
 here is the problem:

 QUIT 1: I am a user and am logged in, when I am done with the computer, I use 
 the APPLE MENU/ SHUT quit.

 Question: Does this mean I am still logged in? Is this the WRONG WAY to close 
 the computer if I want to use Applejack?


 QUIT 2: I am a user and am logged in, when I am done with the computer I use 
 the APPLE MENU/ LOG OUT quit.

 Question: Is this the missing instruction that will cause a problem if not 

 If I follow this instruction:
 Start and hold the COMMAND AND S KEYS DOWN to start up in Single User Mode.

 Is the above QUIT 1 OR QUIT 2 correct or not.

 As you can see, the error is is NOT TELLING HOW TO QUIT in a special way. ( I 
 have never used the log out in years )

 Please reply.
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Applejack instructions

2009-02-22 Thread Dan A. Currie

gifutiger wrote:
 Greetings ( + )!( + )

 If the instruction that come with the applejack application are not
 understandable then I would recommend that you trash the program and
 not attempt to run it under any circumstance.

 Best regards,

   - Harry -

 On Feb 22, 9:56 am, Jonas Lopez wrote:
I have been using AJ for years and as was recommended to me I restart 
using CMD - S and then type in   applejack auto restart   and 10 minutes 
later I have a spiffy NEW computer.

Dan Currie
 Problem with Applejack instructions

 I want to use this and can read and understand, but as is the case here, the 
 writer assumes you know more than we do and then tells us of a danger, so 
 here is the problem:

 QUIT 1: I am a user and am logged in, when I am done with the computer, I 
 use the APPLE MENU/ SHUT quit.

 Question: Does this mean I am still logged in? Is this the WRONG WAY to 
 close the computer if I want to use Applejack?


 QUIT 2: I am a user and am logged in, when I am done with the computer I use 
 the APPLE MENU/ LOG OUT quit.

 Question: Is this the missing instruction that will cause a problem if not 

 If I follow this instruction:
 Start and hold the COMMAND AND S KEYS DOWN to start up in Single User Mode.

 Is the above QUIT 1 OR QUIT 2 correct or not.

 As you can see, the error is is NOT TELLING HOW TO QUIT in a special way. ( 
 I have never used the log out in years )

 Please reply.

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Selecting Startup Disk in Beige G3

2009-02-22 Thread Mullin9

In the new-world mac, I press option at startup to select the
startup disk,
But on the Old-World Beige Mac, what key do I push to select the
startup disk,?

Thank You

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Re: Do I really need a new processor?

2009-02-22 Thread Anne Keller-Smith

On Feb 21, 2009, at 10:11 PM, Clark Martin wrote:
 Just as a hint for the next time.  You can run a G4 case with the  

Thanks, Clark!

Actually I'm a little embarassed to say most of the opens/closes I  
did under my desk without unplugging anything. Just rotated the  
computer a little bit, swung the door open, diddled with RAM, closed  
again. With computer off. Careful of static. You're supposed to keep  
it plugged in anyway to ground.

My back was just screaming from pulling it out and hoisting it onto a  
table. All that Lucite. So pretty, but heavy as a house.

If I shouldn't be doing this, just let me know, and I'll figure out  
another way to save my back.

I have an 11 year old who I might just make do it ...

Down to Earth Web Design

G4 Quicksilver 733mHz Tower
896 MB RAM, 40 GB hard drive, OS 10.4.11

Intel iMac 2.4gHz Core 2 Duo
1GB RAM, 250GB Hard Drive, OS 10.5.5

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Re: Do I really need a new processor?

2009-02-22 Thread Anne Keller-Smith

On Feb 22, 2009, at 12:02 PM, wrote:
 I've got the same machine, the thing that made my 733 quicksilver  
 run like a new
 computer was installing OWC's 1500ghz 2 mb - L3 processor .

The one I got is the NewerTEch MaxPower 7447 Single G4/1.6GHz.

Very funny about the thieves not taking your computer. Nice thing  
about old
macs and very dented in Honda Civics.

Anne Keller Smith
Down to Earth Web Design

G4 Quicksilver 733mHz Tower
896 MB RAM, 40 GB hard drive, OS 10.4.11

Intel iMac 2.4gHz Core 2 Duo
1GB RAM, 250GB Hard Drive, OS 10.5.5

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Re: Selecting Startup Disk in Beige G3

2009-02-22 Thread Clark Martin

Mullin9 wrote:
 In the new-world mac, I press option at startup to select the
 startup disk,
 But on the Old-World Beige Mac, what key do I push to select the
 startup disk,?

There is no direct equivalent to the option key.  You can hold down the 
c key to start up from the optical drive.  You can press 
Delete-Option-Command-Shift (DOCS) to not have the assigned startup 
drive be used.  In that case the computer will search for a bootable 
volume in a specific order of the available devices.

Otherwise to specify a drive you have to be able to boot into a system 
and use the Startup Disk System Preference or OS 9 equivalent to select 
a boot drive.

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway

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Re: Problem with Applejack instructions

2009-02-22 Thread Anne Keller-Smith

 On Feb 22, 9:56 am, Jonas Lopez wrote:
 Problem with Applejack instructions

I used Applejack to test my RAM.

