Re: Thinking about a new CPU for a Sawtooth 500 mhz G4

2010-01-23 Thread A.McCullough

On 1/23/2010 4:03 PM, Mac User #330250 wrote:

If you want to reuse parts like memory, you're much better off with the Dual-1
GHz Quicksilver, or even a Dual-800 (like mine!). Beware that the Quicksilver
2002 is the first to support large hard drives  128 GB (system board Rev. B).

Full ACK. Consider the QS option for you (buying a used one for around 100
Dollars with no HDDs and no RAM makes your upgrade easy -- you'd just go for
the CPU speed).

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the QS can take the PC100 DIMMs also,

Okay, this brings up another question... let's say I did that: would the 
HD from my current Sawtooth (with all the apps that came with it, many 
of which do not have any physical media for reinstalling) work as-is in 
a faster QS? In a Windows world,  this doesn't normally work - a pulled 
hard drive from an older machine would (usually!) require a wiped drive 
and a full reinstall of the OS and any applications because the OS 
generally doesn't natively recognize a major hardware change without 
tossing its cookies, and once you've got this fresh OS now all the apps 
need put back in.  I'd hate to lose half the stuff in this pleasantly 
reliable old Sawtooth in the changeover (I know the DRIVE would function 
- it's the software I'm concerned with). Does this work differently in Macs?


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Re: Thinking about a new CPU for a Sawtooth 500 mhz G4

2010-01-23 Thread A.McCullough

On 1/23/2010 8:03 PM, Kris Tilford wrote:
Yes, this does work differently in a Mac. Windows installs a custom 
system for each computer, and generally it can't be moved from one 
computer to another unless the two computers are physically identical. 
Macs install a unitary system that normally is bootable on all Macs. 
There are some exceptions, but these normally only involve specific 
hardware extensions, and your Sawtooth is NOT a model that would have 
a restricted set of extensions. You should be able to move your 
Sawtooth HD into a QS or any other Mac that can take it without issues.

You can easily clone (a special type of copy) an old HD onto a new HD. 
Or, if you have installer discs you can install a clean system on a 
new HD and then use the application Migration Assistant to migrate 
over all the extra programs from the old HD.

If your Mac only has one HD, you could probably add a 2nd without 
removing the original.

There are many options on a Mac, many more than on a Windows PC. The 
two are very different, with the Mac being more user friendly. If you 
don't have any install discs, cloning your old HD onto a new one would 
be your best option, and you'd do this with a program such as Carbon 
Copy Cloner or SuperDuper!.
This is excellent news, thank you! I am familiar with SuperDuper 
already, having cloned the Sawtooth's original 20-gig drive onto the 40 
gig that resides in it at the moment (I did keep the original 20 gig as 
a backup) - I found it to be a most painless process :)  I DO have the 
OS Tiger install discs ( bought those a while ago), and in fact, I 
chipped in on the purchase of a set of Leopard discs - a friend and I 
bought a five-license set when Leopard first came out) so that if I 
could update the Sawtooth enough to run it, I already have a legal way 
to go that route as well. However, as is being made clear to me, perhaps 
just replacing the Sawtooth itself might be better than upgrading its 

You've just brought up an option with which I am not familiar - 
Migration Assistant?? Hm, something else to look into :)

I am still curious, though (always!!) - what upgrade paths DO exist for 
the Sawtooth by way of processor speed (apart from the monetary 
considerations, I'm still interested in learning about it)?

Thanks very much for your very helpful response!!

Anna McCullough

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Re: Weird happenings

2009-09-14 Thread A.McCullough

So, just to be sure, you don't have Picasa or Google Earth or ANY form 
of Google app installed? That's normally why you'd get Google Updates 
even trying to run at all.

At any rate, a quick Google of your problem (sorry, couldn't resist) 
shows this:


