[Gambas-user] A Check MarK?

2013-09-02 Thread A. Person
Recently in one of my projects a check mark appeared next to the line numbers
as in the attachment. Just one. It moves about.

I've searched but cannot find anything about it.

Is it an undocumented feature?


attachment: check_mark.png--
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[Gambas-user] Help Wanted

2012-03-25 Thread A. Person

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Not a bug report.

From the Gambas bug tracker:
Debian Wheezy - up to date - Quad core AMD Phenom II X4 965 (-MCP-) 
cache: 2048 KB - Gambas2.23 (latest in wheezy) - gb.qt

I attached two images of a problem. Before.png is a command button with 
only text and after.png is a command button with text and a picture. 
Note the alignment changes from the normal centre to left after the 
picture is added. I cannot find an alignment property for a command button.

I searched for like problems but I could not find any.

Is this the normal effect of adding a picture?

This is an old version so a bug report is not applicable but does anyone 
have any hints on how to restore the alignment?

A workaround is simply not to add pictures.

Thank You

attachment: before.pngattachment: after.png--
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[Gambas-user] Possible Search bug - Gambas 2.8

2009-11-09 Thread A Person
I know this is an older version but my issue may still be present.

I did a search for four spaces. I used the F3 key to jump to the next Finds.

All the hits were part of tabs on the left side of the page until I came 
to a comment. The search showed up the four spaces before the 
apostrophe. Then another F3 highlighted the first four characters of the 
comment and another F3 highlighted the next four characters of the 
comment and so forth.

I searched through three sets of source code and the behaviour was 
present in all.


1. Search for one or more spaces a few lines before a tabbed comment.
2. Press F3 continuously.
3. The search will highlight the space(s) before the comment.
4. Subsequent F3s will highlight the comment block by block.

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[Gambas-user] Reply: No EXEC Output but Works in Terminal

2009-03-04 Thread A Person
Good Day . . .

Thank You all except the one that told me to read the EXEC docs. I read 
that many times and tried many variations including trying getting INPUT 
and OUTPUT to work. But nothing worked. The one problem that I have with 
Gambas is that the docs are not adequate to a novice user. I tried 
writing docs for a project but I did not know enough.

Before I submitted this I used the full path but I changed it in the 
demo so that a tester would not have to change anything.

I tried EXEC [full path/test.sh] WAIT to sOutPut but it died. top 
showed nothing running.

Can you show me an example of EXEC . . . WAIT with a variable returned?



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Gambas-user mailing list

[Gambas-user] No EXEC Output but Works in Terminal

2009-03-03 Thread A Person

Good Day . . .

I am using Gambas 2.8.2-1ubuntu1.

I wrote a program that randomly displays a line from a text file. The 
code worked in pure Gambas but then I tried to improve it! (Ho Ho Ho)

I searched around and I came up with and modified an executable BASH 
script (test.sh) that worked substantially faster than my code so I 
tried to incorporate it into the source code.

During my testing I continuously ran tests in a terminal and everything 
worked perfectly with the script. I tried it in my code using

## EXEC [~/test.sh] to sOutPut or EXEC [~/./test.sh] to sOutPut

and nothing worked. sOutPut was always .

The attached tar file contained a small program that contains an example 
EXEC problem code. A modified test.sh script is included along with a 
dummy data file, words.txt.

Any ideas about the EXEC problem?



Description: Unix tar archive
Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
-OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the Enterprise
-Strategies to boost innovation and cut costs with open source participation
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