I never log in either, I am the only user on my machine.

All I did was Shut Down, then Start up using Cmd-S.

The rest was pretty automatic.

No problems.

Good luck!

Anne Keller Smith
Down to Earth Web Design

G4 Quicksilver 733mHz Tower
896 MB RAM, 40 GB hard drive, OS 10.4.11

Intel iMac 2.4gHz Core 2 Duo
1GB RAM, 250GB Hard Drive, OS 10.5.5

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Re: Fool'em

2009-02-22 Thread Tom

I second making disk images of the CDs, with Disk Utility. The Mac
thinks the disk images are the actual disks, except they're always
available on the hard drive. You can put the original disks away for
safekeeping. Look up how to make a disk image of a CD if you don't
know how to do it.

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Re: Selecting Startup Disk in Beige G3

2009-02-22 Thread Kris Tilford

On Feb 22, 2009, at 7:40 PM, Mullin9 wrote:

 In the new-world mac, I press option at startup to select the
 startup disk,
 But on the Old-World Beige Mac, what key do I push to select the
 startup disk,

If you're using an unsupported version of OS X (10.3 or 10.4)  
requiring XPostFacto you must use XPF to select the startup disk. If  
you're using a supported version of OS X (10.2 or earlier) or OS 9 you  
use Apple Startup Disk to select the startup disk.

There isn't any firmware option (meaning keystroke) for selecting the  
startup disk prior to boot, although you can boot into Open Firmware  
command line and use open firmware commands to select the startup  
device. This isn't easy because you'll need to know the exact arcane  
open firmware device name to be able to specify it. It can be done,  
but it's not for the faint of heart, and generally you could boot a CD  
holding the C key and then use Apple Startup Disk from there unless  
you're using an unsupported OS X which will not work properly if you  
use Apple Startup Disk since it conflicts with XPF.

If you reset the PRAM/NVRAM the Beige defaults to the master drive of  
the primary ATA bus. These other old-world boot key commands work, but  
aren't too useful unless you use SCSI drives in the Beige:

Cmd-Opt-Shift-Delete: Bypass startup drive and boot from external SCSI
Cmd-Opt-Shift-Delete-#: Boot from a specific SCSI ID #.(#=SCSI ID  

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Re: Applejack instructions violate log out

2009-02-22 Thread Dan

At 3:16 PM -0800 2/22/2009, Jonas Lopez wrote:
Yes there is a Readme with Applejack and in it is the following:
Running this script while logged in as a user can crash your system

So the question still is; HOW TO LOG OUT?

You are mis-interpreting it.

You cannot run AppleJack while OS X is booted as a MULTI-USER system 
(ie, normally).  You MUST boot into SINGLE-USER mode - and at that 
point you ARE root, directly connected to the system's console.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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Re: upgrading firmware on blue and white??

2009-02-22 Thread Dana Collins
On 2/22/09 10:45 PM, jonas ulrich of sent

 How do you upgrade firmware on a blue and whiter powermac? I heard that there
 is a firmware update to get it to except g4 upgrade cards.

Hi Jonas,
Yes you are right, the G3 needs a hack that removes the instruction that
prevents a G3 firmware from recognizing a G4 CPU. Sonnet has had it for a
long time, here:

I suspect OWC has it (or something comparable) as well.
Best regards,

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Re: upgrading firmware on blue and white??

2009-02-22 Thread jonas ulrich

the link isn't working. how do i get it off the mac update?

On 2/22/09, Steve R wrote:

  At 11:32 PM -0500 2/22/09, Dana Collins posted:

 On 2/22/09 10:45 PM, jonas ulrich of sent

  How do you upgrade firmware on a blue and whiter powermac? I heard
  that there is a firmware update to get it to except g4 upgrade cards.

  Hi Jonas,
  Yes you are right, the G3 needs a hack that removes the instruction
  that prevents a G3 firmware from recognizing a G4 CPU. Sonnet has had
  it for a long time, here:

  I suspect OWC has it (or something comparable) as well.

 Sonnet firmware can also be found on macupdate.


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Re: upgrading firmware on blue and white??

2009-02-22 Thread jonas ulrich

every single bloody download link doesn't work!!! at 94k
through it says the decompression failed

On 2/22/09, Steve R wrote:

  At 10:26 PM -0800 2/22/09, jonas ulrich posted:

   the link isn't working. how do i get it off the mac update?
On 2/22/09, Steve R wrote:
 At 11:32 PM -0500 2/22/09, Dana Collins posted:
On 2/22/09 10:45 PM, jonas ulrich of sent
 How do you upgrade firmware on a blue and whiter powermac? I heard
 that there is a firmware update to get it to except g4 upgrade cards.
 Hi Jonas,
 Yes you are right, the G3 needs a hack that removes the instruction
 that prevents a G3 firmware from recognizing a G4 CPU. Sonnet has had
 it for a long time, here:

 I suspect OWC has it (or something comparable) as well.
Sonnet firmware can also be found on macupdate.

 go to and search for sonnet.


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