Charles Davis wrote:
 System = MDD Dual 1.25, 1 GIG RAM

 Noticed problems with Shut Down

 Re-boot  check Console LOG

 Mac OS X Version 10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
 2009-09-13 18:08:31 -0400
 2009-09-13 18:08:33.351 SystemUIServer[116]
  MenuCracker is now loaded. Ready to accept new menus. Ignore the  
 failure message that follow.
 2009-09-13 18:08:33.492 SystemUIServer[116] failed to load Menu  
 Extra: NSBundle /Library/PreferencePanes/MenuMeters.prefPane/ 
 Contents/Resources/ (loaded)
 2009-09-13 18:08:33.687 SystemUIServer[116] lang is:en
 No log handling enabled - turning on stderr logging
 ack: Unknown host ()
 something horrible happened!!!
 2009-09-13 18:08:36.645 SystemUIServer[116] MenuCracker: Loading  
 2009-09-13 18:08:36.666 SystemUIServer[116] failed to load Menu  
 Extra: NSBundle /Library/PreferencePanes/MenuMeters.prefPane/ 
 Contents/Resources/ (loaded)
 2009-09-13 18:08:33.008 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[124/0xa000ed88]  
 [lvl=2] -[KSAgentApp setupLoggerOutput] Agent settings:  
 lastCheck=2009-09-01 19:08:48 -0400 checkInterval=86400.00  
 uiDisplayInterval=604800.00 sleepInterval=8640.00  
 jitterInterval=900 maxRunInterval=0.00 isConsoleUser=1  
 TicketStore/Keystone.ticketstore runMode=1 logEverything=0  
 logBufferSize=2048 alwaysPromptForUpdates=0 productIDToUpdate=(null)  
 lastRun=2009-09-13 17:56:26 -0400 lastUIDisplayed=(null)  
 lastCheck=2009-09-01 19:08:48 -0400 alwaysShowStatusItem=0 userGUID= 
 {B1986B04-FED5-43C1-A133-3C9F8BE78392} updateCheckTag=(null)  
 printResults=NO userInitiated=NO handlingCrash=NO
 2009-09-13 18:08:37.671 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[124/0x2019800]  
 [lvl=2] -[KSUpdateEngine updateProductWithProductID:] No ticket for  
 product with Product ID
 2009-09-13 18:08:37.673 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[124/0x2019800]  
 [lvl=2] -[KSUpdateEngine processingStarted:]  
 processor=KSActionProcessor:0x540080 isProcessing=1 actions=4  
 2009-09-13 18:08:37.673 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[124/0x2019800]  
 [lvl=2] -[KSUpdateEngine processor:startingAction:]  
 processor=KSActionProcessor:0x540080 isProcessing=1 actions=3  
 current=KSCheckAction, action=KSCheckAction: 0x542290
 2009-09-13 18:08:37.675 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[124/0x2019800]  
 [lvl=2] -[KSCheckAction performAction] No checkers created.
 2009-09-13 18:08:37.675 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[124/0x2019800]  
 [lvl=2] -[KSUpdateEngine processor:finishedAction:successfully:]  
 processor=KSActionProcessor:0x540080 isProcessing=1 actions=3  
 current=KSCheckAction, action=KSCheckAction: 0x542290, wasOK=1
 2009-09-13 18:08:37.675 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[124/0x2019800]  
 [lvl=2] -[KSUpdateEngine processor:startingAction:]  
 processor=KSActionProcessor:0x540080 isProcessing=1 actions=2  
 current=KSPrefetchAction, action=KSPrefetchAction: 0x5428a0
 2009-09-13 18:08:37.675 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[124/0x2019800]  
 [lvl=2] -[KSPrefetchAction performAction] no updates available.
 2009-09-13 18:08:37.675 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[124/0x2019800]  
 [lvl=2] -[KSUpdateEngine processor:finishedAction:successfully:]  
 processor=KSActionProcessor:0x540080 isProcessing=1 actions=2  
 current=KSPrefetchAction, action=KSPrefetchAction: 0x5428a0, wasOK=1
 2009-09-13 18:08:37.676 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[124/0x2019800]  
 [lvl=2] -[KSUpdateEngine processor:startingAction:]  
 processor=KSActionProcessor:0x540080 isProcessing=1 actions=1  
 current=KSSilentUpdateAction, action=KSSilentUpdateAction: 0x5429b0
 2009-09-13 18:08:37.676 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[124/0x2019800]  
 [lvl=2] -[KSMultiUpdateAction performAction] no updates available.
 2009-09-13 18:08:37.676 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[124/0x2019800]  
 [lvl=2] -[KSUpdateEngine processor:finishedAction:successfully:]  
 processor=KSActionProcessor:0x540080 isProcessing=1 actions=1  
 current=KSSilentUpdateAction, action=KSSilentUpdateAction:  
 0x5429b0, wasOK=1
 2009-09-13 18:08:37.676 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[124/0x2019800]  
 [lvl=2] -[KSUpdateEngine processor:startingAction:]  
 processor=KSActionProcessor:0x540080 isProcessing=1 actions=0  
 current=KSPromptAction, action=KSPromptAction: 0x542b00
 2009-09-13 18:08:37.676 GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent[124/0x2019800]  
 [lvl=2] -[KSMultiUpdateAction performAction] no updates available.
 2009-09-13 18:08:37.676 

Re: HD Question

2009-07-05 Thread A.McCullough

Look at the rear of the drives. Then look here:

Given the apparent age of the drives in question (a fast Google lookup 
shows none of 'em as currently available, hence they're older drives 
and not currently in production) I'd say it's dang near a certainty that 
at least the Samsung and the WD's are PATA. With no manufacturer 
mentioned on the generic, you'll have to verify that by looking at the 


Stephen Conrad wrote:
 My spare HDs
  Generic 120.0 GB 7200 RPM
  Samsung SP0802N (S/N S00JJ40Y371416)   - Listed on it as probably
  bad but I'd still check it out
  WD Caviar 22500 AT Compatible Intelligent Drive
  WD Caviar 12100 EIDE

 Are these PATA HDs?
 I want to buy a G4 from someone and he said they will work if they are
 PATA HDs (I want to add them to the G4)

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